Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Matrix-Video von der Comdex mit Steve Ballmer und Bill Gates
2003-11-20, 16:56:47
Ist zwar nicht vollständig, ist aber trotzdem lustig:
thx hab ich schon gesucht :D
Hier übrigens ne Bilder Doku ;)
Oh sry das war in dem von dir verlinkten Thread ja ebenfalls erwähnt.
2003-11-21, 01:32:45
Wo gibts das ganze Video? =)
Keine Ahnung bissher hat wohl niemand was komplettes freigegeben, kommt hoffentlich noch ;D
I'm planning on posting up my experiences of my 2 nights and 2 days of Comdex but I wanted to be sure and get this video up first thing. As a note I should point out that security was pretty darn tight throughout the entire show. No cameras were being allowed in on the show floor and for the Bill Gates keynote speech no photos were allowed after the first 60 seconds. Unfortunately I was found out by one of the security ladies and was asked to turn off the camera before I could grab the entire video, making things worse my Canon PowerShot G2 only takes 30 second clips at a time, even with the 1GB MicroDrive in there . To add to the stupidity, I completely forgot to start recording audio from the start on my iPAQ 5550, doh! I've got to go through everything I captured still since there might be some more goodies, if so, I'll be sure to post it . So without further ado I bring you the Comdex 2003 Steve-o Matrix (Microsoftrix) Parody video - what's the official title of that video anyway?
[UPDATE: Overnight my connection was hammered, I had to take the link down just to get on MSN Messenger so I could get the file moved to another server that's not just on a 128K up DSL line (hopefully that'll be 1500K up soon). In any case once I get the file copied over I'll put the link back up.
Sorry for any inconvenience and stuff like that ]
[UPDATE: As I was talking to my MVP lead an email arrived in his box that asked him to ask me to remove the video. It's gone now, sorry about that.]
Also Kameras waren nicht erlaubt und anscheinend haben es wenn überhaupt nur wenige geschafft trotzdem zu filmen. Ob wir da noch was ganzes zu sehen bekommen ist also fraglich.
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