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2004-01-04, 18:29:15
Ganz lustig das Teil. /me ist ein True Metal Head. :)
"You are a True Metalhead. You dig the classic music and the classic lifestyle. As metalheads go, you're pretty open-minded in terms of music and lyrics; if it rocks, then you'll listen to it. Concerts are the pinnacle of the metal experience, though sometimes they get a little too crazy. You generally respect everybody else, but as far as you're concerned, they all wish they were Priest or Maiden."
2004-01-04, 18:47:45
You are a Prog Metal Fan. Progressive metal, innovative stuff that transcends the boundaries of standard heavy metal, is what it's all about for you. The more intricate and difficult to play, the better, and generic, simplistic stuff just turns your stomach. You have a chance to hear even more innovations and stunning musical ability at shows. Your elitist attitudes rub soe people the wrong way - they call you pretentious, a snob, a wanker. But you know they're just jealous because they don't understand it.
You are a Power Metal Warrior. HAIL, BROTHER. Metal isn't just music to you, it's a religion to be followed obsessively - and the temple at which you worship is that of Power Metal. Power chords, orchestral brilliance, epic calls to battle - that's what gets your blood pumping. Power metal is an escape from the bullshit of daily life, and at a concert, you can enter that fantasy as you relive the adventures of your power metal heroes. You're into other stuff too, but sometimes you just don't get what people see in endless waves of monotonous brutality. Some call you a nerd, but you're more than willing to make them regret it. Just make sure you have your broadsword and plate armor...
2004-01-04, 19:09:14
You are a Death Metal Psycho. In areas of brutality and hatred where others fear to tread, that's where you find enjoyment - the realm of death metal. You're one violent motherfucker, and you like music that fits that; brutal snarling death is the best, but anything with enough aggression and good riffs works. Concerts are a great place to take out some of that aggression, hear some kick-ass music, and of course get drunk. You're generally pretty cool with the rest of the scenes, but if they piss you off, there's some serious pain coming their way. Especially if they talk shit about Chuck.
Ich weiß ja nicht...ich hätte eher gedacht es käme Schwarzmetaller raus.
hell II
2004-01-04, 19:22:02
Original geschrieben von Exxtreme
Ganz lustig das Teil. /me ist ein True Metal Head. :)
Ich auch, bei den Antworten dacht ich aber eher an Psycho =)
2004-01-04, 19:26:51
Ich kenn die Hälfte von dem Kram gar nicht, hab den Test also nichtmal zu Ende gemacht ;)
2004-01-04, 19:41:51
Hmm, interessantes Ergebnis...
"You are a Thrasher. It's all about the thrash metal scene of the 80s, and paying attention to all the shit in the world authority doesn't want you to see. You're down with anything that upholds the principles of the Almighty Riff, but those weak-ass synthesizers piss you off to no end. A metal show is more than just music, it's Good Friendly Violent Fun - the pit is your second home. You're generally cool with anyone who respects you, but nothing pisses you off like pretentious wankers - and of course, the hated POSEURS."
2004-01-04, 19:47:33
Mhh, True Metal Head.
Dabei habe ich mit Metal eher wenig am Hut, wenn, dann Trash- oder Goth-Metal.
2004-01-04, 20:26:19
You are a Death Metal Psycho. In areas of brutality and hatred where others fear to tread, that's where you find enjoyment - the realm of death metal. You're one violent motherfucker, and you like music that fits that; brutal snarling death is the best, but anything with enough aggression and good riffs works. Concerts are a great place to take out some of that aggression, hear some kick-ass music, and of course get drunk. You're generally pretty cool with the rest of the scenes, but if they piss you off, there's some serious pain coming their way. Especially if they talk shit about Chuck.
Me ist ein True Metalhead
2004-01-04, 21:11:52
You are a Black Metal KVLTist. Black metal is one of the most extreme and advanced forms of metal (or music in general), and you're damn proud of the fact that you have the balls and brains to listen to it. As a matter of fact, it may very well be the only thing you listen to - everything else seems to lose its charm (though that's not the case with everyone). The whole concept of concerts doesn't excite you much - the music sounds just as good on CD, after all, and there's too many morons stumbling around at shows. You're just not a people person; other metalheads respct you to a degree but think you're kind of a dick (and often a racist fucker). You don't really care what they think, of course - you know you're better.
Keine Absicht ;D
2004-01-04, 23:27:52
You are a Power Metal Warrior. HAIL, BROTHER.
Bin überrascht. Stimmt voll und ganz :o
Nagut, aber eher ohne den "broadsword and plate armor" Krams ;D
Edit: Ein Bild von Rhapsody :o
Original geschrieben von Exxtreme
Ganz lustig das Teil. /me ist ein True Metal Head. :)
"You are a True Metalhead. You dig the classic music and the classic lifestyle. As metalheads go, you're pretty open-minded in terms of music and lyrics; if it rocks, then you'll listen to it. Concerts are the pinnacle of the metal experience, though sometimes they get a little too crazy. You generally respect everybody else, but as far as you're concerned, they all wish they were Priest or Maiden."
dito, nur dass ich so wie die Kerle da aufm Bild net aussehen will :/
Und eigentlich gar net sooo arg auf das alte Zeugs abfahre^^
Hmm .. Death Metal Psycho - kann ich mit leben. ;D
2004-01-05, 01:33:29
Ich habs gewusst, ich bin was Besonderes ... Prog rulez X-D
Das Ergebnis stimmt im Übrigen ziemlich gut, auch wenn ich ca 50/50 Prog/Death höre.
Original geschrieben von J0hN|Cl4rK
Ich habs gewusst, ich bin was Besonderes ... Prog rulez X-D
Das Ergebnis stimmt im Übrigen ziemlich gut, auch wenn ich ca 50/50 Prog/Death höre.
ich hör alles, deswegen stimmt das mit dem "open-minded as long as it rocks" schon^^
2004-01-05, 01:51:29
Original geschrieben von burk23
ich hör alles, deswegen stimmt das mit dem "open-minded as long as it rocks" schon^^
Genauso sieht's bei mir aus. Und ich höre auch alte Kamellen solange sie rocken. :)
2004-01-05, 04:10:37
You are a True Metalhead. You dig the classic music and the classic lifestyle. As metalheads go, you're pretty open-minded in terms of music and lyrics; if it rocks, then you'll listen to it. Concerts are the pinnacle of the metal experience, though sometimes they get a little too crazy. You generally respect everybody else, but as far as you're concerned, they all wish they were Priest or Maiden.
Natürlich, was sonst? Alles was rockt ist gut und richtig.
You are a Prog Metal Fan. Progressive metal, innovative stuff that transcends the boundaries of standard heavy metal, is what it's all about for you. The more intricate and difficult to play, the better, and generic, simplistic stuff just turns your stomach. You have a chance to hear even more innovations and stunning musical ability at shows. Your elitist attitudes rub soe people the wrong way - they call you pretentious, a snob, a wanker. But you know they're just jealous because they don't understand it.
ich kenn die typen zwar nicht, aber...
2004-01-05, 12:06:04
ähm, die antworten sind scheisse... ich hab den test nicht gemacht ;)
2004-01-05, 12:12:38
Original geschrieben von AHF
ich kenn die typen zwar nicht, aber...
Fates Warning
wobei die Antwortmöglichkeiten wirklich - naja komisch waren.
Von wegen wer nicht undbedingt den ganzen Tag kleine Kinder isst und generell Musikalisch anspruchslos ist, ist kein Death Fan :D "True Metalhead" You are a True Metalhead. You dig the classic music and the classic lifestyle. Asmetalheads go, you're pretty open-minded interms of music and lyrics; if it rocks, thenyou'll listen to it. Concerts are the pinnacleof the metal experience, though sometimes theyget a little too crazy. You generally respecteverybody else, but as far as you're concerned,they all wish they were Priest or Maiden.
2004-01-05, 14:06:27
You are a True Metalhead. You dig the classic music and the classic lifestyle. As metalheads go, you're pretty open-minded in terms of music and lyrics; if it rocks, then you'll listen to it. Concerts are the pinnacle of the metal experience, though sometimes they get a little too crazy. You generally respect everybody else, but as far as you're concerned, they all wish they were Priest or Maiden.
2004-01-05, 14:19:03
Original geschrieben von Rangy
You are a True Metalhead. You dig the classic music and the classic lifestyle. As metalheads go, you're pretty open-minded in terms of music and lyrics; if it rocks, then you'll listen to it. Concerts are the pinnacle of the metal experience, though sometimes they get a little too crazy. You generally respect everybody else, but as far as you're concerned, they all wish they were Priest or Maiden.
Major J
2004-01-05, 15:43:17
Original geschrieben von burk23
dito, nur dass ich so wie die Kerle da aufm Bild net aussehen will :/
Und eigentlich gar net sooo arg auf das alte Zeugs abfahre^^ Hier gehts nicht ums Aussehen sondern um die Musik. Und die von Maiden ist nunmal besonders toll! :)
2004-01-05, 15:53:27
Up the Irons!
2004-01-05, 18:15:47
:schlag: :schlag: :schlag:
You are a True Metalhead....
2004-01-05, 19:09:27
You are a True Metalhead :D
Original geschrieben von Major J
Hier gehts nicht ums Aussehen sondern um die Musik. Und die von Maiden ist nunmal besonders toll! :)
Joa ich finde die schon geil, aber so honkig muss man dabei nicht aussehen (sind das überhaupt Maiden?). Naja solange nicht alle Leute denken ich sähe so aus, weil ich Maiden höre ists mir egal :D
Klar sind das Maiden. :D
Das mit dem Death Metal Psycho stimmt bei mir auch net so ganz - höre noch genug anderes. ;)
Original geschrieben von kami
Klar sind das Maiden. :D
Das mit dem Death Metal Psycho stimmt bei mir auch net so ganz - höre noch genug anderes. ;)
Joa das muss aber in den glorreichen 80ern gewesen sein :D
Naja ich weiss normal nie wie die Bansds aussehen, ich höre einfach den ihre Musik und gehen davon aus, dass sie wie gescheite Metaler aussehen ;)
vielleicht solltest du ihre alben dann zur abwechslung auch mal kaufen. :D
2004-01-06, 00:30:50
You are a Prog Metal Fan. Progressive metal, innovative stuff that transcends the boundaries of standard heavy metal, is what it's all about for you. The more intricate and difficult to play, the better, and generic, simplistic stuff just turns your stomach. You have a chance to hear even more innovations and stunning musical ability at shows. Your elitist attitudes rub soe people the wrong way - they call you pretentious, a snob, a wanker. But you know they're just jealous because they don't understand it.
Passt sogar.
2004-01-07, 15:34:08
You are a True Metalhead. You dig the classic music and the classic lifestyle. As metalheads go, you're pretty open-minded in terms of music and lyrics; if it rocks, then you'll listen to it. Concerts are the pinnacle of the metal experience, though sometimes they get a little too crazy. You generally respect everybody else, but as far as you're concerned, they all wish they were Priest or Maiden.
Naja...passt eigentlich net...Bevorzugt höre ich Black/Death :/
2004-01-08, 16:03:50
Ich bin ein "Death Metal Psycho"
Stimmt sogar:)
2004-01-08, 16:14:30
Original geschrieben von Dood
You are a Power Metal Warrior. HAIL, BROTHER. Metal isn't just music to you, it's a religion to be followed obsessively - and the temple at which you worship is that of Power Metal. Power chords, orchestral brilliance, epic calls to battle - that's what gets your blood pumping. Power metal is an escape from the bullshit of daily life, and at a concert, you can enter that fantasy as you relive the adventures of your power metal heroes. You're into other stuff too, but sometimes you just don't get what people see in endless waves of monotonous brutality. Some call you a nerd, but you're more than willing to make them regret it. Just make sure you have your broadsword and plate armor...
same here
€: Ihh meine Perle isn true MEtalhead :kotz:
2004-01-08, 16:36:16
Original geschrieben von Exxtreme
/me ist ein True Metal Head. :)
"You are a True Metalhead. You dig the classic music and the classic lifestyle. As metalheads go, you're pretty open-minded in terms of music and lyrics; if it rocks, then you'll listen to it. Concerts are the pinnacle of the metal experience, though sometimes they get a little too crazy. You generally respect everybody else, but as far as you're concerned, they all wish they were Priest or Maiden."
/me ebenfalls. Passt auch eigentlich sehr gut :)
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