Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Nvu 0.81 released
2004-02-04, 01:24:58
Nvu ist die weiterentwickelte Standalone-Version von Mozilla Composer. Die neueste Version ist 0.81 ( vom 09.02.2005. User von Nvu 0.80 sollten dringend upgraden!
Informationen zur Entwicklung gibt es im Weblog vom Hauptentwickler Daniel Glazman:
2004-02-04, 02:07:49
Danke. :) Mal anschauen. Vielleicht taugt er ja wenigstens als html/css Quelltexteditor mit schneller Vorschauumschaltung.
2004-02-04, 14:19:46
Bei mir ist es gleich beim 1. Druck auf Strg+T abgestürzt. Hab es danach aufgegeben und bin ins Bett geganen, werde es später nochmal genauer anschauen.
2004-03-20, 01:25:21
Mittlerweile gibt es Nvu 0.17 unter
Einen Changelog zu den Änderungen im Vergleich zu Nvu 0.1 habe ich nicht gefunden.
2004-03-26, 13:57:56
Nvu 0.2 ist erschienen.
# based on Mozilla 1.7b
# "New" button modified for Templates
# File > New dialog added
# Templates management added
* creation/load/save of a template (*.mzt files)
* Insert > Templates > Insert editable area
* contextual menu added to structure toolbar to make a given element editable
* It's possible to declare an element editable, optional, repeatable, movable. If an element is repeatable, its contents are not editable.
* creation of a "blank" document attached to a template
* Format > Page Properties extended to allow the transformation of an existing doc into a template and vice-versa
* Edit > Detach From Template to detach a document from its template
# CSS enhancements
* new panels reachable from contextual click in structure toolbar: background, box and aural properties
* a new contextual menu entry in structure toolbar allows to extract the CSS inline styles of a given element and turn them into a global embedded CSS rule
# PHP pseudo-PIs <? ... ?> are now preserved. You can also enter new such instructions in the Source view. See below the Issues section for more information
# Nvu logo icon
# many bug fixes
Known Issues
* in a document based on a template, all areas not explicitely declared as editable are not selectable. But using the arrow keys, you can place the caret in such places. That's a bug in layout.
* it's not possible to have two unsaved documents based on the same template in the same window. That's a bug.
* the Preview mode should not show the editable areas specific layout; that's not the case for the moment
* the Site Manager does not allow to browse a local directory on a local HD
* the relevant extension is not proposed in the file picker when the user saves a document; that's a bug.
* don't try to insert a PHP pseudo-PI <? ... ?> through the "Insert HTML" menu entry. Don't dream, ASP- and JSP-like format is not supported.
Mehr unter
2004-06-15, 11:44:27
Nvu 0.30 ist erschienen, mehr unter
# based on Mozilla 1.7 RC3
# Tip of the Day widget added (code contribution by Philippe Goetz)
# The site manager can now handle local sites through file:/// URLs (see 0.20 Known Issues)
# Publishing Site Settings dialog has been modified, a lot of people complaining about it
# Table Insertion dialog modified to allow one-click insertion; values in the "Precisely" panel are now persistent
# Writing direction control added to Format menu and to customizable toolbars
# Class assignment dropdown menu to the selection added to customizable toolbars
# ID and class assignment menus added to contextl click in structure toolbar
# Correct handling of DT and DD elements; added corresponding buttons to customizable toolbars
# Format > Font menu and corresponding toolbar's dropdown menu now query only once the system's font list
# Spellchecker enabled
# Markup cleaner added under Tools menu
# File extension is handled correctly again in the filepicker (see 0.20 Known Issues)
# The user can now specify a document's language and writing direction through the document properties; default language and default writing direction can be specify through Preferences.
# MadeWithNvu smart widget
# An online bug report/suggestion page can be reached through the Help menu (warning, this page will be available only June 18th)
Known issues:
# The Publishing Site Settings dialog is missing a button to select a local directory as the root of a site for local HD browsing in the site manager
2004-10-13, 01:05:46
Vom HTML-Editor Nvu ist Version 0.50 erschienen, zu bekommen unter
Change Log
* based on Mozilla 1.7.1
* 7-bit LZMA compression for a smaller windows installer
* better horizontal and vertical rulers
* colored source view
* selection preserved between Normal/AllTags/Preview and Source views
* BiDi control buttons now apply only at block level, as requested by users
* new buttons to attach/center a positioned elements
* toolbars reorganized
* Inline Spell Checker (thanks to Neil Deakin and the Mozdev Group)
* new preference for entities encoding
* if the caret is in the last cell of a table and the user presses the tab key, the new row now acquires the "style" of the previous last row
* a very "pinger" sends us a trivial HTTP request when the user launches Nvu for the first time, and of course is he/she is willing to do it; the stats are online here; privacy is fully respected, the only data we store is the date and time of the ping.
* fixed bugs in the resizers
* Typing in tables and nested tables was very slow in 0.41, this is now fixed
* Linspire version calls kprinter
* it's now possible to rename a file/directory in the Site Manager
* linux builds (including Linspire) don't need any more the -edit or -editor command line arg to open a URL; just give the URL in the command line...
* it's now possible to drag an image from the Site Manager and drop it onto the main editing window; other filetypes will generate a link
* XFN 1.1
* the preferences now have a Fonts panel
Known Issues
* colored source view is not dynamic yet
* if the selection is preserved between Normal and Source View, the Source View does not correctly scroll to show the selection
* if renaming a file/dir in the Site Manager fails because of file permissions, no error message is fired
2004-12-18, 01:37:44
Schon ein Weilchen her, aber von Nvu gibt es mittlerweile Nvu 1.0 Beta pre-Release (Version 0.60) vom 26.11.2004. Download unter
Change Log
* still based on Mozilla 1.7.1
* rulers completely rewritten to fix big bugs and allow simulation of vertical text in the vertical ruler
* Site Manager completely rewritten to allow editing of more than one site at the same time and fix a lot of bugs
* Site Manager can now display the system's default icon on Windows and linux (KDE only for the moment)
* Hiding and showing again the site manager now preserves its contents
* dragging an image from a linux file browser and dropping it onto Nvu's editing area now inserts the image into the document. Other files generate a link. In the past, only the text "file://..." corresponding to the url of the object was inserted into the document
* too many bug fixes to list them all
Known Issues
* internal links to the help viewer don't work well and often launch an external browser
* the -edit command line option still does not work correctly. v0.7 should be based on Firefox 1.0, that will solve this problem.
2004-12-18, 01:44:09
thx, schau ich mir auch mal an. Ich muss endlich mal was auf meinen T-Online webspace draufmachen. Ich hab immer zurückgeschreckt, wenn ich den Funktionsumfang von diversen Homepage-tools gesehen hab. Bin schliesslich schon mit ebay-gestaltungsoptionen überfordert. :D
:uup: Der sieht doch recht aufgeräumt aus, gefällt mir.
2005-01-14, 23:13:36
Von Nvu ist Nvu 1.0 Beta pre-Release2 (Version 0.70) vom 06.01.2005 erschienen. Download unter
Change Log
# Nvu is now based on Firefox 1.0 codebase! Many thanks to Benjamin Smedberg for his crucial help.
# As a side-effect of the above, the Extensions and Themes managers now work correctly. A few extensions are available from there. Developers willing to create new extensions or themes for Nvu need its application ID.
# Help menu entries now correctly launch the browser on Linspire. If it does not, you miss the file /usr/lib/mozilla/mozilla-ext.
# Linspire, Fedora2/KDE and Windows versions now all display icons for files and dirs in the site manager (thanks Michael Pyne for help on KDE/Qt)
# The character set can be changed on the fly and chosen by default in the preferences.
# ™ character added to the Insert Special Characters dialog.
# PHP processing instructions were incorrectly serialized with a leading >?php, this is now fixed :-)
# Publishing a document was firing an alert, it's now gone.
# The Inline Spell Checker is turned OFF by default because it drastically impacts performance when you save a loooong document or switch back from source to normal view.
# Source view enhanced to prepare line numbering (should be available in 0.80)
# On some linux platforms, the Site Manager's sidebar was empty on first launch. Closing and relaunching Nvu made it appear again normally. This is now fixed.
# Context-click on the last tab to close it left the tabeditor grey, this is now fixed
# Editing the source view and switching back does not double the contents of the document any longer
# Progress on non-localizable strings although it's still a work in progress (thanks to Flore and Bob for the list)
# Localization uses the composer/locales directory.
# oh, and of course, nvu -edit <url> now launches the app AND opens the requested document :-) Please don't forget /home/glazman/foo.html and C:\home\glazman\foo.html are not URLs... file:///home/glazman/foo.html is a URL...
Known Issues
# internal links to the help viewer don't work well and often launch an external browser
Eine deutsche Version gibt es unter
2005-02-05, 12:37:21
Von Nvu ist Nvu 1.0 Beta pre-Release3 (Version 0.80) vom 01.02.2005 erschienen. Download unter
Change Log
* exprimental XHTML 1.0 support (see checkbox in File > New dialog)
WARNING: to be able to edit an XHTML file, its MIME type must be application/xhtml+xml. It is then highly recommended to use locally the extension *.xhtml and check that your remote server serves XHTML files with the correct MIME type. Ask your ISP if you don't understand the above.
* line numbering in source view
* support for <?php ... ?>
WARNING: <? ... ?> form is deprecated by the PHP Group and is NOT supported
<% ... %> form for asp/jsp is NOT supported
* support for comments <!-- ... -->
* double-click on a PHP/Comment in Normal view to edit it; use Insert menu to create one
* small icons in main toolbar (Customize toolbar, checkbox is in panel)
* all strings now localizable
* when a document is published and if the relevant directory is shown in the site manager, its entry/icon is added if it's not already there
* 2 security bugs
* site manager was not able to work correctly if the remote server allows to climb above home directory
* Horizontal Line properties were not working, Image Dialog was partially horked
* source view was deleting some white spaces
* rulers could not resize tables with cellspacing="0"
* on slow machines, the Site Manager remained blank on first launch because the pinger dialog is modal
* a lot of minor bugs including key accelarator for copy/paste on Mac OS X
Known Issues
You have to quit twice on Mac OS X, we are working on it
Eine deutsche Version gibt es unter
2005-02-05, 17:07:17
In der aktuellen c't (24.1.05) wird NVU im Zusammenhang mit vorgefertigen Templates getestet, schneidet aber mehr schlecht als recht ab, hier ein Auszug aus dem Fazit:
Das Erstellen einer Site mit Nvu auf Basis von kostenlosen oder preiswerten Templates wurde durch Mängel in dem freien WYSIWYG-Editor zur Schwerstarbeit. Mit HTML-Grundkenntnissen und einem Quelltexteditor (der auch in NVU enthalten ist) kommt man bei einer einfachen Vorlage leichter zum Ziel. Bei komplexen Vorlagen empfehlen sich ohnehin Dreamweaver und Co.
2005-02-05, 19:54:05
In der aktuellen c't (24.1.05) wird NVU im Zusammenhang mit vorgefertigen Templates getestet, schneidet aber mehr schlecht als recht ab, hier ein Auszug aus dem Fazit:
Man kann ja ein kostenloses Programm (welches auch noch im Beta Stadium) auch nicht mit einem Programm wie Dreamweaver vergleichen. An ein Programm wie Nvu darf man halt nicht die selben Anforderungen stellen wie an WYSIWYG Schlachtschiffe wie Dreamweaver.
2005-02-05, 22:21:01
Sag ich ja auch gar nicht ;)
Ich hatte eher bezwecken wollen, dass jetzt jemand seine eigenen Erfahrungen damit postet.
Ich selber hab das Programm noch nie ausprobiert, ich benutze Phase5.
2005-02-10, 13:27:50
Nvu Version 0.81 veroeffentlicht, Update dringend empfohlen!
In HTML4, the end tag of empty elements was not serialized. As a direct result, named anchors and empty script elements were horked, and documents with empty inline elements were completely messed up...
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