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2004-03-16, 12:18:24
have a look ....
2004-03-16, 12:29:29
Was ist das und worum gehts da? :D
Mehr Infos bitte! ;)
2004-03-16, 12:46:29
das wird wohl erst der offizielle launch der website klären ;)
vielleicht was in richtung massive-multi..
2004-03-16, 12:56:21
Original geschrieben von Korak
Was ist das und worum gehts da? :D
Mehr Infos bitte! ;)
Ähm...das sind Bilder, hoffe dir damit deine frage was das ist, beantwortet zu haben:D
naja, da es im Spiele Forum ist, vermutlich ein Spiel:D
sieht aber gut aus,
lol MuLuNGuS was posten und keine Ahnung haben worum es geht:D
2004-03-16, 13:27:05
du sagst es doch selber, es sind bilder..und bilder sagen mehr als 1000 frames in der sekunde..:D
nein im ernst, ich möchte selber mehr darüber wissen aber wo noch keine infos sind..sind keine:D
2004-03-16, 13:34:48
ah..doch ein wenig infos..
Groove Games Snags Digital Extremes’ Next
First-Person Action Blockbuster - Pariah
TORONTO – March 9, 2004 – Top independent game development studio, Digital Extremes and global interactive game publisher, Groove Games today announced their partnership on a new first-person action game based on an original intellectual property created and owned by Digital Extremes. Best known for creating the multi-million unit selling Unreal® franchise, Digital Extremes has set the standard for fine-tuned gameplay and technologically impressive graphics in the first-person action genre. With such award-winning hits as Unreal Tournament and Unreal Championship, Digital Extremes is looking beyond the Unreal universe and is working to raise the bar again. The new game, ominously named Pariah™, has been quietly in production for the past two years and is currently planned for the Xbox® video game system from Microsoft and the personal computer.
Groove Games, an up-and-upcoming Canadian-based publisher flew in under the radar to sign the worldwide publishing rights to Pariah, beating out several of the bigger traditional publishers also bidding on it. Groove will be publishing the game in North America and has licensed Pariah to Hip Interactive Europe to distribute and publish the title in Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
“After seeing Pariah in action and hearing the plans Digital Extremes has for it, we knew we had to be a part of it,” said Jon Walsh, CEO of Groove Games. “Digital Extremes has a tremendous track record for creating incredibly entertaining games, therefore we know how impressive Pariah is going to be when it’s ready to be unleashed on the masses.”
“Working with Groove Games is a breath of fresh air,” expressed James Schmalz, founder and creative director of Digital Extremes. “They clearly share our vision for creating the best game possible, which is our intention for every game we make. Pariah is our most ambitious project to date and with Groove’s support, it will reach its full potential.”
“This industry was built on a collaborative relationship between the developer and publisher. That’s something we want to emphasize now more than ever,” Mr. Walsh continued. “We want to get back to the model where the publisher and developer work seamlessly together; where ultimately, and most importantly, the primary objective is to create the best game possible. It’s simple really; everybody wins, especially the gamers.”
A few details on Pariah have been revealed through the official website, At the site, several screenshots showing a first look of the Xbox version of the game can be found along with a countdown to the launch of the full website and a spot to register to receive additional details on the game as they’re released.
The game focuses on a robust immersive storyline that weaves survival elements into the traditional run-and-gun style of first-person action games. Unsurprising will be the graphic marvel and fine-tuned gameplay of Pariah, a trademark gamers have come to expect from any Digital Extremes game. Not straying too far from their roots, Digital Extremes is building Pariah with the latest version of the technologically powerful Unreal engine by Epic Games.
Additional details on the game including the release date will be revealed at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in May.
About Digital Extremes
Founded in 1993 by industry visionary, James Schmalz, Digital Extremes ranks as one of the world’s top independent development studios in the interactive entertainment industry. The Canadian based developer is best known for its creation of the multi-million unit selling Unreal® franchise which includes the award-winning PC series Unreal and Unreal Tournament as well as Xbox® hit Unreal Championship. Digital Extremes is currently in production on two first-person action games based on new originally created intellectual properties. For more information visit the company website at
About Groove Games
Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, Groove Games is a global publisher of interactive entertainment software. Groove’s mission is to partner with leading developers and publish great games for avid gamers everywhere. Currently Groove is publishing Digital Extremes’ new first-person action game, Pariah as well as co-publishing the highly anticipated multi-platform game, Playboy The Mansion scheduled to release in the fall of 2004.
und das:
Pariah Interview
Digital Extremes founder James Schmalz talks about their upcoming Unreal engined shooter - Pariah
March 09, 2004 - Digital Extremes, the guys who co-developed Unreal and had a hand in all the Unreal Tournament games have revealed it is working on a whole new game not based on the Unreal Universe, but a unique single player oriented shooter called Pariah. While they can't really talk about the game in much detail yet, it has been secretly in development for over two years now. Today we're talking with Digital Extremes founder and creative director James Schmalz to learn more about it.
VE3D - I know you can't really reveal much about the game at this point but what can you tell us about Pariah?
James Schmalz - You are right. We can't reveal too much at this point. We will do our big unveiling of all the amazing features of the game at E3 plus it will be playable. I guarantee you though, there are things you WILL be excited about and surprised by.
VE3D - What version of the Unreal engine will Pariah be using?
James Schmalz -It's using a highly modified version of the Unreal Championship engine and we are integrating many of the good things from the UT2004 engine. Beyond that we have added some incredible optimizations, the Havok physics engine, great bump mapping that you can see in the weapon in one shot, new fast decal system, and tons of other things.
VE3D - Is Pariah more of a single or multiplayer oriented game?
James Schmalz - It's highly single player focused. We want to get back to our roots and deliver a killer single player experience with amazing visuals, amazing AI, great story and great in-depth combat. We have learned a lot in the last decade since I first started Unreal, so we are putting all that knowledge and experience into basically redoing what I set out to accomplish with Unreal except brought into the year 2004. All that said, we are putting a huge amount of work into the multiplayer and it has been rocking now for 6 months and only gets better from here on in.
VE3D - Will Pariah be released on consoles as well as the PC?
James Schmalz - Right now we are focusing on Xbox and PC.
VE3D - Word is that you've been working on Pariah for over two years now. How far along is it at this point and when is its anticipated release?
James Schmalz - I'll let our publisher announce our release date. The game is already very far along. But naturally, we want it to be a truly great experience so we will make it right. The response to the screen shots has been amazing and believe me, that's just the tip of the iceburg.
VE3D - On a semi-related note, Unreal Tournament 2004 went gold (looks fantastic, btw) and is heading to stores soon - being co-developers with Epic on so many games, how happy are you on how it turned out?
James Schmalz - We are absolutely thrilled with how it turned out. It's sweet to see something that was good, made even better. And the amount of content in that baby is truly spectacular.
VE3D - Why did Digital Extremes go with Groove Games as a publisher, instead of one of the larger more proven entities?
James Schmalz - There are a number of reasons we went with Groove. The biggest one, which I think most developers can relate to is that we are 100% allowed to make the game we want to make and make it great.
They are not publicly traded, so shipping a product in a certain quarter is not a priority. Shipping a great game is their priority. Everything they do and have done is making Pariah into a better game. That's great for us and great for gamers.
The second biggest reason is that it's a great thing to be the title at a publisher that gets ALL the focus. They are putting a huge amount of resources into making sure this game gets marketed properly and gets great global distribution. Sure, they have a big hill to climb to get it all done perfectly, but it's no bigger than the hill we climb each time we try to make a great game.
Obviously with this being the first big game that is not Unreal for us, it needs to be perfect. And through Groove is how we will deliver that game to the public.
VE3D - With Pariah well in development, does this mean that Dark Sector has been officially retired off of DE's development list?
James Schmalz -Ahh... Dark Sector has never been retired. Stay tuned....
2004-03-16, 14:26:58
James Schmalz Ob der weiß was sein Name bedeutet?
2004-03-16, 15:05:34
Digital Extreme, die schon solche Hits wie Unreal oder Unreal Tournament produziert haben versuchen sich jetzt an einem neuen Projekt mit einem neuen Publisher.
Der neue Ego-Shooter soll voraussichtlich den Namen Pariah tragen. Pariah soll für den PC und Xbox erhältlich sein. Ein Erscheinungsdatum oder nähere Details sind noch nicht bekannt.
Nähere Infos auf der Digital Extremes Homepage. da hat MuLuNGuS aber schon was raus geqoutet.
Digital Extremes (Unreal, Unreal Tournament, UT 2003) arbeitet bereits seit zwei Jahren an einem Ego-Shooter namens Pariah (Übersetzungsmöglichkeiten: der Ausgestoßene, der Geächtete, der Unberührbare). Mehr, als dass er auf Basis der Unreal-Engine ensteht, für PC und Xbox erscheinen soll und in einem SF-Szenario spielt, ist allerdings noch nicht über den Titel bekannt. Auf der E3 im Mai sollen weitere Infos folgen. Wir sind mehr als gespannt.
2004-03-16, 15:30:26
Ich mag den Stil der Grafik, die auf den Pics zu sehen ist.
Und das Gesicht der Tussi..wenn das Ingame ist..sieht verdammt ähnlich aus, wie die Tussi in dem nVidia Demo :)
Auf Basis der Unreal Engine also (nicht das man das nicht sehen könnte) ... mal wieder ein LowFPS-Shooter ;)
2004-03-16, 22:07:13
welche spiele mit der unreal-engine mal abgesehen von dx:iw(obwohl dx:iw wegen modifizierter engine von ionstorm gar nicht in frage kommt) und unreal2 sind denn lowfps shooter ???
2004-03-16, 22:24:54
Das beste:
Diese Shots sollen von der X-Box Version stammen. :bonk:
Original geschrieben von MuLuNGuS
welche spiele mit der unreal-engine mal abgesehen von dx:iw(obwohl dx:iw wegen modifizierter engine von ionstorm gar nicht in frage kommt) und unreal2 sind denn lowfps shooter ???
Kann ich dir gerne sagen: Das neue Thief und Pariah ;) Abwarten und Tee trinken. Wir reden hier von Digital Extremes ...
2004-03-16, 22:51:01
Original geschrieben von VooDoo7mx
Das beste:
Diese Shots sollen von der X-Box Version stammen. :bonk: Also die ersten 3 shots sind sicher von der Box das sieht man über das letzte kann man sicherlich streiten
2004-03-16, 23:35:00
Original geschrieben von FireFrog
... für PC und Xbox erscheinen soll ...
Kai hat recht. Das wird ein Low-FPS-Shooter. :-(
Das letzte Bild hat starke Ähnlichkeit mit Dawn :|
Und das vorletzte erinnert mich irgend wie an HALO2. ^^
Und nix gegen die Unreal Engine. ;) Dank der kann ich auch mit meinem betagtn Rechner zu Hause vernünftig zocken auch mit 30-40 FPS. (mehr is leider nich in UT2003)
Ich weiß nun zwar immer noch nix über das Game (Multiplayer???) aber ma abwarten, sooooo schlecht wirds schon nicht werden... obwohl, das hab ich auch bei Unreal2 gedacht... :(
2004-03-17, 04:39:42
mhh das gesicht sieht irgendwie komisch aus, irgendwie passen schatten und licht net ganz so zusammen.
2004-03-17, 05:58:04
Original geschrieben von Kai
Kann ich dir gerne sagen: Das neue Thief und Pariah ;) Abwarten und Tee trinken. Wir reden hier von Digital Extremes ...
Splinter cell und Devastation nicht vergessen ;)
UT2003/4 engine Spiele interessieren mich irgendwie überhaupt nicht mehr. Grafik ist bis auf die hochaufgelösten Texturen veraltet IMO.
P.S. und wenn man bei der Engine nicht auf gute Texturen achtet, kommt sowas wie Unreal2 dabei raus. *eg*
2004-03-17, 07:44:02
du hast thiefIII schon gespielt ??
aber da muß ich dir recht geben, thief wird wohl genauso rumschneggen (schnecke mit 2 "g" inne midde) wie DX:IW.
klar nicht alles kann ausseshen wie FarCry, wobei ich sagen muß das dort die indoor performance auch nicht gerade das gelbe vom ei ist(indoorLowFPSShooter ???).
ach watt solls, in 3 jahren haben wir alle 10Ghz rechner...rofl
2004-03-17, 08:49:56
Original geschrieben von mapel110
UT2003/4 engine Spiele interessieren mich irgendwie überhaupt nicht mehr. Grafik ist bis auf die hochaufgelösten Texturen veraltet IMO.
Huh? Was gibts denn an moderneren Shootern (jetzt mal ausgenommen Far Cry, welches aber nochmal in deutlich niedrigeren fps Regionen abläuft) die besser aussehen?
2004-03-17, 09:10:18
Original geschrieben von Iceman346
Huh? Was gibts denn an moderneren Shootern (jetzt mal ausgenommen Far Cry, welches aber nochmal in deutlich niedrigeren fps Regionen abläuft) die besser aussehen?
Farcry reicht doch wohl, um zu sagen, dass UT2003/4 veraltet ist. :)
Ich schau jedenfalls in Zukunft noch kritischer hin, wenns um Grafik in aktuellen Games geht, dank Farcry.
sicher gehören ut2003/4-engine-Games optisch zur Oberliga, aber nicht mehr zum High end. Dazu ist der Abstand IMO zu gross.
EPIC hat halt das Problem, dass sie massenkompatibel sein müssen, reiner MP-Shooter. Das lässt sich eigentlich schlecht vergleichen.
2005-03-22, 15:41:28
Kleines multiplayer promo video ;-)
2005-03-22, 16:11:50
Kleines multiplayer promo video ;-)
Das Video ist mal was anderes, echt cool ;)
2005-05-17, 17:47:31
Ich habe das Spiel und finde es macht laune !Die Grafik ist bei 1280 x 1024 bei 8 fach Anisotrope Filterung nicht viel schlechter als Far Cry ,einfach mal spielen !
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