Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Wann gibt es endlich den BF Vietnam Patch??
2004-05-19, 19:28:12
wann kommt eigentlich der erste Patch für Battlefield Vietnam raus??
Wird glaub ich langsam mal Zeit dafür :-)
2004-05-19, 19:30:09
Das wird hier niemand wissen...
Aber man sieht wiedermal wieviel "Mühe" sich EA gibt... ;(
2004-05-19, 19:33:07
ich habe da mal irgendwo was von dieser Woche gelesen aber wird man dann ja sehen
Major J
2004-05-19, 19:39:38
Zum Glück wird das LAW und die M60 getrennt, denn das ist eine zu starke Paarung, die auf Dauer einen NVA-Kämpfer in den Wahnsinn treibt. :D
DICE and EA are pleased to announce that the first Battlefield Vietnam patch has entered the home stretch here at EA and should be ready for release in the very near future. We have spent some time gathering and evaluating the feedback on Battlefield Vietnam from the community, community forums and from the Battlefield Vietnam Performance Issues e-mails we solicited back in mid-March. We are happy to report that we have been able to address many of these issues for the update.
While future Battlefield Vietnam updates will include game features that were added to Battlefield 1942 post-ship (such as the Voting GUI), v1.01 is intended to address community related issues. The following is a list of the major items being addressed in v1.01. Of particular note in this list are tweaks to server functionality that should provide a much improved play-experience on servers that are hosting high-player-count games (please note the server hardware requirements posted in the Community Update from April 9, fixes to the internal server browser functionality, and rebalancing of the M60, the RPD and the US Heavy Assault kits.
- General optimizations to reduce server lag
- CDkey hash added to game.listplayers output
- game.listPlayers uses the new format:
- #Id: - is remote ip: : hash:
- Gamespy port setting fixed
- game.gameSpyPort - now working
- game.gameSpyLANPort - now working
- game.ASEPort - removed (not supported by ASE)
- All Seeing Eye updated
Battlefield Vientam games no longer appear in Battlefield 1942 ASE list
Player details should appear correctly in ASE server list
- Sort by Ping fixed in Server Browser
- Scrollbar fixed in Server Browser
- Soldier prediction fixed to remove jerky movements when walking/jumping
- M60 removed from the LAW kit and replaced with M14
- M60 and RPD min/max bullet deviation increased when standing/moving
- M60 and RPD max bullet deviation decreased slightly when prone
- Rate of fire and velocity of M60/RPD adjusted
- Player movement speeds on Heavy Assault kits reduced slightly
- Network overhead of vehicle engines and airlifting significantly reduced
- Added minimap warning icon when enemies are within capture radius of an opposing team flag
Keep an eye on this space in the coming weeks for an announcement on the release of 1.01.
unglaublich... also der erste patch, der das game dann lag/ruckelfrei (ja im sp ist es smooth ohne ende auch mit vielen bots) und somit erst spielbar macht (ich spiel doch keine ruckelscheisse), kommt schon nach 2-3 monaten... naja ea macht es mir leicht, zu entscheiden ob ich mir nochmal eines ihrer games kaufe.
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