Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Such-Skripte für die eigene Site?
2002-03-23, 13:58:54
Gibt es gute Such-Maschinen für die eigene Site? Ich brauche allerdings was mit einer Indizierung - es nutzt mir nix, wenn das Script ständig neu sucht (zu hohe Last).
hmm, ich habe da ein Script mit dem du den index selbst erstellen musst. ich suchs mal!
Hier, ich habs aber nicht getestet!
Created by: Justin -
This is a PHP search engine. It searches for text
and then displays results. At the time I completed it
it was the first of its kind. I spent many hours
looking for something like it, but could not find
anything. It searches the directory you put it in.
Files Required:
sas.gif , The sasquatch logo.
How to use this:
I use a form, to submit to it.
The form html is below:
<form method="POST" action="NEWSEARCH.php">
Search our site:
<input type="text" name="whatdoreplace" size="20">
<input type="submit" value="Search" name="B1">
BTW - Please keep this file with the script if you distribute it.
I am not responsible for anything bad that happens due to the
downloading, viewing, or use of these files. If your mess up
the code and instaed of searching it erases your hard drive,
that would be your fault. The code works perfect when published.
uff, vergiss das tuul!
kanns CGI auch sein?!
2002-03-23, 16:09:54
Im Prinzip ja.
HomepageSearchEngine, (36 comments) Rating: 9.36 (219 votes)
Version: 3.0 - Released: 06/18/00 - $49/$99/$149 - Platform(s): Unix, Windows 95/NT
A fast search engine that crawls your entire web site for a full text or expert search using the on-the-fly and/or indexed search method. Certain file sources in different categories can be selected. Search terms (words or phrases) may be combined with logical operators. The result is a ranking list with descriptions for each file and highlighted matches.
das klingt ja vielversprechend
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