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2004-07-02, 11:33:55
Endlich mal eine "fachliche" Analyse, warum Windows besser ist als Linux:
Meine Lieblingsstelle:
"Linux zealots will try to say that their platform isn't plagued by things like email viruses, but with Windows XP I don't gotta worry about emailing viruses to my friends and family at all."
Viel Spass!
2004-07-02, 11:56:27
Leider hast du das Lustige vergessen zu kopieren.
Linux zealots will try to say that their platform isn't plagued by things like email viruses, but with Windows XP I don't gotta worry about emailing viruses to my friends and family at all. The built-in email client Outlook Express does it automatically, in the background.
2004-07-02, 12:04:54
Tja, wenn man kopiert sollte man schon das richtige markieren, bzw. prüfen was man markiert hat.
2004-07-02, 12:46:10
:rofl: X-D
LOOOOOL. :lol:
"Now we can rip, mix and burn right on the server! Try getting a streaming video, DVD, CD, mp3, wma, and active content player all tightly integrated into a Linux server. Not likely!"
2004-07-02, 12:56:26
"Any MCSE who reads PC Magazine knows about the current legal battle raging between the Linux camp (IBM, HP, Novell, Red Hat, SGI) and The SCO Group, who is currently claiming that major portions of the Linux kernel, the Linux filesystem, Linux networking utilities, and portions of the human genome are all illegally copied from Unix System V, of which SCO owns some of the copyrights."
2004-07-02, 14:37:13
Der ganze Artikel ist ja mal sowas von geil. Das glaubt der Kerl doch wohl nicht selber was er da geschrieben hat.
2004-07-02, 15:16:50
Das nennt man "Sarkasmus." Oder eventuell schon "Zynismus". ;)
2004-07-02, 15:51:19
"he SCO Group, who is currently claiming that major portions of the Linux kernel, the Linux filesystem, Linux networking utilities, and portions of the human genome are all illegally copied from Unix System V"
2004-07-02, 16:21:50
Original geschrieben von nggalai
Das nennt man "Sarkasmus." Oder eventuell schon "Zynismus". ;)
das will ich auch für ihn hoffen, ansonsten ist er von der Einweisung nicht mehr weit entfernt ;>
Toller Sarkasmus, is echt witzig! ;D
Piri Piri m@ster
2004-07-02, 17:49:12
Der ganze Artikel ist ja mal sowas von geil. Das glaubt der Kerl doch wohl nicht selber was er da geschrieben hat.
Darauf will ich wetten! :)
Echt lustig. Überlege tatsächlich, ob ich Linux wieder löschen soll... ;)
2004-07-02, 20:35:54
I save a lot of time thanks to Windows XP, which brings me to another area where Linux is lacking. As I am sitting here writing this column, my computer is busily defragging my hard drive, running my virus scanner, and I'm being shown a list of all the latest MS security patches that are being remotely installed on my machine today. Why doesn't Linux come with any defragmenting tools or virus scanners or Active Backdoor Update like you get with Windows? These are all must-have features for me.
ha ha ha, soo~ witzig...
würde man sowas über linux schreiben hätte man mindestens genausoviel material...
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