Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Ein absoluter Konsolenliebhaber
2005-06-01, 18:37:53 :smile: :smile: :smile:
2005-06-01, 18:47:09
irgendwo find ich das total pervers wieviel Geld das mal Wert war... ;)
2005-06-01, 18:57:36
Joa iss denn heit scho Woihnochteh?!? :eek:
das geld davon möchte ich gerne haben was das alles mal neu gekostet hat
so viel geld für konsolen und so zeugs ausgegeben, aber keinen gescheiten fernseher geholt?
2005-06-01, 19:14:36
der typ ist mal voll fertig :hammer:
2005-06-01, 19:17:09
h a b e n
so viel geld für konsolen und so zeugs ausgegeben, aber keinen gescheiten fernseher geholt?
oldschool halt...
Coole Sache. Ein Wohnzimmermuseum für Videogames. :)
2005-06-01, 19:55:25
wow, dann könnte man mich einsperren, bis mir dort langweilig wird würden sicher viele Jahre vergehen :biggrin:
Was meinst du wie schnell du wieder raus willst, um mal wieder eine richtige Frau zu f*****, äähh zu sehen. ;D ;D ;D
Spiele sind nicht das einzige im Leben. Und der von dem diese Sammlung ist war sicherlich ein stinkreicher Spinner.
Edit: *
-|NKA|- Bibo1
2005-06-01, 20:33:23
Ich weiß gar nicht was die ganzen negativen Bemerkungen sollen.
Klar, das ist schon ein wenig "extrem".
Aber es gibt Leute die modden ständig ihren PC oder rüsten ihren PC jedes jahr wieder auf oder motzen ihre autos auf dank ATU-tuning ;-) usw.
Jedem das seine - ich find's cool. Zumal das wirklich liebevoll dargestellt wird.
Gruß - Bibo1
Hast recht Bibo1, ich nehme den "Spinner" zurück.
-|NKA|- Bibo1
2005-06-01, 21:05:27
Jetzt seh ich gerade dein sig. Du warst jetzt aber nicht gemeint :biggrin:
Sind wir nicht alle ein bißchen bluna ??
Gruß - Bibo1
2005-06-01, 21:12:29
Der Junge muss ziemlich einsam sein, der hat ja bei den meißten Konsolen nur einen Controller.
2005-06-01, 21:48:53
Der Junge muss ziemlich einsam sein, der hat ja bei den meißten Konsolen nur einen Controller.
2005-06-01, 22:48:04
Naja, hab auch fast einen Schlag bekommen, als ich die ganzen Spiele gesehen habe. Aber was meint ihr, wieviel Geld viele Leute in ihr Auto stecken, nur damit es ein bißchen getunt ist. Das könnte man als genauso extrem bezeichnen... Aber jedem das seine... Geil finde ich die Sammlung trotzdem ;D
2005-06-01, 22:48:04
Habt ihr auch fein den unteren Text gelesen?
2005-06-01, 23:32:25
Habt ihr auch fein den unteren Text gelesen?
Ich sehe da nix :|
Ich glaub ich muss mal zum Augenarzt... :biggrin:
EDIT: Geht mal auf die Hauptseite^^:
EDIT2: Der Typ hat sie doch nicht mehr alle! Der ist ja Spielgestört... :crazy: :hammer: :conf: :ucrazy: :ucrazy2: :uroll: :ucrazy3: :ueye:
2005-06-02, 00:58:20
Eine illustre Sammlung... aber da fehlen doch noch Neo Geo und die PC Engine, wie kann ein Konsolenfreak nur ohne diese leben :)
2005-06-02, 07:11:36
Ich würde spontan ma sagen, das der Subwoofer recht ungünstig platziert wurde.
Die Spielesammmlung ist aber wirklich riesig. Muss ja früh angefangen haben denn da sind bestimmt games bei die es heute oder vor wenigen jahren schon nicht mehr zu kaufen gab.
2005-06-02, 10:07:59
Ich würde spontan ma sagen, das der Subwoofer recht ungünstig platziert wurde.
Die Spielesammmlung ist aber wirklich riesig. Muss ja früh angefangen haben denn da sind bestimmt games bei die es heute oder vor wenigen jahren schon nicht mehr zu kaufen gab.
Einfach mal die Einleitung auf seiner Homepage lesen! Der hat teilweise Säckeweise die Spiele gekauft für 1 bis 5 Dollar pro Spiel.
Seine Wunschliste ist ja wohl irre. Hat schon füneinhalbtausend games und hat eine Liste von hunderten Titeln, respekt!
2005-06-02, 10:08:33
Einfach mal die Einleitung auf seiner Homepage lesen! Der hat teilweise Säckeweise die Spiele gekauft für 1 bis 5 Dollar pro Spiel.
Früh angefangen hat er dabei nicht.
Seine Wunschliste ist ja wohl irre. Hat schon füneinhalbtausend games und hat eine Liste von hunderten Titeln, respekt!
Oops, sorry Zitieren statt Edit ausgewählt.
2005-06-02, 10:39:16
richtig geil is die faq unter den bildern des gamerooms, da lässt er erstmal 30% der flames hier auflaufen -g-
2005-06-02, 10:51:00
richtig geil is die faq unter den bildern des gamerooms, da lässt er erstmal 30% der flames hier auflaufen -g-
Eben das meinte ich, aber anscheinend können hier einige auch nicht lesen.
2005-06-02, 11:04:47
was steht denn da drin? wird bei mir mit firefox nicht angezeigt.
2005-06-02, 11:18:22
am adding this long FAQ to my gameroom pics section as I am tired of people trying to presume they know me, my family, how I got the games, etc. I don’t think I should have to justify myself to people who visit my site but because I keep receiving numerous requests to come post on forums and answer questions I thought this would be a much easier way instead.
First off I want to thank all the people whom have written friendly emails complimenting my site.
I’ve been receiving over 100 emails a month some complimenting, some insulting.
Now, I will try to cover everything I have seen from various emails and on random messageboards to the best of my ability.
Q: This guy must be rich, spends way to much on games obviously!
A: I only wish I were rich. I spend about $100 a month or less on games. I collect games, my wife collects books. I think everyone collects something. It’s just my collection is 20+ yrs worth which is why it’s so large. I also 90% of the time buy pre-owned games which allows me to buy more for my money.
Q: He Probably used to own a game store or pawn shop and that’s why he has so many games.
A: Nope, we don’t own a pawn shop although I’ve bought many of games from pawn shops over the years. All my games were “bought” by me (minus the 50-100) my parents bought for me when I was a kid in the 80’s.
I have gotten many, many games for free or actually got paid to add to my collection and this is how. EB, Gamestop, Movie Gallery, Blockbuster, etc. Stores like this will run Buy1Get1 or Buy2Get2 sales a lot, at least in my areas they do.
An example of how I get a lot of games (newer ones only). In January, I went into a local Movie Gallery which was having a B2G2 sale. They had several copies of used Paper Mario & Pikmin 2’s at the time. I bought 2 of each at $40ea. Which then gave me 2 of each free. So, I spent a total of $160 for 8 games (4 pm/4 pikmin2) then listed 6 of the games on eBay for BIN @ $40 and sold them within 10days for a total of $240. Outcome = I got paid $80 + 2 great games. For nothing more than a little time.
This is just an example of something I’ve done many, many times. I also bought out the inventory of a closing Superstar video’s PS1/Dreamcast library which yielded me 500+ titles for $1.00ea. Then sold all the doubles and made most of my money back on that purchase. Deals are out there and unless you buy brand new all the time then you can amass a large library quick. Of course, all my older games are earned the hard way, buying at fleas, yard sales, pawn shops, game stores, etc
Q: How old is this guy? Bet he still lives in his parents house. He must never have a girlfriend or get laid!
(Ah, My favorite emails.. Thanks to all the jerks who send me these emails and post this kinda crap on forums.)
A: I’m 31, Been happily married for 11yrs, and we have a 3yr old son so yes, your all right, I’ll never have a girlfriend. My wife plays video games also and was actually glad to see all my stuff condensed into one room instead of scattered in our living room, office, and various closets, etc. We bought our house in 1995 and I haven’t lived with my parents since 1991 when I was 17.
Q: What’s up with that shitty TV, this guy needs a Plasma.
A: My TV is a 32” and plenty big for the distance you’re sitting in front of it from the NES bench. I didn’t see the need in blowing another $400 for a 36” and Plasmas and Bigscreens are to prone to burnt images when playing older games on them. If all I played was XBOX/PS2/GameCube, then yeah, I would sooner have a plasma.
Q: With all those games this guy surely has no life!
(Another one of my favorite comments from the “immature” crowd.)
A: Thanks for trying to act like you people know me and saying I have no life, “clearly” you don’t know wtf you are talking about. I play video games on average of 10-15 hrs a week. Just because I “own” 5,000+ games doesn’t mean I play games all the time. Many of my games I’ve never even gotten to play yet. Jay Leno owns 107 cars, Does that mean he must spend all his time driving them?
Once every 3-4 months my brother, 2 brothers in-law, and few friends come over and we just rip-up on multiplayer games from Saturday morning until Sunday afternoon. We have done this for years. When we are crashed the wives/girlfriends jump in and play games too or use the projector to watch movies.
When I was younger (10-15yrs) I played the hell outta video games but gaming comes to a trickle once your out on your own, married, have kids, and a social life. Something you don’t have when your freaking 12. I just never grew out of “collecting” games and still enjoy playing them when time to play them is available.
Time for you insulters to get a life yourself!
Q: I think painting that room and wasting that space is going a little overboard.
A: The themed room was my wife’s idea and perhaps it is a bit overboard but it’s very unique and my son loves it. I have no regrets on how I finished that room. We have a 2-story, 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom house and one child. It’s hardly a waste of space. This was an old storage room that was mostly filled with my gaming and sports stuff I had collected over the years.
Q: I bet this guy works at a game store or for a gaming magazine
A: Nope, I am a contractor with my own business in residential and do work for a large corporation on a lot of their commercial work as well. Wife works at a college.
Q: Nice room but his collection sucks because it’s missing Neo-Geo or Turbo-Duo or PSP, etc.
A: My focus and passion is NES/Famicom. While I collect and play everything else, I'm really in no hurry to obtain "every" single system made. I would love to snag a NeoGeo and TurboDuo someday but if I don't then I really don't care. I have enough to keep me busy till my dying days as it is.
Q: To many loose carts and some of his games have damaged labels and stuff so his collection sucks.
A: Most of my carts that have marker/stickers/damaged labels on them are either from other countries (which is nearly impossible to be picky about condition) or games I picked up somewhere and if/when I find a better condition title then it will be swapped. I'm not going to turn down a SNES Earthbound or any other game I need in my collection simply because it has a "Blockbuster sticker" or "John Doe written on it"
I've never been a perfectionist or complete freak when it comes to games. I simply want games "that" play and "to" play and the completion or condition of carts isn't my primary concern. I also cannot stand "Sealed" games. They bug me because they beckon to be played, not to be kept sealed forever. For this reason I don't collect "sealed" video games.
People saying my collection sucks on any forums doesn't bother me. Ones that say my collection needs this or that or sucks w/o something doesn't piss me off either. Opinions are varied and I really don't pay them much attention because, well, this is MY collection and my website was made in spare time with little effort and its not intended to be pushed upon or used to brag about what I have. It was mearly a personal salute to NES and wanting to share my enthusiasm with other gamers and also use it as a database for myself, a checklist, if you will.
2005-06-02, 11:55:06
Tja, man kann halt nur lesen, was auch da steht ^^
Bei einer privaten Homepage komme ich nicht auf die Idee, daß die nur mit dem IE funktioniert - vor allem wenn sie ansonsten ja auch nicht so aufwändig ist.:wink:
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