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2005-06-04, 11:14:43
Ab heute kann jeder die erste vielversprechende Mod für Far Cry "Obsidian Edge" zocken...
Scheint recht vielversprechend zu sein.
Obsidian Edge is a new mod for Far Cry multiplayer that was developed by the Polishing Weevils Mod Team. It takes the regular vanilla Far Cry game to a whole new level of realism. The Mod team has taken everything players loved about the games Operation Flash Point, Ghost Recon, Ravenshield and Call of Duty, and using the Cry engine developed a mod that sucks you in and feels extremely realistic. They have done this by adding things not seen in a first person shooter before, such as damage spin when taking fire and true night vision including bloom when looking at a light (think CNN)...

A lot of people were impressed by Far Cry’s graphics but were turned off by its lag, Quake like run speeds and game play, and abuse of rockets and grenade launcher. Obsidian Edge fixes these problems and more, as well as giving server administrators a wide range of options on how they want to set up their server. Changes can quickly and easily be made by an admin through the Server Control screen. In game action will feel so real that you will strain your ears listening for enemy footsteps and strain your eyes to pick out the slightest movement. Teamwork and planning become vital and the team that works together and communicates with each other will almost always come out on top. You need to know the maps and what each landform feature is called so you can call out your enemy contacts as well as respond for calls for back up from teammates.

Obsidian edge brings new game types to the Far Cry world including Last Man Standing and V.I.P. (Very Important Person) modes to complement the already fun Free For All and Assault modes. The final release will include the Domination mode with more details about it being released soon. The player models have been completely redone with each team having different camo patterned uniform and each player class having its own look. The camo actually works and allows you to blend in to your surrounding.

The mod also adds in many new weapons such as the XM-8, KaBar, and the Benelli M1 Super 90 shotgun. Those are just a few added for the demo and work continues on others for the final release. Extensive testing of weapons was done to ensure the balance of each player class was balanced and still allow for a wide selection of weapons. You will quickly find what each weapon’s pluses and minuses are and how to use them to your team’s advantage.

New and less cartoon like maps are also a major part of Obsidian Edge. While some of the original Far Cry maps were pretty, the maps for the mod will be more realistic looking without the usual tropical theme. The demo includes a few of the new custom maps that will be included in the final release, such as the fast paced MP_Devil’s Cove and the massive desert map MP_Tank. The final release will include many! more custom maps as well as all the original Far Cry maps tweaked for better Obsidian Edge game play.

Please remember to check out the OE_Screenshots_and_Pics thread in the forum to see the new maps and weapons. Also, an awesome Teaser Video done by BSR Locsta is available for download. This is from very early on in development and while it looks incredible, the Mod has actually greatly improved since and a new Trailer Video is in production and will be released very soon. "

Far Cry fanboy
2005-06-04, 21:45:26
yeah, voll hart, eben mit soroc und paar von sZ und noch paar leuten LMS gespielt.
gaaaaanz anderes gameplay als assault, nackenhaare stehen permanent zu berge :)
da muss man sich erst an paar sachen gewöhnen, z.b. das ready im prewar zu geben
und die waffen sind anders, und die sicht und noch ne menge mehr.

kerpo hat den ersten EU server vor paar minuten eingeschaltet, leider nur mit 16slots.
hoffe das da huete nacht noch die post abgeht.
wenn mehr leute dann dabei sind wir VIP gespielt, nochmal ne spur flashiger.

jaja, bin farcry fanboy und stehe auch dazu :D
