Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : NVIDIA’s GPU Gems 2 und Displacement Mapping

2005-06-28, 02:00:12
Was steckt dahinter?

NVIDIA Demo: Luna
Gatekeepers preside over the juncture that lies between the real and the ethereal—that passage to dimensions beyond our own. In a spire soaring into a luminous void, this trio of sightless beings hover above a huge disembodied eye. Reorienting its unblinking gaze with impossibly large hands, they afford us a better view into its black aperture, dilating to reveal other worlds more mystifying than anything on our own prosaic plane.

Together these three act as one, attendant to Luna, the high priestess of this ocular oracle. Transformed from the cold, white light of reality, Luna is a graceful siren, set to draw us into her twilight realm. With her warm green glow to guide us, she eagerly pursues the as-yet-unimagined through the caverns of the collective subconscious.

Abandon the safety of the familiar, and follow Luna to a vast playground of chaos. She has things to show you, things that must be seen to be believed.

Key Features

PixelShaders 3.0 - The second-generation pixel shading core on the NVIDIA® GeForce™ 7800 graphics processing unit (GPU) enables effects never seen before in real time. Effects like the many layers of Luna’s suit and the real-time refraction on the eyeball, which require more than 300 instructions with per-pixel branching and are computed in 64-bit color.

Translucence - Not only can you see the faint red light transmitted through the surface of Luna’s skin, you can also see the intense light transmitted through the gatekeepers’ bodies. The amount of light transmitted is computed based on the depth of the gatekeepers and the occluding bones and arteries that run through them.

Displacement Mapping - A new displacement mapping technique outlined in NVIDIA’s GPU Gems 2 uses a volumetric texture to compute the surface, allowing displaced bumps to occlude one another.

Real-Time Hair - The fine hairs of Luna’s head are modeled in geometry, simulated in real time, and shadowed based on the number of hairs between each pixel and the light. The result is a realistic shadowing volume rather than individual hairs that cast an overly dark shadow.



2005-06-28, 02:30:30
In dem Buch GPU Gems 2 werden einige Displacement Mapping Techniken vorgestellt. Ich hab jetzt aber nicht die Zeit/Lust genauer deren Unterschiede rauszusuchen, auf die schnelle hab ich nichts mit Displacement Mapping und 3D Textureen gefunden.

Ansonsten guck mal hier, da sind einige Beispielkapitel dabei:

2005-06-28, 02:41:29
Hab dies inzwischen dazu:

2005-06-28, 16:55:51
Jups, das sind die gleichen Kapitel wie auf der NVIDIA Developer site, es fehlt nur noch das Kapitel über die NV40 Architektur.

Das Buch kostet bei Amazon ca 55€.