Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Kopete Installation - Fehler mit "kdelibs3"
2005-07-11, 01:43:39
hab jetzt seit einigen Stunden SuSe Linux 9.0 Installiert... Ich will ne neue Version von Kopete installieren (mit nem rpm) aber bekomme dann folgende Fehlermeldung:
kdelibs3 nicht verfügbar
Benötigt von:
-kopete benötigt kdelibs3 >=3.3.0
-kopete benötigt kdelibs3 >=3.2.0
Darunter nochmal fast genau das selbe - auch mit kdelibs3
Hab Linux gerade komplett übers Web geupdatet!
Kann mir jemand helfen? Hab in etwa das selbe Problem wenn ich Firefox Installieren will!
Google und Forum Suche haben nichts gebracht :(
Danke =)
2005-07-11, 22:46:28
hab jetzt seit einigen Stunden SuSe Linux 9.0 Installiert... Ich will ne neue Version von Kopete installieren (mit nem rpm) aber bekomme dann folgende Fehlermeldung:
kdelibs3 nicht verfügbar
Benötigt von:
-kopete benötigt kdelibs3 >=3.3.0
-kopete benötigt kdelibs3 >=3.2.0
Darunter nochmal fast genau das selbe - auch mit kdelibs3
Hab Linux gerade komplett übers Web geupdatet!
Kann mir jemand helfen? Hab in etwa das selbe Problem wenn ich Firefox Installieren will!
Google und Forum Suche haben nichts gebracht :(
Danke =)
du musst die Pakete, die dir dein Suse beim installieren meldet, erst installieren bevor du die gewünschte Anwendung installieren kannst.
Kopete ist in deinem Beispiel also von kdelibs3 >=3.3.0 abhängig. Ohne das kdelibs3 installiert ist funktioniert kopete nicht, bzw. lässt sich erst garnicht installieren.
2005-07-12, 00:22:28
Danke - Habs durch ne Google Orgie selbst geschafft =)
2005-07-12, 00:44:20
Hi, es gibt meines wissens auch unter Suse ein system was sich apt-get oder apt4rpm nennt, damit ließen sich sollten Probleme vermeiden, da mit hilfe diese tools die benötigten Abhängigkeiten automatisch mitinstalliert werden.
Solltest dich mal in der Richtung schlau machen.
Oder ne neuere Suse, oder gleich ne andere Distri. :biggrin:
2005-07-12, 00:46:42
Japp, da bin ich auch drauf gestoßen! Werd ich mir mal überlegen wenns mir zu viel wird mitm Nachinstallieren :D
Hi, es gibt meines wissens auch unter Suse ein system was sich apt-get oder apt4rpm nennt, damit ließen sich sollten Probleme vermeiden, da mit hilfe diese tools die benötigten Abhängigkeiten automatisch mitinstalliert werden.
jo, und mit diesem script gehts recht flott.... ;)
# This script will download and install apt for suse on your system.
# (c) Sebastien Corot, 2005
# version 0.1.2
# get suse version and system arch
SUSE_VERSION=`grep VERSION /etc/SuSE-release|cut -f3 -d" "`
SYSTEM=`uname -i`
# wget options
WGET_OPT="-nv --retr-symlinks"
# now test if conditions for running this script are satisfied
# First test if running system is supported
if [ $SYSTEM != "i386" ] && [ $SYSTEM != "x86_64" ]; then
echo "$SYSTEM arch is no supported by apt for suse"
exit 0
# are you logged as root
test $UID != 0 && {
echo "You have to be root to install apt on your system."
echo "Please log as root with su command before running this script."
exit 0
# is apt already installed ?
if test -e /usr/bin/apt-get; then
echo "apt is already installed on you system."
echo "Exiting now."
exit 0
# test if wget is installed
if test -e /usr/bin/wget; then WGET_INSTALLED=1; fi
if [ $WGET_INSTALLED = 0 ]; then
echo "wget is needed by this script."
echo "Install wget with YaST before using this script."
echo "Exiting now."
exit 0
# set current directory as working directory
cd ./
# remove allready downloaded apt packages in current directory
# to be sure the lastest are used
for i in $i apt-*.rpm
if test -e $i; then
echo "$i package allready present in current dir. Remove it..."
rm $i
# Download apt and apt-libs packages corresponding to running system
echo "Setup apt for SuSE Linux $SUSE_VERSION on $SYSTEM..."
echo ""
echo "Downloading apt and apt-libs packages..."
if [ "$SYSTEM" = "i386" ]; then
wget $WGET_OPT ftp://$SITE_APT1/SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM/RPMS.suser-rbos/apt-0.*
wget $WGET_OPT ftp://$SITE_APT1/SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM/RPMS.suser-rbos/apt-libs-0.*
else if [ "$SYSTEM" = "x86_64" ]; then
wget $WGET_OPT ftp://$SITE_APT2/SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM/RPMS.suser-jmorris/apt-0.*
wget $WGET_OPT ftp://$SITE_APT2/SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM/RPMS.suser-jmorris/apt-libs-0.*
echo ""
echo "Done."
# install the downloaded packages
rpm -Uvh $(pwd)/apt-*
# Test if the packages are correctly installed
! ( rpm -q apt-libs ) && echo "Package apt-libs is not installed" && exit 0
! ( rpm -q apt ) && echo "Package apt is not installed" && exit 0
# Create a new sources.list file with comments
mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.default
if [ "$SYSTEM" = "i386" ]; then
cat > /etc/apt/sources.list << EOF
# sources.list file created by $0 script.
# This file gives you a descent and "safe" sources.list with selected components
# which should not break your system.
# The complete list with all available components can be found at:
# BE CAREFULL: Some components provide experimental software, SELECT WISELY !!!
# http://$SITE_APT2/SuSE/$SUSE_VESRION-$SYSTEM/examples/sources.list.FTP
# base, update and security components provide official SuSE updates
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT1 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM update
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT1 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM security
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM update
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM security
# Non official update for wine drivers provided by SuSE employee
# Update for mozilla provided by SuSE but not OFFICIALY SUPPORTED !!!
# However this component is safe as mozilla update should not break
# clean system !
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT1 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM mozilla
# The GPG keys of the the packman, suser-*, funktronic, components
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM rpmkeys
# packman provides multimedia packages for SuSE such as MPlayer or Xine.
# Visit for a list availabe rpms.
# These packages are safe.
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM packman
# Xmltv and freevo for i386
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM funktronics
# The SuSE users suser-* components generaly provides extra packages
# that are not on the SuSE DVD or CDs.
# These packages are safe as they don't update base system packages.
# Provides update for apt and synaptic
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM suser-rbos
# Many Sound related softwares, see
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM suser-oc2pus
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM suser-tux
# Some multimedia, games and emulators packages
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM suser-scorot
# Latest XFCE4 packages
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM suser-ollakka
# Various extra rpms with multimedia packages
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM suser-tcousin
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM suser-guru
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM suser-jogley
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM suser-gbv
#rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM suser-jengelh
# Comment out the followig line for Mythtv packages (SuSE Linux 9.3 only)
#rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM suser-scrute
# sources.list for x86_64 because the components are not the same as i386
else if [ "$SYSTEM" = "x86_64" ]; then
cat > /etc/apt/sources.list << EOF
# sources.list file created by $0 script.
# This file gives you a descent sources.list with selected components
# wich should not break your system.
# The list with all available components can be found at:
# BE CAREFULL: Some components provide experimental software, SELECT WISELY !!!
# http://$SITE_APT2/SuSE/$SUSE_VESRION-$SYSTEM/examples/sources.list.FTP
# base, update and security components provide official SuSE updates
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM update
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM security
# Non official update for wine drivers provided by SuSE employee
# Update for mozilla provided by SuSE but not OFFICIALY SUPPORTED !!!
# However this component is safe as mozilla update should not break
# clean system !
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM mozilla
# The GPG keys of the the packman, suser-*, funktronic, components
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM rpmkeys
# packman provides multimedia packages for SuSE such as MPlayer or Xine.
# Visit for a list availabe rpms.
# These packages are safe.
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM packman
# The SuSE users suser-* components generaly provides extra packages
# that are not on the SuSE DVD or CDs.
# These packages are safe as they don't update base system packages.
# Some multimedia packages, games, emulators,
# and apt packages
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM suser-scorot
rpm ftp://$SITE_APT2 SuSE/$SUSE_VERSION-$SYSTEM suser-jmorris
# Now download and install rpmkey
apt --yes --sources sources.list update
echo "Downloading rpmkey files..."
apt --yes --no-checksig --no-post install rpmkey*
echo "GPG key files installed."
echo ""
echo "apt is now ready to use."
echo "I have installed a safe and descent sources.list, thus you don't need"
echo "to touch anything else. The previous sources.list file has been"
echo "saved as sources.list.default."
echo "See for more informations."
echo ""
exit 0
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