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2005-08-27, 03:59:59
Auch wenn es hier schätzungsweise nicht so viele interessiert...


ASHEVILLE, N.C. — August 21, 2005 — Bob died this afternoon at his home in Asheville, N.C. He was 71. Bob was diagnosed with brain cancer (glioblastoma multiforme or GBM) in late April 2005. He had received both radiation treatment and chemotherapy to help combat the disease. He is survived by his wife, Ileana, his five children, Laura Moog Lanier, Matthew Moog, Michelle Moog-Koussa, Renee Moog, and Miranda Richmond; and the mother of his children, Shirleigh Moog.


Bob was warm and outgoing. He enjoyed meeting people from all over the world. He especially appreciated what Ileana referred to as "the magical connection" between music-makers and their instruments.

What would the world of modern music be like without the inventions of Bob Moog? One answer would be: very boring. Bob Moog’s namesake analog synthesizers have affected popular music in ways he might not have expected back in 1954 when he began building theremins with his father. But 50 years later, Bob’s musical instruments have catapulted so many styles of music into the future, and his contributions to both players and technicians grow even more profound in retrospect.

Er ist als Synthesizerpionier eine Legende, eher noch der Gottvater der elektronischen Musik. Die legendären Synthesizersounds sind in so vielen Musikgenres nicht mehr wegzudenken. Auch wenn er nicht viel Aufhebens um seine Person gemacht hat, halte ich ihn doch für einen der wichtigsten Männer der Musikgeschichte.

R.I.P. Bob.