Mr. Lolman
2005-09-07, 16:05:12
Vor knapp 1 Woche hat Leo seine sehr umfangreichen theoretischen Benchmarks zum G70 Chip online ( gestellt. Passsenderweise benchte er auch eine 6800 Ultra und eine X850xt pe mit. Ich hab mir jetzt ml die Arbeit gemacht und die prozentuellen Unterschiede zw. 6800 Ultra uund x850xt pe für jeden einzelnen Wert ausgerechnet, was imo recht praktisch ist, um die Leistungsunterschiede besser sichtbar zu machen.
So z.B. auch beim Shadermark 2.1: Eine 6800 Ultra arbeitet hier taktbereinigt zwar schneller als das Ati Pendant, jedoch ist das absolut kein Indikator für die tatsächliche Effizienz eines Chips, da die Verlustleistung des NV40 taktbereinigt auch deutlich höher als bei den Ati Chips ist. Das heisst, der Kunde hat durch den niedrigeren Takt keinerlei Vorteil. Man dürfte demnach höchstens den Kaufpreis oder die Verlustleistung miteinbeziehen um entweder die fps/€ oder die fps/W auszurechnen.
Und plötzlich bleibt von der, lange Zeit propagierten, überlegenen Shaderleistung des NV40, genausowenig übrig wie von der ebenfalls lang geglaubten Mär des besseren AF.
Anzumerken wären auch die enormen Leistungsunterschiede beim AGP Readback wo NV mit der 6800Ultra bis zu 170x (!!) schneller ist, als ATi mit der x850xt pe. Wobei der Archmark überhaupt ein extremer Benchmark ist, da diverse Tests sowohl bei ATi als auch bei NV tw. deutlich mehr als 1000% höhere Werte ergeben als bei der Konkurrenz.
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
Pixel Shader 158,5 fps 155,2 fps +2,1%
Vertex Shader - Simple 50,5 MVertices/s 66,5 MVertices/s +31,7%
Vertex Shader - Complex 38,2 MVertices/s 50,0 MVertices/s +30,9%
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
Dynamic Occlusion Culling 95,63 fps 92,73 fps +3,1%
High Particle Count 58,16 fps 66,59 fps +14,5%
Masket Environment Mapping 78,64 fps 78,79 fps +0,2%
Large Scale Vegetation Rendering 38,69 fps 57,93 fps +49,7%
Large Scale Terrain Rendering 67,45 fps 71,42 fps +5,9%
Vertex and Pixel Lighting 78,92 fps 78,65 fps +0.3%
3D Volumetric Fog 84,79 fps 78,95 fps +7.4%
Complex Multimaterial Shader 70,70 fps 67,02 fps +5.5%
Massive Overdraw 55,50 fps 54,03 fps +2.7%
insgesamt 67,55 fps 71,27 fps +5,5%
Aquamark 4xAA
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
Dynamic Occlusion Culling 95,26 fps 92,91 fps +2.5%
High Particle Count 36,69 fps 50,69 fps +38,2%
Masket Environment Mapping 75,78 fps 77,18 fps +1,8%
Large Scale Vegetation Rendering 35,88 fps 54,30 fps +51,3%
Large Scale Terrain Rendering 66,69 fps 71,05 fps +6,5%
Vertex and Pixel Lighting 75,67 fps 77,64 fps +2,6%
3D Volumetric Fog 78,73 fps 76,69 fps +2.7%
Complex Multimaterial Shader 60,32 fps 65,63 fps +8,8%
Massive Overdraw 39,85 fps 49,93 fps +25,3%
insgesamt 58,48 fps 67,45 fps +13,3%
Fillrate Tester
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
FFP - Pure fillrate 6152 Mpixels/s 6003 Mpixels/s +2.5%
FFP - Z pixel rate 11768 Mpixels/s 7822 Mpixels/s +50.4%
FFP - Single texture 6056 Mpixels/s 4619 Mpixels/s +31.1%
FFP - Dual texture 3079 Mpixels/s 2558 Mpixels/s +20.4%
FFP - Triple texture 2074 Mpixels/s 1818 Mpixels/s +14.1%
FFP - Quad texture 1555 Mpixels/s 1263 Mpixels/s +23.1%
PS 1.1 - Simple 3125 Mpixels/s 4196 Mpixels/s +34,3%
PS 1.4 - Simple 3125 Mpixels/s 2824 Mpixels/s +10.7%
PS 2.0 - Simple 3126 Mpixels/s 4196 Mpixels/s +34,2%
PS 2.0 PP - Simple 3125 Mpixels/s 4196 Mpixels/s +34,3%
PS 2.0 - Longer 1568 Mpixels/s 2126 Mpixels/s +35,6%
PS 2.0 PP - Longer 1567 Mpixels/s 2126 Mpixels/s +35,7%
PS 2.0 - Longer 4 Registers 1568 Mpixels/s 1706 Mpixels/s +8,8%
PS 2.0 PP - Longer 4 Registers 1568 Mpixels/s 1706 Mpixels/s +8,8%
PS 2.0 - Per Pixel Lighting 485 Mpixels/s 611 Mpixels/s +26,0%
PS 2.0 PP - Per Pixel Lighting 696 Mpixels/s 611 Mpixels/s +13.9%
Fillrate Tester 4xAA
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
FFP - Pure fillrate 3053 Mpixels/s 3378 Mpixels/s +10,6%
FFP - Z pixel rate 3054 Mpixels/s 4077 Mpixels/s +33,5%
FFP - Single texture 3049 Mpixels/s 2743 Mpixels/s +11,3%
FFP - Dual texture 2852 Mpixels/s 2159 Mpixels/s +32,1%
FFP - Triple texture 2005 Mpixels/s 1609 Mpixels/s +24,6%
FFP - Quad texture 1514 Mpixels/s 1158 Mpixels/s +30,7%
PS 1.1 - Simple 3029 Mpixels/s 3244 Mpixels/s +7,1%
PS 1.4 - Simple 3031 Mpixels/s 2731 Mpixels/s +11,0%
PS 2.0 - Simple 3029 Mpixels/s 3245 Mpixels/s +7,1%
PS 2.0 PP - Simple 3029 Mpixels/s 3244 Mpixels/s +7,1%
PS 2.0 - Longer 1553 Mpixels/s 3244 Mpixels/s +108,9%
PS 2.0 PP - Longer 1553 Mpixels/s 2073 Mpixels/s +33,5%
PS 2.0 - Longer 4 Registers 1553 Mpixels/s 2074 Mpixels/s +33,5%
PS 2.0 PP - Longer 4 Registers 1553 Mpixels/s 1671 Mpixels/s +7,6%
PS 2.0 - Per Pixel Lighting 481 Mpixels/s 602 Mpixels/s +25,2%
PS 2.0 PP - Per Pixel Lighting 691 Mpixels/s 602 Mpixels/s +14,8%
HSRBench - normale Shader
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
Front to back, 8x Overdraw 1619,97 fps 2897,09 fps +78,8%
Front to back, 64x Overdraw 419,38 fps 1384,57 fps +230,1%
Back to front, 8x Overdraw 375,95 fps 375,75 fps +0,1%
Back to front, 64x Overdraw 48,11 fps 46,42 fps +3,6%
Random order, 8x Overdraw 902,29 fps 1095,20 fps +21,4%
Random order, 64x Overdraw 288,25 fps 523,91 fps +81,8%
Random with pre-Z, 8x Overdraw 1046,94 fps 1487,94 fps +42,1%
Random with pre-Z, 64x Overdraw 218,04 fps 631,00 fps +189,4%
HSRBench - komplexe Shader
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
Front to back, 8x Overdraw 169,59 fps 181,05 fps +6,8%
Front to back, 64x Overdraw 128,33 fps 169,77 fps +32,3%
Back to front, 8x Overdraw 23,36 fps 22,82 fps +2,4%
Back to front, 64x Overdraw 2,92 fps 2,85 fps +2,5%
Random order, 8x Overdraw 66,75 fps 66,49 fps +0,4%
Random order, 64x Overdraw 35,79 fps 38,16 fps +6,6%
Random with pre-Z, 8x Overdraw 164,25 fps 170,62 fps +3,9%
Random with pre-Z, 64x Overdraw 98,09 fps 147,53 fps +50,4%
Shadermark 2.1
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
Per Pixel Diffuse Lighting 900 fps 1026 fps +14,0%
Per Pixel Directional Light Shader (Phong) 720 fpS 762 fps +5,8%
Per Pixel Point Light Shader (Phong) 720 fps 758 fps +5,3%
Per Pixel Spot Light Shader (Phong) 660 fps 630 fps +4,8%
Per Pixel Anisotropic Lighting 719 fps 762 fps +6,0%
Per Pixel Fresnel Reflections 658 fps 667 fps +1,4%
Per Pixel Car Surface Shader 415 fps 433 fps +4,3%
Per Pixel Environment Mapping 1078 fps 1303 fps +20,9%
Per Pixel Environment Bump Mapping 840 fps 853 fps +1,5%
Per Pixel Bump Mapping 704 fps 720 fps +2,3%
Per Pixel Shadowed Bump Mapping 460 fps 263 fps +74,9%
Per Pixel Veined Marble Shader 420 fps 368 fps +14,1%
Per Pixel Wood Shader 445 fps 421 fps +5,7%
Per Pixel Tile Shader 324 fps 299 fps +8,4%
Per Pixel Refraction and Reflection Shader with Phong Lighting 345 fps 347 fps +0,6%
Per Pixel BRDF-Phong/Anisotropic Lighting 421 fps 445 fps +5,7%
Fur Shader With Anisotropic Lighting 54 fps 47 fps +14,9%
Combination Effect 178 fps 145 fps +22,8%
Dual Layer 8x8 PCF Shadow Mapping without Flow Control 61 fps 48 fps +27.1%
Dual Layer 8x8 PCF Shadow Mapping with Flow Control 90 fps -
High Dynamic Range Shader - low quality version without filtering 120 fps 216 fps +80,0%
High Dynamic Range Shader - high quality with fp filtering 132 fps -
High Dynamic Range Shader - high quality without fp filtering 82 fps 150 fps +82,9%
Per Pixel Edge Detection And Hatching Shader using 1 RT and 2 Passes 94 fps 125 fps +33,0%
Per Pixel Edge Detection And Hatching Shader using 2 RTs and 1 Pass 90 fps 122 fps +35,6%
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
Fillrate: 32 bits: Col 6,320 GPix/s 6,315 GPix/s +0,1%
Fillrate: 32 bits: Z 12,555 GPix/s 8,532 GPix/s +47,2%
Fillrate: 32 bits: ColZ 6,320 GPix/s 5,013 GPix/s +26.1%
Fillrate: 32 bits: ZPassColZ 6,118 GPix/s 3,002 GPix/s +103,8%
Fillrate: 32 bits: ZCullLEqual 24,747 GPix/s 122,713 GPix/s +395,9%
Fillrate: 32 bits: ZCullGEqual 6,320 GPix/s 122,561 GPix/s +1839,3%
Fillrate: 32 bits: ZCullEqual 24,747 GPix/s 8,532 GPix/s +190,2%
Fillrate: 32 bits: S 12,555 GPix/s 8,542 GPix/s +47,0%
Fillrate: 32 bits: SCull 24,746 GPix/s 8,541 GPix/s +189,7%
Fillrate: 32 bits: stencil: S 12,514 GPix/s 6,901 GPix/s +81,7%
Fillrate: 32 bits: stencil: ZFailS 10,098 GPix/s 6,901 GPix/s +46,3%
Fillrate: 32 bits: stencil: z test: S 12,513 GPix/s 6,901 GPix/s +81,3%
Fillrate: 32 bits: stencil: z test: ZS 10,098 GPix/s 6,901 GPix/s +46,3%
Fillrate: 32 bits: stencil: z test: Col 6,320 GPix/s 6,316 GPix/s +0,1%
Fillrate: 32 bits: stencil: z test: ColZ 6,320 GPix/s 5,035 GPix/s +25,5%
Fillrate: 32 bits: stencil: z test: ColS 6,281 GPix/s 2,993 GPix/s +109,9%
Fillrate: 32 bits: stencil: z test: ColZS 6,320 GPix/s 2,993 GPix/s +111,2%
Fillrate: 16 bits: Col 6,320 GPix/s 8,466 GPix/s +34,0%
Fillrate: 16 bits: Z 12,555 GPix/s 8,221 GPix/s +52,7%
Fillrate: 16 bits: ColZ 6,320 GPix/s 5,903 GPix/s +7,1%
Fillrate: 16 bits: ZPassColZ 5,451 GPix/s 3,381 GPix/s +61,2%
Fillrate: 16 bits: ZCullLEqual 24,747 GPix/s 75,047 GPix/s +203,3%
Fillrate: 16 bits: ZCullGEqual 6,320 GPix/s 122,613 GPix/s +1840,1%
Fillrate: 16 bits: ZCullEqual 24,747 GPix/s 8,529 GPix/s +190,2%
Bandwith: available: All 48,980 GB/s 50,384 GB/s +2,9%
Bandwith: available: Color 33,883 GB/s 26,713 GB/s +26,8%
Bandwith: available: ZAndStencil 88,319 GB/s 198,561 GB/s +124,8%
Bandwith: available: Z 190,289 GB/s 148,655 GB/s +28,0%
Bandwith: available: Stencil 32,865 GB/s 6,771 GB/s +385,4%
Bandwith: Draw 38,076 GB/s 34,112 GB/s +11,6%
Bandwith: BurnedByRAMDAC 267,387 GB/s 267,387 GB/s +-0.0%
Bandwith: Physical 38,343 GB/s 34,379 GB/s +11,5%
Geometry: Plain vertices: Fan 132,748 MTris/s 224,446 MTris/s +69,1%
Geometry: Plain vertices: List 105,485 MTris/s 76,487 MTris/s +37,9%
Geometry: Plain vertices: Clip 105,487 MTris/s 7,537 MTris/s +1299,6%
Geometry: Vertex shading: LightD1 53,087 MTris/s 68,924 MTris/s +29,8%
Geometry: Vertex shading: LightP1 35,686 MTris/s 34,669 MTris/s +2,9%
Geometry: Vertex shading: Light P8 10,480 MTris/s 15,584 MTris/s +48,7%
Texturing: Bilinear: 1 texture 6,309 GPix/s 8,002 GPix/s +26,8%
Texturing: Bilinear: 2 texture 3,160 GPix/s 4,163 GPix/s +31,7%
Texturing: Bilinear: 3 texture 2,107 GPix/s 2,805 GPix/s +33,1%
Texturing: Bilinear: 4 texture 1,569 GPix/s 2,115 GPix/s +34,8%
Texturing: Trilinear: 1 texture 3,732 GPix/s 4,110 GPix/s +10,1%
Texturing: Trilinear: 2 texture 1,866 GPix/s 2,087 GPix/s +11,8%
Texturing: Trilinear: 3 texture 1,240 GPix/s 1,399 GPix/s +12,8%
Texturing: Trilinear: 4 texture 0,928 GPix/s 1,013 GPix/s +9,2%
Readback: Whole buffer: R8G8B8A8 229,224 MPix/s 31,538 MPix/s +626,8%
Readback: Whole buffer: B8G8R8A8 241,823 MPix/s 33,553 MPix/s +620,7%
Readback: Whole buffer: R8G8B8 240,116 MPix/s 34,187 MPix/s +601,8%
Readback: Whole buffer: B8G8R8 254,853 MPix/s 34,216 MPix/s +644,8%
Readback: Whole buffer: Zuint 236,952 MPix/s 1,758 MPix/s +13378,4%
Readback: Whole buffer: Zfloat 218,980 MPix/s 1,763 MPix/s +12320,9%
Readback: Whole buffer: S8 304,622 MPix/s 1,768 MPix/s +17129,8%
Readback: 32x32 region: R8G8B8A8 46,660 MPix/s 9,703 MPix/s +380,9%
Readback: 32x32 region: B8G8R8A8 51,128 MPix/s 9,724 MPix/s +425,8%
Readback: 32x32 region: R8G8B8 45,661 MPix/s 9,738 MPix/s +368,9%
Readback: 32x32 region: B8G8R8 46,146 MPix/s 9,677 MPix/s +376,9%
Readback: 32x32 region: Zuint 46,798 MPix/s 1,732 MPix/s +2602,0%
Readback: 32x32 region: Zfloat 46,241 MPix/s 1,633 MPix/s +2731,7%
Readback: 32x32 region: S8 48,492 MPix/s 1,633 MPix/s +2869,5%
So z.B. auch beim Shadermark 2.1: Eine 6800 Ultra arbeitet hier taktbereinigt zwar schneller als das Ati Pendant, jedoch ist das absolut kein Indikator für die tatsächliche Effizienz eines Chips, da die Verlustleistung des NV40 taktbereinigt auch deutlich höher als bei den Ati Chips ist. Das heisst, der Kunde hat durch den niedrigeren Takt keinerlei Vorteil. Man dürfte demnach höchstens den Kaufpreis oder die Verlustleistung miteinbeziehen um entweder die fps/€ oder die fps/W auszurechnen.
Und plötzlich bleibt von der, lange Zeit propagierten, überlegenen Shaderleistung des NV40, genausowenig übrig wie von der ebenfalls lang geglaubten Mär des besseren AF.
Anzumerken wären auch die enormen Leistungsunterschiede beim AGP Readback wo NV mit der 6800Ultra bis zu 170x (!!) schneller ist, als ATi mit der x850xt pe. Wobei der Archmark überhaupt ein extremer Benchmark ist, da diverse Tests sowohl bei ATi als auch bei NV tw. deutlich mehr als 1000% höhere Werte ergeben als bei der Konkurrenz.
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
Pixel Shader 158,5 fps 155,2 fps +2,1%
Vertex Shader - Simple 50,5 MVertices/s 66,5 MVertices/s +31,7%
Vertex Shader - Complex 38,2 MVertices/s 50,0 MVertices/s +30,9%
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
Dynamic Occlusion Culling 95,63 fps 92,73 fps +3,1%
High Particle Count 58,16 fps 66,59 fps +14,5%
Masket Environment Mapping 78,64 fps 78,79 fps +0,2%
Large Scale Vegetation Rendering 38,69 fps 57,93 fps +49,7%
Large Scale Terrain Rendering 67,45 fps 71,42 fps +5,9%
Vertex and Pixel Lighting 78,92 fps 78,65 fps +0.3%
3D Volumetric Fog 84,79 fps 78,95 fps +7.4%
Complex Multimaterial Shader 70,70 fps 67,02 fps +5.5%
Massive Overdraw 55,50 fps 54,03 fps +2.7%
insgesamt 67,55 fps 71,27 fps +5,5%
Aquamark 4xAA
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
Dynamic Occlusion Culling 95,26 fps 92,91 fps +2.5%
High Particle Count 36,69 fps 50,69 fps +38,2%
Masket Environment Mapping 75,78 fps 77,18 fps +1,8%
Large Scale Vegetation Rendering 35,88 fps 54,30 fps +51,3%
Large Scale Terrain Rendering 66,69 fps 71,05 fps +6,5%
Vertex and Pixel Lighting 75,67 fps 77,64 fps +2,6%
3D Volumetric Fog 78,73 fps 76,69 fps +2.7%
Complex Multimaterial Shader 60,32 fps 65,63 fps +8,8%
Massive Overdraw 39,85 fps 49,93 fps +25,3%
insgesamt 58,48 fps 67,45 fps +13,3%
Fillrate Tester
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
FFP - Pure fillrate 6152 Mpixels/s 6003 Mpixels/s +2.5%
FFP - Z pixel rate 11768 Mpixels/s 7822 Mpixels/s +50.4%
FFP - Single texture 6056 Mpixels/s 4619 Mpixels/s +31.1%
FFP - Dual texture 3079 Mpixels/s 2558 Mpixels/s +20.4%
FFP - Triple texture 2074 Mpixels/s 1818 Mpixels/s +14.1%
FFP - Quad texture 1555 Mpixels/s 1263 Mpixels/s +23.1%
PS 1.1 - Simple 3125 Mpixels/s 4196 Mpixels/s +34,3%
PS 1.4 - Simple 3125 Mpixels/s 2824 Mpixels/s +10.7%
PS 2.0 - Simple 3126 Mpixels/s 4196 Mpixels/s +34,2%
PS 2.0 PP - Simple 3125 Mpixels/s 4196 Mpixels/s +34,3%
PS 2.0 - Longer 1568 Mpixels/s 2126 Mpixels/s +35,6%
PS 2.0 PP - Longer 1567 Mpixels/s 2126 Mpixels/s +35,7%
PS 2.0 - Longer 4 Registers 1568 Mpixels/s 1706 Mpixels/s +8,8%
PS 2.0 PP - Longer 4 Registers 1568 Mpixels/s 1706 Mpixels/s +8,8%
PS 2.0 - Per Pixel Lighting 485 Mpixels/s 611 Mpixels/s +26,0%
PS 2.0 PP - Per Pixel Lighting 696 Mpixels/s 611 Mpixels/s +13.9%
Fillrate Tester 4xAA
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
FFP - Pure fillrate 3053 Mpixels/s 3378 Mpixels/s +10,6%
FFP - Z pixel rate 3054 Mpixels/s 4077 Mpixels/s +33,5%
FFP - Single texture 3049 Mpixels/s 2743 Mpixels/s +11,3%
FFP - Dual texture 2852 Mpixels/s 2159 Mpixels/s +32,1%
FFP - Triple texture 2005 Mpixels/s 1609 Mpixels/s +24,6%
FFP - Quad texture 1514 Mpixels/s 1158 Mpixels/s +30,7%
PS 1.1 - Simple 3029 Mpixels/s 3244 Mpixels/s +7,1%
PS 1.4 - Simple 3031 Mpixels/s 2731 Mpixels/s +11,0%
PS 2.0 - Simple 3029 Mpixels/s 3245 Mpixels/s +7,1%
PS 2.0 PP - Simple 3029 Mpixels/s 3244 Mpixels/s +7,1%
PS 2.0 - Longer 1553 Mpixels/s 3244 Mpixels/s +108,9%
PS 2.0 PP - Longer 1553 Mpixels/s 2073 Mpixels/s +33,5%
PS 2.0 - Longer 4 Registers 1553 Mpixels/s 2074 Mpixels/s +33,5%
PS 2.0 PP - Longer 4 Registers 1553 Mpixels/s 1671 Mpixels/s +7,6%
PS 2.0 - Per Pixel Lighting 481 Mpixels/s 602 Mpixels/s +25,2%
PS 2.0 PP - Per Pixel Lighting 691 Mpixels/s 602 Mpixels/s +14,8%
HSRBench - normale Shader
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
Front to back, 8x Overdraw 1619,97 fps 2897,09 fps +78,8%
Front to back, 64x Overdraw 419,38 fps 1384,57 fps +230,1%
Back to front, 8x Overdraw 375,95 fps 375,75 fps +0,1%
Back to front, 64x Overdraw 48,11 fps 46,42 fps +3,6%
Random order, 8x Overdraw 902,29 fps 1095,20 fps +21,4%
Random order, 64x Overdraw 288,25 fps 523,91 fps +81,8%
Random with pre-Z, 8x Overdraw 1046,94 fps 1487,94 fps +42,1%
Random with pre-Z, 64x Overdraw 218,04 fps 631,00 fps +189,4%
HSRBench - komplexe Shader
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
Front to back, 8x Overdraw 169,59 fps 181,05 fps +6,8%
Front to back, 64x Overdraw 128,33 fps 169,77 fps +32,3%
Back to front, 8x Overdraw 23,36 fps 22,82 fps +2,4%
Back to front, 64x Overdraw 2,92 fps 2,85 fps +2,5%
Random order, 8x Overdraw 66,75 fps 66,49 fps +0,4%
Random order, 64x Overdraw 35,79 fps 38,16 fps +6,6%
Random with pre-Z, 8x Overdraw 164,25 fps 170,62 fps +3,9%
Random with pre-Z, 64x Overdraw 98,09 fps 147,53 fps +50,4%
Shadermark 2.1
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
Per Pixel Diffuse Lighting 900 fps 1026 fps +14,0%
Per Pixel Directional Light Shader (Phong) 720 fpS 762 fps +5,8%
Per Pixel Point Light Shader (Phong) 720 fps 758 fps +5,3%
Per Pixel Spot Light Shader (Phong) 660 fps 630 fps +4,8%
Per Pixel Anisotropic Lighting 719 fps 762 fps +6,0%
Per Pixel Fresnel Reflections 658 fps 667 fps +1,4%
Per Pixel Car Surface Shader 415 fps 433 fps +4,3%
Per Pixel Environment Mapping 1078 fps 1303 fps +20,9%
Per Pixel Environment Bump Mapping 840 fps 853 fps +1,5%
Per Pixel Bump Mapping 704 fps 720 fps +2,3%
Per Pixel Shadowed Bump Mapping 460 fps 263 fps +74,9%
Per Pixel Veined Marble Shader 420 fps 368 fps +14,1%
Per Pixel Wood Shader 445 fps 421 fps +5,7%
Per Pixel Tile Shader 324 fps 299 fps +8,4%
Per Pixel Refraction and Reflection Shader with Phong Lighting 345 fps 347 fps +0,6%
Per Pixel BRDF-Phong/Anisotropic Lighting 421 fps 445 fps +5,7%
Fur Shader With Anisotropic Lighting 54 fps 47 fps +14,9%
Combination Effect 178 fps 145 fps +22,8%
Dual Layer 8x8 PCF Shadow Mapping without Flow Control 61 fps 48 fps +27.1%
Dual Layer 8x8 PCF Shadow Mapping with Flow Control 90 fps -
High Dynamic Range Shader - low quality version without filtering 120 fps 216 fps +80,0%
High Dynamic Range Shader - high quality with fp filtering 132 fps -
High Dynamic Range Shader - high quality without fp filtering 82 fps 150 fps +82,9%
Per Pixel Edge Detection And Hatching Shader using 1 RT and 2 Passes 94 fps 125 fps +33,0%
Per Pixel Edge Detection And Hatching Shader using 2 RTs and 1 Pass 90 fps 122 fps +35,6%
6800 Ultra X850XT PE
Fillrate: 32 bits: Col 6,320 GPix/s 6,315 GPix/s +0,1%
Fillrate: 32 bits: Z 12,555 GPix/s 8,532 GPix/s +47,2%
Fillrate: 32 bits: ColZ 6,320 GPix/s 5,013 GPix/s +26.1%
Fillrate: 32 bits: ZPassColZ 6,118 GPix/s 3,002 GPix/s +103,8%
Fillrate: 32 bits: ZCullLEqual 24,747 GPix/s 122,713 GPix/s +395,9%
Fillrate: 32 bits: ZCullGEqual 6,320 GPix/s 122,561 GPix/s +1839,3%
Fillrate: 32 bits: ZCullEqual 24,747 GPix/s 8,532 GPix/s +190,2%
Fillrate: 32 bits: S 12,555 GPix/s 8,542 GPix/s +47,0%
Fillrate: 32 bits: SCull 24,746 GPix/s 8,541 GPix/s +189,7%
Fillrate: 32 bits: stencil: S 12,514 GPix/s 6,901 GPix/s +81,7%
Fillrate: 32 bits: stencil: ZFailS 10,098 GPix/s 6,901 GPix/s +46,3%
Fillrate: 32 bits: stencil: z test: S 12,513 GPix/s 6,901 GPix/s +81,3%
Fillrate: 32 bits: stencil: z test: ZS 10,098 GPix/s 6,901 GPix/s +46,3%
Fillrate: 32 bits: stencil: z test: Col 6,320 GPix/s 6,316 GPix/s +0,1%
Fillrate: 32 bits: stencil: z test: ColZ 6,320 GPix/s 5,035 GPix/s +25,5%
Fillrate: 32 bits: stencil: z test: ColS 6,281 GPix/s 2,993 GPix/s +109,9%
Fillrate: 32 bits: stencil: z test: ColZS 6,320 GPix/s 2,993 GPix/s +111,2%
Fillrate: 16 bits: Col 6,320 GPix/s 8,466 GPix/s +34,0%
Fillrate: 16 bits: Z 12,555 GPix/s 8,221 GPix/s +52,7%
Fillrate: 16 bits: ColZ 6,320 GPix/s 5,903 GPix/s +7,1%
Fillrate: 16 bits: ZPassColZ 5,451 GPix/s 3,381 GPix/s +61,2%
Fillrate: 16 bits: ZCullLEqual 24,747 GPix/s 75,047 GPix/s +203,3%
Fillrate: 16 bits: ZCullGEqual 6,320 GPix/s 122,613 GPix/s +1840,1%
Fillrate: 16 bits: ZCullEqual 24,747 GPix/s 8,529 GPix/s +190,2%
Bandwith: available: All 48,980 GB/s 50,384 GB/s +2,9%
Bandwith: available: Color 33,883 GB/s 26,713 GB/s +26,8%
Bandwith: available: ZAndStencil 88,319 GB/s 198,561 GB/s +124,8%
Bandwith: available: Z 190,289 GB/s 148,655 GB/s +28,0%
Bandwith: available: Stencil 32,865 GB/s 6,771 GB/s +385,4%
Bandwith: Draw 38,076 GB/s 34,112 GB/s +11,6%
Bandwith: BurnedByRAMDAC 267,387 GB/s 267,387 GB/s +-0.0%
Bandwith: Physical 38,343 GB/s 34,379 GB/s +11,5%
Geometry: Plain vertices: Fan 132,748 MTris/s 224,446 MTris/s +69,1%
Geometry: Plain vertices: List 105,485 MTris/s 76,487 MTris/s +37,9%
Geometry: Plain vertices: Clip 105,487 MTris/s 7,537 MTris/s +1299,6%
Geometry: Vertex shading: LightD1 53,087 MTris/s 68,924 MTris/s +29,8%
Geometry: Vertex shading: LightP1 35,686 MTris/s 34,669 MTris/s +2,9%
Geometry: Vertex shading: Light P8 10,480 MTris/s 15,584 MTris/s +48,7%
Texturing: Bilinear: 1 texture 6,309 GPix/s 8,002 GPix/s +26,8%
Texturing: Bilinear: 2 texture 3,160 GPix/s 4,163 GPix/s +31,7%
Texturing: Bilinear: 3 texture 2,107 GPix/s 2,805 GPix/s +33,1%
Texturing: Bilinear: 4 texture 1,569 GPix/s 2,115 GPix/s +34,8%
Texturing: Trilinear: 1 texture 3,732 GPix/s 4,110 GPix/s +10,1%
Texturing: Trilinear: 2 texture 1,866 GPix/s 2,087 GPix/s +11,8%
Texturing: Trilinear: 3 texture 1,240 GPix/s 1,399 GPix/s +12,8%
Texturing: Trilinear: 4 texture 0,928 GPix/s 1,013 GPix/s +9,2%
Readback: Whole buffer: R8G8B8A8 229,224 MPix/s 31,538 MPix/s +626,8%
Readback: Whole buffer: B8G8R8A8 241,823 MPix/s 33,553 MPix/s +620,7%
Readback: Whole buffer: R8G8B8 240,116 MPix/s 34,187 MPix/s +601,8%
Readback: Whole buffer: B8G8R8 254,853 MPix/s 34,216 MPix/s +644,8%
Readback: Whole buffer: Zuint 236,952 MPix/s 1,758 MPix/s +13378,4%
Readback: Whole buffer: Zfloat 218,980 MPix/s 1,763 MPix/s +12320,9%
Readback: Whole buffer: S8 304,622 MPix/s 1,768 MPix/s +17129,8%
Readback: 32x32 region: R8G8B8A8 46,660 MPix/s 9,703 MPix/s +380,9%
Readback: 32x32 region: B8G8R8A8 51,128 MPix/s 9,724 MPix/s +425,8%
Readback: 32x32 region: R8G8B8 45,661 MPix/s 9,738 MPix/s +368,9%
Readback: 32x32 region: B8G8R8 46,146 MPix/s 9,677 MPix/s +376,9%
Readback: 32x32 region: Zuint 46,798 MPix/s 1,732 MPix/s +2602,0%
Readback: 32x32 region: Zfloat 46,241 MPix/s 1,633 MPix/s +2731,7%
Readback: 32x32 region: S8 48,492 MPix/s 1,633 MPix/s +2869,5%