Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : VIA bringt CN700 IGP Chipset

2005-12-08, 16:36:26
The first chipset to support the new VIA C7™ processor family, the VIA CN700 is fully optimized to provide an outstanding HD digital media experience. Featuring the all new high bandwidth V4 bus as well as support for DDR2 memory modules, the VIA CN700 delivers a highly advanced solution for developers interested in designing a wide range of powerful embedded and desktop devices.

VIA Announces CN700 IGP Chipset for the VIA C7™ Processor (http://www.viatech.com/en/resources/pressroom/2005_archive/pr051208cn700.jsp)


Naja ... HDTV ahoi! :biggrin:

2005-12-08, 16:43:09
Wasn das fürn alter shit?! :O

Das Teil schaut aus wie ein PM800 :|

Korrektur: P4M800 X-D

2005-12-08, 17:10:02
Vermutlich ist der 'retrokram' für die mini-itx/nano linie :rolleyes:
Da hat die CN400 dann abgegessen :wink: