Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Richard <-> Dick
2005-12-12, 02:14:19
I often hear the two names for one person. Why is it the same?
2005-12-12, 10:22:59
There are several short forms for names. Like Dick for Richard, Bill for William etc.
Edit: Kenny for Kenneth, Charly for Charles, Olli(e) for Oliver :usweet:
2005-12-12, 14:17:47
Jack <-> John
wtf?! but thx anyway. :usweet:
Jim <-> James <-- This one I know from star trek. I always wondered why he is sometimes called Jim. :smile:
Robert -> Bob ist auch noch ein Beispiel.
Sorry, that I wrote my answer in german. I overlooked that I was posting in the english forum. ;)
2005-12-25, 22:01:08
but richard and dick sound totally different... and the only similarity is the i folowed by a c... confusing...
well my name sascha, is the short form for alexander in russian, doesnt make sense either... weird stuff...
2005-12-26, 16:17:23
Yeah... Richard = Dick = penis - weird. :|
2005-12-31, 16:50:19
Well...probably the English realised that some of their names are not that great or simply a bit too long... :biggrin:
And 'cos so many ppl are called James, they not only sometimes call them Jim but also Jamie.
2006-01-04, 14:22:44
well yeah, that makes sense and its done globaly, not only in england of the us, but richard = dick?
id rather think of richie as a short form of richard...
bernhard = bernd...richard = rich oder richie... aber wieso dick?
there must be some logical explanation....
i think sascha and alexander are related because of the kyrillic letters the names get written with, but im not sure...
richard... dick...
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