2006-03-05, 10:34:24
OK, this is definitely off-topic. But has been fun, anyway. Recently, Skype and Intel have announced a deal that would limit Skype functionality on all but specific Intel processors. Skype 2.0 offers 10-way conference calls only on Intel’s latest dual-core CPUs, while other chips, including all AMD chips, will only offer 5-way conference calls.
I’ve built a patch that cancels this limitation. As the details in the article reveal, the code logic behind the limitation is quite simple: If it’s a CPU with “GenuineIntel” branding and has at least two cores, then allow 10 users; else limit to 5 users.
First Apple, now Skype, and who’s next in the lame Let’s-lock-out-AMD game? Is someone afraid here? Let me guess…
Note: I have updated the patch on Mar, 5. The original (previous) one was not working properly (e.g. Skype would probably close when receiving a call).
I’ve built a patch that cancels this limitation. As the details in the article reveal, the code logic behind the limitation is quite simple: If it’s a CPU with “GenuineIntel” branding and has at least two cores, then allow 10 users; else limit to 5 users.
First Apple, now Skype, and who’s next in the lame Let’s-lock-out-AMD game? Is someone afraid here? Let me guess…
Note: I have updated the patch on Mar, 5. The original (previous) one was not working properly (e.g. Skype would probably close when receiving a call).