2001-08-05, 22:30:13
ich habe meinen rechner neu installiert,
alles hat wunderbar funktioniert,
dannach wollte ich office installieren,
auch das hat noch funktioniert.
Als ich aber outlook öffnen wollte erhielt ich diese fehlermeldung:
Der Ordner kann nicht angezeigt werden. Microsoft Outlook konnte nicht auf den angegebenen Ordnerspeicher zugreifen.
Die DLL-Datei des Informationsdienstes kann nicht gefunden werden.
Der Informationsdienst "PSTPRX.DLL" kann nicht geladen werden.
Überprüfen Sie, ob der Dienst installiert und konfiguriert ist.
ich habe office drüberinstalliert
habe eine andere version installiert,
habe office deinstaliert und wieder installiert
an der cd liegt es nicht (hat später auf anderem system
ich weiß jetzt nich mehr weiter ,
helt mir bitte
2001-08-05, 23:21:52
Win ME
Office 2000 Premium
2001-08-05, 23:25:49
wars du jetzt der Unreg oder rät´s du hier nur?
2001-08-05, 23:48:53
Und ich dachte schon du hättest es jetzt gelernt dich richtig zu artikulieren *eg*
Ist das Office wirklich frisch oder war da schon XP drauf?
Der Ordner den er nicht öffnen kann ist ein "Personal Folder" mit Endung .pst. Grund: Ist nicht da oder falsch und muss erst noch angelegt werden.
Das passiert aber eigenlich nur wenn das MAPI nicht funktioniert. (MAPI=Messaging Application Programming Interface) MAPI wird aber nur als Corporate/Workgroup Installation aktiviert.
Such ...
such ...
such ...
In Outlook 2000, information services enable you to control how e-mail systems address and deliver your messages, as well as how your messages and folders are stored. This article describes the information services that are available with Outlook, and how to add them to your user profile.
User Profiles
A user profile is a group of settings that define how Outlook is set up for a particular user. For example, a profile may include access to a mailbox on Microsoft Exchange Server, and specify that the Outlook Address Book appear in the Address Book dialog box. A profile can contain any number of information services.
You need some additional information to create a profile that only your Internet service provider (ISP) can provide, or your system administrator. This information includes your account name, password, and the server names required to connect to the e-mail server. Please contact your ISP, or systems administrator to obtain this information.
Generally, you only need one user profile. If you sometimes need to work with a different set of information services, it may be helpful to create an additional profile to use those services. If more than one person uses the same computer, each person should have a separate profile to keep personal items secure.
You can copy an existing user profile, rename it, and then modify it as needed to create your profile. You can have Outlook start with the same profile every time, or you can select a profile to use each time you start Outlook.
How to Add a User Profile
Use the following steps to add a user profile to your computer:
Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
Double-click either the Mail or the Mail and Fax icon.
Click Show Profiles.
In the Mail and Fax dialog box, click Add.
Follow the prompts of the Inbox Setup Wizard.
How to Receive a Prompt for a User Profile
If you have set up more than one profile on your computer, you can have Outlook prompt you for the profile that you want to use when it starts. To do this:
Start Outlook.
On the Tools menu, click Options.
On the Mail Services tab, click Prompt for a profile to be used, and then click OK.
On the File menu, click Exit and Log Off.
This takes effect the next time that you start Outlook.
Information Services
Information services are settings that make it possible to send, store, receive messages, and specify where to store addresses. Before you can use an information service, you must add it to your user profile.
You can have multiple information services in a user profile. For example, you can have multiple sets of personal folders (.pst) files in a single profile, and you can have Internet E-mail and Exchange Server in the same profile. However, you cannot always have two of the same e-mail services in a profile, for example, two Exchange Server services. Personal folders (.pst) files and Internet e-mail are the exception. If the service does not allow a duplicate in your profile, for example the Exchange Server service, when you try to add the second copy of the service ,you may receive the following error message:
Outlook can only support one Exchange Server account at one time and you already have one setup.
You can specify the delivery location for incoming messages, the location of your Personal Address Book, and the use of any personal folders (.pst) files that you create with information services. You can also set up information services to connect to other e-mail systems. For example, you may have two information services in your user profile, Exchange Server for sending and receiving messages and a Personal Address Book for storing personal distribution lists.
Microsoft Exchange Server
The complete Outlook feature set is available with Exchange Server, which supports a server-based message store, message transport, and global address book. In the Corporate Workgroup configuration, Outlook offers advanced e-mail features, group scheduling, personal information management, document explorer, and custom groupware applications.
NOTE: The Exchange Server service is included with Outlook, but users must acquire an Exchange Server client access license separately.
Internet E-mail
With the Internet e-mail service, Outlook functions as a full- featured e-mail client integrated with desktop information management and the Outlook document explorer. You store messages locally in a .pst file, and remotely connect to and download messages from an Internet e-mail service provider (ISP). You can store e-mail addresses in the Outlook Contacts folder or a Personal Address Book.
Microsoft Mail
If you use the Microsoft Mail service, you store messages locally in a personal folders (.pst) file, but work connected primarily through the Local Area Network (LAN) to a postoffice. The postoffice provides the messaging transport and central address book or e-mail directory. In this configuration, Outlook functions as a full-featured e-mail client integrated with basic group scheduling, for example, sending and receiving meeting requests, personal information management, and the Outlook document explorer.
How to Add an Information Service
Use the following steps to add an information service to a user profile:
On the Tools menu, click Services, and then click Add.
In Available Information Services, click to select the information service that you want to add, and then click OK.
Follow the prompts for adding specific information for the Information service that you selected.
If the information service you need is not in the list, you may need to install it separately.
Additional Services
The following are the additional information services.
Outlook Address Book
The Outlook Address Book is created from contacts in your Contacts folder and includes an entry in the E-mail field or a Fax telephone number field, and you can have multiple e-mail addresses for each contact. When you update your contacts in the Contacts folder, the Outlook Address Book is updated at the same time. The Contacts folder appears as a separate entry under Outlook Address Book. A new feature in Outlook 2000 allows you to create distribution lists from your contacts. To do this, open your Contacts folder, and then click new Distribution List on the Actions menu.
Personal Address Book
A Personal Address Book is best used to store personal distribution lists that you frequently address messages to, such as a list of everyone on the racquetball team. If you use Exchange Server, you can also add an address for a public folder to the Personal Address Book. Personal Address Book files have a .pab extension, and can be stored on a disk.
NOTE: The ability to create a Distribution List in your contacts may eliminate the need for a Personal Address Book.
Personal Folders (.pst) Files
Personal folders (.pst) files are folders that you create to store messages on your hard disk, or on another server. You add a main personal folders (.pst) file as a service to the user profile, and give it a file name. Personal folders (.pst) files have a .pst extension.
2001-08-05, 23:57:16
Wie ich sehe beherrscht du perfekt das 10Fingersystem
2001-08-06, 00:05:46
In meiner Jugend mal
320 Anschläge / min mit 0 Fehlern
jetzt sind die Finger aber schon etwas breiter.
2001-08-06, 00:09:39
Strg + c bzw. + v rulez ;)
2001-08-06, 15:28:34
unregistered = thomasius
die sache von Thowe war auch mein erster Gedanke,
hat aber nicht funktioniert, trotz eingerichtetem
wie mein Bruder schon sagte
Win ME
Office 2000 Premium, als Office 2000 nicht funktionierte habe ich XP genommen, aber selbe fehler tritt dort auch
2001-08-06, 18:20:27
Wenn das Problem nach einer Neuinstallation (von Windows) immer noch auftritt würd ich mir Gedanken machen.
2001-08-07, 05:07:06
ich wollt eigentlich nicht neu installieren, sonst hätte ich ja nicht gepostet, daß neuinstallation funxt, weiß ich auch,
aber ich möchte das Problem gerne so lösen
2001-08-08, 11:37:00
ich habe rausgefunden woran es lag:
ich hatte bei der install von me outlook express nicht installiert (wußte nich, dass man das braucht wenn man office installiert)
ich habe office noch mal deinstalliert
OExpress mußte ich von hand rüberkopieren, da bei nachinstallation immer ein Fehler auftrat
dann habe ich extress konfiguriert und office installiert
und siehe da es hat funktioniert!!
Dank an alle für die Tips
2001-08-08, 12:06:14
das mit OutlookExpress hat ich dir zwar schon mal gesagt aber wahrscheinlich reicht einfach nachinstallieren nicht
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