Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : RAM - Disk

2002-08-28, 21:13:09
Hab seit eben, 1 GB RAM im Rechner und möchte nun ne grosse RAM Disk einrichten.
Kennt jemand gute Tools?


2002-08-28, 22:33:54
Microsoft Ramdrive?

2002-08-28, 22:50:05
Originally posted by FormatC
Microsoft Ramdrive?

das geht nur bis zu 32 mb !!! grösser kann man eine ramdisk damit nicht machen.


damit gehts !

2002-08-28, 23:29:23

2002-08-29, 01:43:09
Originally posted by Lotus
WinXP-Unerstützung ist übrigens noch nicht. Will RAMDisk NT/2000 work with Windows XP?
We have heard from some users that RAMDiskNT/2000 works on XP. This is not our official position, however, because we have heard from some users that they have had problems with this. We are working on full XP compatibility at the moment and will have an announcement it in the near future.

In the meantime, you are welcome to try out our trial version to determine if you are among those for whom it works. Our formal suggestion is to wait until our XP version is released.

Und dass mir bitte nicht wieder jemand mit dem Unsinn "Swap file auf RAM-Disk" anfängt ...While there are some situations where it could be desirable (even necessary) to place the pagefile on a RAM disk, keep in mind that you rarely win by taking RAM away from the operating system for a RAM disk to be used to host the pagefile (in principle forcing the system to page more).