2006-11-18, 22:08:39
ich habe gerade eine absolut geile race story im max bimmer forum gelesen, die ich euch nicht vorenthalten möchte.
wie der typ schreibt : er ist kein race-junkie! also bevor hier leute wieder rummeckern, das ist keine heizer-community oder so ;)
95M3 Supercharger VS E90 335i
Ok, I have been behaving my self over the past year or so. Many opponents have approached me in my BMW’s and motorcycles trying to bait me for a go; however I just did not bite. Now you might ask why? That’s a good question that I’m still trying to answer to my self.
Is it maybe that I have reached that stage in my life where I’d rather just cruise and not race every; Tom, Dick or Harry that comes along or is it just that I’m getting old. I guess time will only tell.
However there comes a time when you just have to educate some people in this world.
So here goes one well thought lesson to an unexpected BMW owner.
I noticed that my van’s rear brakes squeaked under light breaking. During the inspection I found that the rear left axle seal was the culprit, it leaked fluid all over my brake shoes. I did not think it was safe to drive the vehicle to pick up a new seal so I decided to take the M3. The M was stored for the winter however it is a really nice warm sunny day, so I decided to jump in the M and take a drive to a city that’s 20km from my home.
I love my 540i however the M3 is my true love, I never had a car that I felt so comfortable in. It was a boring drive to the parts store however on the way back is where the schooling began.
I’m enjoying this unusual warm evening in November, glancing in the rearview mirror I notice these headlight approaching me in the fast lane at warp speed. Glancing at my speedo and showing 120Kmh, keeping a 10 car distance between the vehicle in front of me while passing slower moving vehicles.
All of a sudden it felt like I was driving during the day, WTF? He didn’t, he did, and the vehicle now out of warp drive and directly behind me turned on his high beams and kept them on. I had nowhere to go, glancing in the rear view mirror I noticed “Angel Eyes” another BMW.
The vehicle in front finally passed the slower moving vehicles and moved over. Leaving the M3 in 5th gear and feeding the engine with more fuel I started to pull away from this nuisance of a BMW owner. “Not” to my surprise the BMW started to gain on me and planted his front end no more then a car length behind me. Once I dispensed the slower vehicles I moved over and waited for the other vehicle to make his move.
Glancing over to my left and expecting the vehicle to blow buy me, to my surprise he was creeping up, once door to door he matched my speed, and well we know what that means.
We drove for about 2km side by side, with a clear road ahead for what looks like 2km I slowly bring my opponent down to 100kmh.
With out warning he is on WOT and starts to pull away, as his trunk passes me I glance at the badge “335i” Kewl twin turbo Bimmer with an arrogant owner. With now a clear car length ahead of me and pulling away my M3 still in 5th gear, to my shock I noticed a passenger waving "bye" to me. Oh hell no you don’t, down shift into 3rd, WOT the supercharger comes to life, with sounds coming from my engine bay that of a Hoover on steroids, glancing ahead with my opponent now about 3 cars ahead.
5000, 6000, 7000, 7500rpm shift into 4th. With his disappearing act now halted as the M3 comes to life I started to gain on him roll down my driver window I catch up to him and match his speed. We were both accelerating up to 200kmh until he decided to slow down.
I don’t know what he was thinking however he got our speed down to 100kmh again.
With my window open I down shift to 3rd the sound of my engine echoing of his vehicle, I wait for him to make his next move. Without warning his car lurches forward gains about 3 ft before I respond. With me on WOT I halt his advance and start passing him, 6000, 7000, 7500 shift into 4th. With my left hand out the window I wave goodbye, us I keep putting car lengths on him. 6000, 7000, 7500 shift into 5th.
By this time I was doing well over 240Kmh and decided to slow down, glancing in my side view mirror the other BMW now at least 15 to 20 car lengths behind, he is still on WOT as he flashes by me. To my surprise the passenger extended his right hand out. I thought to give me thumbs up sign instead I got the middle finger.
I guess the driver and passenger never liked school.
;D X-D
ich habe gerade eine absolut geile race story im max bimmer forum gelesen, die ich euch nicht vorenthalten möchte.
wie der typ schreibt : er ist kein race-junkie! also bevor hier leute wieder rummeckern, das ist keine heizer-community oder so ;)
95M3 Supercharger VS E90 335i
Ok, I have been behaving my self over the past year or so. Many opponents have approached me in my BMW’s and motorcycles trying to bait me for a go; however I just did not bite. Now you might ask why? That’s a good question that I’m still trying to answer to my self.
Is it maybe that I have reached that stage in my life where I’d rather just cruise and not race every; Tom, Dick or Harry that comes along or is it just that I’m getting old. I guess time will only tell.
However there comes a time when you just have to educate some people in this world.
So here goes one well thought lesson to an unexpected BMW owner.
I noticed that my van’s rear brakes squeaked under light breaking. During the inspection I found that the rear left axle seal was the culprit, it leaked fluid all over my brake shoes. I did not think it was safe to drive the vehicle to pick up a new seal so I decided to take the M3. The M was stored for the winter however it is a really nice warm sunny day, so I decided to jump in the M and take a drive to a city that’s 20km from my home.
I love my 540i however the M3 is my true love, I never had a car that I felt so comfortable in. It was a boring drive to the parts store however on the way back is where the schooling began.
I’m enjoying this unusual warm evening in November, glancing in the rearview mirror I notice these headlight approaching me in the fast lane at warp speed. Glancing at my speedo and showing 120Kmh, keeping a 10 car distance between the vehicle in front of me while passing slower moving vehicles.
All of a sudden it felt like I was driving during the day, WTF? He didn’t, he did, and the vehicle now out of warp drive and directly behind me turned on his high beams and kept them on. I had nowhere to go, glancing in the rear view mirror I noticed “Angel Eyes” another BMW.
The vehicle in front finally passed the slower moving vehicles and moved over. Leaving the M3 in 5th gear and feeding the engine with more fuel I started to pull away from this nuisance of a BMW owner. “Not” to my surprise the BMW started to gain on me and planted his front end no more then a car length behind me. Once I dispensed the slower vehicles I moved over and waited for the other vehicle to make his move.
Glancing over to my left and expecting the vehicle to blow buy me, to my surprise he was creeping up, once door to door he matched my speed, and well we know what that means.
We drove for about 2km side by side, with a clear road ahead for what looks like 2km I slowly bring my opponent down to 100kmh.
With out warning he is on WOT and starts to pull away, as his trunk passes me I glance at the badge “335i” Kewl twin turbo Bimmer with an arrogant owner. With now a clear car length ahead of me and pulling away my M3 still in 5th gear, to my shock I noticed a passenger waving "bye" to me. Oh hell no you don’t, down shift into 3rd, WOT the supercharger comes to life, with sounds coming from my engine bay that of a Hoover on steroids, glancing ahead with my opponent now about 3 cars ahead.
5000, 6000, 7000, 7500rpm shift into 4th. With his disappearing act now halted as the M3 comes to life I started to gain on him roll down my driver window I catch up to him and match his speed. We were both accelerating up to 200kmh until he decided to slow down.
I don’t know what he was thinking however he got our speed down to 100kmh again.
With my window open I down shift to 3rd the sound of my engine echoing of his vehicle, I wait for him to make his next move. Without warning his car lurches forward gains about 3 ft before I respond. With me on WOT I halt his advance and start passing him, 6000, 7000, 7500 shift into 4th. With my left hand out the window I wave goodbye, us I keep putting car lengths on him. 6000, 7000, 7500 shift into 5th.
By this time I was doing well over 240Kmh and decided to slow down, glancing in my side view mirror the other BMW now at least 15 to 20 car lengths behind, he is still on WOT as he flashes by me. To my surprise the passenger extended his right hand out. I thought to give me thumbs up sign instead I got the middle finger.
I guess the driver and passenger never liked school.
;D X-D