Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : What graphic card is most suited for me?
2002-10-02, 07:04:31
what do you think is the best choise to work with Maya/3DSMax & play sometimes UT 2003:
NV GF 3 TI 500 (Softquadro)
NV GF 4 TI 4600
ATI Radeon 9700
NV Quadro4
3D Labs Wildcat VP 760
NV GF 5 (NV30 ? )
my pc:
AMD Athlon XP 2000+ CPU -> Athlon MP 2200+
AMD Athlon XP 2000+ CPU -> Athlon MP 2200+
THERMALTAKE Volcano 7+ CPU-Cooler
THERMALTAKE Volcano 7+ CPU-Cooler
MSI K7D Master-L Motherboard
CORSAIR 512 MB DDR-RAM ECC Registered CL2.0
CORSAIR 512 MB DDR-RAM ECC Registered CL2.0
THERMALTAKE XaserII A5000+ Case (Miditower)
MAXTOR Diamond Max 60 GB U/DMA133
MAXTOR Diamond Max 60 GB U/DMA133
PROMISE FastTrak 133 TX2000 RAID-Controller
ASUS V8200T5 Deluxe GF3 Ti500
CREATIVE Soundblaster Audigy Player
CREATIVE Inspire 5.1 5300
LITE ON 40x12x48x Writer
TOSHIBA 16x48x DVD-Rom
THX XxPyton
Da passt nur die Radeon9700 zu ;) oder vielmehr eine FireGL X1 *eg*
2002-10-02, 14:13:23
Originally posted by xxpyton
what do you think is the best choise to work with Maya/3DSMax & play sometimes UT 2003:
NV GF 3 TI 500 (Softquadro)
NV GF 4 TI 4600
ATI Radeon 9700
NV Quadro4
3D Labs Wildcat VP 760
NV GF 5 (NV30 ? )
I would Prefer a Radeon 9700 or Fire GL X1 Card, maybe the Wildcat.
Depends on whats more Important for you Maya or UT2003 :)
2002-10-02, 14:14:16
Originally posted by HOT
Da passt nur die Radeon9700 zu ;) oder vielmehr eine FireGL X1 *eg*
You know, that the TI asked in english?? :)
Maybe he doesn't understand, what you're saying :)
2002-10-02, 14:34:49
The Wildcat still has some serious problems with AMD based MP systems.And the DirectX 8.1 performance in general isn`t that good :( . Switching UT2003 to OpenGL is impossible due to the missing texture compression method of the VP that UT2003 uses.
Some results with the benchmark (XP1800,VP760,WinXP):
dm-antalus flyby
13.739572 / 50.491249 / 466.983582 fps
Score = 50.504528
dm-asbestos flyby
14.670597 / 71.440605 / 418.287109 fps
Score = 71.505455
dm-antalus bot
8.135210 / 28.261011 / 69.936768 fps
Score = 28.274078
dm-asbestos bot
15.250437 / 28.562963 / 105.623985 fps
Score = 28.576399
On the other hand the VP is very fast in professional OGL programs and mostly outperforms the competitors in this range.
So it`s up to you...
2002-10-02, 14:38:24
Originally posted by Stefan Payne
You know, that the TI asked in english?? :)
Maybe he doesn't understand, what you're saying :) Strangely enough the TI seems to be using a T-Online dialup connection :|
Hey, falsche Sprache oder was?
Ist mir ja auch schon passiert ... :D
2002-10-02, 14:47:53
Originally posted by zeckensack
Strangely enough the TI seems to be using a T-Online dialup connection :|
h3h3, sowas hab ich auch schon vermutet :)
Aber wie wars nochma:
Man ist solange unschuldig, bis die Schuld bewiesen ist :)
Originally posted by zeckensack
Hey, falsche Sprache oder was?
Ist mir ja auch schon passiert ... :D
h3h3, sowas soll vorkommen :)
Wie wäre es, wenn wir in einigen Foren nur noch englisch 'sprechen' würden?? :)
2002-10-02, 14:55:54
Originally posted by Stefan Payne
Wie wäre es, wenn wir in einigen Foren nur noch englisch 'sprechen' würden?? :) Count me in :D
2002-10-02, 14:56:03
how to understand that vp benchmarks?
what does the 1./2./3. result mean? min/average/max ???
whats up with the quadro4 chip? is it better in games? i've found some benchmarks of quadro4 vs. vp and they have nearly the same performance in maya/3ds max and the price is the same too! i want a good card for maya, playing is on 2. place. so for my work both quadro4 & vp are good, but if i want to play doom 3 in future i don't want to buy a quadro7 or a gf8 :-) next year!
p.s. i heard that the ati 9700 has problems in oGL applications! still true?
THX XxPyton
2002-10-02, 15:03:26
Originally posted by xxpyton
how to understand that vp benchmarks?
what does the 1./2./3. result mean? min/average/max ???Correct.
whats up with the quadro4 chip? is it better in games? i've found some benchmarks of quadro4 vs. vp and they have nearly the same performance in maya/3ds max and the price is the same too! had one of these pro card roundups a while ago if memory serves.
i want a good card for maya, playing is on 2. place. so for my work both quadro4 & vp are good, but if i want to play doom 3 in future i don't want to buy a quadro7 or a gf8 :-) next year! The Wildcat VP will at least get its own rendering codepath in Doom 3, so it should run fun. Speed is still unknown but I'll bet the Quadro 4 will be faster in all games. So if they're the same speed in the 'serious' apps, let your 2nd place decide and go for the Quadro.
p.s. i heard that the ati 9700 has problems in oGL applications! still true?
THX XxPyton Probably right. While already being pretty solid they're still not quite there yet. It's not as bad as some like to make it but it's still true.
At least the Radeons all do pretty fast antialiased lines, so you get the 'quadro features' for free.
2002-10-02, 15:15:23
ok thx guys! its a hard decision! i still don't know if a should wait for the nv30 ???
Originally posted by xxpyton
ok thx guys! its a hard decision! i still don't know if a should wait for the nv30 ???
Wait if u dont necessarily (i´ll never know how to write this word ;) ) need a new Graphicboard, yet.
If u do need one right now, just grab a Quadro4 and have fun with it.
2002-10-02, 17:54:55
will there be a quadro 5 or something like that when the gf5 arrives in stores?
2002-10-02, 18:06:01
Hey, who are we to know? :D
Officially, I won't comment on unannounced products :P ;)
But if history repeats, there will always be a Quadro to every Geforce (or whatever it'll be called).
If you want that you'll have to wait. And noone knows for how long (except for some NVDA suits but they won't talk).
2002-10-02, 18:17:38
guys i have just read something about converting a gf4 to quadro4! there is a kind of switch too. so you can select what cardconfiguration you will use at the next start up! Is this possible or is my "informant" checking if i am so ignorant to believe him? i have never heard such a thing! bullshit?
2002-10-02, 18:50:51
Originally posted by xxpyton
guys i have just read something about converting a gf4 to quadro4! there is a kind of switch too. so you can select what cardconfiguration you will use at the next start up! Is this possible or is my "informant" checking if i am so ignorant to believe him? i have never heard such a thing! bullshit?
it's true... :)
2002-10-02, 18:59:18
where can i find an instruction to convert a gf4 -> q4 ???
whats up with the ati fireGL 8800 or 8700? are they a better choice or aren't they as good as the quadro4(appz/gamez)?
does someone think i have to change some other parts of my pc too?
2002-10-03, 22:25:56
Originally posted by xxpyton
whats up with the ati fireGL 8800 or 8700? are they a better choice or aren't they as good as the quadro4(appz/gamez)?
The FireGL cards are very fast, but expensive, too! For gaming I would buy a Radeon 9700 or GeForce4 TI. FireGL is only for working. Your PC (CPU,RAM...) has an optimal configuration for gaming and Maya/3DSMax. All right?
2002-10-03, 23:08:05
Originally posted by Stefan Payne
Wie wäre es, wenn wir in einigen Foren nur noch englisch 'sprechen' würden?? :)
I second that! Now its your turn to get in touch with the mods to get an english-only section up and running ... ;)
2002-10-03, 23:09:36
Get an ATI 9700Pro and pray for a FireGL mod in tha near future ;)
Originally posted by xxpyton
where can i find an instruction to convert a gf4 -> q4 ???Unwinder (RivaTuner Author) is working at a SoftQuadro Mod for GeForce4
2002-10-03, 23:31:19
Originally posted by aths
Unwinder (RivaTuner Author) is working at a SoftQuadro Mod for GeForce4
... is working on a ... ;)
2002-10-03, 23:46:04
Originally posted by mapel110
... is working on a ... ;)
Wollt ich auch grad sagen... :D
Und das von unserem Rechtschreibpapst aths... *eg* ;)
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