
Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : What graphic card is most suited for me?

2002-10-02, 13:59:41
what do you think is the best choise to work with Maya/3DSMax & play sometimes UT 2003:

NV GF 3 TI 500 (Softquadro)
NV GF 4 TI 4600
ATI Radeon 9700
NV Quadro4
3D Labs Wildcat VP 760
NV GF 5 (NV30 ? )

my pc:

AMD Athlon XP 2000+ CPU -> Athlon MP 2200+
AMD Athlon XP 2000+ CPU -> Athlon MP 2200+
THERMALTAKE Volcano 7+ CPU-Cooler
THERMALTAKE Volcano 7+ CPU-Cooler
MSI K7D Master-L Motherboard
CORSAIR 512 MB DDR-RAM ECC Registered CL2.0
CORSAIR 512 MB DDR-RAM ECC Registered CL2.0
THERMALTAKE XaserII A5000+ Case (Miditower)
MAXTOR Diamond Max 60 GB U/DMA133
MAXTOR Diamond Max 60 GB U/DMA133
PROMISE FastTrak 133 TX2000 RAID-Controller
ASUS V8200T5 Deluxe GF3 Ti500
CREATIVE Soundblaster Audigy Player
CREATIVE Inspire 5.1 5300
LITE ON 40x12x48x Writer
TOSHIBA 16x48x DVD-Rom

THX XxPyton

2002-10-02, 14:10:49
Sorry, xxpyton, but one thread is enough--and this is the wrong board anyway. ;)
