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Was ist der Unterschied? Was hat Opensolaris nicht was Solaris 10 hat?
2007-02-11, 22:41:05
Ich zitiere mal von der OpenSolaris-Homepage (
Solaris Express, Community Release
Solaris Express, Community Release is Sun's binary release for developers (code named "Nevada"). It contains the latest, unsupported release of the OpenSolaris bits as well as additional technology that has not been released into the OpenSolaris source base. Developers can build the OpenSolaris source by using this release as the base system. It is updated every other Friday.
Solaris Express
Solaris Express is Sun's official release of the OpenSolaris bits as well as additional technology that has not been released into the OpenSolaris source base. Sun offers limited support for this release. It's primarily intended for Solaris customers to try out the very latest technology that will eventually be productized by Sun. Solaris Express is updated monthly and is available as a free binary download.
[…]Die in OpenSolaris getesten Technologien wandern – wenn sie einen stabilen Stand erreicht haben – in das „normale“ Solaris, welches etwa alle sechs Monate angereichert mit noch ein wenig kommerzieller Software (z. B. Flash- und Real-Player) in einer aktualisierten Version veröffentlicht wird.
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