2007-09-23, 20:57:59
So, hier mal ein Sammelthread zu den Reviews. Hier wird dann eine Liste der Reviews gepostet und man kann sich dann hier darüber unterhalten.
Im anderen Sammelthread wäre das zu unübersichtlich imo.
Aktuelle Durchschnittswertung: 95.4%
OXM Australia: 10/10 10/10 (
It's hard to imagine a feature of this game that someone won't love (we didn't even get to talk about the robust file sharing, where you can swap gameplay screenshots, edited game films, game setups, and maps). Or you can just look at it as a sum of so many quality parts, that value-wise, Halo 3 is as sure a thing as it gets. Sure, not one aspect of the game is life-changing on its own, but perhaps the package as a whole is. After all, Halo 3 has enough content to keep you stuck to your controller for weeks, if not months or even years.
GamesRadar: 10/10 (§ionId=1000&releaseId=2005000000000000000350)
What's left to say? The single player is bigger and brawnier than anything that's been attempted on a console before. The multiplayer, which already shadowed the competition, has improved to the point of ridiculousness. The new features - Forge, Saved Films, Coop - are frighteningly addictive. And if you don't like any of that, you're always welcome to edit it until you do.
The wait is over. The anticipation was justified. Halo 3 is here. 10/10 (
It’s solid gameplay, immense replayability, online functionality and incredible production values will ensure its place in video game history, and it is, without a doubt, a satisfying and fulfilling close to the beloved trilogy.
Gamereactor Denmark: 10/10 (
Epic and varied campaign with great replay value, extremely comprehensive multiplayer, exciting and well-told story, best Halo game yet
Gamereactor Sweden: 10/10 (
Gamereactor Norway: 10/10 (
Eurogamer: 10/10 (
And yet, hype machine aside, cutting through the crap about console wars and the like, what we find in Halo 3 is quite simply this - the best game yet in one of the best FPS franchises of the era. Better than either of its predecessors, Halo 3 still can't quite escape the category of flawed masterpiece - but this time around, the flaws are so minor that even the most churlish of reviewers would be hard pressed to mark the game down.
Pro-G: 10/10 (
It's Halo, but on a much larger scale; Multiplayer modes to die for; Some of the best audio to grace a video game; Incredible end to the trilogy
Gamespy: 5/5 (
While an argument could be made that the single-player campaign alone wouldn't quite be enough to garner a 5/5 score for Halo 3, the entire package is more than satisfying enough to warrant it. The Forge is a gargantuan achievement that puts game design in the hands of players, daring you to be creative and invent a Halo 3 multiplayer experience all your own. Of course, the multiplayer is every bit as astonishing as it has been in past iterations and even eclipses its predecessors in many respects.
Pressstaronline: Gold Award (
Everything has come together in Halo 3 to form a comprehensive product that has been developed without fear of failure; a game that corrects the vast majority of the mistakes of the past; a game which combines user creativity and interaction across the campaign itself and Bungie’s own website to an extent never before seen in a console release. It’s not a Return of the Jedi, then, but a triumphant Return of the King A (
Halo 3 is a triumph for Bungie. The game exudes so much quality from every facet of the design that it is nothing but groundbreaking. Featuring a mind-blowing campaign, a satisfying ending, and a cavalcade of impressive multiplayer options and longevity, Halo 3 will satisfy fans of the series and gamers alike in every possible way. This game is a truly remarkable achievement and a showcase for the Xbox 360. Halo 3 is exceptional in nearly every regard and is the conclusion to the trilogy that the first two games deserved 9.8 (
Campaign whilst linear has very little backtracking or repetition; Every locale is unique and memorable; 10 - 15 hour average playtime depending on difficulty; The deployable items aren't ground breaking; Best enemy AI in the business; Visuals are not the best on the system, poor character models; Audio trumps the visuals
Famitsu: 10 / 9 / 9 / 9
GameInformer: 9.75 & 9.75 (
CONCEPT: Somehow live up to the hype of Halo in the series’ first next-gen outing
GRAPHICS: Vehicles, enemies, and most environments look fantastic, but human faces and some textures are just plain embarrassing
SOUND: There’s nothing like hearing Halo’s signature “da-da-da-duuum” as you rush into a squad of brutes
PLAYABILITY: Some of the tightest console FPS controls in the biz
ENTERTAINMENT: Deep feature set will keep multiplayer and campaign fans alike playing well into 2008 and beyond
REPLAY: High 9.7 (
Halo 3 is the gaming equivalent of a Hollywood blockbuster. It's not going to revolutionise the genre - it's not meant to - it's meant to be great fun, which it is. Never lose sight of that. The visuals, guns, vehicles, enemies, set-pieces, musical score... they've all been cranked up to 11 to create an experience up there with the best sci-fi properties.
Gamespot Korea: 9.7 (,39051453,39340068-39091082p,00.htm)
Teamxbox: 9.7 (
As I said at the beginning of this review, Halo 3 is the best Xbox 360 game to date. The single-player campaign and storyline are both very strong, but it’s Forge and the Saved Films features that will likely go down in history as Bungie’s crowning achievements. They’ve basically taken everything great about the series and improved upon it in every way, then added some amazing new features that we’ll be using for years to come. The fight may be finished, but this amazing experience is never going to end. 9.6 (
Halo 3, in short, deserves the amount of press and exposure it's getting. It's the product of a team that's on the top of its game and has been given the time they needed to make the game they wanted to make. If you've ever enjoyed an FPS, this is something you'll probably want to check out. 9.5 (
The campaign, which is very good, is Halo 3's weakest point. It doesn't capture the cavalier spirit of the original Halo, but you'll still have fun playing through it. There's no first-person shooter on 360 that can equal Halo 3's blend of cinematic action, adrenaline-pumping shootouts, and male- (and female)-bonding gameplay. Look beyond the gameplay and you have a rich feature set unlike anything ever delivered in a videogame. The Forge and the replay functionality raise the bar for console shooters so high, it may never be surpassed this generation. There will be plenty of aspects for fans to nitpick, but it's hard to argue against Halo 3 as the most complete game available on any console.
IGN UK: 9.5 (
So let’s recap. Single player’s good, without question, but the sheer weight of hype alone brings inevitable disappointment. It would have had to have troubled the very best single-player games ever to reach for those highs but it doesn’t. But it all pales into insignificance against the tech-brimming majesty of the multiplay. Again, the conventional multiplay aspects would have left most reviewers a sweaty mess on their carpets, but Bungie’s innovations have pushed the boundaries on not only what multiplay does, but what multiplayer is. Shooting doesn’t seem to be the be all and end all, all of a sudden. 9.5 (
Halo 3 builds upon the concepts of Halo 2 in ways that you'd expect, but there are also new modes and options that send the series in exciting new directions.
Gamernode: 9.5 (
Halo 3 takes every positive aspect from the first two Halo games, perfects them, puts them in a shinier and better looking package, tosses in wonderful community-driven content for a console game, establishes some awesome environments, and does it so damn well it’s impossible to not have fun while playing.
OXM Deutschland: 93% (
Wir werfen nur ungern drei Euro ins Phrasenschwein, bemühen im Falle von Halo 3 aber dennoch gerne die altbekannte Floskel: Das Warten hat sich gelohnt. Das Entwickler-Studio Bungie beschert allen Fans des Halo-Universums einen mehr als würdigen Abschluss der Trilogie. Halo 3 ist von der ersten bis zur letzten Sekunde eine gelungene Hommage an die ersten beiden Teile und Fans wird nicht nur einmal das Herz aufgehen. Das Gameplay setzt auf alle genialen Features der Vorgänger und bringt etliche hervorragende neue Elemente ins Spiel. Vor allem die gerissene Gegner-KI macht die Einzelspieler-Kampagne ab dem dritten Schwierigkeitsgrad zu einem Meilenstein der Videospiele-Historie. 9/10 (
Danke, Bungie
Zugegeben, in Bezug auf Innovation reißt die Einzelspielerkampagne keine Bäume aus. Ein paar neue Waffen und Fahrzeuge hier, einige überarbeitete Gegner dort, das war es aber auch schon. Allerdings habe ich kein Problem damit, auf innovativen Schnickschnack zu verzichten, wenn ich dafür acht Stunden lang besser unterhalten werde als in einem Hollywood-Blockbuster. Ein dramatischer Höhepunkt jagt den nächsten, die ständigen Gefechte sorgen für schweißnasse Hände. Die Grafik steht zwar etwas hinter Bioshock zurück, dafür wirkt die Welt wie aus einem Guss und nicht so steril wie in den Vorgängern. Design-Patzer wie Backtracking oder sich ständig wiederholende Level werdet ihr zum Glück in Halo 3 nicht finden. Um es kurz zu machen: Halo 3 ist klar der beste Teil der Serie und bietet alle Vorzüge der Vorgänger, ohne deren Fehler zu wiederholen. Ein würdiger Abschluss…..?
OXM Brazil: 9/10
Kikizo: 9/10 (
The Final Word: It would be foolish for any Xbox 360 owner not to pick up Halo 3 as soon as possible this year - before the online opponents you'll be fighting get even tougher... 9/10 (
Despite Halo 3's overall greatness, we can't help but feel somewhat let down by the narrative's lackluster conclusion. But don't dismiss this game as Halo 2 in high definition. Microsoft and Bungie deliver a quality gaming experience that'll outlive its competition. Gamer, prepare to meet your new obsession.
Gamer 2.0: 8.8 (
The story just isn’t put-together well enough, the graphics are disappointing, and the levels have you constantly running back and forth. Yes, if all of these things were rectified, the game would be spectacular. But they’re not.
Arsrechnica: 7/10 (
he score that follows is solely for the single-player campaign and not the product as a whole. Those picking up the title to play alone and offline are missing much of what makes Halo 3 a compelling product. More coverage of the remaining pieces of the puzzle will follow.
All in all, for such a mainstream series, Halo 3 feels surprisingly tailored for the hardcore player. The least interesting part of the game is its basic single-player campaign, which at first sounds like a damning complaint--but the reality is that there are so many ways to experience that campaign, and its best battles are simply so much fun to play again and again, that the package still feels like a great value. Despite its flaws, the Halo series' fundamental gameplay has always been top-notch and this game is no exception.
Im anderen Sammelthread wäre das zu unübersichtlich imo.
Aktuelle Durchschnittswertung: 95.4%
OXM Australia: 10/10 10/10 (
It's hard to imagine a feature of this game that someone won't love (we didn't even get to talk about the robust file sharing, where you can swap gameplay screenshots, edited game films, game setups, and maps). Or you can just look at it as a sum of so many quality parts, that value-wise, Halo 3 is as sure a thing as it gets. Sure, not one aspect of the game is life-changing on its own, but perhaps the package as a whole is. After all, Halo 3 has enough content to keep you stuck to your controller for weeks, if not months or even years.
GamesRadar: 10/10 (§ionId=1000&releaseId=2005000000000000000350)
What's left to say? The single player is bigger and brawnier than anything that's been attempted on a console before. The multiplayer, which already shadowed the competition, has improved to the point of ridiculousness. The new features - Forge, Saved Films, Coop - are frighteningly addictive. And if you don't like any of that, you're always welcome to edit it until you do.
The wait is over. The anticipation was justified. Halo 3 is here. 10/10 (
It’s solid gameplay, immense replayability, online functionality and incredible production values will ensure its place in video game history, and it is, without a doubt, a satisfying and fulfilling close to the beloved trilogy.
Gamereactor Denmark: 10/10 (
Epic and varied campaign with great replay value, extremely comprehensive multiplayer, exciting and well-told story, best Halo game yet
Gamereactor Sweden: 10/10 (
Gamereactor Norway: 10/10 (
Eurogamer: 10/10 (
And yet, hype machine aside, cutting through the crap about console wars and the like, what we find in Halo 3 is quite simply this - the best game yet in one of the best FPS franchises of the era. Better than either of its predecessors, Halo 3 still can't quite escape the category of flawed masterpiece - but this time around, the flaws are so minor that even the most churlish of reviewers would be hard pressed to mark the game down.
Pro-G: 10/10 (
It's Halo, but on a much larger scale; Multiplayer modes to die for; Some of the best audio to grace a video game; Incredible end to the trilogy
Gamespy: 5/5 (
While an argument could be made that the single-player campaign alone wouldn't quite be enough to garner a 5/5 score for Halo 3, the entire package is more than satisfying enough to warrant it. The Forge is a gargantuan achievement that puts game design in the hands of players, daring you to be creative and invent a Halo 3 multiplayer experience all your own. Of course, the multiplayer is every bit as astonishing as it has been in past iterations and even eclipses its predecessors in many respects.
Pressstaronline: Gold Award (
Everything has come together in Halo 3 to form a comprehensive product that has been developed without fear of failure; a game that corrects the vast majority of the mistakes of the past; a game which combines user creativity and interaction across the campaign itself and Bungie’s own website to an extent never before seen in a console release. It’s not a Return of the Jedi, then, but a triumphant Return of the King A (
Halo 3 is a triumph for Bungie. The game exudes so much quality from every facet of the design that it is nothing but groundbreaking. Featuring a mind-blowing campaign, a satisfying ending, and a cavalcade of impressive multiplayer options and longevity, Halo 3 will satisfy fans of the series and gamers alike in every possible way. This game is a truly remarkable achievement and a showcase for the Xbox 360. Halo 3 is exceptional in nearly every regard and is the conclusion to the trilogy that the first two games deserved 9.8 (
Campaign whilst linear has very little backtracking or repetition; Every locale is unique and memorable; 10 - 15 hour average playtime depending on difficulty; The deployable items aren't ground breaking; Best enemy AI in the business; Visuals are not the best on the system, poor character models; Audio trumps the visuals
Famitsu: 10 / 9 / 9 / 9
GameInformer: 9.75 & 9.75 (
CONCEPT: Somehow live up to the hype of Halo in the series’ first next-gen outing
GRAPHICS: Vehicles, enemies, and most environments look fantastic, but human faces and some textures are just plain embarrassing
SOUND: There’s nothing like hearing Halo’s signature “da-da-da-duuum” as you rush into a squad of brutes
PLAYABILITY: Some of the tightest console FPS controls in the biz
ENTERTAINMENT: Deep feature set will keep multiplayer and campaign fans alike playing well into 2008 and beyond
REPLAY: High 9.7 (
Halo 3 is the gaming equivalent of a Hollywood blockbuster. It's not going to revolutionise the genre - it's not meant to - it's meant to be great fun, which it is. Never lose sight of that. The visuals, guns, vehicles, enemies, set-pieces, musical score... they've all been cranked up to 11 to create an experience up there with the best sci-fi properties.
Gamespot Korea: 9.7 (,39051453,39340068-39091082p,00.htm)
Teamxbox: 9.7 (
As I said at the beginning of this review, Halo 3 is the best Xbox 360 game to date. The single-player campaign and storyline are both very strong, but it’s Forge and the Saved Films features that will likely go down in history as Bungie’s crowning achievements. They’ve basically taken everything great about the series and improved upon it in every way, then added some amazing new features that we’ll be using for years to come. The fight may be finished, but this amazing experience is never going to end. 9.6 (
Halo 3, in short, deserves the amount of press and exposure it's getting. It's the product of a team that's on the top of its game and has been given the time they needed to make the game they wanted to make. If you've ever enjoyed an FPS, this is something you'll probably want to check out. 9.5 (
The campaign, which is very good, is Halo 3's weakest point. It doesn't capture the cavalier spirit of the original Halo, but you'll still have fun playing through it. There's no first-person shooter on 360 that can equal Halo 3's blend of cinematic action, adrenaline-pumping shootouts, and male- (and female)-bonding gameplay. Look beyond the gameplay and you have a rich feature set unlike anything ever delivered in a videogame. The Forge and the replay functionality raise the bar for console shooters so high, it may never be surpassed this generation. There will be plenty of aspects for fans to nitpick, but it's hard to argue against Halo 3 as the most complete game available on any console.
IGN UK: 9.5 (
So let’s recap. Single player’s good, without question, but the sheer weight of hype alone brings inevitable disappointment. It would have had to have troubled the very best single-player games ever to reach for those highs but it doesn’t. But it all pales into insignificance against the tech-brimming majesty of the multiplay. Again, the conventional multiplay aspects would have left most reviewers a sweaty mess on their carpets, but Bungie’s innovations have pushed the boundaries on not only what multiplay does, but what multiplayer is. Shooting doesn’t seem to be the be all and end all, all of a sudden. 9.5 (
Halo 3 builds upon the concepts of Halo 2 in ways that you'd expect, but there are also new modes and options that send the series in exciting new directions.
Gamernode: 9.5 (
Halo 3 takes every positive aspect from the first two Halo games, perfects them, puts them in a shinier and better looking package, tosses in wonderful community-driven content for a console game, establishes some awesome environments, and does it so damn well it’s impossible to not have fun while playing.
OXM Deutschland: 93% (
Wir werfen nur ungern drei Euro ins Phrasenschwein, bemühen im Falle von Halo 3 aber dennoch gerne die altbekannte Floskel: Das Warten hat sich gelohnt. Das Entwickler-Studio Bungie beschert allen Fans des Halo-Universums einen mehr als würdigen Abschluss der Trilogie. Halo 3 ist von der ersten bis zur letzten Sekunde eine gelungene Hommage an die ersten beiden Teile und Fans wird nicht nur einmal das Herz aufgehen. Das Gameplay setzt auf alle genialen Features der Vorgänger und bringt etliche hervorragende neue Elemente ins Spiel. Vor allem die gerissene Gegner-KI macht die Einzelspieler-Kampagne ab dem dritten Schwierigkeitsgrad zu einem Meilenstein der Videospiele-Historie. 9/10 (
Danke, Bungie
Zugegeben, in Bezug auf Innovation reißt die Einzelspielerkampagne keine Bäume aus. Ein paar neue Waffen und Fahrzeuge hier, einige überarbeitete Gegner dort, das war es aber auch schon. Allerdings habe ich kein Problem damit, auf innovativen Schnickschnack zu verzichten, wenn ich dafür acht Stunden lang besser unterhalten werde als in einem Hollywood-Blockbuster. Ein dramatischer Höhepunkt jagt den nächsten, die ständigen Gefechte sorgen für schweißnasse Hände. Die Grafik steht zwar etwas hinter Bioshock zurück, dafür wirkt die Welt wie aus einem Guss und nicht so steril wie in den Vorgängern. Design-Patzer wie Backtracking oder sich ständig wiederholende Level werdet ihr zum Glück in Halo 3 nicht finden. Um es kurz zu machen: Halo 3 ist klar der beste Teil der Serie und bietet alle Vorzüge der Vorgänger, ohne deren Fehler zu wiederholen. Ein würdiger Abschluss…..?
OXM Brazil: 9/10
Kikizo: 9/10 (
The Final Word: It would be foolish for any Xbox 360 owner not to pick up Halo 3 as soon as possible this year - before the online opponents you'll be fighting get even tougher... 9/10 (
Despite Halo 3's overall greatness, we can't help but feel somewhat let down by the narrative's lackluster conclusion. But don't dismiss this game as Halo 2 in high definition. Microsoft and Bungie deliver a quality gaming experience that'll outlive its competition. Gamer, prepare to meet your new obsession.
Gamer 2.0: 8.8 (
The story just isn’t put-together well enough, the graphics are disappointing, and the levels have you constantly running back and forth. Yes, if all of these things were rectified, the game would be spectacular. But they’re not.
Arsrechnica: 7/10 (
he score that follows is solely for the single-player campaign and not the product as a whole. Those picking up the title to play alone and offline are missing much of what makes Halo 3 a compelling product. More coverage of the remaining pieces of the puzzle will follow.
All in all, for such a mainstream series, Halo 3 feels surprisingly tailored for the hardcore player. The least interesting part of the game is its basic single-player campaign, which at first sounds like a damning complaint--but the reality is that there are so many ways to experience that campaign, and its best battles are simply so much fun to play again and again, that the package still feels like a great value. Despite its flaws, the Halo series' fundamental gameplay has always been top-notch and this game is no exception.