Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Softimage|XSI mit voller Cg-Unterstützung vorgestellt

2002-11-09, 10:35:30

Pressemitteilung Softimage: http://www.softimage.com/home/press/pressreleases/021108_nvidia.htm

Auszug:The SOFTIMAGE|XSI v.3.0 environment is now able to work seamlessly with the C-like language to provide users with a simplified process for authoring complex, highly realistic digital content.

“When NVIDIA announced Cg earlier this year, we immediately recognized the value this technology would provide animators and developers. Due to the SOFTIMAGE|XSI software’s flexible architecture, we were able to quickly take advantage of this latest technology for the newest release of SOFTIMAGE|XSI,” said Alan Waxenberg, Softimage’s third party business manager.

“By being the first digital content creation software company to offer Cg nodes directly inside our application, we are once again demonstrating our technology leadership, focus and commitment to the professional 3-D market. With this functionality, and the array of new performance, productivity and feature enhancements we’ve infused into SOFTIMAGE|XSI v.3.0, users will be able to gain a competitive advantage and realize a quick return on investment through the ability to produce richer and more visually sophisticated results in less time,” he adds.

Because Cg is able to work seamlessly with the SOFTIMAGE|XSI software, users can now drag and drop shader nodes or material presets from NetView directly into their scene’s Render Tree window, and use the same interface they’re familiar with to fine tune their shaders. Cg defines a standard high-level language shader format allowing programmers and artists around the world to use Cg-based shaders directly from the Web in the SOFTIMAGE|XSI environment. Most importantly, this technology allows users of the SOFTIMAGE|XSI software to visualize content from within the application as it will appear as a final rendering in a game or other 3-D application.

“By implementing a standard high-level language that is compatible with both OpenGL® and DirectX®, Softimage has simplified the lives of both programmers and artists, introducing new tools to help users further articulate their artistic expression,” said Dan Vivoli, vice president of marketing at NVIDIA. “Softimage’s elegant Cg implementation and Render Tree provide artists and programmers with a friendly environment to create and render real-time shaders, all from within the intuitive interface artists associate with Softimage.”

Downloads ;) : http://www.softimage.com/home/downloads/


2002-11-09, 11:10:26
Sind dann auch endlich Final Renderings mit Hardware Unterstützung möglich?

2002-11-09, 12:02:05
Originally posted by Distroia
Sind dann auch endlich Final Renderings mit Hardware Unterstützung möglich? AFAIK nein. :(


2002-11-09, 12:33:00

Naja, lange wird es bestimmt nicht mehr dauern, bis auch das möglich ist. Ich schätze mal noch 1-2 Jahre.

2002-11-09, 18:23:20
Originally posted by Distroia

Naja, lange wird es bestimmt nicht mehr dauern, bis auch das möglich ist. Ich schätze mal noch 1-2 Jahre.
Oder in 2-3 Monaten...


2002-11-09, 18:23:53
Originally posted by nggalai

Downloads ;) : http://www.softimage.com/home/downloads/
Schade... funzt net !


2002-11-09, 18:39:37
Originally posted by Razor

Oder in 2-3 Monaten...


Weißt du etwa etwas, was ich nicht weiß? Ich glaub nicht so richtig daran, dass das mit den NV30 sofort möglich sein wird.

2002-11-09, 18:40:07
Originally posted by Razor

Schade... funzt net !

Wusste gar nicht, dass Du 3D machst. ;) Der Smiley oben galt, da's natürlich nur für registrierte Softimage|XSI-User mit $1,400 fürs Upgrade interessant ist, der Download. ;)


2002-11-09, 19:06:21
Originally posted by nggalai
Wusste gar nicht, dass Du 3D machst. ;) Der Smiley oben galt, da's natürlich nur für registrierte Softimage|XSI-User mit $1,400 fürs Upgrade interessant ist, der Download. ;)

Bin ich Dir doch glatt auf den Leim gegangen...
Ich werd' mich rächen !

Fürchterlich... *eg*
