2002-11-21, 14:15:25
A New Console from China codename "PROJECT WU TANG"is coming out! Release date Dec. 2004!
Technical specs:
CPU ,called WU:
Based on a new DEC ALPHA RISC PROZESSOR,128Bit core;1GHZ;0,1micron;128Kbyte data cache,128Kbyte program cache,
1024Kbyte L2 cache.
-128bit bussystem;8Gbyte/s
-8000 Mips;500 Gflops/s(4xFPU-UNIT)
The CPU integrated geometry- and lightning-engine for 3D calculations:
-450 million polygon/s ~raw
-200 million particels/s ~raw
-100 million curved lines/s ~raw
-16 x spot lightning
-4 x parallel lightning
-pin spot lightning
-overdub lightning
Note:the Lihgtning Engine is fully programable.
GPU,called TANG:
The GPU integrated 32MB videoram and texture/shader unit's.
Resolution 640x480 - 1600x1200 pp;HDTV;RGB;DIGITAL YUV.
-2x2560bit internal bus(150Gbyte/s),256bit external bus(20Gbyte/s)
-64bit color palette;16/8 Bit Alpha channel
-32 renderpipelines
Shader functions:
-Flatshading,Fixshading,High specular gouraudshading,Phongshading,
Per pixel shading,Sendust color shading.
Texture functions:
-Full Color Texture Mapping,Tri-Linear Interpolation, Micro Texture,
High specular Bump mapping,Emboss mapping,Virtual textur
design,Enviroment mapping.
-Anisotrop filtering
-Texture & Edge Multi Layered Anti-Allasing;4-16 x FSAA.
Note: each texture has his own 32 bit color palette.
256MB Mosys 1T-Sram is both connected to CPU and GPU.
20Gbyte Disc (new format !)
4 x Usb for joypad,FF-wheel,mouse & keyboard
HD Drive:
100Gbyte,for caching,Internet,downloads
Project "WU TANG" is coming out Dec. 2004. The price is not finally,
amount 200 - 500$.
End of line.
Technical specs:
CPU ,called WU:
Based on a new DEC ALPHA RISC PROZESSOR,128Bit core;1GHZ;0,1micron;128Kbyte data cache,128Kbyte program cache,
1024Kbyte L2 cache.
-128bit bussystem;8Gbyte/s
-8000 Mips;500 Gflops/s(4xFPU-UNIT)
The CPU integrated geometry- and lightning-engine for 3D calculations:
-450 million polygon/s ~raw
-200 million particels/s ~raw
-100 million curved lines/s ~raw
-16 x spot lightning
-4 x parallel lightning
-pin spot lightning
-overdub lightning
Note:the Lihgtning Engine is fully programable.
GPU,called TANG:
The GPU integrated 32MB videoram and texture/shader unit's.
Resolution 640x480 - 1600x1200 pp;HDTV;RGB;DIGITAL YUV.
-2x2560bit internal bus(150Gbyte/s),256bit external bus(20Gbyte/s)
-64bit color palette;16/8 Bit Alpha channel
-32 renderpipelines
Shader functions:
-Flatshading,Fixshading,High specular gouraudshading,Phongshading,
Per pixel shading,Sendust color shading.
Texture functions:
-Full Color Texture Mapping,Tri-Linear Interpolation, Micro Texture,
High specular Bump mapping,Emboss mapping,Virtual textur
design,Enviroment mapping.
-Anisotrop filtering
-Texture & Edge Multi Layered Anti-Allasing;4-16 x FSAA.
Note: each texture has his own 32 bit color palette.
256MB Mosys 1T-Sram is both connected to CPU and GPU.
20Gbyte Disc (new format !)
4 x Usb for joypad,FF-wheel,mouse & keyboard
HD Drive:
100Gbyte,for caching,Internet,downloads
Project "WU TANG" is coming out Dec. 2004. The price is not finally,
amount 200 - 500$.
End of line.