2002-12-15, 20:20:52
kann mir vielleicht jemand sagen was und wo der "Component Database Manager" ist.
weiss einfach nicht wie ich es installieren soll.
1._Download LANGUAGE.EXE
2._Extract LANGUAGE.EXE and save to a location on your local machine
3._Open Component Database Manager
4._On the Database tab, choose Import.
5. In the SLD file box, type the path to the .sld file you would like to import. To browse for the file, choose the button to the right of the box.
weiss einfach nicht wie ich es installieren soll.
1._Download LANGUAGE.EXE
2._Extract LANGUAGE.EXE and save to a location on your local machine
3._Open Component Database Manager
4._On the Database tab, choose Import.
5. In the SLD file box, type the path to the .sld file you would like to import. To browse for the file, choose the button to the right of the box.