2002-12-17, 03:18:35
hy all i m french ,so sorry for not speaking deutsh and for my bad english.
I like playing on 3dcenter rtcw server coz it s usually a fast server ,and a good mind place (?) (or good spirit ?)
But today i played against a player saying he s a juden killer and other stupidity like that,saying all player they are homo,usw..(;-))
I try to call a vote to kick that player ,but the server said that this player isnt on server......
I go on another server and came back 1 hour later.this player still was there ,still saying stupidity.....
Call again a vote against him,still that answer,client not on server.
First time i not able to call vote against one player ,while vote are allowed against other. that s why i post here.A demo of this player wounding and killing mate was registered and is available here :http://www.clanlol.com/page/dlrtcw.htm
I like playing on 3dcenter rtcw server coz it s usually a fast server ,and a good mind place (?) (or good spirit ?)
But today i played against a player saying he s a juden killer and other stupidity like that,saying all player they are homo,usw..(;-))
I try to call a vote to kick that player ,but the server said that this player isnt on server......
I go on another server and came back 1 hour later.this player still was there ,still saying stupidity.....
Call again a vote against him,still that answer,client not on server.
First time i not able to call vote against one player ,while vote are allowed against other. that s why i post here.A demo of this player wounding and killing mate was registered and is available here :http://www.clanlol.com/page/dlrtcw.htm