Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : 31.03.09 ist heute oder?
Was ist denn nun Sony´s Geheimnis ? 31.03.09 ist doch heute, oder wei[ss] jemand mehr dazu :
der 31.03.09... der in den USA noch ca. 7 Stunden lang ist
€: soweit ich weiss, hat die PS2 nur noch den Kaufwert von 99,- Euro
LOL, also wenn die Preissenkung das Geheimniss gewesen sein soll, dann lach ich mich weg.
Die Playstation3 bleibt natürlich weiterhin außen vor, Geld einsacken ist nunmal wichtiger für die.
2009-04-01, 00:00:08
Mit der PS3 wird maximal Geld ausgesackt.;)
Tja, wie ich bei vielen Büchern und besonders bei tragbaren Nintendo-Konsolen feststelle: Die Preise bleiben hoch, weil man sie bezahlt.
Mit der PS3 wird maximal Geld ausgesackt.;)
Das war böse ;D
2009-04-01, 00:03:30
I Believe In Miracles
I used to be on an endless run.
Believe in miracles cause I have PSone.
A have been blessed with the power to PS3.
After all these years I have my PS2 still alive.
Im out here fichineando with the band.
Im no longer a solitary man with PSN.
Every day my time runs out.
Lived like a fool, thats what I was about, oh.
I believe in miracles.
I believe in a PS3 for me and you.
Oh, I believe in miracles.
I believe in a PS3 for me and you.
Tattoo PS3 on my arm.
I always said my girls my good luck charm.
If she could find a reason to forgive,
Then I could find a reason to fichinear.
I used to be on an endless run.
Believe in miracles cause I have PSone.
A have been blessed with the power to PS3.
After all these years my PS2 still alive.
I believe in miracles.
I believe in a PS3 for me and you.
Oh, I believe in miracles.
I believe in a PS3 for me and you.
I close my eyes and think how it might be.
The futures of PSN without lag here today.
Its not too late.
Its not too late, yeah!
I believe in miracles.
I believe in a PS3 for me and you.
Oh, I believe in miracles.
I believe in a PS3 for me and you.
I left alone the ring turns red
I needed time to get the memory stuck with Staddler's
What did I see can I believe that what I saw
that Explosion was real and not just fantasy
Just what I saw in my old xenon were they
reflections of my warped mind staring back at me
Cos in my dreams it's always there the evil RROD that twists my mind
and brings me to despair
The ring was red was no use holding back
Cos I just had to see was some video sign
In the display red lines move and twist
was all this for real or some kind of hell
RROD the Ligths of the dead
Hell and fire was spawned in the 360!!!
Torches blazed and sacred chants were praised
as they start to cry hands held to the sky
In the night the fires burning bright
the RROD has begun Billys work is done
RROD the Ligths of the dead
Sacrifice is going on tonight
This can't go on I must inform 3DG Consolas
Can this still be real or some crazy dream
but I feel drawn towards the evil chanting hordes
they seem to mesmerise me...can't avoid their games
RROD the Ligths of the dead
Micro$oft the pain for you and me
I'm coming back I will return
And I'll possess your 360 and I'll make it burn
I have the fire I have the force
I have the power to make your 360 take its course.
das wären super Lieder für Weird Al Yankovitch :D
pls delete.......irgendwie sollte ich das wenigstens vorher einmal durch lesen, bevor ich das poste... :/\:
Seit die Amis die Oberhand haben, geht bei Sony alles drunter und drueber.
Welch Geheimnis, PS2 kostet von nun an : 99$! Genau 99€ sind des. Irgendwie schon komischer Laden, ohne FF,MGS,GT waere keine Sau an "Sony" interessiert....
2009-04-01, 13:04:10
zomg was will man mit der PS2 Gurke...
PS3 abwärtskompatibel, das hätte gerockt!
2009-04-01, 13:37:39
zomg was will man mit der PS2 Gurke...
PS3 abwärtskompatibel, das hätte gerockt!
also eine PS3-kompatible PS2 ... ja, das wär mal was :D
2009-04-01, 14:11:09
also eine PS3-kompatible PS2 ... ja, das wär mal was :D
Ja dann aber zum Freundschaftspreis von nur 799DM. Lass mal umrechnen...äääh.... 839€! Und nicht vergessen, Memory Card ist nicht dabei!
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