Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Nvidia-Linux-Treiber 180.51
2009-04-06, 06:30:15
nvidia 180.44 ( vom 30.03 )
Unterstützung jetzt auch für folgende neue Grafikprozessoren:
Quadro FX 3800
Quadro FX 3700M
Quadro FX 1800
Quadro FX 580
Quadro FX 380
Quadro NVS 295
GeForce GT 120
GeForce G100
Problem behoben, das in bestimmten Fällen zu Xid- und Anzeigefehlern führen konnte, wenn OpenGL zum Rendern in umgeleitete Fenster verwendet wurde, zum Beispiel bei Verwendung von Java2D mit der Option -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true.
glGetStringi(GL_EXTENSIONS, i) aktualisiert, so dass bei OpenGL 3.0 Previews nicht mehr NULL ausgegeben wird.
Abstürze von OpenGL beim Betrieb von Plasma von KDE4 behoben.
Abstürze von OpenGL bei Verwendung mehrerer Texturobjekte behoben.
Zeitstempel-Berichterstellung in der GL_NV_present_video Erweiterung auf SDI II mit Quadro FX 4800 und 5800 repariert.
Verbesserte Unterstützung für Energieverwaltung bei einigen Systemen wie Hewlett-Packard xw4600 Workstations.
Problem behoben, das bei den GeForce Grafikprozessor-Serien 6 und 7 beim unerwarteten Beenden von OpenGL-Anwendungen zu einem kurzen Flackern der Anzeige führte.
Absturz des X-Servers behoben, der auftrat, wenn ein X-Client Trapezoide zeichnen wollte und RenderAccel deaktiviert war.
Verbesserte Wiederherstellung nach bestimmten Fehlerarten.
Bug behoben, der zum Einfrieren von Autodesk Maya bei aktivierten Overlays führte.
Konflikt zwischen OpenGL und Speicherverwaltungsbibliotheken wie MicroQuill SmartHeap behoben.
Unterstützung für RG Renderbuffer in OpenGL 3.0 hinzugefügt.
Unterstützung für OpenGL 3.0 Gleitkomma-Tiefenbuffer hinzugefügt.
Problem behoben, das zum Absturz von Valgrind beim Tracing von OpenGL-Programmen führte.
VDPAU aktualisiert, so dass VC-1/WMV-Beschleunigung auf allen von VDPAU unterstützten Grafikprozessoren unterstützt wird; Näheres siehe README-Datei.
VDPAU-Fehler bei manchen H.264-Clips behoben.
VDPAU-Dokumentation in der README-Datei und in vdpau.h aktualisiert, insbesondere hinsichtlich der Verwendung der Deinterlacing-Algorithmen im VdpVideoMixer-Objekt. Ausführliche Dokumentation des "Half Rate"-Deinterlacing, mithilfe dessen die fortschrittlichen Algorithmen auch auf Lowend-Systemen laufen sollten.
Option "Skip Chroma Deinterlace" in VDPAU implementiert, mit der die fortschrittlichen Deinterlacing-Algorithmen auch auf Lowend-Systemen laufen sollten. Siehe vdpau.h.
VDPAU VC-1 Dekodierung auf 64-Bit Plattformen repariert.
VDPAU Wrapper-Bibliothek aktualisiert, so dass dlerror() Meldungen gedruckt werden, wenn Probleme beim Laden von Treibern auftreten.
VDPAU-Handling bestimmter fehlerhafter H.264-Streams und mancher fehlerhafter/ungültiger MPEG-Streams auf bestimmten Grafikprozessoren verbessert.
VDPAU repariert, so dass im Fall von WMV "Range Reduction" auf bestimmten Grafikprozessoren korrekt verfahren wird. Dafür wurde eine geringfügige Änderung an einer abwärtskompatiblen API vorgenommen. Siehe vdpau.h-Dokumentation für Strukturfeld VdpPictureInfoVC1.rangered.
Problem behoben, das Oberflächen zu früh als sichtbar markierte, wenn die Blit-basierte Präsentationswarteschlange verwendet wurde.
VDPAU repariert, um bestimmte Fälle von "Display Preemption" bei fehlenden H.264 Referenzframes auf manchen Grafikprozessoren zu verhindern.
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Der Treiber ist seit ein paar Tagen auch bereits in Ubuntu Jaunty und wird vermutlich auch der Releasetreiber. Leider besteht das Problem mit dem Flackern bei Drag&Drop (z.B. bei markiertem Text in Firefox) immer noch, da heißt es als Ubuntuuser wohl bis Karmic warten oder fremdgehen.
Auch ärgerlich ist, dass man den Performance Level bei Desktopkarten noch immer nicht manuell setzen und vor allem fixieren kann. Viele wünschen sich, ihr Kärtchen dauerhaft auf voller Pulle laufen zu lassen, ich würde gern dauerhaft im niedrigsten Level bleiben, das Ding taktet aber schon bei wilden Scrollaktionen (ganz ohne Compiz) hoch.
Ansonsten hatte ich bisher keine Probleme mit dem Treiber, das heißt aber nichts, weil ich kaum was von seinen Funktionen nutze. :)
mplayer mit VDPAU funkt jetzt auf meiner 8600M GT :)
5% Last beim Abspielen eines FullHD (1080) h.264 Videos, kann ich aufm Laptop Display garnicht anschauen, zum Glück hab ich noch einen großen externen Monitor :D
2009-04-18, 08:51:47
180.51 Linux x86/x86-64 vom 17.04
Release Highlights:
Added support for the following GPUs:
-GeForce 9600 GSO 512
-GeForce 9400 GT
-GeForce GTS 250
-GeForce GT 130
-GeForce GT 140
-Updated to compress its log file; running `` now produces "nvidia-bug-report.log.gz".
-Addressed a problem that could lead to intermittent hangs and system crashes on some GeForce 9 and later GPUs.
-Fixed an X server crash when viewing the website
-Fixed a DisplayPort interaction problem with power management suspend/resume events.
-Fixed rendering corruption in the OpenGL 16-bit RGB Workstation Overlay.
-Fixed a recent VDPAU regression that caused aborted playback and hangs when decoding some H.264 clips on G84, G86, G92, G94, G96, and GT200 GPUs.
-Fixed an interaction problem that could corrupt the EDID of the Fujitsu Technology Solutions Celsius H270 notebook's internal flatpanel.
-Fixed occasional X driver memory management performance problems when a composite manager is running.
-Fixed a bug that could interfere with the detection of display devices attached to secondary GPUs when first starting X after cold boots.
-Fixed a problem that could result in temporary stalls when moving OpenGL application windows on GeForce 8 and later GPUs.
-Fixed a bug that prevented VGA fonts from being saved/restored correctly on GeForce 8 and later GPUs.
-Improved compatibility with recent Linux kernels.
-Reduced CPU usage of nvidia-smi utility for reporting Quadro Plex information.
-Fixed compatibility problem with LandMark GeoProbe.
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Linux-x86 (
Linux-x86_64 (
edit: jetzt auch offiziell
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2009-04-27, 07:39:18
185.18.04 ( beta ) vom 24.4
-Worked around a bug in a RedHat patch applied to the X server in RHEL 5 that caused screen resolution changes to corrupt the screen.
-Fixed occasional X driver memory management performance problems when a composite manager is running.
-Improved compatibility with recent Linux kernels.
-Fixed a DisplayPort interaction problem with power management suspend/resume events.
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2009-05-05, 16:18:21
185.18.08 ( beta ) vom 1.5.
* Fixed stability problems with some GeForce 6200/7200/7300 GPUs on multi-core/SMP systems.
* Improved recovery from certain types of errors.
* Fixed a problem that caused DisplayPort monitors to never light up or lose sync intermittently on some Quadro GPUs.
* Fixed a bug that caused some performance levels to be disabled on certain GeForce 9 series notebooks.
* Fixed a problem that could result in temporary stalls when moving OpenGL application windows on GeForce 8 and later GPUs.
* Fixed a bug that could interfere with the detection of display devices attached to secondary GPUs when first starting X after cold boots.
* Fixed a bug that prevented VGA fonts from being saved/restored correctly on GeForce 8 and later GPUs.
* Loaded the NVIDIA kernel module earlier in the X driver's initialization path to facilitate more graceful fallbacks if the kernel module cannot be loaded. Removed the LoadKernelModule X configuration option.
* Fixed a bug that caused kernel crashes when attempting to initialize NvAGP on Linux/x86-64 kernels built with the CONFIG_GART_IOMMU kernel option.
ftp : x86 (
ftp : x86_64 (
2009-05-28, 07:51:30
185.18.14 vom 28.05
-Fixed a Xinerama drawable resource management problem that can cause GLXBadDrawable errors in certain cases, such as when Wine applications are run.
-Fixed XineramaQueryScreens to return 0 screens instead of 1 screen with the geometry of screen 0 when XineramaIsActive returns false. This conforms to the Xinerama manual page and fixes an interaction problem with Compiz when there is more than one X screen.
-Moved kernel module loading earlier in the X driver's initialization, to facilitate more graceful fallbacks if the kernel module cannot be loaded. Removed the LoadKernelModule X configuration option.
-Added support for new horizontal interlaced and checkerboard passive stereo modes.
-Fixed an OpenGL driver crash while running Bibble 5.
-Fixed a DisplayPort interaction problem with power management suspend/resume events.
-Fixed occasional X driver memory management performance problems when a composite manager is running.
-Fixed a bug with VT-switching or mode-switching while using Compiz; the bug could lead to a corrupted desktop (e.g., a white screen) or in the worst case an X server crash.
-Fixed a bug that could cause GPU errors in some cases while driving Quadro SDI products.
-Fixed a several second hang when VT-switching while OpenGL stereo applications were running on pre-G80 Quadro GPUs.
-Added support for multiple swap group members on G80 and later Quadro GPUs.
-Fixed the behavior of the NV_CTRL_FRAMELOCK_SYNC_DELAY NV-CONTROL attribute on Quadro G-Sync II.
-Fixed a problem with Quadro SDI where transitioning from "clone mode" to "OpenGL mode" would fail.
-Fixed VDPAU to eliminate some cases of corruption when decoding H.264 video containing field-coded reference frames on G84, G86, G92, G94, G96, or GT200 GPUs. Such streams are commonly found in DVB broadcasts.
-Slightly improved the performance of the VDPAU noise reduction algorithm.
-Enhanced VDPAU to validate whether overlay usage is supported by the current hardware configuration, and to automatically fall back to the blit-based presentation queue if required.
-Fixed error checking in VdpVideoMixerRender, to reject calls that specify more layers than the VdpMixer was created with.
-Modified VDPAU's VDPAU_DEBUG code to emit a complete backtrace on all platforms, not just on 32-bit Linux.
-Improved interaction between VDPAU and PowerMizer; appropriate performance levels should now be chosen for video playback of all standard resolutions on all supported GPUs.
-Fixed a bug in VDPAU that sometimes caused "display preemption" when the VdpDecoderCreate function failed.
-Fixed a potential segfault in the VDPAU trace library, triggered by a multi-threaded application creating a new VdpDevice in one thread, at the same time that another thread detected "display preemption".
-Improved compatibility with recent Linux kernels.
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nun auch offiziell vom 05.06
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2009-07-21, 18:01:03
190.16 ( beta ) vom 21.07.
Release highlights:
* Added GLX protocol support (i.e., for GLX indirect rendering) for the following OpenGL extensions:
o GL_ARB_draw_buffers
o GL_EXT_Cg_shader
o GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters
o GL_NV_fragment_program
o GL_NV_gpu_program4
o GL_NV_register_combiners
o GL_NV_vertex_program1_1
o GL_NV_vertex_program2
* Added unofficial GLX protocol support (i.e., for GLX indirect rendering) for the following OpenGL extensions:
o GL_ARB_geometry_shader4
o GL_ARB_shader_objects
o GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object
o GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
o GL_ARB_vertex_shader
o GL_EXT_bindable_uniform
o GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
o GL_EXT_geometry_shader4
o GL_EXT_gpu_shader4
o GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object
o GL_NV_geometry_program4
o GL_NV_vertex_program
o GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object
o GL_NV_vertex_program4
GLX protocol for GL_EXT_vertex_array was also updated to incorporate rendering using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object. Use of these extensions with GLX indirect rendering requires the AllowUnofficialGLXProtocol X configuration option and the __GL_ALLOW_UNOFFICIAL_PROTOCOL environment variable.
* Fixed a bug that caused glXGetVideoSyncSGI, glXWaitVideoSyncSGI, and glXGetRefreshRateSGI to operate on the wrong screen when there are multiple X screens.
* Fixed glXQueryVersion to report GLX version 1.4.NVIDIA's GLX version has been 1.4 for several releases, and was already reported as 1.4 in the GLX client and GLX server version strings.
* Fixed a problem that caused window border corruption when the screen is rotated.
* Fixed a bug that causes corruption or GPU errors when an application paints a redirected window whose background is set to ParentRelative on X.Org servers older than 1.5. This was typically triggered by running Kopete while using Compiz or Beryl.
* Added support for configuring the GPU PowerMizer Mode on GeForce 8 or later GPUs with multiple performance levels via nvidia-settings and NV-CONTROL.
* Fixed a bug in VDPAU that could cause visible corruption when decoding H.264 clips with alternating frame/field coded reference pictures, and a video surface is concurrently removed from the DPB, and re-used as the decode target, in a single decode operation. This affected all GPUs supported by VDPAU.
* Fixed a bug in VDPAU that could cause visible corruption near the bottom edge of the picture when decoding VC-1 advanced profile clips whose heights are not exact multiples of 16 pixels, on G98 and MCP7x (IGP) GPUs.
* Enhanced VDPAU to better handle corrupt/invalid H.264 bitstreams on G84, G86, G92, G94, G96, or GT200 GPUs. This should prevent most cases of "display preemption" that are caused by bitstream errors.
* Fixed an X server crash when using the VDPAU overlay-based presentation queue and VT-switching away from the X server.
* Enhanced VDPAU's detection of the GPU's video decode capabilities.
* Fixed a bug in VDPAU that could cause ghosting/flashing issues when decoding H.264 clips, in certain full DPB scenarios, on G98 and MCP7x.
* Fixed VDPAU to detect an attempt to destroy the VdpDevice object when other device-owned objects still exist. VDPAU now triggers "display preemption", and returns an error, when this occurs.
* Enhanced VDPAU's error handling and resource management in presentation queue creation and operation. This change correctly propagates all errors back to the client application, and avoids some resource leaks.
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2009-07-21, 18:48:07
Added support for configuring the GPU PowerMizer Mode on GeForce 8 or later GPUs with multiple performance levels via nvidia-settings and NV-CONTROL.
Das ist doch mal was! (y)
2009-07-23, 18:36:54
gibt bei mir
BS: Linux i686
Aktueller Benutzer: redfox@linux-nhh7
System: openSUSE 11.1 (i586)
KDE: 4.2.98 (KDE 4.2.98 (KDE 4.3 RC3)) "release 146"
Hersteller: NVIDIA Corporation
Modell: GeForce 8400M GS/PCI/SSE2
einen schwarzen Bildschirm beim Starten von X.... :usad:
2009-07-23, 18:47:36
vielleicht hat sich ein fehler eingeschlichen?
ansonsten kann das bei einem beta-treiber schonmal passieren.
wenn ich am wochenende zeit finde, werde ich den 190.16 mal testen.
2009-07-23, 18:52:36
gibt bei mir
BS: Linux i686
Aktueller Benutzer: redfox@linux-nhh7
System: openSUSE 11.1 (i586)
KDE: 4.2.98 (KDE 4.2.98 (KDE 4.3 RC3)) "release 146"
Hersteller: NVIDIA Corporation
Modell: GeForce 8400M GS/PCI/SSE2
einen schwarzen Bildschirm beim Starten von X.... :usad:
Warum installierst du dir auch ein alten Treiber?
Aktuell ist der 185.18.14
2009-07-23, 22:30:30
hä? Der alte (185.18.14) geht, der neue Beta gibt bei mir ein schwarzes Bild...
Stimmt, steht da nicht, aber hatte ich mir beim Posten so gedacht ;)
wo steht bei mir was von einem altern Treiber? *kopfkratz*
axo, nein ich habe nicht den Treiber aus dem ersten Post installiert ;)
2009-07-23, 22:46:17
wo steht bei mir was von einem altern Treiber? *kopfkratz*
Recht hast du, die Versionsnummer in der topic ist etwas verwirrend.
Villeicht sollte die mal gelöscht werden.
2009-07-24, 01:05:34
Recht hast du, die Versionsnummer in der topic ist etwas verwirrend.
Ich fände es prinzipiell besser, wenn jeder ofiiizielle Treiber einen eigenen Thread bekäme und dieser dann zum neuen Stcky wird. Allerdings gibt es zugegeben meist kaum oder keine Kommentare, vermutlich nutzen viele einfach den jeweiligen Distributionstreiber. Also entweder ein Sammelthread mit generischem Titel (und vilelleicht liebevoll gepflegtem Startposting) oder viele leere Einzelthreads, pick your poison!
Kann schon jemand was zum konfigurierbaren Powermizer sagen?
2009-07-24, 07:21:38
stimmt, übersichtlich ist was anderes ... also dann beim nächsten offiziellen release.
2009-07-24, 11:16:50
fein :)
hmpf, ich seh gerade, dass meine Graka mit dem 185.18.14 auch bei nur einem Monitor nicht mehr runtertaktet...
Das ging mal. :usad:
2009-08-13, 19:40:12
ich mach keine neuen thread dafür auf, ist eh beta
Support for OpenGL 3.2 on certain GPUs. Please see the driver download page for a list of GPUs that support OpenGL 3.2.
190.18.03 (OpenGL 3.2 preview) for Linux x86/x86-64 released (
2009-08-24, 07:46:06
190.25 ( beta ) vom 22.08
Release highlights:
-Added code to reject screen modes based on available DisplayPort link bandwidth. Fixes display corruption caused by allowing high bandwidth modes on display devices that can't handle them, such as certain DisplayPort-to-VGA adapters that only support 2 DisplayPort lanes.
-Fixed an initialization problem on some mobile GPUs.
-Worked around X.Org X server Bugzilla bug #22804. This bug allows X clients to send invalid XGetImage requests to the hardware, leading to screen corruption or hangs. This was most commonly triggered by running JDownloader in KDE 4.
-Fixed a crash in nvidia-settings displaying GPU information when in Xinerama.
via ftp
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Der 190.18 tut bei mir komisch beim CUDA entwickeln, irgendwas passt da nicht (8600M GT). Auf einer 9300M bzw. 9800 GT funktioniert alles.
Sobald ich meinen Laptop zurückbekomme (Reparatur) werde ich den 190.25 + 8600M GT testen.
2009-09-06, 12:52:43
190.32 ( beta ) vom 3.09.
Release highlights:
*Added support for IgnoreEDIDChecksum X configuration option, which can be used to force the X driver to accept the EDID of a display device even when the checksum is invalid. Please see the README IgnoreEDIDChecksum description for a caution and details of use.
*Added support for configuring the GPU's fan speed; see the "Coolbits" X configuration option in the README.
Fixed a bug in VDPAU that could cause visible corruption near the bottom edge of the picture when decoding VC-1 simple/main profile clips whose heights are not exact multiples of 16 pixels, on GPUs with VDPAU feature set A.
*On GPUs with VDPAU feature set C, VDPAU now supports decoding MPEG-4 Part 2, DivX 4, and DivX 5 video. The VDPAU API has been enhanced to expose this feature.
*On GPUs with VDPAU feature set C, VDPAU now supports a higher quality video scaling algorithm. The VDPAU API has been enhanced to expose this feature.
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2009-10-03, 09:38:11
190.36 ( beta ) vom 24.09
Release highlights:
* Added support for X.Org xserver (also known as 1.7 RC1) and (1.7 RC2).
* Add a new OverscanCompensation NV-CONTROL attribute, available on GeForce 8 and higher. This option specifies the amount of overscan compensation to apply to the current mode. It is measured in raster pixels, i.e. pixels as specified in the current mode's backend timings.
* Updated nvidia-installer to detect newer Debian distributions that use /usr/lib32 instead of /emul/ia32-linux as the 32-bit library path.
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190.18.05 ( OpenGL 3.2 preview )
Release highlights:
* Added GLX support for OpenGL 3.2 context profiles through the extension GLX_ARB_create_context_profile
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2009-10-22, 17:13:44
190.42 (release candidate) for Linux x86/x86_64
vom 21.10
Release highlights since 190.40:
*Fixed a bug in the nvidia-settings disclaimer window for the GPU Clock Frequencies Coolbits page, such that the "Accept" button is selectable when the desktop is so tall that the entire disclaimer can be viewed without scrolling.
*Fixed a recent regression that caused the Xinerama option to not be set properly in the X configuration file when saving and merging from the nvidia-settings X Server Display Configuration page.
*Fixed a resource leak in VDPAU's blit-based presentation queue. This bug limited the number of presentation queue objects that could be created and destroyed in a single application instance, and hence could limit the number of streams that could be displayed and/or the number of iterations of "loop" playback.
*Fixed a power management regression that prevented some notebooks and systems with integrated GeForce 8 and 9 series GPUs from suspending.
*Fixed a regression that caused TV-OUT controls to be unavailable on some GeForce 6 and 7 series GPUs.
Release highlights since 190.36:
Added support for OpenGL 3.2.
Added support for NVIDIA Quadro SDI Capture, part of the Quadro Digital Video Pipeline.
Added support for the following GPUs:
GeForce G102M
GeForce GT 220
GeForce G210
GeForce G210M
GeForce GT 230M
GeForce GT 240M
GeForce GTS 250M
GeForce GTS 260M
*Updated the NVIDIA X driver to allow, on GeForce 8 or greater GPUs, more modes to validate on digital display devices whose EDIDs report very constrained HorizSync or VertRefresh ranges.
*Fixed a randomly occuring X server crash caused by the PixmapCache option.
*Increased the allowed amount of overscan compensation from 100 to 200.
*On GPUs with VDPAU feature set B, VDPAU's handling of some corrupted or incorrectly formatted H.264 and MPEG streams has been improved.
*Fixed a memory allocation problem with pre-GeForce 8 GPUs that caused GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap clients (e.g., Compiz, KDE 4) to display incorrect contents.
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2009-11-04, 21:55:56
Mit den ganzen 190er-Treibern kann ich weder Jedi Outcast noch Jedi Academy spielen. Stürzt alles ab :frown:
Mit dem 185er gehts =)
2009-11-24, 08:26:22
195.22 (beta) Linux x86/x86_64
vom 24.11.
Release highlights:
* Enhanced the VDPAU blit-based presentation queue to provide values of "first_presentation_time" that have less jitter.
* Add support for R16F and RG32F GLXFBConfigs when using GeForce 8 series and higher GPUs.
* Added support for NVIDIA 3D Vision Stereo on Linux with Quadro GPUs. See the "Stereo" X configuration documentation in the README for details.
* Added support for A2BGR10 32-bit GLX visuals on 30-bit X screens. These allow some level of window transparency when using 30-bit visuals with GLX and Composite, but they may cause problems with older X servers and/or applications. ARGB GLX visuals can be disabled by adding:
Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "False"
to the X configuration file.
* Fixed a problem that caused DisplayPort devices to behave incorrectly when DPMS power saving mode was triggered.
* Updated VDPAU to improve thread concurrency. See the README for details.
* Altered NVIDIA X driver behavior in the case that no display devices are connected to the GPU. Previously, in this case, the NVIDIA X driver would pretend a CRT was connected to the GPU. Now, the NVIDIA X driver will not automatically pretend that any CRTs are connected. If the X driver does not detect any connected display devices, the X server will fail to start.
To restore the old behavior, use the ConnectedMonitor X configuration option; e.g.,
Option "ConnectedMonitor" "CRT"
Alternatively, if display is not desired, Quadro and Tesla GPU users can enable "NoScanout" mode, which bypasses any mode timing validation or use of display devices; this is configured with:
Option "UseDisplayDevice" "none"
* Disabled software cursors when the driver is operating in "no scanout" (UseDisplayDevice "none") mode. The software cursor image is not visible in remote desktop applications or screenshots anyway, so having software cursor enabled was unnecessary.
* Changed glXSwapBuffers() behavior for a pixmap such that it is now a no-op in the direct rendering case in order to match the indirect case and comply with the GLX spec. Previously, calling glXSwapBuffers() on pixmaps in the direct case would swap the pixmap's buffers if the pixmap was double buffered.
* Modified the installation location and names of internal VDPAU libraries to conform to conventions and Debian packaging guidelines. New versions of libvdpau expect this layout. Compatibility with old versions of libvdpau is maintained with symlinks.
* Fixed a bug that could cause errors in graphical applications run after a previous application using VDPAU and OpenGL. This behaviour was observed when running Gwenole Beauchesne's hwdecode-demos application.
* Modified vdpau.h to increment VDPAU_VERSION, to reflect the fact that new features have been added in the past. Also, add the new define VDPAU_INTERFACE_VERSION.
* Fixed a periodic temporary hang in the VDPAU blit-based presentation queue.
* Fixed a problem that caused resolution limitations or corruption on certain DisplayPort devices such as the Apple 24" Cinema display or some DisplayPort to VGA adapters.
* Disabled the UseEvents option for GeForce 8 series and higher GPUs due to a problem that causes occasional short hangs. It will be re-enabled when that bug has been tracked down and fixed.
* VDPAU now allows multiple streams to be decoded at once, without the need to set any environment variables.
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2009-12-12, 09:31:16
190.53 (prerelease) für Linux x86/x86_64
vom 11.12.
release highlights:
* Modified the installation location and names of internal VDPAU libraries to conform to conventions and Debian packaging guidelines. New versions of libvdpau expect this layout. Compatibility with old versions of libvdpau is maintained with symlinks.
* Fixed a bug that could cause errors in graphical applications run after a previous application using VDPAU and OpenGL. This behaviour was observed when running Gwenole Beauchesne's hwdecode-demos application.
* Modified vdpau.h to increment VDPAU_VERSION, to reflect the fact that new features have been added in the past. Also, add the new define VDPAU_INTERFACE_VERSION.
* Fixed a periodic temporary hang in the VDPAU blit-based presentation queue.
* Fixed a problem that caused resolution limitations or corruption on certain DisplayPort devices such as the Apple 24" Cinema display or some DisplayPort to VGA adapters.
* Disabled the UseEvents option for GeForce 8 series and higher GPUs due to a problem that causes occasional short hangs. It will be re-enabled when that bug has been tracked down and fixed.
* VDPAU now allows multiple streams to be decoded at once, without the need to set any environment variables.
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2009-12-23, 11:11:02
195.30 (beta) Linux x86/x86_64
vom 22.12.
release highlights:
*Fixed a performance regression with non-antialiased text in KDE4.
*Enabled GPU acceleration for many RENDER compositing operations that were previously processed in software, including conjoint and disjoint blending modes and component alpha blending.
*Added experimental GPU acceleration of the RENDER CompositeTrapezoids operation. This can be enabled at runtime by running:
nvidia-settings -a AccelerateTrapezoids=1
This is only supported on the GeForce GTX series or newer products.
*Fixed a bug in the VDPAU overlay-based presentation queue that caused high CPU usage during "put bits" operations when more than two surfaces were queued.
*Updated `nvidia-settings --query all` to report all available attributes queryable through all NV-CONTROL target types.
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2010-02-04, 08:02:21
195.36.03 ( beta ) Linux x86/x86_64
vom 3.2.2010
Release highlights:
*Fixed a regression that made the "TVStandard" X configuration option cause system hangs with products from the GeForce 6 and 7 series.
*Worked around a bug in some AUO laptop flat panels where the native mode in the EDID is invalid, leading to a 640x480 desktop repeated six times across the screen.
*Increased the maximum number of slices supported by VDPAU for MPEG-2 streams, in order to cope with the region 1 DVD "A Christmas Story".
*Added unofficial preliminary support for xorg-server video driver ABI version 7, including xorg-server-
*Fix the soname of and to match their filenames.
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