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2013-03-30, 17:53:18
Hallo! Gibt es für Hitman: Absolution Bits?
2013-03-30, 22:05:42
-falscher Thread-;(
2013-03-31, 03:20:40
Hallo! Gibt es für Hitman: Absolution Bits?
Kannst nur erweitern !
Aber das InGame MSAA ist echt bescheiden ! Würde eher DS+TSrSSAA nehmen.
one of many
2013-03-31, 15:44:12
sagt was hat es mit dem bioshock1 dx9 custom bit auf sich?
probierte 8x sgssaa damit und mit treiber bit und dx10 und kann ganz am anfang in dem raum wo es das erste plasmid gibt keinen unterschied erkennen.
gibt es später probleme mit treiber bit und dx10 oder was sind die vorteile mit custom bit und dx9?
2013-03-31, 16:40:07
Mit SGSSAA macht es bei DX10 Grafikfehler bei Wasser, außerdem greift es nicht perfekt.
one of many
2013-03-31, 17:08:53
danke für die info und das bit das erspart mir dann gleich die fehler wenn es feuchter wird. :)
sieht klasse aus so da kommt erst recht wieder lust auf rapture auf.
damals reichte es gerade für etwas msaa und sogar das musste mit zähen fps hart erkämpft werden. ^^
2013-03-31, 20:46:06
Läuft es gut mit der Titan und 8xSGSSAA? Habe es selber noch nicht probiert.
2013-04-01, 00:34:31
I have also been doing a little AA related tweaking in Battlefield 3.
Unfortunately the ingame MSAA setting isn't of very high quality.
Enhancing this with SGSSAA doesn't produce a great result, even with driver controlled LOD bias disabled.
Instead I recommend a combination of downsampling, MSAA and PostAA=Low.
Setting "PostAA" to medium or high causes too much blurriness for my taste.
Here are my full ingame settings:
Mouse Sensitivity: 40%
Vehicle Mouse Sensitivity: 30%
Raw Mouse Input: On
Joystick Sensitivity: 66%
Vibration: Off
Subtitles: No
Hint System: No
Reload Hint: No
Your Speaker System: Hi-Fi
Enhanced Stereo Mode: Off
Voiceover Language: English
Fullscreen Resolution: 3840x2400 59.95 Hz (4xDSR at 1920x1200 with 15% smoothness)
Vertical Sync: Off
Field of View: 90
Graphics Quality: Custom
Texture Quality: Ultra
Shadow Quality: Ultra
Effects Quality: Ultra
Mesh Quality: Ultra
Terrain Quality: Ultra
Terrain Decoration: Ultra
Antialiasing Deferred: Off
Antialiasing Post: Low
Motion Blur: Off
Anisotropic Filter: 16X
Ambient Occlusion: HBAO
It should be noted, that text and UI elements can become very small when using downsampling in BF3.
I don't recommend using more than 1.5x1.5 downsampling or 2.25xDSR in this game, unless of course you are willing to live with these downsides.
If you are not using vsync, then I also recommend disabling triple buffering in the Frostbite engine, which can be done as follows:
1) Create a file called "User.cfg"
2) Place it in your "\Origin Games\Battlefield 3\" directory
3) Open the file in a text editor and add the following command:
RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable 0
Finally I have a little tip for pilots using a traditional joystick to fly attack helicopters and jets in BF3.
By default the game has an unusually large dead zone, which makes the flight controls sluggish compared to BF2 for example.
Luckily the joystick deadzone can be adjusted by editing one of the configuration files:
1) Open "PROF_SAVE_profile" located in "My Documents\Battlefield 3\settings"
2) Find the line "GstInput.Deadzone 0.300000" and change the value to 0.050000
In case anyone is interested, I have also prepared a comprehensive AA/tweaking guide for Battlefield 4: #5540 (
The MSAA and PostAA implementations in BF4 are very similar to the ones in BF3, but fortunately the ingame SSAA option (Resolution Scale) works quite well.
Danke Blaire, mit SS meinte ich aber die Settings vom Nvinspector da mir eben unklar war ob manuelles LoD überhaupt greift wenn Driver controlled auf "On" ist.
Btw. wieso blendet Nvidia die Clamp/Allow-Option bei Fermi und Kepler nicht aus, wenn es eh nichts bewirkt?
Steht ja auch noch dort:
>Set Allow for higher performance
>Set Clamp when anisotropic filtering is enabled for better image quality
Da ich 16x AF im General Profile erzwinge und in-game AF auf 0 lasse(Gibts da überhaupt Nachteile dabei? In-game AF kann manchmal schlechter sein oder?), erschien für mich auf Clamp umzustellen logisch :D
2013-04-01, 16:42:24
Since America's Army 3 uses the Unreal Engine 3 and "0x000010C1" works for many older UE3-Games like BioShock or Unreal Tournament 3, I guess that "0x000010C1" works for SGSSAA in America's Army 3 too.
But I have to say, that I don't have it installed too.
And sorry for my bad English. :freak: ;)
2013-04-01, 18:39:31
Since America's Army 3 uses the Unreal Engine 3 and "0x000010C1" works for many older UE3-Games like BioShock or Unreal Tournament 3, I guess that "0x000010C1" works for SGSSAA in America's Army 3 too.
But I have to say, that I don't have it installed too.
And sorry for my bad English. :freak: ;)
I suspect "0x000000C1" will be sufficient, since 0x00000041 works for MSAA.
And your english is just fine btw. :)
This might be a long shot, but did anyone try "0x80000F72" for MSAA/SGSSAA in BioShock Infinite in DX11 mode: #1402 (
Wenn man 16x AF im Treiber erzwingt, stellt sich das ganze übrigens automatisch von Allow auf Clamp um - auch auf Fermi oder Kepler ;).
2013-04-01, 23:56:09
I suspect "0x000000C1" will be sufficient, since 0x00000041 works for MSAA.
And your english is just fine btw. :)
This might be a long shot, but did anyone try "0x80000F72" for MSAA/SGSSAA in BioShock Infinite in DX11 mode: #1402 (
Bioshock Infinite and 0x80000F72 , 4xSGSSAA (
Well dont Work ;)
2013-04-02, 00:12:13
Bräuchte halt bessere Bits. Immerhin funktioniert Override bei DX11 für Farbsamples, Enhance tut das nicht.
Dachte deshalb lange Zeit, dass es bei DX11 mit den bisherigen Mitteln nicht mal im Ansatz möglich wäre, aber da lag ich falsch.
2013-04-02, 01:45:24
Bioshock Infinite and 0x80000F72 , 4xSGSSAA (
Well dont Work ;)
Hehe, interesting and trippy at the same time :biggrin:
Bräuchte halt bessere Bits. Immerhin funktioniert Override bei DX11 für Farbsamples, Enhance tut das nicht.
Dachte deshalb lange Zeit, dass es bei DX11 mit den bisherigen Mitteln nicht mal im Ansatz möglich wäre, aber da lag ich falsch.
So, forcing normal 4xMSAA or 8xQ MSAA should work in DX11?
2013-04-02, 02:03:39
In case someone wants to experiment with forcing AA in DX11 in newer games, here is a post I wrote a long time ago: #2316 (
In this, I listed most of the official AA flags for DX10+ games in the NVIDIA drivers.
Interesting fact: Merchants of Brooklyn (later renamed "Drug Wars") is running on CryEngine 2...hint, hint ;)
2013-04-02, 02:57:03
These are the same bits as STALKER CoP uses, aren´t they?
Which engine bioshock infinite uses? I think its the UE3... so what about 0x80000F71 (Bioshock)? Maybe there is a fallback switch via command line like "-dx9" or something. :naughty:
2013-04-02, 12:32:08
So, forcing normal 4xMSAA or 8xQ MSAA should work in DX11?
Even OGSSAA/hybrid modes "work", just the right bits are missing. I think it's waste of time to try with the currently existing ones.
Blade II
2013-04-02, 13:07:47
Which engine bioshock infinite uses? I think its the UE3... so what about 0x80000F71 (Bioshock)? Maybe there is a fallback switch via command line like "-dx9" or something. :naughty:
You can modify the config files to force DX9 by disabling DX10/11 but the game refuses to start then and requests at least a DX10 capable video card.
2013-04-02, 13:55:41
Hast du es vielleicht hingekriegt, dass es mit DX10 anstatt 11 läuft?
2013-04-02, 15:04:47
Even OGSSAA/hybrid modes "work", just the right bits are missing. I think it's waste of time to try with the currently existing ones.
Ok, maybe I was a bit unclear.
By "work", I mean without graphics glitches or other issues.
What about a new combination of the existing DX10+ bits?
As I mentioned "Merchants of Brooklyn" has a DX10 AA flag "0x01000000" in it's driver profile, and this runs on CryEngine 2.
Maybe this will work for MSAA in Crysis 2 DX11 mode?
For BioShock Infinite it may be worth the effort using "0x80000F71" or "0x80000F72" as a starting point for MSAA/SGSSAA, and then removing unnecessary bits until either AA stops working and/or the graphical glitches disappear.
one of many
2013-04-02, 17:20:47
Läuft es gut mit der Titan und 8xSGSSAA? Habe es selber noch nicht probiert.
beginne erst heute richtig die ersten paar minuten bis zum ersten plasmid waren die 60fps mit vsync stabil mit 1920x1200.
probierte aus jux noch zusätzlich 32xs da war fertig lustig mit unter 30fps.
3840x2400 und 8xsgssaa doch mehr was für sli.^^
Blade II
2013-04-02, 21:58:03
Hast du es vielleicht hingekriegt, dass es mit DX10 anstatt 11 läuft?
Yep, in der XEngine.ini einfach "AllowD3D11=False" setzen und das Spiel nutzt den DX10 Renderpfad.
Die DX1x-Bits (0x80000F71) funktionieren trotzdem nicht, egal ob DX10 oder DX11. Deaktiviert man entweder Bit#31 (0x00000F71) oder Bit#00 und Bit#05 zusammen (0x80000F50) verschwinden wenigstens die Grafikfehler. Geglättet wird dabei aber nichts :(.
2013-04-02, 22:02:25
Yep, in der XEngine.ini einfach "AllowD3D11=False" setzen und das Spiel nutzt den DX10 Renderpfad.
Zeigt denn dann etwa Afterburner OSD DX10 an?
Bei mir stand da weiterhin DX11, auch "-DX10" Launchparameter hatte nicht funktioniert.
2013-04-03, 02:40:27
Die DX1x-Bits (0x80000F71) funktionieren trotzdem nicht, egal ob DX10 oder DX11. Deaktiviert man entweder Bit#31 (0x00000F71) oder Bit#00 und Bit#05 zusammen (0x80000F50) verschwinden wenigstens die Grafikfehler. Geglättet wird dabei aber nichts :(.
Ah well, worth a shot anyway :redface:
Maybe some day NVIDIA will add more DX10+ bits, and we will FINALLY be able to force AA in modern engines.
I stumbled upon a few changes, that should be integrated into the AA list:
1) "0x000010C1" should be added for SGSSAA in NFS: Pro Street: #491 (
2) The MSAA entry for Divinity 2: Eco Draconis should be changed to "0x000030C1": #495 (
3) "0x000010C1" should be added for SGSSAA in Divinity 2: Eco Draconis: #495 (
4) The SGSSAA entry (10C1) for Legendary has no reference: #917 (
2013-04-05, 07:05:45
PS4 ports to PC is going to be painful for years to come if there isn't a good way to force AA in these games. (DX11 based?) (OGSSAA+Post-AA can only do so much and you'd have to do some massive oversampling at that to conquer a lot of the aliasing problems many current games have)
And with things like UE4 and the elemental demo it's clear that Epic doesn't really care 2 fucks about AA. Especially on consoles.
(Though The Infiltrator demo looks like it had good AA. But that was on a GTX 680. I'm sure that's one thing they would deem too intensive and ditch for console versions. And who knows if any actual UE4 games on PC will have good AA. Infiltrator has been the only UE4 stuff i've seen that has good AA and the leap in IQ is leaps and bounds over the other stuff)
2013-04-05, 13:50:19
I have the feeling PC gaming has gotten a bit of a comeback lately. (especially thanks to Steam, and no thanks to EA and Origin)
Epic really has abandoned PC gaming the last couple of years, but who knows, maybe UE4 will redeem some of the shortcomings of UE3? (namely AA support)
Personally i'm doubting it, and that's why i'm saving all my money for a couple of GTX Titan's or equivalent.
With that massive 6 GB VRAM you can do some serious downsampling, this is very handy in DX11 games.
But I still have hope, that NVIDIA will see the need for proper driver support for MSAA/SSAA in DX11, and add some more DX11 AA bits.
2013-04-05, 20:33:59
MrBonk, this ( post of yours got me kinda interested.
Could you please make a screenshot of Devil May Cry 4 in DX10 mode with any ingame AA disabled, and MSAA or SGSSAA forced using "0x80000000"?
Maybe also a comparison screenshot with AA forced without any custom AA flag?
Technically speaking "0x80000000" is NOT in the official NVIDIA drivers for DX10 AA support.
And besides, having another specific example of a game where forced AA works in DX10+ would be valuable IMO.
DMC4 is very interesting as an example, since it is running on the MT Framework ( engine, which is also used in Lost Planet 1+2 and Resident Evil 5+6.
2013-04-06, 18:37:54
MrBonk, this ( post of yours got me kinda interested.
Could you please make a screenshot of Devil May Cry 4 in DX10 mode with any ingame AA disabled, and MSAA or SGSSAA forced using "0x80000000"?
Maybe also a comparison screenshot with AA forced without any custom AA flag?
Technically speaking "0x80000000" is NOT in the official NVIDIA drivers for DX10 AA support.
And besides, having another specific example of a game where forced AA works in DX10+ would be valuable IMO.
DMC4 is very interesting as an example, since it is running on the MT Framework ( engine, which is also used in Lost Planet 1+2 and Resident Evil 5+6.
Sure I can probably get a comparison> Just for reference though. It's Flag is in the Driver. But it's in the DX9 list.(Was probably put there before there was a separate category.)
The complete entry is: "0x80000000 (Lost Planet: Colonies Edition, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Devil May Cry 4(DX10), Lost Planet: Extreme Condition, Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War II)"
But after testing again i've run into a strange issue. Override doesn't work anymore. Could've sworn it worked fine before...when I did a ton of testing a few weeks ago and prior to that.
But Enhance still works, with or without 0x80000000.(Like Crysis, except you can use override with crysis to force SGSSAA with and without bits in DX10)
8xQ In Game AA
8xQ+Enhance 8xSGSSAA 0x80000000
8xQ+Enhance 8xSGSSAA 0x00000000
So while the flag make work for other games to Override. In this game it only works with enhance for some reason.(While in DX9 mode override works fine.)
it's in the dx9 list because it's for the dx9 version.
some games have two 3d vision profiles and when nvidia merged all 3d vision profiles with the sli profiles they got messed up in the process.
2013-04-06, 19:53:53
So while the flag make work for other games to Override. In this game it only works with enhance for some reason.(While in DX9 mode override works fine.)
I see.
When enhancing an ingame setting, you actually don't need a custom AA compatibility flag set.
This applies to both DX9 and DX10/11.
The AA flag ONLY has an effect on AA quality/compatibility when you use the "override" mode of the drivers.
2013-04-06, 21:34:54
Well if that flag is for DX9 DMC4, why would it say "Devil May Cry 4 (DX10)" ?
DMC came out in like 2008 for PC, and works in DX9 and DX10 as well has a DX10 specific Ambient Occlusion flag that doesn't work in DX9.
I don't even remember there being a D1X category in inspector until 2 years ago or so.
But I may be remembering wrong.
a DX10 specific Ambient Occlusion flag that doesn't work in DX9.
then why is it in "Devil May Cry 4(DX9)"?
2013-04-06, 23:14:54
Well, Inspector didn't exist in 2008.
Back then I was using nhancer, which had the same basic functionality as Inspector.
Only the user interface was different.
And forced "Ambient Occlusion" is not API specific, as far as I know.
As far as the "0x80000000" AA flag goes, if it works in DX9 and not DX10, then in my book it's a DX9 AA flag. ;)
2013-04-07, 01:33:08
Anybody know a non-glitchy SGSSAA flag for "Red Faction: Guerrilla" or "Red Faction: Armageddon" in DX9?
Enhancing the ingame setting with SGSSAA is far from perfect in my experience.
2013-04-07, 03:10:21
Just tried 0x000010C1 for SGSSAA in Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad.
It works very well when "Anti-Aliasing" is set to "Off" and "Post Processing Quality" is set to "Low" ingame.
There are no problems with disappearing squad or weapon selection screens when forcing SGSSAA using the 10C1 flag either. :)
These are my ingame settings:
And now a screenshot with 4xMSAA+4xSGSSAA forced:
Finally the NVIDIA Inspector settings:
Sry aber bei mir greift leider nicht !
Ich habe mir die GOTY version gekauft bei Steam und leider passirt nix !
Ach auch alles aus gemacht wie du es gesagt und nix passirt. Der Ram wird zwar voller aber die Glättung steigt null und die FPS müsste ja auch sinken leider auch nicht.
Es wolle nicht mal OGSSAA greifen wie 8xS etc
2013-04-07, 03:59:59
That sounds very strange, just played RO2 yesterday with 4xSGSSAA forced (with LOD "-0.875").
Works just fine, just remember to disable DoF, Motion Blur, ingame AA and set Postprocessing to "Low".
Take a look at the screenshot in that post, there is clearly some SGSSAA going on there.
2013-04-07, 04:45:20
Ehy alter ich bin nicht dumm und habe deinen Post gelesen aber bei mir scheint es aber nicht zu greifen!
InGame Einstellung:
Bild "rogame_2013_04_07_04_q4fag.jpg" anzeigen. (
2013-04-07, 04:45:49
Ehy alter ich bin nicht dumm und habe deinen Post gelesen aber bei mir scheint es aber nicht zu greifen!
InGame Einstellung: (
P.s.: Es kann auch an meiner Deutschen Version liegen will ich gerade mal nicht aus schlissen.
probier mal 0x080000C1 ... das man bei 16:10 manchmal andere bits braucht wurde hier schon 1000x erwähnt.
2013-04-07, 12:18:29
then why is it in "Devil May Cry 4(DX9)"?
It's not
"0x00090000 (Devil May Cry 4(DX10))"
Ambient occlusion
Nvidia lists it as DX10 only even
Resident Evil 5's AO flag "0x000C0000 (Biohazard 5)" is DX10 only too. (Though you can force AO in DX9 with other flags, however it is not very pretty.)
2013-04-07, 12:24:28
MrBonk, why don't you register on the 3DCenter forums?
Would be nice to have your input on a more permanent basis ;)
It's not
"0x00090000 (Devil May Cry 4(DX10))"
Ambient occlusion (
2013-04-07, 14:59:10
Ehy alter ich bin nicht dumm und habe deinen Post gelesen aber bei mir scheint es aber nicht zu greifen!
P.s.: Es kann auch an meiner Deutschen Version liegen will ich gerade mal nicht aus schlissen.
I never said you were dumb or anything like that.
Just trying to eliminate all the possible causes for the problem.
The "10C1" flag works well for me at 1920x1200 with the settings specified in the post on page 1 (only i'm now using "-0.875" for 4xSGSSAA and "-1.375" for 8xSGSSAA in all my games).
The AA quality is maybe not quite as perfect as in some other UE3 games with SGSSAA forced using "10C1", but SGSSAA is definitely working in RO2.
Feel free to look for a better AA flag for the game though. ;)
On another note, I did some extensive testing of AA flags in "Red Faction: Guerrilla".
Unfortunately I didn't find anything useful.
The "0x00000041" flag causes the character to disappear in the menu, and the whole image to be one color ingame.
This problem can be solved by enabling ingame AA at the same time, but then the AA quality is the same as enhancing, and the FPS is lower.
Have a look at this post I made in the SLI thread:
The settings in this post are my final AA solution for that game.
I don't own "Red Faction: Armageddon", but I suspect there are no perfect AA flags for that either.
Someone, please proove me wrong. :)
2013-04-07, 20:40:50
MrBonk, why don't you register on the 3DCenter forums?
Would be nice to have your input on a more permanent basis ;)
Now that you guys have the key-Captcha here I probably can. When I tried to some months back I ran into something that I couldn't get past in registration. (
This is what it shows for me
I deleted the DX9 profile for the game in inspector in mine because I just wanted to merge them so it'd be easier to manage. But I don't see how it would remove the listing for DMC4 in DX9 from the AO Flag in the driver and sure doesn't explain why Nvidia said it only worked in DX10(maybe it was added later. I'm not to well versed in such things.)
Because I deleted the profile in Inspector is probably why.
still doesn't explain why the DX9 flag for DMC4 says "Devil May Cry 4 (DX10)"
But /Shrug
If the flag ends up working for DX1x games then all has not been for naught though.
2013-04-07, 20:52:40
Now that i'm here though. Would you guys mind adding
0x00001045 - Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon SGSSAA From this post
Note: You cannot downsample more than 2560x1440 in this game, game returns glitches or a black screen beyond it. Any resolution over 2048x1152 disables the game's Ambient Occlusion (Which can be a good thing since it's so low quality at a distance that it flickers like mad)
In-Game AA (Which is probably FXAA) doesn't work beyond 1080p either.
2013-04-07, 23:23:49
probier mal 0x080000C1 ... das man bei 16:10 manchmal andere bits braucht wurde hier schon 1000x erwähnt.
Kann man einen sicher netter sagen aber danke sie greifen.
p.s.: Nur schade bei einen für mich neuen Spiel ansich nur auferstmal auf die erste seite schau.
Kann villt mit auf Startseiten das bei red orchestra 2 bei 16:10 nur die 0x080000C1 greifen.
Blade II
2013-04-08, 00:08:36
Working Anti-Aliasing Bits for Unreal Engine 3 games using an aspect ratio of 16:10
Alice Madness Returns||0x000010C1|SMAA + DS has better performance (comparison)
Alien Breed Trilogy|0x00000041||Tested part 2, probably works for all three games
Aliens: Colonial Marines||0x080010C1
America's Army 3|0x00000041|0x000000C1|New SGSSAA-Bit, kudos to SLIKnight
Batman Arkham Asylum & City||0x080000C1
Blacklight: Retribution|0x08000045|0x080000C1
Blacklight: Tango Down|0x00000045|0x000000C1
Borderlands 2||0x080000C1
Deadlight||0x000000C1|not confirmed
DmC: Devil May Cry||0x000012C5|not confirmed
Frontlines: Fuel of War||0x080010C1
Game of Thrones||0x000010C1|not confirmed
Hunted - The Demon's Forge||0x000010C1
Medal of Honor (2010)|0x000030C1|0x000010C1
Mirror's Edge||0x000000C1 *| * Custom 16:9 resolution is needed
Painkiller: Hell & Damnation||0x080000C1
Red Orchestra 2||0x080000C1
Section 8 (Prejudice)|0x00000045|0x000002C1
Spec Ops: The Line|0x000100C1, 0x000000C1 (SLI)|0x000100C1, 0x000000C1 (SLI)
Transformers||0x00000245|not confirmed
Unreal Tournament 3||0x000010C1
Specials thanks to CrimsoN and SLIKnight for testing!
2013-04-08, 01:11:54
Bulletstorm, Homefront ,Medal of Honor (2010),Section 8 und Spec Ops: The Line kann ich Bestätigen geht unter 16:10
2013-04-08, 02:42:40
Kann villt mit auf Startseiten das bei red orchestra 2 bei 16:10 nur die 0x080000C1 greifen.
Nice to hear you found a solution in RO2.
Will try it myself tomorrow ;)
Here is a list of Unreal Engine 3 games that need to be checked:
Great initiative Blade, let's finally get to the bottom of this ;)
Btw, 0x000010C1 works beautifully in UT3 at 1920x1200 (16:10).
Medal of Honor 2010 (SP) auf Titan@1080p:
0x000030C1 - vertikale Streifen aus der Hölle schon im Hauptmenü und auch in den Missionen dann, unspielbar
0x000010C1 - scheint keine Fehler zu haben und beim kurzen Anspielen mit 8xSGSSAA einwandfrei zu laufen
Da ich das zweite Bit erst nicht sah, habe ich das Spiel großteils mit Downsampling 3840x2160@60Hz, Vsync forced on und 58 fps limit gespielt, was auch gut lief.
2013-04-08, 14:05:20
Gast, maybe you would consider trying this for Medal of Honor (2010) singleplayer:
Not sure if this is for MSAA or SGSSAA, and can't test it myself since I don't have the game.
Blade II
2013-04-08, 18:08:35
Bulletstorm, Homefront ,Medal of Honor (2010),Section 8 und Spec Ops: The Line kann ich Bestätigen geht unter 16:10
Ergo ohne das "Extra-Bit" #27? (0x08....)
Nice to hear you found a solution in RO2.
Will try it myself tomorrow ;)
Great initiative Blade, let's finally get to the bottom of this ;)
Btw, 0x000010C1 works beautifully in UT3 at 1920x1200 (16:10).
Great, I marked ut UT3 flag as working. Thanks a lot :).
2013-04-08, 19:58:36
Also wenn ich mich richtig erinnre Ja ohne extra Bits aber ich glaube das musss ich nochmal nach testen. Da ich mir nicht ganz sicher bin.
für UE3 games reicht eigentlich fast immer 0x000000C1.
für 1680x1050 braucht man 0x080000C1, allerdings skaliert SLi dann negativ.
1680x1048 geht mit 0x000000C1. anscheinend muss die auflösung durch 8 teilbar sein.
2013-04-08, 22:02:37
I can now also confirm, that "0x080000C1" works absolutely perfect for SGSSAA in Batman: Arkham Asylum & City and Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad at 1920x1200.
I have made the appropriate changes to the posts relating to these games on page 1.
Would appreciate, if aufkrawall could remove this post from the Batman: AA & AC entry: Tuning für mehr Perf. (
And then change the SGSSAA flags to "0x080000C1" in both entries.
Blade II
2013-04-08, 23:09:17
Bulletstorm, Homefront ,Medal of Honor (2010),Section 8 und Spec Ops: The Line kann ich Bestätigen geht unter 16:10
I can now also confirm, that "0x080000C1" works absolutely perfect for SGSSAA in Batman: Arkham Asylum & City and Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad at 1920x1200.
Thanks a lot folks! I can also confirm that the current Bits for Alien Breed 1-3, Hunted (DX9) and Section 8 work flawlessly on 16:10 at 1680x1050.
Crimson, it would be great if you could test Homefront, Medal of Honor and Spec Ops again. I could test Bulletstorm tomorrow ;).
2013-04-09, 02:40:41
I have a note to your excellent table Blade II, "0x080000C1" is enough for RO2. The extra bit in "0x080010C1" is not needed.
Interesting fact:
When America's Army 3 came out, it was actually only fullscreen when running at a 16:10 resolution:
2013-04-09, 12:32:54
Thanks a lot folks! I can also confirm that the current Bits for Alien Breed 1-3, Hunted (DX9) and Section 8 work flawlessly on 16:10 at 1680x1050.
Crimson, it would be great if you could test Homefront, Medal of Honor and Spec Ops again. I could test Bulletstorm tomorrow ;).
MoH(2010) Check geht !
Spec Ops Check geht !
Homefront = noch offfen
Blade II
2013-04-09, 16:19:13
I have a note to your excellent table Blade II, "0x080000C1" is enough for RO2. The extra bit in "0x080010C1" is not needed.
Interesting fact:
When America's Army 3 came out, it was actually only fullscreen when running at a 16:10 resolution:
Alright, thanks! I edited the RO2 Bit.
Maybe we can assume that the 0x00000041 bits for America's Army 3 are working for 16:10?
MoH(2010) Check geht !
Spec Ops Check geht !
Homefront = noch offfen
Super Arbeit :). MoH und Spec Ops habe ich entsprechend geändert. Bulletstorm braucht übrigens das Extra-Bit #27.
Other changes: Alice Madness Returns and Mirror's Edge don't need bit #27. The given special bits for 4x SGSSAA (10C5) for Alice don't seem to work at all while the 10C1 bits work for 4xSGSSAA and 8xSGSSAA (2x SGSSAA not tested). However the performance loss is quite high and image blurring is noticeable. Therefore I would recommend to use SMAA + DS instead which smooths the jaggies very well with less/no blurring. 16x Anisotropic filtering should be also forced via the driver for perfect image quality.
Comparison shots for Alice Madness Returns:
No Anti-Aliasing|4x SGSSAA (10C1)|8x SGSSAA (10C1)|SMAA + 1.5DS (| (| (| (
Note: Post-Processing, Motion Blur and Dynamic Shadows have been disabled for better comparison.
2013-04-09, 16:27:06
Habs mit 8xSGSSAA gespielt und fand die Schärfe eigentlich ok.
Kommt mit 1080p bei 21" sicherlich gar nicht unscharf rüber.
Blade II
2013-04-09, 16:38:48
Habs mit 8xSGSSAA gespielt und fand die Schärfe eigentlich ok.
Kommt mit 1080p bei 21" sicherlich gar nicht unscharf rüber.
Bei 8x SGSSAA ist die Schärfe tatsächlich gut. Zwischen 4x SGSSAA und 8x SGSSAA gibt es hingegen einen deutlichen Schärfe-Unterschied. SMAA + DS ist deswegen eine schöne Alternative zu 4x SGSSAA wenn die Hardware für 8x SGSSAA nicht reicht ;).
PS: Könnte jemand bei Gelegenheit nochmal die 10C5 Bits für Alice testen? Falls sie gar nicht (mehr) funktionieren könnten sie aus der Liste gestrichen werden.
2013-04-09, 19:08:33
No need to assume anything for America's Army 3.
The "0x000000C1" flag works beautifully for SGSSAA at 1920x1200 with a 16:10 aspect ratio set ingame.
Here are some comparison screenshots with 4xSGSSAA forced:
0x000000C1|0x000010C1|0x080000C1 (| (| (
These screenshots are all taken on a multiplayer map called "Impact", with the weather mode set to "Cloudy".
As you see, there is absolutely no visual difference between "0x000000C1", "0x000010C1", and "0x080000C1".
For MSAA, no extra AA bits are needed either for 16:10 resolutions, and "0x00000041" is sufficient. ;)
Blade II
2013-04-09, 19:42:44
Awesome, thanks! Just added it :)
2013-04-09, 23:21:01
Hehe, you're welcome.
Always meant to reinstall AA3 at some point. (haven't played it since 2010)
And testing for SGSSAA is always a good reason IMO.
Anyway, I think it would be worth re-checking "0x000030C1" and "0x000010C1" for respectively MSAA and SGSSAA in Medal of Honor (2010) singleplayer.
"Gast" mentioned, that "30C1" causes graphical glitches etc.: #4053 (
An alternative AA flag "0x00401045" is mentioned here:
Sadly, I don't have the game myself.
2013-04-09, 23:39:56
Just stumbled upon this post:
To me this seems to indicate, that "0x080000C1" is also needed for 16:10 resolutions in Dishonored.
Can anyone confirm this?
Edit: Sorry, just noticed this is already in the bad.
Blade II
2013-04-10, 17:07:28
Oh yes, you're totally right! I forgot to add the UE3 games of the second half of the list, thanks for the hint :biggrin:.
To sum up, these games need to be changed in the list:
Alice Madness Returns (remove 0x000010C5)
America's Army 3
Batman Arkham Asylum & City
Blacklight: Retribution (new MSAA Bit)
Blacklight: Tango Down (new MSAA & SGSSAA Bits)
Red Orchestra 2
Does anyone own one the four remaining games?
DmC: Devil May Cry
Game of Thrones
Transformers Trilogy (War for Cybertron, Dark of the Moon and Fall of Cybertron)
2013-04-10, 17:12:27
I can also confirm, that Tribes: Ascend works great with SGSSAA using only "0x000000C1" at 1920x1200.
Blade, did you try just "0x000000C1" for Alice: Madness Returns?
Maybe try setting these tweaks also in the "Engine" .ini file:
Don't have "Alice", so this is really just a qualified guess ;)
Finally I was wondering about The Walking Dead SGSSAA flag "0x200002C1".
Are all these bits really needed, what about just "0x000000C1" or "0x080000C1"?
2013-04-10, 17:23:21
What about Blacklight: Retribution, is bit #27 needed for this or not?
In your table the game appears twice, once with bit #27 and once without..
2013-04-10, 18:14:40
Finally I was wondering about The Walking Dead SGSSAA flag "0x200002C1".
Are all these bits really needed, what about just "0x000000C1" or "0x080000C1"?
Yes, they are (otherwise transparent textures etc).
2013-04-10, 20:11:03
Ok, I see.
That is probably because of the "cartoony" look of the graphics/shaders.
It's not your typical UE3 game visually, that's for sure.
Does "0x200002C1" work for 16:10 resolutions, or do we need "0x280002C1" for that?
2013-04-10, 21:29:30
afair it doesn't really matter since it's always 16:9 AR, just like with some UE3 titles (e.g. Bulletstorm).
For Alice it's valid since AR gets broken if you don't choose your native resolution (at least for me with 1280x1024) even if it's always 16:9.
Shitty console ports. :(
2013-04-10, 23:05:01
Other changes: Alice Madness Returns and Mirror's Edge don't need bit #27. The given special bits for 4x SGSSAA (10C5) for Alice don't seem to work at all while the 10C1 bits work for 4xSGSSAA and 8xSGSSAA (2x SGSSAA not tested). However the performance loss is quite high and image blurring is noticeable. Therefore I would recommend to use SMAA + DS instead which smooths the jaggies very well with less/no blurring. 16x Anisotropic filtering should be also forced via the driver for perfect image quality.
Also was Alice an geht muss ich sagen hatte ich auch SGSSAA und/oder DS genutzt und muss sagen habe nie eine Unschärfe gefunden. Und halt auch auf 16:10 und es lief alles Mega rund ! Aber bei Alice würde ich eh sagen eine gute mischung als SGSSAA und DS ist die Beste Lösung.
2013-04-11, 02:45:39
afair it doesn't really matter since it's always 16:9 AR, just like with some UE3 titles (e.g. Bulletstorm).
You might want to try the Widescreen Fixer ( with The Walking Dead and Bulletstorm.
Here are some more information on widescreen support in those games:
The Walking Dead:
But the fact remains, that all this messing around with aspect ratios shouldn't be necessary in modern PC gaming.
I agree with the console port remark btw :wink:
2013-04-11, 16:05:00
I have moved my "summary" post to the next page: #4082 (
2013-04-11, 20:17:31
Oh yes, you're totally right! I forgot to add the UE3 games of the second half of the list, thanks for the hint :biggrin:.
To sum up, these games need to be changed in the list:
Alice Madness Returns (remove 0x000010C5)
America's Army 3
Batman Arkham Asylum & City
Blacklight: Retribution (new MSAA Bit)
Blacklight: Tango Down (new MSAA & SGSSAA Bits)
Red Orchestra 2
Does anyone own one the four remaining games?
DmC: Devil May Cry
Game of Thrones
Transformers Trilogy (War for Cybertron, Dark of the Moon and Fall of Cybertron)
I own these two. But are not installed. If anyone else doesn't get to them. I'll test once I get through with a few other things i'm working on ATM.
Edit: am downloading both right now.
2013-04-11, 22:00:36
That's a big help MrBonk. ;)
Please remember to test them at 16:10 resolutions. Both with and without AA bit #27.
2013-04-11, 22:14:54
Ok, sure willl do that.
My monitor is 16:9 but has no trouble handling 16:10 custom resolutions with letterboxing(So it the game was Anamorphic like Bulletstorm for example i'd be getting DOUBLE Letterboxing haha.)
I'll test at 1920x1200 and 2560x1600.
Will update this post when i'm done.
Ok results!
Points of reference-
1080p No AA:
1200p No AA:
1080p 0x000000C1 4xSGSSAA:
1200p 0x000000C1 4xSGSSAA:
(C5 flag from Guru3D. But is driver flag for ME2/3. I would avoid it. Sometimes parts of the image will flicker for a split second)
1080p 0x080100C5 4XSGSSAA:
1200p 0x080100C5 4XSGSSAA:
Also Found that this flag works
1200p 0x080000C1 4xSGSSAA:
1080p 0x080000C1 4xSGSSAA:
And 0x00000045 Works for MSAA and TrSSAA but it has the white outline AA resolve issue.
I did test gameplay with C1 SGSSAA and it does NOT have the white outline resolve issue!
Regarding The Last Remnant:
I suggest the flag 0x080000C1 should be added for SGSSSAA (it does not have the framecap limit that will toggle aa on and off even if you just drop 1 frame that the official driver flag has ;and other UE3 flags; also quality is basically perfect). As per my post here
The image links aren't up any more so here is new links:
No AA:
4xSGSSAA with the flag above:
2013-04-12, 15:34:16
I did some more messing around with Aliens vs. Predator and forced/enhanced AA.
It seems the DX9 MSAA flag currently in the list "0x004030C1" is quite demanding, and really doesn't process everything perfectly.
SGSSAA can be forced with "0x004010C1", but this will blur the image significantly.
Instead I recommend running in DX11 mode, and combining downsampling with either enhanced SGSSAA or TrSSAA.
Here is a series of screenshot comparisons with various levels of downsampling combined with either ingame MSAA alone, or MSAA enhanced to SGSSAA through the driver profile:
2.25xDS + 4xMSAA|2.25xDS + 4xSGSSAA|4xDS + 4xMSAA|4xDS + 2xSGSSAA
109.4 FPS|47.6 FPS|61.7 FPS|50.4 FPS (| (| (| (
107.0 FPS|46.8 FPS|57.9 FPS|51.2 FPS (| (| (| (
170.1 FPS|70.2 FPS|90.9 FPS|72.0 FPS (| (| (| ( ( ( (
The terms "2.25xDS" and "4xDS" are shorthand for respectively 2880x1800 and 3840x2400 downsampled to my native resolution of 1920x1200.
I recommend using maximum ingame settings, with two possible exceptions, namely the "Advanced shadows" and "Shadow Complexity" features.
Reducing "Shadow Complexity" from "High" to "Normal" can provide a decent performance increase in some scenes, with only very little loss in graphics quality.
The "Advanced shadows" setting has almost no visual impact ingame, and the difference is difficult to spot even in a direct screenshot comparison.
For more details on exactly what this "advanced" DX11 feature does, I refer to these links:
Aliens vs. Predator Gameplay Performance and IQ (HardOCP) (
Aliens vs. Predator: DirectX 11 benchmarks and graphics comparison (PCGamesHardware) (,705447/Aliens-vs-Predator-DirectX-11-benchmarks-and-graphics-comparison/Reviews/)
A heavily modified version of the DX11 Asura ( engine developed by Rebellion for AvP was later used in Sniper Elite V2 (
Unsurprisingly, the "Advanced shadows" setting in SEV2 is also basically useless, and should be disabled to improve performance.
2013-04-12, 22:20:05
I have been looking through the last 5 pages or so of the AA sammelthread, and these are the changes I think should be made to the MSAA and SSAA lists:
1) The reference for Aliens vs. Predator (2010) should be changed: #4081 (
2) The MSAA flag for Divinity 2: Eco Draconis should be changed to "0x000030C1": #495 (
3) "0x08000045" should be added for Blacklight: Retribution: #4050 (
4) "0x00000045" should be added for Blacklight: Tango Down: #4050 (
5) "0x004000C0" works for MSAA+TrSSAA in Darks Souls: Prepare To Die Edition: #4087 (
1) "0x000012C1" should be added for SGSSAA in Burnout Paradise: #3985 (
2) "0x000010C1" should be added for SGSSAA in NFS: Pro Street: #491 (
3) "0x000010C1" should be added for SGSSAA in Divinity 2: Eco Draconis: #495 (
4) The SGSSAA entry (10C1) for Legendary has no reference: #917 (
5) "0x00001045" should be added for SGSSAA in Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon: #4048 (
6) The "10C5" flag should be removed from the Alice: Madness Returns entry.
7) "0x000000C1" should be added for SGSSAA in America's Army 3: #4065 (
8) The flag for Batman: Arkham Asylum & City should be changed to "0x080000C1". Also the reference to Tuning für mehr Perf. ( should be removed.
9) "0x000000C1" should be added for SGSSAA in Blacklight: Tango Down: #4050 (
10) The flags for Bulletstorm and Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad should also be changed to "0x080000C1" for 16:10 compatibility.
11) "0x080000C1" should be added for SGSSAA in The Last Remnant: #4080 (
That does it for now, but any improvements/suggestions are very welcome. ;)
Apparently AA bit #27 is not needed for SGSSAA at 16:10 resolutions in Deadlight: #4080 (
It would be great, if someone could test SGSSAA in the remaining UE3 games marked as "not confirmed" in this post by Blade II: #4050 (
2013-04-13, 11:39:13
Will do dmc later this afternoon. Will update this post when done.
2013-04-13, 15:26:02
A while ago I found an SGSSAA flag "0x000012C1" for Assassin's Creed here:
Will this give better IQ and/or less blurring than simply enhancing the ingame AA setting?
In the original Assassin's Creed, the ingame AA setting only goes up to 4xMSAA, so enhancing that will only give you 4xSGSSAA:
Maybe in this case it is worth setting "Multisampling=0" in "Assassin.ini", and using "0x000012C1" for 8xQ MSAA + 8xSGSSAA instead?
Could someone please check this?
2013-04-13, 15:40:18
In the original Assassin's Creed, the ingame AA setting only goes up to 4xMSAA, so enhancing that will only give you 4xSGSSAA:
You can enhance to 8xSGSSAA.
2013-04-13, 15:59:20
I know, but does enhancing MSAA give the same quality as forcing with a custom AA flag?
That's the big question really. ;)
2013-04-13, 16:02:28
Btw "0x004000C0" works for MSAA+TrSSAA in Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition: (press F5 to refresh if the page doesn't load)
2013-04-13, 20:10:16
You can enhance to 8xSGSSAA.
Do you have any of the older Assassin's Creed games installed?
Are you sure there is no difference in IQ/blurring etc. between enhancing with SGSSAA, and forcing with "0x000012C1"?
A screenshot comparison would be nice :tongue:
2013-04-13, 20:15:52
I don't have them anymore, but afair there was no difference in IQ.
2013-04-14, 10:19:51
DmC-Devil May Cry
Things went well.
No AA 1080p:
No AA 1200p:
(This flag was listed on Guru3D)
0x080000C1 8xSGSSAA 1080p:
0x080000C1 8xSGSSAA 1200p:
0x000012C5 8xSGSSAA 1080p:
0x000012C5 8xSGSSAA 1200p:
For giggles:
3200x1800 downsampled w/Ingame AA to 1080p: (It looks better in some ways but it doesn't do much to compat the temporal aliasing that results from the specular aliasing.)
If you set LODBias to 0 in "TEXTUREGROUP_WorldLowQuality=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=2,MinMagFilte r=aniso,MipFilter=point)" in the config (docu/my games/UE3/devilgame/config) it produces this result. Less specular aliasing. But less detailed.
2013-04-14, 12:21:13
Da ich momentan 3D an meinem neue LED gestern getestet habe, habe ich gesehn das Darksiders 1 im Treiber eigene Bits hat. Arbeiten auch viel schneller als die hier in der Liste.
2013-04-14, 12:34:57
DmC-Devil May Cry
Things went well.
No AA 1080p:
No AA 1200p:
(This flag was listed on Guru3D)
0x080000C1 8xSGSSAA 1080p:
0x080000C1 8xSGSSAA 1200p:
0x000012C5 8xSGSSAA 1080p:
0x000012C5 8xSGSSAA 1200p:
For giggles:
3200x1800 downsampled w/Ingame AA to 1080p: (It looks better in some ways but it doesn't do much to compat the temporal aliasing that results from the specular aliasing.)
If you set LODBias to 0 in "TEXTUREGROUP_WorldLowQuality=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=2,MinMagFilte r=aniso,MipFilter=point)" in the config (docu/my games/UE3/devilgame/config) it produces this result. Less specular aliasing. But less detailed.
Thanks, 0x080000C1 looks better.
Do you know if there is a way to disable in-game AA? The last time I checked there was always some kind of FXAA enabled.
Da ich momentan 3D an meinem neue LED gestern getestet habe, habe ich gesehn das Darksiders 1 im Treiber eigene Bits hat. Arbeiten auch viel schneller als die hier in der Liste.
Sicher, dass die genau so gut greifen/nicht blurren mit SGSSAA?
2013-04-14, 13:22:58
Thanks, 0x080000C1 looks better.
Do you know if there is a way to disable in-game AA? The last time I checked there was always some kind of FXAA enabled.
Sicher, dass die genau so gut greifen/nicht blurren mit SGSSAA?
Just for reference *these tests were with Driver Controlled Lod bias off for whomever will care*
About the FXAA. It seems you can only enable/disable the "HD Anti Aliasing"
I also tried moving the FXAA shaders from the shaders folder to somewhere else to see if it would start without them. No dice. Then tried creating two dummy files with the same file name to see if it would just accept the files and start up with FXAA (If it's actually running all the time) no dice either.
But you know, based on this screenshot I don't think it is using FXAA unless you turn on HD AA.
Just seems like there are too many edges that FXAA would normally get that are aliased. Even console quality FXAA.
2013-04-14, 14:05:42
Thread wieder geupdatet. Vielen Dank an alle, die mitgeholfen haben.
2013-04-14, 18:45:59
Gern ! Macht 2,50€ kannst auch gern in Raten Zahlen ;)
Aber hier noch mal eine frage zur Sampler Verteilung bei verschieden werten.
Ich nutze gerade in RO2-HOS 4xAA mit 2xSGS bei einen LOD von -1.00. Bekomme ich da am Ende nur 2xSGSSAA raus oder halt 4x zu 2xSGS ? Und wie muss man das LOD anpassen wenn ich unterschiedliche werte nutze ?
Mfg CrimsoN und schönes Rest We!
2013-04-14, 20:47:36
Thanks, 0x080000C1 looks better.
Do you know if there is a way to disable in-game AA? The last time I checked there was always some kind of FXAA enabled.
Sicher, dass die genau so gut greifen/nicht blurren mit SGSSAA?
Habe jetzt nur in 3D am LED getestet. Das Bild war sehr glatt. Kann aber auch durch 3D verfälscht sein und durch den Sitzabstand. Werde es demnächst in 2D gegenprüfen am PC und Bilder posten.
Eher Offtopic-Frage:
Was macht eigentlich das post processing-Setting bei Crysis 3 genau, AA ist da ja nicht dabei oder?
Wollte eigentlich MSAA mit SGSSAA erweitern (wenns die GK packt ;) ).
2013-04-15, 12:15:39
Orginal AA-Bits: 1201
8x Spare Grid Supersampling (
3Dcenter AA-Bits: 3301
8x Spare Grid Supersampling (
Also ich finde die 1201 im aktuellen Treiber besser:
1. Bild sieht schärfer aus, wenn man sich die Texturen anschaut an dem Haus.
2. Perfomance ist mit 1201 um einiges besser. meine Karte wird gleichmässig ausgelastet und kann es flüssig spielen mit 8x.
Mit 3301 schaltet die Karte ständig hoch und runter, weil sich die Last ständig ändert. Dadurch wirkt es nicht so Rund. Oder ein andere Grund warum es unter 33001 so ruckelig ist.
2013-04-15, 16:41:02
Anybody had any luck forcing SGSSAA in Far Cry 3 in DX9 mode?
I know the "0x004012C1" flag supposedly works, but not without various issues (disappearing water etc.).
Gibt es hierzu was neues ?
Die 0x004012C1 liefern bei mir mittlerweile unter DX9 nur noch Fehler bzw. es wird nur noch der Himmel gerendet. Alles andere ist weg;D
2013-04-15, 20:25:11
Or you could try "0x004010C5", and have other weird glitches :crazy2:
The easiest solution would be to just run in DX11 mode, and enhance the ingame MSAA setting with SGSSAA.
Just for the record, I'm using these settings and tweaks in Far Cry 3: #3851 (
2013-04-15, 20:36:37
The easiest solution would be to just run in DX11 mode, and enhance the ingame MSAA setting with SGSSAA.
Then automatic LOD adjustment should be disabled because in-game AA fails with deferred shadows.
2013-04-15, 20:38:36
Or you could try "0x004010C5", and have other weird glitches :crazy2:
The easiest solution would be to just run in DX11 mode, and enhance the ingame MSAA setting with SGSSAA.
Just for the record, I'm using these settings and tweaks in Far Cry 3: #3851 (
The bits 0x004010C5 are also not working I think. Maybe this is related to the latest patch 1.05 ? (
Would love to use SweetFX, but it's still not possible in DX11 with nvidia and therefore I'd like to try the DX9 render path.
2013-04-15, 20:44:04
Kannst auch 4412C5 oder 0x204412C5 mal ausprobieren (PostFX mal off).
Werden aber sicherlich beide nicht richtig gehen. Damits nicht trotzdem noch übel flimnert, müsste auch die SSAO in der Config aus.
2013-04-15, 20:47:13
Then automatic LOD adjustment should be disabled because in-game AA fails with deferred shadows.
Interesting, but I'm just using 4xMSAA+Alpha To Coverage (Enhanced) anyway.
Either way, getting SGSSAA to work in Far Cry 3 DX9 is most likely a waste of time IMO.
2013-04-16, 12:15:10
Pretty nice idea! Unfortunately I couldn't get SGSSAA working properly (yet). The 0x004000C0 Flag just applies MSAA at some edges but the quality is highly dependent of the viewing angle. Furthermore you get a lot of graphical glitches because the lighting seems to be disrupted. Disabling shadows helps a lot, but the skin of Lara still flickers and is illuminated incorrectly. The former MSAA Bit for DX:HR 0x004030C0 works a little bit better for SGSSAA and correctly smoothes the images. However the graphical glitches are still present.
Any news on forcing SGSSAA in Tomb Raider DX9 mode?
Maybe "0x004010C0" will work?
Blade II
2013-04-16, 16:30:29
Any news on forcing SGSSAA in Tomb Raider DX9 mode?
Maybe "0x004010C0" will work?
Not from my side, sorry. "0x004010C0" works as good as "0x004000C0" and smoothes a few edges. It looks like only MSAA is applied, even if you have to force SSAA to get it working. I'm going to post some screens at the weekend ;).
2013-04-16, 22:22:24
Wie wird hier das mit Darksiders 1 gesehen?
2013-04-16, 22:27:52
Wenen du sagst, dass der Treiber-Standard besser ist und kein Widerspruch kommt, fällt das Custom Bit halt bald raus aus der Liste. Ich warte aber lieber noch etwas.
2013-04-16, 23:13:07
Die offiziellen AA-Bits sind qualitativ schlechter mit SGSSAA, da halt nicht darauf optimiert.
2013-04-16, 23:35:04
Die offiziellen AA-Bits sind qualitativ schlechter mit SGSSAA, da halt nicht darauf optimiert.
Meine Vergleichsbilder gesehen? Also finde das Bild mit den ofiziellen Bits besser. Die Texturen blurren nicht so, oder sehe ich das falsch? Flimmern tut in Bewegung auch nichts....
2013-04-16, 23:43:01
Meine Vergleichsbilder gesehen? Also finde das Bild mit den ofiziellen Bits besser. Die Texturen blurren nicht so, oder sehe ich das falsch? Flimmern tut in Bewegung auch nichts....
Nee? Welche Bits hast du verwendet?
Nee? Welche Bits hast du verwendet?
2013-04-17, 01:17:27
Achso, na dann ist klar. Die alten "3301" haben noch das teure "Filter-Bit" aktiv, welches im Zusammenhang mit MSAA für bessere Qualität sorgt (nicht für SGSSAA geeignet).
Die "C1" sollten auch in Darksiders1 am besten mit SGSSAA funktionieren, ist immerhin Unreal-Engine, dafür sind die "1201" performanter, liefern aber nicht die gleiche Qualität.
2013-04-17, 01:21:43
Here is an interesting post by "Guzz":
It appears, he also recommends "0x00001201" for Darksiders.
2013-04-17, 01:39:09
Here is an interesting post by "Guzz":
It appears, he also recommends "0x00001201" for Darksiders.
Kann ich schwer einschätzen im Moment, hab es nicht installiert, aber erfahrungsgemäß ist "C1" qualitativ hochwertiger. Vieleicht kann "phoenix887" mal die "C1" noch zusätzlich vergleichen.
2013-04-17, 09:23:56
Kann ich schwer einschätzen im Moment, hab es nicht installiert, aber erfahrungsgemäß ist "C1" qualitativ hochwertiger. Vieleicht kann "phoenix887" mal die "C1" noch zusätzlich vergleichen.
Ja ok mache ich heute Abend oder Morgen...
2013-04-17, 16:25:05
Ja ok mache ich heute Abend oder Morgen...
Super, falls die "C1" nicht funktionieren, nimm die "12C1" :)
2013-04-18, 13:17:48
Mit C1 gibt es Probleme(Grafikfehler), aber mit 12C1 ist es Perfekt. Alles wird geglättet, Schärfe ist da und läuft von der Perfomance sehr gut.
Denke kann man in der Liste ändern:)
2013-04-18, 16:21:10
Könnt ihr mir mal bitte alle Adressen von AA-Bits-Listen, -forendiskussionen etc. posten, die ihr von woanders kennt?
Die wären ein nützliches Arugment bei einer Petition für DX11 AA-Bits. :)
2013-04-19, 13:22:36
I have been using 2880x1800@60Hz for a long time with these manual display settings (Dell U2410 monitor):
Total vertical pixels: 1220 (default is 1235)
Total horizontal pixels: 2241 (default is 2080)
These settings are chosen based on this very well-written downsampling guide: Downsampling: How to (Guru3D) (
The result is 1.5x1.5 downsampling at my native resolution of 1920x1200.
Yesterday I also successfully tried 3840x2400@40Hz with the above settings.
The only problem was, that this resolution could not be selected ingame in any of the games I tested.
The solution to this problem was to use 3 programs called "SoftMCCS", "Phoenix EDID Designer" and "Monitor Asset Manager" to create a modified monitor .inf driver with the minimum vertical refresh rate set to 40Hz: EDID modification (
Download links to the needed programs as well as more information can be found here: HOWTO: Downsampling ( (
I have already tested "Hard Reset" and "Episodes from Liberty City" with the new custom 3840x2400 resolution.
This worked beautifully, and performance is still very nice in both games.
2013-04-20, 12:51:59
Mit C1 gibt es Probleme(Grafikfehler), aber mit 12C1 ist es Perfekt. Alles wird geglättet, Schärfe ist da und läuft von der Perfomance sehr gut.
Any visual difference between "1201", "1241", and "12C1" for SGSSAA in "Darksiders"?
Könnt ihr mir mal bitte alle Adressen von AA-Bits-Listen, -forendiskussionen etc. posten, die ihr von woanders kennt?
Die wären ein nützliches Arugment bei einer Petition für DX11 AA-Bits. :)
Excellent idea, the MSAA and SSAA lists are now very extensive for DX9, and it's time to turn our attention to the mediocre AA support in most DX11 "only" games.
Here are a few examples of DX11 games, where forced MSAA/SGSSAA in my opinion would be invaluable:
1) Battlefield 3: Enhancing MSAA with SGSSAA doesn't work well
2) BioShock Infinite: Absolutely no proper AA, only FXAA
3) Crysis 3: Ingame MSAA is low quality and demanding
4) Hitman: Absolution: Enhancing MSAA with SGSSAA causes glitches
5) Sleeping Dogs: Even "Extreme AA" mode is not perfect, and very demanding
6) Tomb Raider: Plenty of shader aliasing even with 4xSSAA
2013-04-21, 09:18:15
Actually Crysis 3 MSAA is high quality, it actually does AA to Alpha tested objects as well such as foliage.
The problem, is that MSAA no matter what, only handles Geometry. Thus it cannot handle Specular or shader aliasing and any resulting temporal aliasing caused by them too.
Crysis 3's MSAA implementation is far beyond the quality of MSAA in Battlefield Bad Company 2 DX11 for example. Which is just pure garbage and has all the issues that Crytek specifically tried to avoid when implementing Deferred MSAA(Which they also needed to implement SMAA since SMAA S2x uses a MSAA component and SMAA 4x combines SMAA 1x+S2x+T2)
The issue is that in many games MSAA as we all should know just isn't enough to conquer all aliasing.
Which is why stuff like TXAA and SMAA have arisen. Only problem is you can't force them on PC and have to be implemented in the game(And you have to have a 6xx card for TXAA yuck). Which leaves us screwed if a game is DX11 only and has no AA options beyond crap post-AA.
Sleeping Dogs AA is FSAA (I think the highest it goes is 2x2 on the highest setting) combined with FXAA. Though I question their FSAA/SSAA implementation because as you noted it doesn't seem to work very well...
Someone should do a comparison with driver OGSSAA or manual OGSSAA.
2013-04-21, 09:25:19
Crysis 3 MSAA is piece of crap too (8x): (
And it's extremely expensive (even without alphatextures).
I suppose 4xSGSSAA forced by driver wouldn't be much more cost intensive.
2013-04-21, 10:19:32
Urghs. Was is denn da schief gelaufen? :freak: Gut das ichs mir nicht gekauft hab ;D
Bringt es eigentlich in Skyrim was die MSAA-Samples höher als die SSAA einzustellen? Irgendwas war da doch oder?
Mein Kopf sagt dass es besser aussieht, aber Suggestion und so.
2013-04-21, 10:58:06
Urghs. Was is denn da schief gelaufen? :freak: Gut das ichs mir nicht gekauft hab ;D
Ohne Zoom siehts besser aus, ist aber trotzdem armseelig.
SGSSAA Aufwerten bringt auch nichts, weils nicht auf Texturen greift. Dabei hat das Spiel richtig üble Flimmershader.
Bringt es eigentlich in Skyrim was die MSAA-Samples höher als die SSAA einzustellen? Irgendwas war da doch oder?
Mein Kopf sagt dass es besser aussieht, aber Suggestion und so.
Dann wird halt die Geometrie höher abgetastet als der Rest.
Ansonsten bringt das nichts.
2013-04-21, 15:11:54
Crysis 3 MSAA is piece of crap too (8x): (
And it's extremely expensive (even without alphatextures).
I suppose 4xSGSSAA forced by driver wouldn't be much more cost intensive.
MSAA doesn't even look like it's working in that screenshot.
If it was, there's no way it'd look that blatantly bad.
Here's what it looks like when it should be working
Also: ONCE AGAIN, MSAA can't do jack shit about Specular or shader aliasing. Of which there is much in Crysis 3, just like there was in Crysis 1.
2013-04-21, 15:16:07
Dann wird halt die Geometrie höher abgetastet als der Rest. Ansonsten bringt das nichts.
Hm.. Ich finde dass die Flora ebenfalls besser aussieht. Muss das noch mal checken. Hab jetzt aber kein Bock ;D
one of many
2013-04-21, 17:36:51
war da nicht was mit schlechter verteilten samples bei höheren msaa werten?
einige graue zellen meinen sowas mal im zusammenhang mit 4x msaa / 2x sgssaa gelesen zu haben.
kann aber auch totaler unsinn sein. ^^
2013-04-21, 17:43:08
MSAA doesn't even look like it's working in that screenshot.
If it was, there's no way it'd look that blatantly bad.
Press right mouse button.
Hm.. Ich finde dass die Flora ebenfalls besser aussieht. Muss das noch mal checken. Hab jetzt aber kein Bock ;D
Ist imho käse, wenn Alphatests etc. schlechter geglättet sind als der Rest, zumal etwa 8xMSAA als Basis + 4xSGSSAA auch schon ziemlich teuer ist.
Ansonsten sollte afair wohl zu 8xMSAA 2xSGSSAA gut passen.
2013-04-21, 20:08:44
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Fehlt noch in der Liste ? Oder schau ich falsch ?
2013-04-21, 20:11:47
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Fehlt noch in der Liste ? Oder schau ich falsch ?
OpenGL iirc.
2013-04-21, 21:03:54
Ja stimmt danke, habs noch mal nach gelesen
Leider geht das in diesen Spiel nicht da da garnix greift was ich anwende !
2013-04-21, 22:06:03
Bin mir ziemlich sicher das Assault on Dark Athena kein OpenGL-Game ist. Escape from Butcher bay war afaik OGL.
Möp. Falsch. Habs verwechselt.
In der cfg findet man R_ANTIALIAS=0 Wenn ich mich recht entsinne muss das auf 0 damit SSAA greift (im inspector einfach SSAA einstellen nicht SGSSAA).
2013-04-21, 22:31:16
Ich versuche es mal denn in diesen Spiel greift selbst das inGame MSAA sau schlecht !
DS Hilft zwar aber meine GPU hat leider auch nicht unendlich rechenpower -.-
Edit: Greift auch nicht !
2013-04-22, 08:11:09
Wenn AO an ist ingame, ging doch gar kein MSAA mehr oder ?
2013-04-22, 23:03:31
Anything useful for "Dead Island: Riptide" yet?
Does it have the same "shadow problems" as the first Dead Island when forcing SGSSAA?
2013-04-22, 23:12:18
Since it's likely to be a driver bug: yes.
2013-04-24, 14:51:52
Interesting, but why is it then only affecting certain games/engines?
So far I have only seen it with SGSSAA in Chrome Engine 4/5 games:
Dead Island (10C1)
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (12C5)
Sniper: Ghost Warrior (12C5)
2013-04-25, 17:27:26
Interesting, but why is it then only affecting certain games/engines?
I don't know, maybe it affects every application and mostly one just can't see it.
I even noticed it with Half-Life 2, but e.g. not Dishonored.
Maybe one of the next drivers will already include a fix or at least a partial one, we'll see.
2013-04-25, 17:39:27
Shadow problems? You mean the white lines that appear all over the screen? It happens pretty much everywhere and not just in shadow.
Only two games i've tested that have this issue is RE6 and Dead Island.
2013-04-26, 22:47:53
Traue es mich kaum zu fragen, habe es mir aber als Star Trek Fan 80er und 90er geholt:freak:
Gibt es für Star Trek: The Game irgendwelche AA-Bits?
star trek von digital extremes verwendet die evolution engine (warframe, darkness 2), aber es wird sehr blurry mit 0x004000C1 im vergleich zu softTH.
2013-04-26, 23:15:01
star trek von digital extremes verwendet die evolution engine (warframe, darkness 2), aber es wird sehr blurry mit 0x004000C1 im vergleich zu softTH.
Wie siehts mit 0x004000C0 oder 0x004000C5 aus?
2013-04-27, 00:45:08
Wie siehts mit 0x004000C0 oder 0x004000C5 aus?
0x004000C0 greifen nicht....
0x004000C5 mit 8xSGSSAA (
Greift, könnte aber etwas schärfer sein, na immerhin besser als gar nichts;)
2013-04-27, 05:50:45
Shadow problems? You mean the white lines that appear all over the screen? It happens pretty much everywhere and not just in shadow.
Only two games i've tested that have this issue is RE6 and Dead Island.
I did find the bug with Left 4 Dead with any flag for SGSSAA in dark areas of the image
2013-04-27, 05:57:14
Jemand zufällig Bits für Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn bzw. Ahnung ob SGSSAA überhaupt funktioniert?
Wie siehts mit 0x004000C0 oder 0x004000C5 aus?
vom blur her sind alle gleich. das liegt am fxaa. c5 glätten schlecht, c0 gar nicht.
warframe hat eine fxaa option. bei star trek und darkness 2 ist es hingegen immer an.
2013-04-27, 12:00:00
vom blur her sind alle gleich. das liegt am fxaa. c5 glätten schlecht, c0 gar nicht.
warframe hat eine fxaa option. bei star trek und darkness 2 ist es hingegen immer an.
Müsste man doch irgendwie in der .ini abschalten können? Ich schau mal...
2013-04-27, 12:01:38
War bei Darkness 2 afair leider nicht möglich. Bei so was gehört den Entwicklern dermaßen in den Hintern getreten...
Blade II
2013-04-27, 12:04:38
Müsste nicht das Ingame-FXAA in Verbindung mit 2-4x MSAA oder ~2x SGSSAA und Downsampling ein halbwegs scharfes und glattes Bild liefern?
2013-04-27, 12:20:42
In-game FXAA + Treiber-SGSSAA kann leider auch über den normalen FXAA-Blur hinaus matschen.
Wäre halt auch nie so glatt wie mehr SGSSAA ohne Blur und ohne DS.
2013-04-27, 13:04:54
War bei Darkness 2 afair leider nicht möglich. Bei so was gehört den Entwicklern dermaßen in den Hintern getreten...
Habe jetzt auch nichts gefunden:mad:
2013-04-27, 15:40:31
I even noticed it with Half-Life 2, but e.g. not Dishonored.
I did find the bug with Left 4 Dead with any flag for SGSSAA in dark areas of the image
It is definitely a driver bug then. There is no such problems in the 301.42 WHQL driver with Source engine games.
Only problem is white lines through shadows in Chrome Engine games with forced SGSSAA. But this issue has been around for a long time. :)
2013-04-27, 20:01:12
Könnt ihr mir mal bitte alle Adressen von AA-Bits-Listen, -forendiskussionen etc. posten, die ihr von woanders kennt?
Die wären ein nützliches Arugment bei einer Petition für DX11 AA-Bits. :)
Any progress on the DX11 AA petition?
I would like to help in any way possible.
Planning on buying a couple of Titan GTXs when I have saved a little more money, and would love to use driver-forced SGSSAA in Crysis 3 with that setup ;D
2013-04-27, 20:09:56
Any progress on the DX11 AA petition?
I would like to help in any way possible.
Planning on buying a couple of Titan GTXs when I have saved a little more money, and would love to use driver-forced SGSSAA in Crysis 3 with that setup ;D
DX11 LOD bias took over 6 months from petition to driver with functionality included.
It's better to be safe than sorry, I think. If you have any good examples or sites that list/discuss Nvidia AA bits, I'd be glad if you could share them.
2013-04-27, 20:28:04
Gibt es vielleicht irgendwo ein Tutorial zum aktuellen Inspector?
Habe mein System neu aufgesetzt und die aktuelle Version gezogen.
Das sieht jetzt alles komplett anders aus und irgendwie steige ich da gar net mehr durch. :frown:
Keine Ahnung, wo ich das Bit einsetzen muss usw.
Habe Batman AA installiert und wollte jetzt mal an das Grafiktuning aber die Optionen sind jetzt alle komplett anders aufgebaut.
Danke schonmal,
2013-04-27, 20:32:53
Gibt im Startpost Screenshots und einen Link zu nem Guide.
2013-04-27, 20:35:23
Das Design mit den Optionen kenn ich ja aber bei dem sieht das alles komplett anders aus ... bis eben. :freak:
Gerade mal den gestartet, dort waren die bekannten Optionen zu sehen.
Nochmal die Version gestartet und jetzt ist alles so, wie es schon immer war.
Ganz komisch. :confused: (
2013-04-27, 20:40:54
I found a thread about DX11 AA bits started by boxleitnerb:
Incredible that something as basic as DX11 LOD adjustment can take 6 months to implement.
I wonder how long time it will take to persuade NVIDIA to add DX11 AA bits?
2013-04-27, 20:48:52
Incredible that something as basic as DX11 LOD adjustment can take 6 months to implement.
I don't think that it actually took them six months to implement the feature.
Rather they have chosen that it doesn't get implemented before r310 drivers.
They have also implemented an automatic with SGSSAA and improved negative LOD bias later with r313 series.
I don't think we can complain about this. ;)
I wonder how long time it will take to persuade NVIDIA to add DX11 AA bits?
They first need to want and plan to implement it, this is not guaranteed.
But maybe it wouldn't even take much longer than DX11 LOD bias, in case of success, who knows. We can be happy if they listen to us, even though we pay them. :redface:
2013-04-27, 20:49:39
MSAA darf net höher sein als SGSSAA, oder? Jeweils 4x geht aber doch oder muss SGSSAA immer eine Nummer drunter sein?
2013-04-27, 20:56:24
MSAA darf net höher sein als SGSSAA, oder? Jeweils 4x geht aber doch oder muss SGSSAA immer eine Nummer drunter sein?
Darf ruhig höher sein, dann wird die Geometrie halt höher abgetastet als der Rest.
Das funktioniert allerdings beim Erzwingen von SGSSAA nicht unbedingt, weil das Custom Bit dafür meist nicht mit MSAA funktioniert.
2013-04-27, 21:08:20
Ok, danke für die Info! :smile:
Kann vielleicht jemand kurz über meine Einstellungen zu Batman AA drüber schauen? (
8x SGSSAA würde ich gleich nochmal mit 8Qx MSAA ausprobieren, ob das flüssig läuft.
Ingame AA und Bloom ist deaktiviert. Bits habe ich erstmal die 10CI probiert.
Jetzt überlege ich nur noch, "Nvidia Predefined FXAA Usage" auf "off" zu stellen.
Noch keine Erfahrungen mit demFeature der 600er Serie von Nivida.
2013-04-27, 21:10:25
Kann vielleicht jemand kurz über meine Einstellungen zu Batman AA drüber schauen?
Ja, so erhältst du 4xSGSSAA.
Jetzt überlege ich nur noch, "Nvidia Predefined FXAA Usage" auf "off" zu stellen.
Noch keine Erfahrungen mit demFeature der 600er Serie von Nivida.
Das gibt nur an, ob man über den Treiber FXAA bei der Anwendungen einschalten können dürfen soll, ist also egal.
2013-04-27, 21:21:21
Supi, vielen Dank! :smile:
Gerade 8x SGSSAA versucht, da geht es dann in den schwammigen Bereich und es fühlt nicht mehr wirklich gut an.
Mit 4x SGSSAA alles wunderbar.
Bringt dieses "Ambient Occlusion" optisch was oder kann das auf "off" bleiben?
2013-04-27, 21:27:46
Das Spiel hat afair in-game schon AO.
2013-04-27, 21:32:25
Ach, ok. Dann kann ich jetzt ja mit dem Spiel anfangen.
Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe! :smile:
2013-04-28, 18:05:38
The standard UE3 flag "0x000000C1" also works beautifully for SGSSAA in Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction (
To avoid blurriness when forcing SGSSAA in this game, I recommend using the following .ini tweaks:
It should be noted, that the .ini files for this game is NOT located in "My Documents", which is the case for most UE3 games.
Instead these files can be found in the "\Netdevil\Warmonger\UTGame\Config" folder, located in your install directory.
Here are some comparison screenshots at 1920x1200 with 4xSGSSAA forced:
0x000000C1|0x000010C1|0x080000C1|NVIDIA Inspector (| (| (| (
As you see, there is no visual difference between "0x000000C1", "0x000010C1" and "0x080000C1" in Warmonger.
2013-04-28, 18:21:22
Hello everyone! i'm sorry i'm speaking in English, but i don't speak german, so i rely on your help since i can't find any other forum, which specializes on Nvidia Inspector utility this much as you do, so i registered in hopes to hear your solution! i'm looking for good blur-free anti-aliasing compatibility bit (DX9) for recently released Mars: War Logs! any more other than SGSAA is welcomed (i don't use SGSAA principally since it tends to make games look veeeery blurry, like pre-rendered movie...)...i want something, that will get rid of all (at least most...) of the jaggies, while not turning the picture into ultimate blur-fest! please, i really want to play this game in best quality possible!
2013-04-28, 19:55:13
I don't have Mars: War Logs, but have you tried the "standard" SGSSAA bits?
0x004010C1 etc.....
One of these flags (or variations of them) might do the job.
And just for the record, SGSSAA is NOT blurry at all if used correctly.
With the right AA flag combined with correct LOD adjustment, most games are not blurry with SGSSAA.
But of course there are examples of games/engines, where SGSSAA either doesn't work at all or causes all sorts of weird graphical glitches and/or blurriness.
Hope this helps a bit ;)
2013-04-28, 22:28:15
I don't have Mars: War Logs, but have you tried the "standard" SGSSAA bits?
One of these flags (or variations of them) might do the job.
And just for the record, SGSSAA is NOT blurry at all if used correctly.
With the right AA flag combined with correct LOD adjustment, most games are not blurry with SGSSAA.
But of course there are examples of games/engines, where SGSSAA either doesn't work at all or causes all sorts of weird graphical glitches and/or blurriness.
Hope this helps a bit ;)
well yeah...i know what adjustments you're talking about, but i have yet to experience single game that would work perfect with SGSSA applied (even with all the adjustments) and yes i have set LOD bias value to -1.500 for 8x MSAA, -1.000 for 4x MSAA and -0.500 for 2x MSAA and switched to negative LOD bias method to ALLOW, but even with all these things combined there's not even single game i played that wouldn't be blurry, maybe thats just my luck, hardware, drivers or whatever, but i'm trying to get the perfect clean image in ALL of my games to no avail, thats why SGSAA is not an option for me at this point (at least until i figure why the hell all of my games look so blurry with SGSAA applied...). Until then i'd rather go with something else...first i'll try to use these bits you listed and see if it'll make my game look better, if not then well...i'll wait till i find better solution. thanks for the help!
2013-04-29, 12:35:43
Allerdings muss man dem Gast Recht geben.
So funktioniert AA in Mafia II einwandfrei.
In Game AA auf aus und:
Das Bild mit den Einstellungen ist wohl leider nicht mehr online. Ist abgesehen von den Bits 0x000D02C4 irgend etwas zu beachten, wenn man MSAA haben will?
Mars: War Logs - 0x004010C1 - SGSSAA (disable FXAA) ( (
Ridge Racer Unbounded - 0x000012C1 - SGSSAA ( (
2013-04-29, 17:39:19
Does anybody own "Gears of War"?
It would be nice, if someone could test "0x000000C1" for SGSSAA in DX9 mode.
This is one of the only UE3 games not in the SSAA list yet.
2013-04-29, 17:54:37
I own Gears of War, but i don't know where i placed the DVD. I'll search for it the next days and keep you updated.
2013-04-30, 06:12:19
Mars: War Logs - 0x004010C1 - SGSSAA (disable FXAA) ( (
Looks good. Remember to use SweetFX's border shader with this flag people.
(Look at the outlines of the image)
2013-04-30, 15:07:42
Looks good. Remember to use SweetFX's border shader with this flag people.
(Look at the outlines of the image)
well...first screen (on the left) looks too blurry and i don't like it!...while the other (on the right) looks way better!, so if i use this flag will my game look as on the left or as on the right screen?...BTW hi! i didn't expect to see you on these forums :)
Gears of War - 0x000000C1 - SGSSAA, OGSSAA (
2013-04-30, 20:34:17
well...first screen (on the left) looks too blurry and i don't like it!...while the other (on the right) looks way better!, so if i use this flag will my game look as on the left or as on the right screen?...BTW hi! i didn't expect to see you on these forums :)
Yes hello. I do come here as well! The more people to test and figure out AA for games the better! I don't speak a lick of German but luckily there are some very nice people here that are willing to speak English!
the picture on the left (The blurry one) is with SGSSAA enabled. If you look at the border of the image there is a black outline to the left side and up top there is a white outline about 1 or 2 pixels in width. This happens when forcing AA in some games sometimes.
SweetFX's border shader usually helps cover these borders up.
As well, the one without AA is of course a lot sharper, but what seems to be the case is that there is a lot of high frequency noise that is being smoothed over by SGSSAA (which processes the whole scene). Now what you dont' see in a still picture is that all that high frequency content likely shimmers and flickers when the camera moves. (Part of Temporal Aliasing). You may not mind when you actually play. And that's completely fine if that's what you prefer!
But SGSSAA will usually combat all of this resulting in a very very good image in motion.
You can also try to sharpen post SGSSAA with SweetFX to get some of that back as well.(Though it may counteract the AA if you do it too strongly. Depends on the game)
2013-05-01, 00:23:05
I have moved my "summary" post: #4192 (
2013-05-01, 12:31:55
Excellent work on the AA flags guys. ;)
Here is a small "summary" post:
1) The SGSSAA flag for "Darksiders" should be changed to "0x000012C1": #4118 (
2) Maybe it would be a good idea to add my post on downsampling to the introduction on the first page?: #4120 (
3) "0x004000C5" should be added for SGSSAA in "Star Trek": #4144 (
4) "0x000000C1" should be added for SGSSAA in "Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction": #4168 (
5) "0x004010C1" should be added for SGSSAA in "Mars: War Logs": #4173 (
6) "0x000012C1" should be added for SGSSAA in "Ridge Racer Unbounded": #4174 (
7) And finally "0x000000C1" should be added for SGSSAA/OGSSAA in "Gears of War": #4179 (
The default AA flag for Gears is better imo.
No AA (
8x SGSSAA (0x000100C5) (
8x SGSSAA (0x000000C1) (
There is hardly any difference in the pictures but there is more shimmering in places with the "0x000000C1" flag.
I have made a quick video of it so you can see it,
2013-05-01, 15:13:56
That's really strange, the "0x000000C1" flag usually offers much better IQ in nearly all UE3 games.
Maybe Gears is using some sort of weird postprocessing that affects SGSSAA.
Or perhaps the "100C5" flag is just blurring the problem away.
Could you do me a favor and try "0x000100C1" and "0x000010C1"?
2013-05-01, 18:41:38
The default AA flag for Gears is better imo.
No AA (
8x SGSSAA (0x000100C5) (
8x SGSSAA (0x000000C1) (
There is hardly any difference in the pictures but there is more shimmering in places with the "0x000000C1" flag.
I have made a quick video of it so you can see it,
Versuchs mal mit "0x000100C1" ob das Shimmering verschwunden ist.
Edit: Wird zu unscharf, vergiss es :)
2013-05-01, 20:28:30
8x SGSSAA "0x000010C1" (
8x SGSSAA "0x000100C1" (
I have tested both the flags and the shimmering is only there with the "0x000010C1" flag.
2013-05-01, 23:36:02
Ok, I guess the official flag "0x000100C5" is the best solution for "Gears of War" when using SGSSAA.
I have corrected my summary post: #4181 (
2013-05-02, 06:47:21
The Default Flag is not recommended. It's one of those flags that has a dynamic AA Toggle.
If you drop even just one frame under refresh it will disable AA.
You'll have instances where the game isn't under stress at all but the the AA will flicker on and off.
This is what would happen with this flag for The Last Remnant which is also the Default flag for that game. (Maybe it's game specific I don't know. But many UE3 official flags like the ME2/3 flag did the same)
Try 0x080000C1 instead. This worked perfect for me in TLR and had 0 shimmering and did not toggle AA on and off.
2013-05-02, 12:05:25
I don't have "Gears of War", so i'm only basing my conclusions on the posted screenshots.
But in general you are absolutely correct, "0x000100C5" results in poor AA quality with both MSAA and SGSSAA in most UE3 games.
The extra bit in "0x080000C1" is only needed for newer UE3 games for 16:10 resolution compatibility, and there will probably not be any difference between this and "0x000000C1" in an older game like Gears. ;)
Still worth a try though.
2013-05-02, 12:50:58
Yeah, sorry I don't know what bits pertain to things exactly or whatnot. Just what I've learned from trial and error on a per game basis.
and 0x08 just happened to be the flag that I tested in a long line of flags like a year ago that worked perfectly for TLR without the issues/quality of other flags like the Default one.
2013-05-05, 23:30:03
I have moved this post to the SLI sammelthread: Mafia 2 SLI fix (
2013-05-06, 00:18:32
I have updated my "summary" post again: #4181 (
2013-05-06, 19:01:41
I have moved my "summary" post again: #4208 (
mit bit #02 gibt es kaum noch glättung in star trek.
2013-05-07, 23:55:32
SLIKnight 0x004010C1 bit for Mars War Logs drops performance of my PC by a huge notch, while not making image look better! the image is getting veeery blurry to the point, when it starts to hurt my eyes! there another more eye-friendly compatibility-bit (dx9 mode preferably!...)? All i basically want is making this game work well with MSAA (just bare MSAA i don't need anything else...not even transparency sampling to work with it!...), just MSAA alone as i simply want to get rid of the jaggies without getting blurry image! ...please something someone!...i've tried to set MSAA manually in my Nvidia Inspector Mars War Logs profile to no avail! it doesn't matter what i set there (SSAA, MSAA or mixed...) it just wouldn't do anything (off course without any "compatibility bits applied to it!...)
2013-05-08, 00:50:45
I don't have "Mars: War Logs", sorry.
But according to the post by "Gast", "0x004010C1" works fine.
For MSAA, you might want to try "0x004030C1".
This flag tend to work for MSAA+TrSSAA in many games, where nothing else does.
2013-05-08, 01:54:48
I don't have "Mars: War Logs", sorry.
But according to the post by "Gast", "0x004010C1" works fine.
For MSAA, you might want to try "0x004030C1".
This flag tend to work for MSAA+TrSSAA in many games, where nothing else does.
well...i set this flag you suggested and there're some serious texture glitches (i can't even describe how it looks, but its all fu*ed up...), when i go back to default AA method (which means no AA at all as you understand) everything backs to normal, but as a result i get crappy quality, because of the obvious jaggies! seems like i have the only option left for me if i want to make game look better - to get SMAA injector, which reduces jaggies to minimum without huge performance drop! the downside of those tool is that it doesn't make edges of surfaces (like any kind of surface...) sharper, but rather blurry (you can especially notice it very well around the edges of the surface, like a table for example, it looks too much out of focus even on the very long distance...)
2013-05-08, 09:47:22
Just from the screens i've seen of Mars, the game is incredibly noisy with lots of high frequency information everywhere.
Of course it's going to get blurry when the AA starts to think all those sharp noisy edges are aliasing and attempts to smooth it all out. (The same thing happens with Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed. Though to a lesser extent)
At this point trying to test for an OGSSAA flag, or just using downsampling with SMAA/FXAA may be your best choice for your tastes.
Or use SGSSAA and sharpen it with SweetFX.
2013-05-08, 20:05:14
Just from the screens i've seen of Mars, the game is incredibly noisy with lots of high frequency information everywhere.
No game should look like this without some serious "sharpening" applied to it.
I think going the downsampling route might be the best option.
Forcing AA on top of that gritty mess is probably not a good idea afterall. :biggrin:
7680x4320 downsampling (
2013-05-08, 23:39:29
Seems like Downsampling works well without destroying clarity*cough*noise*cough*. But that's epic resolution right there. 8k to 720p. (Which is, what. ~6x6 SSAA?)
I wonder how it looks in motion and I can't imagine the performance hit haha.
softTH doesn't work well with sli and text becomes unreadable.
7680x4320@1080p VS 8xSGSSAA 0x004010C1 ( (
2013-05-09, 03:38:25
Ah. One of those games who's UI and text scale with resolution then?
2013-05-09, 07:48:13
Star Trek The Game
basiert auf der Evolution Engine, die Bits von Darkness 2 funktionieren.
Performance ist gut, 8xSGSSAA sollte auch bei ner Singel-Karte drin sein.
Spiel hat ein DX11 SLI Profil, allerdings wird auch in den hohen Settings DX9 verwendet.
Wäre super wenn jemand gegen testen könnte :) ( (
Ah. One of those games who's UI and text scale with resolution then?
Don't scale.
2013-05-09, 16:19:31
softTH doesn't work well with sli and text becomes unreadable.
That is exactly the reason I think driver-based downsampling is the way to go.
Less hassle and compatibility issues.
Unfortunately the best I can do with my Dell U2410 Monitor is 3840x2400@40Hz.
2013-05-09, 16:35:36
Driver based downsampling looks much worse than proper OGSSAA (and I guess also SoftTH) since it has a terrible downscaling filter (produces Moiré pattern and noise) and leads also to chroma subsampling with flawed upsampling (color bleeding and artifacts).
Really nothing "HQ" like.
2013-05-09, 16:38:12
I wasnt aware of that.
I'm using 3840x2400 in Hard Reset and Episodes from Liberty City, and it looks great to me.
The quality of the monitor is very important when using driver-downsampling.
SoftTH is very BETA in my opinion, and has SLI issues in many games.
2013-05-09, 16:47:28
I have moved my "summary" post yet again: #4213 (
2013-05-09, 16:51:31
2) Maybe it would be a good idea to add my post on downsampling to the introduction on the first page?: #4120 ('s already a dedicated thread regarding downsampling linked in the first post. Maybe you should post your guide there? :)
I will update the list later.
2013-05-09, 17:01:01
Ok, maybe I will do that. ;)
I have one more suggestion for the AA list.
There are quite a few "Need for Speed" games in the SSAA list.
Maybe we can combine some of them to save space?:
NFS: Pro Street, Shift & World (0x000010C1): #491 (, #306 (, #2109 (
2013-05-10, 03:40:29
Zeno Clash 2
Unreal Engine 3
0x080000C1 (
~30 FPS avg mit einer GTX Titan in 1080P bei 8xSGSSAA.
Verbraucht bei dem Setting ca 2,2GB VRAM laut Precision OSD.
Leider neigt das spielinterne Ambient Occlusion zum flimmern und wird selbst mit 8xSGSSAA nicht glatt.
Falls jemand gute AO Bits findet -> immer her damit :)
2013-05-10, 17:58:43
I tested "0x080000C1" for SGSSAA in Borderlands.
Here is a screenshot at 1920x1200 with 4xSGSSAA forced: ( (
I'm using maximum ingame settings with one exception, "Depth of Field" is disabled in the "Audio/Video" menu.
For reference purposes, I will also post the "[SystemSettings]" section of my "WillowEngine.ini" file:
2013-05-10, 18:04:21
I think the AA list should be updated with this information:
1) The SGSSAA entry for "Darksiders" should either be changed to "0x000012C1" or deleted: #4098 (, #4118 (
2) "0x000000C1" should be added for SGSSAA in "Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction": #4168 (
3) "0x000012C1" should be added for SGSSAA in "Ridge Racer Unbounded": #4174 (
4) "0x004010C1" should be added for SGSSAA in "Mars: War Logs": #4201 (
5) The SGSSAA entries for "NFS: Pro Street, Shift & World" should be combined, since they all use "0x000010C1": #491 (, #306 (, #2109 (
6) "0x080000C1" should be added for SGSSAA in "Zeno Clash 2": #4211 (
7) The two SGSSAA entries for "Borderlands 1 & 2" should also be combined, since "0x080000C1" is sufficient in both games: #3309 (, #4212 (
2013-05-10, 18:24:15
Driver based downsampling looks much worse than proper OGSSAA (and I guess also SoftTH) since it has a terrible downscaling filter (produces Moiré pattern and noise) and leads also to chroma subsampling with flawed upsampling (color bleeding and artifacts).
Really nothing "HQ" like.
It depends on the game I think.
I've gotten better results with Driver downsampling than proper OGSSAA from Inspector in some games. Especially when combined with other AA.
I've very rarely gotten any Color bleeding and moire. (Though in some games you get Moire even with inspector OGSSAA, Like L4D2 unless you are pushing like 4x4)
And i've only ever noticed Chroma sub-sampling when downsampling from either an odd resolution that isn't an even multiple of your native, or on text like MSI Afterburner's OSD. But never on any game elements themselves. But then again, a LOT of the games I use Driver OGSSAA on are console ports anyway that have many assets that are already compressed and already Chroma sub-sampled to begin with (like EDF insect armageddon or Resident Evil 5) and end up dont' really losing anything or improving clarity of the assets. (Like Sonic Generations and 2x2 Driver OGSSAA+in-game FXAA)
2013-05-10, 18:40:18
I'm using maximum ingame settings with one exception, "Depth of Field" is disabled in the "Audio/Video" menu.
To avoid any confusion regarding tweaks and/or settings, here is the "[SystemSettings]" section of my "WillowEngine.ini" file:
It's also a good idea to disable that black outline shader via config tweak, it causes much aliasing and sometimes odd colors with SGSSAA.
2013-05-10, 18:44:31
I know, but that willl radically change the overall "look" of the BL games ;)
2013-05-10, 18:53:48
Yeah the outline is what's part of the charm of that game.
Does SGSSAA really help in that game though? It doesn't seem like there is a lot of aliasing beyond geometry/outlines from what i've seen. But it is a UE3 game so I can't be sure.
I guess the better question is how does SGSSAA look in motion in BL compared to say just MSAA+OGSSAA or just MSAA?
2013-05-10, 18:55:46
MSAA doesn't help against that outlines - which I find ugly, btw.
If you disabled them.. ;)
I guess OGSSAA doesn't work properly with some menues, at least it doesn't in BL2 and many other UE3 games.
2013-05-10, 18:58:52
Ah well, I suppose you could always do MSAA+TrSSAA(For foliage?)+SMAA for the outlines maybe.
I have the game but have never played it. Maybe I should install it and do some testing myself.
2013-05-10, 19:56:09
Ah well, I suppose you could always do MSAA+TrSSAA(For foliage?)+SMAA for the outlines maybe.
Inject SMAA got problems if the scene is already anti-aliased, it leads to flickering edges. :(
Btw: List updated.
2013-05-12, 01:10:41
Inject SMAA got problems if the scene is already anti-aliased, it leads to flickering edges. :(
Btw: List updated.
Yeah it does sometimes. But i've seen it do that even with just SMAA by itself.
Like on Bad Company 2, if you try to inject SMAA with no other AA active. Things like Moving text when you resume a single player game flicker. But if you inject FXAA, it doesn't flicker at all. And doesn't with no AA either.
It couldn't hurt to try with Borderlands though, it may or may not be super apparent. I will give it a try and see what happens
2013-05-12, 09:18:12
Yeah it does sometimes. But i've seen it do that even with just SMAA by itself.
Like on Bad Company 2, if you try to inject SMAA with no other AA active. Things like Moving text when you resume a single player game flicker. But if you inject FXAA, it doesn't flicker at all. And doesn't with no AA either.
I suppose this can be related to effects like e.g. film grain. I also noted this with Hitman Absolution and Inject FXAA.
2013-05-13, 04:38:21
Borderlands 1-
I want to start with, Holy hell the FMVs in this game are so poorly compressed and low res it's disgusting. The DoF is very poor quality (Blur image and blend Dof rather than a HQ per pixel DoF it seems) and ugly as hell too, it actually counteracts AA and will make Aliasing worse in some areas along with it bringing it's own issues from being low resolution itself.
First pictures:
Dynamic Shadows seem to completely counteract and offset Transparency Super-Sampling.
8xTrSSAA Dynamic Shadows
8xTrSSAA No Dynamic Shadows
Vs just 8xQ/no TrSSAA
I would have to assume the ugly low res PSSM shadows are to blame for this.
SMAA worked somewhat on top of MSAA, it did not flicker much but it also completely un-did some of what MSAA did.
FXAA on the other hand did not and produced the opposite effect.
SGSSAA suprisingly does help a LOT with stuff in this game. (Namely some Shimmering/pixel crawl) But it also doesn't deal with the outlines entirely.
PSSM Shadows turned off+4xMSAA+4xTrSSAA+FXAA(driver) is a good alternative though. (Be aware, trying to do the above with downsampling may not work too well. At least with Driver FXAA)
8xQ+8xTr+SMAA Ultra
8xSGSSAA (C1 flag)
I also Recommend the flag 0x00000041 for MSAA/TrSSAA instead of 100C5 (which is the UT3,TLR flag) because 100C5 has the dynamic AA toggle crap and objects that are AA'd will flicker for a split second at random.
2013-05-13, 14:51:58
Nice analysis for Borderlands :)
I agree, that "0x000100C5" should be removed from the list for MSAA in BL.
What about just using the default driver AA profile "0x00000045" for MSAA?
Any visual/performance difference between "0x00000041" and "0x00000045"?
Personally I prefer to keep things simple, and just use 4xSGSSAA with "0x080000C1".
2013-05-13, 14:53:47
Die neuen 320.14 Beta Treiber haben nun auch einen Fix (FERMI_SETREDUCECOLORTHRESHOLDSENABLE) gegen dieses störende "Streifen-Problem" integriert, welches bei einigen Games im Zusammenspiel mit SGSSAA und vorwiegend mit "10C1" AA-Bits auftrat.
Im NV Inspector gibt es dafür nun einen separaten Schalter unter dem Compatibility-Tab -> "Antialiasing Fix" welcher das manuelle aktivieren oder deaktivieren erlaubt.
Hier ein Problem-Beispiel aus dem Game "Dead Island" und aktivierten SGSSAA "10C1"
Ohne Fix: (
Mit Antialiasing Fix "On" : (
2013-05-13, 14:58:53
That's great Blaire.
Will setting this bit work with older drivers?
Did you try with for example "Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood" using "0x000012C5"?
This game and other Chrome Engine games also seem to suffer from the problem.
2013-05-13, 15:07:28
Hat sich das ja gelohnt, dass ich bei ManuelG über Monate geklingelt hab. ;)
2013-05-13, 15:09:53
That's great Blaire.
Will setting this bit work with older drivers?
Did you try with for example "Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood" using "0x000012C5"?
This game and other Chrome Engine games also seem to suffer from the problem.
No, you need new Driver. "Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood" cant say , not tested yet.. Only Mass Effect3, Project Cars and Dead Island (incl. Riptide) show no Stripes anymore.
2013-05-13, 15:20:11
Ich würd BQ-Enthusiasten raten, dieses Bit immer zu setzen, fixt etwa auch MSAA-Geflacker bei der Source-Engine.
Yeah, jetzt kann man Nvidias AA als perfekt bezeichnen. Fehlen nur noch DX11 AA-Bits. :D
2013-05-13, 15:29:44
Mit dem neuen Flag geht jetzt auch SGSSAA in Cities in Motion 2 one nervige Streifen mit HDR (0x204412C1): (
Allerdings gibts immer noch weiße Pixel an Kanten durch Lichtquellen wie Laternen.
Es gehen wahrscheinlich auch andere AA-Modi mit dem Flag, die den Fehler hoffentlich nicht haben, aber die fressen dafür Unmengen an VRAM.
2013-05-13, 15:39:52
Ebenso Tropico 4 (8xSGSSAA, 0x004010C1): (
2013-05-13, 16:02:29
Auch in Trine 1 & 2 sind die Streifen mit dem neuen Flag weg:
8xSGSSAA, 0x000010C1
Trine 1 (disable distortion effects); (
Trine 2 (seit Shaderreplacement-Patch crasht es mit forciertem AA bei Detailstufen über medium): (
2013-05-13, 16:31:01
Hat zufällig jemand was passendes für Torchlight II?
Habe 0x20000245 versucht aber irgendwie scheint das nicht zu greifen.
Sehe gar keinen Unterschied und die Grafikkarte hat die gleiche Auslastung.
2013-05-13, 17:00:51
Auch bei Far Cry 2 DX9 sind mit dem neuen Flag die Streifenfehler nun weg.
8xSGSSAA, 0x000010C1: (
Am besten Post Processing auf niedrig stellen, damit DoF aus ist.
2013-05-13, 17:15:26
Also die Team Forest 2 Flag immer zusätzlich setzen?
2013-05-13, 17:16:31
Jap. Am besten global, wie Blaire es beschrieben hat.
2013-05-13, 17:17:31
Jap. Am besten global, wie Blaire es beschrieben hat.
JA ok danke, war mir eben nicht ganz sicher.
2013-05-13, 17:28:25
Wie kann ich das einstellen, habe keinen Bereich wo ich den Flag einstellen kann:
2013-05-13, 17:57:45
Kostet dieses Bit in anderen Anwendungen Leistung / VRAM wenn man es global setzt?
Danke für den Post Blaire :up:
@phoenix887: (
Edit: Was ist eigentlich dieses "maximum frames allowed" :confused: Fällt mir zum ersten Mal auf ;D
2013-05-13, 18:01:16
Wie kann ich das einstellen, habe keinen Bereich wo ich den Flag einstellen kann:
Siehe Screenshot, dort klicken damit die "Unknown-Settings" angezeigt werden. Besser ich editiere es oben im Posting noch mit rein.
Kostet dieses Bit in anderen Anwendungen Leistung / VRAM wenn man es global setzt?
Danke für den Post Blaire :up:
Nix zu danken, dieses Bit haben wir eher "aufkrawalls" Hartnäckigkeit zu verdanken.^^
2013-05-13, 18:03:11
Zu langsam :tongue: Kannst auch einfach mein Bild verlinken. DU DARFST! ;D
Biohazard 6 / Resident Evil 6 - 0x000000C1+0x00000000 (Team Fortress 2) - SGSSAA ( (
2013-05-13, 18:13:54
Alles klar danke@all
2013-05-13, 18:47:16
Vieleicht kann "Orbmu2k" dieses Bit auch gleich mit in den AA-Bits Editor verfrachten, als Option?
2013-05-13, 18:54:35
Vieleicht kann "Orbmu2k" dieses Bit auch gleich mit in den AA-Bits Editor verfrachten, als Option?
Wäre eine gute Sache, dann würde es sicherlich von mehr Leuten genutzt.
2013-05-13, 19:55:11
Vieleicht kann "Orbmu2k" dieses Bit auch gleich mit in den AA-Bits Editor verfrachten, als Option?
Ist ja kein AA Bit, ist ja ein extra Schalter.
Wie soll er denn heissen? :D
2013-05-13, 19:56:06
Biohazard 6 / Resident Evil 6 - 0x000000C1+0x00000000 (Team Fortress 2) - SGSSAA ( (
how do you made it work without those lines?
and what do you mean by "0x000000C1+0x00000000 (Team Fortress 2)"?
2013-05-13, 20:03:13
Ist ja kein AA Bit, ist ja ein extra Schalter.
Wie soll er denn heissen? :D
"D3D9 AA-Fix"? :)
2013-05-13, 20:13:53
"D3D9 AA-Fix"? :)
Mir Egal sucht euch was aus. :)
2013-05-13, 20:22:44
Nenn es doch D3D9-Blaire-Fix. ;)
Danke übrigens für die investigative Arbeit. :up:
2013-05-13, 20:30:53
Wie deaktivier ich den Spaß eigentlich wieder?? :|
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