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2001-04-26, 08:29:43
Hallo und guten Morgen,

für die US-Version gibt es jetzt den ersten Patch.
Mal sehen, wann der deutsche Patch kommt.

Serious Sam Patch v1.00c - USA version
Release notes

This patches version 1.00 to 1.00c, but only for the USA version. To install, just click on the exe and it will find where and how to patch.

If you don't have the original version installed properly, the patch will not work. But you can still use WinZip or similar tool to extract the files from this self-extracting exe, and manually copy them over.

Here is a short list of fixes and changes:


1.00c is net-game compatible with 1.00
save games and demos are retained from 1.00 to 1.00c

+ sometimes when sharp turning is on, view used to start spinning wildly, especially when changing gravities
+ dedicated server now supports mods
+ using Serious Editor no longer resets options for Serious Sam
+ dedicated server initialization file (Scripts\Dedicated_startup.ini) was missing
+ rendering electro-fish lightning attack crashed in some rare situations when player ran away from the fish
+ audio options were not saved
+ joystick auto-disable is now off by default - some drivers report this erorrneously
+ network connection between different versions (USA-Europe and similar) didn't work. both server and client need this patch in order for connection to work
+ inability to determine CPU speed on some Win2k machines caused crashing with division by zero when starting
+ after switching the wide screen option off, mouse pointer would block in the upper part of the screen sometimes
+ added controls for gamma, brightness, contrast and posterization (gfx_fGamma, gfx_fBrightness, gfx_fContrast, gfx_iLevels) - only on Win9x and Win2k systems and on cards that support those options
+ increased number of credits options for coop games in the game options menu + added support for old Ati RagePro - it is slow, but it works (must use ogl_iFinish=3)
+ couldn't change player appearance and options for some players in split screen in some occasions

Hier gehts zum Download:


2001-04-26, 10:58:59
Ich frage mich inwiefern die Deutsche sich denn bitte von der US unterscheiden soll. Auf der Deutschen CD ist nämlich auch die US-Version auswählbar ... oder sind die dennoch unterschiedlich?


Na ich wart mal auf den German Patch ;)


2001-04-26, 11:29:26
Das Problem mit dem ewigen ersten Start (Du erinnerst Dich noch, oder) tritt vermutlich nur bei der deutschen Version auf.
Wie findige Leute herausgefunden haben, gibt es wohl unterschiedliche Regeln bei der Darstellung von Kommata uns Semikolon bei der USA und Deutschland.
Diese Regelung verursacht diesen Fehler, da in der PersistentSymbols.ini dadurch falsche Werte entstehen, die diesen Fehler verursachen.
Ich zitiere:

I acknowledge, that sometimes there are commas (',') within my FLOATs of the PersistantSymbols.ini. And if there are commas, then ss 'forgets', that it had started before. Also I agree, that this behavior seems to come from the German localisation.
But that is not the whole truth. Sometimes I change some settings and they are saved as they should. And sometimes, there are no commas in it and ss also 'forgets', that it had started before.

Two 'workarounds' that did not completely remove the problem on my pc:
* English installation of the game on a German win98se with German Language settings. [worked just tempoarily]
* Writing the (FLOAT)-settings with dots ('.') into the file game_startup.ini [didn't help against 'comma-diseased' floats in the PersistantSymbols.ini]

The following workaround (same as write-protecting, as wheeljack had suggested at the beginning of the thread) works:
* Hold a commaless copy of the PersistantSymbols.ini with all your settings [with all commas (',') in the FLOATs replaced by dots ('.')] and use a batch file to replace the original ini-file by the copy before starting the game.
The disadvantage is: This prevents ss from changing anything persistantly in the ini-file.

Is someone here familiar with perl or tcltk and can supply a script to replace ',' by '.' in a textfile?

Hätte man auch dran denken können, oder ? ;-)

2001-04-27, 00:42:04
Hat bei mir nichts gebracht die ; durch . zu ersetzen.

Oder hab ich da was falsch verstanden ???

2001-04-27, 02:24:15
Hi Leute !

Man kann den US-Patch auch für die deutsche Version benutzen! Funzt ohne Probleme.Allerdings wurde der Speicherbug immer noch nicht gefixt.
Angeblich soll es helfen das Spiel neu zu installieren und im Setup Us bzw. Englische Installation auszuwählen.

MfG Wodde

2001-04-27, 08:46:20
Aww key, dann installier ich mir den Patch mal rein. Ich hab meine Config eh schreibgeschützt, von daher dürfte das mit dem Speicherbug sowieso kein Thema mehr sein. Ärgerlich halt nur das meine Punkte nicht gespeichert werden :|


2001-04-27, 14:04:29
Hab den Patch drauf und immer noch keine Probleme :D Schade, schade ;)

2001-05-06, 12:28:58
Der Patch für die europäische(n) Version(en) von Seríous Sam ist draussen.

fileplanet.com (http://www.fileplanet.com/index.asp?section=1376&file=59827)


2001-05-06, 14:19:44
Jeepee, jetzt vergißt Serious Sam seine Einstellungen bei mir nicht mehr.

2001-05-06, 18:56:42
Lieben Dank für den Hinweis. Hab ihn nun auch druff !!!