2011-01-29, 12:38:49
um reich zu werden.
Sorry, der Link führt auch noch zu anderen Seiten und würde hier somit gelöscht werden müssen.
Hier also nur der Text:
"Submissive Girl Needed for New D/s Website
Let’s make money together! We are a married couple that has run a D/s website in the past. We are going to start the website up again, but this time with a new twist. The original website told the tale of a young girl that was married to her husband and served him as his submissive. This time the story is about a young submissive girl that is taken in by a married couple and tells about her life as she lives with and serves them. We ran the original website for about 4 years, 1999 to 2002, and it made us about $100k per year. For several reasons in 2002 we started feeling guilty and thought that we should try to make it in life doing something more respectable. We shut down the website and both got “real” jobs. To quote the Simpsons, “Dumbest Idea Ever!!!” Now it is 7 years later and we have come to the realization that real jobs suck. Don’t get us wrong, we are both college educated and professional people doing white collar work. The jobs we have are both respectable and pay us very well. We currently make well over 6 figures, but we have no freedom. We miss the ability to do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted. We used to take off for the weekend and not come back until Wednesday, but now we have PTO time, approvals, and company policy. Screw it! This is not how people were meant to live. So we sat down and came up with a business plan to get our old self controlled lives back. On top of that, we want a bigger house with a swimming pool. Here is how we plan to get it. We find a young girl that is eager to make money and willing to be the star of a new website. She relocates to our home and lives with us as our submissive for one year. While she is here we are writing a storyline for the website based on our daily activities and recording it all in digital pictures and video. We build a website that tells the story of her life, the adventures she has, the emotional ups and downs, throw in a little controversy for good measure, and then we sell access to the site for $30 a month. My wife and I already have everything needed to design, build, host, and charge for a website. All we need is one girl to be our star. We can give you the full details of our plan in later correspondence, but the most important part is the money. We want to make $300k in the first year and we split all profits with you 50/50. That means you also will make $300k. We understand that this position is not for everyone. In fact, most people will think we are crazy, but we know there is at least one girl out there that would rather do this than work at McDonalds for chump change. You might be just out of high school and need money for college or maybe you just hate the working world like we do. Whatever your reason, think about it and consider how good life could be. You will have a home, clothing, food, and everything else provided for you while you just sit back and stockpile the money. At the end of the year you can walk away and enjoy cash. If we, you and us, decide to keep the website running after that then cash just keeps coming. Here are some details about us."
Klingt ja sogar so, als könnte das funktionieren. ;)
Sorry, der Link führt auch noch zu anderen Seiten und würde hier somit gelöscht werden müssen.
Hier also nur der Text:
"Submissive Girl Needed for New D/s Website
Let’s make money together! We are a married couple that has run a D/s website in the past. We are going to start the website up again, but this time with a new twist. The original website told the tale of a young girl that was married to her husband and served him as his submissive. This time the story is about a young submissive girl that is taken in by a married couple and tells about her life as she lives with and serves them. We ran the original website for about 4 years, 1999 to 2002, and it made us about $100k per year. For several reasons in 2002 we started feeling guilty and thought that we should try to make it in life doing something more respectable. We shut down the website and both got “real” jobs. To quote the Simpsons, “Dumbest Idea Ever!!!” Now it is 7 years later and we have come to the realization that real jobs suck. Don’t get us wrong, we are both college educated and professional people doing white collar work. The jobs we have are both respectable and pay us very well. We currently make well over 6 figures, but we have no freedom. We miss the ability to do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted. We used to take off for the weekend and not come back until Wednesday, but now we have PTO time, approvals, and company policy. Screw it! This is not how people were meant to live. So we sat down and came up with a business plan to get our old self controlled lives back. On top of that, we want a bigger house with a swimming pool. Here is how we plan to get it. We find a young girl that is eager to make money and willing to be the star of a new website. She relocates to our home and lives with us as our submissive for one year. While she is here we are writing a storyline for the website based on our daily activities and recording it all in digital pictures and video. We build a website that tells the story of her life, the adventures she has, the emotional ups and downs, throw in a little controversy for good measure, and then we sell access to the site for $30 a month. My wife and I already have everything needed to design, build, host, and charge for a website. All we need is one girl to be our star. We can give you the full details of our plan in later correspondence, but the most important part is the money. We want to make $300k in the first year and we split all profits with you 50/50. That means you also will make $300k. We understand that this position is not for everyone. In fact, most people will think we are crazy, but we know there is at least one girl out there that would rather do this than work at McDonalds for chump change. You might be just out of high school and need money for college or maybe you just hate the working world like we do. Whatever your reason, think about it and consider how good life could be. You will have a home, clothing, food, and everything else provided for you while you just sit back and stockpile the money. At the end of the year you can walk away and enjoy cash. If we, you and us, decide to keep the website running after that then cash just keeps coming. Here are some details about us."
Klingt ja sogar so, als könnte das funktionieren. ;)