2011-03-30, 23:34:29
Swedish developer Avalanche Studios today announced Renegade Ops, a co-operative shooter that will be available exclusively as a digital download for Xbox Live Arcade, PSN and the PC later this year.
Described by a GamePro preview tease as a vehicular combat throwback to classic titles like G.I. Joe and EA's Strike series, Renegade Ops will include both two-player split-screen and four-player online co-operative play.
"A number of developers in the studio wanted to try developing a smaller digital project, so we gathered a team, built a new IP and Sega gave us the opportunity to carry this out," said senior producer Andreas Thorsen in a statement. "The IP is all about driving or flying around blowing stuff up while playing with your friends and that to us, is a dream-project."
Soll eher kleiner werden als Just Cause 2.
Swedish developer Avalanche Studios today announced Renegade Ops, a co-operative shooter that will be available exclusively as a digital download for Xbox Live Arcade, PSN and the PC later this year.
Described by a GamePro preview tease as a vehicular combat throwback to classic titles like G.I. Joe and EA's Strike series, Renegade Ops will include both two-player split-screen and four-player online co-operative play.
"A number of developers in the studio wanted to try developing a smaller digital project, so we gathered a team, built a new IP and Sega gave us the opportunity to carry this out," said senior producer Andreas Thorsen in a statement. "The IP is all about driving or flying around blowing stuff up while playing with your friends and that to us, is a dream-project."
Soll eher kleiner werden als Just Cause 2.