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2016-05-28, 09:29:11
Schaffe durchgehend 120 FPS bei 8x/8x :-) (alles auf Ultra außer motion blur + 8TX)

Gab nur 2 Stellen wo es auf 60 runter ging, aber da war extrem viel Rauch und Nebel.

Würde screenshots posten aber die Anzeige von Precision geht leider nicht.

Teste mal die Stelle gleich zu Anfang im zweiten Raum (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOn-ppbSQlc&feature=youtu.be) und vergleiche die Werte mit der einer Single-Grafikkarte, da hast sofort negatives Scaling selbst unter "nur" Ultra-Details. x16/x8 sind da auch zu wenig, erst mit x16/x16 bist du auf der sicheren Seite. Wenn du nicht zwingend unter 4K-Auflösung spielst und davon gehe ich mal aus bei ~120fps , dann fällt das sicher kaum auf und es bleibt trotzdem spielbar, aber dennoch gibts stellenweise negatives Scaling. Da wo Partikel/ Rauch/Fog-Effects oder viel Action auffem Schirm, da drückts die Framerate doch ziemlich runter und wenn auch nur kurzzeitig. Mit "Albtraum"-Schatten ist es dann aber auch mit x16/x16 PCIe 3.0 vorbei...

2016-05-28, 09:53:16
Teste mal die Stelle gleich zu Anfang im zweiten Raum (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOn-ppbSQlc&feature=youtu.be) und vergleiche die Werte mit der einer Single-Grafikkarte, da hast sofort negatives Scaling selbst unter "nur" Ultra-Details. x16/x8 sind da auch zu wenig, erst mit x16/x16 bist du auf der sicheren Seite. Wenn du nicht zwingend unter 4K-Auflösung spielst und davon gehe ich mal aus bei ~120fps , dann fällt das sicher kaum auf und es bleibt trotzdem spielbar, aber dennoch gibts stellenweise negatives Scaling. Da wo Partikel/ Rauch/Fog-Effects oder viel Action auffem Schirm, da drückts die Framerate doch ziemlich runter und wenn auch nur kurzzeitig. Mit "Albtraum"-Schatten ist es dann aber auch mit x16/x16 PCIe 3.0 vorbei...

Haha... Oh Mann.... Ich nehme alles zurück...

SLI an 100 FPS

SLI aus 120 FPS ...

All praise the Blaire for he speaks the truth.

EDIT: grad mal noch bissel rumgelaufen, Spiel läuft generell besser ohne SLI... Da kommt man sich echt verarscht vor. Würde jetzt wahnsinnig gern den direkten Vergleich mit 16x/16x sehen.

2016-05-30, 22:12:50
I did some SLI benchmarking with the latest Operation Dust Line (http://rainbow6.ubi.com/siege/en-gb/updates/dustline.aspx) update for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (368.22 WHQL).
Here are some results at native 4K using maximum ingame settings and a vertical FOV of 74, with various AA modes such as T-AA, 2xMSAA and 2xTXAA respectively.
Please keep in mind, that the FPS is capped at 60 FPS due to G-Sync (Ingame V-Sync is disabled).

Post-Process AA = T-AA + Multisample AA = Off

Single GPU|2-way SLI
39.6 FPS| 58.0 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/singlegpu_t-aar7jvr.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=singlegpu_t-aar7jvr.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/sli_t-aa6pjy0.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sli_t-aa6pjy0.png)

Post-Process AA = Off + Multisample AA = 2xMSAA

Single GPU|2-way SLI
35.0 FPS| 56.3 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/singlegpu_2xmsaabzk7d.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=singlegpu_2xmsaabzk7d.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/sli_2xmsaa0jjux.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sli_2xmsaa0jjux.png)

Post-Process AA = Off + Multisample AA = 2xTXAA

Single GPU|2-way SLI
34.2 FPS| 55.0 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/singlegpu_2xtxaackj1b.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=singlegpu_2xtxaackj1b.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/sli_2xtxaa0ij7b.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sli_2xtxaa0ij7b.png)

Some of the minimum FPS values in SLI mode still puzzle me a bit though, as I never saw any such drops in FPS while running the benchmark.
FRAPS was used to double check the average FPS values and take the above "screenshots".

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 368.22, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2016-05-30, 22:51:03
Haha... Oh Mann.... Ich nehme alles zurück...

SLI an 100 FPS

SLI aus 120 FPS ...

All praise the Blaire for he speaks the truth.

EDIT: grad mal noch bissel rumgelaufen, Spiel läuft generell besser ohne SLI... Da kommt man sich echt verarscht vor. Würde jetzt wahnsinnig gern den direkten Vergleich mit 16x/16x sehen.

And what did you expect with SLI then, 250 FPS? :biggrin:
SLI testing in such an obviously CPU limited scenario makes no sense at all, even with x16/x16.
But I might do a few 4K comparisons with DOOM when I get some free time :)

2016-05-31, 01:20:29
And what did you expect with SLI then, 250 FPS? :biggrin:

I expected more FPS than with one Card? ... (not that 120 FPS arent fine, but it still bugs me)

Its not like that entire 16x/16x issue is common knowledge... especially not that scaling can actually become negative with 8x/8x (although doom is the first game where this happened to me)

And beside the lane issue a 4690K thats overclocked to 4.6 GhZ should not be a limitation to my knowledge (then again im no expert). Anyhow... will upgrade to a 6850k once theyre available.

2016-05-31, 10:43:55
Jemand hier, der SLI nutzt und auch The Divison spielt.
Habe bei der Incrusion Falcon Lost immer Probleme mit Back to Desktop.

Habe dazu folgendes gefunden:

Bin also nicht der einzige der das Problem hat. Gibt es da schon Lösungsansätze, liegt es am Treiber?

2016-05-31, 14:00:22
I expected more FPS than with one Card? ... (not that 120 FPS arent fine, but it still bugs me)

Its not like that entire 16x/16x issue is common knowledge... especially not that scaling can actually become negative with 8x/8x (although doom is the first game where this happened to me)

And beside the lane issue a 4690K thats overclocked to 4.6 GhZ should not be a limitation to my knowledge (then again im no expert). Anyhow... will upgrade to a 6850k once theyre available.

The clock frequency of the CPU has nothing to do with it :)
But I agree, that most users are not aware of this issue.

Personally I still think much could be done by game engine developers in terms of better AFR optimization.
This is very much the "fundamental" problem, and honestly you can forget about 3-way and 4-way SLI in new engines like UE4 because of silly bandwidth limitations :rolleyes:

Anyway, here is a single quick screenshot comparison from the "Kadingir Sanctum" level of DOOM (4K + TSSAA and maximum settings, except shadows on "Ultra")

Single GPU ~ 55 FPS

2-way SLI ~ 77 FPS

These screens are not really "representative" of the scaling throughout the game, but at least proves there is positive scaling with x16/x16.
Please forgive the crappy .jpg compressions.

2016-05-31, 16:51:17
Single GPU ~ 55 FPS

2-way SLI ~ 77 FPS

Ty !

2016-06-06, 14:33:32
Did you notice a bad Scaling after the last Patch/Driver in The Division? Regardles if Nvidia-Bits or Custom-Bits are used. Since Patch and Driver arrived on the same Day is difficult to say who causes the effect.

http://abload.de/thumb/thedivision_2016_05_23nsbh.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=thedivision_2016_05_23nsbh.jpg)

http://abload.de/thumb/thedivision_2016_04_092l00.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=thedivision_2016_04_092l00.jpg)

Du hattest übrigens Recht, in The Division gibt es in Verbindung mit 2-Way SLI + 4K Monitor und dem letzten 368.22 WHQL tatsächlich Probleme. Ich kann das bestätigen, der etwas ältere 365.10 ermöglicht leicht bessere Performance und GPU-Utilization (Dank geht auch an User "Wolik" welcher mir davon ebenso berichtet hat).
Ich muss mir was einfallen lassen, wie ich das am anschaulichsten vermitteln kann, da nie 100% vergleichbare Werte bei rausspringen, da dynamisches Wettersystem. Auch gab es im neueren bereits Treiber Anpassungen gg. SLI-related Leistungsprobleme.

Fixed Issues:
Windows 10
-[364.72, SLI] Tom Clancy's The Division exhibits stuttering after 20–30 minutes. [1750263]

Hallo , jemand einen Tipp für SLi Bits für total war warhammer ?

Der nächste Game-Ready Treiber wird ein SLI-Profile für Total War Warhammer mit on Bord haben.

2016-06-07, 20:52:47
Der nächste Game-Ready Treiber wird ein SLI-Profile für Total War Warhammer mit on Bord haben.

Ich glaube ich spinne...

2 Wochen nach release gibts ein SLI-Profil von Nvidia und der ganze Bildschirm flimmert damit :-) Vollkommen unspielbar.

0x081100F5 funktioniert weiterhin wie gehabt. Arbeiten da eigentlich nur Volltrottel ?

2016-06-07, 23:21:03
Es gab ja auch hier im Thread einige Fragen zur neuen High Bandwidth-SLI Bridge, was diese wohl bringt bzw. wie stark sich der Performance-Vorteil denn wohl auswirken würde, da die Synchronization beider GPUs mit 4K-Monitoren wieder über SLI-Bridge stattfindet und der PCIe-Bus somit weniger belastet wird.
Klar auch, das frühere GeForce "Maxwell" SLI-Systeme mit 4K-/5K- bzw. G-Sync Monitoren je nach Game zusätzlich an Leistung einbüßen würden.
Eigentlich hatte ich vor, die GTX 980Ti versus GTX1080 im 2-Way Verbund jeweils mit LED-Bridge und HB-Bridge gegeneinander antreten zu lassen, dies würde jedoch eine fairen Vergleich nicht gerecht werden, da die GeForce GTX 980Ti im SLI nur max. 570mhz über die SLI-Finger zulassen, die GTX 1080 hingegen 650mhz each Connector. Deshalb hab ich mich auf zwei GTX 1080 festgelegt und vergleiche diese mit allen drei SLI-Bridge-Varianten, jeweils mit x16/x16 PCIe 3.0, sowie x16/16 PCIe 2.0 um besser unterscheiden zu können.
https://abload.de/thumb/gtx1080sli64jjd.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=gtx1080sli64jjd.png)https://abload.de/thumb/sli-sysg2sjg.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sli-sysg2sjg.png)

Die Video-Bridges die da wären:
"Classic" Flexible SLI-Bridge (400mhz Single-Link)
LED Bridge (650mhz Single-Link)
HB Bridge (650mhz Dual-Link, jeweils)

Die Wahl fiel auf ausgewählte 4 Games + Settings, welche sich zuvor mit Maxwell-SLI als besonders problematisch zeigten. Zusätzlich 2 weitere Games mit internen Benchmarks. Alle Tests wurden mit offiziellen Treiber + Profilen durchgeführt, es kamen keine Custom SLI-Profile zum Einsatz. Jeder Benchmark-Run wurde mindestens 3 mal wiederholt für möglichst akkurate Ergebnisse.
Games|PCIe-3.0 x16/x16|PCIe-2.0 x16/x16|

Fallout 4| https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4-sli-compare8okfl.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4-sli-compare8okfl.png) | https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4-sli-compare-n5jqf.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4-sli-compare-n5jqf.png)
Star Wars Battlefront| https://abload.de/thumb/swbf-sli-comparez0spi.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=swbf-sli-comparez0spi.png) | https://abload.de/thumb/swbf-sli-compare-pcieivjgn.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=swbf-sli-compare-pcieivjgn.png)
The Witcher 3|https://abload.de/thumb/tw3-sli-compareaus6y.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=tw3-sli-compareaus6y.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/tw3-sli-compare-pcie22fs97.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=tw3-sli-compare-pcie22fs97.png)
Watch Dogs|https://abload.de/thumb/w_d-sli-comparegjkr2.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=w_d-sli-comparegjkr2.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/w_d-sli-compare-pcie2uzjjc.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=w_d-sli-compare-pcie2uzjjc.png)

Rainbow Six: Siege (Internal-Benchmark)
Single GTX1080|2-Way Flex-Bridge|2-Way LED-Bridge|2-Way HB-Bridge
https://abload.de/thumb/rainbowsixsiege-2xtxa09j0c.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=rainbowsixsiege-2xtxa09j0c.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/rainbowsixsiege-2xtxagls0j.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=rainbowsixsiege-2xtxagls0j.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/rainbowsixsiege-2xtxa8kkd1.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=rainbowsixsiege-2xtxa8kkd1.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/rainbowsixsiege-2xtxag3s6c.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=rainbowsixsiege-2xtxag3s6c.png)

Settings: 3840x2160 2xTXAA/16xAF , Ultra-Details incl. HBAO+ , V-Sync off , 2-Way SLI GeForce GTX 1080 Founders Edition, PCIe 3.0 x16/x16

The Division (Internal-Benchmark)

Settings: 3840x2160 T-AA/16xAF , Ultra-Details + additional Features enabled (incl. HFTS Shadows, HBAO+), V-Sync off , 2-Way SLI GeForce GTX 1080 Founders Edition , PCIe 3.0 x16/x16

Überraschend sicherlich, das die LED-Bridge zumindest auf GeForce 10-Series Cards wie der GTX 1080 im SLI-Modus genügt für optimale Leistung und eine HB-Bridge somit nicht zwingend erforderlich ist. Selbst in höheren Auflösungen via DSR war es mir nicht gelungen, einen Leistungs-Vorteil zugunsten der HB-Bridge zu messen. Vieleicht finde ich noch Beispiele, aber bislang war dies nicht der Fall.
Abschließend lässt sich sagen, das die neuen HB Bridges die Schwächen konsequent lösen, vor allem mit aktiven Temporal AA in Verbindung mit hohen Auflösungen sind die Unterschiede je nach Game sehr deutlich und bringen genau das, was man erwarten konnte.

+ Höhere Leistung und bessere SLI-Effizienz mit GeForce 10-Series Grafikkarten durch neue HB-/LED-Bridges. Die älteren "Classic" SLI-Bridges sind überholt, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes
+ 32 Lanes PCIe 3.0 sind weiterhin notwendig für optimale SLI-Leistung (24 Lanes (x16/x8) + 16 Lanes (x8/x8) profitieren freilich auch, sind jedoch nicht immer ausreichend)
+ kein Performance-Verlust mehr mit angeschlossenen 4K-/G-Sync-Monitoren im Vergleich zu früheren GeForce 900-Series SLI Systemen, da Framebuffertransfer und Synchronization zwischen beiden GPUs wieder über SLI-Bridge möglich

2016-07-06, 17:02:38
Interesting read :)

So would this mean, that the LED bridges would also provide performance benefits over standard flexible bridges with Maxwell SLI systems in these games?

2016-07-06, 18:36:32
Interesting read :)

So would this mean, that the LED bridges would also provide performance benefits over standard flexible bridges with Maxwell SLI systems in these games?

No, previous Maxwell-Gen Cards are limited to 570mhz in SLI-Mode (HW-Limitation). Only Pascal-Gen supports 650mhz for LED-Bridge.

Edit: LED Bridge is faster than "Classic" Flex Bridge at Maxwell (which runs with just 400mhz) yeah that for sure, but not same speed as Pascal.

2016-07-06, 20:22:58
Danke für diesen interessanten Vergleich.
Gibt es diesen auch bei Maxwell zwischen Flex und Led ?

Würde mich interessieren, ob es dabei auch mehr Leistung bringt, oder ist es hier bei 4K egal ?
Anbindung ist 16/16 per 40 Lanes CPU.


2016-07-07, 03:03:15
Wenn ich Zeit habe, kann ich später die Werte zu Maxwell-SLI noch mit einfügen aber vor nächster Woche wird das gewiss nichts.
Die LED-/HB-Bridge bringt sicher auch mit Maxwell-SLI je nach Game + Settings und 4K-Auflösung seine Vorteile ggü. der alten Flex-Bridge, nur fallen die Unterschiede weniger deutlich aus vgl. zur Pascal-Gen

2016-07-07, 03:13:22
Und jetzt mal bitte mit zwei Flex-Bridges testen :P Wetten dass es gleich ist?

2016-07-07, 10:03:11
Und jetzt mal bitte mit zwei Flex-Bridges testen :P Wetten dass es gleich ist?

The HB bridge would still have theoretically higher bandwidth, since each flexible bridge will only run at 400 MHz on both Maxwell and Pascal.

This EVGA bridge should do the job on my Rampage V Extreme board with Zotac 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI ;)

80 mm spacing 2-way bridge without any annoying middle contacts (i.e. 40 mm + 40 mm 3-way bridges).

That is what I'm probably getting, when they are in stock in Denmark.
So far I had to stick with the flexible bridge, which came with Rampage V.
This is due to the large 50 mm thick cooler on the cards.

At least a boost from 400 MHz to 570 MHz on the bridge should provide a nice performance increase in bandwidth critical situations at 4K with T-AA/TXAA modes.
For now, that is sufficient in most cases with PCIe 3.0 x16/x16 systems IMO.

2016-07-07, 12:35:23
Heiko, sehr interessante tests. Was mann noch machen könnte. Leistung 1080 "drosseln" auf niveau 980Ti. Und dann kann man schauen ob "neue SLI" von 1080 verbessert wurde.
Ich sehe bei SLI engpasse wenn auf einmal Auslastung die Karten 50% wird. (neu Treiber installation, da schaltet board zurück auf PCIe 2.0) Und natürlich wenn mann Auflösung hochschraubt. Beispiel DS3. Bei 4K DSRx3 noch alles ok, bei DSRx4 die Karten sind kaum ausgelastet und FPS 30-40. Bei Witcher 3 gleiches Bild.

2016-07-07, 16:30:50
never mind.

2016-07-07, 19:16:40
The HB bridge would still have theoretically higher bandwidth, since each flexible bridge will only run at 400 MHz on both Maxwell and Pascal.

This EVGA bridge should do the job on my Rampage V Extreme board with Zotac 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI ;)

80 mm spacing 2-way bridge without any annoying middle contacts (i.e. 40 mm + 40 mm 3-way bridges).

That is what I'm probably getting, when they are in stock in Denmark.
So far I had to stick with the flexible bridge, which came with Rampage V.
This is due to the large 50 mm thick cooler on the cards.

At least a boost from 400 MHz to 570 MHz on the bridge should provide a nice performance increase in bandwidth critical situations at 4K with T-AA/TXAA modes.
For now, that is sufficient in most cases with PCIe 3.0 x16/x16 systems IMO.

I recently saw a test on yt were a guy fitted two flexible bridges to 1080's SLi and compared it with the HB Marketing stuff and the conclusion was: HB=BS. I would prefer a source like Blaire here or you, so it might me interesting what you would measure. The clock difference isn't that much.

2016-07-08, 00:53:15
Und jetzt mal bitte mit zwei Flex-Bridges testen :P Wetten dass es gleich ist?

Das funktioniert als Notlösung auch. Ist aber nicht unbedingt empfehlenswert, da es zwei gleiche Bridges bei identischer Länge sein sollten. Da kann man dann auch gleich zur LED/HB-Bridge greifen und läuft nicht Gefahr in Probleme zu rennen, aber prinzipiell funktioniert das genauso gut wie die LED-Bridge.

Heiko, sehr interessante tests. Was mann noch machen könnte. Leistung 1080 "drosseln" auf niveau 980Ti. Und dann kann man schauen ob "neue SLI" von 1080 verbessert wurde.
Ich sehe bei SLI engpasse wenn auf einmal Auslastung die Karten 50% wird. (neu Treiber installation, da schaltet board zurück auf PCIe 2.0) Und natürlich wenn mann Auflösung hochschraubt. Beispiel DS3. Bei 4K DSRx3 noch alles ok, bei DSRx4 die Karten sind kaum ausgelastet und FPS 30-40. Bei Witcher 3 gleiches Bild.

DS3 = Dark Souls 3? :) Ich wollte da eigentlich auch keinen großen Aufwand betreiben, nur einen kurzen Blick auf ein paar problematische Games werfen, wo die HB-Bridge mögliche Vorteile bringt. Ich hab nebenbei noch einen SingleGPU sowie SLI-Vergleich zu GTX 980Ti vs GTX 1080 am laufen , der Testparcours beinhaltet mehr als 20 Titel, vieleicht kann ich das Dark Souls 3 noch mit reinnehmen oder zumindest mal schaun, ob die HB-Bridge dort ebenso von Nutzen ist.

I recently saw a test on yt were a guy fitted two flexible bridges to 1080's SLi and compared it with the HB Marketing stuff and the conclusion was: HB=BS. I would prefer a source like Blaire here or you, so it might me interesting what you would measure. The clock difference isn't that much.

Wenn man mal bsplw. das letzte GTX 1080 SLI-Techpowerup-Review (https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/NVIDIA/GeForce_GTX_1080_SLI/22.html) zu Rate zieht wundert man sich schon, das man nicht in der Lage war passende Beispiele zu finden, noch unverständlicher, das man dann Rise of the Tomb Raider unter DX12 testet, welches nachweislich keinen MultiGPU-Support bietet, sich dann auch noch darüber wundert, das die Bridge dort nicht hilft oder niedrige Auflösungen wie 1600x900 verwendet und dann daraus versucht irgendwas abzuleiten , viel schlimmer jedoch die Leute glauben diesen Unsinn dann auch noch...
Obwohl doch von NVIDIA eigentlich klar kommuniziert wurde, welche Auflösungen besonders profitieren sollen, auch sollte sich mittlerweile rumgesprochen haben das Temporal AA mit zeitlicher Komponente + Frameverrechnung problematisch , den PCIe-Bus zusätzlich belasten und die SLI-Effizienz drücken können. Dabei gibt es reichlich Beispiele wo Vorteile nicht nur messbar, sondern auch wirklich spürbar sind.

2016-07-08, 12:21:48
DX12 SLI support in Rise of the Tomb Raider added with the latest patch:

Better late than never, I suppose :)

2016-07-08, 13:30:58
Erster Schritt in die richtige Richtung.
Schade, dass ich das Spiel schon lange durch hab und genug in der Pipeline steht, was sonst noch durchgezockt werden will :D

2016-07-08, 13:33:08
Gibt es schon SLI DX12 Vergleichswerte?

2016-07-08, 17:52:56
DX12 SLI gefühlt schlechter als DX11 SLI, Frame Times Variations sind unter DX12 definitiv stärker, es scheint auch noch Auslastungsprobleme auf der zweiten GPU zu geben (im Geothermal Valley etwa ) aber das ist nur ein erster Blick, muss ich mir noch weitere Szenen zu ansehen.
Blöd weiterhin, das hübsche VXAO weiterhin nur der DX11 Version vorbehalten ist, aber immerhin funktioniert's nun auch mit der neuen GeForce 1080 unter DX11 soweit problemlos und lässt den Treiber nicht mehr zurücksetzen.

Update: Das GPU-Auslastungsproblem besteht nur nach einen kurzen Wechsel von Game -> Desktop -> Game was ebenso die Frametimes massiv verschlechtert. Aber auch so ist DX11 SLI gefühlt smoother.
GFE/Share bzw. der integrierte FPS-Counter scheint ebenso die Framerate in der DX12 Version mit aktivem SLI nicht korrekt wiederzugeben.

2016-07-08, 18:02:33
I fully agree regarding DX12 in RotTR.
Memory management is still worse than in DX11, and no VXAO either :(

DX12 feels tacked on in this game, not build from the ground up.
Kinda like early DX10 games back in the day.

2016-07-08, 18:12:51
Vielen Dank für Eure Rückmeldungen!

2016-07-09, 03:11:49
So a couple of things about RoTR in DX12.

Firstly there are no bits for the profile in the drivers. I'm pretty sure that none of the DX11 bits will work, so we have to wait for nvidia to come up with something. Playing around with custom bits just refuses to launch the game.

Secondly, DX12 will always launch in borderless fullscreen, even if exclusive is selected in the launcher. You have to manually select exclusive full screen in the options menu once you launch the game. However, as an additional note, I did not see any performance difference between exclusive and borderless in DX12, unlike DX11 where the difference is massive.

I can't read or speak German, so forgive me if this doesn't translate well, as I only use google translate to read the forum.

2016-07-09, 07:39:38
So a couple of things about RoTR in DX12.

Firstly there are no bits for the profile in the drivers. I'm pretty sure that none of the DX11 bits will work, so we have to wait for nvidia to come up with something. Playing around with custom bits just refuses to launch the game.

Secondly, DX12 will always launch in borderless fullscreen, even if exclusive is selected in the launcher. You have to manually select exclusive full screen in the options menu once you launch the game. However, as an additional note, I did not see any performance difference between exclusive and borderless in DX12, unlike DX11 where the difference is massive.

I can't read or speak German, so forgive me if this doesn't translate well, as I only use google translate to read the forum.

Welcome! There is no Driver Profile for new DX12-Patch and SLI are needed, this game supports natively Linked-Explicit Multi-Adapter (EMA). The only thing you need to do, is SLI to enable in the driver.
i don't experience problems with exclusive vs. borderless fullscreen while starting the Game, only if i switch while Game back to the Desktop and back into the Game, seems exclusive fullscreen no longer works, even if it showed as enabled in the Options menu. I still think we are talking about the same problem. :)
Anyway, the DX11 version especially with 4K-Resolution and VXAO feels in SLI-Mode much more smoother, while in SingleGPU mode and lower Resolutions which more cpu-bound it looks completely different and new DX12-API can shine more.

2016-07-09, 15:47:09
Thank you! :)

Ah, I didn't realize developers were already taking advantage of EMA. That would explain why there's no profile. The exclusive/borderless issue I see could be from sli+surround, but I see no performance difference at the moment so it's not a big deal.

2016-07-13, 18:12:44
I made myself some tests yesterday with the HB Bridge and flexible bridge, I could not find any difference, is it maybe because I can only use 8x/8x with my board and not 16x/16x?

https://abload.de/thumb/captureimsb2.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=captureimsb2.png)

tests were made in 4k and 1440p.

i7 4790k 4.8ghz
asus maximus hero VII Z97
16GB samsung green 2400mhz
2x evga FTW GTX 1080

2016-07-15, 01:55:16
I made myself some tests yesterday with the HB Bridge and flexible bridge, I could not find any difference, is it maybe because I can only use 8x/8x with my board and not 16x/16x?

https://abload.de/thumb/captureimsb2.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=captureimsb2.png)

tests were made in 4k and 1440p.

i7 4790k 4.8ghz
asus maximus hero VII Z97
16GB samsung green 2400mhz
2x evga FTW GTX 1080

Interessanter Vergleich, aber auch die individuellen Grafik-Settings hätten mich interessiert. :) Hattest du die Möglichkeit an einen nativen 4K-Monitor zu testen oder nur via Downsampling?
Nein, es hängt natürlich nicht nur von der Anzahl an verfügbaren PCIe-Lanes ab, aber ich würde ehrlich gesagt über kein SLI-System mehr nachdenken, welches nicht wenigstens 32 Lanes (x16/x16) PCIe 3.0 über CPU anbietet, auch da die Anzahl "Problem-Games" zuletzt stetig zunahm. Ich sollte vieleicht nochmal erwähnen, ich hatte für meine Tests bewusst extremere und mir bekannte Beispiele ausgewählt , um mögliche Vorteile der HB-Bridge zu erzwingen bzw. der interne GPU<->GPU Transfer verschärft wird.
Auch profitiert nicht jedes Game gleichermaßen und auch nicht jedes Setting. The Witcher 3 oder Fallout 4 sind beides geeignete Kandidaten, aber auch nur mit maximierten Settings, 4K-Auflösung inclusive Temporal AA wo die zusätzliche Bandbreite der HB-Bridge dann den Unterschied zeigen kann.
Der Rest deiner gewählten Games eignet sich eher weniger. Rise of the Tomb Raider(gut optimiert) oder DOOM (profitiert nur durch mehr Lanes) bringt die HB-Bridge keinen zusätzlichen Nutzen. Die HB Bridge hilft vor allem bei der Synchronization beider Grafikkarten untereinander, Umwege über PCIe-Bus entfallen und Verzögerungen können somit vermieden werden, was sich letztlich positiv auf die Leistung, die Frametimes als auch für den PCIe-Bus entlastend auswirkt, letzteres spiegelt sich nur geringfügig in den Resultaten wieder, logisch schließlich wurde die Bandbreite der HB Bridge "nur" mehr verdoppelt und großartige Wunder sollte man da besser nicht erwarten.

2016-07-16, 03:50:32
kein nativer 4k monitor, dies wurde ueber DSR erzwungen. settings maximal, alles auf anschlag, auch TXAA etc alles was geht.

ja ich hab schon mit dem gedanken gespielt auf den 5830k samt mobo zu switchen nur um 16x/16x zu haben.......das waeren dann aber auch 1000$+ fuer minimal mehr fps bis hin zu null mehr fps je nach game :)

2016-07-16, 04:06:39
genau, das ganze wurde ueber DSR gemacht, kein nativer 4k monitor. settings waren in jedem game max zum anschlag, alles was geht, TSAA etc etc. die normalen tests wurden auf 1440p gemacht.

fallout 4 und witcher 3 sogar mit reshade, was die fps nochmal runtergedrueckt hat.

mich haben meine tests gewundert, denn die haben nicht das wiedergespiegelt was die ganzen tester gepostet haben, in foren und auf youtube. kannst du mir erklaeren warum ich da keine fps gewinne sehe mit der bruecke oder gar 2x flexible?

hatte schon ueberlegt mir nen 5830k samt mobo und ddr4 zu holen. aber der leistungsgewinn fuer 1000$ waere ja auch nur minimal bis nicht vorhanden in spielen (je nach spiel).

2016-07-18, 00:44:51
genau, das ganze wurde ueber DSR gemacht, kein nativer 4k monitor. settings waren in jedem game max zum anschlag, alles was geht, TSAA etc etc. die normalen tests wurden auf 1440p gemacht.

fallout 4 und witcher 3 sogar mit reshade, was die fps nochmal runtergedrueckt hat.

mich haben meine tests gewundert, denn die haben nicht das wiedergespiegelt was die ganzen tester gepostet haben, in foren und auf youtube. kannst du mir erklaeren warum ich da keine fps gewinne sehe mit der bruecke oder gar 2x flexible?

hatte schon ueberlegt mir nen 5830k samt mobo und ddr4 zu holen. aber der leistungsgewinn fuer 1000$ waere ja auch nur minimal bis nicht vorhanden in spielen (je nach spiel).

Ja muss man abwägen, ob sich das auch wirklich lohnt für die Games+Settings welche man gern spielt. Reshade brauchst mir nicht mit kommen, von solchen Kram lass ich grundsätzlich die Finger. :) Es wird wohl an den jeweiligen Settings liegen in beiden Games, teste doch mal beispielsweise The Witcher 3 (https://abload.de/img/tw3-setso1jkk.png) und Fallout 4 (https://abload.de/img/ingame-settings-launc5qj3w.png) bei maximierten Settings mit Temporal AA jeweils SingleGPU vs. SLI ( Single Ribbon Bridge + HB-Bridge), dann solltest mit den beiden GTX 1080 definitiv Unterschiede messen können, auch bei "nur" 16 Lanes x8/x8 über PCIe 3.0 angebunden. :) Nur fallen die Unterschiede erst mit 32 Lanes dann stärker ins Gewicht, das solltest bedenken.
Alternativ kann man in solchen Problemfällen über die ganzen SLI-Bits Workarounds im Treiber die Transfers bzw. GPU-GPU Synchronization auch beeinflussen oder bestimmte Funktionen auslassen, nur funktioniert das auch nicht immer nebenwirkungsfrei.

The clock frequency of the CPU has nothing to do with it :)
But I agree, that most users are not aware of this issue.

Personally I still think much could be done by game engine developers in terms of better AFR optimization.
This is very much the "fundamental" problem, and honestly you can forget about 3-way and 4-way SLI in new engines like UE4 because of silly bandwidth limitations :rolleyes:

Anyway, here is a single quick screenshot comparison from the "Kadingir Sanctum" level of DOOM (4K + TSSAA and maximum settings, except shadows on "Ultra")

Single GPU ~ 55 FPS

2-way SLI ~ 77 FPS

These screens are not really "representative" of the scaling throughout the game, but at least proves there is positive scaling with x16/x16.
Please forgive the crappy .jpg compressions.

Noch eine kleine SLI-Info zu DOOM mit zwei GeForce GTX 1080, der alte SLI-Trick (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11034642&postcount=2239) über Ultra Details funktioniert dort leider nicht.

2-Way GTX 1080
https://abload.de/thumb/doom-gtx1080-slicwsq8.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=doom-gtx1080-slicwsq8.png)
2-Way GTX 980Ti
https://abload.de/thumb/doom-gtx980ti-sli2msrx.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=doom-gtx980ti-sli2msrx.png)

2-Way GTX 980 Ti dominieren zwei GTX 1080 spielend unter 4K@maxed out. :D Wird nur ein Treiberproblem (Stand 368.81 WHQL) sein. :) Mit den letzten Patches+Treiber lassen sich nun auch die Nightmare-Shadows mit Maxwell SLI aktivieren, ohne das es zu negativen SLI-Scaling führt.

2016-07-20, 19:11:11
Funktionieren diese Bits für Anno2205?


2016-07-21, 00:20:19
SLI information for Dreamfall Chapters

The standard DX9 profile "0x02400005" is enough for good SLI scaling in the quite graphically demanding Unity engine game Dreamfall Chapters.
This was tested at native 3840x2160 resolution with the 368.81 WHQL driver and the latest version of the GOG edition.

Dreamfall Chapters Visuals Settings

Visual Quality: Awesome
Resolution: 3840x2160
Full-Screen Mode: Enabled
Anti-Aliasing: High
SSAO: High
Volumetric Lighting: High
Motion Blur: 0%
Gamma: 50%
Depth of Field: Enabled
Shadow Distance: 100m
Postprocessing: Full
V-Sync: Disabled

Single GPU|2-way SLI
34 FPS|63 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/singlegpu_settingshnups.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=singlegpu_settingshnups.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/sli_settingsxau2v.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sli_settingsxau2v.jpg)
39 FPS|72 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/dreamfall_chapters_si8nuyc.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=dreamfall_chapters_si8nuyc.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/dreamfall_chapters_sl3eunz.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=dreamfall_chapters_sl3eunz.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 368.81, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2016-07-25, 10:59:01
If there is white flickering/flashing on some textures, is this a sign that I need to add bits, or remove bits? And which ones?

Currently trying to find a DX11 profile for LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. 0x000000F5 scales well but glitches.

Edit: In addition to white flashing, lighting is also much darker

2016-07-25, 11:24:40
BTW 0x02D04005 works fine for DX9:




2016-07-25, 23:30:42
If there is white flickering/flashing on some textures, is this a sign that I need to add bits, or remove bits? And which ones?

Currently trying to find a DX11 profile for LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. 0x000000F5 scales well but glitches.

Edit: In addition to white flashing, lighting is also much darker

there are no DX9 fallback? The fact is, if already simple AFR2 method run in problems, it's usually a non-AFR friendly Application and other "normal" SLI flags can do nothing to change it. The only possibility would be some of the SLI "hacks" which could be worth to try.
https://abload.de/thumb/dx11-slis4j1u.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=dx11-slis4j1u.png)

2016-07-26, 00:44:11
there are no DX9 fallback?

DX9 fallback see above. ;)

It needs to be added manually as no game profile exists in the latest driver.

The fact is, if already simple AFR2 method run in problems, it's usually a non-AFR friendly Application and other "normal" SLI flags can do nothing to change it. The only possibility would be some of the SLI "hacks" which could be worth to try.
https://abload.de/thumb/dx11-slis4j1u.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=dx11-slis4j1u.png)

Yeah I think the DX11 version is not AFR friendly. I tried the bits in that undefined value and it didn't help. DX9 works fine for now, only difference is DX11 has soft shadows and better DoF:


2016-07-28, 03:36:18
Bit #25 fixes negative scaling in the splitscreen mode of Portal 2. I have not noticed any side effects.


Single GPU:

0x00402405 (official):


2016-07-28, 20:54:30
Ja muss man abwägen, ob sich das auch wirklich lohnt für die Games+Settings welche man gern spielt. Reshade brauchst mir nicht mit kommen, von solchen Kram lass ich grundsätzlich die Finger. :) Es wird wohl an den jeweiligen Settings liegen in beiden Games, teste doch mal beispielsweise The Witcher 3 (https://abload.de/img/tw3-setso1jkk.png) und Fallout 4 (https://abload.de/img/ingame-settings-launc5qj3w.png) bei maximierten Settings mit Temporal AA jeweils SingleGPU vs. SLI ( Single Ribbon Bridge + HB-Bridge), dann solltest mit den beiden GTX 1080 definitiv Unterschiede messen können, auch bei "nur" 16 Lanes x8/x8 über PCIe 3.0 angebunden. :) Nur fallen die Unterschiede erst mit 32 Lanes dann stärker ins Gewicht, das solltest bedenken.
Alternativ kann man in solchen Problemfällen über die ganzen SLI-Bits Workarounds im Treiber die Transfers bzw. GPU-GPU Synchronization auch beeinflussen oder bestimmte Funktionen auslassen, nur funktioniert das auch nicht immer nebenwirkungsfrei.

da ist sogut wie kein unteschied 8x/8x vs 16x/16x. klar sieht man single gpu vs sli unterschiede, aber bisher konnte ich mit flex bridge vs HB bridge keine sehen, und es wurden die gleichen settings genutzt wie auf deinen bildern :)

hier auch nen test von techpowerup, die sahen auch kein unterschied zwischen den beiden bruecken: https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/NVIDIA/GeForce_GTX_1080_SLI/22.html

2016-07-28, 20:59:16
Ja muss man abwägen, ob sich das auch wirklich lohnt für die Games+Settings welche man gern spielt. Reshade brauchst mir nicht mit kommen, von solchen Kram lass ich grundsätzlich die Finger. :) Es wird wohl an den jeweiligen Settings liegen in beiden Games, teste doch mal beispielsweise The Witcher 3 (https://abload.de/img/tw3-setso1jkk.png) und Fallout 4 (https://abload.de/img/ingame-settings-launc5qj3w.png) bei maximierten Settings mit Temporal AA jeweils SingleGPU vs. SLI ( Single Ribbon Bridge + HB-Bridge), dann solltest mit den beiden GTX 1080 definitiv Unterschiede messen können, auch bei "nur" 16 Lanes x8/x8 über PCIe 3.0 angebunden. :) Nur fallen die Unterschiede erst mit 32 Lanes dann stärker ins Gewicht, das solltest bedenken.
Alternativ kann man in solchen Problemfällen über die ganzen SLI-Bits Workarounds im Treiber die Transfers bzw. GPU-GPU Synchronization auch beeinflussen oder bestimmte Funktionen auslassen, nur funktioniert das auch nicht immer nebenwirkungsfrei.

ja klar sieht man einen unterschied zw. single gpu und SLI. du hast je nach game 10-20 fps mehr flex vs HB/LED bridge. ich nutze die gleichen settings wie du auf den bildern, daher kommen auch meine ergebnisse flex vs HB bridge, nur irgendwie spiegeln diese nicht die gleichen ergebnisse wieder.

und 8x/8x vs 16x/16x ist auch sogut wie null unterschied: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rctaLgK5stA

hier ist noch nen test von techpowerup flex vs HB, die sahen auch null unterschied: https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/NVIDIA/GeForce_GTX_1080_SLI/22.html

2016-07-29, 22:07:53
DX11 Patch and SLI in Shadow Warrior

Today Flying Wild Hog released the long awaited DX11 64-bit patch for Shadow Warrior in the form of Patch 1.5.0 (http://steamcommunity.com/games/233130/announcements/detail/168097436241913123).
The DX11 version of Shadow Warrior scales wonderfully with SLI using just the standard "0x000000F5" profile.

This new patch brings immense performance improvements on my 2-way GTX 780 system, and offers a smooth experience even at 3840x2400 (4xDSR at 1920x1200 with 15% smoothness) with FXAA and full Ultra settings.
With these settings, I get around 70-120 FPS depending on the scene and how much action is going on.

Final notes and screenshots

The best way to launch Shadow Warrior in DX11 64-bit mode is to create a desktop shortcut to launcher.exe located in your "steamapps\common\Shadow Warrior\dx11" directory.
Simply launching the game from a traditional Steam application shortcut results in the DX9 version starting up on my system.

It is also interesting to note, that the developers have removed the FSAA x2 and x4 options in DX11, and the only remaining AA option is FXAA.
But the FSAA options were demanding and rubbish anyway, and you are much better of combining DSR or downsampling with FXAA: Shadow Warrior AA comparison (PCGamingWiki) (http://community.pcgamingwiki.com/gallery/image/221-aa-comparison/)

Video Options|NVIDIA Inspector
http://abload.de/thumb/sw.x64_2015_04_01_00_vxuvw.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sw.x64_2015_04_01_00_vxuvw.png)|http://abload.de/thumb/shadow_warrior_dx11_i59b4k.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=shadow_warrior_dx11_i59b4k.png) http://abload.de/thumb/shadow_warrior_dx11_ivhbjo.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=shadow_warrior_dx11_ivhbjo.png)

Single GPU|2-way SLI
50.4 FPS|98.9 FPS
http://abload.de/thumb/sw.x64_comparison1_si45b6d.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sw.x64_comparison1_si45b6d.png)|http://abload.de/thumb/sw.x64_comparison1_slurlcg.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sw.x64_comparison1_slurlcg.png)
59.0 FPS|116.6 FPS
http://abload.de/thumb/sw.x64_comparison2_six8lh2.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sw.x64_comparison2_six8lh2.png)|http://abload.de/thumb/sw.x64_comparison2_sleebdk.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sw.x64_comparison2_sleebdk.png)
40.6 FPS|79.1 FPS
http://abload.de/thumb/sw.x64_comparison3_si1bapt.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sw.x64_comparison3_si1bapt.png)|http://abload.de/thumb/sw.x64_comparison3_sl0wbvp.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sw.x64_comparison3_sl0wbvp.png)
46.7 FPS|90.2 FPS
http://abload.de/thumb/sw.x64_comparison4_sijozd8.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sw.x64_comparison4_sijozd8.png)|http://abload.de/thumb/sw.x64_comparison4_slowb5o.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sw.x64_comparison4_slowb5o.png)

I just checked with 368.95 and these steps are no longer necessary for Shadow Warrior (2013) DX11. SLI works flawlessly out of the box without bits, or even a driver profile entry for that matter.


2016-07-30, 00:41:11
hier ist noch nen test von techpowerup flex vs HB, die sahen auch null unterschied: https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/NVIDIA/GeForce_GTX_1080_SLI/22.html

Those particular games are not really bandwidth limited, which kinda makes these tests altogether pointless.
PCIe 3.0 x16/x16 is essential these days in several modern engines (Ubisoft, UE4 etc.), and an LED/HB bridge helps further in those critical cases with native 4K and temporal AA.
But something like 4xDSR at native 1080P combined with FXAA is a completely different situation of course ;)

I just checked with 368.95 and these steps are no longer necessary for Shadow Warrior (2013) DX11. SLI works flawlessly out of the box without bits, or even a driver profile entry for that matter.


Yes, I also noticed this behavior :)
The situation is the same with Hard Reset Redux BTW.
The driver (or the games themselves) appears to automatically create a profile for these games with AFR 2 "forced".

Recently I also noticed similar behavior in other games, for example SOMA.
After a fresh driver install, there is only a standard driver profile called "SOMA" with the game .exe included.
But after launching the game once, the driver profile will include both "Shader Cache" and "Threaded optimization" set to "Off".

And this is with only the graphics driver and PhysX software installed.
So GeForce Experience or other programs are not responsible either.

2016-08-06, 00:33:01
Wonder if somebody managed to get SLI working for:

Layers of Fear (Unity engine)
For Honor (Anvilnext engine)

Layers of Fear does have a SLI-profile, but it seems to use just one GPU

For Honor uses Anvilnext, but using AssaisinsCreed's equivalent seems to do nothing apart from flickering ;)

Also any change for Kingdom Come: Deliverance(with SVOTI lighting offcourse ;))

Also it seems AFR2 does not work so splendid with Fallout3 enb with Pascal like former Maxwell GPU's.

2016-08-06, 22:14:38
Those particular games are not really bandwidth limited, which kinda makes these tests altogether pointless.
PCIe 3.0 x16/x16 is essential these days in several modern engines (Ubisoft, UE4 etc.), and an LED/HB bridge helps further in those critical cases with native 4K and temporal AA.
But something like 4xDSR at native 1080P combined with FXAA is a completely different situation of course ;)

UE4 does not support SLI

2016-08-06, 22:42:19
UE4 does not support SLI

Hehe, I beg to differ :)

Ethan Carter Redux (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=10793174&postcount=2048)

Unreal Tournament Pre-Alpha (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=10787174&postcount=2035)

But you won't get positive scaling in any UE4 game without PCIe 3.0 x16/x16 (at least with temporal AA)

2016-08-07, 20:55:53
ja klar sieht man einen unterschied zw. single gpu und SLI. du hast je nach game 10-20 fps mehr flex vs HB/LED bridge. ich nutze die gleichen settings wie du auf den bildern, daher kommen auch meine ergebnisse flex vs HB bridge, nur irgendwie spiegeln diese nicht die gleichen ergebnisse wieder.

Wieviel Mehrleistung erreichst du denn durch die zweite GTX 1080 in beiden Games bei maximierten Settings? Wenn du möchtest kann ich dir gern die verwendeten Savegames zuschicken, welche du bei dir vergleichen kannst.
Um 1:1 Vergleiche durchführen zu können, benötigst du aber ohnehin ein
passendes System mit Intel-CPU welche je 16 Lanes für beide PCIe 3.0-Slots bereitstellt , zum anderen einen 4K-Monitor, das shader-basierte DSR 4K ist da nicht vergleichbar, das Bild wird immer auf die niedrige native Aufösung herunterskaliert, für "echten" 4K-Framebuffertransfer braucht es auch einen entsprechenden 4K/UHD-Monitor.

und 8x/8x vs 16x/16x ist auch sogut wie null unterschied: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rctaLgK5stA

Es war einmal vor langer langer Zeit... :)

hier ist noch nen test von techpowerup flex vs HB, die sahen auch null unterschied: https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/NVIDIA/GeForce_GTX_1080_SLI/22.html

Auch nur ein Skylake Test-System leider und keine geeigneten Games. Rise of the Tomb Raider (DX12) ohne SLI zu testen und das eine HB Bridge dann keine Vorteile bringt, hätte man auch vorher drauf kommen können. :D

2016-08-08, 01:10:22
Here is an interesting post from the GeForce forums regarding SLI support in XCOM 2:

According to this, it should be sufficient to change the additional SLI bit "0x00A06746" to a value of "0x00000000" to fix slowdowns when units are ordered to run.
It would be nice, if someone could reproduce this bug and perhaps make a proper screenshot comparison post about it :)
I don't own this game myself unfortunately.

2016-08-11, 23:03:18
SGSSAA and SLI information for Dead Effect

The standard Unity engine SGSSAA flag "0x004000C1" is enough for near perfect AA in the indie shooter Dead Effect.
However the TF2 AA fix (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=9766133&postcount=4226) must also be enabled to further improve AA quality and fully remove blurring.
SGSSAA is very important in this particular case since Dead Effect suffers from immense amounts of specular aliasing, something the ingame FXAA setting is far from equipped to deal with.

Thankfully SLI scales rather well with the standard "0x02400005 profile, and 2-way SLI really is a prerequisite for using SGSSAA at native 3840x2160 resolution in this game.
In the next section I will include a few relevant screenshot comparisons taken at 3840x2160 with maximum ingame settings, "Field of vision" set to 90 and "Antialiasing" disabled.

Screenshot comparisons and final settings

No AA (sGPU)|4xSGSSAA (sGPU)|4xSGSSAA + AA fix (sGPU)|4xSGSSAA + AA fix (SLI)
147 FPS|56 FPS|51 FPS|86 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/deadeffect_11_singlegawurp.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=deadeffect_11_singlegawurp.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/deadeffect_12_singleg5ru30.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=deadeffect_12_singleg5ru30.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/deadeffect_13_singleg5mutt.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=deadeffect_13_singleg5mutt.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/deadeffect_14_0x024007suwo.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=deadeffect_14_0x024007suwo.jpg)
124 FPS|43 FPS|38 FPS|71 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/deadeffect_21_singlegzlui7.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=deadeffect_21_singlegzlui7.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/deadeffect_22_singlegkruap.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=deadeffect_22_singlegkruap.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/deadeffect_23_singleglkuo1.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=deadeffect_23_singleglkuo1.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/deadeffect_24_0x02400atu5n.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=deadeffect_24_0x02400atu5n.jpg)

Video Settings|NVIDIA Inspector
https://abload.de/thumb/deadeffect_31_video_stbuku.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=deadeffect_31_video_stbuku.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/deadeffect_32_inspect3rude.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=deadeffect_32_inspect3rude.png)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 365.19, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2016-08-12, 08:08:35
Könnte man hier evtl. noch erwähnen, was man für Einstellungen im Nvidia Controlpannel nutzt?

Ich habe gestern mal mein neues SLI Setup im Game Witcher 3 getestet. Dafür habe ich Bliars Profile für den Inspector genommen.

Allerdings ist dort eine für mich sehr wichtige Einstellung nicht gemacht worden. Durch das setzen von "Anzahl der maximal vorgerenderten Bilder" von Standard auf "1" macht das Spielgefühl um ein vielfaches flüssiger.

Vielleicht gibt es ja noch mehr solcher Settings, die für die ganzen Spezialisten hier selbstverständlich sind, aber für uns normalen User halt nicht.

Daher wäre es genial wenn man sowas in einer Tabelle im Startpost ergänzt, wo solche Werte einsehbar sind.

Oder direkt mit in das NvidiaInsprector Profil mit eingetragen werden.

2016-08-12, 16:35:44
In general this might be a good idea, and I added a few things like that under the "Essential tweaks" section of my master thread spreadsheet.
But "Maximum pre-rendered frames" is such as system dependent setting, and Witcher 3 feels perfectly smooth at native 4K@60Hz G-Sync on my system with 3 pre-rendered frames.
The only problem is this general SLI performance issue with the 368.xx drivers in W3.

But 365.xx solves that problem :)

2016-08-12, 21:51:26
I have the new Titan Pascal in Sli. I cant use the 365.xx Drivers :-(. So i dont have a comparsion with older drivers.

Yes, your description with Sli-Settings are very good. And Blairs Post`s are good to.

So i waiting for other Titan Dirvers and want to test it.

2016-08-12, 22:14:39
Als Qualitäts-Fetischist setze ich nur die Textur-Filterung auf Hohe Qualität. Das hat aber nix mit SLI zu tun. Meiner Meinung braucht man tatsächlich nur im Treiber zu fummeln, wenn es im Game eine Einstellung nicht gibt, die man erreiche möchte, wie z.b. fehlendes 16xAF oder verschiedene Anti-Aliasing-Modi.

2016-08-12, 22:34:04
Ob es wohl was für No Man's Sky geben wird? :D

2016-08-12, 23:20:22
Ob es wohl was für No Man's Sky geben wird? :D

Ja, SLI Support gibt es im nächsten Game-Ready Release. =)

2016-08-13, 13:55:41
In general this might be a good idea, and I added a few things like that under the "Essential tweaks" section of my master thread spreadsheet.
But "Maximum pre-rendered frames" is such as system dependent setting, and Witcher 3 feels perfectly smooth at native 4K@60Hz G-Sync on my system with 3 pre-rendered frames.
The only problem is this general SLI performance issue with the 368.xx drivers in W3.

But 365.xx solves that problem :)

THX, The Settings with 3 pre-rendered Frames eliminate the stutters perfectly.

2016-08-13, 13:57:29
Im großen und ganzen muss ich sagen, dass SLI mit den Titan`s um einiges besser läuft als mit meinen alten 980 TI.

Bin wirklich sehr zufrieden. Kann fast alles in 5k DSR zocken. Sieht fantastisch aus und FPS hat man auch noch genügend.

Klar darf man nicht vergessen was man an Geld in das System gesteckt hat. Aber eine Alternative hatte ich einfach nicht.

2016-08-13, 15:10:53
Im großen und ganzen muss ich sagen, dass SLI mit den Titan`s um einiges besser läuft als mit meinen alten 980 TI.

Bin wirklich sehr zufrieden. Kann fast alles in 5k DSR zocken. Sieht fantastisch aus und FPS hat man auch noch genügend.

Klar darf man nicht vergessen was man an Geld in das System gesteckt hat. Aber eine Alternative hatte ich einfach nicht.

Ich habe ja nur eine TXP und überlege noch eine zweite zu kaufen. Funktioniert DSR mit SLI und G-Sync überall?

2016-08-13, 15:40:13
Daran hat sich seit einigen Monaten auf Maxwell zum Glück nichts im negativen Sinne geändert - DSR funktioniert hier nun auch mit den 1080ern prima; außer The Division inkl. HTFS spiele ich alles mit 4K DSR. :)

2016-08-13, 16:31:41
Ich habe ja nur eine TXP und überlege noch eine zweite zu kaufen. Funktioniert DSR mit SLI und G-Sync überall?

Habe ich noch nicht wirklich so gut testen können. Witcher 3 geht super. Assasins Creed Unity, GTA 5 auch perfekt. Und mehr habe ich noch nicht testen können.

Gerade mal Dying Light versucht. Das funktioniert irgendwie nicht. Das Bild wird wohl gezoomt aber nicht hochgerechnet.

Soll ich was für dich testen?

Hat Doom kein SLI support?

2016-08-13, 17:27:19
Habe ich noch nicht wirklich so gut testen können. Witcher 3 geht super. Assasins Creed Unity, GTA 5 auch perfekt. Und mehr habe ich noch nicht testen können.

Gerade mal Dying Light versucht. Das funktioniert irgendwie nicht. Das Bild wird wohl gezoomt aber nicht hochgerechnet.

Soll ich was für dich testen?

Hat Doom kein SLI support?

Danke, das reicht mir schon. TW3 spiele ich aktuell und wenn es dort funktioniert, dann bin ich ja zufrieden. :biggrin:

2016-08-13, 17:49:56
Ja, läuft sehr gut. Shadow of Mordor läuft auch perfekt mit DSR und G-Sync + SLI.

2016-08-14, 05:04:40
Here is an interesting post from the GeForce forums regarding SLI support in XCOM 2:

According to this, it should be sufficient to change the additional SLI bit "0x00A06746" to a value of "0x00000000" to fix slowdowns when units are ordered to run.
It would be nice, if someone could reproduce this bug and perhaps make a proper screenshot comparison post about it :)
OP of that thread here. I've been meaning to make a post on this forum, but I'm just really lazy.

There wouldn't be any difference in screenshots, since it's an issue during unit animations. Really needs a video to show the issue.. and again, I'm lazy and have no video editing software and almost no experience editing said videos.

The only thing I have right now is an album showing off the game's awful performance issues: http://imgur.com/a/cnxph

Draw call bottlenecks, aye?
@No Man's Sky; Ja, SLI Support gibt es im nächsten Game-Ready Release. =)
Really? There's no updated profile in GFE (just basic support), and not having a day 1 "game ready" driver is kinda missing the point.. the game really needs it considering how bad it runs.

Could you give us the profile for it if you have access? I tried to get it working for a few hours but never found any settings that made performance better without severe artifacts, as I mentioned here: https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/956193/sli/no-mans-sky-sli-profile/post/4949828/#4949828

Waiting is hard. :(

Edit: Appears it's coming Monday.. https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/950454/geforce-drivers/official-368-81-game-ready-whql-display-driver-feedback-thread-released-7-14-16-/29/

2016-08-15, 15:13:03
The only problem is this general SLI performance issue with the 368.xx drivers in W3.

But 365.xx solves that problem :)

Intended Behavior no Driver-Fix needed, R358 introduces a Bug which allowed higher Framerates and Performance in SLI with 4K-Displays but tends to poor Frametimes. This Bug was fixed since R367 Series-Drivers and should further stay that way. Better Smoothness , less Stutter.

Habe ich noch nicht wirklich so gut testen können. Witcher 3 geht super. Assasins Creed Unity, GTA 5 auch perfekt. Und mehr habe ich noch nicht testen können.

Gerade mal Dying Light versucht. Das funktioniert irgendwie nicht. Das Bild wird wohl gezoomt aber nicht hochgerechnet.

Soll ich was für dich testen?

Hat Doom kein SLI support?

DOOM (OpenGL) unterstützt SLI aber mit Pascal leider noch nicht so effizient wie Maxwell-SLI (Treiberproblem), allerdings reicht da bereits eine TITAN X für ~80-100fps @ 4K Max. das lässt sich also verschmerzen. :D

Could you give us the profile for it if you have access? I tried to get it working for a few hours but never found any settings that made performance better without severe artifacts, as I mentioned here: https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/956193/sli/no-mans-sky-sli-profile/post/4949828/#4949828

Waiting is hard. :(

Edit: Appears it's coming Monday.. https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/950454/geforce-drivers/official-368-81-game-ready-whql-display-driver-feedback-thread-released-7-14-16-/29/

New Game-Ready Driver will be released soon. I could only tell there is an SLI-Profile for No Man’s Sky include in them. I stick to the rules, also doubt that the SLI profiles would help alone, so let's wait until official released.

2016-08-15, 19:07:19
Intended Behavior no Driver-Fix needed, R358 introduces a Bug which allowed higher Framerates and Performance in SLI with 4K-Displays but tends to poor Frametimes. This Bug was fixed since R367 Series-Drivers and should further stay that way. Better Smoothness , less Stutter.

Not sure I entirely understand this :)
In my book a significant reduction in FPS with 4K + temporal AA + SLI with 368.xx in a range of games can't be "intended".

2016-08-15, 19:20:34
Not sure I entirely understand this :)
In my book a significant reduction in FPS with 4K + temporal AA + SLI with 368.xx in a range of games can't be "intended".

It is. Overall Performance is higher with 365.10 but Stutter is more pronounced. This is an Decision by NVIDIA not mine.
Here an Example from The Witcher 3 and 2-Way SLI Maxwell, 4K Monitor
365.10 vs. 368.xx
https://abload.de/thumb/capture_1izydg.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=capture_1izydg.png)https://abload.de/thumb/capture_22nq5m.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=capture_22nq5m.png)

2016-08-15, 19:25:33
Ruining performance with temporal AA for slightly better frametimes still doesn't make any sense to me.

2016-08-16, 03:08:32
Ruining performance with temporal AA for slightly better frametimes still doesn't make any sense to me.
Depends on how badly the performance was 'ruined'..

Frame pacing is extremely noticeable to me and I can't stand jittering.

New Game-Ready Driver will be released soon. I could only tell there is an SLI-Profile for No Man’s Sky include in them. I stick to the rules, also doubt that the SLI profiles would help alone, so let's wait until official released.
Well, it's the end of Monday like the NVIDIA forum rep said (https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/950454/geforce-drivers/official-368-81-game-ready-whql-display-driver-feedback-thread-released-7-14-16-/post/4949690/#4949690), but there's no drivers in sight. It's looking like they've been delayed, and we're going to have to wait even longer to play the game.

I do still believe just an SLI profile would work. I don't care if the scaling is like 25%, that's still a huge gain and brings my 45FPS to 60FPS.

In my testing, I could not get the rendering working properly. Any scenario where it did work and improved performance, it was rendering incorrectly (flickering like mad, corrupted UI, etc.). Could be fixed by changing buffer flipping, but that pretty much ruined the performance gain.

Then there's the hundreds of "Unknown" flags in NVIDIA Inspector. It's neigh impossible to test all the combinations. I spent about 15 hours trying.

If SLI support actually requires a driver code change, then fine, but I'm still doubtful. (Would appreciate a PM from somebody with the test profile so I could test things myself..)

Edit: Driver is out. Really late (1AM EST) https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/957568/geforce-drivers/official-372-54-game-ready-whql-display-driver-feedback-thread-released-8-15-16-/

SLI unfortunately doesn't work in the experimental build of the game, so we're forced to lose some fixes (mouse smoothing/jitter removal, stuttering fixes) in order to gain FPS. Neither are a really good outcome..

Does cap my framerate though (75FPS/Hz), so it scales pretty okay, but using the stable build of the game with its issues kinda sucks..

Think we have to wait for the next patch..

EDIT2: Game has been patched. SLI appears to be working with it, and performance also dropped surprisingly.. looks like the rendering resolution was fixed?

2016-08-17, 21:33:29
SLI and AA information for Dead Effect 2

Just like the original Dead Effect (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11129558&postcount=2302) I tested earlier, the "0x02400005" profile is also enough for good SLI scaling in the DX9 version of Dead Effect 2 (build 160516.1217).
By default the game will run in DX11 mode, but this can be overridden by using the -force-d3d9 launch option in Steam.

It is a well known fact, that the DX11 version of Dead Effect 2 has stuttering and general performance issues on some systems even in single GPU mode.
And since there are no real advantages in terms of improved optimization or image quality in DX11, I decided to stick to only DX9 in my testing:
FAQ and known issues (Steam general discussions) (http://steamcommunity.com/app/394760/discussions/0/364041776191733682/)

Finally it should be noted that I also tried to get DX9 SGSSAA working in this game, but unlike the original DE1 it is impossible without severe graphics glitches or black screen crashing in DE2.
However DE2 is significantly more GPU intensive than DE1, so it probably would have been too much anyway :biggrin:
A high native resolution and/or DSR combined with the ingame FXAA3 setting is definitively the overall best AA solution here.
SMAA as usual doesn't really suffice, and results in serious shimmering issues even at native 3840x2160 or higher.

Here are a couple screenshot comparisons taken at native 3840x2160 resolution, along with all relevant settings:


Video Settings

Visual Quality: Custom
Shader Quality: Extreme
Effect Quality: Extreme
Model Quality: High
Texture Quality: High
Shadow Quality: High
Bloom: High
Anisotropy: 8x
Antialiasing: FXAA3
SSAO: Enabled
Depth of Field: Disabled
Field of Vision: 90
V-Sync: Disabled
Hud Scale: 1.0x

Single GPU|2-way SLI|Performance increase
49 FPS|90 FPS| ~ 84%
https://abload.de/thumb/deadeffect2_11_singles6sgm.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=deadeffect2_11_singles6sgm.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/deadeffect2_12_0x0240diso1.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=deadeffect2_12_0x0240diso1.jpg)|
49 FPS|92 FPS| ~ 88%
https://abload.de/thumb/deadeffect2_31_singlefes2w.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=deadeffect2_31_singlefes2w.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/deadeffect2_32_0x0240l1so9.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=deadeffect2_32_0x0240l1so9.jpg)|

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 365.19, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2016-08-17, 21:42:21
Danke für diesen interessanten Vergleich.
Gibt es diesen auch bei Maxwell zwischen Flex und Led ?

Würde mich interessieren, ob es dabei auch mehr Leistung bringt, oder ist es hier bei 4K egal ?
Anbindung ist 16/16 per 40 Lanes CPU.


Hier noch Part II mit 2-Way SLI GeForce GTX 980 Ti "Superclocked" und gleichen Treibern.

Hier die Werte im einzelnen.

Games|PCIe-3.0 x16/x16|PCIe-2.0 x16/x16|

Fallout 4| https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4-maxwell-pcieg9so8.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4-maxwell-pcieg9so8.png) | https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4-maxwell-pcie78j9c.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4-maxwell-pcie78j9c.png)
Star Wars Battlefront| https://abload.de/thumb/swbf-maxwell-pcie3q9uw9.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=swbf-maxwell-pcie3q9uw9.png) | https://abload.de/thumb/swbf-maxwell-pcie2nmuvq.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=swbf-maxwell-pcie2nmuvq.png)
The Witcher 3|https://abload.de/thumb/tw3-maxwell-pcie3whr9z.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=tw3-maxwell-pcie3whr9z.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/tw3-maxwell-pcie29yoj0.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=tw3-maxwell-pcie29yoj0.png)
Watch Dogs|https://abload.de/thumb/watchdogs-maxwell-pci2pp28.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=watchdogs-maxwell-pci2pp28.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/watchdogs-maxwell-pciziry8.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=watchdogs-maxwell-pciziry8.png)

Im Vergleich zu zwei GTX 1080 fällt das Fazit mit GeForce GTX 980Ti "Maxwell"-SLI samt 4K Monitor und aktuellen Treibern gerade zu vernichtend aus, zum einen bringen die neuen Bridges keinerlei Vorteil , auch die SLI-Effizienz fällt insgesamt sehr enttäuschend aus. Zum einen mangelt es SLI-Bridge Bandbreite mit Maxwell (technisch limitiert max. 570mhz (real wohl 540mhz im Treiber freigeschalten) zum anderen bridgeless AFR welches zum Einsatz kommt und die Synchronization beider GPUs in solch extremen Settings nicht mehr gescheit möglich.
Wenngleich nochmal der Hinweis, das es sich hierbei wirklich um Worst Case - Beispiele handelt. Temporale Kantenglättungs-Modi wie TXAA/T-AA sind im MultiGPU-Verbund eben eine echte Herausforderung.
Festzuhalten bleibt, das die neuen SLI-Verbesserungen und HB-Bridge mit der neuen GeForce Pascal-Gen (GTX 1080) nicht von ungefähr kommen und sehr deutliche Vorteile mit sich bringen können, wie der frühere Vergleich mit zwei GTX 1080 eindrucksvoll belegt.

2016-08-17, 21:55:23
Excellent work :)
I also noticed no real difference between my old flexible bridge and the new NVIDIA HB bridge on Maxwell SLI.

But at least it looks cool, and I'm prepared for future cards with this bridge :)
Does the situation change at all with for example 365.10 drivers?

2016-08-17, 22:28:01
Excellent work :)
I also noticed no real difference between my old flexible bridge and the new NVIDIA HB bridge on Maxwell SLI.

But at least it looks cool, and I'm prepared for future cards with this bridge :)

Thanks. Yes and no. With older 365.xx drivers, the performance scores with both GTX 980Ti@SLI with the HB-/LED-Bridge would definitely show some benefits over the Classic Flex-Bridge while with newer 368.xx are not, but it is the decision by NVIDIA for smoother gaming instead of higher frame rates with newer Drivers. At least in The Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 you could further use Custom SLI-Flags for proper 2Way SLI-Scaling , only Watch Dogs it's a little tricky. :)

SLI unfortunately doesn't work in the experimental build of the game, so we're forced to lose some fixes (mouse smoothing/jitter removal, stuttering fixes) in order to gain FPS. Neither are a really good outcome..

Does cap my framerate though (75FPS/Hz), so it scales pretty okay, but using the stable build of the game with its issues kinda sucks..

Think we have to wait for the next patch..

EDIT2: Game has been patched. SLI appears to be working with it, and performance also dropped surprisingly.. looks like the rendering resolution was fixed?

It seems another broken Game was released. :( How good SLI scales, you could share some Numbers? General Performance also with SingleGPU@372.54 should be much better compared to previous 369.09 or 368.81?

2016-08-17, 23:20:39
Never mind.

2016-08-20, 18:47:37
Updated SLI information for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

It seems The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been limited to only using 2-way SLI with the latest 372.54 WHQL driver.
The official profile now reads "0x080020F1" (F1 = 2-way, F6 = 3-way and F5 = 4-way maximum).
I believe this was a good decision by NVIDIA, since 3-way SLI was becoming too complicated in this game due to bandwidth issues with the temporal FXAA setting and strange gamma problems:
3-way-SLI problems (GTA5, GTA4 & The Witcher 3) needs to be solved! (GeForce Forums) (https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/878301/geforce-drivers/3-way-sli-problems-gta5-gta4-amp-the-witcher-3-needs-to-be-solved-/post/4672011/#4672011)

However the critical DX11 SLI bit #29 is still needed for optimal 2-way SLI performance at native 3840x2160 resolution with ingame AA enabled.
The profile then turns into "0x280020F1", which I also found to be the limit for trouble free 2-way SLI scaling in Witcher 3 version 1.22.

Here is a set of screenshot comparisons taken at native 3840x2160 resolution with the latest version 3.31 of the The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project (http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/1021/?) texture mod, along with all relevant settings:

Anti-aliasing: Off|Anti-aliasing: On|Anti-aliasing: On
60 FPS (G-Sync limit)|46 FPS|55 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/witcher3_noaa_0x080022espm.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=witcher3_noaa_0x080022espm.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/witcher3_temporalaa_0ncsst.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=witcher3_temporalaa_0ncsst.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/witcher3_temporalaa_0mwsjo.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=witcher3_temporalaa_0mwsjo.jpg)

HUD Configuration

HUD Size: Small
Action Log: Off
Witcher Senses on Minimap: Off
Path to Objectives on Minimap: Off
Undiscovered POIs on Minimap: Off
Active Quests: Off
Info Messages: Off
Control Hints: Off
Horse Stamina Bar: Off


Motion Blur: On
Blur: Off
Anti-aliasing: On
Bloom: On
Sharpening: Off
Ambient Occlusion: HBAO+
Depth of Field: Off
Chromatic Aberration: Off
Vignetting: Off
Light Shafts: On


VSync: Off
Maximum Frames Per Second: Unlimited
Resolution: 3840x2160
Display Mode: Fullscreen
Preserve System Gamma: Off
NVIDIA HairWorks: On
NVIDIA HairWorks AA: 4
NVIDIA HairWorks Preset: High
Number of Background Characters: Ultra
Shadow Quality: Ultra
Terrain Quality: Ultra
Water Quality: Ultra
Grass Quality: Ultra
Texture Quality: Ultra
Foliage Visibility Range: Ultra
Detail Level: Ultra
Hardware Cursor: On

user.settings tweaks


Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 372.54, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2016-08-21, 10:33:12
Hi SLIKnight,

0x280020F1 works perfectly. I have found my settings for super smooth gameplay on 4K non GSYNC displays:

- Hardware mouse cursor: OFF
- SLI DX1x bit: 0x280020F1
- Tripple buffering: ON (reduces the mouse lag)

Thank you for your effort!

2016-08-22, 12:26:54
Neue SLI Bits für Witcher 3?

Das werde ich doch heute sofort antesten.

2016-08-23, 01:24:02
Ist das gleiche Flag, nur auf 2-Way AFR gelockt, während mit dem anderen Flag noch bis zu 4-Way AFR möglich war. Performance und Scaling ist alles identisch.

Der letzte 372.54 Treiber ermöglicht nur mehr offiziell 2-Way SLI in The Witcher 3 wegen der Schatten-/Engine Gamma-Problematik mit 3-Way aufwärts.

Fixed Issues in Version 372.54
-[SLI, Witcher 3] Shadow darkness intensity changes randomly during gameplay.[200104130]

2016-08-23, 02:37:17
Surely the "0x280020F1" profile will perform the same as "0x280020F5" on a 2-way system.
My only intention was to post a small piece of updated information for the new driver, that is all.

But technically "0x280020F1" is the "correct" profile, since DX11 bit #29 would cause flickering with more than 2-way anyway :)

2016-08-23, 08:05:15
Alles klar. Deswegen habe ich gestern so nichts erkennen können ob dieser Flag hier besser läuft. Aber es läuft ja ohnehin schon sehr sehr gut. Bin mal gespannt was der kommende Patch noch für Witcher 3 an Performance Verbesserungen an Board hat (wenn überhaupt).

2016-08-23, 18:36:54
SLI information and modding in Fallout 4

With the latest 372.54 WHQl driver, there is an SLI scaling issue with the official "0x080000F5" profile in Fallout 4 at native 3840x2160 resolution, when using the ingame temporal AA setting (game version
However this can be readily solved by setting the undefined SLI function "0x00A06746" to a value of "0x00000020".
The only other "solution" to the scaling problems in Fallout 4 is to use the "0x080010F5" profile, but this really can't be recommended, since it causes flickering and severe over brightening issues.

Here is a small gallery of screenshot comparisons, along with all ingame settings, configuration file tweaks and installed mods:



Single GPU|0x080000F5|0x080000F5|Scaling percentage
||0x00A06746 = 0x00000020|
24 FPS|38 FPS|43 FPS| ~ 79%
https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_21_singlegpu1lsrm.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_21_singlegpu1lsrm.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_22_0x080000fsuscu.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_22_0x080000fsuscu.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_23_0x080000fllsat.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_23_0x080000fllsat.jpg)|
54 FPS|56 FPS|81 FPS| ~ 50%
https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_31_singlegpuamsmb.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_31_singlegpuamsmb.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_32_0x080000f2ks6v.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_32_0x080000f2ks6v.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_33_0x080000forsm9.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_33_0x080000forsm9.jpg)|
56 FPS|68 FPS|100 FPS| ~ 79%
https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_41_singlegpu4nsq4.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_41_singlegpu4nsq4.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_42_0x080000fhjsbm.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_42_0x080000fhjsbm.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_43_0x080000ftxsty.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_43_0x080000ftxsty.jpg)|
42 FPS|57 FPS|73 FPS| ~ 74%
https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_51_singlegpu13sbf.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_51_singlegpu13sbf.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_52_0x080000fwdswa.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_52_0x080000fwdswa.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_53_0x080000fvlsax.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_53_0x080000fvlsax.jpg)|

Fallout4.ini + Fallout4_Default.ini









Texture mods (All installed manually)

Better Settlements and Camps 2 1.1.2 (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2461/?) by "DUST2DEATH" (4K version)
DC Signs Overhaul 0.4 (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3410/?) by "Spoon16" (4K version)
Delightful Ivy - HD Vine Retexture 1.2 (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10436/?) by "83Willow" (green version)
Fallout Texture Overhaul Moons 1.0 (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/160/?) by "Gorgulla" (4K version)
Fallout Texture Overhaul Stars 1.0 (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/145/?) by "Gorgulla" (4K version)
Haul'd Out 4K 1.1.1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5086/?) by "DUST2DEATH" (4K versions)
High Resolution Texture Pack 1.2.4 (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/318/?) by "Valius" (4K version, but without 4K normal and specular maps)
OJO BUENO NUKA-COLA MACHINE 2.0 (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4403/?) by "tapioks" (4K version with 2K normal and specular maps)
Vivid Fallout - Landscapes 2.1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1769/?) by "Hein84" (4K version)
Vivid Fallout - Rocks 1.0 (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1400/?) by "Hein84" (2K version with HD normal maps)
Vivid Fallout - Trees 1.1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8742/?) by "Hein84" (4K version)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 372.54, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2016-08-24, 04:18:34
It seems like the default SLI bits for Deus Ex Mankind Divided is having the same problems as Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Nixxes said the game is not SLI ready, but Nvidia threw in the one trick pony bits in the last set of drivers regardless.

Going to test a few possibilities.

EDIT: It seems like the RotTR fix works nicely with it, now getting constant 60fps with everything on max apart from textures which is on very high and no MSAA. The only issue is that the vendor buy/sell menu flickers when you click on items, a bit annoying but not too bad.

Here is the post link


2016-08-24, 08:29:40
(y) thx SLIKnight for your hard work here. It nice to see that you test many settings and Games and post all the Settings with Mods etc...

Big thx...

SLI information and modding in Fallout 4

With the latest 372.54 WHQl driver, there is an SLI scaling issue with the official "0x080000F5" profile in Fallout 4 at native 3840x2160 resolution, when using the ingame temporal AA setting (game version
However this can be readily solved by setting the undefined SLI function "0x00A06746" to a value of "0x00000020".
The only other "solution" to the scaling problems in Fallout 4 is to use the "0x080010F5" profile, but this really can't be recommended, since it causes flickering and severe over brightening issues.

Here is a small gallery of screenshot comparisons, along with all ingame settings, configuration file tweaks and installed mods:



Single GPU|0x080000F5|0x080000F5|Scaling percentage
||0x00A06746 = 0x00000020|
24 FPS|38 FPS|43 FPS| ~ 79%
https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_21_singlegpu1lsrm.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_21_singlegpu1lsrm.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_22_0x080000fsuscu.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_22_0x080000fsuscu.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_23_0x080000fllsat.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_23_0x080000fllsat.jpg)|
54 FPS|56 FPS|81 FPS| ~ 50%
https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_31_singlegpuamsmb.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_31_singlegpuamsmb.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_32_0x080000f2ks6v.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_32_0x080000f2ks6v.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_33_0x080000forsm9.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_33_0x080000forsm9.jpg)|
56 FPS|68 FPS|100 FPS| ~ 79%
https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_41_singlegpu4nsq4.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_41_singlegpu4nsq4.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_42_0x080000fhjsbm.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_42_0x080000fhjsbm.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_43_0x080000ftxsty.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_43_0x080000ftxsty.jpg)|
42 FPS|57 FPS|73 FPS| ~ 74%
https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_51_singlegpu13sbf.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_51_singlegpu13sbf.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_52_0x080000fwdswa.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_52_0x080000fwdswa.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_53_0x080000fvlsax.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_53_0x080000fvlsax.jpg)|

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 372.54, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2016-08-25, 00:06:18
Schließe mich dem an, immer fleißig der Gute. :) Ich hab diese Fallout 4- Variante im Start-Post hinzugefügt.

In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (DX11) funktioniert das offizielle SLI-Profile vom 372.54 übrigens gut genug bzw. mehr lässt das Game nicht zu.
Bit #12, #14 und #15 sind zu fehleranfällig, Flashes im Menu und Flackern im Inventar sowie kaputte Screen Space Reflections lassen wenig Spielraum für Custom-SLI Flags.
Zusätzlich Bit #13 (0x080020F5) ist da noch am geeignetsten etwas mehr Leistung und bessere GPU-Auslastung zu erreichen, doch leider zu offensichtliche Screen Space Reflections-Fehler (https://abload.de/img/ssreflectionschu6r.png) an Wänden und sonstigen Oberflächen sind somit keine wirkliche Option, auch tendiert Bit #13 zu mehr Inputlag.
Das offizielle SLI-Profile passt schon, mehr ist da wirklich nicht zu holen.
Vieleicht wird die DX12 Variante dahingehend etwas effizienter mit den Ressourcen umgehen, für das Gebotene sind die Hardware-Vorraussetzungen doch etwas krank...

It seems like the default SLI bits for Deus Ex Mankind Divided is having the same problems as Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Nixxes said the game is not SLI ready, but Nvidia threw in the one trick pony bits in the last set of drivers regardless.

Going to test a few possibilities.

EDIT: It seems like the RotTR fix works nicely with it, now getting constant 60fps with everything on max apart from textures which is on very high and no MSAA. The only issue is that the vendor buy/sell menu flickers when you click on items, a bit annoying but not too bad.

Here is the post link


Official SLI-Profile refuses to work with your System? Can you provide some Performance-Numbers Single vs. SLI from internal Benchmark and some Details of your System-Specs? Have you also tested with Temporal AA & Post-Effects disabled if SLI-Performance will be improved?

2016-08-25, 03:37:27
...Bit #12, #14 und #15 sind zu fehleranfällig...

Was ist mit Bit #16? Das bringt bei meinen zwei 980 Tis am meisten, was FPS angeht. Aber ich gehe mal davon aus das das wohl auch irgendwas kaputt macht.

2016-08-25, 07:28:05
Im neogaf wird das Overwatch SLI Bit empfohlen:

Improve SLI performance: Using Nvidia Inspector, change the SLI compatibility bit in the game's driver profile to 0x2C0120F5.

Ich hab damit auch einige FPS mehr, als mit dem regulären Profil und konnte bisher keine großen Fehler (flackern etc.) feststellen.

2016-08-26, 00:00:20
(y) thx SLIKnight for your hard work here. It nice to see that you test many settings and Games and post all the Settings with Mods etc...

Big thx...

Schließe mich dem an, immer fleißig der Gute. :) Ich hab diese Fallout 4- Variante im Start-Post hinzugefügt.

Thank you very much guys :)
I tried to do something special with this game, since I always love both modding and playing Bethesda games in general.
With these nice texture mods, FO4 really reminds me graphically a little about STALKER: Clear Sky and that isn't a bad thing at all ;)
And the ingame temporal AA also does a nice job at 4K, no noticeable blurring and decent AA behavior in motion.

Game has been patched. SLI appears to be working with it, and performance also dropped surprisingly.. looks like the rendering resolution was fixed?

It seems like the RotTR fix works nicely with it, now getting constant 60fps with everything on max apart from textures which is on very high and no MSAA. The only issue is that the vendor buy/sell menu flickers when you click on items, a bit annoying but not too bad.

I also agree about this in general.
We need more quality posts with full system specs (especially PCIe port speeds), ingame settings and benchmark numbers and/or screenshot comparisons to learn anything useful.

2016-08-26, 02:24:49
It was just a quick fix, so I didn't include any numbers or system/game configurations.

People were having some success as well with the 0x2C0120F5 bits which is Overwatch, but I found the scaling consistency is far worse than the Tomb Raider one.

I will post a quick comparison when I screen cap some scenes in game.

EDIT: It seems like the recent patch fixed the issue, which apparently was caused by third party programs i.e. Afterburner and Reshade filters, now the SLI performance on both the offical and new bits are roughly the same.

2016-08-26, 07:40:54
Had to switch off SLI yesterday, because I got constantly random CTD's (every 20min ingame). SLI off fixed the problem and the whole game felt way more smooth. Surprinsingly my fps stayed nearly the same (62 off vs 66 on avg). Seems DE Mankind is everything else than optimized for SLI.

2016-08-27, 03:43:26
Had to switch off SLI yesterday, because I got constantly random CTD's (every 20min ingame). SLI off fixed the problem and the whole game felt way more smooth. Surprinsingly my fps stayed nearly the same (62 off vs 66 on avg). Seems DE Mankind is everything else than optimized for SLI.


I followed the advice in this post and it reduced my crashes from 5-20 Minutes to about 2 hours. Definetly worth it. I did not notice any sort of FPS loss or inputlag because of it.

Not entirely sure what TdrDelay does... Maybe Blaire or SLIknight know, theyre the wizards ;-)

1. Open regedit, then make backup (file>export>export range=all) and save it somewhere.

2. Browse to and then click the following registry subkey:

3. On the Edit menu, click New, and then select the following registry value from the drop-down menu specific to your version of Windows (32 bit, or 64 bit):

For 32 bit Windows
Select DWORD (32-bit) value.
Type TdrDelay as the Name and click Enter.
Double-click TdrDelay and add 8 for the Value data and click OK.

For 64 bit Windows

Select QWORD (64-bit) value.
Type TdrDelay as the Name and click Enter.
Double-click TdrDelay and add 8 for the Value data and clickOK.
Close the registry editor and then restart your computer for the changes to take affect.

2016-08-28, 16:39:04
In general "TdrDelay" changes the numbers of seconds, the GPU is allowed to spend on rendering a frame so to speak.
Increasing it can sometimes prevent "CTD" or "driver not responding" game crashes on some systems with certain drivers (especially in Windows 10).
However the downside is, that it can also increase the likelihood of a more serious system crash such as a BSOD.

So overall messing with "TdrDelay" really should be a last resort if nothing else works.

2016-08-30, 12:18:50
Was ist mit Bit #16? Das bringt bei meinen zwei 980 Tis am meisten, was FPS angeht. Aber ich gehe mal davon aus das das wohl auch irgendwas kaputt macht.

Stellenweise ja, aber halt nicht konsistent mehr Leistung im Vergleich zum offiziellen Profile. Ich hab auch letzten Freitag bestätigt bekommen, das NV da auch nicht mehr tun kann, bessere SLI-Performance lässt das Game nicht zu = Application Problem. Ich hoffe der DX12 Patch wird dann MultiGPU etwas effizienter lösen.

Im neogaf wird das Overwatch SLI Bit empfohlen:

Ich hab damit auch einige FPS mehr, als mit dem regulären Profil und konnte bisher keine großen Fehler (flackern etc.) feststellen.

Da diese Variante ebenso Bit #13 verwendet, ist auch damit die "Ultra"-Screen Space Reflection -Einstellung kaputt. Wenn einem das nicht weiter stört, dann skalieren die Overwatch SLI-Bits wirklich sehr gut.
Die CTD-Probleme dürften weniger an den SLI-Bits, sondern eher am horrenden Speicherverbrauch liegen.

2016-08-30, 14:08:44
Da diese Variante ebenso Bit #13 verwendet, ist auch damit die "Ultra"-Screen Space Reflection -Einstellung kaputt. Wenn einem das nicht weiter stört, dann skalieren die Overwatch SLI-Bits wirklich sehr gut.
Die CTD-Probleme dürften weniger an den SLI-Bits, sondern eher am horrenden Speicherverbrauch liegen.

Nee, diese Screen Space Reflections stören mich nicht, weil abgeschaltet. ;)

Wegen dem Speicherverbrauch...das kann es eigentlich nicht sein. Sobald ich SLI abschalte habe ich NULL Probleme mehr bei fast gleichen FPS (und gleichen Einstellungen).

2016-08-30, 22:52:32
Nee, diese Screen Space Reflections stören mich nicht, weil abgeschaltet. ;)

Wegen dem Speicherverbrauch...das kann es eigentlich nicht sein. Sobald ich SLI abschalte habe ich NULL Probleme mehr bei fast gleichen FPS (und gleichen Einstellungen).

How much system memory do you have?
Try setting a high static page file size, and see if it fixes the crashing.
This might be one of those cases, where more virtual memory is used in SLI mode than in Single GPU.

Out of curiosity, which PCIe speeds are your cards running at?

2016-08-31, 09:07:00
How much system memory do you have?


Try setting a high static page file size, and see if it fixes the crashing.

Was the first thing i checked. Its set to be managed by windows and shows around 9gb of virtual memory. Would it be better to set it manually instead of letting it manage by windows?

This might be one of those cases, where more virtual memory is used in SLI mode than in Single GPU.

That could be an explanation.

Out of curiosity, which PCIe speeds are your cards running at?

Idk. Is it shown in nvidia inspector? Edit: considering my mainboard (Asus P8P67 deluxe) I am quite sure cards are running on x8/x8.

2016-08-31, 15:08:10
Interesting, thank you for these answers.
That really explains most of the problems, I think.

It is better in my experience to set a large static page file manually.
Make sure to check "Custom Size", and set "Initial size" and "Maximum size" to the same value.
With only 8GB memory, I would recommend up to 16GB (or 16384MB) page file size in Windows 10 to make sure you don't run out of memory in SLI mode.
However it is possible, that 8GB system memory is still not enough for this game.

Also with only PCIe 3.0 x8/x8 you might be running into bandwidth limitations, which is probably the reason for the almost non-existing SLI scaling.
Make sure to disable any temporal AA modes, and see if scaling improves.

2016-08-31, 15:58:32
It is better in my experience to set a large static page file manually.
Make sure to check "Custom Size", and set "Initial size" and "Maximum size" to the same value.
With only 8GB memory, I would recommend up to 16GB (or 16384MB) page file size in Windows 10 to make sure you don't run out of memory in SLI mode.
However it is possible, that 8GB system memory is still not enough for this game.

Gonna try this.

Also with only PCIe 3.0 x8/x8 you might be running into bandwidth limitations, which is probably the reason for the almost non-existing SLI scaling.
Make sure to disable any temporal AA modes, and see if scaling improves.

Never had any sli scaling problems before (Witcher3 scaled perfectly), unless the game wasnt optimized well. Also i have seen tests (https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/articles/Impact-of-PCI-E-Speed-on-Gaming-Performance-518/) where x8/x8 compared to x16/x16 makes literally no any difference. So I doubt it has anything to do with pcie bandwidth speed here.

2016-08-31, 19:21:17
Bandwidth can become a real issue with native 4K resolution combined with temporal AA settings.
Witcher 3 is a good example of this :)
1080P with driver DSR is something completely different of course.

2016-08-31, 21:56:36
So I set the virtual memory to 16348mb and it seems that was the problem. Could play nearly 2h without any CTD. :)

However something is still wrong with the game and SLI activated. First of all the picture is not as clear as with SLI off...somehow more grainy...hard to describe, but clearly visible. Also performance wise its seems even worse with SLI on, as with SLI off. :freak: Made a few benchmarks:

SLI ON (with original SLI bit): 37/53/70 fps
SLI ON (overwatch SLI bit): 44/57/91 fps
SLI OFF: 50/61/76 fps

2016-08-31, 23:55:23
Ja die zeitliche Filterkomponenente vom internen AA scheint mit AFR nicht zu funktionieren, der Schärfefilter schießt deshalb auch etwas über das Ziel hinaus und lässts körniger wirken.

2016-09-02, 09:50:36

Maybe this shouldn't be in this thread. If it's the case...sorry! Oh, and sorry or my bad english too!

I'm a SLI user and recently i get a new 144hz monitor but i found a "problem" when using DSR in some games.

When i use DSR and change my resolution ingame to a higher one than my native the screen goes black and then it show's again the image scaled etc...BUT my gamme is totally messed up and i don't know why! It happens on some games and others no. I don't know if it's a vsync issue or 144hz compatibility or what but i don't understand why it's happening on some games and no others. Or for example i've been playing no man's sky @3k with no gamma issues and yesterday after nvidia drivers update the gamma is messed up again in the same game with the same setup...

Anyone know's about it and how to fix it? it's horrible to play a high resolution but with the gamme issue honestly...

2016-09-02, 09:56:02
SLI und Deus EX Mankind mögen sich nicht so.
Ohne SLI läuft das Game smooth, mit SLI läuft es bescheiden. Hoffe Square Enix bessert nach.

2016-09-04, 00:41:15
Never mind.

2016-09-06, 19:15:45
SLI und Deus EX Mankind mögen sich nicht so.
Ohne SLI läuft das Game smooth, mit SLI läuft es bescheiden. Hoffe Square Enix bessert nach.
Probiere mal damit 0x080002F6 (Metro: Last Light, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided)

2016-09-08, 19:22:41
So I set the virtual memory to 16348mb and it seems that was the problem. Could play nearly 2h without any CTD. :)

However something is still wrong with the game and SLI activated. First of all the picture is not as clear as with SLI off...somehow more grainy...hard to describe, but clearly visible. Also performance wise its seems even worse with SLI on, as with SLI off. :freak: Made a few benchmarks:

SLI ON (with original SLI bit): 37/53/70 fps
SLI ON (overwatch SLI bit): 44/57/91 fps
SLI OFF: 50/61/76 fps

Nice that this fixed your stability issues at least.
But I still strongly believe some sort of bandwidth or CPU limitation is going on here.

2016-09-09, 04:31:16
Updated SLI information for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

It seems The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been limited to only using 2-way SLI with the latest 372.54 WHQL driver.
The official profile now reads "0x080020F1" (F1 = 2-way, F6 = 3-way and F5 = 4-way maximum).
I believe this was a good decision by NVIDIA, since 3-way SLI was becoming too complicated in this game due to bandwidth issues with the temporal FXAA setting and strange gamma problems:
3-way-SLI problems (GTA5, GTA4 & The Witcher 3) needs to be solved! (GeForce Forums) (https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/878301/geforce-drivers/3-way-sli-problems-gta5-gta4-amp-the-witcher-3-needs-to-be-solved-/post/4672011/#4672011)

However the critical DX11 SLI bit #29 is still needed for optimal 2-way SLI performance at native 3840x2160 resolution with ingame AA enabled.
The profile then turns into "0x280020F1", which I also found to be the limit for trouble free 2-way SLI scaling in Witcher 3 version 1.22.

Here is a set of screenshot comparisons taken at native 3840x2160 resolution with the latest version 3.31 of the The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project (http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/1021/?) texture mod, along with all relevant settings:

Anti-aliasing: Off|Anti-aliasing: On|Anti-aliasing: On
60 FPS (G-Sync limit)|46 FPS|55 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/witcher3_noaa_0x080022espm.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=witcher3_noaa_0x080022espm.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/witcher3_temporalaa_0ncsst.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=witcher3_temporalaa_0ncsst.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/witcher3_temporalaa_0mwsjo.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=witcher3_temporalaa_0mwsjo.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 372.54, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Thank you. I'll try this new SLI bits this weekend. :)

2016-09-09, 08:37:46
Nice that this fixed your stability issues at least.
But I still strongly believe some sort of bandwidth or CPU limitation is going on here.

Idk man...okay, my 2500k/4.2Ghz is now almost rockin the 6th year. :freak: But on the other side, I have no issues with other actual games (Battlefield 1 for example) and the deus ex steam forum is full of people having major issues with SLI, and this on even more modern rigs than mine.

2016-09-10, 16:37:57
Idk man...okay, my 2500k/4.2Ghz is now almost rockin the 6th year. :freak: But on the other side, I have no issues with other actual games (Battlefield 1 for example) and the deus ex steam forum is full of people having major issues with SLI, and this on even more modern rigs than mine.

No doubt this game has serious optimization issues currently (even with single GPU).
Engines like Frostbite, CryEngine and id Tech 6 are vastly superior to this rubbish Nixxes put together for Deus Ex IMO.

Thank you. I'll try this new SLI bits this weekend. :)

Actually Blaire fixed an additional slowdown issue with this "0x280020F1" profile when fighting certain monsters.
The profile should instead be corrected to "0x280021F1":

The SLI list on page 1 has already been updated to reflect the changes :)

2016-09-11, 00:34:05
Actually Blaire fixed an additional slowdown issue with this "0x280020F1" profile when fighting certain monsters.
The profile should instead be corrected to "0x280021F1":

The SLI list on page 1 has already been updated to reflect the changes :)

Yes this SLI-only Issue was introduced first since 368.22 game-ready driver and could be reproduced by NVIDIA but has not yet been addressed. As long as this is the case, i would recommend to use this updated SLI-profile.

2016-09-25, 16:58:41
So I set the virtual memory to 16348mb and it seems that was the problem. Could play nearly 2h without any CTD. :)

However something is still wrong with the game and SLI activated. First of all the picture is not as clear as with SLI off...somehow more grainy...hard to describe, but clearly visible. Also performance wise its seems even worse with SLI on, as with SLI off. :freak: Made a few benchmarks:

SLI ON (with original SLI bit): 37/53/70 fps
SLI ON (overwatch SLI bit): 44/57/91 fps
SLI OFF: 50/61/76 fps

I still don't understand these numbers really.
With bit #13 (Overwatch profile), the game should scale significantly compared to single GPU.

Are you testing at 1080P by chance?
This might explain it, since the above numbers is then due to CPU limit.
Do you get full GPU usage with SLI ingame?

2016-09-25, 23:53:56
I still don't understand these numbers really.
With bit #13 (Overwatch profile), the game should scale significantly compared to single GPU.

Are you testing at 1080P by chance?
This might explain it, since the above numbers is then due to CPU limit.
Do you get full GPU usage with SLI ingame?
An OC 2500K is not a bottleneck at 60 FPS in the built-in benchmark, which is very GPU-bound compared to the actual game, hence why it's often criticized as being unrepresentative. DX:MD just has poor SLI support. Even with alternate bits, scaling maxes out around 20-30% despite both GPUs being utilized at 100%. As I'm sure you know, GPU usage != scaling.

2016-09-26, 17:56:12
Never mind.

2016-09-28, 17:27:12
Here is some SLI information for Street Fighter V, which runs on UE4:

I don't own this game myself, but it would be great if someone could verify that "0x000000F5" is indeed enough for decent scaling?

2016-10-06, 00:46:32
gibt es schon bits für quantum break DX11 ?
die ich im treiber gefunden habe flackern wie sau :ucrazy4:

2016-10-07, 15:28:29
30 FPS cap in Mafia 3:

No wonder NVIDIA didn't bother putting an SLI profile for the game in the latest drivers :(
PC gaming is really going downhill in some of these AAA titles, and users blindly pre-ordering without waiting for proper game reviews is at the key root of the issue IMO.
Personally I'm beginning to like indie titles more and more.

2016-10-07, 23:58:04
30 FPS cap in Mafia 3:

No wonder NVIDIA didn't bother putting an SLI profile for the game in the latest drivers :(
PC gaming is really going downhill in some of these AAA titles, and users blindly pre-ordering without waiting for proper game reviews is at the key root of the issue IMO.
Personally I'm beginning to like indie titles more and more.

I still can't get 30 fps with one GPU @5K ;)
Tried various profiles, working ones gave severe flickering, 0x080020F5 with AFR (dx10/11) seems to give some scaling with less flickering, but far from perfect.

UPDATE [10/6 / 6PM PT]: We currently have a patch running here at the studio that includes 30, 60, and unlimited frames-per-second options in the video menu, among other improvements for the PC version of Mafia III. We’re verifying the patch now to ensure everything is working as expected. If everything goes well, we expect the update to go live this weekend. We will be keeping the PC community up-to-date on the status of the patch throughout the weekend and thank you for all the feedback!

For Quantum Break dx11 (steam) the Watchdog's profile works, but it flickers and jitters, so not really a usable solution.

2016-10-08, 17:18:11
I still can't get 30 fps with one GPU @5K ;)
Tried various profiles, working ones gave severe flickering, 0x080020F5 with AFR (dx10/11) seems to give some scaling with less flickering, but far from perfect.

I see.
Is this with a native 5K monitor or 4K monitor + DSR?
Native 5K would require much more bandwidth I think, since this is technically "multi monitor mode".

2016-10-09, 00:32:09
Yes 5K native (Dell UP2715K) they're indeed treated like two and it takes a lot of GPU power for newer games, so multi GPU is a must.

I have hope Mafia will be fixed through nVidia's driverteam to allow some SLI scaling as some bits are already close to do at least something.

2016-10-09, 10:08:34
sry double post

2016-10-09, 10:19:13
Trackmania Turbo

No exisiting defaut profile for this game.
i m playing with DSR 4x, that need to use my sli.

Make a new profil with the DX10/DX11 Sli bits: 0x080000F5 With DX10 mode AFR
http://img4.hostingpics.net/thumbs/mini_296096TMT.jpg (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=296096TMT.jpg)
http://img4.hostingpics.net/thumbs/mini_417368tmt2.jpg (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=417368tmt2.jpg)

2016-10-09, 20:23:46
Never mind.

2016-10-10, 15:59:32
Gibt es für Formel1 2016 ein SLI Profil bzw SLI-Bits? Danke für eure Hilfe.

2016-10-11, 11:26:37
Hätte nochmal eine kurze Frage bzgl. Witcher 3 SLI Profil. Sind ja drei vorhanden.

Da ich 2-Way Sli nutze sind ja nur 2 interessant. Welches soll ich nehmen? Das letze "Performance Fix" oder den oberen 2-Way for 4K and Gsync?

2016-10-11, 13:50:15
Use "0x280021F1".
This is a 2-way profile (ends in "F1"), and enables both the bandwidth fix for high native resolutions and cures the monster performance drops with recent drivers.

BTW, here is a few funny Mafia 3 bugs videos:

2016-10-11, 15:20:15
Use "0x280021F1".
This is a 2-way profile (ends in "F1"), and enables both the bandwidth fix for high native resolutions and cures the monster performance drops with recent drivers.

BTW, here is a few funny Mafia 3 bugs videos:

Great. Thanks SLIKnight (y)

2016-10-24, 16:01:55

Basic SLI functions and NVIDIA Profile Inspector menu

SLI compatibility bits: Specify custom DX8, DX9 and OpenGL SLI profiles by using the Bit Value Editor (http://abload.de/img/biteditorbju4h.png) in NVIDIA Profile Inspector.
SLI compatibility bits (DX10 + DX11): The DX10 and DX11 equivalent of the above setting.
NVIDIA predefined number of GPUs to use on SLI rendering mode on DX10: Set to "SLI_PREDEFINED_GPU_COUNT_DX10_TWO", "SLI_PREDEFINED_GPU_COUNT_DX10_THREE" or "SLI_PREDEFINED_GPU_COUNT_DX10_FOUR" for respectively 2-way, 3-way or 4-way SLI mode in DX10 and DX11.
NVIDIA predefined number of GPUs to use on SLI rendering mode: Set to "SLI_PREDEFINED_GPU_COUNT_TWO", "SLI_PREDEFINED_GPU_COUNT_THREE" or "SLI_PREDEFINED_GPU_COUNT_FOUR" for respectively 2-way, 3-way or 4-way SLI mode in DX8, DX9 and OpenGL.
NVIDIA predefined SLI mode on DirectX10: Set to "SLI_PREDEFINED_MODE_DX10_FORCE_AFR" for DX10 and DX11 SLI modes.
NVIDIA predefined SLI mode: Set to "SLI_PREDEFINED_MODE_FORCE_AFR2" for DX8, DX9 and OpenGL SLI modes.

DX9 4-way SLI mode


DX10 and DX11 4-way SLI mode


NVIDIA Profile Inspector menu


Some advice on creating and customizing SLI profiles

It is difficult to give any meaningful advice on how to build an SLI profile from the ground up using the Bit Value Editor (http://abload.de/img/biteditorbju4h.png) in NVIDIA Profile Inspector.
However a good starting point usually is 0x02400005, 0x000000F5 and 0x00000001 for respectively DX9, DX11 and OpenGL.
These profiles can be considered "standard" AFR rendering modes in the three major API's.

In DX9 you could then for example enable bit #13, turning 0x02400005 into 0x02402005, which is a good bet for most recent UE3 games.
Other usual suspects include DX9 bits #9, #20, #23 and #30.
These four SLI bits tend to solve scaling problems in many DX9 titles using various game engines, but bits #9 and #20 can be prone to cause respectively light bleeding and flickering.

In a similar way, there are also certain typical solutions to scaling and stuttering problems in DX11.
Adding DX11 SLI bit #14 to the "standard" 0x000000F5 profile would turn it into 0x000040F5, which is used in for example Crysis 3.
In general DX11 bits #12, #13, #14, #15, #20 and #29 solve scaling problems in several DX11 games, sometimes at the cost of minor or more severe flickering issues.
Other important bits include #9, #18 and #27, but it should be noted that bit #18 can cause light bleeding.

Finally keep in mind, that any profile ending in "1" will limit the rendering mode to 2-way SLI, while profiles ending in "6" and "5" will allow up to respectively 3-way and 4-way modes.
For example would 0x02400001 and 0x000000F1 be the 2-way equivalents of 0x02400005 and 0x000000F5 in respectively DX9 and DX11.

How to use advanced SLI bits

I think it is also worth mentioning some more advanced SLI bits, which are located under the Unknown section in your NVIDIA Profile Inspector menu (Click the small "looking glass" icon and hit apply).
In cases where traditional SLI compatiblity bits do not suffice, it is sometimes possible to find solutions by manipulating one or more of these functions.
There are many different bits depending on whether DX9, DX11 or OpenGL is used, but here are a few of the most important examples:

0x0095DEF9 (e.g. ArcaniA (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=8966575&postcount=51) and Painkiller: Hell & Damnation (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=9532739&postcount=631))
0x00A0674A (e.g. Gothic 3 (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=9307916&postcount=317))

DX10 and DX11
0x009CFEC8 (Setting this to 0x00000001 can help improve bandwidth limitations in some cases, but currently it is only used in the official Grand Theft Auto V and Project CARS profiles)
0x00A06746 (e.g. Fallout 4 (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11139540&postcount=2333))
0x00A0694B (e.g. Rise of the Tomb Raider (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=10927377&postcount=2100) and Tom Clancy's The Division (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=10969007&postcount=2172))

0x209746C1 (e.g. Quake Live (https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/776235/sli/quake-live-sli-profile/))

2016-10-24, 23:22:10
Is it actually necessary to change predefined # of GPUs and predefined SLI mode? I always just left them on autoselect because I figured you can already control those settings using SLI compatibility bits and SLI rendering mode, and the system already knows how many GPUs are present.

2016-10-25, 00:02:43
Technically what I posted is the "safe" way of doing it, and what NVIDIA is doing in their official profiles.
But I suppose it depends on the individual application, whether it is strictly needed or not.

There might be cases, where the driver is not auto-detecting things correctly for some games.

2016-10-26, 20:29:02
How to use advanced SLI bits

I think it is also worth mentioning some more advanced SLI bits, which are located under the Unknown section in your NVIDIA Profile Inspector menu (Click the small "looking glass" icon and hit apply).
In cases where traditional SLI compatiblity bits do not suffice, it is sometimes possible to find solutions by manipulating one or more of these functions.
There are many different bits depending on whether DX9, DX11 or OpenGL is used, but here are a few of the most important examples:

0x0095DEF9 (e.g. ArcaniA (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=8966575&postcount=51) and Painkiller: Hell & Damnation (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=9532739&postcount=631))
0x00A0674A (e.g. Gothic 3 (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=9307916&postcount=317))

DX10 and DX11
0x009CFEC8 (Setting this to 0x00000001 can help improve bandwidth limitations in some cases, but currently it is only used in the official Grand Theft Auto V and Project CARS profiles)
0x00A06746 (e.g. Fallout 4 (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11139540&postcount=2333))
0x00A0694B (e.g. Rise of the Tomb Raider (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=10927377&postcount=2100) and Tom Clancy's The Division (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=10969007&postcount=2172))

0x209746C1 (e.g. Quake Live (https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/776235/sli/quake-live-sli-profile/))
More info on this:


0x0095DEF9 - MCCOMPAT_BROADCAST - Additional Multi-Chip Compatibility flags for broadcast render to texture

0x00000000 - Do not use broadcast at all
0x00000001 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00000002 - DYNAMIC_BROADCAST_RENDER_TO_TEXTURE - Dynamic broadcast render to texture to all GPU's
0x00000004 - STICKY_BROADCAST - Once a surface is marked for broadcast, keep this state regardless of future usage
0x00000008 - PROPAGATE_BROADCAST_PROHIBITION_BETWEEN_RT_AND_ZB - If RT is prohibited from going to broadcast, force this on the corresponding ZB too
0x00000010 - STATIC_BROADCAST_CLEARS_TO_TEXTURE - Static broadcast texture clears to all GPU's
0x00000020 - STATIC_BROADCAST_RENDER_TO_TEXTURE - Static broadcast RTT ops to all GPU's
0x00000040 - ALLOW_BROADCAST_ON_SMALLER_HDR_SURFACES - Do not disable dynamic broadcast on hdr surfaces smaller than primary
0x00000080 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00000100 - USE_BROADCAST_FLAGS_FROM_RT_OR_ZB - Allow to use broadcast flags on ZB together with flags on RT to make broadcast decision
0x00000200 - FORCE_BROADCAST_ZB_CLEAR_IF_RT_IN_BROADCAST - Force broadcast clear on ZB, if the current RT in broadcast
0x00000400 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00000800 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00001000 - IGNORE_DISCARD_ON_ZB_IF_RT_IN_BROADCAST - Ignore discard of ZB sync if bounded RT is in broadcast
0x00002000 - DISCARD_TEXTURING_SYNC_AFTER_BLIT_FROM_DISCARDABLE_SRC - Discard texturing sync after unicast blit from discardable source (like back buffer) on broadcast RTT
0x00004000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00008000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00010000 - BROADCAST_TO_CUBEMIP_TEXTURE - Broadcast to CUBE/MIP texture to all GPU's
0x00020000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00040000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00080000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00100000 - BROADCAST_ON_ZB_IN_TEXTURE_ON_PARTIAL_SRT - Static broadcast on shadow map atlases
0x00200000 - BROADCAST_ON_STENCIL_WRITE - Static broadcast on ZB with enabled and updated stencil
0x00400000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00800000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x01000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x02000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x04000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x08000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x10000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x20000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x40000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x80000000 - Reserved/Unknow

0x00A0674A - MCAPPSPECIFICHACKS - Multi-Chip app specific hacks for single app in DX9
0x00000000 - NONE - The default value, no app specific hacks
0x00000001 - DISCARD_ON_NOT_EQUALLY_DIRTY_CUBE_MIP_RTT - Discard content of cube maped or mip mapped textures only if number of dirty subres isn't equal number of valid subres
0x00000002 - IGNORE_DISCARD_SRT - Ignore both of the DISCARD_*_SRT bits when the render target has been synced for texturing
0x00000004 - DO_RESOLVE_ON_RTT_MATCHED_PRIMARY - Ignore discard on RT textures matched to primary size
0x00000008 - DISCARD_ON_G16R16_OR_MIDSIZE_ON_TEXTURING - Discard syncs unconditionally on G16R16 RTT or on any RTTs with 0x2OOX0x200 size, Wow after patch 5.2 hack
0x00000010 - RESERVED4 Reserved
0x00000020 - RESERVED5 Reserved
0x00000040 - CRYSIS2_HACK_POSTMSAAEDGEFILTERNV_OVERRIDE - Fix up Crysis2 binary to be consistent with SLI
0x00000080 - RESERVED7 Reserved
0x00000100 - FORCE_REPORT_NO_SLI_SUPPORT_FROM_NVAPI - If application has buggy its own SLI support we need to do SLI magic in the driver and force app think it's run on single GPU
0x00000200 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00000400 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00000800 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00001000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00002000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00004000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00008000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00010000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00020000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00040000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00080000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00100000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00200000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00400000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00800000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x01000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x02000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x04000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x08000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x10000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x20000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x40000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x80000000 - Reserved/Unknow


0x009CFEC8 - COPY_ENGINE - Copy Engine Configuration
0x00000000 - OFF - Disable the copy engine blitter
0x00000001 - ON - Enable the copy engine blitter (default)
0x00000002 - FORCE_CE_BLIT - Force using CE blitter even if CE perfstrategy says otherwise
0x00000004 - FORCE_BASIC_MODEL - Force to run copy engine in basic model (default is basic prime)
0x00000008 - IGNORE_MIN_CE_TRANSFER_SIZE - Ignore d3dreg key MIN_CE_TRANSFER_SIZE and allow all transfer sizes by CE
0x00000010 - ENABLE_CE_UPLOADS Enable - Copy Engine Async Uploads
0x00000020 - FORCE_CE_UPLOADS Force - Copy Engine Async Uploads for all uploads (ignoring location of destination surface)
0x00000040 - ENABLE_LZO_COMPRESSION - Enable LZO compression for the Uploads
0x00000080 - FORCE_LZO_COMPRESSION - Force LZO compression for all uploads (even if we have to stall)


0x00A06746 - MCAPPSPECIFICHACKS10 - Multi-Chip app specific hacks for single app in DX10+
0x00000000 - NONE - The default value, no app specific hacks
0x00000001 - DO_NOT_DISCARD_ON_SCREENSIZE_A2B10G10R10_RTT - Respect sync on screensize A2B10G10R10 RTT, Dirt: Showdown specific hack
0x00000002 - SKIP_TINY_TEXTURE_RESOLVE_ON_BLlTTING - Ignore small texture (up to 2x2) resolve on blit, Stormrise specific hack
0x00000004 - FORCE_RESOLVE_ON_SLAVES_FOR_SHARED_RESOURCES - Force resolve on slave GPUs for shared resources, specific for Lucas Arts Hive Engine Demo
0x00000008 - IGNORE_READ_LOCK_FOR_STAGING_TEXTURES - Ignore CPU read lock for staging textures - real hack, specific to Red Faction: Armageddon
0x00000010 - EARLY_PUSH_ALL_SUBRESOURCES - Defer early push of subresources with hope that we an early push the entire resource
0x00000020 - SKIP_NOSUBRES_RTT_BUT_TINY_RESOLVE_ON_TEXTURING - Don't resolve textures before texturing unless they are tiny (2x2), but respect resolve for resources with subresources
0x00000040 - CRYSIS2_HACK_POSTMSAAEDGEFILTERNV_OVERRIDE - Fix up Crysis2 binary to be consistent with SLI
0x00000080 - CAP_PERF_TO_TDP_LIM1T_3_4_Way - Cap the clocks to not go beyond the TDP limit for 3/4-way SLI
0x00000100 - FORCE_REPORT_NO_SLI_SUPPORT_FROM_NVAPI - If applition has buggy its own SLI support we need to do SLI magic in the driver and force app think it's run on single GPU
0x00000200 - DO_NOT_DISCARD_ON_MIDSIZE_TEXTURE_ABGR8_RTT - Syncs on ABGR8 RTT or on any RTT's with 0x100X0x100 size,COD:B02 fetches Online status of player
0x00000400 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00000800 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00001000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00002000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00004000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00008000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00010000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00020000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00040000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00080000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00100000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00200000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00400000 - Unknow
0x00800000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x01000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x02000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x04000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x08000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x10000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x20000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x40000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x80000000 - Reserved/Unknow

0x00A0694B - MCCOMPAT10_BROADCAST - Multi-Chip app broadcast compatibility value for DX10+ apps
0x00000000 - NONE - The default value — no broadcast
0x00000001 - DYNAMIC_BROADCAST_RENDER_TO_TEXTURE - Use broadcast to render interframe depandent content
0x00000002 - DYNAMIC_BROADCAST_TO_TEXTURES_WITH_SUBRESOURCES_ONLY - Allow dynamic broadcast for textures with subresources (cubemap/mipmap) only
0x00000004 - ENABLE_BLIT_BASED_BROADCAST_STATE_CHANGES - Enable blit-based broadcast state changes
0x00000008 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00000010 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00000020 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00000040 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00000080 - STATIC_BROADCAST_TO_TEXTURES_WITH_SUBRESOURCES - Force broadcast on resources with subresorces (cubemap/mipmap)
0x00000100 - STATIC_BROADCAST _TO_1LINE_32BIT_TEXTURES - Force broadcast on 32 bit textures which has one pixel height but more than 1 pixel width
0x00000200 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00000400 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00000800 - LIMIT_BROADCAST_SPREADING_TO_ONE_LEVEL - Limit broadcast spreading only to one level up
0x00001000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00002000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00004000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00008000 - RESPECT _BROADCAST_ZB_RESOLVE_ON_INACTIVE_GPUS - Do not discard sync on ZB if we try to resolve inactive GPUs in broadcast
0x00010000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00020000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00040000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00080000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00100000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00200000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00400000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x00800000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x01000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x02000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x04000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x08000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x10000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x20000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x40000000 - Reserved/Unknow
0x80000000 - Reserved/Unknow


0x00000001 - SYNC_VID2VID - Vid2Vid copies (CopyTexImage) update remote gpus
0x00000004 - TRACK_DIRTY_VIEWPORT - Fallback if usage of glViewport leaves undefined backbuffer content
0x00000008 - TRACK_DIRTY_DEPTHSTENCIL - Fallback if depth/stencilbuffer is not cleared after toggling gpu
0x00000010 - SYNC_SLAVE_FOR_MASTER_TRANSITION - Sync master image to slave on AFR_MASTER to AFR transition
0x00080000 - SYNC_VID2VID_DELAY_ONE_FRAME - Defer P2P texture updates until a texture is used more than one frame later
0x00F00000 - DISABLE_AFR_FOR_RT_SIZE_MASK - Disable render target width and height smaller or equal to this value. For example, if value is 8 then a render target with both width and height <= 8, disable AFR for that target
0x0F000000 - AFR_EARLY_PUSH_RT_SIZE_MASK - Early push small AFR render targets. If the render target width and height both smaller or equal to this value, do early push

2016-10-26, 20:52:05
Guzz, could you please also find out what 0x0013FEC2 does?
It affects frametimes for single GPU in a bad way in Ryse. It seems unreasonable to me that Nvidia enables it.

2016-10-26, 21:59:17
Guzz, could you please also find out what 0x0013FEC2 does?
It affects frametimes for single GPU in a bad way in Ryse. It seems unreasonable to me that Nvidia enables it.
Map() of staging buffer without DISCARD or NO_OVERWRITE is a problem unless we can map cached copy. Creating cache costs system memory and perf, so large cache may cause deceleration. But if the cache is too small and the buffer does not fit in it, we will idle on Map(). This key allows to tweak the cache size.

0x00000000 - MIN
0x00400000 - DEFAULT
0x01000001 - MAX

2016-10-26, 22:06:55
Thanks! :up:
Might be worth checking how other games react to different values, I guess (if it works for anything else but Cryengine).

2016-10-29, 18:53:21
SLI information for Dead by Daylight

It seems the standard DX11 profile "0x080000F5" is the only acceptable solution for SLI in the latest version 1.2.1 of the UE4 based horror game Dead by Daylight.
For best possible scaling it is also necessary to set the "Unknown" SLI function "0x00A06746" to a value of "0x00000020".
The only other alternative is to use the more aggressive "0x080040F5" profile, which causes characters, the killer's weapons and certain other reflective surfaces to flicker noticeably.

Currently the game has limited ingame settings, so I recommend adjusting your settings manually in GameUserSettings.ini, which can be found in "\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight".
Furthermore it is important to mention, that Dead by Daylight only supports windowed fullscreen and not exclusive fullscreen like most other modern titles.
For this reason it is necessary to tick "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" for the launcher executable (DeadByDaylight.exe), otherwise the game won't display the resolution specified in GameUserSettings.ini.
This is of course not to be confused with the game executable, which can be found under "\DeadByDaylight\Binaries\Win64\DeadByDaylight-Win64-Shipping.exe" in your install folder.
I also recommend renaming "LoadingScreen.mp4" located in "\DeadByDaylight\Content\Movies", which will disable the annoying cutscene played each time the game launches ;)

Here are all of my settings, as well as a couple screenshot comparisons taken at native 3840x2160 resolution with maximum "Ultra" settings:

NVIDIA Inspector|GameUserSettings.ini|Launcher
https://abload.de/thumb/dbd_inspector_settingq6sbs.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=dbd_inspector_settingq6sbs.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/dbd_gameusersettings.4jscf.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=dbd_gameusersettings.4jscf.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/dbd_launcher_settingsqnspd.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=dbd_launcher_settingsqnspd.png)

Single GPU|2-way SLI
35 FPS|61 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/dbd_pic1_singlegpurysq2.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=dbd_pic1_singlegpurysq2.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/dbd_pic1_0x080000f5_06ks89.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=dbd_pic1_0x080000f5_06ks89.jpg)
34 FPS|59 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/dbd_pic2_singlegpua1s84.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=dbd_pic2_singlegpua1s84.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/dbd_pic2_0x080000f5_00qsx6.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=dbd_pic2_0x080000f5_00qsx6.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 375.63, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2016-10-30, 10:14:21
BTW 0x02D04005 works fine for DX9:



Addendum to this. :)

0x000000F5 works fine for DX11 SLI in Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens if ambient occlusion setting in-game is disabled.

The unknown setting 0x00A0674A should be set to 0x00000004 to prevent jittering on the pause screen when using DX9 SLI.

SLI Profiles|Unknown Setting (DX9)
https://abload.de/thumb/nvi1issax.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=nvi1issax.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/nvi2kqs0y.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=nvi2kqs0y.png)

2016-10-30, 17:12:41
Interesting about that unknown DX9 SLI bit affecting the pause menu.
Good find :)

2016-11-01, 03:13:41
SLI information for Kholat

The survival horror game Kholat also uses UE4, and scales nicely with the "0x080020F5" profile (game version 1.03).
"0x080040F5" and "0x080010F5" are the only real alternatives, but these more aggressive profiles break the snow effects and cause flickering.
For bandwidth and compatibility reasons, I only recommend using "0x080020F5" with ingame FXAA and not with temporal AA.
To skip the introductory movies played at game launch, I also suggest renaming "Startup.mp4" which can be found in "\Kholat\Content\Movies" in your install folder.

Here are all of my settings, as well as a set of screenshot comparisons taken at native 3840x2160 resolution:

Kholat Options


Show Dot Crosshair: Off
Camera Movement Bob: Off
Field of View: 100
Smooth Framerate: Off (Needs to be disabled manually in Engine.ini)
Frame Rate Cap: Off
Subtitles: Off


Resolution: 3840x2160
Display Mode: Fullscreen
Vertical Synchronization: Off
Motion Blur Amount: 0
Resolution Scale: 100

Video Advanced

Graphics Preset: Custom
Texture Quality: Epic
Texture Filtering: Epic
Shadow Quality: Epic
Post Process Quality: Epic
Effects Quality: Epic
Antialiasing Mode: FXAA
Antialiasing Quality: High
Ambient Occlusion: On
Depth of Field: Off

Controls -> Keyboard & Mouse

Mouse Smoothing: Off

Engine.ini (Located in "\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\Kholat\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor")


Single GPU|0x080000F5|0x080020F5
38 FPS|41 FPS|61 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/kholat_pic1_singlegpuz3jgc.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=kholat_pic1_singlegpuz3jgc.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/kholat_pic2_0x080000ff9k1g.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=kholat_pic2_0x080000ff9k1g.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/kholat_pic3_0x080020fkljl3.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=kholat_pic3_0x080020fkljl3.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 375.63, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2016-11-01, 07:17:25
SLI Information for LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The profiles 0x02D04005 and 0x000000F5 are sufficient for great SLI scaling in the DX9 and DX11 versions respectively of LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

However, they are not without issues. In DX9, the entire screen jitters when the game is paused. In DX11, there are black textures and flickering (https://youtu.be/U71Qf_j83EM) when ambient occlusion in the game is enabled.

Fortunately, thanks to recent information by SLIKnight and Guzz about the additional SLI flags in the 'Unknown' section of Nvidia Inspector, I have found easy solutions to the visual glitches. For DX9, simply set 0x00A0674A to 0x00000004. For DX11, set 0x00A06746 to 0x00000100.

The Nvidia driver does not include a profile for this game, so the user must manually create a profile in Inspector and add LEGOSWTFA.exe and LEGOSWTFA_DX11.exe to it.

Nvidia Inspector
https://abload.de/thumb/nvi11hlaca.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=nvi11hlaca.png) https://abload.de/thumb/nvi126fycc.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=nvi126fycc.png)

|Single GPU|2-Way SLI
DX9|49 FPS|94 FPS (+92%)
|https://abload.de/thumb/legoswtfa_2016_10_31_1bjd4.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=legoswtfa_2016_10_31_1bjd4.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/legoswtfa_2016_10_31_ryjv2.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=legoswtfa_2016_10_31_ryjv2.png)
DX11|32 FPS|63 FPS (+97%)
|https://abload.de/thumb/legoswtfa_dx11_2016_1svjx2.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=legoswtfa_dx11_2016_1svjx2.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/legoswtfa_dx11_2016_17ejbs.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=legoswtfa_dx11_2016_17ejbs.png)

On a final note, I highly recommend to enable VSync when playing this game. Otherwise, there is a lot of stutter and uneven frame pacing despite high FPS. SLI is triple buffered, so performance will not drop if FPS falls below refresh rate. And due to the keyboard/controller based nature of LEGO titles, input lag is not a concern when using VSync.

2016-11-01, 10:16:42
SLI Information for PlanetSide 2

"plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose (the more things change, the more they remain the same)"
-Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

It's been over 2 years since SLIKnight's post on PlanetSide 2 (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=10199005&postcount=1419). In that time span, the persistent MMO FPS has undergone numerous changes to its design and gameplay, as well as some technical changes under the hood such as the removal of Motion Blur to fix an issue with mouse input lag when GPU-bound. However, what has remained a constant is its underwhelming SLI support.

SLIKnight's custom SLI profile 0x42502005 along with turning off the HUD did indeed fix SLI in PS2, but the second step has far too much of a negative impact on awareness and gameplay to be usable. The HUD/UI, which is authored in Scaleform GFx, is the crux of PlanetSide 2's SLI problems. On SLI configurations, it causes massive slowdowns and stuttering and completely breaks performance, issues which appear to be even worse than they were 2 years ago.

Furthermore, the severe negative impact of the UI persists even when the game is set to single GPU in the driver. Only by completely disabling SLI is it possible to achieve smoothness in PlanetSide 2 with the UI on.

Fortunately, thanks to recent information by SLIKnight and Guzz about the additional SLI flags in the 'Unknown' section of Nvidia Inspector, I have found a solution for SLI in PlanetSide 2 that does not require disabling the HUD. Simply changing the unknown setting 0x00A0674A to 0x00000100 makes it so that the UI does not break performance.

SLIKnight's custom SLI profile is still necessary for optimal scaling and decreased input lag, however an alteration needs to made in light of the new unknown flag. Bit #13 needs to be removed from 0x42502005, otherwise there are corruption and colored flashes on UI elements. From my testing, bit #13 does not affect performance in any way. Thus, the final profile becomes 0x42500005.

Which isn't to say that the final profile is free of visual glitches either. Bit #20, which is responsible for a big scaling increase (bit #30 only increases scaling slightly), causes some UI elements to have flickering and other rendering glitches. But the glitches are minor and a worthy trade-off for the scaling improvement IMO. (If there is flickering on vehicle dashboards, toggling between first- and third-person cameras a few times should resolve it.)

Last but not least, Anisotropic Filtering should be set to 16x in the driver. The game forces around 8x AF at all quality settings which cannot be adjusted.

Nvidia Inspector
https://abload.de/thumb/nvi13y3zh3.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=nvi13y3zh3.png) https://abload.de/thumb/nvi14ujya.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=nvi14ujya.png) https://abload.de/thumb/nvi14elb5x.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=nvi14elb5x.png)

|Single GPU|2-Way SLI (Nvidia Default)|2-Way SLI (Fixed)
|39 FPS|61 FPS (+56%)|78 FPS (+100%)
|https://abload.de/thumb/planetside2_x64_2016_gbsyl.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=planetside2_x64_2016_gbsyl.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/planetside2_x64_2016_rkss5.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=planetside2_x64_2016_rkss5.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/planetside2_x64_2016_g6svu.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=planetside2_x64_2016_g6svu.png)
With UI|30 FPS|28 FPS (-7%)|75 FPS (+150%)
|https://abload.de/thumb/planetside2_x64_2016_lbssm.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=planetside2_x64_2016_lbssm.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/planetside2_x64_2016_77sxr.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=planetside2_x64_2016_77sxr.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/planetside2_x64_2016_36s92.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=planetside2_x64_2016_36s92.png)

2016-11-01, 13:06:56
SLI and tweaking information for The Park

I have been doing extensive SLI testing in the UE4 game The Park, but unfortunately haven't found anything useful.
Only "0x080040F5" gives any scaling, and this breaks depth of field, screen space reflections and temporal AA.
And without these features, the game really isn't very demanding even for a single 980 Ti at native 3840x2160 resolution.
So SLI mode makes little sense in this particular case.

A better solution is to run in single GPU mode with maximum settings, and only disable the very demanding and quite atrocious depth of field effect.
This can't be done ingame due to the quite limited settings, but fortunately there is a workaround :)
Just go to "\User\[Username]\AppData\Local\AtlanticIslandPark\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor", open GameUserSettings.ini and set sg.PostProcessQuality=0.
With this one change, a single 980 Ti is enough for relatively smooth gameplay (50-55 FPS) at 3840x2160 with otherwise maximum settings and a field of view of 100.
It is possible to tweak other graphics settings using GameUserSettings.ini, for example will sg.EffectsQuality=1 disable the screen space reflections and sg.AntiAliasingQuality=0 disable temporal AA.

Here are some comparison screenshots taken in single GPU mode:

GameUserSettings.ini|SSR+TAA+DOF disabled|TAA+DOF disabled|DOF disabled|"Ultra" preset
|69 FPS|54 FPS|53 FPS|42 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/thepark_gameusersetti4boa1.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=thepark_gameusersetti4boa1.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/thepark1_singlegpu_no4aocn.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=thepark1_singlegpu_no4aocn.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/thepark2_singlegpu_no43pl1.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=thepark2_singlegpu_no43pl1.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/thepark3_singlegpu_aa46os5.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=thepark3_singlegpu_aa46os5.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/thepark4_singlegpu_aawcr90.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=thepark4_singlegpu_aawcr90.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 375.63, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2016-11-02, 15:51:38
Trackmania Turbo

No exisiting defaut profile for this game.
i m playing with DSR 4x, that need to use my sli.

Make a new profil with the DX10/DX11 Sli bits: 0x080000F5 With DX10 mode AFR
http://img4.hostingpics.net/thumbs/mini_296096TMT.jpg (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=296096TMT.jpg)
http://img4.hostingpics.net/thumbs/mini_417368tmt2.jpg (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=417368tmt2.jpg)

I have a question regarding this post.
Does the game actually scale with SLI or just increase GPU usage?

From the OSD information in the "screenshot", GPU1 usage is 34%, GPU2 usage is 40% and FPS is 91 FPS, which seems off to me unless the game is either CPU limited or not very demanding.
It would be nice to have some clarification :)

2016-11-04, 06:51:06
The clock frequency of the CPU has nothing to do with it :)
But I agree, that most users are not aware of this issue.

Personally I still think much could be done by game engine developers in terms of better AFR optimization.
This is very much the "fundamental" problem, and honestly you can forget about 3-way and 4-way SLI in new engines like UE4 because of silly bandwidth limitations :rolleyes:

Anyway, here is a single quick screenshot comparison from the "Kadingir Sanctum" level of DOOM (4K + TSSAA and maximum settings, except shadows on "Ultra")

Single GPU ~ 55 FPS

2-way SLI ~ 77 FPS

These screens are not really "representative" of the scaling throughout the game, but at least proves there is positive scaling with x16/x16.
Please forgive the crappy .jpg compressions.

Wow, this actually works!

DOOM was stuttering so much it was unplayable with shadows on NIGHTMARE. Now with shadows on ULTRA it's super smooth 100fps++ at 7824x1440 (5960X, 2x Titan X Pascal).

Thanks a lot man, really awesome find!! :D

2016-11-04, 13:27:15
Technically Blaire originally discoverd this, but sure you are welcome :)
Frametimes can be all over the place in some of the later Hell levels with shadows on "Nightmare", although FPS is still good.
Even with PCIe 3.0 x16/x16.

2016-11-04, 15:33:48
Technically Blaire originally discoverd this, but sure you are welcome :)
Frametimes can be all over the place in some of the later Hell levels with shadows on "Nightmare", although FPS is still good.
Even with PCIe 3.0 x16/x16.
I just started playing the game. With shadows on NIGHTMARE there was an annoying stutter in the base in the beginning of the game. As soon as I got to the orange sand part outside, it became unplayable.

How did you guys find out about this? Do you have a special way to keep track of GPU/VRAM/etc so that you can evaluate the impact of different graphics settings quickly?

2016-11-05, 15:12:00
Updated SLI information for Fallout 4

I have discovered a small problem with the custom SLI profile, I posted a while ago for Fallout 4: 3DCenter SLI thread (#2333) (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11139540&postcount=2333)
Setting the undefined "0x00A06746" SLI function to "0x00000020" does fix scaling with native 3840x2160 resolution combined with temporal AA, but it also breaks the lockpicking menu.
The background in this menu flickers significantly with the custom profile, and I found no alternative solution without again breaking scaling.

However I did find a very elegant workaround to the problem, namely the Auto Lockpick (http://fireundubh.github.io/fallout4/) mod created by "fireundubh".
This can be configured to automatically open any lock using bobby pins in your inventory, without ever entering the lockpick menu.
It also has other more advanced settings, which can all be adjusted by opening the Pip-Boy and going to "Inventory -> Misc -> Auto Lockpick Program".

https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_auto_lockpic46usd.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_auto_lockpic46usd.jpg) https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_auto_lockpicihu0i.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_auto_lockpicihu0i.jpg)

Personally I even prefer the game without the annoying and time consuming lockpicking screen, so this is a win-win scenario IMO :)
For reference purposes, this was tested using the exact same settings and texture mods as my previous SLI post for Fallout 4, only with the frame rate capped at 60 FPS due to G-Sync.

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 375.63, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2016-11-05, 16:50:39
Seems Cod Infinite Warfare has also no SLI profile yet. Tried COD adv WF profile and COD MWF remastered, but no dice. Anybody had some luck. The game runs already quite good on single GPU though.

2016-11-05, 17:34:57
Seems Cod Infinite Warfare has also no SLI profile yet. Tried COD adv WF profile and COD MWF remastered, but no dice. Anybody had some luck. The game runs already quite good on single GPU though.

Tried a few profiles as well. No luck sadly.

I find it fascinating how the call of duty developers use the same engine every time yet somehow managed to screw up SLI :-)

2016-11-08, 17:55:03
SLI information for ABZÛ

I now also did some SLI testing in the UE4 deep water adventure title ABZÛ.
This was quite a tricky game to test, since the standard "0x080000F5" profile actually gives negative scaling and causes certain small particle effects to disappear.
The particle effect disappearance mostly happens on entering a new area in the game, and seems to be some type of texture loading issue in AFR mode.

However DX11 SLI bit #15 fixes this, turning "0x080000F5" into "0x080080F5".
Scaling is still broken though, and additionally must SLI bit #13 also be used to improve performance.
The final custom SLI profile then becomes "0x0800A0F5".
There are other methods of improving SLI performance further, but not without creating severe flickering issues or "shaky" vegetation.

Still I only recommend using "0x0800A0F5" with G-Sync or V-Sync enabled and temporal AA disabled, due to minor particle flickering.
Scaling isn't phenomenal in all scenes, but enough for my 2-way 980 Ti system to maintain a constant G-Sync'ed 60 FPS through the whole game at 3840x2160 resolution.
The ingame graphics settings are quite sparse like in some other UE4 games, so it is best to instead use GameUserSettings.ini located in

Here are some screenshot comparisons taken at native 3840x2160 resolution, along with all relevant settings:

GameUserSettings.ini for ABZÛ

VSync=OFF (Use G-Sync or driver V-Sync instead)

sg. ViewDistanceQuality=3
sg.AntiAliasingQuality=0 (Disables temporal AA)

NVIDIA Inspector|GameUserSettings.ini
https://abload.de/thumb/abzu_inspector_settinecu8g.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=abzu_inspector_settinecu8g.png)|https://abload.de/thumb/abzu_gameusersettings0sucq.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=abzu_gameusersettings0sucq.png)

Single GPU|2-way SLI
54 FPS|80 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/abzu_pic11_singlegpuuzu8a.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=abzu_pic11_singlegpuuzu8a.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/abzu_pic12_0x0800a0f59bu79.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=abzu_pic12_0x0800a0f59bu79.jpg)
46 FPS|70 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/abzu_pic21_singlegpuo8utx.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=abzu_pic21_singlegpuo8utx.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/abzu_pic22_0x0800a0f5nwurj.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=abzu_pic22_0x0800a0f5nwurj.jpg)
49 FPS|69 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/abzu_pic31_singlegpu0ruqt.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=abzu_pic31_singlegpu0ruqt.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/abzu_pic32_0x0800a0f524u63.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=abzu_pic32_0x0800a0f524u63.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 375.63, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2016-11-10, 03:16:35
0x080002F5 and AFR seems to work half decently on Dishonored 2. Resulted in ~50-60% FPS boost.

Please share if anyone found better bits.

They use a completely new engine they built themselves called "void". Allegedly its based on ID tech 5.

2016-11-10, 13:17:49

Very interesting, did you try just basic "0x000000F5" profile to see if those extra bits are needed?
Perhaps you could make some screenshot comparisons with FPS numbers and we could add it, unless someone finds a better solution :)

2016-11-10, 21:07:43
Hello! I've recently been tipped off (over on the Guru3D forums) about the potential SLI PCI-E b/w issues as well as about the existence of this thread. Since I'm a 4K SLI user, there's a lot of useful information for me here, which I'm grateful to have available. :biggrin:

I'm still on a Z87 system, PCI-E 3.0 x8/x8, so I decided to test out the b/w issues myself, as far as I could without having a x16/x16 3.0 system to test against. I'll post my results here, since I find them somewhat interesting compared to earlier findings here, maybe they'll be useful for someone else too. I only tested Witcher 3 (it's the only game I own out of those benchmarked here).

System: 4790K @ 4.7GHz, 2x8GB 2133MHz CL10 DDR3, Asus Z87-PRO, GTX 1080 G1 Gaming SLI @ ~2000/5400MHz, W10 Pro 64b
Driver: 375.70
SLI bits: I used the improved bits suggested by Blaire, so 0x280021F1. I haven't taken screenshots of the default profile/bits, but on my system with TAA on the difference is minimal, an increase of 1-3 FPS at best.
Game settings: native 4K, everything maxed, tested with TAA on and off, because it's supposed to be hard on the PCI-e b/w
I used a HB bridge

So, the results:
TAA/SLI|SLI off|SLI on|SLI scaling
TAA off|https://abload.de/thumb/sliofftaaoffzml59.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sliofftaaoffzml59.jpg)
43 FPS|https://abload.de/thumb/sliontaaoffthah5.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sliontaaoffthah5.jpg)
83 FPS|93%
TAA on|https://abload.de/thumb/sliofftaaoni0zp1.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sliofftaaoni0zp1.jpg)
42 FPS|https://abload.de/thumb/sliontaaonp0ymo.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sliontaaonp0ymo.jpg)
68 FPS|62%
Note that the numbers aren't especially accurate, I loaded a save file then waited for the FPS to stabilize and took a screenshot. I also rode around Toussaint each time, but since there's no built-in benchmark or demo I don't really have the ability to provide a reliable measure of something like average FPS, so I went with the screenshot in the same place. When riding around the FPS was generally a bit below what I was getting in the scene above, generally somewhere between 5-10FPS lower, so almost no drops under 60 with SLI on in any case. There's also minor variance in FPS in the game itself of course and as my cards heated up the core clock dropped a bit too, but I think the difference is much too large to be justified by such small changes.

The big thing to notice is the very significant impact TAA makes with SLI, so bandwidth definitely seems to be an issue. Interesting to note that the 2nd GPU with TAA on is only around 85% usage, with TAA off it's around 95% instead. Still, I generally see higher FPS and better scaling even with TAA on than the results Blaire posted previously, I'm not quite sure why. Maybe drivers, but I initially played Blood & Wine with v368 drivers and saw pretty much the same performance as I do now with 375.70, so I don't really have an idea why SLI is scaling better on my system. Just FPS could be explained by higher core clocks maybe (would core clock help if the system were b/w bottlenecked?), but I don't think that can explain the scaling.

2016-11-11, 02:14:18
Welcome Bloodred. What results are you referring to? From my Flex vs. LED vs. HB-Bridge comparison? This?
Ingame AA in Witcher 3 drops the scaling efficiency depending on PC-System, as well your Screenshot-Results are showing. Also 32 Lanes PCIe 3.0 further limits SLI-Scaling, it is also different from game to game and how strong interframe dependencies take an negative impact.
The updated Witcher3 SLI profile fixes the performance issues on 4K / G-Sync Monitor's (which is clearly PCIe-Bandwidth bottleneck), as well as general problems as Example while Combat vs. Ekhidnas or Crabb Spiders on Foggy Island.
If you want to try out, i can upload my Witcher 3 Saves and you can test yourself? :)

0x080002F5 and AFR seems to work half decently on Dishonored 2. Resulted in ~50-60% FPS boost.

Please share if anyone found better bits.

They use a completely new engine they built themselves called "void". Allegedly its based on ID tech 5.

Ist das Game nicht OpenGL? Dafür gäbe es spezielle SLI-Flags.

2016-11-11, 02:38:36
Thanks! Yes, those were the results, more specifically the PCI-e 3.0 vs. 2.0 part. About bridges, I suppose this is already known around here (I haven't caught up with all 120+ pages just yet), but Pascal will run just fine with 2 of the old flex bridges and will perform on par with a HB bridge, at least as far as I've been able to see.

If you could upload a few saves in areas with known issues I'd love to mess around with them to see what I get. :) I'd like to understand the whole bandwidth issue as best as I can, so I can make an informed decision if I should spend the exorbitant sum Intel wants for a 40-lane CPU on the next platform upgrade.

2016-11-11, 11:00:25
It seems Dishonored 2 really does run in DX11 mode, although I haven't tested it myself yet:

However we still need proper screenshot evidence of SLI actually scaling.

2016-11-11, 16:26:48

Very interesting, did you try just basic "0x000000F5" profile to see if those extra bits are needed?
Perhaps you could make some screenshot comparisons with FPS numbers and we could add it, unless someone finds a better solution :)

Hey knight,

Yes I tried "0x000000F5" Performance was worse. Ill upload some screenshots. And yes you are correct the game runs in DX11.


Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/LpE7s (make browser full screen for better zoom)

10-20 FPS difference between 0x000000F5 and 0x080002F5. I noticed a higher difference in other areas but i dont have any suitable savegames sadly. Both offer a good boost from single though.

This is 1440p btw, and dont ask me whats wrong with the video memory usage.

6850K @ 4.2 Ghz
32GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4-2400
GTX 1080 Palit GameRock x 2

2016-11-11, 17:53:49
That is some pretty nice scaling, I loved DH1 and was holding off on buying DH2 because of all the reports of poor performance, but it looks like I should be able to get 4K @ 60FPS. Is the game running at max settings and are there any trouble areas regarding performance with SLI, like large open places perhaps?

2016-11-11, 18:15:45
That is some pretty nice scaling, I loved DH1 and was holding off on buying DH2 because of all the reports of poor performance, but it looks like I should be able to get 4K @ 60FPS. Is the game running at max settings and are there any trouble areas regarding performance with SLI, like large open places perhaps?

Im not sure if its related to the SLI bits but i had some really nasty freezes in bigger outdoor areas occasionally. I think those are loading freezes since the game loads everything on demand. A really weird engine, they shouldve stuck with unreal, hope they can work out the kinks. It only happens in specific places and stop as soon as you walk a few meters.

Pretty much all missions got their own smaller area and those run perfectly.

Only other bug i noticed was button presses sometimes not registering, also cant say if this is SLI related or not. Finished the game so probs not gonna do anymore tests.

Great game though, definetly recommend it to anyone who liked DH1.

2016-11-11, 18:24:22
Jemand hier der SLI in dem Spiel "The Divsion" nutzt?
Ich fliege immer wieder aus dem Game "back to Desktop" ohne Fehlermeldung wenn ich SLI nutze.

Sobald ich es deaktiviere, läuft das Game ohne Probleme und ohne ctd.

2016-11-12, 00:57:08
das Problem bei The Division exisitiert schon seit release.
Am besten damit abfinden das dies nie gefixt wird...

2016-11-12, 01:43:25
I have bought Dishonored 2 as well and I can confirm that SLI seems to work at 4K. I haven't even done the tutorial so far, I'm trying to see if I can get it to perform nicely or if I should refund it.

At 4K SLI behavior is very weird to me. I'm running the game maxed, except AA and DoF disabled. I'm using 0x080002F5 bits. When I first launch the tutorial I get 70-80FPS but it feels like <40. I switch resolution to 1440p, get 230FPS. Here's the unexpected and weird part, if I jump back up to 4K I get 130 FPS and it feels perfectly smooth.

Before resolution switch:
https://abload.de/thumb/dishonored2_2016_11_1frry4.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=dishonored2_2016_11_1frry4.jpg)

After going 4K > 1440p > 4K:
https://abload.de/thumb/dishonored2_2016_11_106rq4.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=dishonored2_2016_11_106rq4.jpg)

2016-11-12, 02:07:17
Try just "0x080000F5" instead of "0x080002F5".
Sometimes the additional DX11 SLI bit #9 can cause these "scene reloading" issues.

Also make sure "Adaptive Resolution" is NOT turned down below 100%, as this would effectively use upscaling:

2016-11-12, 03:27:09
I tried it without bit #9 set as well, same behavior. I noticed it's not just SLI that doesn't work properly, but Adaptive Sync does absolutely nothing before I switch resolution either. I know about resolution scale, I had to set it every time I launch the game since it doesn't stick, it reverts to the default (75%).

After playing a bit more at 4K, it looks like TXAA causes b/w issues, GPU usage drops on the 2nd card, just like in Witcher 3. With AA off or with either of the 2 FXAA options GPU load is about the same on both cards. With Adaptive Sync I was able to maintain 60FPS at almost all times through the first mission (in Dunwall), with some odd exceptions, for instance looking up close at a glass display case. 4K @ 60FPS with a single card and the game close to maxed out is hopeless, no chance at all. I've also seen some minor visual glitches, sometimes white dots pop up on the edges of objects and I think lens flare also messes up sometimes, since it appears when it makes no sense.

I think I'll probably refund it since I don't feel like this level of technical polish and performance is worth 60 EUR.

2016-11-12, 12:39:15
I fully understand.
The state many of these AAA titles are being released in these days is just ridiculous.
Developers should really be ashamed IMO, but I suppose they mostly care about consoles and season passes :rolleyes:
However, if SLI scales well in Dishonored 2 at 4K after this resolution switch, then "0x080002F5" seems to be a decent solution overall.

Another good example of a terribly unfinished game is Mafia 3.
Just for laughs, here is a user created list of all the bugs and general shortcomings in that game:

The lack of SLI support is far from the only problem here as well.

2016-11-12, 12:40:21
das Problem bei The Division exisitiert schon seit release.
Am besten damit abfinden das dies nie gefixt wird...

Danke für die Rückmeldung. Echt schade das sowas nicht gefixt wird. Nach dem neuen Patch macht es nämlich wieder fun zu zocken. Naja, dann halt nur mit einer Graka.

2016-11-12, 17:02:00
I fully understand.
The state many of these AAA titles are being released in these days is just ridiculous.
Developers should really be ashamed IMO, but I suppose they mostly care about consoles and season passes :rolleyes:
However, if SLI scales well in Dishonored 2 at 4K after this resolution switch, then "0x080002F5" seems to be a decent solution overall.

Another good example of a terribly unfinished game is Mafia 3.
Just for laughs, here is a user created list of all the bugs and general shortcomings in that game:

The lack of SLI support is far from the only problem here as well.

I still had ~20 minutes from my 2h refund window, so I spent it by running around in Karnaca.

Performance here is absolutely atrocious, the game can drop to 30FPS with low GPU and CPU load, then run at 60+ just by running forward a few meters. Shadows also flicker (they did not in the Dunwall level) and I tried lowering settings to "High" and that got me an extra 5FPS at best in the problem areas. I'm not sure what I was expecting, since the system wasn't at max load anyway. The game can also sometimes straight-up freeze for 0.5s or something, even if it's running from SSD. I even dropped to 1440p and it's still impossible to maintain 60FPS on Ultra. It's mind-boggling, in a spot where I was getting maybe 40FPS at 4K I get 45-50 at 1440p. It's not just that the FPS is low, but the variance is crazy, otherwise some drops to 45-50FPS would be acceptable. A lot of people seem to be reporting issues like this even with no SLI, so I think the engine just can't handle wide open parts very well and throwing more GPUs at it does nothing to really help. Some smaller, more constrained alleyways in Karnaca show much better performance, but as soon as you're looking at an expansive vista the game just falls flat on its face. I didn't have enough time remaining to test with both SLI and single GPU to see if there was any scaling in Karnaca.

Anyway, definitely not worth the 60 EUR as it is right now I'd say. AAA releases really are in a sad state. I might get it again if I can find it much cheaper, if I do and find something to work around the performance issues I'll report back.

2016-11-14, 15:44:42
Danke für die Rückmeldung. Echt schade das sowas nicht gefixt wird. Nach dem neuen Patch macht es nämlich wieder fun zu zocken. Naja, dann halt nur mit einer Graka.
?. Definitiv läuft Division mit SLI (Quad auch). Nur ab 365.10 nur bis 45 Fps.

2016-11-14, 16:38:31
Naja, vielleicht liegt es an Pascal. 45fps? Ich komme da mit Sli aber schnell drüber. Aber es haben mehrere das Problem mit Sli und TD.

2016-11-14, 18:50:44
ich habe das Problem mit dem CTD unter SLI auf zwei verschiedenen PC
Maxwell und Pascal nach einiger Zeit crasht es einfach ohne Fehlermeldung.

SLI geht zwar aber zumindest bei mir nur mit ctd´s
d.h. nicht nutzbar.

2016-11-14, 18:58:25
es haben mehrere das Problem mit Sli und TD. TD (The Division) Eigentlich schade... Snowdrop. Das beste Engine (Grafisch) was zu Zeit gibts (IMHO) Und mit Umstellung auf DX12 wird man Sie in andere Titel finden. Nur jetzt ohne SLI 4k/60FPS nicht möglich.

2016-11-19, 16:24:06
What's up with the lately added SLI profile for COD IW? Its has terrible performance. How can such profile pass quality control in the driver?
Is no one playing this game? The SP is pretty good.

Also still no official Skyrim SE SLI profile. At last the custom one does something, but it causes ghosting and flickering and is not really valuable.

2016-11-19, 19:04:05
Updated DX11 SLI information for Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2

I decided to go back and re-test my earlier SLI findings for Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2: 3DCenter SLI thread (#1959) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=10585141&postcount=1959)
Back then I simply couldn't find an optimal profile for the game in either DX9 or DX11 mode.
Only "0x000200F5" offered some reasonable scaling in DX11, however this profile drops to close to single GPU levels when using the thermal vision ingame.

The more critical "0x000040F5" profile gave excellent performance and scaling in all scenes, but unfortunately also resulted in ghosting and double images.
However, I finally found a quite simple solution to this issue.
Create a file called autoexec.cfg, add the command r_postAA=0 and place it in your game installation folder.
This will disable the ingame postprocessing AA solution, which seems to have been the cause of all the problems with the "0x000040F5" SLI profile.
At the bottom of the post, I have attached a .zip archive which includes both a custom .nip file ready for import as well as a premade autoexec.cfg configuration file :up:

In regards to DX9, I recommend against running Ghost Warrior 2 in DX9 mode for both single GPU and SLI users.
The game has always been kind of glitchy in certain places in DX9, which is also the case in for example "Enemy Front".

Here are all of my settings, as well as some screenshot comparisons taken at native 3840x2160 resolution with maximum settings:

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 Settings


Subtitles: No
Bullet Cam: No

Video -> Basic

Resolution: 3840x2160
Fullscreen: Yes
V-Sync: No
Graphics Quality: Very High
DirectX: DirectX 11

Video -> Advanced

Ingame Effects: Very High
Object Detail: Very High
Particles: Very High
Physics: High
Post Processing: High
Shader Quality: Very High
Shading: Very High
Shadows: Very High
Textures: High
Volumetric Effects: High
Water: Very High



Single GPU|2-way SLI
~ 41 FPS|~ 72 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/ghostwarrior2_pic11_swbszq.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ghostwarrior2_pic11_swbszq.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/ghostwarrior2_pic12_0ojsna.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ghostwarrior2_pic12_0ojsna.jpg)
~ 45 FPS|~ 79 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/ghostwarrior2_pic21_sf6soj.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ghostwarrior2_pic21_sf6soj.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/ghostwarrior2_pic22_03jszt.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ghostwarrior2_pic22_03jszt.jpg)
~ 45 FPS|~ 78 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/ghostwarrior2_pic31_sfnsug.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ghostwarrior2_pic31_sfnsug.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/ghostwarrior2_pic32_09esfj.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ghostwarrior2_pic32_09esfj.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 375.63, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2016-11-19, 19:11:32
What's up with the lately added SLI profile for COD IW? Its has terrible performance. How can such profile pass quality control in the driver?
Is no one playing this game? The SP is pretty good.

Also still no official Skyrim SE SLI profile. At last the custom one does something, but it causes ghosting and flickering and is not really valuable.

I don't own either of these games unfortunately.
Personally the original Skyrim with tons of texture mods, driver HBAO+ with "0x00000032" and ingame MSAA enhanced with SGSSAA is enough for me at 4K resolution :)

Did you try one of the more "critical" SLI profiles in Infinite Warfare, such as "0x080010F1"?
Perhaps motion blur, temporal AA or some other post effect is causing the scaling to break?

2016-11-19, 20:36:48
I don't own either of these games unfortunately.
Personally the original Skyrim with tons of texture mods, driver HBAO+ with "0x00000032" and ingame MSAA enhanced with SGSSAA is enough for me at 4K resolution :)

Did you try one of the more "critical" SLI profiles in Infinite Warfare, such as "0x080010F1"?
Perhaps motion blur, temporal AA or some other post effect is causing the scaling to break?

Well I'm on win 10 and there is a V-ram limitation of 4 GB where as the new SE one don't have this limit. With 4 GB Vram I run out V-ram with lots of texture mods and enb, at 4K. SE runs @5K smooth as silk with more or less the same ammount of mods , although the enb post shaders mod does not have so much implemented features yet .

The suggested 0x080010F1 bit does work with great perf. but too bad it causes flickering and very bright lighting. But thanks anyway. I'm not running TAA or motion blur btw.

2016-11-19, 23:04:29
I have also been on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit pretty much since the beginning (August 2015).
The VRAM limitation doesn't seem to be an issue at 3840x2160 with ingame 4xMSAA enhanced with 4xSGSSAA and "Quality" HBAO+ forced on my system, while using the mods and .ini settings mentioned in this post (wrote this when I still had my old 2-way GTX 780 cards):

But of course driver forced SGSSAA with "0x000002C1" eats both VRAM and performance for breakfast :)

Regarding Infinite Warfare, I didn't really "suggest" 0x080010F1.
This variant is typically problematic in many engines, and it was more to see if scaling was even possible at all.
Which other profiles did you try, if you don't mind me asking?

2016-11-20, 01:41:05
Well, my regular Skyrim may be a bit dirty due all the installed and uninstalled mods in time ;D, but things went nasty when I installed the beautiful Renthal foliage textures. They are 4K.
I also have some beefy shadow ini's, but they're not pushing V-ram to much I believe. SGSSA is out of the question even more because I run the beautiful NLA2.0 or CR enb with extensive SSAO/SSIL and other exotic post shaders ;)

I don't remember which bits I tried with COD IW, I think I tried 0x080000F5 and the pre defined one for the remastered MW. The last seems logical because the engine would be the same, but I guess there are differences. I'm not so experienced in the sli bits like you, so I mostly look for which engine a game use and try to copy that into a game with the same engine. That works sometimes ;)

2016-11-20, 03:28:55
no SLI profile for Titanfall 2, yet ?
EDIT : Never mind. Googled and found this.
SLI and Crossfire are still being worked on and should be better supported in a future patch. We're doing some final passes with AMD and NVIDIA now.

2016-11-21, 11:26:05
Updated SLI information for Fallout 4

I have discovered a small problem with the custom SLI profile, I posted a while ago for Fallout 4: 3DCenter SLI thread (#2333) (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11139540&postcount=2333)
Setting the undefined "0x00A06746" SLI function to "0x00000020" does fix scaling with native 3840x2160 resolution combined with temporal AA, but it also breaks the lockpicking menu.
The background in this menu flickers significantly with the custom profile, and I found no alternative solution without again breaking scaling.

However I did find a very elegant workaround to the problem, namely the Auto Lockpick (http://fireundubh.github.io/fallout4/) mod created by "fireundubh".
This can be configured to automatically open any lock using bobby pins in your inventory, without ever entering the lockpick menu.
It also has other more advanced settings, which can all be adjusted by opening the Pip-Boy and going to "Inventory -> Misc -> Auto Lockpick Program".

https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_auto_lockpic46usd.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_auto_lockpic46usd.jpg) https://abload.de/thumb/fallout4_auto_lockpicihu0i.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout4_auto_lockpicihu0i.jpg)

Personally I even prefer the game without the annoying and time consuming lockpicking screen, so this is a win-win scenario IMO :)
For reference purposes, this was tested using the exact same settings and texture mods as my previous SLI post for Fallout 4, only with the frame rate capped at 60 FPS due to G-Sync.

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 375.63, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

Hey there! Thanks for your posts. However, I noticed that there is no such undefined SLI function anymore. It has been replaced by another one, possibly due to a recent driver release.

My question is, do we have to change this anyway to fix the broken scaling with TAA?

2016-11-21, 15:20:19
Just download the .zip archive at the bottom of the original reference post, and import the .nip file using NVIDIA Profile Inspector: 3DCenter SLI thread (#2333) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11139540&postcount=2333)

2016-11-22, 10:14:22
Hey there! Thanks for your posts. However, I noticed that there is no such undefined SLI function anymore. It has been replaced by another one, possibly due to a recent driver release.

My question is, do we have to change this anyway to fix the broken scaling with TAA?
It is still there, just renamed and relocated since NVPI


2016-11-26, 19:06:03
Hiyo guys, regarding PCI lanes distribution, I have a question that run in my head since quite a moment. For a processor thant don't have a native access to 32 lanes, do you think it is better to set the graphic cards on x8-x8 distribution or x16-x16 PLX distribution?

Would the PLX latency negate the gain of bandwidth over native x8?

I will soon install a watercooling loop in my rig, so I suppose I could try it, but it doesn't hurt to know this before changing things.

2016-11-28, 23:10:11
Hiyo guys, regarding PCI lanes distribution, I have a question that run in my head since quite a moment. For a processor thant don't have a native access to 32 lanes, do you think it is better to set the graphic cards on x8-x8 distribution or x16-x16 PLX distribution?

Would the PLX latency negate the gain of bandwidth over native x8?

I will soon install a watercooling loop in my rig, so I suppose I could try it, but it doesn't hurt to know this before changing things.

If you're not afraid of the extra cost associated with getting a plx z170 motherboard it's definitely the way to go.

I've recently tested a z170 plx board in x16/x16 vs x16/x8. Along with a x99 x16/x16 set up.

Take a look at the results here if you're interested - http://www.overclock.net/t/1616578/x99-6850k-4-5-vs-z170-6700k-4-8-w-titan-xp-sli-benchmarks-and-results/0_100#post_25666758

2016-11-29, 16:51:13
If you're not afraid of the extra cost associated with getting a plx z170 motherboard it's definitely the way to go.

I've recently tested a z170 plx board in x16/x16 vs x16/x8. Along with a x99 x16/x16 set up.

Take a look at the results here if you're interested - http://www.overclock.net/t/1616578/x99-6850k-4-5-vs-z170-6700k-4-8-w-titan-xp-sli-benchmarks-and-results/0_100#post_25666758
Great, thanks! By the results, PLX is definitely doing something, sometime better other times worse, but mostly better.

By any mean, do you have Rainbow Six Siege or Battlefront with AA on results? Temporal AA in these games is known to hammer perf on UHD if not set on x16-x16. I'm really interested to see if the PLX chip can help with the problem (judging by Witcher 3, I would say yes).

Cool bench anyway, much appreciated.

2016-12-02, 21:37:23
Notwendiges SLI-Profile Update "Watch Dogs 2" beginnend mit aktuellen 378.66 WHQL Game Ready-Release Treiber

Seit dem neuesten 378.66 Game-Ready Driver (http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/articles/for-honor-halo-wars-2-sniper-elite-4-game-ready-driver) hat sich die SLI-Kompatibilität ein wenig geändert, die SLI compatibility bits (DX11) : "0x000000B5" sind nicht mehr kompatibel und führen nun zu gelegentlichen Flackern. Dafür ist AFR2 mittlerweile problemlos möglich, ohne das es zu unschönen Nebeneffekten kommt.
Auch muss man sagen, das die letzten Game-Patches zu Watch Dogs 2 deutliche Verbesserungen mit SLI mit sich brachten, trotzdem gibt es immer noch Situationen wo die neuen Custom SLI-Flags helfen und konstantere GPU-Auslastung ermöglichen! Das Unknown-Flag zusätzlich ist neben AFR2 trotzdem weiterhin notwendig für optimale SLI- Performance. Der Downlad des neuen SLI-Profile Update befindet sich wie immer am Ende des Postings.

SLI compatibility bits (DX11) : "0x000000F5" and Unknown Flag: "00A06746" to "0x00002000"

Wer SLI Scaling-Probleme im neuesten Watch Dogs 2 - Game und dem letzten 367.09 WHQL hat, sollte vieleicht einen Blick auf dieses neue Custom SLI-Profile riskieren, das offizielle SLI-Profile von NVIDIA im letzten 367.09 WHQL ist prinzipiell nicht schlecht, allerdings gibt es stellenweise starke Leistungsschwankungen auch wenn die GPU-Auslastung da oft etwas anderes suggeriert. Da ist also definitiv noch Raum für Verbesserungen in zukünftigen Treibern vorhanden. :)
Auf meinem Test-System mit zwei TITAN X Pascal im 2-Way SLI (inkl.HB-Bridge) konnte ich mit der neuen SLI Profiles-Variante, die Leistung je nach Setting und Auflösung in GPU-lastigen Szenen jedenfalls sehr gut steigern. Wunder sollte man allerdings auch nicht erwarten, ich konnte zwar stellenweise bis über 40% Performancesteigerung erreichen (etwa 3840x2160 Ultra-Details + 2xTXAA) allerdings gibts viele Stellen wo die CPU eine gewichtige Rolle einnimmt und die Framerate drückt, es kommt also auch auf das verwendete PC-System und die jeweiligen Ingame Grafik-Einstellungen drauf an wie stark die Vorteile letztlich ausfallen.
Da dieses Game aktuell nicht vollständig mit AFR2 kompatibel, konnte ich nur derer 3 von 4 Funktionen aktivieren, kombiniert mit einem der "hacky" SLI-Flags somit eine potentielle Lösung finden. Probleme oder Corruptions konnte ich zumindest bislang keine feststellen, die Performance-Werte sind konsistent und lassen sich jederzeit nachstellen, allerdings erschien das Game erst vor ein paar Tagen und mein Game-Fortschritt hält sich auch noch in Grenzen. :) Dennoch wer testen möchte, kann dies trotzdem gerne tun.
SLI compatibility bits (DX11) : "0x000000B5" and Unknown Flag: "00A06746" to "0x00002000"

Ein paar Szenen jeweils offizielles (links) vs. neues Custom SLI-Profile (rechts) im Vergleich:
48fps vs. 70fps
https://abload.de/thumb/prolog-official8iond.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=prolog-official8iond.png)https://abload.de/thumb/prolog-new27onl.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=prolog-new27onl.png)
45fps vs. 50fps
https://abload.de/thumb/railroad-officialxrqhs.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=railroad-officialxrqhs.png)https://abload.de/thumb/railroad-newcrq8q.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=railroad-newcrq8q.png)
45fps vs. 62fps
https://abload.de/thumb/downtown-official06pn9.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=downtown-official06pn9.png)https://abload.de/thumb/downtown-newtbq90.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=downtown-newtbq90.png)
40fps vs. 55fps
https://abload.de/thumb/watchdogs2-offslppa.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=watchdogs2-offslppa.png)https://abload.de/thumb/watchdogs2-cust37ogy.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=watchdogs2-cust37ogy.png)
46fps vs. 71fps
https://abload.de/thumb/beach-officialh8o56.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=beach-officialh8o56.png)https://abload.de/thumb/beach-newp3owh.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=beach-newp3owh.png)

2-Way SLI TITAN X Pascal ~1800mhz @ 0,843v (x16/x16 PCIe 3.0) HB-Bridge
376.09 WHQL @ Win10 x64
i7 3930k@3,8Ghz , Asus Rampage IV Extreme , 16GB DDR3 2400
Ingame Settings: 3840x2160 Resolution (Screens resized to 1920x1080), Ultra + gemischte Gameworks Settings ( HFTS Shadows, HBAO+, zusätzliche Details 100% , TXAA and FXAA)
Watch Dogs 2 (Patch-Stand: v1.06.135.982778)

SLI-Profile zum einfachen importieren im NV Inspector zum Download:

2016-12-03, 22:05:02
I have managed to get my hands for a few hours on a friend's system with a PLX switch and otherwise a very similar configuration to mine (4790K 4.6GHz, 32GB 2400MHz CL11 RAM vs. 4.7GHz, 16GB 2133MHz CL10 for me). He is running 980Ti SLI, so I installed my 1080s in his system, transferred my Witcher 3 saves and took some screenshots in the same position, but with x16/x16 over PLX switch as opposed to the "native" x8/x8 I've got. Long story short, PLX seems to help quite a bit, the difference is significant. I don't think the extra RAM he has helps at all, Witcher 3 doesn't get even close to 16GB anyway, so the performance increase must be coming from the extra PCI-E lanes. I've used the same bits as last time (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11209020&postcount=2402). I've only tested SLI this time since I didn't have much time and really didn't expect single-GPU results to show any significant difference.

https://abload.de/thumb/sli-plx-aa-offtdrwx.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sli-plx-aa-offtdrwx.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/sli-plx-aa-onyhqx7.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sli-plx-aa-onyhqx7.jpg)
83 FPS|78 FPS

Long story short, performance with AA off is the same (margin of error) over x8/x8 or over x16/x16 PLX, but once I turn AA on the PLX system comes 10FPS ahead, that's ~15% faster and SLI scaling improves from 62% to 86%.

I also did a rather subjective performance test in Dishonored 2 Edge of the World with TXAA 1x at 4K and while the x16/x16 system most certainly still has some pretty bad FPS drops, it didn't have hitching as terrible as I do on x8/x8. The performance in DH2 is still way too all over the place for a single screenshot to be relevant IMO and even if it weren't, the stuttering mostly happens when moving or turning the camera quickly, as such a single screenshot doesn't really tell a useful story. Still, the game felt smoother to me. This could also be due to the 32GB RAM though, since with DH2 I have seen my system hit the upper limit of 16GB, so perhaps the PCI-E b/w has nothing to do with it.

I'm now wondering whether I should buy a PLX mobo for my 4790K, or if I should wait for Zen first. I wouldn't mind waiting, but I'm afraid stocks of PLX LGA1150 mobos are going to run out, they're already gone in my country and I have to import if I want one.

2016-12-04, 14:13:06
Interesting, but I would say wait and get a proper new CPU+MOBO solution.
Changing motherboard is a very "permanent" process anyway.

RAM amount has nothing to do with the results here.

2016-12-04, 14:50:34
I'd wait normally, but upgrading CPU+Mobo+RAM is going to be much more expensive and other than getting more PCI-E lanes which obviously help in certain situations I'm not sure the actual CPU upgrade is going to have much impact, since games don't seem to scale that well beyond 4C/8T. If I get bad luck in the silicon lottery with a CPU that doesn't OC well I may even end up downgrading in terms of single threaded performance, which I wouldn't really want if I'm going to spend possibly >1000EUR (and the 4790K doesn't seem to be bottlenecking me in terms of actual CPU performance, just PCI-E lanes).

I was thinking more along the lines of getting a mobo to tide me over until Intel replaces Broadwell-E with Skylake, then I might be able to get an upgrade across the board and by that time we'll have a good idea about what Zen can do as well.

2016-12-04, 15:13:44
Hmm, more expensive for sure but also a better solution in the long run.
And actually games like Assassin's Creed: Unity, Star Wars: Battlefront, some UE4 games and even Crysis 3 and Evolve benefit from 6 or even 8 core CPU's as well as hyperthreading ;)
This of course shouldn't be confused with the PCIe 3.0 bandwidth limitations.

My 5930K CPU is the best investment I ever made to be honest.
I wouldn't worry about a small decrease in clock frequency for the extra number of cores.

PLX still seems like a bit of a "hacky" solution IMO.

2016-12-04, 17:45:27
Yeah, I've seen that some games scale with 6/8 cores, but the thing is those benchmarks generally use settings that are quite far from what I use to actually play games, most notably they aren't done at 4K. I guess the questions I'm looking at are "will more cores improve performance at 4K?" and "will my 4790K stop me from getting 60FPS?" since results where the GPU workload is much lower (1080p for instance, even with high settings) put more emphasis on the CPU and 4K CPU benchmarks are hard to come by. With good reason I guess, since the GPU bottleneck in most cases would be so hard that the CPU wouldn't matter much.

There isn't a lot of info on PLX performance around, but I wouldn't think it's necessarily hacky. If SLI needs to transfer data from one card to the other, a PLX switch would do exactly that, I'm not sure if significant extra b/w to the CPU is actually needed, but the switch should provide the full 16 lanes from card 1 to card 2. Indeed if we look at the 6700K + PLX vs. 6850K results from OCN posted above, the PLX x16/x16 setup actually comes out ahead in every single game at 4K. My 4790K isn't as fast as that 6700K of course, but what I take away from that test is that the real 32 lanes for the cards along with the 2 extra cores don't really help at all when playing at 4K. Those aren't 1080s either, they're Titan XPs, so if a 6700K keeps up with those at 4K, a 4790K should by all means keep up with 2 1080s, since the CPU performance difference isn't that large.

Now if I already had a 5930K, I wouldn't worry about anything, I'm just not sure if buying into LGA2011 at the tail end of its lifespan of active support is a good idea or not.

2016-12-14, 19:23:57
Has anyone else noticed 3-way SLI performance for the Witcher 3 dropped? I'm getting about 35-45 FPS with ~60% GPU usage. I've tried 2 way and 3 way SLI fixes from this forum. I have also tried the Witcher performance fix from september, and it only works for 2 way SLI. Hope there is some way I can get back to 60 FPS. I recently lost all of my Witcher saves and will be replaying it soon.

2016-12-16, 02:01:17
Has anyone else noticed 3-way SLI performance for the Witcher 3 dropped? I'm getting about 35-45 FPS with ~60% GPU usage. I've tried 2 way and 3 way SLI fixes from this forum. I have also tried the Witcher performance fix from september, and it only works for 2 way SLI. Hope there is some way I can get back to 60 FPS. I recently lost all of my Witcher saves and will be replaying it soon.

The Witcher 3 has been capped to 2-Way SLI since r370 drivers because of compatibility problems with three and more GPUs, but If you want try my attached SLI-profile maybe it helps, you need only to import in NV Inspector Tool.

2016-12-16, 09:54:57
The Witcher 3 has been capped to 2-Way SLI since r370 drivers because of compatibility problems with three and more GPUs, but If you want try my attached SLI-profile maybe it helps, you need only to import in NV Inspector Tool.

Hi Blair! I'm a big fan of your 3 way SLI profile for Witcher 3, I've been using it for quite some time. Thank you for your work on this profile it usually makes my Witcher game run at 60FPS no problem.

Lately however, since the first 376 driver, 3 way SLI GPU usage with the Witcher has dropped considerably. I was just using 376.33 and was getting 60% average GPU use with 45 FPS. I play Witcher 3 with all max settings plus edit the config file for extra shadow quality, etc. I turn AA off since I play at 3840x2160.

I just used DDU to remove 376.33 and installed 375.70. I applied your 3 way SLI profile and also set the pre-rendered frames to 3. Upon opening Witcher 3, I got instant 60 FPS with 80% usage on each GPU.

I believe Nvidia has done something that causes low GPU use with 3 way SLI with the newest drivers. I believe 2 way SLI is also affected, when I tried the Nvidia default profile for 376.33, I was unable to get over 45 FPS and averaged 35 FPS.

My Specs
Windows 10 Pro x64 Insider Build 14986
i7 5960x OC 4.4GHZ 4.2 Cache
32 GB DDR4 OC 2800 Mhz
3x GTX980Ti ASUS Reference Card - OC 1466 Core 3742 RAM - Custom Bios Power Limit to 300 watts (or 250 been a while) - EK Waterblock x 3
Rampage V Extreme Mobo with EK Full Cover Monoblock

I really appreciate the work you do Blair. You made Witcher 3 very enjoyable for me. Happy Holidays.

PS When I run RivaTuner with Witcher 3, it breaks the Steam overlay and stops my steam controller from working properly :-(

2016-12-16, 11:21:28
IIRC Nvidia removed 3- and 4-Way-SLI support this your.

2016-12-16, 20:35:06
IIRC Nvidia removed 3- and 4-Way-SLI support this your.

Yes for the 10xx series GPU 3x and 4x are dead. Also the removed 3 way profile for Witcher 3. It still worked great with Blaire's 3 way profile. Also I just tried changing the default Witcher profile to end with 6 to allow 3 way SLI and it seems to work great with driver 375.70. The latest driver seriously lowers GPU use in game.

2016-12-18, 00:20:57
Hi Blair! I'm a big fan of your 3 way SLI profile for Witcher 3, I've been using it for quite some time. Thank you for your work on this profile it usually makes my Witcher game run at 60FPS no problem.

Lately however, since the first 376 driver, 3 way SLI GPU usage with the Witcher has dropped considerably. I was just using 376.33 and was getting 60% average GPU use with 45 FPS. I play Witcher 3 with all max settings plus edit the config file for extra shadow quality, etc. I turn AA off since I play at 3840x2160.

I just used DDU to remove 376.33 and installed 375.70. I applied your 3 way SLI profile and also set the pre-rendered frames to 3. Upon opening Witcher 3, I got instant 60 FPS with 80% usage on each GPU.

I believe Nvidia has done something that causes low GPU use with 3 way SLI with the newest drivers. I believe 2 way SLI is also affected, when I tried the Nvidia default profile for 376.33, I was unable to get over 45 FPS and averaged 35 FPS.

My Specs
Windows 10 Pro x64 Insider Build 14986
i7 5960x OC 4.4GHZ 4.2 Cache
32 GB DDR4 OC 2800 Mhz
3x GTX980Ti ASUS Reference Card - OC 1466 Core 3742 RAM - Custom Bios Power Limit to 300 watts (or 250 been a while) - EK Waterblock x 3
Rampage V Extreme Mobo with EK Full Cover Monoblock

I really appreciate the work you do Blair. You made Witcher 3 very enjoyable for me. Happy Holidays.

PS When I run RivaTuner with Witcher 3, it breaks the Steam overlay and stops my steam controller from working properly :-(

Hmm interesting, it could be possible that Ansel causes this and interfere 3-Way SLI Scaling, since Ansel is automatic enabled by Default for every App/Game if Driver will support it.
I have send you a PM with three different Custom SLI-Profiles if you want to give a try. Please let me know if any of this helps. Thank you. :)

2016-12-20, 05:10:09
I found my FPS to have dropped again the other day with 375.70
I've re-installed 376.33 custom with just the driver, hd audio and physx. I also uninstalled Win 10 Xbox services and overlay. I never install geforce experience.

With this combination I have 60FPS no problem again. Must be something to do with all the overlays forced upon us.

2016-12-20, 18:43:23
I found my FPS to have dropped again the other day with 375.70
I've re-installed 376.33 custom with just the driver, hd audio and physx. I also uninstalled Win 10 Xbox services and overlay. I never install geforce experience.

With this combination I have 60FPS no problem again. Must be something to do with all the overlays forced upon us.



But yeah, all of these unnecessary overlays and driver components really are making things complicated for PC gamers these days.

2017-01-06, 17:03:23
SLI tips and tweaking information for Homefront: The Revolution

After some time of testing, I realized that the official "0x080000F5" profile really is sufficient for very nice scaling in the CryEngine game Homefront: The Revolution.

However there is a bug in the engine, which makes it necessary to enable and then disable temporal AA each time the game is started for full SLI scaling to kick in.
Simply launching the game with for example SMAA enabled and temporal AA disabled will result in quite poor scaling.
But going into the graphics options and enabling temporal AA and then disabling it again completely solves the problem, and results in around 90% scaling over single GPU on my 2-way 980 Ti system.

Here are some screenshot comparisons taken at native 3840x2160 resolution, along with all relevant settings:

Homefront: The Revolution settings and tweaks

Game Options

Subtitles: No
Aim Assistance: Disabled
Toggle Zoom: No

Graphics Options

Resolution: 3840x2160
Fullscreen: Yes
Antialiasing: SMAA Low (1x)
Temporal Antialiasing (TAA): No (Enable and disable on each game start)
Texture Resolution: High
V-Sync: No

Advanced Graphics Options

Volumetric Effects: Very High
Object: Very High
Particles: Very High
Shading: Very High
Shadows: Very High
Shadow Resolution: Very High
Shadow Filtering: Contact Hardening
Supersampling: 1x (Off)
Anisotropic Filtering: 16x
Vertical FOV: 65
Motion Blur Amount: Medium
Lens Flare: Yes

system.cfg (Also go to "Homefront_The_Revolution\localization" folder and delete any unnecessary language files)


Single GPU|2-way SLI|2-way SLI|Scaling percentage
||TAA enabled and disabled|
37 FPS|46 FPS|70 FPS| ~ 89%
https://abload.de/thumb/homefront2_11_singlegvljvy.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=homefront2_11_singlegvljvy.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/homefront2_12_sli_broaskj1.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=homefront2_12_sli_broaskj1.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/homefront2_13_sli_fixwgj6l.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=homefront2_13_sli_fixwgj6l.jpg)|
33 FPS|39 FPS|63 FPS| ~ 91%
https://abload.de/thumb/homefront2_21_singlegbaj5u.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=homefront2_21_singlegbaj5u.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/homefront2_22_sli_brouyjtk.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=homefront2_22_sli_brouyjtk.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/homefront2_23_sli_fix6ojar.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=homefront2_23_sli_fix6ojar.jpg)|
38 FPS|45 FPS|73 FPS| ~ 92%
https://abload.de/thumb/homefront2_31_singlegr6jrs.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=homefront2_31_singlegr6jrs.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/homefront2_32_sli_broa2jub.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=homefront2_32_sli_broa2jub.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/homefront2_33_sli_fixmqjkm.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=homefront2_33_sli_fixmqjkm.jpg)|

Regarding actual SLI scaling at native 3840x2160 resolution with temporal AA enabled and normal post processing AA disabled.
This is quite bandwidth limited on my system with PCIe 3.0 x16/x16 and an NVIDIA HB bridge.

But interestingly switching TAA on and off at game start still seems to make a difference under these conditions.
It is possible there will be better scaling with 4K+TAA on Pascal systems when using non G-Sync monitors, but I suspect it will be nowhere near my results with 4K+SMAA and TAA switched on then off.

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 375.95, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2017-01-06, 17:36:49
@ SLIKnight

thx again for your good work here. I dont have Homefront but it is nice that you spend your time to share your Sli-skills with us.


2017-01-16, 04:49:05
Hi! Recently I also tried to use 4 way pascal titian x in the witcher 3. But unfortunately I got a bad scaling. Only up to 40% per card. I can get near perfect scaling in most other games under high resolution except this one. Someone on Youtube introduced me to come here to find the solution. I used the latest driver 376.60. What should I do to get better scaling? I tried the file you provided in inspector but it didn't work.

2017-01-18, 08:07:14
Hmm interesting, it could be possible that Ansel causes this and interfere 3-Way SLI Scaling, since Ansel is automatic enabled by Default for every App/Game if Driver will support it.
I have send you a PM with three different Custom SLI-Profiles if you want to give a try. Please let me know if any of this helps. Thank you. :)

Hi, Blarire, may you also send that 3 witcher3 4 way sli profiles to me so that I can have a try? Appreciated!

2017-01-18, 09:35:56
Hmm interesting, it could be possible that Ansel causes this and interfere 3-Way SLI Scaling, since Ansel is automatic enabled by Default for every App/Game if Driver will support it.
I have send you a PM with three different Custom SLI-Profiles if you want to give a try. Please let me know if any of this helps. Thank you. :)
Hi, Blaire. I found when I turn off AA all my 4 gpu usages are very high. but if I turn on it, the usages drops to half. Could you help me to figure that out?

2017-01-18, 20:01:25
This is simply due to a bandwidth limitation, as 4-way would only run with PCIe 3.0 x8/x8/x8/x8 on a 40 lane CPU.

2017-01-18, 21:19:09
Hi, Blaire. I found when I turn off AA all my 4 gpu usages are very high. but if I turn on it, the usages drops to half. Could you help me to figure that out?

Yes sounds like an Bandwidth-Limitation with 4-Way SLI, which Resolution you are playing and could you write some more Details to your System-Specs and used Monitor? Even with native 4K-/UltraHD- or G-Sync Monitor can add Bandwidth-Requirements in newer Games, especially with new reprojection Filter-Methods like Temporal AA.
Have you ever tried with 3-Way SLI in NVIDIA Control Panel (also 1 Card as dedicated PhysX-Card) and include Ingame-Antialiasing to enabled whether was the SLI-Scaling improved?

For "The Witcher 3" i would recommend these Custom DX1x SLI-Bits:
"0x080021F5" for 4-Way SLI and Ingame-Antialiasing enabled
"0x280021F5" for 4-Way SLI and Ingame-Antialiasing disabled

2017-01-27, 06:26:54
Any updates on Resident Evil 7? Can get great scaling (4 Way SLI) but horrible flickering, graphical glitches occur. Tried 2, 3, and 4 cards - all are same - great scaling but terrible glitches. Help?

2017-01-28, 00:10:31
Any updates on Resident Evil 7? Can get great scaling (4 Way SLI) but horrible flickering, graphical glitches occur. Tried 2, 3, and 4 cards - all are same - great scaling but terrible glitches. Help?

The Batman Arkham Origins bits are working, the only issue is that you cannot access the options menu during gameplay. Whenever you go into the options for audio or graphics etc, the flickering starts and you will have to restart the game.

It's not perfect, but workable for now. It's unlikely Capcom will release a SLI patch, but fingers crossed.

2017-01-28, 16:19:03
The Batman Arkham Origins bits are working, the only issue is that you cannot access the options menu during gameplay. Whenever you go into the options for audio or graphics etc, the flickering starts and you will have to restart the game.

It's not perfect, but workable for now. It's unlikely Capcom will release a SLI patch, but fingers crossed.

Many thanks! :)

2017-01-28, 23:37:14
Seems like RE7 still has occassional flickering with Arkham Origins bits. The only way to get rid of it is just to press esc key and bring up the video options menu and resume game and repeat that until the flickering goes away.

Still looking for a more stable fix.

EDIT: 0x080000F5 Metal Gear bits seems to be a little bit more reliable in terms of flickering frequency, but still does it.

2017-01-29, 19:40:51

Both Arkham Origins and Metal Gear bits "work" but it's mostly useless.

4 Way SLI simply does NOT work with either of those bits. Further, with 2 Way SLI systems, the Arkham Origins bits scales great but everything in the game becomes super dark and really hard to see - there are lighting bugs and other problems. I think the profile needs some 'unknown' bits applied in addition to those profiles to get rid of the lighting bugs.

Really would like a proper SLI profile for RE7 since it's a fantastic game.

2017-01-29, 21:15:28
Ye it is definitely not 100% working.

The unknown SLI RTT bits makes the image too bright, it's like playing in broad daylight.

I'm just playing with slightly higher brightness and some sweetfx effects.

Still trying to get around the issues, but running out of ideas, maybe others here will find a more permenant solution.

2017-01-30, 01:01:35
SLI information for Grim Dawn

From my testing "0x02C02005" is the only viable SLI solution in version of the "Diablo" type role playing game Grim Dawn.
The only alternative is the more aggressive "0x02502005" profile, which fixes some additional rare slowdowns.
However DX9 SLI bit #20 causes serious character and background flickering problems, and using it can't be recommended.

I tested this at maximum settings with 4xMSAA and "Alpha To Coverage" enabled at 5760x3240 resolution (3840x2160 combined with 2.25xDSR and 22% smoothness).
Here are some screenshot comparisons (resized to 3840x2160), along with all ingame video options:

Grim Dawn Video Options

Window Mode: Fullscreen
Screen Resolution: 5760x3240 @60Hz (16:9)
Anti-aliasing: 4x
Anisotropic Filtering: 16x
Textures: High
Shadows: Very High

Shaders: Very High
Reflections: High
Particles: High
Lighting: Very High
Weather: Very High
Color Blindness: Normal

Vertical Sync: Disabled
Triple Buffering: Disabled
Detail Objects: Enabled
Alpha To Coverage: Enabled
Post Processing: Enabled
Depth of Field: Enabled
Soft Particles: Enabled

Single GPU|2-way SLI
55 FPS|108 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/grimdawn_11_6k_4xmsaaj7lrk.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=grimdawn_11_6k_4xmsaaj7lrk.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/grimdawn_12_6k_4xmsaac2ata.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=grimdawn_12_6k_4xmsaac2ata.jpg)
43 FPS|83 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/grimdawn_21_6k_4xmsaaybx07.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=grimdawn_21_6k_4xmsaaybx07.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/grimdawn_22_6k_4xmsaa0qbhw.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=grimdawn_22_6k_4xmsaa0qbhw.jpg)
43 FPS|81 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/grimdawn_31_6k_4xmsaasuxw4.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=grimdawn_31_6k_4xmsaasuxw4.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/grimdawn_32_6k_4xmsaa2qy22.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=grimdawn_32_6k_4xmsaa2qy22.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 378.49, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2017-01-31, 16:50:48
Planet Coaster

SLI Bit 0x080000F1 (DX1x)

Auflösung 3840 x 2160 @ 60Hz
Alles auf Max Details

Seit ichs verwende (ca 4 Wochen) hatte ich bisher 2 Abstürze, ob SLI bedingt weiß ich nicht.
Darstellungsfehler hatte ich bisher keine.

35 FPS m. SLI
26 FPS o. SLI

1080 GTX SLI (Gainward GLH, Stock Takt)
Windows 10 64 bit.
i7 5930

2017-02-01, 18:26:25

You could try the more aggressive "0x080020F1" to see, if it brings some more FPS?
Just speculating though ;)

2017-02-01, 18:51:48
Danke, habs grad probiert. :uup:

Komme jetzt auf ca. 37-39 FPS, werde das Setting mal länger testen. :umassa:

2017-02-01, 19:17:06
DX9 and DX11 SLI information for Verdun

The WW1 shooter Verdun has changed quite a bit technically over the last couple years, due to the constant development of the Unity engine.
With the latest game build 258.5114, it still scales well with SLI in DX9 mode using just the standard "0x02400005" profile: 3DCenter SLI thread (#1881) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=10490372&postcount=1881)
But please remember, that DX9 has to be manually forced using the -force-d3d9 launch option in Steam:


However I recently confirmed, that also DX11 mode performs nicely with SLI using simply "0x080000F5".
DX9 and DX11 look and perform nearly identically in this game, but for compatibility reasons I still consider DX11 SLI mode very useful.
Who knows, if a future version of Unity might break or cause issues with DX9 at some point?

DX11 is generally a few FPS slower than DX9 in most scenes, which applies to both Single GPU and SLI mode.
That isn't a big deal though, since I usually get around 90-120 FPS on most multiplayer maps at native 3840x2160 resolution with 2-way 980 Ti.
For some reason the main menu is slightly more demanding than most of the actual gameplay, but it really is the only place to make any consistent screenshot comparisons.


Single GPU|2-way SLI
47 FPS|81 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/verdun_11_dx9_singleggssji.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=verdun_11_dx9_singleggssji.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/verdun_12_dx9_0x02400dnsmo.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=verdun_12_dx9_0x02400dnsmo.jpg)


Single GPU|2-way SLI
46 FPS|80 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/verdun_21_dx11_singledqswg.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=verdun_21_dx11_singledqswg.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/verdun_22_dx11_0x080026srp.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=verdun_22_dx11_0x080026srp.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 378.49, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2017-02-03, 00:38:18
Thanks for the Grim Dawn profile, seems to be working quite well. The graphics aren't much of course, but it's almost surreal to see it CPU bottlenecking with 1 thread at 100% at 5760x3240. ;D SLI seems to be scaling nicely though, at least in those areas where I'm not CPU bottlenecked. Too bad it's not multithreaded well, it seems to use 2 threads at most.

2017-02-03, 19:15:44
Das Nvidia HBAO zerhackt die SLI-Skalierung. Bei euch auch? Ohne Skaliert es gut.

https://abload.de/thumb/grw_2017_02_03_19_21_24um1.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=grw_2017_02_03_19_21_24um1.jpg)

2017-02-03, 22:02:29
Das Nvidia HBAO zerhackt die SLI-Skalierung. Bei euch auch? Ohne Skaliert es gut.

https://abload.de/thumb/grw_2017_02_03_19_21_24um1.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=grw_2017_02_03_19_21_24um1.jpg)

Konnte es noch nicht testen, hast du mal die Watch Dogs 2 SLI-Bits hier aus dem Thread versucht?

2017-02-03, 22:04:03
Beta schon wieder deinstalliert.

2017-02-03, 22:06:32
Nein, ist mir gerade gar nicht aufgefallen. Probiere ich doch glatt mal aus.

Würde mich allerdings nicht wundern , wenn Ubisoft da wieder frühe Versionen zum Betatest raushaun und es daher noch Probleme mit SLI gibt.

DX9 and DX11 SLI information for Verdun and Grim Dawn(DX9)

Excellent Work :) Thanks for Sharing, have add them to the SLI Compatibility Bits (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=8799082&postcount=1).

2017-02-04, 02:47:03
The main issue with RE7 is the lighting, with SLI enabled (any bit), the image becomes ~50% darker especially distant objects/lights etc, the flashlight also dims quite a lot when pointed further away.

I've tried disabling/lowering the graphics settings in almost every way it doesnt really have an impact on the lighting issue.

At this point, I think it might be better just to wait for a performance patch and play without SLI.

2017-02-04, 03:27:18
The main issue with RE7 is the lighting, with SLI enabled (any bit), the image becomes ~50% darker especially distant objects/lights etc, the flashlight also dims quite a lot when pointed further away.

I've tried disabling/lowering the graphics settings in almost every way it doesnt really have an impact on the lighting issue.

At this point, I think it might be better just to wait for a performance patch and play without SLI.

True, too many Problems, i had already seen this at the beginning from game, Sunrays would be too intense, while Indoor Light Sources seems problematic.

2017-02-04, 21:31:14
Is there a proper profile/setting for Batman Arkham Knight? Arkham Origins works great with 4 Way SLI but Arkham Knight has flickering and other issues.

I got 3-Way to work pretty well but it also has a lot of flickering.

Would appreciate some help.

2017-02-04, 23:09:42
Just a FYI with RE7.

Reflection is bugged and causes every reflective surface to shimmer, so it's best to set it to variable rather than on.

HBAO seems to have some ghosting issues with lighter areas, but it's not too bad, you can set it to SSAO until it's fixed.


Quite a few profiles 'work', but all have issues with flickering and really dim lighting. The Metal Gear Phantom Pain bits (0x080000F5) is the least problematic one comparatively, but still causes the same issues just less frequently.

With reflection on Variable and shadow cache off, a single 970 OCed seems to handle the game decently well. This is with everything else on super high apart from shadows in high and SMAA @ 1080P.

Also I would HIGHLY recommend forcing high quality anisotropic filtering through Nvidia CP, it makes the ground a lot more detailed regardless of distance.



^ Same process, but just select RE7 instead of Witcher 3.

2017-02-05, 00:55:33
I gave Ghost Recon Wildlands a try too, SLI at 4K is all over the place on the Very High profile. Actual scaling is 50-60% on average and 80-100% in some scenes/areas but microstutter is insane, I've seen it jump from ~16ms to 40ms as I turn around or the camera pans to something different in the benchmark. I've tried the WD2 bits posted here too, performance is improved by 2-3FPS maybe but the insane microstutter is still there, so it doesn't really make a difference.

HBAO+ with SLI is completely busted, as in I turned it on, started the benchmark and it ran at about 1 frame every 10-20 seconds (yeah, <0.1FPS). Alt-tabbing fixes the abysmally low performance, but with this happening something is clearly very broken. Haven't played too much with the settings, but I did mess with TAA thinking it was the "obvious" solution to SLI issues, but it's not. TAA enabled or disabled only counts for 2-3FPS and turning it off doesn't help the microstutter at all.

I think the game needs more work and NVIDIA needs to make a proper profile, not just force AFR.

2017-02-05, 14:50:26
Is there a proper profile/setting for Batman Arkham Knight? Arkham Origins works great with 4 Way SLI but Arkham Knight has flickering and other issues.

I got 3-Way to work pretty well but it also has a lot of flickering.

Would appreciate some help.

Arkham Knight is absolutely impossible without serious downsides in my testing.
The "best" solution I found was to use "0x080000F1" combined with the unknown "0x00A06746" function set to "0x00000020".

However even with just 2-way SLI this leads to massive flickering problems in the rain, and significant light source/shadow issues.
No other options give decent scaling without slowdowns and further problems :(

But native 3840x2160 resolution and maximum settings gives around 50-65 FPS on a single OC'ed 980 Ti, so not a big deal though.

2017-02-06, 02:29:20
Just a FYI with RE7.

Reflection is bugged and causes every reflective surface to shimmer, so it's best to set it to variable rather than on.

HBAO seems to have some ghosting issues with lighter areas, but it's not too bad, you can set it to SSAO until it's fixed.


Quite a few profiles 'work', but all have issues with flickering and really dim lighting. The Metal Gear Phantom Pain bits (0x080000F5) is the least problematic one comparatively, but still causes the same issues just less frequently.

With reflection on Variable and shadow cache off, a single 970 OCed seems to handle the game decently well. This is with everything else on super high apart from shadows in high and SMAA @ 1080P.

Also I would HIGHLY recommend forcing high quality anisotropic filtering through Nvidia CP, it makes the ground a lot more detailed regardless of distance.

Applied Anisotropic Filtering to RE7 and it does look better. Variable reflections combined with Shader Cache to 'Off' and SSAO instead of HBAO+ helps but it's still weird.

Arkham Knight is absolutely impossible without serious downsides in my testing.
The "best" solution I found was to use "0x080000F1" combined with the unknown "0x00A06746" function set to "0x00000020".

I tried "0x080000F5" with that unknown bit and it got a lot worse for me. Arkham Knight does seem impossible to fix - the rain really destroys every tweak/setting. It is still playable but scaling is not consistent and there are flickering issues. Thanks for the help though. I hope there would be some other tweak to make it work better. Origins works so smoothly.

2017-02-06, 02:42:31
I gave Ghost Recon Wildlands a try too, SLI at 4K is all over the place on the Very High profile. Actual scaling is 50-60% on average and 80-100% in some scenes/areas but microstutter is insane, I've seen it jump from ~16ms to 40ms as I turn around or the camera pans to something different in the benchmark. I've tried the WD2 bits posted here too, performance is improved by 2-3FPS maybe but the insane microstutter is still there, so it doesn't really make a difference.

nvHBAO + SLI can easily solved with different SLI-Profile, but this Stutter/Hiccups are causes by Game itself since it happen with SingleGPU too, so yes this Game needs some more Care until Release. Regarding SLI-bits "tune-up" some better SLI-Scaling is possible from what I've seen, but better wait for final Release and proper Drivers.

I tried "0x080000F5" with that unknown bit and it got a lot worse for me. Arkham Knight does seem impossible to fix - the rain really destroys every tweak/setting. It is still playable but scaling is not consistent and there are flickering issues. Thanks for the help though. I hope there would be some other tweak to make it work better. Origins works so smoothly.

Batman Arkham Knight will never be compatible with AFR, same also means for Call of Duty Infinite Warfare, Forza Horizon 3, Gears of War Ultimate Edition, Gears of War 4 (all UWP-Games), Quantum Break, Mafia 3 and The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Special Edition.

2017-02-06, 09:38:02
nvHBAO + SLI can easily solved with different SLI-Profile, but this Stutter/Hiccups are causes by Game itself since it happen with SingleGPU too, so yes this Game needs some more Care until Release. Regarding SLI-bits "tune-up" some better SLI-Scaling is possible from what I've seen, but better wait for final Release and proper Drivers.
I've seen the game reading at 150-200MB/s from the SSD it was installed on while running the benchmark, that seems like an extreme amount of I/O for a game to me, maybe the stutter had something to do with how the game streams data from disk. I have no idea how it would even work if installed on HDD instead. The stutter was accompanied by drops in GPU usage (say from 98-99% to ~50%) and it didn't look CPU bottlenecked at all, so I think it was game related too. Hopefully it will indeed improve by the time it releases.

2017-02-06, 12:51:15
I tried "0x080000F5" with that unknown bit and it got a lot worse for me. Arkham Knight does seem impossible to fix - the rain really destroys every tweak/setting. It is still playable but scaling is not consistent and there are flickering issues. Thanks for the help though. I hope there would be some other tweak to make it work better. Origins works so smoothly.

I only meant "0x080000F1" combined with the undefined bit.
This will definitively give better scaling than just "0x080020F1" alone, since it is a more aggressive variant.
Anything above 2-way SLI will not give any additional scaling anyway in Arkham Knight.

But of course I agree, the flickering is absolutely terrible with both profiles, which is also why I never posted about this in the first place ;)

2017-02-06, 19:48:17
Update: New 2-Way SLI-Fix for 4K (G-Sync) Monitors
Das neue SLI-Flag für The Witcher 3 fixt einige Performance-Probleme mit 2-Way SLI während Gefechten mit verschiedenen Kreaturen wie Ekhidnas oder Krabbspinnen im Skellige-Forest.
Dieses Problem besteht seit dem 368.22 WHQL und wurde bislang nicht adressiert. Das updated SLI-Profile für NV Inspector zum einfacheren importieren befindet sich im Anhang dieses Postings.


Während meiner Tests an einem nativen 4K Monitor , den Acer XB280HK (G-Sync, DisplayPort 1.2, SST) konnte ich auch eine Performance-Verschlechterung in The Witcher 3 mit 2-Way SLI GeForce GTX TITAN X und dem offiziellen SLI-Profile feststellen, die FPS waren dabei stets um etwa 10% langsamer im Vergleich zum FullHD Monitor mit selbiger 3840x2160-Auflösung und über Treiber-Downsampling (DSR 4.00x) realisiert.

2-Way SLI-Fix for 4K (G-Sync) Monitors
Sofern man 2-Way SLI verwendet, gibt es jedoch eine Lösung, mit dem SLI-Profile "0x280020F5" das ist zusätzlich mit Bit #29 "Skip Texture-Resolve before Compute Texturing" ggü. dem offiziellen DX1x SLI-Flag "0x080020F5", erreicht man identische Performance-Werte am 4K-Monitor wie zuvor auch über FullHD Monitor und 4K-Downsampling.
Hier ist der Proof anhand von zwei verschiedenen Ingame-Szenen (was aber prinzipiell szenenunabhängig gilt und stets reproduzierbar ist.)
http://abload.de/thumb/witcher32015-09-1123-27a41.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=witcher32015-09-1123-27a41.png)http://abload.de/thumb/witcher32015-09-1123-wyaky.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=witcher32015-09-1123-wyaky.png)
http://abload.de/thumb/witcher32015-09-1123-riscm.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=witcher32015-09-1123-riscm.png)http://abload.de/thumb/witcher32015-09-1123-ijkbr.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=witcher32015-09-1123-ijkbr.png)

2-Way SLI GeForce GTX Titan X Stock @ 355.82 WHQL , Windows 10 x64 , Ingame Settings: 3840x2160 , maximum Details , HairWorks 8xAA enabled

Hi Blaire,

What's the difference between 0x280021F1 (New 2-way SLI fix) and 0x280020F5 (2-way SLI fix)?

Which one should I use for 3x 1440p G-Sync Surround and 2x NVIDIA Titan X Pascal?

Thank you!

2017-02-06, 22:05:30
Hi Blaire,

What's the difference between 0x280021F1 (New 2-way SLI fix) and 0x280020F5 (2-way SLI fix)?

Which one should I use for 3x 1440p G-Sync Surround and 2x NVIDIA Titan X Pascal?

Thank you!

Hello fomoz. For 2-Way SLI i would recommend to use "0x280021F1" SLI-Bits, which fixes additional some Slowdowns while combat Ekhidnas or Grabspiders, which is an Driver-Issue introduced since r368 NVIDIA Drivers, so this SLI-Profile-Change was urgently needed.

2017-02-08, 03:00:47
For those who play Resident Evil 7, do you get this 'DeviceRemoved' error?

I get it quite often and it's really irritating:


Any fixes for this?

2017-02-09, 22:59:53
Gave the For Honor beta a try with 378.57, pretty good performance with SLI. I usually had 90-100FPS at 4K, TAA and everything maxed, 95% load on both GPUs. Haven't tried it with SLI off to see how much it actually scaled, in the end performance is way above 60FPS anyway.

2017-02-14, 20:20:22
Any fixes for this?

I suspect it might be some type of memory management issue.
Try setting a large static page file size such as 16384 MB.

2017-02-23, 22:28:06
I gave the open beta of Wildlands a try too, on 378.66. 1080 SLI, native 4K and everything maxed I get ~50FPS in the benchmark, single-GPU is ~30FPS. There are terrible glitches with the default bits (plain force AFR), there's flickering and the ground doesn't render properly. I switched to the WD2 bits, these solve the visual issues and provide pretty much the same performance, but the game is still stuttery, I believe it's due to loading of other chunks. It's not as bad as the closed beta though. HBAO+ also works now. Tried disabling TAA, that only really got me another 1-2FPS with the same stutter, so very small impact.

If Ubisoft/NVIDIA manage to fix those stutters the settings could probably be tweaked to get 60+ FPS at 4K with 1080 SLI.

2017-02-28, 06:01:26
I suspect it might be some type of memory management issue.
Try setting a large static page file size such as 16384 MB.

Hi SLIKnight,

Thanks for the tip - I tried that but I still got that crash - although it didn't happen as quickly this time.

2017-03-03, 04:27:01
Just got Sniper Elite 4 - doesn't scale beyond 2 way SLI in DX11 or DX12. Any idea how to get 4 way to work properly?

2017-03-06, 18:05:08
SLI information for The Solus Project

I did some SLI testing in yet another UE4 based game, namely the latest version 1.031 of the exploration and Sci-Fi title The Solus Project.
Here the standard "0x080000F5" profile is enough for very decent scaling, and none of the typical "critical" SLI bits are needed.
Please keep in mind, that the profile must be used with the game executable located under "\TheSolusProject\Solus\Binaries\Win64\Solus-Win64-Shipping.exe".

However there is a small caveat to all of this.
Some distant shadows can flicker due to AFR texture streaming issues.

But luckily I found an acceptable workaround to that as well.
Simply open ConsoleVariables.ini located in the "\TheSolusProject\Engine\Config" folder, and add the variable r.DistanceFieldAO=0 at the bottom of the configuration file.
Apparently that disables an additional type of dynamic AO effect in UE4, which at least in The Solus Project seems to be responsible for the SLI flickering.
Finally I also recommend opening DefaultGame.ini located in "\TheSolusProject\Solus\Config", and setting SkipIntroSplashes=True to skip the introductory movies played at game startup.

Here are some screenshot comparisons taken at native 3840x2160 resolution, along with all relevant graphics settings:

The Solus Project settings and tweaks


Resolution: 3840x2160
Resolution Scale: 100%
Effects and World Detail: Ultra
View Distance: Ultra
Texture Quality: Ultra
Shadow Quality: Ultra

Framerate Smoothing: Disabled
VSync: Disabled
Fullscreen: Enabled


Field of View: 100
Hide HUD: Enabled

ConsoleVariables.ini (Located in "\TheSolusProject\Engine\Config")


Single GPU|2-way SLI
48 FPS|85 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/solus_11_singlegpu_di11s3b.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=solus_11_singlegpu_di11s3b.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/solus_12_0x080000f5_do2s6k.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=solus_12_0x080000f5_do2s6k.jpg)
57 FPS|97 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/solus_21_singlegpu_di46sct.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=solus_21_singlegpu_di46sct.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/solus_22_0x080000f5_deusw1.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=solus_22_0x080000f5_deusw1.jpg)
58 FPS|100 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/solus_31_singlegpu_di0vs87.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=solus_31_singlegpu_di0vs87.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/solus_32_0x080000f5_d36s25.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=solus_32_0x080000f5_d36s25.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 375.95, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2017-03-11, 02:23:27
I gave the open beta of Wildlands a try too, on 378.66. 1080 SLI, native 4K and everything maxed I get ~50FPS in the benchmark, single-GPU is ~30FPS. There are terrible glitches with the default bits (plain force AFR), there's flickering and the ground doesn't render properly. I switched to the WD2 bits, these solve the visual issues and provide pretty much the same performance, but the game is still stuttery, I believe it's due to loading of other chunks. It's not as bad as the closed beta though. HBAO+ also works now. Tried disabling TAA, that only really got me another 1-2FPS with the same stutter, so very small impact.

If Ubisoft/NVIDIA manage to fix those stutters the settings could probably be tweaked to get 60+ FPS at 4K with 1080 SLI.

"1. Multi-GPU improved support
We have been working with our partners to improve both SLI and Crossfire support. Various stuttering and graphical corruption issues have now been fixed."

New Patch 1.1.5 from Today fixes finally most SLI-Frame Pacing Problems in Wildlands, feels much smoother now only additional Turf-Effects seems have Problems with it, I will take a closer look this weekend.

2017-03-11, 06:47:56
"1. Multi-GPU improved support
We have been working with our partners to improve both SLI and Crossfire support. Various stuttering and graphical corruption issues have now been fixed."

New Patch 1.1.5 from Today fixes finally most SLI-Frame Pacing Problems in Wildlands, feels much smoother now only additional Turf-Effects seems have Problems with it, I will take a closer look this weekend.

Bought it today. SLI really seems to work well now.

Quite a pleasant surprise considering ubisoft's bad SLI support in the past.

Only bug i noticed are white artefacts appearing on the ground when flying fast with a helicopter but i am unsure wether its SLI related.

I turned turf off as well, its not worth the 20-30 FPS loss at 1440p.

2017-03-11, 12:13:59
Honestly Ubisoft are not as bad as they used to be IMO, and SLI support has actually been quite decent the last few years.
Certainly a patch or two have messed things up in some games (e.g. Far Cry 4, Watch Dogs), but eventually this was fixed either through another patch or some NVIDIA driver magic ;)

At least Ubisoft seem to be making an effort, which is more than we can say about various other rubbish console port developers (e.g. Mafia 3, Quantum Break).
Better to fail a few times and get it right in the end, than just sit around and do nothing.

2017-03-11, 16:14:51
While I haven't bought Wildlands yet it's nice to know that Ubisoft actually paid attention to SLI/CF issues and released a patch to solve them.

2017-03-15, 22:01:21
styx: Shards of Darkness

SLI compatibility bits(DX10 + DX11) 0x080020F5


2017-03-16, 00:55:18
Bought it today. SLI really seems to work well now.

Quite a pleasant surprise considering ubisoft's bad SLI support in the past.

Only bug i noticed are white artefacts appearing on the ground when flying fast with a helicopter but i am unsure wether its SLI related.

I turned turf off as well, its not worth the 20-30 FPS loss at 1440p.

Ja, die Artefakte treten hier auch auf, verschlimmern sich gar mit AFR2 oder anderen SLI-Bits, weshalb ich auf weitere Tests verzichtet habe. Gut die Framerate mit aktivierten Turf-Effekten ist jetzt nicht das Problem mit zwei Titan X(Pascal) und 3840x2160-Auflösung, aber wenn sich 55fps im SLI schlechter anfühlen als 30fps mit SingleGPU das geht mal garnicht. :) Die Frametimes sind sehr ungleichmäßig, abgesehen davon auch das LOD System und Streaming wirkt nicht gut ausbalanciert, Texturen werden erst spät eingeblendet und das selbst bei max. Ultra Details, aber das ist ebenso mit SingleGPU der Fall. Alles in allem wirkt das Game unfertig auf mich mit zuviel technischen Macken, weshalb ich erstmal ein paar Patches abwarten werde.

styx: Shards of Darkness

SLI compatibility bits(DX10 + DX11) 0x080020F5


Kannst du noch 1-2 Vergleichs-Screenshots (SingleGPU vs. 2-Way SLI) mit einfügen oder sonstige Anmerkungen, irgendwelche Probleme was das SLI-Scaling oder mögliche Rendering-Artefakte betrifft?

2017-03-16, 00:56:12
styx: Shards of Darkness

SLI compatibility bits(DX10 + DX11) 0x080020F5


Very interesting :)

Did you test this with or without TAA enabled?
Some screenshot comparisons along with resolution and ingame settings would be preferred though.

2017-03-16, 23:16:30
styx: Shards of Darkness

ich bin der englischen sprache nicht sooo mächtig,
deswegen in deutsch

SLI compatibility bits(DX10 + DX11) 0x080020F5


die AA einstellungen gehen von niedrig bis episch und es macht bei mir absolut
kein unterschied in den FPS.
getestet in 4K und alles auf epsich
6700k und 2X asus 1080 strix

single=47 - 63 FPS
SLI =86 - 120 FPS

kein flackern,ruckeln oder sonstige problemme

2-way SLI
http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/thumbnail/styx2win64shixu3lsf8niv_thumb.jpg (http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/view/styx2win64shixu3lsf8niv.jpg)

http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/thumbnail/styx2win64shit2k3hqygaf_thumb.jpg (http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/view/styx2win64shit2k3hqygaf.jpg)
SLI Bits
http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/thumbnail/unbenanntfhdn4wzeo7_thumb.jpg (http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/view/unbenanntfhdn4wzeo7.jpg)
...ich hoffe das reicht so?:confused:

2017-03-16, 23:59:34
Kannst du noch die SLI-Bits und Screenshots dann möglichst in einen Beitrag vereinen, dann passt das. :) Vielen Dank.

2017-03-17, 09:40:05

Good work then :)
I suppose we can officially dispose of the whole "UE4 doesn't support SLI" farce, which has been circulating on various forums.
This has now been disproven several times over with titles such as ARK: Survival Evolved (Official Profile), Daylight (Official Profile), ABZÛ, Dead by Daylight, Kholat, The Solus Project, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux and now also Styx: Shards of Darkness.

2017-03-17, 14:59:28
Zum Thema Wildlands:

Da muss ich wohl noch ein paar Patches abwarten. Auf den ersten Blick schien eigentlich alles zu laufen. Gut "Turf" nicht. Nach etwas mehr Spielzeit, ist mir dann aber auch aufgefallen, dass die Texturen nur sehr langsam nachgeladen werden. Und die weißen Artefakte beim Fliegen habe ich auch.

Das die Texturen nur langsam nachgeladen werden, habe ich aber auch ohne SLI. Turf hingegen läuft ohne SLI bestens. Weiße Artefakte habe ich noch nicht getestet. Scheint aber auch wohl ohne SLI aufzutreten, allerdings nicht so häufig.

Hmm hoffentlich wird Ubisoft da noch was machen.