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2018-03-04, 05:02:42
Habe es kurz getestet, läuft ziemlich gut nun sind es "bis zu" 99% scaling mit GW+TAA in gewissen bereichen, blackscreens habe ich auch keine gesehen bisher. in anderen schwankt das scaling und dann gibt es kleine ruckler in fights, von zb 60fps auf 50 und ab und an können die magic effekte etwas flackern,
aber performance mässig ist es wohl das beste profile das ich bisher benutzt habe.

Ok danke bis später bin erstmal off sonst gibts hier stress :-)

2018-03-04, 05:56:08
Hey Blaire,

I seem to be getting flickering and object misplacement from the updated SLI profile. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing it as well.

But the performance vs scaling is better with it.

2018-03-04, 06:00:04
Hey Blaire,

I seem to be getting flickering and object misplacement from the updated SLI profile. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing it as well.

But the performance vs scaling is better with it.

same with me.

2018-03-04, 06:27:31
Thanks for your feedback's. Will the Flicker and/or object misplacement goes away, if you reload an existing savegame again?

btw. i was forgot to untick a Flag before, which could trigger this. Please download updated SLI-profile and checking again.

2018-03-04, 11:12:56

The updated profile still gives flickering at the loading screen at the very beginning before "A FF for fans and first timer" then goes away

Once in the actual game, there is flickering (the amount varies each time), but it goes away after 5-6 seconds. Loading other saves in game is fine, just the first load in when starting the game.

The old profiles (with and without TAA) both crash at the loading screen occasionally, ~1/3 times it crashes.

Performance wise, the new profile is a lot more stable and consistent. The older profiles would drop frames and dip a lot more especially around zone transition areas and after phasing.

Honestly, I can live with the initial flickering (I think the Rise of the Tomb Raider bits had similar issues) since it goes away quite quickly. Will continue to play around with the profiles and settings.

Thanks for all your work as always Blaire :)

2018-03-04, 13:49:16
Hi das flickern ist nur sehr wenig, das ist erstmal egal.... mir ist aber aufgefallen wenn es nacht ist und man geht in ein gebäude wo viel licht ist . zb die bar in hammerhead geht das scaling auf 70% runter, bei den anderen profil meinte ja einer (i hatte es nicht getestet) (deinem ersten experimental wo du gelöscht hast, kannst du mir auch gerne mal schicken dann teste ich es special nachts im hellen), es hat angeblich in häusern max scaling aber draussen nicht... evl kannst du daran den zusammenhang rausfinden nur so als idee.. das gleiche ist bei der magic sobald quasi (licht) kommt dann geht performance unverhätnismässig stark runter für 1-2 sec

Danke bisher läuft schon echt gut, nur wie gesagt das licht nachts und magic/partikeleffekte/rauch von den mobs machen noch die hauptprobleme bei der performance

2018-03-04, 17:57:38
@gathixpower thanks for your kind words! :smile:

Hi das flickern ist nur sehr wenig, das ist erstmal egal.... mir ist aber aufgefallen wenn es nacht ist und man geht in ein gebäude wo viel licht ist . zb die bar in hammerhead geht das scaling auf 70% runter, bei den anderen profil meinte ja einer (i hatte es nicht getestet) (deinem ersten experimental wo du gelöscht hast, kannst du mir auch gerne mal schicken dann teste ich es special nachts im hellen), es hat angeblich in häusern max scaling aber draussen nicht... evl kannst du daran den zusammenhang rausfinden nur so als idee.. das gleiche ist bei der magic sobald quasi (licht) kommt dann geht performance unverhätnismässig stark runter für 1-2 sec

Danke bisher läuft schon echt gut, nur wie gesagt das licht nachts und magic/partikeleffekte/rauch von den mobs machen noch die hauptprobleme bei der performance

Das gute an dieser neuen Variante ist jedenfalls, daß TAA und PP-FXAA beidermaßen gut funktionieren, bietet konsistentere Leistung, die alte Variante war ausgereizt deshalb musste ich auf eine andere Kombination ausweichen, für zeitliches AA welches sowieso schon mehr Leistung kostet, sind die Mittel welche die NVAPI leider sehr begrenzt, so daß es da kaum Raum gibt für Verbesserungen gibt. Ich werde erstmal abwarten bis zum Dienstag wenn die Vollversion erscheint und dann nochmal alles neu ausloten.
Ja stimmt leider gibt ein paar Rendering-Macken z.b. mit NVIDIA GameWorks Flow-Effekten, auch das interne Resolution-Scaling skaliert nicht im SLI-Modus was aber verschmerzbar sein sollte. G-Sync Funktionalität hab ich auch noch nicht überprüft, das kann hinsichtlich der Datentransfers und möglichen PCI-Express Engpässen immer häufiger ein zusätzliches Problem in neueren Games und hohen Auflösungen sein. Ich antworte dir später noch auf deine PN stay tuned.

2018-03-04, 22:31:35
Ich hab noch ein wenig probiert ob ich die Frametimes noch verbessern kann, speziell in Fights gab es doch vorher einige zu aprupte Bewegungsabläufe und es fühlte sich nicht immer ganz rund an, das neue Profile ist allerdings etwas "kritischer" es könnte sein, daß doch irgendwo kleinere Grafikbugs-/Flashes o.ä. auftreten. Dafür aber sollte das gefühlte Erlebnis definitiv ein angenehmeres sein. :smile: Feedback ist ausdrücklich erwünscht. Wer testen möchte, hier:

Update 11.3.
Alternativ noch ein neues SLI-Profile-Update ebenfalls optimiert für Maximum-Preset, bis auf die Einstellung "Belichtung", welche beim "Maximum-Preset" automatisch auf "Hoch"-Einstellung zurückgesetzt wird.
Aber speziell diese Lighting (Beleuchtungs)-Einstellung zusätzlich auf "maximum" sprengt den PCI Bandbreiten-Bedarf aktueller Systeme. Ziel von mir waren natürlich maximale Grafik-Einstellungen zu verwenden, dies ist jedoch nur mit der früheren SLI Profile-Variante möglich! Beim anderen SLI-Profile-Update also bitte darauf achten , daß die Lighting (Beleuchtungs)-Qualität auf "Hoch" statt "Maximum" eingestellt wird!
Voraussetzung für bestmögliche Leistung/Skalierung im SLI-Modus (etwa unter 4K/UltraHD Auflösung + Temporal AA + NVIDIA Gameworks Features) in jedem Fall ein PC-System mit 16 Lanes je Slot über PCI Express 3.0 angebunden, notwendig!

Update 23.3.
Ja, ich werde das SLI-Profile demnächst nochmal aktualisieren, was jedoch doch mehr Zeit in Anspruch nimmt, als ich zunächst dachte.

Update 4.4.
Ich hab das Final Fantasy XV-SLI-Profile nochmal aktualisiert, dieses vereint alle positiven Eigenschaften der beiden vorangegangenen Profile bei maximalen Grafiksettings, doch leider gibt's auch ein paar Schattenseiten so z.b. sind einige der NVIDIA GameWorks-Features nicht fehlerfrei möglich u.a. wären da NVIDIA Flow (Feuer+Rauch Simulation), Hairworks als auch VXAO zu nennen. Es ist eben ein Trade-off dessen man sich vorher bewusst sein sollte! Dennoch ist SLI-Support in diesem Game sehr nützlich, optimiert für speziell diese (https://abload.de/img/ffxv-settingsl2u2s.png) Grafik-Settings.
Da ich verschiedene Kombinationen ausprobiert habe, war es nötig geworden verschiedene Stellen in den jeweiligen Kapiteln nochmal neu abzugleichen (u.a. auch die Engine-Sequenzen) deshalb hat sich das etwas in die Länge gezogen.

Achtung: Es kann passieren das beim ersten starten/laden eines Spielstandes einige Game-Objekte im Spiel fehlplatziert oder transparent in der Luft schwebend dargestellt werden , als Workaround hilft es nochmal ins Game-Titelmenu zurück zu wechseln und den jeweiligen Spielstand erneut zu laden, unter Umständen ist dies auch mehrmals notwendig!


Ein paar Ingame-Screenshots 4K-Auflösung und maximale Details inkl. TAA (resized to 1080p) mit zwei TITAN X Pascal 2-Way SLI (x16/x16 PCIe 3.0)
https://abload.de/thumb/ff_2v7pqy.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ff_2v7pqy.png)https://abload.de/thumb/ff2_18bs03.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ff2_18bs03.png)https://abload.de/thumb/ffxv_s2018ekqad.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ffxv_s2018ekqad.png)https://abload.de/thumb/ffxv_s2018_1ogpcf.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ffxv_s2018_1ogpcf.png)https://abload.de/thumb/ff4pdsvj.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ff4pdsvj.png)https://abload.de/thumb/ff3clunx.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ff3clunx.png)https://abload.de/thumb/ff5rkstt.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ff5rkstt.png)https://abload.de/thumb/ff5_1o0pxy.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ff5_1o0pxy.png)https://abload.de/thumb/ff701s4r.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ff701s4r.png)https://abload.de/thumb/ff85spzx.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ff85spzx.png)

2018-03-04, 22:46:00
Hi Habe es kurz getestet auf dem save bei den mobs ist es gut aber am galdin kai. fliegen die bäume in der luft rum usw... das hatte ich zwa bei dem anderen Profile auch schon aber da ladet man einfach das save neu und gut ist.. dann kommen die fehler auch nie mehr zurück, bei dem Profile kann ich es 5x neuladen es kann dann auch weg sein.. aber kurz 10 sec rumlaufen flliegen wieder Texturen in der luft rum.. oder es boden bewegt sich hin und her als ob die texturen rum warpen.

Ich schaue später nochmal rein.

2018-03-04, 23:53:36
Meist beim ersten starten oder? Wechsel nochmal ins Titelmenu und lade dein Save erneut, danach sollte das normalerweise nicht mehr auftreten.

2018-03-05, 00:35:54
Das hatte ich vorhin zwa auch 2x gemacht, und da hat es nichts gebracht. Aber ja du hast recht 1-3x titelmenü nach dem einloggen und es ist weg, und ja nach jedem frischen start ist es erstmal da.

und die fights sind schon deutlich geschmeidiger keine so riesen drops mehr gelegentlich auf 31 von 60 runter sondern es bleibt nun eher 50-60 es kann zwa auch mal ein Zuckel dip sein so nenne ich das mal von 60 auf 59-58 ohne grund aber wer weiß evl auch noch ein game problem... Das problem wo ich noch habe, wenn man nach hammerfall rein geht in die bar,ist das 70% scaling immer noch da. ich bin da aber auch schon rein und es waren perfekte 99%, das ist wohl auch tageszeiten abhängig wie es aussieht.

2018-03-06, 18:24:42
Hi to all,

I'm not sure this is the right location for this type of post, but anyway, does anyone have an Nvidia Inspector SLI profile for assassin creed Origins??

2018-03-06, 18:38:48
Its the right location, but if you don't see it yet, no one has yet.

2018-03-07, 08:46:19
Its the right location, but if you don't see it yet, no one has yet.

Yes, but it may not be easy to spot it in 139 pages of forum ;-). How can I know whether it is definitely absent or present?

2018-03-07, 09:27:55
Ich hab noch ein wenig probiert ob ich die Frametimes noch verbessern kann, speziell in Fights gab es doch vorher einige zu aprupte Bewegungsabläufe und es fühlte sich nicht immer ganz rund an, das neue Profile ist allerdings etwas "kritischer" es könnte sein, daß doch irgendwo kleinere Grafikbugs-/Flashes o.ä. auftreten. Dafür aber sollte das gefühlte Erlebnis definitiv ein angenehmeres sein. :smile: Feedback ist ausdrücklich erwünscht. Wer testen möchte, hier:

Have used the FFXV SLI profile for several hours today. The only real issue that I am seeing was during battle. I found a weapon that has fire element on it and when the creatures would set on fire there were graphical issues. The smoke was doing odd things and the fire didn't quite look right. There was also frame drops while the creatures were burning. Will keep playing and report on any other issues.

2018-03-07, 12:39:56
Hi Leute,

danke für eure Infos :rolleyes:
Hatte nach vielem versuchen aufgegeben, aber jetzt schein es ohne Probleme zu laufen weder Flimmern noch fliegt irgend etwas in der Luft.

Habe die nVidiaInspektor Datei (Anhang) von dem Forum hier geladen und etwas rumgespielt und 2 Einstellungen im Bios geändert
1.PEG Gen3 Slot Configuration : Auto > Gen3
2.Legacy Benchmark Enhancent: Disabled > Enabled
Mein Board ist ein Z77X-UP4TH

VGA ist 2x980TI
Übertaktet mit Gigabyte OC Guru II v2.08 Setting als Bild angehängt

Alles auf Maximal eingestellt
2560x1440 64-70 FPS
3840x2160 43-50 FPS

hoffe hilft euch weiter

2018-03-07, 13:04:22
Hi to all, any Nvidia Inspector profile for Forza Motorsport 7?

2018-03-07, 14:45:37
AC: O as it is right now is not AFR-friendly and unless the devs do some MGPU fixes, I doubt there will be a solution for SLI users.

As far as I know the only UWP exclusive Game SLI is working after some patches is Gears of War 4. No MGPU-support for Forza 6 Apex and unfortunately also not for the successor.
But at least the game is not demanding at all, meaning 4K+8xMS is easy peasy for a strong card. And without AA even 4K+200% res. scale (8K) is no big deal at 60 fps for a card like 1080 Ti. Well, most of the time though. :)

Not a good future for SLI as it seems. Games like Origins would absolutely benefit esp. at 4K(+) but no chance get it working. If this continues the best thing one can do is buy one fast card. ;(
If I am strong enough not to buy any "Turing" card, the next gen TITAN/Ti around 2020 should be faster than even working 1080 Ti SLI. But very long time until then...:rolleyes:

2018-03-07, 18:04:18
hi sorry to disturb but i've got an issue with FFXV.
in fact i've got same fps either default single card profile or sli taa profiles tested here and i dont understand why.
my rig
16gb ram
sli 980ti
main monitor 3440x1440 gsync
second monitor 1600x900 60hz
thank you

forgot to mention that second monitor is not for playing and monitoring performance show that with sli profiles both cards are working but dont go 100% and cpu dont bottleneck

2018-03-07, 18:24:57
Hi to all,

I'm not sure this is the right location for this type of post, but anyway, does anyone have an Nvidia Inspector SLI profile for assassin creed Origins??

Impossible, there are too many graphic corruptions still occur and also bottlenecking by CPU even at higher 4K-Resolution, a potential SLI profile would not benefit much either.

Hi Leute,

danke für eure Infos :rolleyes:
Hatte nach vielem versuchen aufgegeben, aber jetzt schein es ohne Probleme zu laufen weder Flimmern noch fliegt irgend etwas in der Luft.

Habe die nVidiaInspektor Datei (Anhang) von dem Forum hier geladen und etwas rumgespielt und 2 Einstellungen im Bios geändert
1.PEG Gen3 Slot Configuration : Auto > Gen3
2.Legacy Benchmark Enhancent: Disabled > Enabled
Mein Board ist ein Z77X-UP4TH

VGA ist 2x980TI
Übertaktet mit Gigabyte OC Guru II v2.08 Setting als Bild angehängt

Alles auf Maximal eingestellt
2560x1440 64-70 FPS
3840x2160 43-50 FPS

hoffe hilft euch weiter

Da ist kein Unterschied zu dem Profile von mir, die Anzahl der GPUs oder Predefined SLI-Rendering Mode haben keinerlei Einfluss, die SLI-Compatibility Bits haben grundsätzlich immer Vorrang. Die grafischen Probleme z.b. flackern der Vegetation oder transparente Objekte treten eher zufällig auf, mal sind diese beim ersten starten vorhanden und mal wieder nicht, lass dich da nicht verwirren. :)

@SunnyM: Check private Message, have some Questions.

2018-03-07, 19:33:39

:) habe eben das Importiert von hier und dann waren die einstellungen nicht übernommen wie es aussieht:confused: wollte auf keinen fall es so zeigen als wüsste ich was ich tue:rolleyes:

muss leider feststellen das wenn ich auf SLI spiele dann habe ich eine extreme Belastung an der CPU (extreme FPS verlusste für Sekunden) und habe gemerkt das nVidia Hairworks nicht funktioniert.

CPU: 3770K
RAM: 32 GB
VGA: 2x980 TI

Wenn ich nur mit einer Karte spiele also SLI in den nVidia Einstellungen ausmache ist es nicht mehr so extrem. Ich denke werde aufgeben;(

2018-03-08, 00:06:33
@SunnyM: Check private Message, have some Questions.

Hey Blaire, is there any possible way to fix black screen while in game combat with this profile you provided before (Final-Fantasy-XV-without-TAA-new) It would help me a lot since it provides me with the best performance

2018-03-08, 00:27:49

:) habe eben das Importiert von hier und dann waren die einstellungen nicht übernommen wie es aussieht:confused: wollte auf keinen fall es so zeigen als wüsste ich was ich tue:rolleyes:

muss leider feststellen das wenn ich auf SLI spiele dann habe ich eine extreme Belastung an der CPU (extreme FPS verlusste für Sekunden) und habe gemerkt das nVidia Hairworks nicht funktioniert.

CPU: 3770K
RAM: 32 GB
VGA: 2x980 TI

Wenn ich nur mit einer Karte spiele also SLI in den nVidia Einstellungen ausmache ist es nicht mehr so extrem. Ich denke werde aufgeben;(

Es sind mehrere dran eine lösung für das alles zu finden, aber das geht leider nicht einfach mal so nebenbei. Es hat auch eine extreme CPU auslastung vorallem wenn man mit bestimmten schwerten die viele effekte verursachen zb das tachyonenschwert in die gegner rein Warpt das mögen die frametimes garnicht,ich habe auch profile wo das flackern weitesgehend weg ist,das macht aber das game unscharf/verzerrt,was ja auch nicht sinn der sache ist. von daher abwarten was sich noch ergibt :-)

edit:was helfen kann HDRLuminanceScale=0 in der GraphicsConfig auf 0 zu machen.

2018-03-08, 01:32:57
Hey Blaire, is there any possible way to fix black screen while in game combat with this profile you provided before (Final-Fantasy-XV-without-TAA-new) It would help me a lot since it provides me with the best performance

Without temporal AA there might be an alternative, I can not say it until next few days, as I have not yet tested the full-version of the game without anti-aliasing. I will contact you when I'm ready.

2018-03-08, 12:15:54
Without temporal AA there might be an alternative, I can not say it until next few days, as I have not yet tested the full-version of the game without anti-aliasing. I will contact you when I'm ready.

Thank you! :)

2018-03-08, 17:53:03
Blaire ein riesen Dank für Profil für FF15. Mit dein Profil läuft ohne Verzerrungen!

2018-03-09, 00:08:09
Hey Blaire, is there any possible way to fix black screen while in game combat with this profile you provided before (Final-Fantasy-XV-without-TAA-new) It would help me a lot since it provides me with the best performance

Check PM , ich hab dieses auch mal zum vorherigen Profile-Posting hinzugefügt: https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11643914&postcount=2758

Blaire ein riesen Dank für Profil für FF15. Mit dein Profil läuft ohne Verzerrungen!

Gern geschehen, wenn es besser rennt als ganz ohne SLI dann ist das auch in Ordnung. Ganz hundertprozentig rennts nicht, auch die Scaling-Effizienz ist etwas eingeschränkt, aber sind halt auch einige "Stolpersteine" (im übertragenen Sinne natürlich...) aus dem Weg zu räumen gewesen.

2018-03-10, 00:41:03
Danke dir Super teste mal gleich :)

2018-03-10, 01:11:16
So far this worked the best with me


But had to turn lighting down to LOW to stay on 60fps even with turf+hairworks on, something about reflections (lighting setting) is not optimized??

Credit to Blaire

2018-03-10, 02:07:05
So far this worked the best with me


But had to turn lighting down to LOW to stay on 60fps even with turf+hairworks on, something about reflections (lighting setting) is not optimized??

Credit to Blaire

Thanks for testing, can you short tell me what's the Problem with Lighting-Setting exactly, there are occasional frame rate-fluctuations or the FPS stuck lower as it should in these situations?

2018-03-10, 02:09:57
Thanks for testing, can you short tell me what's the Problem with Lighting-Setting exactly, there are occasional frame rate-fluctuations or the FPS stuck lower as it should in these situations?

Np, FPS is stuck lower (max 47 & 41 min) when I'm outdoors only :)

2018-03-10, 05:13:33
Make light to low and again to max or high or other settings to low and back to max, this fix the scaling issue for me i have only infight (mob,magic) scaling probs. + hairworks is broken, overall the profile is good, no flickering at all.

2018-03-10, 18:46:41

2018-03-11, 02:34:24
Blaire, thank you for working on this and putting time into it. It is much appreciated.

I think I am not getting the desired performance from the latest profile. I have 2 SLI Titan X Pascal @ 2.08 GHz wich I believe is similar to Faris and yourself. With the latest profile TAA seems to eat up alot of performance.

What are your settings and are you hitting 60 FPS? Thank you for your help!

2018-03-11, 03:54:21
Blaire, thank you for working on this and putting time into it. It is much appreciated.

I think I am not getting the desired performance from the latest profile. I have 2 SLI Titan X Pascal @ 2.08 GHz wich I believe is similar to Faris and yourself. With the latest profile TAA seems to eat up alot of performance.

What are your settings and are you hitting 60 FPS? Thank you for your help!

What profile did you have tested? For maximum graphic-settings you should try this.
It provides best and consistent performance overall, even with some graphical glitches.
Another provided SLI-profile are completely different, is also recommend for maximized Graphic-settings include temporal AA, except the Lighting-setting "high" instead of "maximum". For best possible Experience both Custom SLI-Profiles make sure your PC-system offers 32 Lanes (x16/x16) PCI-Express 3.0 for enough bandwidth in SLI-mode, otherwise you will not get the desired performance.

2018-03-11, 08:58:56
What profile did you have tested? For maximum graphic-settings you should try this.
It provides best and consistent performance overall, even with some graphical glitches.
Another provided SLI-profile are completely different, is also recommend for maximized Graphic-settings include temporal AA, except the Lighting-setting "high" instead of "maximum". For best possible Experience both Custom SLI-Profiles make sure your PC-system offers 32 Lanes (x16/x16) PCI-Express 3.0 for enough bandwidth in SLI-mode, otherwise you will not get the desired performance.

The [new] Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition SLI Profiles- [Lighting-Quality-high] .zip works very well. Like you said, some minor graphical issues (fire tends to be odd during battle) but very good scaling.

2018-03-11, 09:59:06
Yes le last works even better, on my config have to make some adjustements but a great 50fps most of the time.

(4k gsync screen
2*GTX 1080
i7-6700k @4.2Ghz)

Thx a lot for your work Blaire. I was so upset that the game did'not had any official sli profile!

2018-03-13, 01:02:54
Hallo Blaire, vielen Dank für deine Arbeit und die Mühe. Leider wird bei miir die zweite Graka immernoch gar nicht angesprochen, das Profil scheint bei mir nicht zu funktionieren. Habe die Windows store Variante.

2018-03-13, 03:09:41
Hallo Blaire, vielen Dank für deine Arbeit und die Mühe. Leider wird bei miir die zweite Graka immernoch gar nicht angesprochen, das Profil scheint bei mir nicht zu funktionieren. Habe die Windows store Variante.

It is my understanding that Windows Store games can not do SLI at all and a few other features do not work either (GSync, Crossfire, etc.). Do you have other Windows Store games that are working with SLI?

2018-03-13, 17:48:35
It is my understanding that Windows Store games can not do SLI at all and a few other features do not work either (GSync, Crossfire, etc.). Do you have other Windows Store games that are working with SLI?

Thanks I now bought the game on steam and managed somehow to transfer my saves to steam which was a pain.
The profile is working very good only in the fights the fps drops noticably.

2018-03-13, 19:28:20
Vieleicht ist die Executable für die Windows Store-Version eine andere als im Treiber-Profile vermerkt, dann ist klar das SLI nicht erkannt wird. Generell würde SLI auch mit borderless Fullscreen funktionieren, aber möglicherweise nicht bei identischer Performance und eingeschränkt.
Das erste SLI-Profile ist speziell in Kämpfen besser geeignet, das zweite Profile ist etwas abgespeckt, dafür etwas kompatibler bei maximalen Grafik-Settings (abgesehen vom Lighting...)

2018-03-13, 20:05:17
Vieleicht ist die Executable für die Windows Store-Version eine andere als im Treiber-Profile vermerkt, dann ist klar das SLI nicht erkannt wird. Generell würde SLI auch mit borderless Fullscreen funktionieren, aber möglicherweise nicht bei identischer Performance und eingeschränkt.
Das erste SLI-Profile ist speziell in Kämpfen besser geeignet, das zweite Profile ist etwas abgespeckt, dafür etwas kompatibler bei maximalen Grafik-Settings (abgesehen vom Lighting...)

Ich hatte mir heute Morgen die File location des Windows store ffxv angeschaut und siehe da, er verweigert mir, den Speicherprt zu öffnen. Vielleicht ist ja das das Problem. Jedenfalls habe ich mir nachher die Rechte erteilt, die location zu öffnen: Die exe heisst tatsächlich ffxv_u.exe ist aber encrypted eie alle anderen Dateien in dem Ordner auch.

PS: Hast du vor noch weiter an dem Profil zu arbeiten? Denn wenn ich mehr als 1 stunde spiele, führt das häufiger zu ctd oder freezes.
Ausserdem: Sollte ich alle NVIDIA game effekte auf off stellen und soll ich 60 oder 120 fps nehmen in den Einstellungen?

Und zu guter letzt: In dem dungeon Steyliff Grove flackert das Wasser, welches man von unten betrachtet ganz schön.
Allgemein bei Rauch, Feuer o.Ä.

2018-03-15, 01:31:41
PS: Hast du vor noch weiter an dem Profil zu arbeiten? Denn wenn ich mehr als 1 stunde spiele, führt das häufiger zu ctd oder freezes.
Ausserdem: Sollte ich alle NVIDIA game effekte auf off stellen und soll ich 60 oder 120 fps nehmen in den Einstellungen?
Und zu guter letzt: In dem dungeon Steyliff Grove flackert das Wasser, welches man von unten betrachtet ganz schön.
Allgemein bei Rauch, Feuer o.Ä.

Mit welchem SLI-Profil hattest du überhaupt getestet? Bei offensichtlichen Grafik-Bugs probiere mal zurück ins Titelmenu zu wechseln und das jeweilige Save erneut zu laden. Die Probleme rund um NV Flow (dyn. Rauch/Feuer) lassen sich nicht über SLI Profile lösen, sorry. Die CTD/Freezes dürften eher am Speicherverbrauch liegen, das Game genehmigt sich sehr viel davon, stell sich das die Windows Auslagerungsdatei ausreichend groß ist.
Was das SLI-Profile angeht, viel mehr Möglichkeiten gibt es nicht, das erste Profile ist so ziemlich das Limit was das Game zulässt für maximierte Grafikdetails inkl. GameWorks Effekten, ich werde aber sicher noch Anpassungen vornehmen.

Ob mit oder ohne NVIDIA Effekte empfehlenswert kann ich nicht beantworten, ich kenne ja deine PC System-Specs nicht. :)
Für 4K/60fps bei max. Details sind zwei GTX 1080Ti oder Titan X (Pascal) jedenfalls nicht verkehrt.

2018-03-15, 13:06:36
Mit welchem SLI-Profil hattest du überhaupt getestet? Bei offensichtlichen Grafik-Bugs probiere mal zurück ins Titelmenu zu wechseln und das jeweilige Save erneut zu laden. Die Probleme rund um NV Flow (dyn. Rauch/Feuer) lassen sich nicht über SLI Profile lösen, sorry. Die CTD/Freezes dürften eher am Speicherverbrauch liegen, das Game genehmigt sich sehr viel davon, stell sich das die Windows Auslagerungsdatei ausreichend groß ist.
Was das SLI-Profile angeht, viel mehr Möglichkeiten gibt es nicht, das erste Profile ist so ziemlich das Limit was das Game zulässt für maximierte Grafikdetails inkl. GameWorks Effekten, ich werde aber sicher noch Anpassungen vornehmen.

Ob mit oder ohne NVIDIA Effekte empfehlenswert kann ich nicht beantworten, ich kenne ja deine PC System-Specs nicht. :)
Für 4K/60fps bei max. Details sind zwei GTX 1080Ti oder Titan X (Pascal) jedenfalls nicht verkehrt.

Ich hatte zuerst mit dem zweiten Profil getestet, das mit dem Lighting auf High.
Dieses lief besser als das erste Profil. Schade das man das Flackern nicht mit SLI lösen kann.
CTDs hatte ich zum Glück nur zwei und seither keine mehr.
Meine Specs sollten allerdings ausreichen:

RAM: 32 GB @ 3000 MHz
CPU: i7-6850k @ 4.3 GHz all Cores
Grakas: 2 x Gigabyte 1080 XTREME Gaming 8GB (sind zwar keine Ti s aber haben trotzdem Dampf)

2018-03-15, 16:04:31
For some reason I get crashes from time to time while using SLI on FFXV so I switched to single, got FPS increase with this tool http://steamcommunity.com/app/637650/discussions/0/1697167168518535998/

2018-03-16, 00:00:17
I deleted Special K and since then i got no crashes more in sli :-)

2018-03-19, 03:25:27
Hello everyone!

So i got 2 sli profiles to upload here.

First one is for Hellblade Senua's Sacrafice.
Using this profile there is no longer any blurring effect on senua at all ever and also about 5 fps jump from the profile that was uploaded here awhile back.


Second is for Final Fantasy 15 :)
This profile is not hairworks compatible and almost 100% certain there is no sli fix for hairworks keeping the performance up. So dont enable it. Everything else works fine and im gettings almost 80% increase of framerate's which is really good. I have tried lots almost every bit out there but this is the best i can come up with. Personally the ambient occlusion in the game just with one card looks horrible on building and textures so another thing i recommend is disabling ambient occlusion. Vxao, shadow libs and turf effects work fine with this profile but personally I do not use them simply because its too taxing trying to play at 100 fps.


2018-03-19, 03:28:02
Hello everyone!

So i got 2 sli profiles to upload here.

First one is for Hellblade Senua's Sacrafice.
Using this profile there is no longer any blurring effect on senua at all ever and also about 5 fps jump from the profile that was uploaded here awhile back.


Second is for Final Fantasy 15 :)
This profile is not hairworks compatible and almost 100% certain there is no sli fix for hairworks keeping the performance up. So dont enable it. Everything else works fine and im gettings almost 80% increase of framerate's which is really good. I have tried lots almost every bit out there but this is the best i can come up with. Personally the ambient occlusion in the game just with one card looks horrible on building and textures so another thing i recommend is disabling ambient occlusion. Vxao, shadow libs and turf effects work fine with this profile but personally I do not use them simply because its too taxing trying to play at 100 fps.


Another thing is that you do not want to enable Ansel at all ever in any game using sli. It screws with sli performance and scaling so keep it disabled.

Also do not use gsync as it also screws with sli performance and scaling.
After uploading with nvidia inspector make sure to enable gsync in the control panel and then disable it again to make sure gsync is off.

2018-03-19, 03:34:34
Hello everyone!

So i got 2 sli profiles to upload here.

First one is for Hellblade Senua's Sacrafice.
Using this profile there is no longer any blurring effect on senua at all ever and also about 5 fps jump from the profile that was uploaded here awhile back.


Second is for Final Fantasy 15 :)
This profile is not hairworks compatible and almost 100% certain there is no sli fix for hairworks keeping the performance up. So dont enable it. Everything else works fine and im gettings almost 80% increase of framerate's which is really good. I have tried lots almost every bit out there but this is the best i can come up with. Personally the ambient occlusion in the game just with one card looks horrible on building and textures so another thing i recommend is disabling ambient occlusion. Vxao, shadow libs and turf effects work fine with this profile but personally I do not use them simply because its too taxing trying to play at 100 fps.


Also the profile for both these games are to be used with TAA enabled. TAA works perfect with this profile so no need to disable it.

Ok so having an issue with the hellblade profile so dont use it. Causes green screen in certain areas.

2018-03-19, 18:20:10
Also the profile for both these games are to be used with TAA enabled. TAA works perfect with this profile so no need to disable it.

Thanks for posting, but we have already SLI Profiles for Final Fantasy XV it makes little sense for each individual graphic setting to provide a "new" profile which does nothing different or better. Even TAA was never had a problem before.

2018-03-20, 02:12:52
Hey Blaire! No problem I just saw that there was issues with the lighting and graphical issues. This profile has none of those. Ultra lighting is perfect as well as all other settings maxed except hairworks of course. Also this profile gives an massive increase in performance in certain area's and overall. Specifically inside diners as well as the whole scene fighting titan. 100% scaling with no graphical issues at any resolution.

2018-03-20, 13:13:40
Hey Blaire! No problem I just saw that there was issues with the lighting and graphical issues. This profile has none of those. Ultra lighting is perfect as well as all other settings maxed except hairworks of course. Also this profile gives an massive increase in performance in certain area's and overall. Specifically inside diners as well as the whole scene fighting titan. 100% scaling with no graphical issues at any resolution.

Trust me, some of used flags are double-activated in your profile which means it's useless and also suffers with maximum graphics details (include lighting set to maximum) so 2-way SLI doesn't scale properly and shows the same performance issues while traveling with Regalia as well. That's why I said we do not need a slightly different SLI profile if there's no benefits at all, sorry.

2018-03-20, 23:51:54
Can you let me know which flags are being double-activated?
One thing i fixed is the main menu usage.

The pic is your profile 24% 24% on both gpus.

This pic is my profile 16% 16% on both gpus.

2018-03-21, 12:27:54

u get 100% scaling because u have GW disabled, enable it i see many locations,where the performance goes to the cellar and thats the prob atm.

only one profile can hold 90-99 scaling all of the time and the Game is maxed out

Find a Blackscreen fix without changing the Specific Hacks #08 activate.


2018-03-21, 22:58:56
Hey nuada

I still have GW enabled when im playing but yes i had it disabled at that time in the menu. The only thing that is disabled is hairworks and ambient occlusion which is not yet compatible with sli. Not vxao but just ambient occlusion with my profile anyways. Nvidia flow works perfect no flickering.

There is another problem with your profile which is one thing we fixed. During nighttime the ground will blur massivly. Pretty much all ground textures which is not good. To fix that you need the 0x00010100 in the sli hack. Doing so tho will lower gpu usage and thus the A is needed in the sli bits to get full usage back as well as 11 at the end of the sli bit to change settings in game without loosing performance. Also my profile fixes the black screens. Adding the first A instead of 8 in the sli bits lowered to main menu usage by almost half with gameworks disabled.

Try out my profile and let me know what you think. Keep ambient occlusion disabled or else you will get frame dropping after watching cinematics or cutscenes. :)

2018-03-22, 00:10:22
Can you let me know which flags are being double-activated?
One thing i fixed is the main menu usage.

The pic is your profile 24% 24% on both gpus.

This pic is my profile 16% 16% on both gpus.

Sure, have sent a PM.

2018-03-22, 20:38:43
Hey Blaire/aall,

I've tried both SLI profiles and they scale nearly perfectly only when lighting is set to low, even though GPU usage is in the mid 80s. Average, High, Highest all cause framerate to tank to 42-45 similar to others, but switching to low and then back to High(est) doesn't work.

When I disable TAA and then set lighting to Highest it also scales perfectly.

Does it seem like think this could simply be due to PCI-E bandwidth then? Neither GPUs or CPU are maxing out... so maybe?

My specs:

Asus Formula IX Z270
7700k @ 5.2ghz
1080Ti SLI @ 2101mhz
64gb DDR Ram
960 Pro x2 Raid0
Custom EK loop

Running SpecialK FFXV edition and SK_Reshade


2018-03-23, 01:12:26
Correct, one of used SLI-Flags for temporal feedback are causing this, you need a HEDT-Intel platform with 32 Lanes (x16/x16) PCIe-Gen3 for best possible SLI-performance include maximum graphics details and smoother gaming experience as well , especially with include temporal Antialiasing it is essential, since frame to frame-transfer can hurts PCIe-bus even more as without. Unfortunately, there is no other solution, if you want to enjoy this game with TAA enabled.

2018-03-23, 03:20:28
Correct, one of used SLI-Flags for temporal feedback are causing this, you need a HEDT-Intel platform with 32 Lanes (x16/x16) PCIe-Gen3 for best possible SLI-performance include maximum graphics details and smoother gaming experience as well , especially with include temporal Antialiasing it is essential, since frame to frame-transfer can hurts PCIe-bus even more as without. Unfortunately, there is no other solution, if you want to enjoy this game with TAA enabled.

Thanks Blaire, I kind of figured.

Well, I guess if there was ever a good reason to finally upgrade this is it. This seems like truly the first game that finally has made x16/x16 a requirement, at least as far as totally maxed out 60fps ultra gaming is concerned. Everyone thought that was years away not too long ago :D

2018-03-23, 17:09:57
Hi to all, does anyone have a SLI Nvidia Inspector profile for F1 2017??

2018-03-23, 17:19:09
noone can get perfect 60fps with all to max+GW all the time, also with titanV not 16x16 is also to slow for this :-)

i have see scenes on my system, big fight vs 20-30 with explosions and all that stuff and magic at the same time my 16x16 was used 100%, scaling 60% but the fps was only ~45.

but we need longer better PCIE min. since 2015 with Witcher 3 16x16 is also not enough, it is enough for stable 60fps all max +aa with 16x16 but if u turn off vsync u can also see with 16x16 the bandwith usage goes to 100% and scaling isnt 100%

2018-03-25, 17:37:45
Skyrim Special Edition

For the people still interested in this game, by using SLI bits "0x0800A0F5" instead of "0x080010F1" it mostly removes heavy flickers on player's face and during foggy/bright weathers. Menu flickering is still present though.

The only drawback is that it performs a bit worse, ~10% GPU usage difference on 980Tis on my end.

Not using TAA obviously.

2018-03-29, 01:33:52
Far Cry 5 has horrible lighting issues when using 3 or 4 cards. The usage is pathetic and the FPS is around 10.

Anyone else have Far Cry 5?

2018-04-03, 15:01:59
Been having issues with Kingdom Come Deliverance.

First, the developer claimed it did support SLI - Here is the thread:

They claim that AFR2 - *with no SLI bits* is a working SLI mode for this game. I can't facepalm hard enough.

Now, after the latest patch they have 0x00000004 as the compatibility bits with AFR set to autoselect.

Man of us have tried different bits - for me, 0x080040F5 (Ryse) has worked best. However, regardless of the bits tried, one issue is persistent across all different bits - some type of shadow glitch. This isn't a typical flashing, and most shadows operate seemingly normal, so perhaps it is ambient occlusion, but disabling the in game AO doesn't work. It's a "shifting noise". A google search implies that SLI doesn't really function with Cryengine on DX11. Truth?

I'm starting to wonder if SLI in this instance just isn't possible. Below is a video that shows the shadow distortion I am referring to.


BTW, Benchmarks:

Ultra High Preset
Vsync Disabled
AA Disabled

System Specs:
i7-5930k @ 3.50 GHz
ASUS Rampage V Extreme
32.0 GB DDR4 2133MHz
Titan X Maxwell (x2) mV +112, Power Limit 110%, Core Clock +175 MHz, Memory Clock +400 MHz


03-04-2018, 09:28:39 KingdomCome.exe benchmark completed, 2870 frames rendered in 37.047 s
Average framerate : 77.4 FPS
Minimum framerate : 45.5 FPS
Maximum framerate : 102.4 FPS


03-04-2018, 09:29:45 KingdomCome.exe benchmark completed, 3169 frames rendered in 41.812 s
Average framerate : 75.7 FPS
Minimum framerate : 53.8 FPS
Maximum framerate : 97.9 FPS


03-04-2018, 09:32:46 KingdomCome.exe benchmark completed, 1825 frames rendered in 33.984 s
Average framerate : 53.7 FPS
Minimum framerate : 47.8 FPS
Maximum framerate : 59.5 FPS


SLI Disabled

03-04-2018, 09:47:13 KingdomCome.exe benchmark completed, 155 frames rendered in 31.860 s
Average framerate : 83.3 FPS
Minimum framerate : 81.9 FPS
Maximum framerate : 83.0 FPS


03-04-2018, 09:48:11 KingdomCome.exe benchmark completed, 1821 frames rendered in 30.172 s
Average framerate : 60.3 FPS
Minimum framerate : 51.5 FPS
Maximum framerate : 68.7 FPS


03-04-2018, 09:48:59 KingdomCome.exe benchmark completed, 788 frames rendered in 24.329 s
Average framerate : 32.3 FPS
Minimum framerate : 27.7 FPS
Maximum framerate : 35.4 FPS


2018-04-03, 19:47:18
I had not really cared for this game yet, because the first release version suffered from heavy stuttering (especially with SLI), that was the reason why no official SLI profile. This has been fixed since the patch 1.4 last week, I'm not sure if SLI now might be possible in official way or not.

2018-04-04, 14:41:16
I had not really cared for this game yet, because the first release version suffered from heavy stuttering (especially with SLI), that was the reason why no official SLI profile. This has been fixed since the patch 1.4 last week, I'm not sure if SLI now might be possible in official way or not.

Yeah. If I am not mistaken, 0x00000004 is single GPU, correct? If so, 0x080040F5 might be our best bet. I don't know how to fix the shadows, I don't think it is post processing related. If we don't hear anything, feel free to add this to the main page. In any event, it's not as bad as the F13 glitches, definitely not gamebreaking, however it is interesting to note that GPU utilization in 1440p only hit 70.5% average, while with 1080p it only hit 52% average. It isn't until 2160p that we see 98% utilization.

2018-04-05, 14:57:45
So, I did a full analysis of the default bits included with 1.4 (0x00000004 - Tiger Knight / Hu Bao Qi, FIFA 16, etc.)

Here is what I found.

First and foremost, insane shadow noise is just as prominent with these bits that WH has designated for official use. Proof below.


I also had to force AFR2 in control panel, as for whatever reason, selecting it in Inspector had no effect.

Ultra High Preset
Vsync Disabled
AA Disabled

System Specs:
i7-5930k @ 3.50 GHz
ASUS Rampage V Extreme
32.0 GB DDR4 2133MHz
Titan X Maxwell (x2) mV +112, Power Limit 110%, Core Clock +175 MHz, Memory Clock +400 MHz, Watercooled

SLI Compatibility Bits: 0x00000004 with AFR2 Forced in Nvidia Control Panel

05-04-2018, 07:20:06 KingdomCome.exe benchmark completed, 2878 frames rendered in 37.391s
Average framerate : 76.9 FPS
Minimum framerate : 53.9 FPS
Maximum framerate : 95.1 FPS
Utilization Average: 49%
Average framerate percentage increase\decrease over single GPU: -7.68%
Average framerate percentage increase\decrease over SLI bits 0x080040F5: -0.64%

05-04-2018, 07:21:26 KingdomCome.exe benchmark completed, 3770 frames rendered in 45.719s
Average framerate : 82.4 FPS
Minimum framerate : 62.0 FPS
Maximum framerate : 111.8 FPS
Utilization Average: 89%
Average framerate percentage increase\decrease over single GPU: +36.65%
Average framerate percentage increase\decrease over SLI bits 0x080040F5: +8.85%

05-04-2018, 07:24:49 KingdomCome.exe benchmark completed, 2407 frames rendered in 52.407s
Average framerate : 45.9 FPS
Minimum framerate : 41.2 FPS
Maximum framerate : 49.7 FPS
Utilization Average: 99.5%
Average framerate percentage increase\decrease over single GPU: +42.10%
Average framerate percentage increase\decrease over SLI bits 0x080040F5: -14.52%

Overall, these official bits perform worse on 1080p than single GPU, but almost 9% better at 1440p. At 4k, we see a whopping -14.52% decrease in average framerate vs. 0x080040F5, though a decent 42% increase over single gpu mode. I'd stick with 0x080040F5 with rendering mode set to default in NV Control Panel, since I tend to prefer 2160p. Those with 1440p however, would probably want to go with 0x00000004, with AFR2 enabled.

2018-04-05, 16:50:52
Been following here for a Long, Long time using the profiles and advice that comes up.

So first I wanted to say a HUGE thank you to the guys on this thread for improving peoples gaming experiences and using your own time to fix things.

Second, Anyone have any joy with an improved Far cry 5 profile as the default is pretty Meh.

2018-04-06, 06:09:18
Yeah. If I am not mistaken, 0x00000004 is single GPU, correct?
Yep, is correct.

If so, 0x080040F5 might be our best bet. I don't know how to fix the shadows, I don't think it is post processing related. If we don't hear anything, feel free to add this to the main page. In any event, it's not as bad as the F13 glitches, definitely not gamebreaking, however it is interesting to note that GPU utilization in 1440p only hit 70.5% average, while with 1080p it only hit 52% average. It isn't until 2160p that we see 98% utilization.

Your suggested SLI-Bits "0x080040F5" is a good start but not optimal, it shows some scaling-problems if you use the Shadow-Presets "VeryHigh" or "UltraHigh" so GPU-Usage dropped a bit to strong.
About this Shadow-Glitch i am not have the time right now for "Troubleshooting". But i was read last time someone posted in official GeForce-Forum a possible Fix to get rid flickering Shadows. If you want to trying out, check this Link and tell us your results:

Been following here for a Long, Long time using the profiles and advice that comes up.

So first I wanted to say a HUGE thank you to the guys on this thread for improving peoples gaming experiences and using your own time to fix things.
Second, Anyone have any joy with an improved Far cry 5 profile as the default is pretty Meh.

Thank you very much. I doubt there is much room for a improved SLI profile to FarCry 5 the official one already works fine here (~80-85% Performance-increase) in gpu-limited situations.

Just for the record, i was added new SLI-Updates to Final Fantasy XV (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11643914&postcount=2758), Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11455083&postcount=2622) and Mass Effect Andromeda (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=8990920&postcount=66) yesterday.

2018-04-06, 15:19:37
Yep, is correct.

Your suggested SLI-Bits "0x080040F5" is a good start but not optimal, it shows some scaling-problems if you use the Shadow-Presets "VeryHigh" or "UltraHigh" so GPU-Usage dropped a bit to strong.
About this Shadow-Glitch i am not have the time right now for "Troubleshooting". But i was read last time someone posted in official GeForce-Forum a possible Fix to get rid flickering Shadows. If you want to trying out, check this Link and tell us your results:

Thank you very much. I doubt there is much room for a improved SLI profile to FarCry 5 the official one already works fine here (~80-85% Performance-increase) in gpu-limited situations.

Just for the record, i was added new SLI-Updates to Final Fantasy XV (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11643914&postcount=2758), Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11455083&postcount=2622) and Mass Effect Andromeda (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=8990920&postcount=66) yesterday.

Thanx for updates.

You mean Helix Mod? Well, Helix Mod didn't work well for me.
Rewriting the shaders, may be way to.. bypass btw.

I do Ambient Occlusion Modification into KCD, and also try to fix SLI.
I know how to reduce these shaders "shimmering" by aroud half - lets say.

Put this commands into game console:

r_AntialiasingMode = 3
e_svoTI_DualTracing = 2

Or place into Your "user.cfg" file.

Last variable, take away some performance, but gives better result.


2018-04-07, 15:39:43
Thanx for updates.

You mean Helix Mod? Well, Helix Mod didn't work well for me.
Rewriting the shaders, may be way to.. bypass btw.

I do Ambient Occlusion Modification into KCD, and also try to fix SLI.
I know how to reduce these shaders "shimmering" by aroud half - lets say.

Put this commands into game console:

r_AntialiasingMode = 3
e_svoTI_DualTracing = 2

Or place into Your "user.cfg" file.

Last variable, take away some performance, but gives better result.


Tried that, but unfortunately nothing yields a result. I also tried the sahder fixes posted in the links that Blaire graciously provided, but unfortunately those didn't work either.

2018-04-09, 23:07:14
Ich suche nach einem SLI Profil für " Get Even ", ist im Juni 2017 raus gekommen.

Danke im Voraus für jede Hilfe

2018-04-11, 08:42:52
Ni no Kuni II Revenant Kingdom sli not bugged https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V2hYT0BuzrraszTnQPWOEYonOdpeu7Wb/view

2018-04-11, 08:49:38
Ni no Kuni II Revenant Kingdom sli not bugged 90 % more faster :freak:
sli off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Tk_djJEJt4

sli on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT7hEC-49vk

2018-04-12, 02:58:27
i've find a better sli profile for nier automata fixing latency +90 % fast
i was on a good ff15 profile with + 90 % o bugs but i've lost him lol

2018-04-12, 23:34:37
Thanx for updates.

You mean Helix Mod? Well, Helix Mod didn't work well for me.
Rewriting the shaders, may be way to.. bypass btw.

I do Ambient Occlusion Modification into KCD, and also try to fix SLI.
I know how to reduce these shaders "shimmering" by aroud half - lets say.

Put this commands into game console:

r_AntialiasingMode = 3
e_svoTI_DualTracing = 2

Or place into Your "user.cfg" file.

Last variable, take away some performance, but gives better result.


Thanks. If you want to posting a own SLI-Solution with some helpful Tweaks feel free to posting here. :smile:

Tried that, but unfortunately nothing yields a result. I also tried the sahder fixes posted in the links that Blaire graciously provided, but unfortunately those didn't work either.

I was refer more to this console command "e_SvoTI_GSMCascadeLod=50" for reflective Sun Shadowmaps-LOD which helps a bit prevent some of shadow-flicker, give a Look to my Comparison-Video here:

Ni no Kuni II Revenant Kingdom sli not bugged 90 % more faster :freak:
sli off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Tk_djJEJt4

sli on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT7hEC-49vk

Thanks for sharing, can you please add also specific SLI profile-information to your Posting? Would be better, since i am not sure how long this external Download-link will be working.

2018-04-13, 01:08:27
anyone have a profile for the Superposition benchmark?

2018-04-13, 21:25:29
Ich suche nach einem SLI Profil für " Get Even ", ist im Juni 2017 raus gekommen.

Danke im Voraus für jede Hilfe

0x2C0120F5 worked for me.. just set post process at high.
If some green glitch appear after adjustment - just set postprocess at high again. Sholud be fine.

2018-04-17, 22:40:54
Thanks. If you want to posting a own SLI-Solution with some helpful Tweaks feel free to posting here. :smile:

I was refer more to this console command "e_SvoTI_GSMCascadeLod=50" for reflective Sun Shadowmaps-LOD which helps a bit prevent some of shadow-flicker, give a Look to my Comparison-Video here:

Thanks for sharing, can you please add also specific SLI profile-information to your Posting? Would be better, since i am not sure how long this external Download-link will be working.

ni no kuni 2 0x05A081F1 all time the sli things on auto
nier automata 0x1C0004F1

2018-04-17, 22:42:40
Thanks. If you want to posting a own SLI-Solution with some helpful Tweaks feel free to posting here. :smile:

I was refer more to this console command "e_SvoTI_GSMCascadeLod=50" for reflective Sun Shadowmaps-LOD which helps a bit prevent some of shadow-flicker, give a Look to my Comparison-Video here:

Thanks for sharing, can you please add also specific SLI profile-information to your Posting? Would be better, since i am not sure how long this external Download-link will be working.
ni no kuni 2 0x05A081F1 all the others things in sli auto
same nier automata 0x1C0004F1

2018-04-17, 22:43:48
ni no kuni 2 0x05A081F1 all the others things in sli auto
same nier automata 0x1C0004F1

2018-04-17, 22:44:41
Thanks. If you want to posting a own SLI-Solution with some helpful Tweaks feel free to posting here. :smile:

I was refer more to this console command "e_SvoTI_GSMCascadeLod=50" for reflective Sun Shadowmaps-LOD which helps a bit prevent some of shadow-flicker, give a Look to my Comparison-Video here:

Thanks for sharing, can you please add also specific SLI profile-information to your Posting? Would be better, since i am not sure how long this external Download-link will be working.
ni no kuni 2 0x05A081F1 all the others things in sli auto (but yes max power + cpu multicore)
same nier automata 0x1C0004F1 (fxaa on)
The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim - Special Edition 0x46ACABF1 txaa don't runs well ,only fxaa is okay + ssao enb ,not ssao from skyrim completely bad ,bUseWaterDisplacements=0 in skyrim prefs.ini this sli profile gives as 90 % better


far cy 5 can't runs well with sli /: this game don't use a full screen 3d restricted on this ,i'm sure ubisoft can fix it ,the gpu's usages are low with both ,
shadowplay record it putting the point on the layer of the office, is it the same for some users ?
nioh profile ??? .. it gives me huge boost with bad lights

2018-04-18, 02:22:47
ni no kuni 2 0x05A081F1 all the others things in sli auto (but yes max power + cpu multicore)
same nier automata 0x1C0004F1 (fxaa on)
The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim - Special Edition 0x46ACABF1 txaa don't runs well ,only fxaa is okay + ssao enb ,not ssao from skyrim completely bad ,bUseWaterDisplacements=0 in skyrim prefs.ini this sli profile gives as 90 % better


far cy 5 can't runs well with sli /: this game don't use a full screen 3d restricted on this ,i'm sure ubisoft can fix it ,the gpu's usages are low with both ,
shadowplay record it putting the point on the layer of the office, is it the same for some users ?

nioh profile ??? lol it gives me huge boost with bad lights

2018-04-18, 10:19:41
Thanks. If you want to posting a own SLI-Solution with some helpful Tweaks feel free to posting here. :smile:

I was refer more to this console command "e_SvoTI_GSMCascadeLod=50" for reflective Sun Shadowmaps-LOD which helps a bit prevent some of shadow-flicker, give a Look to my Comparison-Video here:

Thanks for sharing, can you please add also specific SLI profile-information to your Posting? Would be better, since i am not sure how long this external Download-link will be working.
i've do also an optimization with your sli profile for Hellblade - Senua's Sacrifice
with bits compatibility the witcher 3 0x080020F1

with bits compatibility 0x1A019AF1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCcZn6Wgxq0 i've a sli profile giving 95 % better with nioh /: but flickerings , 50 % profile is better but he gives slow flickerings

2018-04-19, 02:12:30
ni no kuni 2 0x05A081F1 all the others things in sli auto (but yes max power + cpu multicore)
same nier automata 0x1C0004F1 (fxaa on)

Have send a private Message, can you please answer my Questions? :)

with bits compatibility 0x1A019AF1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCcZn6Wgxq0 i've a sli profile giving 95 % better with nioh /: but flickerings , 50 % profile is better but he gives slow flickerings

Yeah, also please consider for best performance in "Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice" you need a GTX 1080/Ti SLI-system (x16/x16 PCIE Gen.3) I am not surprised that an older GTX 660-SLI have problems with it, even its SLI link-interface is much slower compared to current GeForce "Pascal"-SLI with new HB-bridges. My updated SLI-profile have all necessary SLI transfers already active, better performance-/compatibility-wise is not possible. I was completed this Game some Weeks ago again to be sure.

2018-04-19, 12:44:41
Have send a private Message, can you please answer my Questions? :)

Yeah, also please consider for best performance in "Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice" you need a GTX 1080/Ti SLI-system (x16/x16 PCIE Gen.3) I am not surprised that an older GTX 660-SLI have problems with it, even its SLI link-interface is much slower compared to current GeForce "Pascal"-SLI with new HB-bridges. My updated SLI-profile have all necessary SLI transfers already active, better performance-/compatibility-wise is not possible. I was completed this Game some Weeks ago again to be sure.

but this value is more aggressive if it works for 2,660 gtx it will work also for two more powerful video card

2018-04-19, 12:44:58
Have send a private Message, can you please answer my Questions? :)

Yeah, also please consider for best performance in "Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice" you need a GTX 1080/Ti SLI-system (x16/x16 PCIE Gen.3) I am not surprised that an older GTX 660-SLI have problems with it, even its SLI link-interface is much slower compared to current GeForce "Pascal"-SLI with new HB-bridges. My updated SLI-profile have all necessary SLI transfers already active, better performance-/compatibility-wise is not possible. I was completed this Game some Weeks ago again to be sure.
but this value is more aggressive if it works for 2,660 gtx it will work also for two more powerful video card
my sli bits also gives better memory management
nioh can do as 100 % better but it's too aggressive giving clipping on the effects more complex i've try to reduce it a 20 % it gives little bugs on effects
i play in 1080 p i don't need a vga faster i prefer 2x 970 gtx 4gb than this news nvidia series ,1050 ti 0 sli support as 1060 gtx
nioh as some others games was never worked on a sli support ,if the effects could be managed more by the CPU it would help /: deus ex human divided the clothes value are more on the CPU instrution i guess this game suck really about the CPU usage
a good value that passes is always better to enjoy on olds vga and news 1080p ,2k,4k ,8k is a choice

2018-04-19, 18:10:05
In general, my goal is always to get best possible SLI-scaling without introduce new rendering-artifacts at maximum Graphics-settings. So i prefer SLI-profiles which make as few problems as possible, while your Hellblade-profile only re-introduce some glitches with post processing-effects, otherwise there is no difference in skipping AFR-transfers compared to previous profile.
It would also very helpful and easier to understand if you could tell a few more details about your SLI profiles and used specific Graphics-settings (incl. System-specs) and also what for potential problems are to be expected!?

2018-04-19, 20:54:02
0x1C0192F1 Kingdom Come - Deliverance run fine the only pb for this game is that u need to put filter on max removing the bad light
i'm between 35-55 fps in the city /: medium with 80 % distance 1080 p

2018-04-20, 18:14:08
sli bits 0x05A081F1 ,vsync off all settings works


NIER AUTOMATA sli bits 0x1C0004F1 + fxaa on (better stability and i'm using far mod this https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hXNqDWLJjQvqRUFzRwQaJaSPQAax1X4m/view old version stable


Hellblade - Senua's Sacrifice 0x1A019AF1 on ur



0x080020F1 (The Witcher 3)

sli bits 0x46ACABF1 +fxaa + enb

default +fxaa + enb

2018-04-20, 20:33:52
Hi guys, im having stuttering and several freezing in FFXV while using the latest SLI profiles, any tips or settings to aleviete this, any fix? Or will there be a new update?
Im using two GTX 1080 in sli

2018-04-20, 20:45:40
Hi guys, im having stuttering and several freezing in FFXV while using the latest SLI profiles, any tips or settings to aleviete this, any fix? Or will there be a new update?
Im using two GTX 1080 in sli
i've stop completely this game :freak: one of my sli bits giving me as 90 % better but with my 8 gb i've naturally more stutterings
try to reduce ur fps with vsync off
the battles and the story is not what i want
i prefer Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen or ni no kuni 2

I would one final fantasy 7 with a system of possible character change, materias, materias elements on weapons also as heal domages for the zombies with a well thought out menu, options of difficulties, breaks choice or not

a trigger and joystick with sections magical styles, in a circle, for weapons giving little bonus dommages without concentration and different for others magics +summons more powerful
Care ammo for vincent valentine.. suppository in the buttocks

2018-04-20, 21:30:39
Hi guys, im having stuttering and several freezing in FFXV while using the latest SLI profiles, any tips or settings to aleviete this, any fix? Or will there be a new update?
Im using two GTX 1080 in sli

Whats your other system-specs and used graphics-settings for this game? Your SLI running in 32 lanes (16x16) or just 16 lanes (x8/x8) PCIE 3.0-Configuration? If your CPU/Chipset offers only 16 lanes you need to disable temporal AA otherwise you can experience negative scaling and/or bad performance.

2018-04-21, 00:58:33
I have a maximus VIII hero mobo from ASUS I think it only has 16 lanes, all my settings are on high, no gameworks or nvidia effects, in gonna try using fxaa and will report back, what fps are you getting using taa and 4k? Do you have 32 lanes blaire?

2018-04-21, 04:07:57
I have a maximus VIII hero mobo from ASUS I think it only has 16 lanes, all my settings are on high, no gameworks or nvidia effects, in gonna try using fxaa and will report back, what fps are you getting using taa and 4k? Do you have 32 lanes blaire?
what is your profile used ? i was on a profile giving as double pref but i've stop it i'm not sure if the shutters was by this sli profile or my 8 gb ddr3 i will spend at 12 gb ,i'm full memory for some games now and i've never see a game taking more than 11 gb max with 16 gb
the max possible is 85% /90% I guess the rest goes through the bridge ,the game was fast as 60 fps 1080 p with 2 660 gtx but many of shutters and no bug graphic , i'm not glad to put ff15 takings 85 gb
try with the base profile from Mass Effect Andromeda, Steep i'm not sure about the value bits
i will try this bench i guess the engine is same lol
this game sucks about vram i can put the witcher 3 on ultra -high

2018-04-21, 06:56:51
I have a maximus VIII hero mobo from ASUS I think it only has 16 lanes, all my settings are on high, no gameworks or nvidia effects, in gonna try using fxaa and will report back, what fps are you getting using taa and 4k? Do you have 32 lanes blaire?
wait a bit i've find a good value fixing stability in the benchmark during the transitions ,having bugs sky clouds moving ,and some try it on your game the clouds mouve in the game ?
i've fix lags many ssao sides and light on car but not all

0x0A00C801 unknow 7 profiles try this only maybe with ur old also

vid lol the only one car load come from shadowplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkzANmZFBGc&feature=youtu.be

2018-04-21, 18:29:34
wait a bit i've find a good value fixing stability in the benchmark during the transitions ,having bugs sky clouds moving ,and some try it on your game the clouds mouve in the game ?
i've fix lags many ssao sides and light on car but not all

0x0A00C801 unknow 7 profiles try this only maybe with ur old also

vid lol the only one car load come from shadowplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkzANmZFBGc&feature=youtu.be

Gonna try this, thanks

2018-04-21, 18:37:02
Whats your other system-specs and used graphics-settings for this game? Your SLI running in 32 lanes (16x16) or just 16 lanes (x8/x8) PCIE 3.0-Configuration? If your CPU/Chipset offers only 16 lanes you need to disable temporal AA otherwise you can experience negative scaling and/or bad performance.

I only have 8x lanes on each card, when I used FXAA frame rate went up quite a bit, but the stuttering and freezes still persist while using SLI, this is the first game that I have not been able to fix by changing some settings, this happened on doom too, when using nightmare settings (above ultra) so I think it’s time to upgrade mobo, can you recommend a motherboard that has two x16 lanes when using SLI, and that supports my i7 6700 cpu?

2018-04-21, 18:39:45
when I set SLI in most games I get zero stutter or freezes, so I think the 16lanes is the culprit, what experience are you getting when using 32 lanes (16/16)?

2018-04-22, 04:31:31
when I set SLI in most games I get zero stutter or freezes, so I think the 16lanes is the culprit, what experience are you getting when using 32 lanes (16/16)?
it works not better with the sli profil??are you with ultra textures pack ?
the sli makes lose a little latency logically

2018-04-22, 06:49:16
it works not better with the sli profil??are you with ultra textures pack ?
the sli makes lose a little latency logically
Yes I am using the ultra textures pack, i selected fxaa and it seems to be working better, less hiccups or freezing (the ocasional 1 sec stutter or freeze form tike to time only) but fxaa is not as good looking as taa, guess the 32 lanes are needed form some to new games to use SLI properly

2018-04-22, 15:59:56
Yes I am using the ultra textures pack, i selected fxaa and it seems to be working better, less hiccups or freezing (the ocasional 1 sec stutter or freeze form tike to time only) but fxaa is not as good looking as taa, guess the 32 lanes are needed form some to new games to use SLI properly
internal res x1.25 ? txaa is trouble

2018-04-22, 16:04:53
Yes I am using the ultra textures pack, i selected fxaa and it seems to be working better, less hiccups or freezing (the ocasional 1 sec stutter or freeze form tike to time only) but fxaa is not as good looking as taa, guess the 32 lanes are needed form some to new games to use SLI properly
internal res x1.25 ? txaa is trouble
this engine sucks
Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain can run easily

2018-04-25, 13:43:37
Yes I am using the ultra textures pack, i selected fxaa and it seems to be working better, less hiccups or freezing (the ocasional 1 sec stutter or freeze form tike to time only) but fxaa is not as good looking as taa, guess the 32 lanes are needed form some to new games to use SLI properly

Sorry for the late reply, yes i did a few SLI-Tests in x8/x8 and x16/x16 pcie 3.0 configuration before, 32 lanes are required for this game, at least for 4K/UltraHD-resolution otherwise the PCI-bus load is too heavy (~50% each Card) there is no better solution possible. About performance i would say it depends on the scenes, roughly between 40-70fps with my Settings (https://abload.de/img/ffxv-settingsl2u2s.png) and 2-Way TITAN X (Pascal) 12GB and could not experience any freezes like you mention before, maybe the 8GB graphics memory not always enough especially with 4K-textures or you need more system memory. Some screenshots you can find there:
If you have further questions send me a PM.

2018-04-26, 14:47:48
http://youtu.be/NnrF3H8Awuk it lags also on 1080 ti sometimes
this engine sucks too much more vram MSG5 with ultra textures pack it takes 3 times less vram
is it not better on a RAM Disk ?
128GB of DDR4 Memory lol
ssd raid 0 ?

2018-04-27, 00:06:09
SLI+AO FIX, for Kingdom Come: Deliverance

http://i.imgur.com/H11KaBht.jpg (https://imgur.com/H11KaBh) Game Default, with Single-GPU.
http://i.imgur.com/MbGssmht.jpg (https://imgur.com/MbGssmh) SLI+AO FIX
http://i.imgur.com/1xd6M4Kt.jpg (https://imgur.com/1xd6M4K) "e_svoTI_DualTracing=0, "e_ShadowsMaxTexRes=1024" - (default)

How to Install:

1. a) - (Steam): Add "+exec user.cfg" command into Steam, by "Set Launch Options" - (without quotes).
or, b) - (other than Steam): Add "+exec user.cfg" into game shortcut - (at the end of line, without quotes).

2. Download, and unpack "SLI+AO FIX.zip" files.

3. Put "user.cfg", into main Kingdom Come: Deliverance dir - (same folder, where "Data", and "Engine" folders are).

4. Use nvidia inspector, to "import" SLI profile, called: "Kingdom_Come_Deliverance_SLI_Profile".

Optionally: Use below commands, in game console "~". Or just place into existed "user.cfg".
Recommended: Set graphics settings at "Very High".. "Textures", and "Distances", at "Ultra High" :-)
Optionally 2: If need more performance.. Please change variable: "e_svoTI_DualTracing = 2", at "e_svoTI_DualTracing = 0".
That's all..

PS:Tweak, also fix, and improve more things.. like shadows, rim light, ssdo, etc..

2018-04-27, 14:20:49
SLI+AO FIX, for Kingdom Come: Deliverance

How to Install:

1. a) - (Steam): Add "+exec user.cfg" command into Steam, by "Set Launch Options" - (without quotes).
or, b) - (other than Steam): Add "+exec user.cfg" into game shortcut - (at the end of line, without quotes).

2. Download, and unpack "SLI+AO FIX.zip" file.

3. Put "user.cfg", into main Kingdom Come: Deliverance dir - (same folder, where "Data", and "Engine" folders are).

4. Use nvidia inspector, to "import" SLI profile, called: "Kingdom_Come_Deliverance_SLI_Profile".

Optionally: Use below commands, in game console "~". Or just place into existed "user.cfg".
Recommended: Set graphics settings at "Very High".. "Textures", and "Distances", at "Ultra High" :-)
Optionally 2: If need more performance.. Please change variable: "e_svoTI_DualTracing = 2", at "e_svoTI_DualTracing = 0".
That's all..

PS:Tweak, also fix, and improve more things (as extra).. like shadows, rim light, ssdo, etc..

Nice, I will have to try. Looks like there is hope.

I did manage to get confirmation from Warhorse that they are aware of the issue - it is related to global illumination. Will try this.


2018-04-27, 14:38:38
Has anyone had a chance to analyze SLI with Frostpunk? The default compatibility bits (0x000000F5) with 0x00002000 (SLI Broadcast) rely on AFR, and only provide about 50% utilization on each card at 2160p.

Rampage V Extreme
Titan X Maxwell SLI

2018-05-01, 21:22:06
So far I've only played about 30min of Frostpunk but it seemed to run fine for me. I played at 3840x2160 with G-Sync and FPS limited to 58. GPU load was about 60-70% on GTX 1080 SLI with a small town.

2018-05-16, 02:01:10
It seems to me, that "\steamapps\common\Prey\Binaries\Danielle\x64\Release\Prey.exe" has to be manually added to the "Prey (2017)" driver profile.
Otherwise the profile has no effect, and only one GPU will be used.

I'm not sure if this is a recent driver profile issue or not, since I just got the game about a week ago (397.64 WHQL).

2018-05-18, 21:15:01
0x08A020F1 Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire /:
prey used already a sli pf I find the precaching textures of this game so bad

2018-05-18, 23:49:23
It seems to me, that "\steamapps\common\Prey\Binaries\Danielle\x64\Release\Prey.exe" has to be manually added to the "Prey (2017)" driver profile.
Otherwise the profile has no effect, and only one GPU will be used.

I'm not sure if this is a recent driver profile issue or not, since I just got the game about a week ago (397.64 WHQL).

No need to add different Path, last 397.64 driver recognizes Prey (2017) correct in SLI mode.
But, if you are with the latest Windows 10 "Spring Creators"-Update v1803 make sure that "full screen optimizations" are not active, otherwise SLI-scaling will be worsen. AFR has problems with these fullscreen optimizations aka borderless fullscreen mode in a lot of games, i would recommend turn it off globally via registry or game-basis which will save you most of the trouble.

To disable via Executable:
Right-click on the .exe file of your game > go to Properties
Go to the compatibility option
Check the "disable fullscreen optimizations" box -> hit Apply.
https://abload.de/thumb/preyfjozi.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=preyfjozi.png)

0x08A020F1 Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire /:
prey used already a sli pf I find the precaching textures of this game so bad

Did you notice any obvious problems/corruption with these Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire SLI-profile?

2018-05-24, 02:59:34
Is there an update for Far Cry 5? I've noticed after the latest update the GPU usage is around 50% for all 4x GPUs and the flickering/flashing is mostly gone.

Would love to tweak the profile to get proper scaling in this game.

2018-05-24, 18:20:20
0x08A020F1 Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire /:

I agree with Blaire, we really need a proper SLI post from you regarding Pillars of Eternity II.
My personal experience with DX11 Unity engine games suggests, that "0x080000F1" or "0x080020F1" should be enough unless there is some type of CPU limitation going on.

Some screenshot comparisons with FPS numbers, settings used and any other relevant information is necessary to keep up a high quality standard here in the thread.

2018-05-24, 23:06:59
Hi to all, I just installed Frostpunk, but despite the latest Nvidia drivers (391.93), the game only uses one GPU :-( !!! Does anyone else have the same problem or know how to set the SLI bits in Nvidia inspector to let it work properly with 2 GPUs (in this case my two GTX980)?


2018-05-24, 23:33:05
Can you relook at Grim Dawn? It is a DX11 engine now. Thank you!

2018-05-25, 00:59:09
Hi to all, I just installed Frostpunk, but despite the latest Nvidia drivers (391.93), the game only uses one GPU :-( !!! Does anyone else have the same problem or know how to set the SLI bits in Nvidia inspector to let it work properly with 2 GPUs (in this case my two GTX980)?

391.93 still had no SLI profile for Frostpunk, you need one of latest 397.xx (http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/134624/en-us) Drivers to get SLI-Support, but i am not sure how it works. I don't own this game.

2018-05-25, 13:54:10
391.93 still had no SLI profile for Frostpunk, you need one of latest 397.xx (http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/134624/en-us) Drivers to get SLI-Support, but i am not sure how it works. I don't own this game.

I'm sorry, I wrote the drivers version wrongly, my mistake ;-)! The correct version is 397.93, and yet only one GPU is used. Of course SLI is enabled in Nvidia control Panel. Any clue for this?

2018-05-26, 00:49:24
I'm sorry, I wrote the drivers version wrongly, my mistake ;-)! The correct version is 397.93, and yet only one GPU is used. Of course SLI is enabled in Nvidia control Panel. Any clue for this?

You are using Microsoft Store or Steam-Variant from Frostpunk? Maybe the Application-Executable is different to the Steam version and need it a Profile-change.

2018-05-27, 02:29:59
Hello you guys. I just want to say thank you for all the fixes that you guys have posted in this thread. They've helped me in a lot of games that I currently play. Specially with the Witcher 3.
Would you guys be able to help with Assassin's Creed Origins though? I have been avoiding that game since I keep dropping down to ~40 FPS.

2018-05-27, 21:02:00
You are using Microsoft Store or Steam-Variant from Frostpunk? Maybe the Application-Executable is different to the Steam version and need it a Profile-change.

Steam. The strange thing is that under Windows 10 SLI works natively, whereas the problem is under Win7

2018-05-27, 21:05:48
You are using Microsoft Store or Steam-Variant from Frostpunk? Maybe the Application-Executable is different to the Steam version and need it a Profile-change.

Steam. Anyway it's strange because under Windows 10 SLI works perfectly natively as expected, I have the problem under Windows 7. Any clue?

2018-05-29, 03:43:07
Hi :)

I tried to make Dauntless work with SLI & this worked for me, gave me fps boost ofc but not perfect.


Little flicker in Ramsgate (alt+tab n back fixed it)
Menu ghosting, fixed by opening menu n back.

2018-05-31, 22:03:15
Back with Nvidia (two custom Hybrid modded 1080Ti's in SLI on an X399-Threadripper 1950 combo) and I've some questions about SW Battlefront II.
Is it due the new(?) high TAA mode that the perf in this title really tanks with SLI? In Endor I only get 40 fps @5120x2880 ultra settings with TAA on high. I can't remember this being so slow in the past, but I cann't rember I I had TAA on though.
Utilisation is also only 70-50%
Also BF1 at the same settings, so with TAA, is fast and smooth.

Also, does somebody play with SLI & reshade in Far Cry 5? It seems to crash?

2018-06-01, 12:10:15
Hmm, selecting a ultra high powerplan (powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61 in CMD) in windows seems to fixes and a lot of other things too :)
Those energy savings are sometimes way to agressive.

2018-06-03, 21:53:36
Can anyone work on Warframe? The game plays better on single card rather than having SLI turned on. Basic 0x000000F5 just doesn't cut it anymore.

2018-06-04, 20:20:03
I get only around 50% usage across 4 GPUs in Far Cry 5. The updated driver at least lets me play the game (before it used to flash like crazy and bog down the FPS to ~ 10) but the usage is pathetic.

Any advice on Far Cry 5 GPU usage?

2018-06-06, 13:24:24
Steam. Anyway it's strange because under Windows 10 SLI works perfectly natively as expected, I have the problem under Windows 7. Any clue?

Could you manage SLI to work in Frostpunk in between, i was sent you a pm please tell me more details.

I get only around 50% usage across 4 GPUs in Far Cry 5. The updated driver at least lets me play the game (before it used to flash like crazy and bog down the FPS to ~ 10) but the usage is pathetic.

Any advice on Far Cry 5 GPU usage?

You got better GPU-utilization with 3-/4-way AFR if you increase the ingame Resolution-Scaling, certainly not or?

2018-06-11, 15:56:32
Hey Guys, has someone tried to find some SLI bits or a profile for Vampyr?
i tried with Blairs profile for hellblade:senuas sacrifice - and while it gives some boost, it's not very good.. thank you

2018-06-12, 14:40:27
Hey Guys, has someone tried to find some SLI bits or a profile for Vampyr?
i tried with Blairs profile for hellblade:senuas sacrifice - and while it gives some boost, it's not very good.. thank you

Hellblade-profile i would not recommend, TXAA 4x/6x are the culprit here with more frames accumulates it hurts SLI-scaling and also increased input-latency is very noticeable for a minimal performance-gain, so it's not really worth in my opinion. With just FXAA or lower quality TXAA (2x) you can achieve better SLI-efficiency with a different SLI-profile, however a single GTX 1080Ti can handle this game already very well with 4K/UHD-resolution and highest details...

2018-06-12, 16:16:19
hey Blair, first of all, thank you for your effort for sli support.

i use a sli laptop with 2 gtx 970m - so upgrading is too expensive while i can reach the performance of a single 980 ti. it's enough for 60 fps@ 1080p in most games.
but working sli will reduce my temps significantly, so not only performance is important to me.
generally i'm new to sli and always would like to learn more..

the hellblade profile works great for my setup and i thought as it's unreal engine 4 as well it could be possible..

2018-06-15, 13:59:35
hey Blair, first of all, thank you for your effort for sli support.

i use a sli laptop with 2 gtx 970m - so upgrading is too expensive while i can reach the performance of a single 980 ti. it's enough for 60 fps@ 1080p in most games.
but working sli will reduce my temps significantly, so not only performance is important to me.
generally i'm new to sli and always would like to learn more..

the hellblade profile works great for my setup and i thought as it's unreal engine 4 as well it could be possible..

Welcome. :) If you dont use TXAA or stay with lower resolution, mentioned Hellblade-profile should be ok also regarding smoothness. Only with TXAA (4x/6x) it becomes critical...

2018-06-16, 03:02:48
In Vampyr a single 1080ti is capable of 4K/Max/60fps easily

Except for post-processing change it to low, I don't think you need it at all (depth of field?). It didn't effect game graphics for me & don't set AA above x4 TXAA which is more than enough.

2018-07-15, 05:25:09
SLI Bits for Earthfall:

Thanks to Blaire for the .nip for FFXV, works for this game also. Flags for flickering work in Earthfall too.

0x2A100811 and 0x080020F5 DX11 flags can be used as well, but I do not see performance better for any flag.


2018-07-16, 00:34:13
SLI Bits for Earthfall:

Thanks to Blaire for the .nip for FFXV, works for this game also. Flags for flickering work in Earthfall too.
0x2A100811 and 0x080020F5 DX11 flags can be used as well, but I do not see performance better for any flag.

Thanks for posting. I dont own this Game so i could not really help, but i have some Questions check my private Message. :)

SLI information and modding in Fallout 4

With the latest 372.54 WHQl driver, there is an SLI scaling issue with the official "0x080000F5" profile in Fallout 4 at native 3840x2160 resolution, when using the ingame temporal AA setting (game version
However this can be readily solved by setting the undefined SLI function "0x00A06746" to a value of "0x00000020".
The only other "solution" to the scaling problems in Fallout 4 is to use the "0x080010F5" profile, but this really can't be recommended, since it causes flickering and severe over brightening issues.

As a Suggestion i may know a better SLI profile for Fallout 4 against this Flicker in the Inventory/Perks menu and poor SLI scaling with G-Sync-Feature... it can be may solved with a less aggressive SLI Profile w/o this additional Flag. I was sent a PM for more Details, give a Look.

2018-08-09, 21:18:31
Hey :)

Here is SLI profile for MH:W with a huge fps boost n no flickering but it crashes in few seconds. We need an expert's help :p


2018-08-09, 23:42:24
Hey :)

Here is SLI profile for MH:W with a huge fps boost n no flickering but it crashes in few seconds. We need an expert's help :p


Which SLI-Flags did you have tested? Your Link doesnt work. I was also experiences some sort of freezes or graphics device crash-messages. I give another try later, i do not have much time for now.

2018-08-10, 02:52:56
Which SLI-Flags did you have tested? Your Link doesnt work. I was also experiences some sort of freezes or graphics device crash-messages. I give another try later, i do not have much time for now.

Hi Blaire! :3

0x084000F5 (Tomb Raider (2013), Apollo 11 Demo)

2018-08-10, 10:20:22
hey. looking for a good ffxv profile... can someone link?

2018-08-10, 13:06:48
In monster hunter world, I experienced the same fatal error when use some SLI bits here, I think this game maybe need a patch to support SLI?

2018-08-10, 17:00:54

sooo.. i downloaded the file, but waht i have to do with it.. there is no tutorial lol

2018-08-10, 17:03:14

so und was nun? habe die datei gedownloaded. aber was mach ich nun damit? °-.°

2018-08-10, 20:56:38
Hi Blaire! :3

0x084000F5 (Tomb Raider (2013), Apollo 11 Demo)

I'm sorry but had to give up there is nothing possible, no matter which SLI-flags or skipping transfers, it ends all in driver-crash sooner or later. Also lowered the graphics-settings doesnt help to improve situation.


so und was nun? habe die datei gedownloaded. aber was mach ich nun damit? °-.°

Über NVIDIA Inspector Profile-Editor einfach importieren. Wenn du weitere Hilfe benötigst, schick mir einfach ne PN.

2018-08-10, 23:06:08
I'm sorry but had to give up there is nothing possible, no matter which SLI-flags or skipping transfers, it ends all in driver-crash sooner or later. Also lowered the graphics-settings doesnt help to improve situation.

Über NVIDIA Inspector Profile-Editor einfach importieren. Wenn du weitere Hilfe benötigst, schick mir einfach ne PN.

Np, thanks for trying.

2018-08-11, 02:16:33
This enables SLI in Monster Hunter World with no crashing. However, there is flickering. Maybe a SLI Specific Hack can fix the flickering?


2018-08-11, 02:31:49
This enables SLI in Monster Hunter World with no crashing. However, there is flickering. Maybe a SLI Specific Hack can fix the flickering?


It crashes too.

2018-08-11, 02:52:49
It crashes too.

Have you tried Sli broadcast 0x00000101?

Both GPUs become enabled with SLI broadcast 0x00000101 and does not cause flickering, but I have not found any SLI compatibility bits or SLI specific hacks that provide scaling.

2018-08-11, 03:25:32
Have you tried Sli broadcast 0x00000101?

Both GPUs become enabled with SLI broadcast 0x00000101 and does not cause flickering, but I have not found any SLI compatibility bits or SLI specific hacks that provide scaling.

I have tested with a few SLI-Flags as possible, but it is hopeless the game always freezes after short time. Game needs to be patched to make it more AFR-friendly.

2018-08-11, 13:28:07
fortnite profile? gibt's da was?

2018-08-11, 18:03:02
For MHWorld 0x080222F5 (Batman: Arkham Origins) does a better job here, but also crashes now and then.
Anything possible for No man's Sky?

2018-08-12, 17:21:34
ich habe ein problem mit ffxiv arr. @Blaire.
bei jedem teleportkristall oder absprrrung bekomme ich lag spikes:



ist da ein fix für?..

2018-08-12, 23:03:00
For MHWorld 0x080222F5 (Batman: Arkham Origins) does a better job here, but also crashes now and then.

I tested 0x080222F5 (Batman: Arkham Origins) with SLI Broadcast (DX1x) 0x00000100 for over an hour and experienced no crashing. However, the scoutflies sometimes causes flickering, the skybox during dawn causes flickering, and the quest rewards screen causes flickering.

I believe we may need to change the SLI Specific Hacks (DX1x) to stop the flickering.

2018-08-13, 01:21:27
For MHWorld 0x080222F5 (Batman: Arkham Origins) does a better job here, but also crashes now and then.

I get some corruption and minor flickering with SLI Compatibility 0x080222F5 + SLI Broadcast 0x00000100, however, I have been playing for over an hour with no crashing.

I believe we might need to use a SLI Specific Hack to fix the corruption and flickering.

2018-08-13, 02:29:36
It worked with me! MH:W

SLI profile here:


2018-08-13, 04:06:38
It worked with me! MH:W

SLI profile here:


This profile still causes corruption in some locations.

This location in the Rotten Vale shows corruption.


2018-08-13, 04:26:52
ich habe ein problem mit ffxiv arr. @Blaire.
bei jedem teleportkristall oder absprrrung bekomme ich lag spikes:



ist da ein fix für?..

Den 14. Teil hab ich leider nicht, daher schwierig. Ich kann dir höchstens anbieten zwei-drei leicht modifizierte Profile zum testen zukommen zu lassen?

It worked with me! MH:W

SLI profile here:


Not really different, even introduce more corruption and crashes are always present and biggest showstopper for me. As I said 2 days ago, it doesnt make sense to further testing. I would also not expect that they would improve stability in newer patches.

2018-08-13, 07:05:35
Den 14. Teil hab ich leider nicht, daher schwierig. Ich kann dir höchstens anbieten zwei-drei leicht modifizierte Profile zum testen zukommen zu lassen?

Not really different, even introduce more corruption and crashes are always present and biggest showstopper for me. As I said 2 days ago, it doesnt make sense to further testing. I would also not expect that they would improve stability in newer patches.

Didn't have any crash with profile I provided, just make sure to turn off VR in game it's the reason for crashing. The only thing left to fix is flicker in certain time of day (limited).

2018-08-13, 21:37:25
Didn't have any crash with profile I provided, just make sure to turn off VR in game it's the reason for crashing. The only thing left to fix is flicker in certain time of day (limited).

You are obviously not playing with maximum Details and don't bother if TAA doesn't work correct. I myself prefer to playing with all the Eyecandy enabled. If i would playing without volumetric Lighting i could SLI leave disabled and playing with a Single GTX 1080Ti w/o any glitches. :) As I said before, it does not matter if it's Lowest- or Highest-Graphics Settings, the game always crashes after a few minutes, no matter which SLI-profile you try.

2018-08-14, 01:12:00
I said before, it does not matter if it's Lowest- or Highest-Graphics Settings, the game always crashes after a few minutes, no matter which SLI-profile you try.

It crashes for you, but it doesn't crash for us.
I don't mean to start an argument, but I've been playing with SLI for hours and not experienced any crashing.
SLI 1080Ti + 398.82
If it is crashing on your system, then something else must be causing it. Maybe a combination of SLI and something else?
Yes, MHW needs to be patched, and Nvidia needs to release new drivers. But I don't understand why it's crashing for you and not for Faris and myself.

2018-08-14, 15:57:43
Better SLI-Scaling what are you seen with these Steam-profile is just due to the fact that the temporal filter anti-aliasing is completely broken, besides refuses volumetric lighting to scale and other obvious render-glitches! Also not every person wants to playing without volumetric Lighting. Like i said before, with the current game version there is no proper SLI-solution possible. Deal with it!

Edit: Here's a good example right now from beginning of the game, not properly working TAA (Single GPU vs. SLI)...

2018-08-14, 23:31:45
Hello together!
It is my first post here. First of all - thank you for sharing information on SLI tricks for unsupported games, this thread is great knowledgebase.

Secondly, I have a question concerning A Way Out - this is a UE4 game without official SLI profile. The UE4 games recently has been working well with SLI, i.e. Hellblade: Senua Sacrifice or The _Observer. Has anyone tried to run A Way Out on similar profiles? I don't own the game yet, but I'm interested in. Thanks in advance!

2018-08-15, 04:32:08
Hello together!
It is my first post here. First of all - thank you for sharing information on SLI tricks for unsupported games, this thread is great knowledgebase.

Secondly, I have a question concerning A Way Out - this is a UE4 game without official SLI profile. The UE4 games recently has been working well with SLI, i.e. Hellblade: Senua Sacrifice or The _Observer. Has anyone tried to run A Way Out on similar profiles? I don't own the game yet, but I'm interested in. Thanks in advance!

Welcome. About your Question myself can not write much because I have not played "A Way Out" yet, but maybe at a later date. :)
Hellblade Senuas Sacrifice a very surprising Title and something special compared to another Games, next to her impressive Facial-Animations made it almost unique. Hopefully there will be more UE4 Titles coming out soon.

2018-08-23, 01:47:40
Updated SLI information for Dead by Daylight

An updated SLI profile is needed for the latest version 2.1.2 of the UE4 based horror game Dead by Daylight.
The profile previously posted by yours truly causes serious ghosting and flickering issues with the new engine build: 3DCenter SLI thread (#2385) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11197965&postcount=2385)

Now it is recommended to use the critical "0x080040F1" profile combined with setting the "Unknown" SLI function "0x00A06746" to "0x00010000".
This really is the only solution, which results in optimal 2-way scaling without downsides.

Since nothing else has changed in regards to settings and tweaks, I will just provide a couple screenshot comparisons taken at native 3840x2160 resolution and be done with it ;)
Please keep in mind, that the game is capped at 62 FPS.



Single GPU|2-way SLI
44 FPS|62 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/dead_by_daylight_1_sihviu8.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=dead_by_daylight_1_sihviu8.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/dead_by_daylight_1_slzzcza.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=dead_by_daylight_1_slzzcza.jpg)
45 FPS|62 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/dead_by_daylight_2_siqaddc.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=dead_by_daylight_2_siqaddc.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/dead_by_daylight_2_sljrdq0.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=dead_by_daylight_2_sljrdq0.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2018-08-23, 16:50:00
Another SLI update for Fallout 4

I would like to also post an update to the somewhat problematic custom SLI profile for Fallout 4:

Original SLI and modding information
3DCenter SLI thread (#2333) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11139540&postcount=2333)

Auto Lockpick Mod update
3DCenter SLI thread (#2396) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11203814&postcount=2396)

With the more recent driver series, only the less aggressive DX11 SLI bit #11 is needed to fix scaling with temporal AA enabled.
This simply turns the official "0x080000F5" profile into "0x080008F5".
All testing was done at native 3840x2160 resolution using the same settings and mods as described in the two above posts, except now the Auto Lockpick Mod is optional of course ;)
So there is really no need to go through all of those details again.

57 FPS|81 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/fallout_4_1_0x080000fhud1d.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout_4_1_0x080000fhud1d.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout_4_1_0x080008fh3em8.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout_4_1_0x080008fh3em8.jpg)
57 FPS|71 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/fallout_4_2_0x080000fjfedu.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout_4_2_0x080000fjfedu.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout_4_2_0x080008f0heno.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout_4_2_0x080008f0heno.jpg)
46 FPS|54 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/fallout_4_3_0x080000fwhirb.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout_4_3_0x080000fwhirb.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/fallout_4_3_0x080008fjii4s.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=fallout_4_3_0x080008fjii4s.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2018-08-25, 11:05:27
The A Way Out seams to work on Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice SLI profile . I have checked only the first cutscene, the actual gameplay may be different. Without SLI framerate is mostly fluctuating between 40 and 60 FPS, with SLI it is 55-60 FPS. Max details at 1440p. I enclose used profile.

30 FPS|60 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/nosli_awayout2018-08-t7fuo.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=nosli_awayout2018-08-t7fuo.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/sli_awayout2018-08-25add16.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=sli_awayout2018-08-25add16.jpg)
44 FPS|57 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/nosli_awayout2018-08-82djd.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=nosli_awayout2018-08-82djd.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/sli_awayout2018-08-25idepl.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=sli_awayout2018-08-25idepl.jpg)
40 FPS|58 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/nosli_awayout2018-08-4rcoi.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=nosli_awayout2018-08-4rcoi.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/sli_awayout2018-08-25b7cph.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=sli_awayout2018-08-25b7cph.jpg)

https://abload.de/thumb/awayouttkc2v.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=awayouttkc2v.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i5-3570K, 32GB DDR3, Asus P8Z77-V Pro, EVGA GTX 970 SSC ACX 2.0+ 2-way SLI, Dell u2711, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 7 Pro 64-bit

2018-08-25, 17:05:07
The A Way Out seams to work on Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice SLI profile . I have checked only the first cutscene, the actual gameplay may be different. Without SLI framerate is mostly fluctuating between 40 and 60 FPS, with SLI it is 55-60 FPS. Max details at 1440p. I enclose used profile.

Ok Thanks i will add your A Way Out - Profile, but if you notice any problems during gameplay please let me know. :)

2018-08-28, 06:39:14
I have the following SLI problem with ROTTR:

To test my two graphics cards (EVGA Hybrid 1080TI FTW3), I always run the ROTTR benchmark. With the first two/three tests I get around 93-96 FPS - then only 83-85 FPS and the benchmark sometimes jerky. The temp of my hybrid cards are around 42C - DX11 with exclusive full screen is activated. A specific SLI profile is not active.

Could you please tell me the root cause of my problem?

2018-08-28, 15:13:25
DX11 SLI information for Grim Dawn

I suppose we can also add the standard "0x080000F5" DX11 profile for the latest version of Grim Dawn.
None of the critical SLI bits are needed in this case, and scaling is very nice with just "basic" AFR rendering.
In case anyone forgot, I previously did some SLI testing in the DX9 version a good while ago: 3DCenter SLI thread (#2461) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11278387&postcount=2461)

Testing was done at maximum settings with 2xMSAA and "Alpha To Coverage" enabled at 5760x3240 resolution (3840x2160 combined with 2.25xDSR and 22% smoothness).
Only the ingame "Ambient Occlusion" option was disabled, since it completely kills performance for some strange reason.
This is also the case in single GPU mode though, and is completely unrelated to SLI.

Grim Dawn Video Options

Window Mode: Fullscreen
Screen Resolution: 5760x3240 @60Hz (16:9)
Anti-aliasing: 2x
Anisotropic Filtering: 16x
Textures: High
Shadows: Ultra
UI Scale: Far right position

Shaders: Ultra
Reflections: High
Particles: High
Lighting: Very High
Weather: Very High
Color Blindness: Normal

Vertical Sync: Disabled
Triple Buffering: Disabled
Detail Objects: Enabled
Alpha To Coverage: Enabled
Post Processing: Enabled
Depth of Field: Enabled
Soft Particles: Enabled
Ambient Occlusion: Disabled

Single GPU|2-way SLI
37 FPS|69 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/grim_dawn_dx11_single6rcdx.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=grim_dawn_dx11_single6rcdx.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/grim_dawn_dx11_sli_re1seqe.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=grim_dawn_dx11_sli_re1seqe.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2018-08-28, 17:08:43
I have the following SLI problem with ROTTR:

To test my two graphics cards (EVGA Hybrid 1080TI FTW3), I always run the ROTTR benchmark. With the first two/three tests I get around 93-96 FPS - then only 83-85 FPS and the benchmark sometimes jerky. The temp of my hybrid cards are around 42C - DX11 with exclusive full screen is activated. A specific SLI profile is not active.

Could you please tell me the root cause of my problem?

Wir können hier auch beim ursprünglichen deutsch bleiben :) Hast du mal versucht die Vollbildoptimierungen (https://abload.de/img/rottrfqdf8.png) zu deaktivieren, leider erzwingt Microsoft diese beim letzten Windows 10 Spring Creator's Update (v1803) und lässt Games im Fenster-Vollbildmodus statt exklusiven Vollbildmodus starten, was in zahlreichen Games speziell mit AFR zu Problemen unterschiedlichster Art führt. Das wäre jetzt nur eine Möglichkeit, kann aber auch an etwas ganz anderem liegen, aber dazu müsste ich mehr Details zu den jeweiligen Settings + Windows-Einstellungen sowie System-Specs wissen. Schick mir halt mal ne Private Nachricht und dann sehen wir weiter.
Könntest auch mal das erste RotTR-Custom SLI Profil hier aus dem Thread testen, in CPU limitierten Szenen (Soviet Area, Geothermal Valley) skaliert SLI dann auch etwas besser.

@SLIKnight: Thanks for your effort, i will add your Grim Dawn DX11 SLI-profile soon.

2018-08-28, 22:34:05
Danke schön - werde ich testen und mich bei Dir melden.

2018-08-28, 22:40:01
@Blaire: Weißt du schon was bezüglich SLI über NVLINK? Kommt da was?

2018-08-30, 00:58:34
@Blaire: Weißt du schon was bezüglich SLI über NVLINK? Kommt da was?

Du meinst ob "altes" SLI mit Profilen über NVLink-Interface noch unterstützt wird? Ja wird es, jedoch deutlich verbessert dank dem Plus an Bandbreiten-Vorteil zwischen beiden GPU's sind bis zu 100 GB/s (2 Channel's mit je 50 GB/s jeweils) möglich , verglichen zu ~2 GB/s mit HB-Bridge momentan.
Ich erwarte deutlich Vorteile speziell mit zeitlichen AA sowie G-Sync in hohen Auflösungen. Neuere G-Sync UltraHD-Displays mit DP 1.4 (3840x2160@120/144Hz) sind mit HB-Bridges bereits am Limit und NVLink sollte in solchen Szenarien definitiv entlastende Wirkung zeigen.

2018-08-30, 13:43:00
Sehr schön, ich hoffe das kommt wieder mehr in Zukunft. :up:

2018-08-31, 01:33:13
Preliminary SLI information for Insurgency: Sandstorm

I did some very early SLI testing in the latest Beta 2 version of the tactical UE4 shooter Insurgency: Sandstorm.
From what I can see, the only decent solution is to combine the standard "0x080000F1" profile with setting "0x00A0694B" to "0x00000008" and "0x00A06746" to "0x00010020".

No other combination of SLI bits offer any real scaling without flickering, broken lighting or texture streaming problems.
However more testing is still needed to fully rule out any unforeseen complications.
This really was one of my more tricky SLI solutions so far :tongue:


Insurgency: Sandstorm Video Settings


Display Mode: Fullscreen
Resolution: 3840x2160
Vertical Sync: Disabled


Field of View: 100.0
Resolution Scale: 100.0


Anti-Aliasing: FXAA
Texture Quality: Very High
Effects Quality: Very High
Foliage Quality: Very High
Shadow Quality: Very High
Post Processing Quality: Very High


Frame Rate Smoothing: Disabled
Frame Limiter: Off
Motion Blur: Off
Scope Quality: High
Dismemberment: On
Ragdoll Count: High
Foliage Interaction: On

Single GPU|2-way SLI
39 FPS|59 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/insurgency_sandstorm_vodfz.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=insurgency_sandstorm_vodfz.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/insurgency_sandstorm_nrdma.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=insurgency_sandstorm_nrdma.jpg)
41 FPS|61 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/insurgency_sandstorm_fmck0.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=insurgency_sandstorm_fmck0.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/insurgency_sandstorm_21d9n.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=insurgency_sandstorm_21d9n.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2018-08-31, 23:03:43
+ 10000000000000000000!
Thanks SLIKnight

i have tried some differents sli bits around 0x080000F5 and 0x084000F5 but that wasnt perfect and smooth.
Thanks again i will try this.
reduce Shadows at high or under is really usefull

Add -useallavailablecores on steam game launch options!

like every Unreal engines games on INPUT.INI --> \AppData\Local\Insurgency\Saved\Config\WindowsClient\Input.ini
and Add bEnableMouseSmoothing=False

2018-09-01, 03:41:39
I tried the Insurgency profile but it was much much worse for me and stuttered like crazy.

2018-09-01, 15:55:41

Well, I have no stuttering issues with the custom profile.
Please list your settings and system specs.

Did you do actual FPS comparisons with Single GPU vs 2-way SLI?


It seems these wonderful developers already broke the custom SLI profile with the latest Hotfix patch.
A less aggressive SLI variant is now needed to prevent flickering issues.
I have updated my original post to reflect the changes.

2018-09-02, 03:26:44
Ah Ill test again as I tried after the hotfix.

7700k and 1080ti sli,3440x1440 I just left all game settings at max, Made sure it was set to proper fullscreen and tried a bot match, The sli fps was a lot lower than single card.

Ill do some more detailed stuff tonight.



Turned it off and gpu usage shot up, Seems to be overall a higher fps, Stutter still but I think thats the game not the sli.

2018-09-02, 10:39:44
Your limiting factor is probably the 16 PCI lanes of the 7700K.
UE4 is very bandwidth heavy, and needs full PCIe 3.0 x16/x16 mode in many games.
That could also be the reason for any increased stuttering.

2018-09-02, 11:56:29
Hat jemand gute Bits für The Division 1.8.3???
Ich habe da teilweise sehr schlechte Auslastung.

teilweise habe ich nur
GPU1: 65%
GPU2: 73%
ich habe im spiel auch schon alle erdenklichen setting versucht um zu sehen welches Grafikeinstellung das Problem lösen kann aber egal was ich gemacht habe nichts hat geholfen.

Was merkwürdig ist das wenn ich zusätzlich SweetFX nutze steigt die GPU Auslastung um 10% und ich habe auch 10FPS+ mehr :freak:
Im Hauptmenü vom Spiel habe ich auf beiden GPUs 99% load nur aber im spiel selber schwankt die Auslastung teilweise sehr stark.

Habe auch schon die Bits hier aus der Liste auf Seite 1 getestet aber das ergab keine besserung.

2018-09-02, 12:44:50
Your limiting factor is probably the 16 PCI lanes of the 7700K.
UE4 is very bandwidth heavy, and needs full PCIe 3.0 x16/x16 mode in many games.
That could also be the reason for any increased stuttering.

As I said Its the game stuttering, Its not a consistent pattern just big stutters now and then when moving quickly or in combat. Get it with single card too, Its something the devs need to fix

2018-09-02, 16:02:48
Alright, suppose I misunderstood something then :)

2018-09-02, 17:14:57
Another SLI update for Unreal Tournament (2018)

I decided to revisit another one of my older SLI posts, this time around for Unreal Tournament (2018): 3DCenter SLI thread (#2723) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11583129&postcount=2723)
It seems the standard "0x080000F1" profile combined with setting "0x00A06746" to a value of "0x00010020" is a better solution.

The new profile provides the same performance as the previous one, but results in less flickering issues.
However I recommend using V-Sync or G-Sync due to some very minor remaining character and weapon flickering under certain lighting conditions.
And it is also still necessary to hide the ingame scoreboard by editing Game.ini, as explained in my previous SLI post for the game.
Finally I suggest launching using a shortcut to "\UnrealTournament\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4-Win64-Shipping.exe" with UnrealTournament -NoTextureStreaming added to the target box.

All testing was done at native 3840x2160 resolution using full "Epic" settings and with both temporal AA and G-Sync enabled.
For personal preference I have disabled the weapon bob and view bob effects and use a FOV of 100 degrees.


Player Settings

Weapon Bob: Far left position
View Bob: Far left position
Field of View: 100

HUD Settings -> General

General Opacity: 100%
Scale: 50%
Show Health/Armor/Ammo on MiniHUD: Disabled
Show Powerups/Flag on MiniHUD: Disabled
Show Damage Dealt Indicator: Disabled
Show Health/Armor Arcs: Disabled

HUD Settings -> Weapon Bar

General Opacity: 0%
Scale: 25%
Empty Slot Opacity: 0%

HUD Settings -> Notifications

Scale: 50%
Show Kill Messages In Chat: Disabled
Centered Kill Messages: Disabled
Display Skull On Kills: Disabled
Play Kill Sound Effect: Disabled

HUD Settings -> MiniHUD

Icon & Text Opacity: 0%
Background Opacity: 0%

System Settings -> General

Resolution: 3840x2160
Display Mode: Fullscreen
VSync (Monitor 60Hz): Disabled (Recommended to use G-Sync)
Frame Rate Cap: 120 (60 is used when playing)
Smooth Framerate: Disabled
Enable Keyboard Lighting: Disabled
Communication Filter: None

System Settings -> Graphics

Screen Percentage: 100%
Texture Detail: Epic
View Distance Quality: Epic
Lighting and Shadow Quality: Epic
Effects Quality: Epic
Post Process Quality: Epic
Anti Aliasing Mode: Temporal
Decal Lifetime: 30 seconds
Skip GPU buffering: Disabled

Control Settings -> Keyboard

Show Console: F10

Control Settings -> Mouse

Mouse Smoothing: Disabled
Mouse Acceleration: Disabled
If you want to disable specific HUD features, you can do so by changing the required classes in game.ini (Documents/UnrealTournament/Saved/Config/<Platform>NoEditor by default)

Add the following to game.ini to removed the scoreboards.







If you want to removed any other HUD features just put something at the end of the option to stop it from loading(I put _UNLOADED_ at the end of each scoreboard class). You could delete the line too, but then you'd have to find the option over again if you want to re-add it.
Single GPU|2-way SLI
55 FPS|72 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/ut_11_single_gpubvc1l.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=ut_11_single_gpubvc1l.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/ut_12_sliq5ek2.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=ut_12_sliq5ek2.jpg)
47 FPS|65 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/ut_21_single_gpujme5j.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=ut_21_single_gpujme5j.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/ut_22_sli89f3r.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=ut_22_sli89f3r.jpg)
41 FPS|60 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/ut_31_single_gpup5cd8.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=ut_31_single_gpup5cd8.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/ut_32_sli4vcz5.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=ut_32_sli4vcz5.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2018-09-03, 03:38:25
Alright, suppose I misunderstood something then :)

No worries, I worded it poorly. Thanks for putting in the work though its hugely appreciated.

2018-09-04, 01:13:23
SLI information for Battlefield V (Open Beta)

Found on https://forums.battlefield.com/en-us/discussion/145799/battlefield-v-closed-alpha-sli-fix

Beside from setting the SLI compatibility bits to 0x080116F5 you additionally have to set SettingsID 0x1033CEC2 to 0x00000002 and SettingsID 0x1033DCD3 to 0x00000004 and finally add the application bfvob.exe to the profile!


2018-09-05, 01:34:35
SLI information for Inner Chains

I have been attempting to find a decent SLI profile for the UE4 game Inner Chains for a while now.
The absolutely only acceptable solution is to use "0x080080F1" combined with setting "0x00A06746" to "0x00010020".
DX11 SLI bit #15 has no bearing on scaling, but is needed to prevent texture loading issues.
Without it enabled, I noticed increased stuttering and textures not always loading correctly.

This custom profile does result in minor flickering around some characters and particle effects.
So using driver V-Sync or G-Sync is recommended.
I also suggest disabling the ingame AA due to bandwidth limitations, but it really is so blurry anyway and completely ruins texture clarity.
It is important to mention that there is currently a bug, which makes it necessary to enable and then disable the AA option at each game startup.
Otherwise it will still be enabled, even though it is set to "Off".


Inner Chains Options


Resolution: 3840x2160
Display: Fullscreen
Quality: High
Antialiasing: Off (Must be enabled and disabled at each startup)
V-Sync: Off (Recommended to use G-Sync)
FPS Limiter: 130 (60 is used when playing)
Motion Blur: Off
Grain: Off
Chromatic Aberration: Off


GPU Memory Limit: Far right position
Head Bobbing: Off
FOV: Far right position

Single GPU|2-way SLI
47 FPS|72 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/inner_chains_11_singlfpi7m.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=inner_chains_11_singlfpi7m.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/inner_chains_12_slipxi2g.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=inner_chains_12_slipxi2g.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2018-09-05, 09:42:51
My SLi profile for DRAGON QUEST XI Echoes of an Elusive Age

This game is using Unreal 4, so make it profile very easy. Hope you can enjoy it at 4K60FPS

Single GPU|2-way SLI
41 FPS|93 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/dragonquestxiechoesoft8efa.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=dragonquestxiechoesoft8efa.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/dragonquestxiechoesofdvcn5.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=dragonquestxiechoesofdvcn5.jpg)

Update improve profile(less chopping light, less bandwidth, more scaling)

2018-09-05, 18:40:37
Never mind.

2018-09-05, 22:18:52
My SLi profile for DRAGON QUEST XI Echoes of an Elusive Age

This game is using Unreal 4, so make it profile very easy. Hope you can enjoy it at 4K60FPS


Single GPU|2-way SLI
41 FPS|93 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/dragonquestxiechoesoft8efa.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=dragonquestxiechoesoft8efa.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/dragonquestxiechoesofdvcn5.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=dragonquestxiechoesofdvcn5.jpg)
Unfortunately, negative scaling present on x8/x8 even with HB bridge. Do you have anti-aliasing on?

2018-09-06, 04:13:40
Unfortunately, negative scaling present on x8/x8 even with HB bridge. Do you have anti-aliasing on?
Yup! Max alls. I will make an video later.

2018-09-06, 04:16:40
Unfortunately, negative scaling present on x8/x8 even with HB bridge. Do you have anti-aliasing on?
Yes, max alls. I will make an video later. The FPS is locked at 60fps as max...so need to be unlock in setting ini file.

2018-09-06, 08:55:30
Unfortunately, negative scaling present on x8/x8 even with HB bridge. Do you have anti-aliasing on?
Yes, I have AA on at maximum setting. Here is my video to prove. The game is locked on 60FPS as MAX FPS so I edited the setting file to unlock it to 120FPS.

My system is i9 7900X + SLi 1080Ti with 960 for PhysX (anyway this game have PhysX but it use CPU PhysX not GPU)


2018-09-06, 10:43:05
Yes, I have AA on at maximum setting. Here is my video to prove. The game is locked on 60FPS as MAX FPS so I edited the setting file to unlock it to 120FPS.

My system is i9 7900X + SLi 1080Ti with 960 for PhysX (anyway this game have PhysX but it use CPU PhysX not GPU)

Ah yeah, so... I checked my bus usage and it's well over 50% for each card in borderless and hovering at 50% flat in fullscreen. I indeed get lower fps even at 1080p far less after using SSAA. I also unlocked my fps to 124. Good job HB bridge you useless band-aid.

I really wish I could get a pair of those RTX for NVLink SLI since I'm stuck on mainstream for the moment. RIP.

2018-09-06, 13:19:44
Yes, I have AA on at maximum setting. Here is my video to prove. The game is locked on 60FPS as MAX FPS so I edited the setting file to unlock it to 120FPS.

My system is i9 7900X + SLi 1080Ti with 960 for PhysX (anyway this game have PhysX but it use CPU PhysX not GPU)


Perhaps you could try "0x080000F1" with "SLI Specific Hacks (DX1x)" set to "0x00010020" or "0x00000020".
This could allow better scaling on systems with less bandwidth, possibly at the cost of some visual glitches.
Worth trying out at least.

2018-09-06, 13:25:15
Well, perhaps a better custom SLI variant is possible which allows scaling on systems with less bandwidth.
Please provide a screenshot of your full NVIDIA Inspector settings.
All he/she did was use the 0x000020F5 "Anno 1404, Lords of the Fallen, Rugby 18, Just Cause 2, etc" profile.

There isn't anything else specific being used (I downloaded the profile and imported it)

2018-09-06, 13:28:45
Check my post above, and try out the more "aggressive" custom profile.
Sometimes DX11 bit #13 (the "2" in 20F5) is not enough to fully solve bandwidth issues in certain UE4 games.

2018-09-06, 15:44:29
Perhaps you could try "0x080000F1" with "SLI Specific Hacks (DX1x)" set to "0x00010020" or "0x00000020".
This could allow better scaling on systems with less bandwidth, possibly at the cost of some visual glitches.
Worth trying out at least.
I have an improve profile...better scaling less bandwidth and fix some glitches from my old profile(it fixed flicker light of lantern, and some flicker on rock on mountain). Update soon with video to prove.

Update improve profile:

with this profile it'sless chopping lantern light, less bandwidth, more scaling...

2018-09-06, 20:45:05
Check my post above, and try out the more "aggressive" custom profile.
Sometimes DX11 bit #13 (the "2" in 20F5) is not enough to fully solve bandwidth issues in certain UE4 games.
Okay, so what you suggested kind of works. The first option with the SLI specific hack grants me INSANE flickering, but bus usage is literally lower than single GPU (never saw above 3%) and scaling is indeed there, and seemingly quite high (barely above 50% on each card to lock at 124 when single GPU was around 110 in the same spot).

The next option with 0x00010020 fixed flickering with some raised bus usage (still only about 25% on each). But if I raise render resolution percentage at all, flicker comes back (not as bad as the first option).

Any idea what might help with that? If I can't use SSAA it's not really a huge loss I'll still get a mostly locked high fps as long as the game allows it (this game has issues holding high fps sometimes, will dip at 60% util on a single card in some cases) at native res.

Edit: I'm very dumb and forgot a change that the other profile made, disabled it and it works. Gonna try the first bits again

Double edit: Ok. It has no bearing on SSAA whatsoever. SSAA actually doesn't work with these fixes enabled. Flickering is definitely bad with 0x00000020, but lowest bus usage. 0x00010020 has higher bus usage and I think less scaling but flickers less when it does flicker. That's the problem I'm running into right now: the game flickers SOMETIMES on launch. Only sometimes. Literally if you boot the game and it doesn't flicker shadows in the distance, you're set until you close it, then booting it again might cause it to flicker up and you'll not get rid of it until you reboot it and it doesn't flicker. Why? I have no idea.

That said, I found that the 0x00000001 bit in SLI broadcast DX1x removes flicker/stutter in the opening cutscene with the methods above. It's possible 0x00000020 bit might work best and I've simply never seen it boot without the flicker. I also tried 0x00110020 under SLI specific hacks because the 0x00010020 has a bit for battlefield 1, but it does not help or change much. Will see if I can get it to boot with 0x00000020 not flickering, and if it does, then it's pretty much RNG to my eyes and that's the superior format with almost zero bus impact.

Final edit: 0x00000020 can launch without flicker, but low chance of flicker to re-appear in-game while using it, but is not permanent like the one that sticks if it shows up at launch. Bus usage is so low I can almost taste getting the flickering completely resolved:

I have an improve profile...better scaling less bandwidth and fix some glitches from my old profile(it fixed flicker light of lantern, and some flicker on rock on mountain). Update soon with video to prove.

Update improve profile:

with this profile it'sless chopping lantern light, less bandwidth, more scaling...
Yeah all this did was cause the logo and some of the opening cutscene to flicker for me. Same huge bandwidth requirement.

2018-09-07, 06:04:49
Have anyone a good profile for Hunt Showdown? I tried Ryse already but my gpu usage is not really fine.

I7 7700k @4,5ghz, 2 1080ti, 32gb ram 2,4ghz, win10 1803, gsync off

2018-09-07, 17:37:58

Perhaps try "0x080002F1" combined with "SLI Broadcast (DX1x)" set to "0x00000001".
You could also try my profile for Insurgency: Sandstorm, as the SLI broadcast flag was needed here to fix flickering and scaling in the main menu: 3DCenter SLI thread (#2924) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11786771&postcount=2924)

2018-09-07, 20:33:40
So, which it the best SLI profile for dragon quest XI and a pair of GTX 1080s with an i7 6700k cpu?

2018-09-08, 15:10:34
Okay, so what you suggested kind of works. The first option with the SLI specific hack grants me INSANE flickering, but bus usage is literally lower than single GPU (never saw above 3%) and scaling is indeed there, and seemingly quite high (barely above 50% on each card to lock at 124 when single GPU was around 110 in the same spot).

The next option with 0x00010020 fixed flickering with some raised bus usage (still only about 25% on each). But if I raise render resolution percentage at all, flicker comes back (not as bad as the first option).

Any idea what might help with that? If I can't use SSAA it's not really a huge loss I'll still get a mostly locked high fps as long as the game allows it (this game has issues holding high fps sometimes, will dip at 60% util on a single card in some cases) at native res.

Edit: I'm very dumb and forgot a change that the other profile made, disabled it and it works. Gonna try the first bits again

Double edit: Ok. It has no bearing on SSAA whatsoever. SSAA actually doesn't work with these fixes enabled. Flickering is definitely bad with 0x00000020, but lowest bus usage. 0x00010020 has higher bus usage and I think less scaling but flickers less when it does flicker. That's the problem I'm running into right now: the game flickers SOMETIMES on launch. Only sometimes. Literally if you boot the game and it doesn't flicker shadows in the distance, you're set until you close it, then booting it again might cause it to flicker up and you'll not get rid of it until you reboot it and it doesn't flicker. Why? I have no idea.

That said, I found that the 0x00000001 bit in SLI broadcast DX1x removes flicker/stutter in the opening cutscene with the methods above. It's possible 0x00000020 bit might work best and I've simply never seen it boot without the flicker. I also tried 0x00110020 under SLI specific hacks because the 0x00010020 has a bit for battlefield 1, but it does not help or change much. Will see if I can get it to boot with 0x00000020 not flickering, and if it does, then it's pretty much RNG to my eyes and that's the superior format with almost zero bus impact.

Final edit: 0x00000020 can launch without flicker, but low chance of flicker to re-appear in-game while using it, but is not permanent like the one that sticks if it shows up at launch. Bus usage is so low I can almost taste getting the flickering completely resolved:

Yeah all this did was cause the logo and some of the opening cutscene to flicker for me. Same huge bandwidth requirement.

Can you share, the best working profile?

2018-09-09, 21:42:35
Hey guys, would you kindly share a good DQ XI SLI profile that works best for a x8 lanes configuration, please

2018-09-11, 17:22:24
Assetto Corsa Competizione Early Access will be released tomorrow. It utilizes the UE4 engine. In preparation for SLI testing (no official support at launch), I'd like to collect a number of custom bits that work with other UE4 titles. Is there such a list? Any recommendation or general SLI-characteristics for that engine?

2018-09-12, 07:37:07

Perhaps try "0x080002F1" combined with "SLI Broadcast (DX1x)" set to "0x00000001".
You could also try my profile for Insurgency: Sandstorm, as the SLI broadcast flag was needed here to fix flickering and scaling in the main menu: 3DCenter SLI thread (#2924) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11786771&postcount=2924)
So like this?
Can you share, the best working profile?
The best I got to still had INCREDIBLE flickering, or missing shadows. After my last post I realized that when I did not get flicker, was when shadows in the distance did not render. Any time I got shadows to render, it caused the same issue. I'm going to test the other profile now, but as of typing this out, there is no useful profile for SLI. You probably would need to turn down or off shadows to make it work, which defeats the purpose of the extra power since shadows is a gigantic performance boost when disabling.

2018-09-12, 07:40:15
Hey guys, would you kindly share a good DQ XI SLI profile that works best for a x8 lanes configuration, please

In my result, here is what I found. No more chopping light of lantern, candle. No more flick on sky, rocks, trees, mountain. Less bandwidth(can be used with SLI at x8 mode on some mainboards, only worthy with x16 lanes), more scaling(50% more than my previous profile).

Check my video below:


2018-09-12, 08:29:10
My results:
SLI Knight's suggested profile (https://youtu.be/aC0VD9o1kSc)
Insurgency profile (https://youtu.be/RwNfDv2Ur1w)
namheovang's latest profile (https://youtu.be/jidtlhP3x54) (why I bothered I'll never know)
Edit: video capture makes this look a lot better than it was in recording, due to halved framerate. In particular the last video STOPPED flickering shortly before I ended; it did not visually to me at all.

In my result, here is what I found. No more chopping light of lantern, candle. No more flick on sky, rocks, trees, mountain. Less bandwidth(can be used with SLI at x8 mode on some mainboards), more scaling(50% more than my previous profile).

Check my video below:

Here's what. Set your GPUs to PCI/e 2.0 in your BIOS so you get the bandwidth as if you had a X8/X8 connection, then post profiles saying things work. Your last profile is quite literally the worst thing I've ever attempted running on the game and I'm amazed it didn't BSOD my computer it looked so bad. You seem to be ticking random bits all over and your checking video didn't actually load any far distance shadows to test. You have bandwidth to the point you do not need to fiddle as much as we do for bits, but your solutions are not a fix-all. I'm pretty sure a really basic profile would work just brute-forced for bandwidth in your case.

2018-09-12, 09:25:05
My results:
SLI Knight's suggested profile (https://youtu.be/aC0VD9o1kSc)
Insurgency profile (https://youtu.be/RwNfDv2Ur1w)
namheovang's latest profile (https://youtu.be/jidtlhP3x54) (why I bothered I'll never know)
Edit: video capture makes this look a lot better than it was in recording, due to halved framerate. In particular the last video STOPPED flickering shortly before I ended; it did not visually to me at all.

Here's what. Set your GPUs to PCI/e 2.0 in your BIOS so you get the bandwidth as if you had a X8/X8 connection, then post profiles saying things work. Your last profile is quite literally the worst thing I've ever attempted running on the game and I'm amazed it didn't BSOD my computer it looked so bad. You seem to be ticking random bits all over and your checking video didn't actually load any far distance shadows to test. You have bandwidth to the point you do not need to fiddle as much as we do for bits, but your solutions are not a fix-all. I'm pretty sure a really basic profile would work just brute-forced for bandwidth in your case.

OK! I'll check. Thnks
BTW: the gaming in my systems look better than recording video(for sure). Anyway I will check bout the bandwidth.

Update:: You're totally correct. My profile's worthless on X8 lanes. So You must have X16 lanes to have it best performance :(. It's mean only when you're using X299, X399 with i9 or Threadripper to enjoy it.

2018-09-13, 16:53:20
Wenn noch jemand ein DX11 SLI-Profile für "Shadow of the Tomb Raider" benötigt (es soll ja auch Leute geben, welche nicht auf Windows 10 setzen...) Hier (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=64158&d=1536849060) ist vielleicht ein passendes Profil speziell für 4K/UltraHD-Auflösung + maximierten Grafikdetails inklusive Temporal AA.
Leider merkt man dem Spiel an, daß der Fokus wohl eher bei der DX12-Version lag, unter DX11 ist man recht häufig CPU-limitiert und die Framerate droppt teils stark (ein Schelm wer böses dabei denkt... na vielleicht fließen ja noch Optimierungen in zukünftigen Patches ein...) In Szenen wo die CPU das bremsende Element darstellt, hilft dieses Profile dann natürlich nicht, aber zumindest gibt es dann auch kein negatives Scaling. In GPU-fordernden Szenen hingegen skaliert das SLI-Profile wie gewünscht und es gibt ordentlich Leistungszuwachs, großartige Fehler sind mir bis auf Kleinigkeiten bislang nicht aufgefallen, alle verwendeten AFR-Flags in diesem Profile haben ihre Funktion und sind nicht zufällig ausgewählt. Falls doch jemand irgendwelche groben Schnitzer bemerkt, kann er mir das gerne mitteilen und vielleicht lässt sich ja was machen. Ich bin erst relativ am Anfang, deshalb kann ich nicht garantieren ob das Profile auch bis zum Ende hin vernünftig skaliert und funktioniert, ich werde jedoch Updates vornehmen, falls nötig.


Hier ein kurzes Video (https://youtu.be/djeflSThWF4) aus dem Ingame-"Intro" mit 2-Way SLI NVIDIA TITAN X (Pascal) 12GB in der DX11-Variante.

2018-09-14, 17:02:19
Wenn noch jemand ein DX11 SLI-Profile für "Shadow of the Tomb Raider" benötigt (es soll ja auch Leute geben, welche nicht auf Windows 10 setzen...) Hier (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=64158&d=1536849060) ist vielleicht ein passendes Profil speziell für 4K/UltraHD-Auflösung + maximierten Grafikdetails inklusive Temporal AA.
Leider merkt man dem Spiel an, daß der Fokus wohl eher bei der DX12-Version lag, unter DX11 ist man recht häufig CPU-limitiert und die Framerate droppt teils stark (ein Schelm wer böses dabei denkt... na vielleicht fließen ja noch Optimierungen in zukünftigen Patches ein...) In Szenen wo die CPU das bremsende Element darstellt, hilft dieses Profile dann natürlich nicht, aber zumindest gibt es dann auch kein negatives Scaling. In GPU-fordernden Szenen hingegen skaliert das SLI-Profile wie gewünscht und es gibt ordentlich Leistungszuwachs, großartige Fehler sind mir bis auf Kleinigkeiten bislang nicht aufgefallen, alle verwendeten AFR-Flags in diesem Profile haben ihre Funktion und sind nicht zufällig ausgewählt. Falls doch jemand irgendwelche groben Schnitzer bemerkt, kann er mir das gerne mitteilen und vielleicht lässt sich ja was machen. Ich bin erst relativ am Anfang, deshalb kann ich nicht garantieren ob das Profile auch bis zum Ende hin vernünftig skaliert und funktioniert, ich werde jedoch Updates vornehmen, falls nötig.


Hier ein kurzes Video (https://youtu.be/djeflSThWF4) aus dem Ingame-"Intro" mit 2-Way SLI NVIDIA TITAN X (Pascal) 12GB in der DX11-Variante.

Hello, thank you very much for the bits, they are working great ! I haven't found any artifacting or anything yet with them.

However, using g-sync together with these sli bits lowers the performance quite a bit - i made a comparison :


Is there any way to improve the performance with dx11 + taa + g-sync ? :)

2018-09-14, 17:25:06
My results:
SLI Knight's suggested profile (https://youtu.be/aC0VD9o1kSc)
Insurgency profile (https://youtu.be/RwNfDv2Ur1w)
namheovang's latest profile (https://youtu.be/jidtlhP3x54) (why I bothered I'll never know)
Edit: video capture makes this look a lot better than it was in recording, due to halved framerate. In particular the last video STOPPED flickering shortly before I ended; it did not visually to me at all.

Here's what. Set your GPUs to PCI/e 2.0 in your BIOS so you get the bandwidth as if you had a X8/X8 connection, then post profiles saying things work. Your last profile is quite literally the worst thing I've ever attempted running on the game and I'm amazed it didn't BSOD my computer it looked so bad. You seem to be ticking random bits all over and your checking video didn't actually load any far distance shadows to test. You have bandwidth to the point you do not need to fiddle as much as we do for bits, but your solutions are not a fix-all. I'm pretty sure a really basic profile would work just brute-forced for bandwidth in your case.

Thanks for the reply, please share if you find a good bit, that doesn’t create this flickering, thanks for the help

2018-09-15, 14:27:58
Preliminary SLI information for Insurgency: Sandstorm

"0x080000F1" profile with setting "0x00A0694B" to "0x00000008" and "0x00A06746" to "0x00010020".

since the last update, i got massive screen flickering with this sli bits

2018-09-16, 19:31:36
Thanks for the reply, please share if you find a good bit, that doesn’t create this flickering, thanks for the help

Here is an improved Sli profile. No more flickering or missing graphical fx.


2018-09-16, 19:34:02
Here is a profile for Dragon Quest XI, No Flickering or missing graphical fx.


2018-09-16, 19:34:43

2018-09-16, 19:50:29
Thanks for the reply, please share if you find a good bit, that doesn’t create this flickering, thanks for the help

Here is a better SLI bit for Dragon Quest XI, no flickering or missing graphical fx with a small performance boost.

2018-09-16, 23:57:09
Hello, thank you very much for the bits, they are working great ! I haven't found any artifacting or anything yet with them.

However, using g-sync together with these sli bits lowers the performance quite a bit - i made a comparison :


Is there any way to improve the performance with dx11 + taa + g-sync ? :)

Thanks for your feedback. You're right, performance hit with G-Sync is a bit higher especially with TAA enabled. I am aware of that. There is currently no way to reduce overhead through G-sync with different AFR-flags. But, wait for the next 41x.xx NVIDIA driver, which have include optimizations for this specific problem and should help improve SLI-scaling behavior with G-Sync and reduced PCI bus-load as well.
Edit: Never mind, new driver doesnt improve any with G-sync and my SotTR custom-profile

2018-09-17, 01:06:12
Here is a better SLI bit for Dragon Quest XI, no flickering or missing graphical fx with a small performance boost.

I will check it out to see if it works correctly

2018-09-17, 09:41:39
For Dragon Quest. Quick fix to SlI Specific Hacks (DX1x), change 0x00010000 to 0x00110000 fixes a small graphic glitch that happens sometimes with the twinkling item spots on the ground visually disappearing.

2018-09-18, 00:03:02
For Dragon Quest. Quick fix to SlI Specific Hacks (DX1x), change 0x00010000 to 0x00110000 fixes a small graphic glitch that happens sometimes with the twinkling item spots on the ground visually disappearing.
SURe , will chek it now!

Do you guys have any good DEUS EX MANKIND DIVIDED SLI or mGPU Profile? also a good one for Rise of the Tomb raider? (i still dont have shadow of TTR)

2018-09-18, 00:31:23
Here is a better SLI bit for Dragon Quest XI, no flickering or missing graphical fx with a small performance boost.

unfortunately it doesnt work that good in 4k

2018-09-18, 02:40:06
Do you guys have a good SLI profile for rise of the tomb raider and Deus ex mankind divided? They seem tu freeze/ stutter a lot with the official profile

2018-09-18, 17:28:47
i finally got to fix ROTTR by using blaire sli bits for it, now i only need a good DQ XI profile and a good DE Mankind Divided bit that doesnt stutter/freezes

2018-09-20, 13:40:39
need sli bits vor cod ww2

2018-09-20, 20:57:39
Does anyone have a good profile for Hunt: Showdown?
Tried 0x080120F5 and 0x080000F5 but scaling is pretty bad.

2018-09-22, 16:17:11
2080 Ti NVLINK-SLI-Test @Gamernexus:


2018-09-22, 20:00:12
2080 Ti NVLINK-SLI-Test @Gamernexus:


Leider wieder nur halbgare Testverfahren und ungeeignete Games.
Immerhin kann man am F1 2018-Benchmark eine Tendenz ablesen, leider steht nicht dabei ob dort mit Ultra-High Details das Temporal AA ebenfalls aktiviert wurde, aber ich gehe jetzt einfach mal davon aus, da die SLI 1080Ti - Werte bei nur 16 Lanes (x8/x8 PCIe 3.0) sehr schlecht ausfallen. Mit RTX 2080Ti NVLink - Interface gibt es ~70,3% Leistungszuwachs, während mit SLI GTX 2080Ti nur ~8,8% zu Buche stehen, jeweils begründet da nur eine "Lane-Krüppel"-CPU mit jeweils x8/x8 PCI 3.0 zum Einsatz kam.


2018-09-22, 20:30:16
Auch bleibt die Frage welche und wieso diese Einstellungen ? Wieso bei SOTTR SMAA ? Wo grade bei TAA skalierung bei SLI 1080Ti so schlecht ist... Wildlands, wieso GPU Auslastung nur max. 87% wo bei 1080Ti 98% Die Leute Spielen nicht mit SLI, die Testen nur kurz :wink:

2018-09-23, 02:32:59
Auch bleibt die Frage welche und wieso diese Einstellungen ? Wieso bei SOTTR SMAA ? Wo grade bei TAA skalierung bei SLI 1080Ti so schlecht ist... Wildlands, wieso GPU Auslastung nur max. 87% wo bei 1080Ti 98% Die Leute Spielen nicht mit SLI, die Testen nur kurz :wink:

Hauptsache 3DMark's. :tongue: SotTR mit DX12 Explicit-mGPU speziell mit TAA ist etwas buggy und gelegentlich schwankende GPU-Auslastung, da würde jetzt NVLink auch keinen Unterschied machen, da muss der Entwickler Eidos Montréal nochmal ran.
Zu TC Wildlands hat der NVIDIA Treiber nur Standard-AFR aktiv, was etwas Leistung kostet, auch ist der Test stellenweise CPU limitiert und einfach nicht fordernd genug um zwei 2080Ti auszulasten, man hatte ja auch schon gesehen, daß sich die TITAN V sowie RTX 2080Ti in diesem Benchmark-Flybye kaum vom Pascal-Vorgänger absetzen konnten. Viel ärgerlicher warum der dann auch noch Temporal AA deaktiviert, daß da keine 100% Mehrleistung bei rauskommen können ist doch prinzipbedingt völlig logisch, aber so 60-70% sollten es allemal sein!
Ja, das muss man wieder alles selber testen, solch 0815-Reviews sind da wenig aussagekräftig.

2018-09-23, 05:41:31
Guys, is there any good profile for DEUS EX mankind divided, that works with x8 lanes? Also a good profile for DQ XI? Or do you suggest jumping to a mobo and CPU with x16x16 lanes? Do you recommend any?

2018-09-23, 07:33:24
Guys, is there any good profile for DEUS EX mankind divided, that works with x8 lanes? Also a good profile for DQ XI? Or do you suggest jumping to a mobo and CPU with x16x16 lanes? Do you recommend any?
4K ? SLI. jumping to a mobo and CPU with x40 lanes.

2018-09-23, 13:31:34
Does anyone have a good profile for Hunt: Showdown?
Tried 0x080120F5 and 0x080000F5 but scaling is pretty bad.

Look at this link https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1452543150

Dont forgert to Add on the game profil : Huntgame.exe

2018-09-23, 15:18:08
4K ? SLI. jumping to a mobo and CPU with x40 lanes.

Which one do you recommend?

By the way i found a good DEUS EX MANKIND DIVIDED profile (the overwatch SLI bits)

Now all i need is a good DRAGON QUEST XI Profile

2018-09-23, 19:03:08
I'm curious what NVLink can do for SLI scaling on x8/x8. It might make SLI viable on CPUs/boards with only 16 lanes, which would be pretty nice since the CPUs with the best gaming performance right now don't have the lanes for SLI (and PLX mobos don't exist anymore, it seems). I hope some decent benchmarks come out.

2018-09-23, 23:12:31
Guys, is there any good profile for DEUS EX mankind divided, that works with x8 lanes? Also a good profile for DQ XI? Or do you suggest jumping to a mobo and CPU with x16x16 lanes? Do you recommend any?

What is your specific problem with Deus Ex Mankind Divided, just poor SLI-Scaling or mainly Stutter? I know a better custom SLI Profile which allows a smoother Experience , but i am not sure if it helps for PC-systems with 16 lanes-only. I was send you a private message with some questions even related to DQ XI , need to know some more details.

I'm curious what NVLink can do for SLI scaling on x8/x8. It might make SLI viable on CPUs/boards with only 16 lanes, which would be pretty nice since the CPUs with the best gaming performance right now don't have the lanes for SLI (and PLX mobos don't exist anymore, it seems). I hope some decent benchmarks come out.

Still waiting for my Cards. :) I got my NVLink-bridge (https://abload.de/img/nvlink-ftwchdi25qdyr.jpg) already some Days ago. I'll check that definitely, even with 5K including TAA in affected PC-Games, where an HB-bridge has already reach its limit.

2018-09-23, 23:27:23
Which one do you recommend?
By the way i found a good DEUS EX MANKIND DIVIDED profile (the overwatch SLI bits)
Now all i need is a good DRAGON QUEST XI Profile
In Deus Ex with the patches introduced a good support for SLI. I looked again at the game. SLI works as it should (99%). Mainboard any. I myself still use x79 (with PCIe 3.0 fix)
DRAGON QUEST XI with activation of TAA profiles do not work. TAA completely removes the flicker.

2018-09-24, 03:33:32
Still waiting for my Cards. :) I got my NVLink-bridge (https://abload.de/img/nvlink-ftwchdi25qdyr.jpg) already some Days ago. I'll check that definitely, even with 5K including TAA in affected PC-Games, where an HB-bridge has already reach its limit.
Good to hear, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what results you get. :smile:

2018-09-24, 03:39:14
I'm curious what NVLink can do for SLI scaling on x8/x8. It might make SLI viable on CPUs/boards with only 16 lanes, which would be pretty nice since the CPUs with the best gaming performance right now don't have the lanes for SLI (and PLX mobos don't exist anymore, it seems). I hope some decent benchmarks come out.

I hope too, because it’s been a mess so far for us owners of x8/x8 lanes mobos

2018-09-24, 03:46:53
What is your specific problem with Deus Ex Mankind Divided, just poor SLI-Scaling or mainly Stutter? I know a better custom SLI Profile which allows a smoother Experience , but i am not sure if it helps for PC-systems with 16 lanes-only. I was send you a private message with some questions even related to DQ XI , need to know some more details.

Still waiting for my Cards. :) I got my NVLink-bridge (https://abload.de/img/nvlink-ftwchdi25qdyr.jpg) already some Days ago. I'll check that definitely, even with 5K including TAA in affected PC-Games, where an HB-bridge has already reach its limit.

Please share the SLI profile for DE: Mankind divided, still having bad scaling and stuttering on x8/x8 SLI, also DQ XI has bad scaling with the profiles that don’t have graphical glitches, and those that have better scaling, produce the shadow flicker problem, looking forward to your findings, the ROTTR profile works amazingly well on x8 lanes

2018-09-24, 19:26:24
Here is a better SLI bit for Dragon Quest XI, no flickering or missing graphical fx with a small performance boost.

Thanks @Neorwin!! This is the best profile for me so far, with best performance... but the Intro movie does flicker, but can be solved if I press 'Esc' and re-enter the game. Using GTX 660x2 and getting 60 fps most of the time, and occasionally dips to 50 on heavy cutscenes.

2018-09-24, 19:37:01
Here is a better SLI bit for Dragon Quest XI, no flickering or missing graphical fx with a small performance boost.

Thanks @Neorwin. This is the best profile that is working for me with the least slowdowns and graphical glitches.. using GTX 660x2, mostly 60 fps for me ;D

For Dragon Quest. Quick fix to SlI Specific Hacks (DX1x), change 0x00010000 to 0x00110000 fixes a small graphic glitch that happens sometimes with the twinkling item spots on the ground visually disappearing.

The only thing is the flickering intro movie, which can be fixed if I `Esc` and return to game.. also the shimmering items lose the sparkle (The Sli specific hakcs (DX1x) fix didn't work for me)

2018-09-25, 07:17:04
Thanks @Neorwin!! This is the best profile for me so far, with best performance... but the Intro movie does flicker, but can be solved if I press 'Esc' and re-enter the game. Using GTX 660x2 and getting 60 fps most of the time, and occasionally dips to 50 on heavy cutscenes.

Thanks @Neorwin. This is the best profile that is working for me with the least slowdowns and graphical glitches.. using GTX 660x2, mostly 60 fps for me ;D

The only thing is the flickering intro movie, which can be fixed if I `Esc` and return to game.. also the shimmering items lose the sparkle (The Sli specific hakcs (DX1x) fix didn't work for me)

Good to hear. Yeah the shimmering items losing they're sparkle thing seems to happen on and off in my game too, I didn't notice it happen until I got farther into the game but it happens far less then it did before the Sli specific hacks (DX1x) fix. I have taken a break from trying to find better Sli bits but I will try again soon. Also if you don't mind the sparkles disappearing a bit more you can get a 10 - 20 fps increase with this set of Sli bits.

Can also try (Sli specific hacks (DX1x) fix) Adding 0x00000020 to 0x00110000, to make 0x00110020 to help with bandwidth for 4K. But it can make the shimmering items losing they're sparkle thing worse.

2018-09-25, 07:34:43
Please share the SLI profile for DE: Mankind divided, still having bad scaling and stuttering on x8/x8 SLI, also DQ XI has bad scaling with the profiles that don’t have graphical glitches, and those that have better scaling, produce the shadow flicker problem, looking forward to your findings, the ROTTR profile works amazingly well on x8 lanes

If my Sli bits don't scale as good as the one that does, try adding the 0x10000000, 0x04000000 or 0x14000000 to my bits. Like this 0x10002AF5, 0x04002AF5 or 0x14002AF5, see if that helps scaling. Also could try with the bits I just added to my last post and/or combine with 0x10000000, 0x04000000 or 0x14000000 to get even more performance/scaling.

Can also try (Sli specific hacks (DX1x) fix) Adding 0x00000020 to 0x00110000, to make 0x00110020 to help with bandwidth for 4K. But it can make the shimmering items losing they're sparkle thing worse. If you do this try with the bits I just posted without 0x10000000, 0x04000000 or 0x14000000 first.

2018-09-26, 03:13:09
I will try, just trying to get the best performance on a x8/x8 mobo and i found that there are fewer profiles that work well with it , so maybe you guys can recommend a good cpu mobo combination that has x16/x16 for SLI

2018-09-26, 09:42:32
I will try, just trying to get the best performance on a x8/x8 mobo and i found that there are fewer profiles that work well with it , so maybe you guys can recommend a good cpu mobo combination that has x16/x16 for SLI
I would wait for someone seasoned here to get NVLink and see if that does the magic we know it should do. If that's the case, then I'd literally consider a pair of 2000 series cards and NVLink over getting a X299 or X399 system... the former's CPUs are distinctly slower than what 6700K+ do clock-for-clock (and 9900K will be an excellent gaming/multimedia CPU) and the latter requires so much work and tweaking and a beefy cooling system which will still cause problems when aiming for high refresh gaming.

Check out all your options first.

2018-09-26, 12:45:43
I'm kind of in the same boat, I'm looking forward to see what NVLink can do since I don't really want to build a Skylake-X or Threadripper system (I don't need the cores or the quad-channel RAM). It would be logical for the increased bandwidth to alleviate PCIe bottlenecks, but I'll take a wild guess and assume it won't be that simple because of DX12.

DX12 multi-GPU is not SLI. Since DX12 multi-GPU is not vendor specific, I don't think it makes use of the SLI bridge and as such I don't think it will make use of NVLink either. I'm afraid that even if NVLink solves problems when actual SLI is used, it won't help in generic DX12 mGPU and x8/x8 systems may suffer anyway. We'll have to see, but even with NVLink having 2 cards on systems with insufficient lanes may not be wise.

I wish mobos with PLX chips were still made. My Z97 board has 32 lanes for graphics cards but there haven't been any motherboards newer than Z270 which provide the same feature, as far as I know. Neither Intel nor AMD boards have it, so x299 and x399 remain the only expensive and gaming-suboptimal options.

2018-09-27, 09:41:18
I'm kind of in the same boat, I'm looking forward to see what NVLink can do since I don't really want to build a Skylake-X or Threadripper system (I don't need the cores or the quad-channel RAM). It would be logical for the increased bandwidth to alleviate PCIe bottlenecks, but I'll take a wild guess and assume it won't be that simple because of DX12.

DX12 multi-GPU is not SLI. Since DX12 multi-GPU is not vendor specific, I don't think it makes use of the SLI bridge and as such I don't think it will make use of NVLink either. I'm afraid that even if NVLink solves problems when actual SLI is used, it won't help in generic DX12 mGPU and x8/x8 systems may suffer anyway. We'll have to see, but even with NVLink having 2 cards on systems with insufficient lanes may not be wise.

I wish mobos with PLX chips were still made. My Z97 board has 32 lanes for graphics cards but there haven't been any motherboards newer than Z270 which provide the same feature, as far as I know. Neither Intel nor AMD boards have it, so x299 and x399 remain the only expensive and gaming-suboptimal options.
Well, not exactly. DX12 DOES use SLI. Most devs simply do not. There are bits in it for programs in the driver when checking with NVPI. The problem is, bandwidth is bandwidth but if they're using tech that is too bandwidth heavy then I don't know what'll save you besides PCI/e 5.0

2018-09-27, 19:53:40
I know there's a field for DX12 SLI bits in NVPI - but I've never seen it actually used and the DX12 mGPU games I've personally played work with SLI disabled and even with the bridge disconnected, since they don't actually use SLI. Do you know of any examples which actually use SLI in DX12? I'd be curious to try one out and see how it performs.

2018-09-29, 19:00:08
I know there's a field for DX12 SLI bits in NVPI - but I've never seen it actually used and the DX12 mGPU games I've personally played work with SLI disabled and even with the bridge disconnected, since they don't actually use SLI. Do you know of any examples which actually use SLI in DX12? I'd be curious to try one out and see how it performs.
Only one so far is Timespy, I think. I just meant that DX12 isn't anti-SLI... the devs are. It's like how 99% of games that use SMAA ignore SMAA x4 (which is SMAA + MSAA pretty much) because of the huge perf hit.

2018-09-29, 19:31:41
Updated SLI information for Insurgency: Sandstorm

since the last update, i got massive screen flickering with this sli bits

Original SLI post
3DCenter SLI thread (#2924) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11786771&postcount=2924)

The problem with the most recent patch is due to using the SLI broadcast flag.
Unfortunately turning it off will result in slightly negative scaling in the main menu.

So for now the only SLI solution is to use "0x080000F1" combined with setting "0x00A06746" to "0x00010020".
No other variation produces a reasonable result without serious downsides.