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2001-04-03, 01:54:47
Wer ist so nett und so schlau und kann mir das mal richtig verständlich zu Gemüte führen ? AVIA etc.
naj - ich kann nur so viel sagen das die CPUs der Serien AVIA und AXIA so gut wie immer mit 1400 (Luftkühlung) und wesentlich weiter (WAK oder Vapochill) - der weiteste war so viel ich weis 2145 MHz!!!!!!!!!!
2001-04-03, 14:14:01
Ok, ganz super verständlich isses net:
Which numbers am I looking for?
The numbers listed on your AMD CPU core look something like this:
The red letters are commonly accepted as the stepping code for AMD Thunderbird CPU.
The first digit of the third line is represented in green. We have found this digit represented as both a number and a letter. It is an important factor in determining the overclockability of the AMD thunderbird.
The 3rd line digit Correlation
We have discovered that the first digit of the 3rd line is either represented by a number or letter: 9, Y, F and Z have been common. The exact digit does not seem to make a difference. Whether it is a letter or number seem to have made a major difference, so during the course of our article we will simply refer to it a as a "Y" for a letter or as the "#" sign to represent a number.
2001-04-04, 13:09:43
Hatte irgendwie Hoffnung auf eine genauere Auskunft. Trotzdem danke für die Mühe !!!
2001-04-04, 18:13:16
Versuch's mal hier
Ist zwar in Englisch, aber recht brauchbar...
2001-04-04, 23:37:29
2001-04-05, 17:59:37
uups, Leonidas hatte das gleiche...
Mittwoch war nicht mein Tag...
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