Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Opera Developer

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2013-10-24, 14:36:08
Also, nach dem Opera 18 ja kürzlich in den Next-Channel gekommen ist, gibt es nun eine neue Developer-Version:

Opera 19 Developer is here!
Opera Developer 19.0.1300.0


Advanced settings exposed to power-users
Create your own theme from the themes manager (flag is off by default)
OS X Mavericks fixes
Ported chrome.proxy API
Stop Adobe Flash from blocking accented and Cyrillic characters input when executable is called opera.exe

Known issues

Mouse gestures do not work properly
Renderer crash on a polish site (http://www.wykop.pl)
Facebook is scrolled all the way to the top when click on any picture/video post
Speed Dial extensions not displaying content

Full changelog (http://files.myopera.com/mariagp/blog/changelog.19.0.1300.0.txt)

Übrigens, ich habe den Vorschlag aufgenommen das die Opera-Threads umbenannt werden, damit das Ganze etwas übersichtlicher wird. Das bedeutet, die Threads heißen nun nicht mehr Opera 17, Opera 18, Opera 19 usw., sondern es gibt nur noch 3 Threads nach den entsprechenden Channels. Somit gibt es jetzt Opera Stable (aktuell ist das Version 17), Opera Next (aktuell ist das Version 18) und eben Opera Developer (aktuell ist das Version 19).

Highlights aktualisiert

2013-10-25, 14:40:12

etwas ot. ist der mail client endgueltig weg aus dem browser ?, fahre noch mit 12.16 und ab 15 haben die es getrennt. Bis jetzt habe ich nur seamokey gefunden der das noch hat, kennt jemand noch was ?


2013-10-25, 14:46:52
Ja, Opera Mail gibts jetzt getrennt und wird nicht mehr integriert. Weitere Browser-Mail-Suites kenn ich auch nicht.

2013-11-04, 17:18:59
New Opera 19 Developer update
Opera Developer 19.0.1310.0

New Task Manager

Full changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog19/#b1310.0)

2013-11-18, 17:08:29


Battlefield 4 plug-in crash fixed
Experimental synchronization support
Opt-in usage data sharing
Quick-Access Bar renamed to Bookmarks Bar

Known problems

DNA-13623: Default Speed Dials can be deleted when synced if region settings are changed
DNA-13546: Speed Dial folders consisting only of extensions can be deleted when syncing

2013-11-22, 13:12:42
(Endlich darf ich auch mal wieder :D)

Opera Developer update day! – 19.0.1326.0 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2013/11/opera-developer-update-day-19-0-1326-0/)

I have the pleasure of announcing that this is the last update of 19th version, You can already get excited about what is waiting just around the corner.


Opera Stash Extensions API
DNA-12828 “Create search engine” dialog does not save encoding
Update chromium to 1700.6

Full Changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog19/#b1326.0)


2013-12-10, 16:10:15
So, es gibt eine neue Developer-Version, Opera 20 ist da ...

Plenty in twenty
Opera Developer 20.0.1346.0


Extensions chrome.downloads API (DNA-13993)
Drag tabs onto the bookmarks bar (DNA-12485)
Confirm exit when using Command–Q (DNA-12338) (Mac only)
Improved stash screenshots (DNA-13588). No more blurry scaled snapshots, hopefully (NB: we haven’t tested every URL on the Web)
Improved drag and drop between Speed Dial and Bookmarks Bar (DNA-12723)
Performance improvements of theme loading (DNA-12816)
Settings | Advanced: Use smaller speed dial thumbnails (DNA-12781)
Settings | Power-user: Width and Height of speed dial thumbnails (DNA-12781)

Full changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog20/#b1346.0)

Tja, so wie das aussieht, muss ich mich wohl endgültig vom "normalen" Bookmarks Menü (wie bis Opera 12) verabschieden!?
Anscheinend wird es nur noch die Bookmarks bar geben!?

2013-12-17, 16:54:40
Last Opera Developer update of 2013
Opera Developer 20.0.1353.0


Chromium updated to 33.0.1726.0
Crash- and bug fixes

Full changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog20/#b1353.0)

2014-01-06, 19:32:50
So, ich habe nun den Sprung zu Opera 20 gewagt, denn inzwischen sind genug Features wieder dabei, um den guten alten 12er abzulösen :)

Allerdings: Wie kommt man denn nun zu Advanced Settings resp. in den früheren opera:config? opera:config öffnet nur noch die ganz normalen Settings. Da gibt es zwar eine Checkbox für Show Advanced Settings, aber irgendwie bewirkt die nichts...

Konkret würde ich gern erstens die volle Adresse in der Adressleiste sehen (inkl. http://www etc), zweitens den Cache-Ort verschieben, drittens die Default-Search-Engine auf was Anderes als Google/Yahoo/Bing legen.

Oh, und was auch noch zu fehlen scheint, ist die Möglichkeit, Zertifikats-Ausnahmen dauerhaft hinzufügen können für selbst ausgestellte Zertifikate.

2014-01-06, 20:26:57
opera:flags bringt dich ans Ziel.

2014-01-06, 20:59:36
Oh, sind schonmal mehr Optionen vorhanden, danke :) Leider keine Einstellungen zu den mir wichtigen Punkten Cache-Location, volle Adresse in Adressleiste und Default-Search-Engine.

2014-01-08, 13:10:09
Mir fehlt auch die Einstellungsvielfalt. Da ich den Browsercache nicht abstellen kann, ist Opera Next noch auf einer HDD. Nutzen tue ich es auch nur für wenige Seiten. Zumindest habe ich es endlich geschafft, Direct3D abzuschalten.
Opera:flags sollte eigentlich mit in Opera:config rein

2014-01-09, 15:08:07
New network installer comes to Opera Developer
Opera Developer 20.0.1376.0


New lightweight network installer for Windows
Stopped using Address Book for autofill on Mac
Generic search icon in address field on Speed Dial
New Encoding menu

Known issues

Extension pop-out windows are blank on Windows List of recently closed tabs is always empty

Full changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog20/#b1376.0)

2014-01-13, 12:32:07
Opera Developer 20.0.1380.1


Big Speed Dial thumbnails are turned on by default

Known Issues

Extension pop-out windows are blank on Windows
List of recently closed tabs is always empty

Full changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog20/#b1380.1)

2014-01-23, 18:29:50
Opera Developer 20.0.1387.2 update

Clearing of session cookies when quitting Opera
New chrome extensions API - chrome.proxy and chrome.downloads
JavaScript dialogs have changed

Known issues:

Broken extension pop-out windows on Windows

Full changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog20/#b1387.2)

2014-01-27, 19:01:02
Updated network installer
Opera Developer 20.0.1387.9


Updated network installer
Fixed onbeforeunload dialogs
Various site-compatibility problems on secure sites resolved

Known issues

Various keyboard issues
Extension pop-out windows are [still] empty

Full changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog20/#b1387.9)

2014-01-31, 16:12:02
Opera Developer update – 20.0.1387.16


Extensions popup is fixed (Yay!)

Full changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog20/#b1387.16)

2014-02-21, 14:16:41
So, Opera 21 hat das Licht des Internets erblickt ... ;)

Opera 21 Developer stream today!
Opera Developer 21.0.1419.0

The main highlight is integration of Aura on Windows. Aura is a hardware-accelerated rendering of the browser, including the user-interface. This enables less-taxing UI animations and a general sleeker and more responsive feel to the whole UI.

Known issues

Non-native scrollbars and buttons on internal pages
Norwegian partner content (Speed Dials) may show up in other regions on Windows XP

Full changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog21/#b1419.0)

2014-02-24, 21:17:06
Ctrl + Backspace = Eine Seite zurück, wie nervig ist das denn :mad: Ich will doch nur ein Wort löschen... War das bei Opera 20 auch schon so? Wäre mir bestimmt aufgefallen

[edit] Oh, man kann wieder die vollständigen Adressen anzeigen lassen, super :D

2014-02-27, 13:09:54
War dein eingegebener Text zumindest wieder da als du wieder die Seite vorwärts navigiert bist? Bei Opera bis 12 war es so...



2014-02-28, 00:22:33
Dass die angezeigten Seiten wirklich gecached wurden, ist auch eins der tollen Features von Opera 12, denen ich nachtrauere. Nein, mit Opera Dev (also 21) muss ich *zurück* navigieren, und dann kann der Text wieder da sein, oder auch nicht. Ich glaube, das ist nun allein vom JS des Eingabefensters abhängig, ob da etwas zwischengespeichert wird oder nicht - scheint jedenfalls nicht konstant zu sein.

2014-02-28, 12:11:46
Das ist echt traurig. Eine zuverlässige Cache-Funktion, die auch Text stets wiederherstellt, ist für mich essenziell bei einem Browser. Wenn das in Opera 20 Final auch noch fehlen sollte, bleibe ich zwangsläufig weiterhin beim Firefox.

2014-03-06, 18:41:12
Opera Developer 21.0.1432.0


The Off Road section of the help page is displayed after turning on Off Road Mode for the first time
Bookmarks dragged from Bookmarks Bar to Tab Bar are opening in the proper place

Known issues:

Some Speed Dial thumbnails are not generated when a new page is saved to Speed Dial
Downloads pop-out can refuse to Open on Mac

Full changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog21/#b1432.0)

2014-03-06, 22:20:27
Dass die angezeigten Seiten wirklich gecached wurden, ist auch eins der tollen Features von Opera 12, denen ich nachtrauere. Nein, mit Opera Dev (also 21) muss ich *zurück* navigieren, und dann kann der Text wieder da sein, oder auch nicht. Ich glaube, das ist nun allein vom JS des Eingabefensters abhängig, ob da etwas zwischengespeichert wird oder nicht - scheint jedenfalls nicht konstant zu sein.

Löst vielleicht der Eintrag "Restore contents of contenteditable elements" unter opera:flags dein Problem?

In Opera 20 wurde bei mir übrigens bisher jeder Text in Eingabefeldern wiederhergestellt, wenn ich zurücknavigierte, einen geschlossenen Tab wieder öffnete oder sogar den Browser mittendrin beendete. Habe das gerade auch mal mit genau diesem Beitrag hier getestet. Funktioniert tadellos - auch ohne, dass ich obigen Flags-Eintrag aktiviert habe. Aber kann natürlich Zufall sein, denn ich nutze Opera mit Blink ja erst seit ein paar Tagen als Haupt-Browser.

2014-03-06, 22:54:52
Grade hier in der Direkt-Antwort getestet (as usual unfreiwillig mittels Ctrl+Backspace, um vermeintlich ein Wort zu löschen...), und es funktioniert bei mir nicht. Das Flag teste ich gleich mal, danke für den Hinweis!

[edit]Nein, bewirkt nichts :/

2014-03-07, 00:06:02
Schade. Ich muss allerdings dazusagen, dass ich bei mir die erweiterten Tastenfunktionen deaktiviert habe. Bei STRG+Rücktaste wird bei mir also tatsächlich wie gewünscht ein ganzes Wort gelöscht und nicht zurücknavigiert. Aber ist wie gesagt Opera 20. Zur 21 kann ich nichts sagen.

2014-03-07, 21:45:39
Ich muss allerdings dazusagen, dass ich bei mir die erweiterten Tastenfunktionen deaktiviert habe. Bei STRG+Rücktaste wird bei mir also tatsächlich wie gewünscht ein ganzes Wort gelöscht und nicht zurücknavigiert.Das "also" passt hier nicht ganz, finde ich weil es keinen logischen Zusammenhang zwischen erweiterten Tastenfunktionen und Ctrl+Backspace gibt ;) Habe die erweiterten Tastaturfunktionen nämlich auch deaktiviert, und laut Beschreibung der Opera-Navigation wäre eigentlich Alt+Backspace für Zurücknavigieren gedacht. Vielleicht ist es also einfach ein Bug der aktuellen Opera Dev Version, und es ist mir ja bewusst, dass es eigentlich Beta-Software ist.

Also halb so schlimm :)

2014-03-12, 15:48:43
Opera Developer 21.0.1432.5 – fun with tabs! (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/03/opera-developer-21-0-1432-5/)

Changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog21/#b1432.5)

2014-03-12, 16:03:02
#tab-hibernation – If a background tab is inactive (does not load anything including XHRs, plays any media, plug-in is not streaming any data, or a script is not changing page’s title/favicon) for 40 seconds its process gets suspended and swapped out (causing process memory usage drops significantly).

Na hoffentlich lässt sich das abschalten. RAM hab ich genug.

2014-03-12, 16:37:19
#restore-contenteditables-state – the content of elements with contenteditable=”true” is restored on session restoration/history navigation.Verstehe ich das richtig, dass damit das Verhalten von Opera <15 bei Textboxen wieder da ist!? =)
(in eine Textbox eingegebener Text ist wieder da wenn man zu ihr zurück navigiert)

Na hoffentlich lässt sich das abschalten. RAM hab ich genug.Sicher läßt sich das abschalten, ist doch ein Flag. Also Opt-in, zumindest bis auf Weiteres.


2014-03-12, 17:01:10
Verstehe ich das richtig, dass damit das Verhalten von Opera <15 bei Textboxen wieder da ist!? =)
(in eine Textbox eingegebener Text ist wieder da wenn man zu ihr zurück navigiert)r

Der Eintrag ist auch in Opera 20 schon Teil von opera:flags. Aber auch ohne ihn aktiviert zu haben, wurde Text in Eingabefeldern bei mir bisher zuverlässig wiederhergestellt, wenn ich zurücknavigierte, einen Tab wiederherstellte oder teils sogar den Browser neu startete. Vielleicht hatte ich Glück - oder es liegt nicht am Browser, sondern ist seitenabhängig?

2014-03-26, 16:42:54
Opera Developer 21.0.1432.24 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/03/opera-developer-21-0-1432-24/)


Chromium Update 34.0.1847.76
Dragging speed dial items onto bookmark bar moves one of them to a speed dial folder
Sliding toolbars disappear when switching tabs

Known issues

[MAC] Bookmark titles truncated

Changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog21/#b1432.24)

2014-03-26, 18:05:27
Opera Developer 21.0.1432.24 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/03/opera-developer-21-0-1432-24/)

Ok, wobei mich das doch etwas überrascht???
Ich hätte normalerweise nicht mehr mit einer 21er Developer-Version gerechnet, sondern eher (so wie auch in der Vergangenheit), das die 21er Version in den Next-Channel geht und kurz danach dann eine 22er Developer-Version erscheint???

2014-03-31, 15:23:15
So, nach dem die 21er jetzt Next-Version ist, gibt es auch bei der Developer eine neue Version ...

Developer 22!
Opera Developer 22.0.1457.0

"Nonetheless, 22 is a major update and includes hundreds of bug fixes, crash fixes and site rendering improvements (see our changelog for the full list)."


Update to Chromium 35.0.1883.0
Silent update
New default themes
Encoding menu

Full changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog22/#b1457.0)

2014-03-31, 21:04:37
Ctrl + Backspace ist immer noch Seite zurück, verdammt! Ich will wieder Wörter löschen können :freak:

2014-04-03, 14:43:44
Opera Developer 22.0.1460.0, now easier to update than ever

Known issues

opera:extensions and opera:plugins are blank
opera://about/thanks is shown as plain text

Full changelog Opera 22 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog22/#b1460.0)

2014-04-03, 14:52:15
Also, das mit dem Silent-Update hat bei mir ohne Probleme funktioniert. Es erscheint nicht mehr das Fenster mit der Frage, ob man das Upgrade jetzt durchführen will und es kommt auch keine UAC-Abfrage mehr, die man bestätigen muss.

Known issues

opera:extensions and opera:plugins are blank

Hmm, hatte mich schon gewundert, warum bei den Extensions alles leer ist, aber auf der Add-On Seite von Opera z. B. Adblock Plus als Installed angezeigt wird. ;)

2014-04-10, 23:13:51
Hm, kann man sich in Opera Dev irgendwie die Zertifikate der aktuell besuchten Website anzeigen lassen? Per Klick auf das Symbol in der Adressleiste zeigt es nur rudimentärste Infos an.

Konkret suchte ich nach dem Datum, um zu sehen, auf welchen Heartbleed-betroffenen Seiten man schon das PW ändern kann... ;) Muss zum Checken des Zertifikats derzeit auf den guten alten Opera 12 zurückgreifen

2014-04-23, 15:20:04
Opera Developer 22.0.1471.5 update

Full changelog Opera 22 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog22/#b1471.5)

2014-04-23, 15:32:56
Opera Developer 22.0.1471.5 update

Full changelog Opera 22 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog22/#b1471.5)

Hmm, kann man dieses Silent Auto-Update auch abschalten, habe dazu auf die Schnelle leider nichts gefunden???

2014-04-28, 15:08:51
Opera Developer update 22.0.1471.8

This includes a couple of more fixes.

Full changelog Opera 22 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog22/#b1471.8)

2014-05-13, 16:40:58
Also, Opera 22 ist jetzt im Next-Channel, somit gibt es eine neue Developer Version, Opera 23.

Opera Developer 23: Now with Unprefixed CSS Transforms
Opera Developer 23.0.1499.0

Known issues

The page loading icon is in the wrong location on Windows

Full changelog Opera 23 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog23/#b1499.0)

2014-05-22, 18:18:05
Opera Developer update 23.0.1508.0: The Heart menu

The new Heart menu
Opera Turbo start-up time
Insecure content mixed in on secure pages
Preventing plug-in freezes
Pepper plug-ins

Known issues

Speed Dial extensions are not displayed on Speed Dial

Fixed issues

The tab-loading indicator is back in its correct position.

Full changelog Opera 23 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog23/#b1508.0)

2014-05-25, 19:25:40
Juhu, ich kann mit Ctrl + Backspace wieder Wörter löschen. Sobald Opera 23 stable ist, werde ich darauf wechseln und kann damit den 12er endlich als Standard-Browser ablösen :D

2014-06-02, 19:25:52
Opera Developer update 23.0.1514.1

Today we have a new selection of fixes, plus a minor but helpful UI modification. With this update our developer stream moves to version 23.0.1514.1.

Full changelog Opera 23 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog23/#b1514.1)

2014-06-04, 17:06:08
Opera Developer update 23.0.1522.0 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/06/opera-developer-update-silent-import/)

Import from other browsers on first run

We want the conversion from other browsers to Opera to be as convenient as possible, and with this build we’re doing a silent import on first run (or if you have an empty profile). The feature looks up your current default browser, and then imports passwords, cookies, history and bookmarks to get you up and running with Opera without having to start from scratch.

Changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog23/)

2014-06-07, 16:37:06
silent import (...) imports passwordsDass sowas überhaupt möglich ist, spricht doch Bände über die Sicherheit von im Browser gespeicherten Passwörtern, oder? :freak:

2014-06-07, 17:09:32
Ich nehme an, dass das mit Master-Passwort geschützte Passwortdatenbanken ausschließt.

2014-06-10, 20:15:06
Opera Developer update 23.0.1522.10

We’ve fixed a few bugs which were causing Opera crashes in some situations.

Opera 23 Developer would soon move to the Next stream.

Full changelog Opera 23 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog23/#b1522.10)

2014-06-17, 15:37:02
Opera Developer V24.0.1534.0 (http://get.geo.opera.com/ftp/pub/opera-developer/24.0.1534.0/) (und eine separate V24.0.1534.2 für Mac OS X (http://get.geo.opera.com/ftp/pub/opera-developer/24.0.1534.2/))

Changelog noch nicht verfügbar.

EDIT: Jetzt auch offiziell (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/06/opera-developer-23-pepper-flash-coming-opera/)

2014-06-23, 12:45:35
Opera 24 for Linux released on the Developer stream
Opera Developer 24.0.1537.0

2014-06-23, 14:57:56
Na endlich :-) Hats jemand schon auf einem 32 Bit Ubuntu getestet ? Ich komme erst heute Abend dazu zu testen.

2014-06-26, 13:39:45
Opera Developer 24: Tab Preview
Opera Developer 24.0.1543.0

Known issues:
Freeze on some Adobe Flash videos with HiDPI enabled
Printing broken on Windows

Full changelog Opera 24 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-24/#b1543.0)

2014-06-26, 21:42:23
dumme frage (ich bin grade mal testweise von der 12er auf die 23 umgestiegen):

gibt es eine möglichkeit, die alten tastenkombinationen weiterzuverwenden oder besser beliebige kombinationen zu definieren?

2014-07-08, 17:07:30
Opera Developer 24: Changes to tab preview and HTML5 H.264 video support (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/07/opera-developer-24-changes-tab-preview-html5-h-264-video-support/)

Changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-24/#b1555.0)

2014-07-10, 16:51:55
Solange die von mir so geschätzten Bookmarkfunktionen nicht implementiert werden, bleib ich lieber bei der 12er.

Wenn die nur wüßten, wie vielen das bei den neuen Versionen immer noch fehlt... na, vlt sind wir ja in 2-3 Jahren soweit.

2014-07-10, 19:28:17
In der aktuellen 24er müsste unter opera:flags ein Bookmark-Manager aktiviert werden können. Wie weit der fortgeschritten ist und ob der taugt, weiß ich aber nicht. Die arbeiten allerdings dran, wie's aussieht.

2014-07-15, 17:15:32
Opera Developer 24: Important fixes for H.264, tab previews and HiDPI (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/07/opera-developer-24-fixes-for-h264-tab-previews-hidpi/)

Changelog (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-24/#b1558.3)

2014-07-24, 17:23:49
Polishing up Opera Developer 24
Opera Developer 24.0.1558.17

Version 24.0.1558.17 contains only a few fixes but is still worth checking out.

Full changelog Opera 24 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-24/#b1558.17)

2014-07-28, 16:48:22
Opera Developer 24 updated to 24.0.1558.21

We’re still developing our new way of previewing tabs. In this version, we decided to disable previews in HiDPI mode. There are some rough edges which must be perfected before it is ready to go.

Full changelog Opera 24 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-24/#b1558.21)

2014-08-06, 13:07:18
Opera Developer 25 supports web notifications (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/08/opera-developer-25-supports-web-notifications/)

Auszug aus dem Changelog:

CHR-1026 Turn components into static libraries.
CHR-1115 Integrate DirectFB compositor code into master
CHR-1854 Run gn hooks in gyp_chromium
CHR-2038 Guard against bad input or OOM when converting Java bitmap to Skia bitmap
CHR-2292 Make it possible to have blink::WebPlugin’s scriptableObject as a v8 object instead of NPObject.
CHR-2368 Flash elements disappears after opening webinspector on windows
CHR-2487 HiDPI: Align DIP -> screen pixel conversions with Windows
CHR-2543 Implementation of MP3 and H.264 support
CHR-2771 Fix GMOCK warnings in PasswordManagerTest
CHR-2812 Create separate layer for root background at negative z-index.
CHR-2839 Support Chromium gcc 4.6 build
CHR-2856 Make it possible to use ffmpeg from system
CHR-2858 Enhance sync test server to show stored data.
* DNA-6866 Migration using ‘Opera Directory’ setting in operaprefs.ini does not work
* DNA-9185 Adding to stash on HTTP Authorization dialog
DNA-17356 Merge the netinstaller code into the installer
DNA-17364 DCHECK failure in AddressBarView::OnDidChangeFocus
* DNA-17954 HTML5 form validation
* DNA-17998 Calling IDC_EXIT does not close browser, when Omenu or context menu is opened.
DNA-18099 Installation bubble should be closed after clicking on it
DNA-20341 [Windows] Rename Opera Next to Opera beta – WP1
* DNA-20480 Label used in the OS password dialog does not provide any context
* DNA-20803 Content of the tab is moving for a short moment when sliding toolbar is sliding down on another tab
* DNA-20807 MOV files support

* = Bugfixes

Known Issue

Page crash on Gmail with Mac OS X 10.6 – To fix this please disable Proprietary audio codecs on opera://flags

2014-08-06, 19:05:05
Kann es sein, dass Opera mittlerweile heftig langsam erststartet? Nach einem Neustart, sogar ohne Update, gefühlt 20+ Sek. bis zum Fenster, dann nochmal 5-10 Sek. bis das Speeddial fertig ist.

Es ist kein HDD- oder OS-Problem, da andere Programme normal zügig starten.

2014-08-14, 16:34:22
Opera Developer 25 update: A first glance at bookmarks
Opera Developer 25.0.1592.0

For many of you, it is not actually a big surprise that we are working on a bookmark manager. But, in this release, the bookmark flag is enabled by default.

Furthermore, this update comes with many fixes for things like MP3, H.264, HiDPI and more.

Full changelog Opera 25 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-25/#b1592.0)

2014-08-14, 16:45:44
Hmm, schon und gut das an einer Bookmarksverwaltung gearbeitet wird, aber warum, warum, warum soll/muss es unbedingt eine Bookmarks bar sein??? Warum nicht ganz einfach so wie noch beim 12er Opera (oder auch wie bei anderen Browsern) einen Bookmarksfolder und fertig!!!???

2014-08-14, 16:59:51
Hmm, schon und gut das an einer Bookmarksverwaltung gearbeitet wird, aber warum, warum, warum soll/muss es unbedingt eine Bookmarks bar sein??? Warum nicht ganz einfach so wie noch beim 12er Opera (oder auch wie bei anderen Browsern) einen Bookmarksfolder und fertig!!!???

heurika ich werde mir das mal in der "opera next" version dann mal angucken aber bin gespannt, das mit den stash ist zwar nett aber langsam extrem nervig bei vielen seiten ...

2014-08-14, 17:06:13
heurika ich werde mir das mal in der "opera next" version dann mal angucken aber bin gespannt, das mit den stash ist zwar nett aber langsam extrem nervig bei vielen seiten ...

Tja, aber wenn ich das richtig in Erinnerung habe, wollen die sich viiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeel Zeit mit den Bookmarks lassen. Von daher kann es wahrscheinlich dauern, bis das in einer Next-Version auftaucht. ;)

2014-08-14, 17:14:28
Jeah, Bookmarks:

Jetzt noch Sync und eine Linux-Version, dann kann man mit Opera vielleicht wieder was anfangen.

2014-08-14, 18:28:54
Jetzt noch Sync und eine Linux-Version, dann kann man mit Opera vielleicht wieder was anfangen.

Den 25er gibt's doch schon für Linux. Oder meinst du Stable-/Next-Versionen?

2014-08-14, 20:31:49
Und Smooth-Scrolling! Dieses "Gespringe" beim scrollen mit dem Mausrad ist voll 1995... :mad:


2014-08-20, 18:39:02
Opera developer 25 update: From Developer to developer
Opera Developer 25.0.1597.0

This update comes with a few fixes for things like bookmarks, MP3, H.264 and more.

Known issues

We found some problems related to Web Notifications. Here’s some known issues that we’re working to fix:

There is no way to toggle notifications on or off in the Settings page
There is no way to deny a site’s request to serve notifications
The Settings page i crashing on OS X 10.7 and 10.8

Full changelog Opera 25 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-25/#b1597.0)

2014-09-01, 16:27:37
PDF viewer included in Opera developer 25 update
Opera developer 25.0.1606.0

- PDF viewer
- New online package installer for Windows

- Known issues
The issues mentioned last time have been fixed. But, development is a continuous process, and we’ve found another bug to be fixed in the future:

Switching tabs focuses the address field on both Windows and Linux.

Full changelog Opera 25 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-25/#b1606.0)

2014-09-05, 11:28:54
Mac goes to 64-bits, with Opera developer 25 update
Opera developer 25.0.1613.1

- Start page changes
- The right time to switch Mac to 64-bit

New 64-bit only API possibilities, with the upcoming release of Yosemite
Speed and security improvements – find out more on the chromium blog (http://blog.chromium.org/2014/08/mac-chrome-when-im-sixty-four-bits.html)
H.264 video now enabled on Mac, to support the transition from plug-ins
No new bugs (we hope!) http://www-static.opera.com/blogs/multi/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif

- Notes

H.264 video support is only available for Opera users on Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) and above (WebM video continues to work for all users)
Like Apple themselves, we no longer support Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)

Full changelog Opera 25 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-25/#b1613.1)

2014-09-10, 18:49:50
Opera developer 25: Gameium update
Opera developer 25.0.1614.5

Today we released an update to Opera developer 25. It contains a set of fixes, but the most important one is an update to Chromium 38.0.2125.8.

Full changelog Opera 25 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-25/#b1614.5)

2014-09-14, 16:18:07
Hmm, schon und gut das an einer Bookmarksverwaltung gearbeitet wird, aber warum, warum, warum soll/muss es unbedingt eine Bookmarks bar sein??? Warum nicht ganz einfach so wie noch beim 12er Opera (oder auch wie bei anderen Browsern) einen Bookmarksfolder und fertig!!!???

Das frag ich mich auch. So wie das jetzt gelöst ist, brauch ich viel länger, um eine gebookmarkte Seite zu finden, das ist in Version 12 nachwievor besser und für schnelleres surfen gemacht. Überhaupt, wenn ich mir das großklotzige Interface betrachte, scheint es eher für ein Smartphone gemacht zu sein, als für einen Maus/Desktop User. Die gleiche Kacke wie in Windows 8.

2014-09-14, 20:38:18
Opera 25 scheint nach der guten alten 12er Version etwas zu sein, über das man durchaus nachdenken könnte.
An das gute alte 12er kommts aber leider noch nicht so ganz ran. Die 'Opera Next' Versionen von 16 an und so nutze ich persönlich eigentlich gar nicht. Haben zu viele Rückschritte/Nachteile gegenüber der 12er Version, IMO.

Aber sehr schön ist, dass 25 die Settings vom alten 12er nutzt.

sei laut
2014-09-15, 18:21:45
Den 25er gibt's doch schon für Linux. Oder meinst du Stable-/Next-Versionen?
Gerade mal probiert, mit einem Debain Wheezy hat man Pech. ;(
(es braucht libc6 mit Version > 2-15, in Wheezy nutzt 2.13 - und libc6 ist grundlegend, das kann man nicht einfach aus Testing nehmen ohne ein dist-upgrade zu machen)
Download: http://get.geo.opera.com.global.prod.fastly.net/pub/opera-developer/25.0.1614.5/linux/opera-developer_25.0.1614.5_amd64.deb

2014-09-15, 18:44:31
Gerade mal probiert, mit einem Debain Wheezy hat man Pech. ;(
(es braucht libc6 mit Version > 2-15, in Wheezy nutzt 2.13 - und libc6 ist grundlegend, das kann man nicht einfach aus Testing nehmen ohne ein dist-upgrade zu machen)
Download: http://get.geo.opera.com.global.prod.fastly.net/pub/opera-developer/25.0.1614.5/linux/opera-developer_25.0.1614.5_amd64.deb

Es gibt seit heute eine neue Linux-Version --> Opera beta 25.0.1614.11 (ehemals Opera Next)


sei laut
2014-09-15, 19:00:39
Danke dir. Das weiß ich. Die hatte ich auch zuerst verlinkt.
Selbe Anforderung und damit nur für das nächste Debian, bzw. deren Hauptaugenmerk ist halt Ubuntu LTS, was ein neueres libc6 an Bord hat.

2014-09-20, 23:56:37
Mit gefällt das neue Speeddial so nicht. Ohne Namen unter den Icons habe ich ein Problem meine 6 eingestellten 3Dc-Unterforen auseinanderzuhalten. :-/


2014-09-23, 18:24:33
Opera developer updates to 26 and introduces bookmarks sharing (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/09/opera-developer-update-26-introduces-bookmarks-sharing/)

Known issues

The print dialog does not work
Scrolling performances issue inside internal pages
Mac crashes quite often (we have already narrowed down the issue and it should be fixed in the next developer build)

2014-10-07, 19:27:30
Opera developer now includes bookmark syncing and native Mac popover dialogs
Opera developer 26.0.1646.0

- Synced bookmarks
- Mac improvements
- Known issues

Mac crashes when the download dialog is accessed from multiple windows

Full changelog Opera 26 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-26/#b1646.0)

2014-10-17, 12:36:21
List tabs, preview printed pages in this Opera developer update
Opera developer 26.0.1655.0

- View your tabs as a list
- Preview pages before you print
- Import browser data silently consciously
- Import bookmarks and settings
- Known issue

Rapidly moving around in the tab menu can cause high CPU and a crash

Full changelog Opera 26 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-26/#b1655.0)

2014-10-24, 14:47:07
Update to Opera developer 26.0.1656.5

Known issue

Mac makes unwanted noises when starting to play H.264 videos on Yosemite (this is unrelated to the FFmpeg update in Chromium).

Full changelog Opera 26 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-26/#b1656.5)

2014-10-31, 16:45:10
So, Opera developer ist jetzt bei Version 27 angekommen ...

Sync Bookmarks between Your Phone and Your Computer
Opera developer 27.0.1670.0

Syncing Bookmarks with Android
Sync open tabs between computers
Improvements to the bookmarks manager

Full changelog Opera 27 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-27/#b1670.0)

2014-11-07, 17:02:01
Update to Opera developer 27.0.1676.0

A small update to Opera 27 on our development stream, so you have something new for the weekend. Some interesting improvements include making the Windows installer DPI aware (so looks great on HiDPI systems), further sync and tab menu improvements, a fix to the issue with the minimize button on Windows XP/Classic and the swipe animation now looks sharper on Mac.

Full changelog Opera 27 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-27/#b1676.0)

2014-11-09, 13:58:05
Könnt ihr Outlook Web Access nutzen ? Ich sehe immer nur einen weißen Bildschirm...

2014-11-13, 18:51:58
Update to Opera developer 27.0.1683.0

Lots of small fixes, improvements and tweaks, particularly to sync and the tab menu. In addition, the Hangouts PPAPI plugin is now detected on Linux.

Known issues

Dragging bookmarks into folders does not work. You can work around this via enabling the flag opera://flags/#bookmarks-multi-drag (which will also allow you to select and drag multiple bookmarks)

Full changelog Opera 27 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-27/#b1683.0)

2014-11-20, 16:43:12
Update to Opera developer 27.0.1689.0

We took a Chromium update (40.0.2202.3), added Speech Synthesis API support and fixed many bugs, especially on bookmarks and sync.

Known issues

Speech Synthesis is not working on Linux

Full changelog Opera 27 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-27/#b1689.0)

2014-11-21, 16:03:54
Update to Opera developer 27.0.1689.2

We felt bad about releasing a developer build yesterday with promised sync fixes, that could not actually login to sync! Therefore we decided to give you very small update with this issue fixed. We also fixed a very common crash bug on Linux and an issue where disabling tab menu in settings would not free its space on the tab bar.

Full changelog Opera 27 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-27/#b1689.2)

2014-11-22, 04:37:46
Noch immer keine Tabs über mehre Zeilen. Für mich das Killerfeature schlechthin, aber glaub das kommt nicht mehr. :frown::frown::frown:

Bleib dann wohl bei Waterfox.

2014-12-02, 18:06:35
Update to Opera developer 27.0.1689.13

Here is another update to Opera developer, bringing us to version 27.0.1689.13 (and Chromium version 40.0.2214.10). The main fixes on the Opera side revolve around security and stability improvements to syncing.

Known issues

Menu separators are missing in the Opera menu and context menus
Hovering titles in the tab menu show as white on white on Windows 7 and 8

Full changelog Opera 27 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-27/#b1689.13)

2014-12-05, 19:39:15
Update to Opera developer 27.0.1689.22

Known issues

Menu separators are missing in the Opera menu and context menus
Hovering titles in the tab menu show as white on white on Windows 7 and 8

Full changelog Opera 27 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-27/#b1689.22)

2014-12-19, 16:07:39
Also, da ja Opera 27 jetzt im beta-channel ist, gibt es mit Opera 28 eine neue developer Version ...

Opera developer 28.0.1719.0 update

- It includes a major version upgrade to Chromium (41.0.2236.0). It also includes more than 150 key fixes and improvements to Opera.

- Known issues

Opera crashes on activating find in page on Windows and Linux

Full changelog Opera 28 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-28/#b1719.0)

2015-01-08, 16:46:16
Update to Opera developer 28.0.1738.0

- Highly compressed packages
- Improved full screen
- Bookmarks menu improvements for everyone

Full changelog Opera 28 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-28/#b1738.0)

2015-01-08, 21:12:56
Stürzt immer noch ab beim Shortcut Ctrl+F zum Suchen...

2015-01-16, 17:24:21
Opera developer 28.0.1745.0 with bookmark improvements and visual updates

- Bookmark improvements
- Sync connection issues
- New bundled themes

- Known issues

For some users the folder selection in the bookmark popup is empty
Using the “Remove” button in the bookmark popup does not update the heart icon
Sync is not working for people connecting via us.sync.opera.com

Full changelog Opera 28 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-28/#b1745.0)

2015-01-17, 11:30:53
Ich weiß nicht ob ich der einzige bin mit dem Problem aber : Seit der Version 27.1689.2 kann ich Opera Dev nicht mehr nutzen, er laggt überall. Die Versionen davor klappen 1a !
Btw: Ich benutze Ubuntu Linux 14.10.

Edit : Hab den Grund gefunden, Haken bei aktivierter Hardwarebeschleunigung raus und alles ist smooth :-)

2015-01-19, 18:27:24
Update to Opera developer 28.0.1747.0

Two nice highlights include the heart now being disabled when bookmarks are moved to the trash via the “Remove” button in the bookmark popup. We also continue to add more “vibrancy” to drop downs for our MacOS X 10.10 (Yosemite) users. The address field drop down has just been updated as well.

Full changelog Opera 28 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-28/#b1747.0)

2015-01-28, 19:32:17
Update to Opera developer 28.0.1750.5

The stabilization of Opera 28 is now underway, meaning that all new features and major changes will be going into Opera 29. In this build we have fixed the most common crashers and we have updated Chromium. We think this build is getting close to beta quality, though there are a few more issues with the address bar that need to be fixed first.

Full changelog Opera 28 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-28/#b1750.5)

2015-02-02, 18:30:35
Update to Opera developer 28.0.1750.11

Today Opera developer 28 receives further stability enhancements to help bring it up towards beta quality. In addition, the internal Chromium version has been updated to 41.0.2272.35.

Full changelog Opera 28 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-28/#b1750.11)

2015-02-10, 17:54:42
Also, die neue developer Version ist jetzt Opera 29 ...

Sync your tabs with the new Opera developer 29
Opera developer 29.0.1770.1

Sync open tabs between devices
Sound notification icon on tabs
More to come

Full changelog Opera 29 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-29/#b1770.1)

2015-02-16, 12:36:34
Check out the updated history layout in Opera developer
Opera developer 29.0.1773.0

The latest developer releases of Opera included some new styling for internal pages. We’ve updated the history page to match. That means your history benefits by having a navigation bar and the crisp looks of our bookmark manager.

And, speaking of the navigation bar, we added a link to your history on our internal pages: Bookmarks, Speed Dial and the Discover feature. Click the History button on the far right to quickly return to pages you left or accidentally closed.

As always, we fixed several bugs and updated Chromium. It’s now at version 42.0.2292.0, so you are equipped to handle bleeding-edge web sites and apps.

Full changelog Opera 29 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-29/#b1773)

2015-02-18, 12:20:05
Update to Opera developer 29.0.1778.0

Today we updated Opera developer to 29.0.1778.0. This release is mainly about bug fixes and small improvements. A few common crashes found via our automated crash logging tool have also been resolved.

One minor, visual change you might notice is to the share dialog, which now better represents the bookmarks you are sharing with others.

Full changelog Opera 29 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-29/#1778.0)

2015-02-20, 12:35:27
Centered images in Opera developer
Opera developer 29.0.1781.0

Today’s update includes a small (but frequently requested) tweak to how we display links to images. Previously they left aligned and now they are centered. So no more turning your head hard left, when viewing images on your wide screen monitor!

Full changelog Opera 29 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-29/#b1781.0)

2015-02-24, 18:28:37
More mouse gestures in Opera developer 29
Opera developer 29.0.1785.0

Today’s developer build includes a update to our mouse gestures, adding back three useful gestures that trigger when clicking links.
Open link in a new tab (Down)
Open link in a new window (Shift + Down)
Open link in a new background tab (Ctrl + Down or Down + Up)

Known issues

The help page has not been updated to include these three gestures.

Full changelog Opera 29 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-29/#b1785.0)

2015-02-27, 17:13:22
Easily view tabs on other devices in Opera developer 29
Opera developer 29.0.1788.0

We have added a new way to view your open tabs, accessible via the start page. Simply click on the entry which is currently titled “Activity”. From there you, each of your synced devices will be listed. Now, click on any device name to see its list of open tabs.

Known issues

Crash on opening the identity (sync login) dialog
The share dialog cannot be easily dismissed
Using the tabs (activity) page in a private window crashes the browser

Full changelog Opera 29 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-29/#b1788.0)

2015-03-06, 17:43:21
Sidebar extensions, Speed Dial syncing and customizable shortcuts in Opera Developer 29
Opera developer 29.0.1794.0

Today we have a very interesting update to our developer channel, with almost 150 fixes and improvements and an update to Chromium (42.0.2305.3). The three major changes in this build are support for new sidebar extensions, updates to Speed Dial and keyboard shortcut customization.

Known issues

Speed Dial entries may initially show domain text (reload to work around)
Heart menu and bookmarks manager may show blank until you restart once
Mac may occasionally crash on exit
Keyboard focus is not placed in the sidebar panel when it is opened
The previously shown panel is not displayed if you reopen the sidebar
The default keyboard shortcuts for enabling the sidebar may change
No menu item to enable the sidebar under Unity on Linux

Full changelog Opera 29 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-29/#b1794.0)

2015-03-11, 18:14:39
Update to Opera developer 29.0.1795.0, plus a new sidebar extension subcategory

Full changelog Opera 29 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-29/#b1795.0)

2015-03-17, 18:39:03
Update to Opera developer 29.0.1795.14

Today’s update to developer starts the process of stabilization—to bring it up to beta quality. As you would therefore expect, all changelog entries are bugfixes rather than major feature improvements. In addition we have upgraded Chromium to 42.0.2311.11.

Full changelog Opera 29 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-29/#b1795.14)

2015-03-24, 13:02:27
Opera developer moves to version 30
Opera developer 30.0.1812.0

Today Opera developer has been updated to version 30 (30.0.1812.0). For this release we will continue to work on our extension sidebar implementation (already 20 sidebar extensions have appeared). We are also working to improve the features hidden behind various flags that have yet to be enabled. As always, there will be more information on those features when we set the flags to be on.

Known issues

Drop downs do not display correctly in HiPDI environments on Windows and Linux
The dialog shown for invalid certificates is displayed in wrong place on Mac
Incorrect preview behavior when switching tabs with keyboard shortcuts
Incorrect icon not shown in the title bar in some window managers under Linux

Full changelog Opera 30 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-30/#b1812.0)

2015-03-31, 21:26:07
Opera Developer 30, with tab cycling and an improved tab menu
Opera developer 30.0.1820.0

Today, we released Opera Developer 30.0.1820.0. This build re-envisions some of the classic Opera tab behaviors. You can now cycle tabs in order of the most-recent tabs used; and, if you use Opera’s sync services, you can see your open tabs from other devices in the tab menu.

Known issues

Drop-down menus do not display correctly in HiDPI environments on Windows and Linux
Tab menu is shown even with a single, quick Ctrl+Tab
Incorrect Opera icon shows in some instances under Linux

Full changelog Opera 30 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-30/#b1820.0)

2015-04-13, 18:38:12
Update to Opera developer 30.0.1833.0

We have a further update to Opera Developer. It includes a Chromium update (43.0.2334.0). We have also added support for MSE in conjunction with H.264 on recent versions of Mac and Windows, meaning that 60FPS H.264 videos will now play. Additionally, courgette is now used for updates on Windows, meaning even smaller updates than ever and hence more bandwidth saving.

Linux build will be available later, we have experienced some internal problems and weren’t able to prepare it for You on time.

Known issues

Blank popup windows on Mac
Pages not loading on some Windows XP machines

Full changelog Opera 30 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-30/#b1833.0)

2015-04-15, 18:07:27
Opera developer 30, now available as 32-bit on Linux

Today we provide a 32-bit Linux version of our previous developer release. Sadly, there is no Linux 64-bit version this time around—some changes we originally made to accommodate the 32-bit version on our build systems, actually broke the 64-bit version. We have already fixed the issue internally, so the next release should have both 32-bit and 64-bit versions for Linux.

Known issues

No 64-bit build this time—they will be back, in the next release.
You should use --no-install-recommends if test installing 32-bit Opera on a 64-bit system via apt or aptitude
opera://about may report “An error occurred while checking for updates”

2015-04-22, 18:14:48
Opera developer updated to 30.0.1835.5

Apart from bug fixes, there is a new Chromium 43.0.2351.3 in this build. I should also highlight, that we solved the issue with infinite loading of page on Windows XP – if you were among the affected by this bug, you can safely update to this version.

Known issues

No incremental patch this time for Windows – sorry
Linux version has higher number, but contain no extra fixes

Full changelog Opera 30 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-30/#b1835.5)

2015-05-07, 16:58:09
Opera 31 ist jetzt die neue developer-Version ...

Opera 31 on developer stream
Opera developer 31.0.1857.0

So far we’ve enabled Encrypted Media Extensions like Widevine DRM, while the rest of the features is hidden behind flags (happy hunting!). We will provide more information as we move on further into development of Opera 31.

Our changelog shows all the fixes and improvements, the biggest change being the bump to 44 version of Chromium as it always is with new Opera. After this major change, first developer builds can be more prone to cause some issues that you should be aware of:

Known issues

Some internal pages can’t be accessed, e.g. Print, Discover, Private window landing page is displayed incorrectly, Private window theme is missing
HTML5 videos are crashing renderer when using MSE

Full changelog Opera 31 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-31/#b1857.0)

2015-05-26, 18:44:42
Opera developer 31.0.1876.0 update

Chromium has been updated to version 44.0.2398.0. We have also fixed the print preview page and the annoying MSE bug with YouTube crashing like crazy is also gone.

- New style of controls and buttons
- New Discover page

Full changelog Opera 31 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-31/#b1876.0)

2015-06-18, 16:05:09
So, Opera 31 ist jetzt beta, deshalb gibt es eine neue developer Version, Opera 32 ...

Opera developer 32.0.1899.0 – password sync, animated themes and more

- Sync your passwords
- Get animated themes
- Check out some UI changes
- Get a native Mac toolbar
- Turbo 2
- More

- Known issues

Print preview is not available for PDF files (DNA-40049)
Drag and drop unavailable for bookmarks or folders in the side panel of bookmarks (DNA-40049)

Full changelog Opera 32 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-32/)

2015-06-30, 18:22:20
Opera developer 32.0.1910.0 – bookmarks tree view, heart popup and synchronization improvements

- Bookmarks tree view
- Heart menu customization
- Sync service improvements

Full changelog Opera 32 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-32/#b1910.0)

2015-06-30, 20:42:02
Wie funktioniert das Synchronisieren mit 2 PCs ? Habe da bislang mit dem Stable Zweig, das Problem mit doppelten, trippelten Lesezeichen...

2015-07-03, 15:36:33
Obige aktuelle Dev-Version unterstützt offenbar (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2015/07/opera-developer-32-0-1910-0-netflix-edition/) HTML5 bei Netflix.

2015-07-07, 19:07:45
Opera developer update 32.0.1918.0

- Space efficiency
- Password synchronization

Full changelog Opera 32 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-32/#b1918.0)

Changelog and download links (no Linux this time)

2015-07-07, 19:11:58
Ok, wenn ich das richtig verstehe, dann wird bei Opera darüber diskutiert, ob man wieder auf das frühere Bookmark-Menü (Bookmark Folder) zurück gehen sollte???

We had an interesting discussion about whether the bookmarks menu should remember the previously selected folder. We were quite divided. Let us know what you think.

2015-07-15, 18:13:00
Opera developer update 32.0.1926.0

Today, we have issued an update to a developer version of Opera browser. The new version number is 32.0.1926.0 It includes a couple of bug fixes. I hope you will like the new design on Mac as we introduced window vibrancy.

Full changelog Opera 32 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-32/#b1926.0)

2015-07-22, 16:45:57
Opera Developer 32.0.1933.0 update

Apart from the lengthy list of bug fixes and changes that you can check out in our changelog below, it also has an updated version of Chromium (to 45.0.2450.0).

Full changelog Opera 32 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-32/#b1933.0)

2015-08-21, 16:47:39
Opera 33 ist jetzt die neue/aktuelle developer Version ...

Opera developer 33.0.1963.0

Some of you may have noticed the new window vibrancy effect on Mac OS X in the Opera 32 developer release; we decided to postpose it until Opera 33, to make sure it looks perfect.

Full changelog Opera 33 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-33/#b1963.0)

2015-08-25, 18:21:04
Opera developer 33.0.1967.0 update

We already fixed some crashes and annoying bugs, so here’s an update for you. We’re aware of ‘every-10minutes-crash’ on Windows (with #autoupdate-notifications flag enabled).

Full changelog Opera 33 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-33/#b1967.0)

2015-09-10, 17:37:15
Opera developer 33.0.1982.0 update

There is a fix of a very annoying issue with opening links from external pages. We’ve also implemented cancel button in download popup. You can also test autoupdate notification (visible in Opera menu on Windows and as a notification dialog on Mac). We’ve improved stability and fixed a lot of bugs.
Chromium is upgraded to version 46.0.2486.0.

Known Issue: Flash plugin is not detectable on Mac and Linux – we will fix this in the next developer release.

Full changelog Opera 33 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-33/#b1982.0)

2015-09-23, 18:06:03
So, es gibt nun Opera 34 als neueste developer-Version ...

Opera developer 34.0.1996.0

Known issues:

DNA-43967 Displaying Tab Preview causes renderer to crash on Windows 8 and higher
DNA-43926 Misaligned items in menus
Flash plugin broken on Linux

Full changelog Opera 34 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-34/)

2015-10-08, 16:34:32
Opera Developer 34.0.2011.0 update

- Discover is News
- Share button on Mac
- Address bar recommendations
- MSE for MP3 support

- Crash fixes

Crash on Tab Preview – DNA-43967
Windows XP specific crash on various video and plugin pages – DNA-44020

- Known issues:

DNA-44479 “Add to bookmarks” / “Edit bookmark” pop-up misses folder select dropdown

Full changelog Opera 34 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-34/#b2011.0)

2015-10-20, 18:56:43
Opera developer 34.0.2023.0 update


– DNA-44658 Crash when adding or removing items from Speed Dial after synchronization has been fixed.
– DNA-44054 Crash on Mac when updating Opera and restarting with bookmarks bar enabled is fixed.
– DNA-44313 Crash on Ctrl+F in address bar when in opera:bookmarks has been fixed.
– DNA-44479 “Add to bookmarks” / “Edit bookmark” pop-up misses folder select dropdown – fixed.
– A number of Speed Dial glitches related to the #bookmarks-api-on-speed-dial flag has been fixed.
– DNA-41941 Icon for downloads in private mode is fixed.
– DNA-43138 Bookmark deduplication phase one has been implemented.
– DNA-44278 Blank suggestions in address bar popup have been fixed.

Known issues:

DNA-44543 Impossible to enter special characters in the address bar

Full changelog Opera 34 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-34/#b2023.0)

2015-10-23, 14:23:21
Opera developer 34.0.2026.0 update

This release is mainly a quick bugfix update. For the full list, please check the changelog, and for the tl;dr version please take a look at the following fix highlights:

– DNA-44277 – Ctrl+Enter on address field doesn’t load a page
– DNA-44509 – [Mac] Tab cycler broken
– DNA-44102 – [Linux] Some sites (YouTube) no longer offer an appropriate video format (e.g. WebM)
– DNA-44813 – [BM][SP] Middle clicking buttons acts as left click
– DNA-44543 – [Win] Impossible to enter special characters in the address bar using Right Alt modifier key
– a few branding fixes

Full changelog Opera 34 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-34/#b2026.0)

2015-11-05, 16:57:12
Opera developer 34.0.2036.2 update

The highlights for this release include:

DNA-45329 Enable cancel download button on beta
This one introduces the “cancel download” button on any download in progress which is visible in the downloads dropdown.download-dropdown
DNA-45037 [Engine] Never save password does not work
After this fix, the “Never save password for this site” sliding toolbar option works as expected.
DNA-7132 No handshake strength information in badge’s connection details
This is a minor but important fix – now, when you click “Details” on the secure site badge, you will see the info about the handshake key strength added at the end of the string.
DNA-45138 Some context menu options no longer available.
With this fix, image context menu items have been restored.

Known issues

We are aware of other context menu issues. They are going to be fixed quite soon.

Full changelog Opera 34 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-34/#b2036.2)

2015-11-08, 14:41:17
Wtf, man konnte Downloads bisher nicht abbrechen!? :eek: :|


2015-11-08, 15:40:32
Doch, aber bisher geht/ging das nur direkt im großen Download-Fenster, nicht über das UI-Button-Menü.

2015-11-12, 15:57:33
O35 initial release
Opera developer 34.0.2044.0

Full changelog Opera 34 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-34/#b2044)

2015-11-18, 15:51:35
So, nun gibt es auch die erste offizielle 35er ...

Opera developer 35.0.2052.0

Full changelog Opera 35 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-35/#b2052)

2015-11-26, 15:54:41
Opera developer 35.0.2060.0 update

Full changelog Opera 35 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-35/#b2060.0)

2015-12-02, 18:52:11
Opera developer 35.0.2064.0 update

Mute tab improvements
Simple settings improvements
Windows 10 improvements

Known issues
We have encountered a sudden regression in Linux builds – renderer crashes when trying to play .H264 video. We are working to fix it as soon as possible.

Full changelog Opera 35 (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-35/#b2064.0)

2015-12-10, 16:05:06
Es gibt eine neue developer-Version, Opera 36 ...

Initial Opera 36 developer release
Opera developer 36.0.2072.0


Speed Dial
Simple, yet powerful UI
More extensions on the toolbar
Windows 10 UI improvements
Synchronization engine improvements
A few more stealth projects

Full changelog Opera 36 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-36/#b2072.0)

2015-12-17, 20:28:52
Opera developer 36.0.2079.0 update

Full changelog Opera 36 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-36/#b2079.0)

2016-01-13, 19:07:30
First Opera developer update this year
Opera developer 36.0.2106.0

- Start Page layout change
- Extension expander
- Opera UI for Windows 10 and touch screens
- Bookmark deduplication improvements
- Known issues

— We are aware of a renderer crash on pages containing videos with audio. This is Chromium-specific and already reported.
— It is impossible to configure News (country and categories) until you turn the flag #personalized-news-start-page on – the fix is on its way and should be available in the next developer release.
— At rare occassions, Speed Dial may be broken on the fresh USB installation. Relaunching Opera fixes the issue.

Full changelog Opera 36 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-36/#b2106.0)

2016-01-21, 18:57:27
Opera developer update to 36.0.2114.0

- Users’ suggestions
- News configuration
- Themes configuration
- Other features
- Important note for Linux users

- Known issues

DNA-48596 On Mac, Opera freezes when going to the fullscreen mode with more than one extension in the expander menu
DNA-48602 More history content is not loaded when generating history and going back to the History tab
DNA-48599 opera:activity infinite loading when the user is not logged into the sync service
DNA-48607 On HiDPI displays, the page scrollbar is incorrectly scaled

Full changelog Opera 36 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-36/#b2114.0)

2016-01-27, 18:28:55
Opera developer 36.0.2120.0

- Personalized news
- Simplified Opera menu

- Other changes and fixes

A number of minor adjustments in the Windows 10 UI.
Mac freeze fix when going to the fullscreen mode with more than one extension in the expander.
Animated background performance improved.
Various history fixes.
Start-page visual adjustments.

- Known issues

In certain circumstances, the autofill dialog can get duplicated entries.
Full screen doesn’t work after entering the Presentation mode on Mac.

Full changelog Opera 36 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-36/#b2120.0)

2016-02-04, 18:56:18
Last Opera developer 36
Opera developer 36.0.2129.0

We fixed the issue where it was impossible to put the graphic display to sleep. Please verify if it works for you now.
Some page crashes are now fixed.
A few visual adjustments to internal pages.
Fixed inability to navigate to internal pages from the menu.
Fixed resizing Opera after autoupdate.
It is now possible to copy and paste bookmarks in the bookmarks view.
Minor synchronization fixes.

Full changelog Opera 36 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-36/#b2129.0)

2016-02-17, 19:00:43
Initial Opera developer 37 release
Opera developer 37.0.2142.0

Full changelog Opera 37 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-37/#b2142.0)

2016-03-03, 19:02:17
Opera developer 37.0.2157 update

Full changelog Opera 37 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-37/#b2157.0)

2016-03-10, 16:28:01
Neue Dev-Version (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/2016/03/native-ad-blocking-feature-opera-for-computers/) mit integriertem Adblocker und einer optionalen experimentellen 64-Bit-Build.

DNA-46628 Stormcrow: Opera built-in ad-blocking
DNA-49628 [XP] Can not install opera, problem with PSAPI.dll
DNA-49983 Download popout is missing filename after accepting and finishing the risky download ☣
DNA-50183 Download button shows the progress even if download wasn’t confirmed yet ☣
DNA-50204 [Mac] Adapt current UI design to specs ☣
DNA-50228 Opera will not run again when sync error occurred in previous session
DNA-50357 Make sure that the duplicate tracker is not started if the model has not changed
DNA-50376 [Webui] Side menu: Ignore cursor events for a separation line
DNA-50377 Go to browser settings not translated to any language ☣
DNA-50401 Update Win 10 icons for O36
DNA-50403 [Mac] Add missing text below current ads blocked ☣
DNA-50446 [Mac] Create popup showing load speed gain with adblocker enabled ☣
DNA-50457 Adblocker – wrong counting of blocked ads ☣
DNA-50458 [Win][x64] dump_syms.exe linking error
DNA-50500 NaN in speed test comparison ☣

2016-03-13, 13:12:16
Die Standard-Whitelist für den "nativen Adblocker" ist ja höchst amüsant :D

Aber schön dass es so langsam doch was wird mit einer x64-Version für Windows.

2016-03-17, 18:11:54
Opera developer 37.0.2171.0 update

- Risky files download warning
- Minor ad-blocking feature update
- Future highlights

- Known issues

— At the moment, a new theme installation is a bit broken – instead of having it installed right away, a zip file is seen as downloaded instead, and then you need to select it manually from the locally available themes.
— We are also aware of a minor crash on exit and relaunch when in the fullscreen mode. Both of them are being worked on.
— Windows x64 experimental version is temporarily unavailable. We are experiencing issues with this version and they need to be fixed.
— Also, Mac 10.9 users unfortunately will not be able to upgrade yet. We are trying to identify and fix the issue.

Full changelog Opera 37 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-37/#b2171.0)

2016-04-05, 18:26:32
First Opera 38 developer
Opera developer 38.0.2190.0

- New personal news
- Custom ad-blocking list support
- Other changes

Full changelog Opera 38 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-38/#b2190.0)

2016-04-13, 17:29:34
Opera developer 38.0.2198.0 update

Adblocking updates

Adblocker now consumes a lot less memory on start (up to 100MB less!)
Fix: articles not loaded on some sites with adblocker on (e.g. pcworld.com).
There are also several updates in the UI and exception lists.
Other updates

Fix: selecting language in the spellchecker.
Fix: crashes due to unregistered new permission in extensions.
Clipboard access in WebUI pages is now correctly applied.
Fix: unable to close browser while downloading a file.
Fix: opening of bookmark folder items from the context menu.
Fix: exceptions lists in Settings are now visible again.
Fix: download resumption not working after restart.
Personal news:This feature is under heavy development right now, so the #personal-news flag is still disabled by default. The team is working on improvements and adding more cool stuff there. You can enable the feature flag and share your feedback about our tuned news page.

Known issues

We are aware that embedded YouTube videos cannot be played in the fullscreen mode, and are working on the fix.
Also, the Linux users will again have issues with h264 videos. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Full changelog Opera 38 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-38/#b2198.0)

2016-04-21, 12:47:51
Free VPN integrated in Opera for better online privacy
Opera developer 38.0.2205.0

- Why we are adding free VPN in Opera
- Enhanced privacy online with Opera’s free VPN
- Better than traditional VPNs

- Other changes

Video pop-up
Add your own photo as theme
Extension button visible on the Speed Dial side panel
Support for adding a personal ad blocker list

Full changelog Opera 38 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-38/#b2205.0)

2016-04-21, 16:05:36
Der VPN ist erstaunlich flott 4k Youtube sind kein Problem.

2016-04-22, 00:03:20
Free VPN ist ungleich Open VPN ja ?

2016-04-22, 00:14:58
Free VPN ist ungleich Open VPN ja ?
Noch nicht getestet, aber ist wohl ein Opera-eigener wirklich kostenloser VPN mit unbegrenztem Traffic.

2016-04-22, 20:03:16
Opera hat Surfeasy aufgekauft und deren VPN Produkt integriert. Laut Webseite handelt es sich doch um OpenVPN.

2016-04-24, 13:11:50
Die werden ja langsam wieder richtig innovativ, erst der Adblock, jetzt VPN...
Dieses Video pop-up brauche ich nicht aber ein Kollege wird das Feature lieben, der lässt zuhause immer irgendwelche YT-Videos laufen, während er was anderes am PC macht.

Der VPN ist erstaunlich flott 4k Youtube sind kein Problem.Sind ja auch erst paar hundert User unterwegs. ;)


2016-04-24, 13:18:39
Es ist übrigens kein VPN, sondern ein Proxy. Verstehe daher nicht so ganz, inwiefern das für die Privatsphäre helfen soll. DNS-Anfragen werden damit noch immer über die Server abgewickelt, die im Betriebssystem hinterlegt werden, was die ganze Sache relativ witzlos macht. Klar, HTTP-only Seiten werden bis zu den Opera-Servern verschlüsselt, aber jeder kann sehen, welche Domain man aufrufen will. Interessant wäre das, wenn sie zusätzlich noch einen DNSCrypt-Client hinterlegt hätten.

EDIT: Ich muss mich korrigieren, sie tunneln (hoffentlich) auch DNS-Anfragen. Benutzt wird jedenfalls Googles Public DNS und sie fragen nicht den Stub Resolver an. Siehe auch: https://dnsleaktest.com/

Vielleicht hat jemand einmal Lust per Wireshark zu gucken, ob die DNS-Anfragen wirklich getunnelt werden? Proxies an sich tunneln eigentlich kein DNS.

2016-04-24, 13:59:21
Die werden ja langsam wieder richtig innovativ, erst der Adblock, jetzt VPN...

Ja, der Blink-Opera ist seit ein paar Versionen wirklich mehr als brauchbar. Wäre echt schade, wenn die Chinesen die Firma bald übernehmen sollten.

2016-04-28, 19:10:03
Opera developer update to 38.0.2213.0

Video pop out updates

The detach button is now available even when video is covered by an overlay content. This means you can detach videos embedded on the site (DNA-52223) and within, for example, the iframe tag.
On sites other than Youtube, there should be a sliding toolbar visible asking if you really want to detach the video window.

VPN updates

A nasty crash on startup when VPN is enabled is now fixed.
A lot of US fixes, such as: moving exposed IP number to the right (OS X), showing IP address in popup (OS X), Address bar not malformed, when enabling VPN for first time (OS X)

Other updates

Windows x64 users – we have an Opera 64-bit build for you this time!
A number of Personal News fixes and improvements, for example tiles visibility and arrangement has been improved.
Also, several fixes for the adblocking feature, such as:

The issue where some pages were unusable after turning adblocking on, is now gone.
Now, all added custom files are visible after restart – DNA-52878 fix
Watched videos are not prevented from being marked as such.

H264 videos are now working on Linux again.

Full changelog Opera 38 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-38/#b2213.0)

2016-04-29, 15:45:19
Opera macht ja echt ganz coole Sachen im Moment und auch was den Umfang angeht, ist das Projekt wieder auf einem guten Stand. Schade nur, dass manche Dinge wie die Mausgesten immer noch so eingeschränkt bis gar nicht konfigurierbar sind :(

2016-05-04, 12:37:27
Gibt es keine 64Bit Version der 37 Version?

2016-05-04, 19:29:18
Gibt es keine 64Bit Version der 37 Version?

Hmm, ich weiß es nicht ganz genau, aber ich meine im Moment gibt es immer nur von der developer Version eine 64bit Version, also aktuell Opera developer 38.0.2213.0.

2016-05-04, 19:44:23
Danke hab mal den Browser eigenen Adblocker probiert.


Hoffe 64bit kommt bald in die Final.

2016-05-12, 12:27:28
Opera 39 ist nun die aktuelle developer Version ...

Introducing power saving mode in Opera for computers
Opera developer

Full changelog Opera 39 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-39/#b2226.0)

2016-05-19, 20:08:11
Introducing a smarter, more personal news feed in Opera
Opera developer 39.0.2234.0

Full changelog Opera 39 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-39/#b2234.0)

2016-05-30, 18:29:44
Personal news feed and VPN update
Opera developer 39.0.2245.0

Full changelog Opera 39 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-39/#b2245.0)

2016-06-02, 18:30:53
Opera developer 39.0.2248.0 update

Changelog Opera 39 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-39/#b2248.0)

2016-06-21, 20:15:04
So, Opera 40 ist nun die aktuelle developer Version ...

Opera developer 40.0.2267.0

In this release we are also delivering a couple of VPN fixes. The extension expander button is now visible too.

Also, we have updated the Chromium version to 53.0.2756.0.

We’re keeping pace and along with the synchronization changes, we’re working on:
– improvements in video popout (especially hardware acceleration)
– improvements to personal news (for instance, we are currently working on the RSS reader which was repeatedly requested by many of you)
– further improvement of the battery saving mode
– revitalization of speed dial

Known issues:
– DNA-55414 Unable to select all bookmarks with shortcut (not possible to use Ctrl+A)

Changelog Opera 40 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-40/#b2267.0)

2016-06-27, 19:05:06
Opera developer 40.0.2273.0 update

Known issues

We are unable to release the experimental Windows x64 version today. We apologize for the inconvenience and would like to ask for a bit of patience.

Changelog Opera 40 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-40/#b2273.0)

2016-07-04, 19:05:54
Opera developer 40.0.2280.0 update

Known issues

Unfortunately, the Windows x64 issue proved to be harder to fix than expected, so we don’t have Win x64 builds again. Sincerest apologies. We are working on that.
Mac users will notice display issues with the page title.
We’re aware that the search/copy popup is not DPI scaled.

Changelog Opera 40 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-40/#b2280.0)

2016-07-12, 18:44:18
Opera developer 40.0.2288.0 update

Changelog Opera 40 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-40/#b2288.0)

2016-07-21, 18:51:05
Opera developer 40.0.2296.0 update

Known issues

The opera:about page sometimes freezes the browser.

Changelog Opera 40 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-40/#b2296.0)

2016-07-25, 18:57:05
Opera developer 40.0.2301.0 update

- Power saver redesign
- RSS reader updates
- Other changes

- Known issues

In the RSS reader, “My sources” are not added from the setup dialog. We’re working on that.
We have an issue with the Windows x64 release again. Sincere apologies.

Changelog Opera 40 (http://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-40/#b2301.0)

2016-08-01, 17:09:41
Opera developer 40.0.2306.0 update

Changelog Opera 40 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-40/#b2306.0)

2016-08-08, 15:24:08
Opera developer update to 41.0.2315.0

Changelog Opera 41 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-opera-41/)

2016-08-16, 20:08:26
Opera developer update to 41.0.2323.0

Bug fixes: navigation after preview, transparent header
Web feeds improvements, especially parsing of images
Incremental search results (especially useful when entering the address of page with several web feeds)

Known issues

VPN – there are some issues with service availability, so you’ll notice that there is never-ending ‘Connecting’ status displayed. Our developers are already working on it.

Changelog Opera 41 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-opera-41/)

2016-08-22, 18:10:44
Opera developer 41.0.2329.0 update

Personal news highlights:

Web feed update bug fixed. New content gets fetched automatically.
Web feed preview. For example, head to http://mars.nasa.gov/rss/ and click “All Mars” link. Content will be displayed using layout known from personal news (you can switch between two modes). Moreover you can also add this feed to your sources. Note: If you have RSS detection extension, you may need to disable it.
My sources configuration stored in preferences and synced with Opera account.
Usual round of fixes and visual improvements.

Other fixes

Crash on dragging tab out when page is loading is now fixed. It was a nasty one and some of you were reporting this issue.
Crash on adding own theme in private window is also fixed

Changelog Opera 41 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-opera-41/)

2016-08-22, 18:40:58
Schon wieder keine 64-bit Version?

2016-08-22, 18:52:08
Die letzte 64 Bit Version war Opera developer 40.0.2296.0, bei Version Opera developer 40.2301.0 hieß es dann

Known issues

– We have an issue with the Windows x64 release again. Sincere apologies.

und seitdem tut sich da anscheinend nichts!?

2016-08-31, 20:11:00
... die haben auch was besseres zu tun:


und ja, der Beitrag ist völlig OT. Aber das Office der Opera Crew in Polen ist IMHO ziemlich cool. Und ja ich bin neidisch auf so ein Büro. :)

2016-09-03, 18:30:49
... die haben auch was besseres zu tun:


und ja, der Beitrag ist völlig OT. Aber das Office der Opera Crew in Polen ist IMHO ziemlich cool. Und ja ich bin neidisch auf so ein Büro. :):O
Be forewarned – checking out Opera Software’s new office might make going to work a little harder today!Allerdings... :biggrin:


2016-09-05, 18:28:12
Opera developer 41.0.2340.0 update

- Faster startup
- Battery saving improvements
- Hardware acceleration for Video Popout
- Popular searches
- Personal news updates

- Known issues

Autoupdate for Windows USB standalone installations does not work. To update these, please download and install the package manually.
We are not releasing Windows 64-bit builds.
It is not possible to enable VPN with a clean profile. It is being tracked as DNA-56872 and we are working on a reliable solution.
With #media-detachable-view-hwaccelerated enabled, closing the popout and selecting a new movie makes the popout open again.
Speed dial extensions are not added on Windows

Changelog Opera 41 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-opera-41/)

2016-09-12, 18:41:25
Opera developer 41.0.2349.0 update

- Personal news
- Opera Portable installer
- Windows x64 build

- Known issues

Autoupdate for Windows 64-bit does not work at the moment – we are trying to fix it as soon as possible. For now, please download the manual installer if you are eager to get the newer x64 build earlier.

Changelog Opera 41 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-opera-41/)

2016-10-05, 18:38:34
So, es gibt eine neue developer Version ...

Opera Developer 42.0.2372.0 revealed

Und es gibt hier (wieder) eine Windows x64 Version.

Changelog Opera 42 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-for-42/)

2016-10-08, 12:50:07
Opera developer 42.0.2374.0 quick update

Last Wednesday we have delivered fresh, Chromium 55 based builds. It quickly occurred it’s one of the most crashing builds we’ve delivered so far this year (ups!). That’s why we’ve quickly prepared an update for you, so that you can continue using the developer version during the weekend.

Changelog Opera 42 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-for-42/#b2374.0)

2016-10-25, 18:51:29
Opera Developer v42.0.2392.0 Update



2016-11-07, 18:30:18
Opera developer 43.0.2403.0

- PGO for Windows
- Address bar speculative prerenderer
- Native chromecast support
- O12 like links selection
- Bookmarks export
- Media codecs bugfixing

- Known issues

Plugins do not work on Windows 10. We are working on that.

Changelog Opera 43 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-for-43/#b2403.0)

2016-11-16, 18:24:56
Opera developer 43.0.2412.0. update

Changelog Opera 43 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-for-43/#b2412.0)

2016-11-22, 18:33:30



2016-11-28, 18:41:01
Opera developer 43.0.2423.0 update

Changelog Opera 43 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-for-43/#b2423.0)

2016-12-05, 18:29:24
Opera developer 43.0.2431.0

Changelog Opera 43 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-for-43/#b2431.0)

2017-01-07, 12:07:20
Initial Opera developer 44 release
Opera developer 44.0.2463.0

- Mac: Touch bar UI
- Credential Management API
- Hardware accelerated non-MSE video
- Block malware shortcuts from being opened in Opera

Changelog Opera 44 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-for-44/#b2463.0)

2017-01-17, 18:08:38
Opera developer 44.0.2475.0 update

Changelog Opera 44 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-for-44/#b2475.0)

2017-01-30, 18:19:27
Opera developer 44.0.2487.0 update

Changelog Opera 44 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-for-44/#b2487.0)

2017-02-06, 18:11:20
Opera developer 44.0.2494.0 update

Known issues

Opera might fail to start if Ubuntu’s Chromium package is installed.
There are no Windows PGO packages this time.

Changelog Opera 44 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-for-44/#b2494.0)

2017-02-17, 13:19:11
Meet the very first Reborn build
Opera developer 44.0.2505.0

- Brand new look and feel
- Two colors
- Browser sidebar
- Sidebar for Facebook Messenger
- Zero-click network installer

Changelog Opera 44 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-for-44/#b2505.0)

2017-03-06, 18:54:54
Project Reborn hits Opera 45 Developer channel
Opera developer 45.0.2522.0

Changelog Opera 45 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog45/#b2522.0)

2017-03-06, 21:52:08
Jemand aus dem Forum, schreibt denen eine Email mit der Bitte :

ZOOM per DOMANI/WEBSITE ... EIN TERROR wer im Reddit unterwegs ist. Hauptseite wird gross dargestellt (sagen wir 150% weil HTPC) .. sobald man aber einen Thread aufmacht > boing back to 100% ~evtl. gibt es ein Addon dafuer.

Ansonsten top Browser, aber wie mit allen Chrome Klonen (Vivaldi exkl.) ... sind die Einstellungen einfach nur grottenschlecht oder im Vergleich zu Firefox "halbgar" implementiert. Dann hat der Browser auch noch kein "Home Button" den man schoen nachtraeglich installieren darf (homepage in new tab), andere Chrome Browser haben den ... wuai Opera u do dis?

Speed Dials?! Was soll der Mist ... darf jedes Mal, wenn ich auf die Bookmarks zugreifen will, schoen vorher immer "auf speed dials" klicken .. dann auf Bookmarks. UND nein ich habe keine Lust mir "neue Ordner" zu kreieren in der Bookmark Toolbar ... das sollte der Browser automatisch erledigen (was importiert das Ding ueberhaupt, wenn man manuell alles anpassen muss). Iron Forge (Chromium kann das ... warum Du nicht Opera?)

2017-03-22, 20:37:22
Opera developer 45.0.2539.0

2017-03-27, 18:24:11
Opera 45 developer update with further Reborn improvements
Opera developer 45.0.2545.0

Changelog Opera 45 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-for-45/#b2545.0)

2017-04-07, 20:57:49
Initial Opera developer 46 release
Opera developer 46.0.2556.0

Changelog Opera 46 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-for-46/#b2556.0)

2017-04-18, 18:13:36
Opera developer 46.0.2567.0 update

Today’s set of changes include various fixes and improvements:

More audio and video changes, including fix for a nasty memory leak
Installation package is smaller
Ad block improvement; support for tag names
Sound notifications were turned on while sidebar was unpinned
On macOS it’s easier to move window if multiple tabs are opened. Area to start dragging between the plus button and the tabs menu got slightly bigger.

Known issues:

You might notice that some sidebar elements are blinking (especially when you have configured the sidebar or you use synchronisation). We’re already working on this because we realize how annoying it is.

Changelog Opera 46 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-for-46/#b2567.0)

2017-04-24, 18:26:44
Opera developer 46.0.2573.0 update

Smaller installation packages
Various stability fixes
New icon for start page customization
Fix for links opened in new tab which wouldn’t render (macOS)
Unsorted bookmarks folder (if available) is listed in “heart menu”

Changelog Opera 46 (https://www.opera.com/blogs/desktop/changelog-for-46/#b2573.0)

2017-05-11, 19:22:50
Opera developer 46.0.2590.0 update

More UI-related changes regarding icons, style, and layouts
Speed Dial is dark when wallpapers are disabled and dark theme is enabled
We fixed the issue of when sync was enabled, the Tabs menu item was missing in navbar
Video pop out fix for Amazon Prime
Fixed issue when the video pop out button was displayed in cases when it shouldn’t
‘View in bookmarks’ button appears in bookmarks pop up if the page has been added already
When importing bookmarks, items from the bookmark bar will appear in Opera’s bookmark bar
We have changed HiDPI implementation, and some issues are expected [Windows]
Seeking quickly through videos could stall playback [Windows]
Opera pins itself back to the taskbar after being launched [Windows]
Fixed video full screen issue with 1px line at the bottom [Windows]
We have removed the space from the tab bar when a window is not maximized [Linux]
We have dropped 32bit Linux support from this version
Chromium was updated to version 59.0.3067.6

Changelog Opera 46 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-46/#b2590.0)

2017-05-23, 19:13:23
Opera developer 46.0.2602.0 update

Here’s why you should try the latest developer build:

Macbook touchbar users can enjoy an emoji-enabled input field
Visual fixes for Windows, macOS and Linux (context menu black border is gone)
Fixes related to HiDPI mode on Windows (including huge fonts in internal pages)
Stability fixes for the most recent problems
Chromium was updated to 59.0.3071.26

Changelog Opera 46 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-46/#b2602.0)

2017-06-05, 14:00:12
Opera developer 47.0.2615.0

Today’s build is the first from the Opera 47 line, equipped with the new chromium 60.0.3095.5. Here are things worth mentioning:

Sometimes, the map was not visible on airbnb.com if ad blocker was turned on. Now it’s fixed and you can book your holiday 🙂
This build Includes a bunch of languages fixes, especially the ones you spotted and reported
Visual fixes for some annoying glitches (you might not have spotted them, but we did)
Video pop out gets more tweaks
[macOS] Sidebar extensions have regained focus and are working correctly again
[macOS] Full screen is not broken anymore after auto-playing videos on YouTube
New check intervals for personal news: 3 and 6 hours
Bookmarks pop up sometimes contained “Finished” button while “View in Bookmarks” was expected – fixed
Bookmarks manager didn’t allow to restore folder from the trash bin – fixed
[Windows] [Security] We added .scf to the risky file extensions list
‘Blinking address’ issue is fixed (some of you complained on that)
@Nico we fixed “Über%tragen…” in context menus – you’re welcome! 😉

2017-06-19, 16:54:29
Opera developer 47.0.2628.0 update

Changelog Opera 47 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-47/#b2628.0)

2017-06-26, 15:25:38
Opera developer 48.0.2636.0

Changelog Opera 48 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-48/#b2636.0)

2017-07-03, 18:20:29
Opera developer 48.0.2643.0 update

2017-07-14, 18:44:52
Opera developer 48.0.2652.0 update

Changelog Opera 48 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-48/#b2652.0)

2017-08-28, 18:13:35
Opera Developer 49

Here’s the leadoff on changes, fixes and highlights for Opera 49:

Link selection doesn’t work in all cases.
Site https://read.amazon.com didn’t work as expected.
Pinned messengers opens on browser start.
Sometimes, it is impossible to scroll in snapshot mode.
Browser freezes on disabling switch in VPN dialog during page loading.
Selecting text on internal pages doesn’t work.
Domain name highlight matches in the subdomain part of host.
[Dark theme] Messengers’ Title bar doesn’t have same color as active tab bar.
[HiDPI] Spinning loading icon is blurred.
[HiDPI] Wrong area captured after scrolling.
[Win, Linux] Show omitted URL in recently closed list if page doesn’t have a title.
[Win] CTRL + W is not closing snap window.
[Win] Warning dialog when trying to import from Edge when Edge is running done.
[Win] Bookmarks bar folder icon color improvements.
[Win] Page crashes in video pop out.
[Mac] Popup windows are too wide when full URL is displayed.
[Mac] Unable to close a tab with authentication dialog opened.
[Mac] Suggested part of URL goes black when you hit Enter to load the page.
[Mac] Sliding bar not displayed.
[Mac] Cursor moves to beginning of address field while loading page.
[Mac] Crash while closing window using shortcut when text is selected.
[Mac High Sierra] Black window when reduced transparency turned on.

Changelog Opera 49 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-49/#b2695.0)

2017-09-06, 10:02:48
Opera developer 49.0.2705.0

Changelog Opera 49 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-49/#b2705.0)

2017-09-29, 17:36:23
Opera Developer 50 initial release

Changelog Opera 50 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-50/#b2729.0)

2017-11-14, 19:14:53
Opera Developer 51 initial release
Opera developer 51.0.2776.0

Highlights of the build:

Fixed text color in converter as it was too dark.
Keep pinned tabs after restart no matter what startup strategy is selected.
Units converter recognizes dash symbol as a minus ex. −17.78 °C (wikipedia).
[Win] Couldn’t open news feed popup using badge in the address bar.
[Win10][HiDPI] Fix for shifted and badly scaled O-Menu after DPI change.
[Mac][Chromecast] Cast icon was always red.
[Mac][Chromecast] No cast favicon during tab casting.
[Mac] Reduce number of VTDecoderXPCService instances.
[Mac] Background tab title was too light in private window.
[Mac] Ad blocker counter color was wrong in private window.

Changelog Opera 51 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-51/#b2776.0)

2017-12-08, 18:03:05
Opera 51.0.2796.0 developer update

Changelog Opera 51 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-51/#b2796.0)

2018-01-16, 18:07:33
Opera Developer 52 initial release
Opera 52.0.2838.0

Changelog Opera 52 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-52/#b2838.0)

2018-01-25, 14:52:03
Opera 52.0.2845.0 developer update

Changelog (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-52/#b2854.0)

2018-01-30, 11:20:42
Opera 52.0.2850.0 developer update

Changelog (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-52/#b2850.0)

2018-02-05, 16:47:40
Opera 52.0.2857.0 developer update

Changelog (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-52/#b2857.0)

2018-02-06, 11:21:20
Opera hat es nach 5 Jahren endlich geschafft, eine Subordner Funktion in der Bookmarkbar zu implementieren, unglaublich! Zumindest habe ich es erst jetzt gemerkt.

Warum haben die eigentlich nicht die Presto Engine Open Sauce gemacht und hergeschenkt? Brauchen sie ja nicht mehr. Die Otter Jungs hätten sich sicher gefreut...

2018-02-06, 12:41:44
Ordner in der Lesezeichenleiste sind doch schon seit Ewigkeiten möglich. :eek:

2018-02-13, 00:31:09
Opera 52.0.2864.0 developer update

Changelog (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-52/#b2864.0)

2018-02-19, 23:56:30
Opera 52.0.2871.0 developer update (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2018/02/opera-52-0-2871-0-developer-update/)

Changelog (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-52/#b2871.0)

2018-02-28, 15:06:49
Opera Developer 53 initial release

Changelog (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-53/#b2880.0)

2018-03-05, 20:57:05
Opera 53.0.2885.0 developer update

Changelog (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-53/#b2885.0)

2018-03-13, 18:33:30
Opera 53.0.2893.0 developer update

Changelog (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-53/#b2893.0)

2018-03-24, 13:11:09
Opera 53.0.2900.0 developer update (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2018/03/opera-53-0-2900-0-developer-update/)

Opera 53.0.2903.0 developer update (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2018/03/opera-53-0-2903-0-developer-update/)


2018-04-04, 17:51:50
Opera 54.0.2913.0 initial developer release

Changelog Opera 54 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-54/#b2913.0)

2018-06-16, 21:24:36
Opera 55.0.2987.0 developer update (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2018/06/opera-55-0-2987-0-developer-update/)
This is a quick, second developer update for this week. There’s a new chromium version inside – 68.0.3440.15.

With this version, we’re turning on the bookmarks bar by default. There will be five suggested bookmarks in it, chosen based on the most popular pages in your country.

Of course, you can disable or later re-enable the bookmarks bar in settings, and edit or remove bookmarks in the bookmarks page.

To manage your bookmarks bar, go to Settings (Preferences on Mac) > Appearance and turn off or on Show bookmarks bar. To add, change, or remove bookmarks from the bookmarks bar, go to Bookmarks > Bookmarks Bar.

Known issue
There is an unrecoverable crashloop on Windows on some profiles. We had to roll Opera developer for Windows back to the previous version for now.


2018-07-05, 16:03:33
Opera 56 developer

Changelog Opera 56 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-56/#b3003.0)

2018-08-27, 18:39:49
Opera 57 initial developer release

Changelog Opera 57 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-57/#b3058.0)

2019-02-22, 17:48:28
Opera 60 developer

Changelog Opera 60 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-60/#b3236.0)

Ich habe 'Seitenleiste fixieren' ausgeschaltet, aber auf der Schnellwahl Seite wird sie dann trotzdem angezeigt.
In dieser aktuellen developer Version ist das aber nicht mehr so. Wenn man die Seitenleiste auf der Schnellwahl Seite angezeigt haben möchte, muss man sie fixieren. Dann wird die Seitenleiste aber immer angezeigt (d. h. auch bei allen Webseiten) und das gefällt mir gar nicht.
Hoffentlich ist das nicht so gewollt und wird wieder geändert bzw. nicht in spätere (stable) Versionen übernommen.

2019-05-15, 18:37:15
Opera 62 developer

Changelog Opera 62 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-62/#b3319.0)

2019-06-05, 18:16:03
Opera 63 developer initial release

Changelog Opera 63 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-63/#b3340.0)

2019-07-08, 17:05:01
Opera 64 developer initial release

Changelog Opera 64 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-64/)

2019-09-01, 11:39:23
Opera 65 developer

Changelog Opera 65 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-65/#b3425.0)

2019-10-17, 13:28:31
Opera 66 developer

Changelog Opera 66 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-66/#b3472.0)

2020-03-09, 16:08:53
Opera 69 developer

Changelog Opera 69 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-69/#b3623.0)

2020-07-02, 14:01:22
Opera 71 developer

Changelog Opera 71 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-71/)

2020-08-13, 15:30:51
Opera 72 developer

Changelog Opera 72 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-72/)

2020-08-28, 10:20:16
Portable Opera Updater v1.1.6.0



2020-09-24, 14:59:08
Opera 73 developer

Changelog Opera 73 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-73/)

2020-11-02, 18:00:14
Opera 74 developer

Changelog Opera 74 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-73/#b3856.0)

2021-01-12, 16:14:01
Opera 75 developer

Changelog Opera 75 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-75/#b3925.0)

2021-01-12, 18:29:55
Keine Innovationen, nur Bugfixes?


2021-05-17, 15:05:12
Opera 78 developer

Changelog Opera 78 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-78/#b4058.0)

2021-06-29, 13:38:41
Opera 79 developer

Changelog Opera 79 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-79/)

2021-12-09, 15:57:58
Opera 84 developer

Changelog Opera 84 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-84/)

2022-02-09, 17:34:28
Opera 85 developer

Changelog Opera 85 (https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-85/)