2003-02-16, 13:44:45
wieder mal einer neuer UT2003 Patch mit der Version 2199.
2199 Changes List
- Ambient weapon sounds (like minigun) aren't affected by level ambient sound volume changes.
- fixed translocator trail effect sometimes not working at start of game
- fixed blue translocator trail
- enabled weather effects on DE bonus pack maps
- made weapon ammo bars more visible on HUD
- terrain collision bug fix (this fixes the holes on CTF-Citadel and BR-Anubis)
- fixed Geothermal red flag base pipe hole
- fixed personal weapon stats for zoom instagib.
- fixed BR ball getting stuck in BR-TwinTombs
- fixed shark skin in multiplayer (DM-Oceanic)
- allow players to join chosen team even if its filled with bots
- fixed switchtolastweapon not working properly with link, lightning, and painter
- Made minigun and link "lock-down" effect configurable (server-side). To change the effect,
you will need to add the following lines to your UT2003.ini file, in the [UnrealGame.Deathmatch] section:
The default is 1.0. A value of 0 = no momentum imparted, so no lockdown. This is visible in the game rules (in the server browser, or when pressing F2).
- added ability to turn off translocator switching back to previous weapon if fire is pressed while alt-fire still held down.
To change, add the following section to your user.ini file:
- Added setspectatespeed exec function, which allows you to change the speed at which spectator moves on the fly. Default speed is 600.
- improved spectating switching between viewed players
- switching between viewed players doesn't lose behindview setting
- added player names and beacons to spectator view. Can be hidden by adding the line bHideSpectatorBeacons=true to the [Engine.PlayerController] section of your UT2003.ini.
- don't show "now viewing" at resolutions < 640x480
- added viewed player name to first person HUD.
Mod support:
- Fixed AddIni command for updating ini files by patches and umods.
- fixed a problem with ReviewJumpSpots on some levels. (ReviewJumpSpots is used to verify that bots can use the Jumpspots as they are currently placed and flagged).
- Modified Speech Binder and Controls config to be more flexible
- reduced cheat protection false positives
- stats work for servers with bots (bots not included in stats)
- fixed: tournament mode can be configured from ut2003.ini
- removed log spam when players join using model not on server
- fixed bots balancing servers
- Fixed performance issue with ElecFields on dedicated servers
- Fixed challenge/response mechanism to prevent fake players
- String memory allocation server crash fix.
- Remove \'s before returning player and server name in GameSpy query
- Disable echo replies in GameSpy query
- Fixed nametable overflow crash for hacked package files
- Fixed unreal:// URL overflow crash
- Limit number of successful connections from a single IP per minute.
Configured by these settings (default values):
- Removed config keyword from QueryHandlers variable declaration
- Added server name to browser title bar in webadmin
- Fixed CurrentGame maplist select not auto-selecting the currently playing map in webadmin
- Fixed mutator sorting on Mutators page in webadmin
- Added more support for skinning webadmin
- Fixed sorting on Player List page
- Fixed Player List page display for specs
- Added support for banning/unbanning by ID to webadmin (hash appears in Player List & Banned IPs)
- Fixed display problem with mutators that do not have configured groups
- Added checks to IPPlayer page for invalid IP addresses in ban list
- Completed localization support for webadmin
- Added security level listing to Rules/Settings pages (master admin will see associated security level for each setting)
Demo Recording:
- fixed ability to fire while viewing client-side demos
- fixed ping on scoreboard of client-side demos
- fixed client-side demo playback speed problem
- fixed various weapon effects (bullet hits, link beam) with client-side demos
- fixed client-side demo playback jerkiness
- fixed problem with changing weapon bindings key for shock rifle and bio rifle from menus
- added icons to server browser, showing if servers are passworded, have stats support, are latest version, are running any mutators, or are running instagib.
- Properly disconnect from server when getting back to the main menu
- Fixed the Password entry dialog to convert " ", "?" and "\" to "_"
- Fixed stats dialogue to auto-select "enable stats" when you first
connect to a stats server
- Fix for longer loading times experienced by some users with 2186
- Karma Physics: Make SSE do the same thing on AMD and Intel processors.
- Fix bug with sphere-convex contact generation (eg. driving on blocking volumes)
Habs nicht getestet aber hört sich gut an.
Hat schon jemand einen NOCD Crack für die Version 2199?
wieder mal einer neuer UT2003 Patch mit der Version 2199.
2199 Changes List
- Ambient weapon sounds (like minigun) aren't affected by level ambient sound volume changes.
- fixed translocator trail effect sometimes not working at start of game
- fixed blue translocator trail
- enabled weather effects on DE bonus pack maps
- made weapon ammo bars more visible on HUD
- terrain collision bug fix (this fixes the holes on CTF-Citadel and BR-Anubis)
- fixed Geothermal red flag base pipe hole
- fixed personal weapon stats for zoom instagib.
- fixed BR ball getting stuck in BR-TwinTombs
- fixed shark skin in multiplayer (DM-Oceanic)
- allow players to join chosen team even if its filled with bots
- fixed switchtolastweapon not working properly with link, lightning, and painter
- Made minigun and link "lock-down" effect configurable (server-side). To change the effect,
you will need to add the following lines to your UT2003.ini file, in the [UnrealGame.Deathmatch] section:
The default is 1.0. A value of 0 = no momentum imparted, so no lockdown. This is visible in the game rules (in the server browser, or when pressing F2).
- added ability to turn off translocator switching back to previous weapon if fire is pressed while alt-fire still held down.
To change, add the following section to your user.ini file:
- Added setspectatespeed exec function, which allows you to change the speed at which spectator moves on the fly. Default speed is 600.
- improved spectating switching between viewed players
- switching between viewed players doesn't lose behindview setting
- added player names and beacons to spectator view. Can be hidden by adding the line bHideSpectatorBeacons=true to the [Engine.PlayerController] section of your UT2003.ini.
- don't show "now viewing" at resolutions < 640x480
- added viewed player name to first person HUD.
Mod support:
- Fixed AddIni command for updating ini files by patches and umods.
- fixed a problem with ReviewJumpSpots on some levels. (ReviewJumpSpots is used to verify that bots can use the Jumpspots as they are currently placed and flagged).
- Modified Speech Binder and Controls config to be more flexible
- reduced cheat protection false positives
- stats work for servers with bots (bots not included in stats)
- fixed: tournament mode can be configured from ut2003.ini
- removed log spam when players join using model not on server
- fixed bots balancing servers
- Fixed performance issue with ElecFields on dedicated servers
- Fixed challenge/response mechanism to prevent fake players
- String memory allocation server crash fix.
- Remove \'s before returning player and server name in GameSpy query
- Disable echo replies in GameSpy query
- Fixed nametable overflow crash for hacked package files
- Fixed unreal:// URL overflow crash
- Limit number of successful connections from a single IP per minute.
Configured by these settings (default values):
- Removed config keyword from QueryHandlers variable declaration
- Added server name to browser title bar in webadmin
- Fixed CurrentGame maplist select not auto-selecting the currently playing map in webadmin
- Fixed mutator sorting on Mutators page in webadmin
- Added more support for skinning webadmin
- Fixed sorting on Player List page
- Fixed Player List page display for specs
- Added support for banning/unbanning by ID to webadmin (hash appears in Player List & Banned IPs)
- Fixed display problem with mutators that do not have configured groups
- Added checks to IPPlayer page for invalid IP addresses in ban list
- Completed localization support for webadmin
- Added security level listing to Rules/Settings pages (master admin will see associated security level for each setting)
Demo Recording:
- fixed ability to fire while viewing client-side demos
- fixed ping on scoreboard of client-side demos
- fixed client-side demo playback speed problem
- fixed various weapon effects (bullet hits, link beam) with client-side demos
- fixed client-side demo playback jerkiness
- fixed problem with changing weapon bindings key for shock rifle and bio rifle from menus
- added icons to server browser, showing if servers are passworded, have stats support, are latest version, are running any mutators, or are running instagib.
- Properly disconnect from server when getting back to the main menu
- Fixed the Password entry dialog to convert " ", "?" and "\" to "_"
- Fixed stats dialogue to auto-select "enable stats" when you first
connect to a stats server
- Fix for longer loading times experienced by some users with 2186
- Karma Physics: Make SSE do the same thing on AMD and Intel processors.
- Fix bug with sphere-convex contact generation (eg. driving on blocking volumes)
Habs nicht getestet aber hört sich gut an.
Hat schon jemand einen NOCD Crack für die Version 2199?