2015-04-01, 16:00:41
Scheint irgendwie bisher an allen möglichen Seite vorbeigegangen zu sein und liest sich verdammt gut, sollte aber momentan wohl noch mit Skepsis betrachtet werden. Da ich Informationen darüber aber schon Monate vorher im Web finden konnte, scheint das zumindest mal kein Aprilscherz zu sein.
According to the PR blurb, PERSEUS “rewrites the rules of compression“, demonstrating in testing and live operations a 2x – 3x average compression gain, at all quality levels, under practical real-time operating scenarios versus h.264, HEVC and JPEG2000. It’s also backed by 20 major industry players, such as Sky, Broadcom, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) and Intel.
V-Nova is part of a broad and growing consortium of over 20 global leaders including Broadcom, Intel, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Hitachi and Sky Italia. The consortium features two of the top ten global telecoms, three of the top ten largest media & broadcasting groups and six of the top twenty global technology groups.
V-Nova's management team includes senior managers from leading global organisations across multiple industries, including Airbus, Arc, ARM, BBC, BMW, Boeing, Boston Consulting Group, British Aerospace, British Telecom, Broadcom, Cisco-NDS, Ericsson, McKinsey & Company, Pace, Sisvel, Sky Italia, and 21st Century Fox.
According to the PR blurb, PERSEUS “rewrites the rules of compression“, demonstrating in testing and live operations a 2x – 3x average compression gain, at all quality levels, under practical real-time operating scenarios versus h.264, HEVC and JPEG2000. It’s also backed by 20 major industry players, such as Sky, Broadcom, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) and Intel.
V-Nova is part of a broad and growing consortium of over 20 global leaders including Broadcom, Intel, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Hitachi and Sky Italia. The consortium features two of the top ten global telecoms, three of the top ten largest media & broadcasting groups and six of the top twenty global technology groups.
V-Nova's management team includes senior managers from leading global organisations across multiple industries, including Airbus, Arc, ARM, BBC, BMW, Boeing, Boston Consulting Group, British Aerospace, British Telecom, Broadcom, Cisco-NDS, Ericsson, McKinsey & Company, Pace, Sisvel, Sky Italia, and 21st Century Fox.