2015-04-21, 19:52:00
Edgar Vigdal, der Schöpfer von Deluxe Galaga und Deluxe Pacman ist tot. PC-Spieler kennen ihn mit dem Deluxe Galaga-Klon Warblade.
Some very sad and very serious news for everyone following the development of Warblade Mk II and Deluxe Galaga Reborn. Unfortunately Edgar Vigdal passed away on the evening of the 1st April 2015 of cancer. I believe the death of his father and the toll that brought on him along with his lifelong illnesses had worn him down.
Fuu. :frown: Er wurde mal gerade 51 Jahre alt. Es wurde mal an Warblade MK II gedacht, aber das Projekt ist wohl nicht mehr machbar.
Some very sad and very serious news for everyone following the development of Warblade Mk II and Deluxe Galaga Reborn. Unfortunately Edgar Vigdal passed away on the evening of the 1st April 2015 of cancer. I believe the death of his father and the toll that brought on him along with his lifelong illnesses had worn him down.
Fuu. :frown: Er wurde mal gerade 51 Jahre alt. Es wurde mal an Warblade MK II gedacht, aber das Projekt ist wohl nicht mehr machbar.