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2016-02-17, 01:32:12
Neben dem UBU (UEFI-BIOS-Updater) ( hat das Win-RAID Forum ein weiteres nützliches Tool hervorgebracht, den GOP Updater (, für den Downloadlink siehe Post #2.
Das Tool kann z.B. mittels GPU-Z ausgelesene Grafikkartenbiose ab Fermi sowie HD7000 mit einem UEFI GOP Header ausstatten (oder den vorhandenen aktualisieren) um die Fastboot Funktion aktueller Boards mit deaktiviertem CSM nutzen zu können.
Nach dem Entpacken kopiert man das eigene VBios in den Programmordner und zieht dann die Biosdatei auf die AMD- bzw Nvidia_ROM_Info Batchdatei um den aktuellen Stand auszulesen, und danach auf die GOPupd.bat um den GOP Header hinzuzufügen oder zu aktualisieren. Abschließend wird das aktualisierte VBios mit atiflash bzw nvflash wieder auf die Karte geschrieben, nach einem Neustart sollte sich dann das CSM deaktivieren lassen.
Erfolgreich getestet hab ich es bisher mit drei NV Karten:
Gigabyte GTX 670 WF3: hatte durch ein offizielles Biosupdate bereits GOP Support bekommen und ließ sich mit dem GOP Updater auf die neueste Version aktualisieren.
Asus GTX 660 DC2 Non-Ti: obwohl das Bios mit einer Größe von ~180kb daherkommt hat Asus laut der Nvidia_ROM_Info.bat nur einen leeren UEFI Platzhalter eingefügt, ergo kein GOP Support ab Werk. Der GOP Updater hat das nachgeholt (und dabei das ROM um ~10kb verkleinert), die Karte läuft jetzt auf einem ASRock Z75 Pro3 mit deaktiviertem CSM.
Zotac GTX 470 AMP Edition: das Originalbios (mit Quadro 5000 Mod, siehe meine Signatur) ist mit ~60kb Größe ein "klassisches" VBios ohne jegliche UEFI Funktion, das verbaute EEPROM (nvflash --check) bietet mit 1024kbit=128kb glücklicherweise ausreichend Platz für eine Nachrüstung. Nach dem Bearbeiten ist das ROM ~120kb groß, die Karte lief testweise auf dem Z75 Board ebenfalls ohne CSM, und GPU-Z zeigt nun auch ein Häkchen an der UEFI Checkbox.
Happy Modding! :biggrin:
2016-03-03, 02:01:52
Version 1.9.1
- updated GM2xx to 0x2000D, thanks to Plutomaniac.
- updated GM1xx_MXM to 0x10034, thanks to Plutomaniac.
Version 1.9.0
- updated GM1xx to 0x10034, thanks to Plutomaniac.
- updated GK1xx to 0x10034
- added the possibility to search for file, by simply launching GOPupd.bat alone. Thanks to UBU and Sonix.
Version 1.8.9
- updated GK1xx_MXM to 0x10033
- Nvidia GRID K1/K2 are updated to GK1xx Multi-Display GOP, even if original (and old) was regular GK1xx GOP.
- added support for Nvidia with standalone special images between ROM and EFI.
Version 1.8.8
- updated GM2xx to 0x2000C, thanks to TechPowerUp
Version 1.8.7
- updated GM1xx to 0x10033, thanks to rootuser123
- amd_gop_IDs.txt contains the name/tag of the GPU associated with an ID. It will also be saved as such when processing an AMD GOP.
Version 1.8.6
- updated AMD to, thanks to Plutomaniac.
- switched to using GopInfoX for AMD_ROM_Info
- renamed all drivers from ROM_Info. They are not needed any more, but kept for quick debugging.
Version 1.8.5
- updated GM1xx to 0x10032, thanks to Plutomaniac
- updated GM1xx_MXM to 0x10031, thanks to Plutomaniac
Version 1.8.4
- updated GK1xx to 0x10032, thanks to Plutomaniac
- updated GK1xx_MXM to 0x10032, thanks to Plutomaniac
Version 1.8.3
- updated GM2xx to 0x2000B, thanks to TechPowerUp
Version 1.8.2
- request Admin rights on systems with UAC enabled. It will not work properly otherwise.
- updated #ROM_Info to ATIFlash 2.71 from TechPowerUp and Nvidia NVFlash 2.227 from Geeks3D
Version 1.8.1
- updated GF10x to 0x1001F
- added GK1xx Multi Display
- fixed version detector for some GF119
Version 1.8
- renamed the folder and bat files related to ROM info. I tried to do the same with sys files, but AMD didn't liked it. I hope that users won't try to use them for flashing.
- updated GF10x to 0x1001C. Not yet as new as others, but definitely better than the old one.
- updated GK1xx to 0x10030.
- updated GK1xx_MXM to 0x10030.
- added support for Nvidia old images that had all ROMs images with 55AA sig. Not sure if these cards can actually use the GOP.
- added support for Nvidia multi-images in one container. I just add the image after this container, then fix the last-image-bit in first ROM and last special image.
- added GPU hint for Nvidia card with missing GOP or unknown version. This just displays the product name, so it might not always be helpful, depending on what OEM have added there.
- added AMD GPU microcode report. I have only found it in old images and always at offset 0x1A000, which will be overlapped by the EFI ROM. So users will have to choose between GOP and microcode.
Version 1.7
- added GK1xx_MXM and GM1xx_MXM
- updated GM1xx to 0x10030
- fixed AMD version until it will be broken again
- added Mac version display. Only AMD works well, Nvidia is missing the version most of the times.
- enabled Mac GOP replacement, but the validity of the new image falls in user's hand. Drop the compressed image as mac_gop.efirom in GOP_Files. Then check the resulting file on your own. I have only a few samples of Apple images and no intention of supporting them.
Version 1.6
- updated GM2xx to 0x2000A, thanks to Sylar76.
- added AMD to database check
- the temp folder will not be removed if the GOP is not in database
Version 1.5
- updated GK1xx GOP to 0x1002F
- replace nvflash with original one, thanks to Plutomaniac.
- added a database file and also a check for missing GOPs.
- now you can use files outside GOPupd folder, but for a normal use it is still recommended to have the VBIOS file in GOPupd folder.
- you can also drop many files at once, if you want to check for a new GOP.
- GOP type can be determined even with missing variant ID, by using the database file. This is of course limited to the GOPs I have found, so any new GOP is appreciated.
Version 1.4
- added GF119 GOP.
- added a few more checks so that the original GOP is compatible with the new one. Apart from the 6 Nvidia GOPs, there are also MXM and multi-display variants of these. I have GK1xx_MXM and GM1xx_MXM, but no sample of multi-display.
- now the files in the temp folder are renamed for easy storage.
- also added some checks of the original EFI ROM for compatibility: machine code, class-code, EFI code, EFI last image.
Version 1.3
- This one fixes an error regarding recovering extra data when the old image is bigger. It also checks for the EFI ROM type, so it will not update if the card has a Mac EFI ROM, for instance. It can now also be used to decompress a single EFI ROM, by providing a wrapper for UEFIRomExtract.
Version 1.2
- This one tries to recover the extra data at the old offset if possible. This is OK for MSI cards that have a DJH block at the end, but it might not be OK for other extra data, so the red warning with "[...] Please report it!" is still in place, just to make sure nothing is broken without user knowledge.
Version 1.1
- Initial release
Download ( - nach Registrierung
Mirror @ MEGA (!VFkW3IpY!Z64U6jHRLDX3mA1jM0srLGIq9HexbQQG7Tl-0-vQ1dU)
2016-03-03, 10:23:56
Interessant, dass es so etwas nun auch für Endkunden gibt. Denn die Hersteller haben wohl alle solche Tools. Es kommt nur 2 Jahre zu spät für mich.
Edit: manche Boards booten mit Grafikkarten mit GOP nicht, wenn sie kein UEFI Bios haben.
2016-03-04, 20:09:27
Welche Boards bzw Chipsätze wären das?
2016-03-06, 17:07:05
Wenn GPU-Z bei meiner Biosversion bei UEFI ein Häckchen anzeigt, kann ich dann davon ausgehen dass es vollständig GOP-fähig ist?
2016-03-06, 18:18:40
Jup, dann passt das. Falls nur ein UEFI Dummy vorhanden wäre (wie bei der GTX 660 im ersten Post) würde GPU-Z auch nicht das Häkchen anzeigen.
Der Updater nutzt übrigens ati- bzw nvflash um das vorhandene Bios zu analysieren, man kann also ohne Bedenken mal ins eigene Bios reingucken.
2016-03-07, 16:26:36
Was für Vorteile hat das denn nochmal? Außer Fast Boot
2016-03-07, 18:57:54
Cool! Dankeschön. Ich war extrem verwundert dass die R9 Nano kein UEFI / GOP VBios hat und parallel dazu steht eine Anfrage bei Sapphire nach einem GOP-Bios aus.
Hat vielleicht jemand einen Mirror parat? Mag mich nicht bei dem nächsten Forum anmelden müssen nur um eine Datei zu ziehen.
2016-03-07, 19:11:55
Nicht nur Fast Boot, du kannst mit einem GOP-kompatiblen VGA-Bios das komplette CSM im Mainboardbios abschalten und so ein "reines" UEFI-System haben.
Mir war bis eben gar nicht bewußt dass der Download nur mit Registrierung geht. :redface:!VFkW3IpY!Z64U6jHRLDX3mA1jM0srLGIq9HexbQQG7Tl-0-vQ1dU
2016-03-07, 20:45:43
Nicht nur Fast Boot, du kannst mit einem GOP-kompatiblen VGA-Bios das komplette CSM im Mainboardbios abschalten und so ein "reines" UEFI-System haben.
Mir war bis eben gar nicht bewußt dass der Download nur mit Registrierung geht. :redface:!VFkW3IpY!Z64U6jHRLDX3mA1jM0srLGIq9HexbQQG7Tl-0-vQ1dU
Gerade etwas eingelesen. Meine Karte hat da ein Umschalter wo ich UEFI aktivieren kann :D
2016-03-07, 23:02:37
Nicht nur Fast Boot, du kannst mit einem GOP-kompatiblen VGA-Bios das komplette CSM im Mainboardbios abschalten und so ein "reines" UEFI-System haben.
Mir war bis eben gar nicht bewußt dass der Download nur mit Registrierung geht. :redface:!VFkW3IpY!Z64U6jHRLDX3mA1jM0srLGIq9HexbQQG7Tl-0-vQ1dU
Vielen Dank.
Hat wunderbar geklappt, und nach einem Neustart und der Deaktivierung von CSM hat das System auch problemlos mit Fastboot gebootet.
Interessanterweise ist allerdings im Afterburner die Spannungskontrolle verschwunden. Ich konnte nicht mehr untervolten. Hab alle möglichen Einstellungen im Afterburner probiert, es hat aber nix geholfen.
Nach umlegen des Bios-Schalters an meiner Nano auf das original Bios, ist die Spannungsregelung wieder im Afterburner aufgetaucht. :freak:
Keine Ahnung was da los ist.
2016-06-09, 01:15:20
Update auf v1.9.5, u.a. für Pascal:
Download @ Quelle, Registrierung erforderlich (
Download @ Google Drive, eigener Mirror (
Version 1.9.5
- Updated GT21x to 0x10031, thanks to insanelyDeepak and Riley Freeman
- Updated NVFlash to 5.292, thanks to Stefan from LaptopVideo2Go and Geeks3D
- Updated ISBN/NBSI structure for Pascal support.
Version 1.9.4
- Added GP1xx 0x30002, thanks to OCN, Orbmu2k and Sylar76
- Updated NVFlash to 5.287, same source.
- added extraction of Nvidia signing certificates. In GOPUpd.bat change ISBN=0 to ISBN=1 to make it available. You can also change DEBUG=0 to DEBUG=1 if you want the ISBN structure to be printed. Just the basic support, only started investigating this structure.
- if you run the above, you will obtain either a cert_nrX.cer or a cert_nrX.lic in the temp folder. The first one should be available for inspection from any system, it is a PEM encoded certificate. The second one should be dropped on #Nvidia_ROM_Info.bat, as it has an Nvidia container.
- enabled class-code 03-02-00. I saw several images from Nvidia with this class-code, they all used the official GOP.
- report if there are other ROM images in file. Useful for containers like the Nvidia flashers, where there can be more than one image inside.
- added reports for bad EFI images. This is currently done using the database file. Will explain later.
- AMD will now be extracted as "AMD GOP x.x.x.x[_custom]_[un]signed_CRC32". The term "_custom" will be added only to those containing tables in the EFI, _signed/_unsigned should be obvious what they mean.
- relocate the AMD microcode. Unfortunately, the cards that have a microcode also have a limited chip space. You need to ask for help if you are in this situation, I can provide you an older EFI ROM that will fit your image.
Version 1.9.3
- updated AMD GOP to, thanks to TPU
- updated GM2xx to 0x2000E, thanks to TPU
- added support for very old Nvidia GOP releases, older than 0x10008.
Version 1.9.2
- added display support for GP1xx and GOP-Override. No replacing yet, missing samples.
Version 1.9.1
- updated GM2xx to 0x2000D, thanks to Plutomaniac.
- updated GM1xx_MXM to 0x10034, thanks to Plutomaniac.
Version 1.9.0
- updated GM1xx to 0x10034, thanks to Plutomaniac.
- updated GK1xx to 0x10034
- added the possibility to search for file, by simply launching GOPupd.bat alone. Thanks to UBU and Sonix.
Version 1.8.9
- updated GK1xx_MXM to 0x10033
- Nvidia GRID K1/K2 are updated to GK1xx Multi-Display GOP, even if original (and old) was regular GK1xx GOP.
- added support for Nvidia with standalone special images between ROM and EFI.
Version 1.8.8
- updated GM2xx to 0x2000C, thanks to TechPowerUp
Version 1.8.7
- updated GM1xx to 0x10033, thanks to rootuser123
- amd_gop_IDs.txt contains the name/tag of the GPU associated with an ID. It will also be saved as such when processing an AMD GOP.
Version 1.8.6
- updated AMD to, thanks to Plutomaniac.
- switched to using GopInfoX for AMD_ROM_Info
- renamed all drivers from ROM_Info. They are not needed any more, but kept for quick debugging.
Version 1.8.5
- updated GM1xx to 0x10032, thanks to Plutomaniac
- updated GM1xx_MXM to 0x10031, thanks to Plutomaniac
Version 1.8.4
- updated GK1xx to 0x10032, thanks to Plutomaniac
- updated GK1xx_MXM to 0x10032, thanks to Plutomaniac
Version 1.8.3
- updated GM2xx to 0x2000B, thanks to TechPowerUp
Version 1.8.2
- request Admin rights on systems with UAC enabled. It will not work properly otherwise.
- updated #ROM_Info to ATIFlash 2.71 from TechPowerUp and Nvidia NVFlash 2.227 from Geeks3D
Version 1.8.1
- updated GF10x to 0x1001F
- added GK1xx Multi Display
- fixed version detector for some GF119
Version 1.8
- renamed the folder and bat files related to ROM info. I tried to do the same with sys files, but AMD didn't liked it. I hope that users won't try to use them for flashing.
- updated GF10x to 0x1001C. Not yet as new as others, but definitely better than the old one.
- updated GK1xx to 0x10030.
- updated GK1xx_MXM to 0x10030.
- added support for Nvidia old images that had all ROMs images with 55AA sig. Not sure if these cards can actually use the GOP.
- added support for Nvidia multi-images in one container. I just add the image after this container, then fix the last-image-bit in first ROM and last special image.
- added GPU hint for Nvidia card with missing GOP or unknown version. This just displays the product name, so it might not always be helpful, depending on what OEM have added there.
- added AMD GPU microcode report. I have only found it in old images and always at offset 0x1A000, which will be overlapped by the EFI ROM. So users will have to choose between GOP and microcode.
Version 1.7
- added GK1xx_MXM and GM1xx_MXM
- updated GM1xx to 0x10030
- fixed AMD version until it will be broken again
- added Mac version display. Only AMD works well, Nvidia is missing the version most of the times.
- enabled Mac GOP replacement, but the validity of the new image falls in user's hand. Drop the compressed image as mac_gop.efirom in GOP_Files. Then check the resulting file on your own. I have only a few samples of Apple images and no intention of supporting them.
Version 1.6
- updated GM2xx to 0x2000A, thanks to Sylar76.
- added AMD to database check
- the temp folder will not be removed if the GOP is not in database
Version 1.5
- updated GK1xx GOP to 0x1002F
- replace nvflash with original one, thanks to Plutomaniac.
- added a database file and also a check for missing GOPs.
- now you can use files outside GOPupd folder, but for a normal use it is still recommended to have the VBIOS file in GOPupd folder.
- you can also drop many files at once, if you want to check for a new GOP.
- GOP type can be determined even with missing variant ID, by using the database file. This is of course limited to the GOPs I have found, so any new GOP is appreciated.
Version 1.4
- added GF119 GOP.
- added a few more checks so that the original GOP is compatible with the new one. Apart from the 6 Nvidia GOPs, there are also MXM and multi-display variants of these. I have GK1xx_MXM and GM1xx_MXM, but no sample of multi-display.
- now the files in the temp folder are renamed for easy storage.
- also added some checks of the original EFI ROM for compatibility: machine code, class-code, EFI code, EFI last image.
Version 1.3
- This one fixes an error regarding recovering extra data when the old image is bigger. It also checks for the EFI ROM type, so it will not update if the card has a Mac EFI ROM, for instance. It can now also be used to decompress a single EFI ROM, by providing a wrapper for UEFIRomExtract.
Version 1.2
- This one tries to recover the extra data at the old offset if possible. This is OK for MSI cards that have a DJH block at the end, but it might not be OK for other extra data, so the red warning with "[...] Please report it!" is still in place, just to make sure nothing is broken without user knowledge.
Version 1.1
- Initial release
Rampage 2
2016-07-24, 00:28:46
Also ich habe das GOP-Tool noch nicht benutzt, aber als ich eben GPU-Z gestartet hatte, war im "UEFI" Kästchen ein Haken gesetzt - und soweit ich mich erinnern kann, war das auch bei meinen früheren Win7-Installationen (bisher alle mit eingeschaltetem CSM) so gewesen...
Dieser Logik nach dürfte es also keine Probleme mit deaktiviertem CSM geben und ich bräuchte eigentlich auch nicht zusätzlich einen GOP-Treiber zu installieren - aber dennoch kommt es sofort zu Problemen, sobald ich CSM ausschalte! (bevor ich es ausgestellt habe, hatte ich Windows + alle Festplatten vollständig geplättet und anschließend manuell eine EFI-Systempartition auf meiner SSD erstellt, wo ich dann auch Win7 aufgespielt habe - mit aktivem CSM läuft alles fehlerfrei!)
Sollte ich jetzt den GOP-Treiber installieren oder es lieber sein lassen?:confused:
2022-07-11, 12:12:05
Gibt es noch einen funktionierenden Download-Link?
Habe eine HD7950 und ebenfalls oben beschriebene Problematik.
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