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2003-02-28, 09:37:19

Gerade mal ein bischen in den News gestöbert.
Fand das hier:

seems that Grand Theft Auto:Vice City is gonna see the light of day come this pring for the PC, and a new version of GTA is also in the works. And not only that, we will be seeing a new game based on the Max Payne fanchise soon.

In outlining its plans for the following 18 months, Rockstar said that new versions of Grand Theft Auto will appear. It apparently plans to create yet a third PS2 sequel for 2003, an analyst said, in addition to the PC version of GTA: VC, due this spring. The date, name and details were not revealed on the financial report. Additionally, Rockstar plans on revealing new iterations of previous franchises including Max Payne, State of Emergency, Spec Ops and Smuggler's Run during this time period.

Games planned for the third fiscal quarter (Q2 calendar 2003) highlight Midnight Club 2 on PC and Xbox and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on PC.

Bin ja mal echt gespannt auf das game.

2003-02-28, 09:49:59
Zum Glück passt dazu dieses Statement aus dem Driverheaven-Interview (http://www.driverheaven.net/display.php?page=richard_interview), sonst würde ich mich als ATi-User nicht auf das Game freuen:

[Zardon] Grand Theft Auto 3, the PC port from PS2, had some terrible performance issues on ATI cards, I can certainly remember the fun
I had getting it to run on my 8500 card in a reasonable manner, personally I don't feel this entirely a problem with the hardware.
There is a rumour that Rockstar only cooperated with Nvidia in the production of this game, which would explain some of the issues.
Can you confirm or deny this? And have you any comments on the forthcoming release of Grand Theft Auto Vice City on the PC platform?
Have Rockstar had any communication with yourselves to getting this immensely popular game running better on ATI graphics cards?

[Richard Huddy] Grand Theft Auto 3 has issues on both ATI and Nvidia hardware.
And, in fact it performs pretty well considering it is a PS2 port to PC.
ATI has a great relationship with Rockstar, and they worked with all major graphics vendors during the port but were limited by their schedule
and were not able to test on all the various driver revisions.
We are working much more closely with Rockstar on upcoming titles to help prevent issues moving forward
and we'll ensure the next version rocks on ATI cards.

2003-02-28, 09:51:16
hoffentlich ist es etwas besser für den pc optimiert als gta3

2003-02-28, 12:10:13
Ja, endlich!

Neuer Stoff!

In GTA3 hab ich ja langsam so zei lich jederampe genómmen, jeden PAnzer geflamet und jedes Auto zerlegt!

2003-02-28, 13:41:21
geil ich freu mich schon derbst auf vice city und max payne 2

2003-03-01, 03:57:53
So toll ist VC nicht.Habe es schon auf der PS2 gespielt.

2003-03-01, 09:48:54
also ich habs auch auffer ps2 gespielt und ich fand es einfach nur geil mitm roller durch die stadt zu "heizen"

2003-03-01, 11:30:38
also gta3 war schon der hammer.
aber vice city ist bestimmt oberfett.
auf diesen 80er jahre style freu ich mich tierisch:D

2003-03-01, 12:57:13
Hab auch gespielt!

Fands total geil!

Nur die Farebn sin dteilweise wirklich serh knallig,
aber das gleicht die mega mukke wider aus.

besonders freue ich mich darauf, helikpter und motorrad zu fahren!

2003-03-01, 19:51:42
die musik bei gta3 war ja schon kult.
besonders der 80er jahre sender mit den songs aus dem film SCARFACE waren super!
da steht vice city in der hinsicht bestimmt in nix nach:D