Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Xfree 4.3.0 && Saphire Radeon 9700Pro
2003-03-05, 21:21:21
Hat irgendjemand schon Erfahrung mit Powered by ATI (9000 Serie) und Xfree 4.3.0.
Bei mir funktionieren die generic Radeon Treiber von Xfree 4.3.0 nicht. Meine Vermutung ist, dass diese nur mit Build by ATI Karten laufen.
THX im Voraus
2003-03-07, 12:13:17
meine sapphire 9500 macht da keine probleme.
Was heisst nicht funktionieren? Kannst du den XServer nicht starten? Oder funktioniert nur der 3D-Modus nicht? Der ist nämlich von XFree für die 9500/9700er ATis nicht unterstützt. Da müssen wir dann halt noch auf den ATi eigenen Linux-Treiber warten.
2003-03-07, 12:22:26
ich kann den xserver mit den 'radeon' treibern nicht starten. Die ATI-Treiber verwende ich nicht, weil diese ja nur mit xfree 4.1.0 bis xfree 4.2.0
Bist du die xf86config durchgegangen (bzw. hast du in der /etc/X11/XF86config manuell den radeon Treiber eingetragen), und es gab
keine Probleme? Oder gibt es etwas spezielles zu beachten?
2003-03-07, 19:56:08
was kommt denn für eine Fehlermeldung raus, wenn du startx eintippst, bzw den XServer startest?
Ich habe meine XF86Config mit xf86configure oder so ähnlich (dem textbasierten Konfigurationsscript) erstellt (und ein wenig nachbearbeitet). Als Grafikkarte habe ich dann Radeon Generic gewählt.
Kann ja meine XF86Config mal posten...
2003-03-07, 20:08:20
Hier meine XF86Config (gekürzt um ein paar Kommentare.
# File generated by xf86config.
# **********************************************************************
# Module section -- this section is used to specify
# which dynamically loadable modules to load.
# **********************************************************************
Section "Module"
# This loads the DBE extension module.
Load "dbe" # Double buffer extension
# This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
# initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.
SubSection "extmod"
Option "omit xfree86-dga" # don't initialise the DGA extension
# This loads the Type1 and FreeType font modules
Load "type1"
Load "speedo"
Load "freetype"
Load "xtt"
# This loads the GLX module
Load "glx"
# This loads the DRI module
Load "dri"
Load "v4l"
# **********************************************************************
# Files section. This allows default font and rgb paths to be set
# **********************************************************************
Section "Files"
# The location of the RGB database.
RgbPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/freefont/"
# **********************************************************************
# Server flags section.
# **********************************************************************
Section "ServerFlags"
# Habe hier alles auskommentiert gelassen
# **********************************************************************
# Input devices
# **********************************************************************
# **********************************************************************
# Core keyboard's InputDevice section
# **********************************************************************
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard1"
Driver "Keyboard"
# Option "Protocol" "Xqueue"
Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
# Specify which keyboard LEDs can be user-controlled (eg, with xset(1))
# Option "Xleds" "1 2 3"
# Option "LeftAlt" "Meta"
# Option "RightAlt" "ModeShift"
# To customise the XKB settings to suit your keyboard, modify the
# lines below (which are the defaults).
Option "XkbRules" "xfree86"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "de"
Option "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys"
# **********************************************************************
# Core Pointer's InputDevice section
# **********************************************************************
Section "InputDevice"
# Identifier and driver
Identifier "Mouse1"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mouse0"
Option "Buttons" "5"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
# **********************************************************************
# Other input device sections
# this is optional and is required only if you
# are using extended input devices. This is for example only. Refer
# to the XF86Config man page for a description of the options.
# **********************************************************************
# Hab hier nix anderes
# EndSection
# **********************************************************************
# Monitor section
# **********************************************************************
# Any number of monitor sections may be present
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Hansol"
VertRefresh 60-85
HorizSync 31.5-68.667
# **********************************************************************
# Graphics device section
# **********************************************************************
# Standard VGA Device:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Standard VGA"
VendorName "Unknown"
BoardName "Unknown"
Driver "vga"
# The BusID line is used to specify which of possibly multiple devices
# this section is intended for. When this line isn't present, a device
# section can only match up with the primary video device. For PCI
# devices a line like the following could be used. This line should not
# normally be included unless there is more than one video device
# intalled.
# BusID "PCI:0:10:0"
# VideoRam 256
# Clocks 25.2 28.3
# Device configured by xf86config:
Section "Device"
Identifier "** ATI Radeon (generic) [radeon]"
Driver "radeon"
#VideoRam 131072
# Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate
# **********************************************************************
# Screen sections
# **********************************************************************
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen 1"
Device "** ATI Radeon (generic) [radeon]"
Monitor "Hansol"
DefaultDepth 24
Subsection "Display"
Depth 8
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
ViewPort 0 0
Subsection "Display"
Depth 16
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
ViewPort 0 0
Subsection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
ViewPort 0 0
# **********************************************************************
# ServerLayout sections.
# **********************************************************************
Section "ServerLayout"
# The Identifier line must be present
Identifier "Simple Layout"
Screen "Screen 1"
InputDevice "Mouse1" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"
Section "DRI"
Mode 0666
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