Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : My Seasonic TX-750W tripped breaker or it was halogen bulb in bathroom?

2020-09-10, 21:01:35
PC: Aorus AD27QD


Aorus 2080 Ti waterforce stock




Pc was on idle and monitor was on. Other devices like tv,washer off. So not circuit overload. 2 weeks ago something tripped 2 small circuit breakers . All electricity lights and sockets went down .Then.......i go to bathroom and saw that one of 3 halogen bulbs no lightning. So one bulb get burned.

What tripped breaker? Halogen Bulb or Seasonic psu of my pc?

Like i said pc working normally after that outage.But i am worried about my psu.

Thx for helping me. I am not cooled down<lol>.

2020-09-10, 21:58:56
Not uncommon that burning-through bulbs trip the breaker. Especially if they were very cheap and/or of low quality

2020-09-11, 00:00:14
Why i ask about pc PSU? Ok i tell.

I had a good monitor AORUS AD27QD. 2-3 months ago when i was sleeping monitor was on. When i woke up all electricity went down. After switching 2 small circuit breakers power back . Pc works fine. But monitor was not turned back. I mean power button not working and no leds,nothing.

I sended to rma. Here is shop RMA message:

Shop:"We repaired PSU and sending back good monitor to client"

Is this possible that psu of monitor can trip breaker then if psu inside monitor, failed? BUT PSU OF MONITOR IS NOT THE SAME OF PC?
So thats why i am asking about pc psu now.

I guess i had bad luck with monitor ( 3 months ago ) and bulb ( 2 weeks ago )?

2020-09-11, 11:31:55
Hard to tell, what happened. If you just have a "works/doesn't work"-diagnosis, in most of the cases you can not tell, if a certain broken item caused the breaker to trip while dying, or if the item died as consequence of another dead item causing the failure in the electric system, before the breakers kicked in. It can even not be excluded, that the root cause might be something in the electric system of your house, which you did not detect yet.

Do you have any chance of a deeper technical investigation (measuring the PSU etc.)?

2020-09-11, 12:30:56
I think a PSU can't heal itself. So I vote for the bulb.


2020-09-11, 14:50:03
My wiring electrical system is from i guess 2005-2006. Its new. Building is with 4 floors. I am living in apartment nr 1. Also no issues more.
So my question. 3 months ago monitor get burned because of psu inside monitor ,2 weeks ago bulb get burned .
So i had a bad luck with devices or it is issue with electrical system?

2020-09-11, 15:09:01
I think a PSU can't heal itself.
It can't heal itself, but usually survives heavier beating than a tiny LED bulb electronic and can cause electrical problems in the net without killing itself (e.g. high switch-on current draw).

2020-09-11, 15:12:11
So i had a bad luck with devices or it is issue with electrical system?General electrical problems would have potential to also affect all other electronics, at least in your apartment. Over months, just two of them died. --> If we go by the statistics, the chances atm are higher for "bad luck".

But that's statstics. If you want to know for sure, you need to test more thoroughly.

2020-09-11, 15:25:33
Hey last question. Really greatful for help.
Somebody said this to me:"Sounds like there was likely a power surge from the outside especially since 2 breakers were tripped. If it was anything internally it should have only affected one breaker."

So it was surge?

It was tripped 2 circuit breakers like i said before.

2020-09-11, 15:57:39
It can't heal itself, but usually survives heavier beating than a tiny LED bulb electronic and can cause electrical problems in the net without killing itself (e.g. high switch-on current draw).True. But any current as high that it can trip the breaker, should also trip the primary fuse of the PSU.


joe kongo
2020-09-11, 20:54:52
Hey last question. Really greatful for help.
Somebody said this to me:"Sounds like there was likely a power surge from the outside especially since 2 breakers were tripped. If it was anything internally it should have only affected one breaker."

So it was surge?

It was tripped 2 circuit breakers like i said before.

Maybe, if the 2 breakers was exclusive line circuit breakers and not
earth leakage protectors. In case of a surge on the power line
the overvoltage protection inside electronic devices can draw a lot of current
to held the voltage low.

2020-09-11, 23:37:14
I have question. If 3 months ago monitor psu blowed , then maybe 2 weeks ago it was not bulb but psu of pc? But like i said pc working. Also psu in monitor have not the same safery features like psu in pc?

joe kongo
2020-09-12, 20:28:47
Monitor and PC have similar input circuitry.

2020-09-13, 02:30:57
So first time it was psu inside monitor? Second time it was halogen bulg,not psu in pc?

Also psu inside monitor have not similir security features like on pc?

2020-09-16, 10:15:26
Somebody said this to me:"I am a registered electrician in the state of Wi and I'm going to tell you to call a local electrician because something isn't right with your household's wiring. You need somebody there in person to find the fault meaning this is outside the scope of what we can help with on a forum. "

So he is right?

2020-09-16, 14:01:49
Also psu inside monitor have not similir security features like on pc?Also safety features have a certain (small) chance to fail or die. And what do you expect from a PSU for a few $ having to deal with relatively stable and small demands of probably less than 50W vs. an ATX PSU for 100$ having to deal with a load range of up to 500W with fast changes? So "similar" is surely relative.

If you are definitely not sure and really, definitely and under all circumstances want to have safety over the point, if you might have a house wiring problem or not - get an electrician and spend the money for your lost peace of mind. But I'd recommend to have him start analyzing the defects with the failing PSUs and the lightbulb, not with measuring each and every cable and installed products in your apartment. This way he maybe done within a few minutes, depending if he finds the causes for the defects in the electrical parts, or if it really was something external.

A forum in the internet is and stays a forum, not a convention of jedi knights, that by magical means can feel through the changes in the force, what happened in your PSU/home. Even an electrician can only guess from this perspective. For having something measured/confirmed, you will still have to have someone doing it in AR (actual reality)... ;)

2020-09-16, 14:14:52
So first time it was monitor psu, but second time it was bulb,not psu in pc?

We cant compare psu in monitor to Seasonic 750-TX Prime Titanium pc psu?

2020-09-16, 14:39:34
Most electronic PSUs contain parts to protect against voltage spikes. They can blow, and when they do that, they usually trip the breaker. The PSU itself mostly survives this, only loses the protection.
Halogen bulbs, like any classical bulb, can create a metal plasma while failing, which bridges the contacts and sustains a powerful arc, until the breaker trips.

If this kind of problems occur frequently (like once a month), its mostly not a problem with the wiring itself. Sometimes, especially in big buildings, the grid is extremely dirty, full of transients, spikes and brownouts. There a protection devices with overvoltage protection and line filtering. You can try one of these. Or you go all the way to a full UPS.

2020-09-16, 14:57:29
I sended to rma. Here is shop RMA message:

Shop:"We changed PSU and sending back good monitor to client"

So it propably fuse blowed in monitor or psu blow in monitor?

2020-09-16, 22:22:54
Hey somebody said this to me:"Yes, something isn't right. Something is triggering the breakers. Bulbs and other electronics are dying. Explain this to the electrician. An electrician posted in this thread... follow their advice."

What triggering,is he right?