2024-09-17, 18:48:46
Kleiner thread zu dem "Spielchen". Hatte ich bisher nicht auf dem Schirm. Heute hat man jedenfalls den early access release für November24 angekündigt. Scheint mir ne extrem hübsche Mischung aus MilSim (vorwiegend maritim) und RTS zu sein....falls man damit was anfangen kann.
Überrascht war ich auch von dem MicroProse Logo, was ich gefühlt zum letzten Mal in den 90ern (beim legendären "Grand Prix2") gesehen habe. :eek: Tatsächlich wurde das Studio aber wirklich 2013 geschlossen. Ein cooler dude namens David Langetti, der mal bei Bohemia Interactive (ArmA) programmiert hat, hat die Marke aber anscheinend 2018 gekauft und will jetzt den alten Glanz der MicroProse Spiele wieder aufleben lassen. Mein Segen dafür hat er jedenfalls und sieht mE auch schonmal sehr geil aus, was ich bisher gesehen habe.
Achja, der lead Designer von "Cold Waters" ist wohl auch mit an Bord. =)
Early Access Approach
Sea Power will be entering Early Access with a broad amount of content, namely:
- Over 20 Scenarios: Including both historical and fictional encounters
- Dynamic Campaign (Alpha): An evolving theatre-scale campaign that will grow throughout our Early Access development.
- Mission Editor: An intuitive and flexible tool to recreate any conflict of the 60’s to 80’s Cold War era around the entire globe.
- Massive Cold War Arsenal: over 150 naval units, more than 60 aircraft, 130 weapon systems, and 50 different ground objects
Game Recap for Newcomers - Dynamic Campaign, Strategic Depth, and Immersive Cold War Realism
For new players who have recently joined our community, we thought it useful to give a quick recap on the scope of Sea Power: Naval Combat in the Missile Age.
The game brings a mix of strategic and tactical depth in realistic naval engagements across multiple global theatres including the North Atlantic, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Tonkin and the Mediterranean. Players will control ships, submarines, and aircraft; balancing the needs of local tactical combat missions and strategic theatre-scale operations.
The game’s attention to detail and historical authenticity includes advanced ship and weapon physics, sensor modelling and dynamic weather systems, all combined with richly detailed 3D graphics that bring the Cold War atmosphere to life. The entire planet is your combat playground – so our hope is to provide you with a near-endlessly replayable experience for many
years to come.
Our small but super hard-working team have accumulated many years of naval simulation game experience. Our experience with designing the core gameplay of Cold Waters (and modding it until it very much broke!) has heavily influenced how seriously we take the quality and polish of Sea Power.
Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled Cold War experience and thanks for joining us on this journey!
The Triassic Team (Nils, Martin, Mek, Ivan, Daniell, Ben, Matt, Noah, Victor and Ian)
Trailer (alles ingame Grafik):
First look (1h lang):
Steamlink (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1286220/Sea_Power__Naval_Combat_in_the_Missile_Age/)
Überrascht war ich auch von dem MicroProse Logo, was ich gefühlt zum letzten Mal in den 90ern (beim legendären "Grand Prix2") gesehen habe. :eek: Tatsächlich wurde das Studio aber wirklich 2013 geschlossen. Ein cooler dude namens David Langetti, der mal bei Bohemia Interactive (ArmA) programmiert hat, hat die Marke aber anscheinend 2018 gekauft und will jetzt den alten Glanz der MicroProse Spiele wieder aufleben lassen. Mein Segen dafür hat er jedenfalls und sieht mE auch schonmal sehr geil aus, was ich bisher gesehen habe.
Achja, der lead Designer von "Cold Waters" ist wohl auch mit an Bord. =)
Early Access Approach
Sea Power will be entering Early Access with a broad amount of content, namely:
- Over 20 Scenarios: Including both historical and fictional encounters
- Dynamic Campaign (Alpha): An evolving theatre-scale campaign that will grow throughout our Early Access development.
- Mission Editor: An intuitive and flexible tool to recreate any conflict of the 60’s to 80’s Cold War era around the entire globe.
- Massive Cold War Arsenal: over 150 naval units, more than 60 aircraft, 130 weapon systems, and 50 different ground objects
Game Recap for Newcomers - Dynamic Campaign, Strategic Depth, and Immersive Cold War Realism
For new players who have recently joined our community, we thought it useful to give a quick recap on the scope of Sea Power: Naval Combat in the Missile Age.
The game brings a mix of strategic and tactical depth in realistic naval engagements across multiple global theatres including the North Atlantic, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Tonkin and the Mediterranean. Players will control ships, submarines, and aircraft; balancing the needs of local tactical combat missions and strategic theatre-scale operations.
The game’s attention to detail and historical authenticity includes advanced ship and weapon physics, sensor modelling and dynamic weather systems, all combined with richly detailed 3D graphics that bring the Cold War atmosphere to life. The entire planet is your combat playground – so our hope is to provide you with a near-endlessly replayable experience for many
years to come.
Our small but super hard-working team have accumulated many years of naval simulation game experience. Our experience with designing the core gameplay of Cold Waters (and modding it until it very much broke!) has heavily influenced how seriously we take the quality and polish of Sea Power.
Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled Cold War experience and thanks for joining us on this journey!
The Triassic Team (Nils, Martin, Mek, Ivan, Daniell, Ben, Matt, Noah, Victor and Ian)
Trailer (alles ingame Grafik):
First look (1h lang):
Steamlink (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1286220/Sea_Power__Naval_Combat_in_the_Missile_Age/)