Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Lesenswertes GTA:VC Kundenreview

2003-05-08, 21:04:29
Folgende Zeilen wurden von einem "Kunde" auf ebgames.com verfasst:

ericgoose(egause1@attbi.com) on 5/5/2003
I know for fact that playstation2 is better then PC because it has a fast DVD drive, which is way faster for runnign games than slow PC hard drive. My grafics card, which came with my NEW computer has a HUGE 16 megabytes of cache on it, and GTA3 PC ran slow! I played GTA3 on my playstation 2 and it was so fast!! Because I said the FACTS, We know PC will be big waste of time. Your PC has to have a DVD drive so that it can run the coming Vice City game, how many people have a DVD drive in their PC computer?? VERRRY FEW! Besides, the PC is dumb and loads it onto the hard drive. Everyone knows Playstation2 is better because you dont have to bother copying and pasting hundreds of files, and it runs it from its built-in DVD drive. PCs use slow hard disks. hard disks are expensive and slow, thats why no game machines have them. I LIKE GTA3 better anyway, because it has 3 islands, instead of one Vice
City. Dont buy VICE CITY PC!!


2003-05-08, 23:38:59
PCs use slow hard disks. hard disks are expensive and slow, thats why no game machines have them

Drei Lügen in zwei Sätzen. RESPEKT! ;D Riesen Depp der Typ!

2003-05-09, 01:59:09
My grafics card, which came with my NEW computer has a HUGE 16 megabytes of cache on it, and GTA3 PC ran slow!

Wow, dem muß wohl jemand einen HighEnd-PC aus dem Jahre 1998 aufgeschwatzt haben! ;D

Ist es nicht wunderbar, wie man alles so schön Verallgemeinern kann -> Alle PCs sind zum Zocken zu langsam, da meiner nicht schnell genug für Game XY ist, basta - kauft Euch eine Konsole!