Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : WDP: RTCW Demoplayer on planetwolfenstein.com ?

2001-12-12, 15:20:46
Hey RAL,

Did you send an info-Mail to the guys over at planetwolfenstein.com ? I am missing your player in the "essential files" directory.
Update: Whoops, found it - it was under the "misc-files" section. I think that's lame ...


Hey RAL,

Hast Du ne Info-Mail an planetwolfenstein.com geschickt ? Irgendwie vermisse ich da deinen Player unter "essential files" ...
Update: Upps, hab's gefunden - es war bei den "misc files". Find ich aber nicht so prall.

2001-12-13, 16:56:04
Yep they got a news post about the wdp release from me.
If you think that wdp should be in another download section, say this to the planetwolfenstein staff. For me personally it doesn't matter, as I think that anyway the best way to download it is to get it directly from the source sites
