Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Winamp 3 nach Neustart gleicher Titel???
2003-09-11, 18:30:04
Hallo, ist es möglich, daß sich Winamp den letzten abgespielten Titel "merkt" und bei einem Neustart des Programms automatisch zu diesem springt, so daß ich sozusagen weiterhören kann? Meine Playlists sind immer so lang und ich fänd das einfach klasse, wenn das funzen würde. Bei irgendeiner älteren Version ging das glaub ich.
2003-09-11, 19:27:58
soweit ich weiss geht, dass net !?
aber kewl wär es !! :)
2003-09-11, 20:07:23
mein winamp 2 macht das, also warum soll es der winamp3 nicht machen???
Original geschrieben von Sephirot
mein winamp 2 macht das, also warum soll es der winamp3 nicht machen???
Mein Amp 2.8 auch, aber nur wenn ich ordnungsgemaeß neustarte ;)
2003-09-12, 07:50:05
das war unter anderem ein grund weshalb ich wieder auf den 2.8x winamp zurpckgewechselt bin, weil der 3er sich den letzten track nicht merkt, und ich damals auch keine option fand, um des zu ändern...
2003-09-12, 16:02:40
Also hatte ich es doch noch richtig in Erinnerung, daß das mal möglich war.
Ich hab die Version 3.0, da gibts bestimmt mittlerweile ne neuere Version, die diese Funktion unterstützen könnte.
2003-09-16, 15:37:30
Ich hab mal geschaut, was gerade aktuell ist und es gibt eine Alphaversion 5.0. Ich hab diese jetzt installiert und da klappt es. Mal schauen, ob auch alles glatt läuft, ist ja schließlich nur ne Alphaversion.
2003-09-16, 23:27:50
ich hab winamp 2.70 und find das is das perfekteste programm dass ich seit langem gesehen hab
naja meine meinung: winamp 3 sucks
2003-09-16, 23:35:03
Original geschrieben von [-EBE-]DarkLord
ich hab winamp 2.70 und find das is das perfekteste programm dass ich seit langem gesehen hab
naja meine meinung: winamp 3 sucks Meinst du nicht das bei den neueren Versionen von Winamp noch einiges verbessert wurde :stareup:
Winamp 2.95:
* startup with hung winamp process in background fixed (opens new instance)
* CD ripping support in media library (with OGG Vorbis encoding support)
* Preliminary AAC playback support added to in_mp3.dll
* ryan fixed shuffle again
* minibrowser ctrl+l fix
* media library: lots of bugfixes
* media library: listener count in internet tv/radio
* media library: query playback mode preferences
* media library: skinnable list/treeview selection colors
* nsv: subtitle bugfixes
* nsv: more buffering options
* nsv: shoutcast metadata support
* nsv: better invalid bitstream handling
* nsv: better display options
* nsv: new ASYN aux chunk handling.
* nsv: support for new extended TOC with frame-accurate seeking
* video: overlay fixes on 556 and other unusual modes
* video: drag&drop URL to video window now works.
* video: subtitle fixes.
* video: support for alt+enter and alt+f4 to leave fullscreen
* cdda: bugfixes
* avs: evallib | and & operator fixes
* in_vorbis fixes/updated libvorbis to post-1.0 cvs
* in_midi fixes
Winamp 2.91:
* fixed an incorrect vis color
* fixed shuffle; now, when you start winamp w/shuffle on, it returns
you to the song you were at when you exited last time
* made winamp not crash if you close it while a file info dialog is open
* fixed jump dialogs when using language packs
* fixed tooltip in lightning bolt
* made video window on autoclose not stop if configured to do so
* made in_mp3 have options for adding tags from ml
* fixed a bug in in_wm
* library: made library refresh properly on add/compact/etc
* library: fixed a library win9x view issue
* library: fixed shift+enter in media library tree
* library: added "Explore item folder" in library's media view
* library: made internet radio/tv display msg when reload is blocked
* library: added "Physically delete file" in library's media view
* dshow: added config dialog (filetypes)
* dshow: added option to vertically flip WMV videos (for machines with old WMV
codec installed)
* dshow: added file info box
* dshow: fixed issues with widechars
* dshow: fixed bitrates displayed
* dshow: added 32 & 64-bit audio support
* nsv: fixed title updating (playlist flicker) bug
* nsv: made nsv info box show filename and basic info
* nsv: made nsv use less cpu on [p]rebuffering
* nsv: fixed mp3 decoder's eating of the end of nsv file
* nsv: added AAC decoding support
* nsv: fixed vis on audioless nsvs
* put AOD in all installers (opt-out always)
Winamp 2.90:
* hot new default skin, done by none other than the evil robot turned good, Steve Gedikian
* added integrated full featured video support (NSV and DirectShow (AVI,ASf,MPEG,etc))
* added library (complete with media database, shoutcast listing, playlist editing,
CD listing, mass tag editting, plugin API for portable devices, and more!)
* updated Winamp's window docking code to be more robust/extensible
- made AVS dock use this new API
* updated PCM equalizer with code from 4Front Technologies/George Yohng. Quality is a lot better.
* updated equalizer default skin to show the true +12db/-12db range (the 20db was a veeery old typo)
* a ton of new WM_WA_IPC API calls.
- general purpose plugin window support
- extended metadata system for getting more than just title/length of items.
- lots of exposed features via IPC
* updated to PP's latest input and output plugins
* focus/Z order change on window close related bugfixes
* added track numbers and song lengths in HTML generated playlists
* removed all ATL code, shoved EXE size by 20kb :)
* added digital audio extraction in in_cdda.dll
(needs WNASPI32.DLL under Windows 9x/ME)
* added Alt+M shortcut for minimizing Winamp
* added Ctrl+(Keypad +)/Ctrl+(Keypad -) shortcuts in playlist editor for changing font size
* fixed stop after current menu item trash related bug
* added ultravox support for in_mp3
* made in_mp3 not display 'unknown X' for empty id3 tags
* installer uses leet new NSIS 2.0b3
* improvements to the setup process
* made the keep on screen code multimonitor smart and better
* fixed & error in tooltips in winamp and winampa's systray icons
* and TONS more! (new SDKs will be posted soon.)
Winamp "Classic" 2.81:
* updated to PP's latest input and output plugins
* in_mp3 now doesnt continue to play on output plugin error.
* smaller installers because we use msvcrt.dll now
* fixed bugs relating to files with ~ in their names.
* doublerightclick in credits makes for fullscreen credits
* more bugfixes (including a fix in the version update notification checking)
* updated installer to have nicer error messages.
* made systray icon update if explorer restarts
* and more (muahaha)!
Winamp 2.80:
* fixed drag&drop from open file dialog related bugs
* made CDDB support better handle not-found CDs/lack of CDDB installed.
* update to CDDB ui (bugfix)
* new splash screen
* minibrowser security fix
* updated winamp agent to support both winamp 2.x and 3.x
* included PP's hacks for slightly better unicode filename support
* in_wave support for floating point .WAV files fixed
* better win9x compatibility for DirectSound
* waveOut made skip less
* some in_mod per-file fixes
* OGG Vorbis support for Standard and Full installs.
* CD support back in lite installer.
Winamp 2.79:
* upgraded unzip/decompress support to zlib 1.1.4, for big security fix
* improved multiple instance detection code/opening many files from explorer issues
* winamp agent tooltip improvement
* fix to id3v2+unicode support
Winamp 2.78:
* minibrowser fixes
* cddb2 support
* updates to mod, midi, and wav support (from the wonderful PP)
Winamp 2.77:
* mb.ini skin support (Winamp/MBOpen)
* added page and slider for 'shuffle morph rate' to Preferences so you can
control how much the playlist morphs (mutates) each time it cycles
* PP's ACM disk writer output plug-in instead of the classic one
* PP's WAV/VOC reader (Which is apparently so much better, but we will see)
* included new in_midi and in_mod (yay)
* made playlist editor automatically size down when necessary (on startup)
* made drag&drop playlist URLs work
* made alt+delete work again in playlist editor
* made winamp.exe and winampa.exe both much less likely to fudge HKCR/.
* fixed drag&drop in vis areas
* made Winamp handle language packs that lack strings and/or dialogs better
* made physical file remover ask you for every file, to prevent disasters
* fixed issues with using a large number of input plug-ins and extensions in
open box (I think)
* fixed a small "bug" in the id3 editor of in_mp3
* fixed the frame count bug in id3 editor of in_mp3
* made general purpose plug-in uninstall capability.
* new hyper-leet desktop icon on new installs of full version.
* removed Mjuice support from full version.
* tinyvis 2001 v2.04
* AVS includes experimental fullscreen overlay mode.
Winamp 2.76:
* ryan fixed shuffle!
* christophe added IE URL drag&drop capability
* faster FFTs for vis on WAV/CDDA playback
* fixes RealPlayer's .xpl association bug
* AVS 2.5 (new effects, speedups, smaller presets, etc)
* TinyVis 2001. Includes fast, highly trippy "Random Intelligent Visualization".
* Peter's latest and greatest MIDI plug-in
Winamp 2.75:
* avs 2.4.9 (interface improvements, speedups, new dynamic movement effect (yay!))
* made skin installing do better renaming (removes [1], etc)
* some new sample avs presets (thanks to Zen-X and Marco Muraca, Frank Nagel)
* MASSIVELY optimized directory scanning and removed multi-add bugs
* fixes to in_mod and in_midi.
* fixed some NT/2K uninstall issues.
* updated winamp agent with full color icon
* temporarily removed in_asfs from full distribution (security issue)
Winamp 2.74:
* fixed vis shutdown related bugs (message pump is run while waiting for safety)
* cleaned up some startup code
* fixed layer 2 i/s bug in in_mp3
* fixed HTTP/1.1 + Apache CGI issues in in_mp3.
* improved HTTP auth support in in_mp3
* updated to new in_midi version (go PP)
* new AVS with Overlay support
* made uninstall use NSIS's uninstaller
Winamp 2.73:
* smaller main winamp.EXE
* new AVS version with larger interface
* seeking for HTTP/1.1 streamed MP3 files
* improved minibrowser functionality
* updated versions of MOD and MIDI plug-ins (thanks Jake and PP)
* made out_wm smaller (32k->7k)
* updated to newer, more efficient installer (1.1o)
* fixed one cdda related bug
Winamp 2.72:
* stupid in_mp3 fix (for lame encoded files)
* updated directmusic/midiOut plug-in (Thanks to Peter Pawlowski)
* updated mikamp plug-in (Thanks to Jake Stine)
* made Winamp Agent smaller, use less memory, not interfere with ScanDisk, etc.
* fixed some skin related bugs (main.bmp is no longer ever reloaded)
* fixed cursor bugs - cursors are now loaded all at once (makes for slightly
slower skin switching, but should make things more responsive)
* made zip skin loading more reliable (and slightly slower)
* small avs updates
Winamp 2.71:
* new directmusic/midiOut plug-in (PP's)
* mikmod update (we love you Jake)
* avs: optimized fullscreen 32bpp->Xbpp (not full support yet)
better resizing code, multimonitor support
many stability improvements, opts to evaluation compiler
new effects, of bugfixes
avs minimize modes work right (mostly)
* in_cdda: reduced plug-in size by 30k.
* out_wave: made writeall logic better and less problematic
altvol mode in no longer fudges with global volume.
* in_mp3: improved mp3 decoder sync (byte level sync, better checking)
fixed id3v2 rare writing bug
fixed in_mp3 visualization bug
made highest the default text for in_mp3
* made shuffle not reinit shuffletable on add/remove, it adapts randomly
* got rid of http:// checking for file retreiving.. http is assumed
* made tooltips and hotkeys for demand/load/play in preferences
* made 12k fullscreen visualization plug-in for all installs (woo)
* fixed F5 redrawing stuff it shouldn't bug
* fixed moving a file in the playlist and then using shift to select
* fixed / in IPC issues (i.e. winamp.exe http://url now works all the time)
* fixed the generic eq slowdown on silence, made more accurate
* fixed vis plug-in installation issues
* made workaround for bug in in_mjf.dll
* a few other fixes I forgot to log
2003-09-17, 12:57:50
Original geschrieben von X-Dragon
Meinst du nicht das bei den neueren Versionen von Winamp noch einiges verbessert wurde :stareup:
Also bis jetzt läuft die Alpha 5.0 Version bei mir recht gut. Ich hab gleich mal ein paar Skins runterladen müssen, weil die Oberfläche wie bei 2.8 diese giftgrüne Schrift hat, was ich net leiden kann.
Beim beenden des Programms bekomme ich so einen Runtime Error von Microsoft Visual C++ "R6025 - pure virtual function call". Das hab ich aber nur, wenn ich nicht die Basisskin benutze. Vielleicht weiß ja jemand Rat.
2003-09-17, 20:44:25
Naja ich habe es jetzt mal probiert muss aber sagen der ist für Benutzer der 2er Version wirklich eine neuerung aber für welche wie ich die den 3er benutzen nur Schrott. Da dort viel fehlt z.B es gibt kein Multiplaylistenmehr und die Skin des 3er werden Teilwese fehlerhft angezeigt. Das ist alles was mir in den 5 Miniten aufgefallen ist wo ich ihn drauf hatte.
2003-09-23, 14:58:07
Also, jetzt nach ein paar Tagen muß ich auch sagen, daß der 3er besser ist, aber leider kann dieser sich ja nicht die zuletzt abgespielten Titel speichern, das ärgert mich. :-(
Vielleicht kann mir da ja vielleicht doch jemand weiterhelfen. Wäre echt genial.
ich hatte die 3er vor monaten mal drauf aber da hatte er sogar probleme, anzuzeigen, welches lied gerade läuft...
ich werde erstmal bei 2 bleiben
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