Hi guys, I have been doing a little tweaking in
Hard Reset and
Shadow Warrior, and would like to share my results.
In terms of AA, your best option in the
RoadHog Engine is probably 2x2 driver downsampling, either combined with ingame FXAA or alternatively ingame FSAAx4 and driver forced FXAA.
The reasoning behind these conclusions are explained very well by "MrBonk" in this post:
Sadly my Dell U2410 monitor can only do 3840x2400@40Hz even with manual timings, so I'm personally using 1.5x1.5 downsampling from 2880x1800 to 1920x1200 and FSAAx4 + driver FXAA.
I also tried 5760x3600@1920x1200@60Hz and ingame FXAA in "Hard Reset" using
SoftTH, which should be equivalent to 3x3 OGSSAA.
While this worked just fine with a solid vsync'ed 60 FPS and excellent SLI scaling, the image quality just wasn't very good and the menu became all messed up
Fortunately "Shadow Warrior" has an ingame ambient occlusion setting, but "Hard Reset" doesn't.
I'm using the
"0x00000029" flag to force "Quality" HBAO+ in "Hard Reset", as per this post by "Blaire":
The "0x0000002D" flag also suggested by "Blaire" causes a strange "foggy" look to the game in some scenes, so using it can't be recommended.
With all this background information out of the way, here are some screenshots of the final result (I'm using a vertical FOV of 70 in "Hard Reset" and 80 in "Shadow Warrior"):
Naturally I'm not really pushing my 780 GTX's with these settings, but the result looks quite decent in motion IMO.
I'm using the same settings in "Shadow Warrior", except there is no need to force AO and the
"0x02C00405" SLI profile is needed to avoid slowdowns: