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Alt 2003-11-21, 13:49:05   #1 (im Thread / einzeln)
Gold Member
Benutzerbild von piepre
Registriert: 2001-03-31
Beiträge: 719
debian.org gehackt

The Debian Project
Some Debian Project machines compromised
November 21st, 2003

Some Debian Project machines have been compromised

This is a very unfortunate incident to report about. Some Debian
servers were found to have been compromised in the last 24 hours.

The archive is not affected by this compromise!

In particular the following machines have been affected:

. master (Bug Tracking System)
. murphy (mailing lists)
. gluck (web, cvs)
. klecker (security, non-us, web search, www-master)

Some of these services are currently not available as the machines
undergo close inspection. Some services have been moved to other
machines (www.debian.org for example).

The security archive will be verified from trusted sources before it
will become available again.

Please note that we have recently prepared a new point release for
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (woody), release 3.0r2. While it has not been
announced yet, it has been pushed to our mirrors already. The
announcement was scheduled for this morning but had to be postponed.
This update has now been checked and it is not affected by the

We apologise for the disruptions of some services over the next few
days. We are working on restoring the services and verifying the
content of our archives.

I'm a signature virus, help me spread!
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Alt 2003-11-21, 13:53:49   #2 (im Thread / einzeln)
Moderator & 3D-Guru
Benutzerbild von Exxtreme
Registriert: 2001-08-19
Ort: Baden-Württemberg
Beiträge: 47.824
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"Der Akt, durch den ein Individuum seiner Güter beraubt wird, heisst Raub, wenn ihn ein anderes Individuum begeht. Und soziale Gerechtigkeit, wenn eine ganze Gruppe plündert" - Nicolas Gomez Davila
"Die perfekte Gleichheit liegt nur im Tod. Deshalb ist der Genozid die Lieblingsbeschäftigung der Gleichmacher." - Roland Baader
"Es ist egal, ob die Wissenschaft der globalen Erwärmung komplett an den Haaren herbeigezogen ist, gibt uns der Klimawandel doch die größte Möglichkeit Gerechtigkeit und Gleichheit in die Welt zu tragen." Christine Stewart
"Nimm das Recht weg – was ist dann ein Staat noch anderes als eine große Räuberbande" - Heiliger Augustinus
"Socialists cry "Power to the people", and raise the clenched fist as they say it. We all know what they really mean—power over people, power to the State." - Margaret Thatcher
Ich ziehe es vor, meine Kenntnisse aus den autorisierten Informationen unserer Regierung zu beziehen. - Klima"wissenschaft" in Action
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